91 Kant-It“ ALL BUSINESS of uni- nature strictly oï¬vcte and conï¬dential. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kept down to tho lowest poufble point consis- tent with may mud noon-say r9- quiromentl, , McLEHNAN ' EU. Iron Pipe. Apple Parers, Plow Points Lanterns, GUNS. 23. Pupils prepared for examination oi Trinity University, or Toronto Con- lenntory of Music; Studio and re- Iidenco 50 Cambridgo-It. P.O. Box FELLOW OF THE TORON T0 CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Organitt md Choirmuter of Gun- Bridge-It. Methodist church. Teacher of Voice Culturo, Piano, Organ and Theory, including Har- mony; Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue, Musical Form and History. M. J. PARNELL MORRIS All the Standard Brands of Tobacco and Cigars in stock. Also Smokers Sundries of all kinds. ‘ Ar 0 WA smoker? McLennan DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, ,CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROF‘ULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any disease urising from a. disordered state of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. When you require a good blood medicine get BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ï¬r YOU (ouw [00K Holds a _ ,. Buy Your Supplies â€"ATâ€" CARROLL’S It is a combination of the best known modern remedies for such a. purpose. Is scientiï¬cally pre- pared and its use is always at- tended with best results. Sold at DUNOON’S FARM [HANS nto the future and see the can- dition to which your cough if neglected will bring you you would seek relief at onceâ€" through the use of “COUGH NOT†Glazed Sewer Pipe Portland Cement Fire Bricks Fire C ay flmdwarqzwal andglron .-\ G E TWO Burdock Blood Bitters . SOOtheran, a position unrivalled by any other medicine 0.3 9. cure for LAND AGENT; CO. AMMUNITION The leading Tobac- conist of Lindsay. Drug Store Lindsay. Ont. RIFLES W hips E â€"While responding to a call Friâ€" éday afternoon in Montreal, a Notre Dame Hospital ambulance knocked down Major Porteous, who was crossing the street. The ambulance StOPped and Major Parteous was taken to the hospital, where it was found it was seriously injured, and he died about an hour after being admitted. Major Porteous was a leader in Montreal military circles. He was for over thirty years con- nected with the Prince of Wales’ neg-i- ment, and was the oldest employe of the Montreal custom house. His age was 62 years. ' , ._, -The agitation against the NeW‘ Eve Success, the paper published by,†the Flying Roil colony 01: Windsth has resulted:an the issuance oral â€"Search by a local physician and surgeon for a human ear of certain ;shape and size, the owner of which ‘was willing to part with the organ in return for $5,000, has been conâ€" cluded. Hundreds of persons appli- ed in answer to the doctor’s adver- tisement. Each was ethin-ed, and the right man was found in the per- SOn of a German restaurant-keeper, whose turn of ill-fortune recently had made him ready to sacriï¬Ce both ears if necessary. The man to whom the car will be transferred is a wealthy western mine owner. --The pulp mills at the Soo opened' last week, when 110 men started to work. The intention was to start the mill going two weeks ago, but this was found to be impractiâ€" cable, because of certain repairs that were necessary before the machines could be operated satisfactorily, and also because of the difl‘iculty 11 get- ting experienced men, a great many of the old employes having left for other places in search of employment It is hoped that the sawmill and veneer mill will be started up short- 1y. a retired Baptist minister at Whitby who has become insolvent, having dissipated her private fortune. amounting to about $40,000, and contracted debts aggregating about $16,000, though this sum be aug- mented when the creditors have all been heard from. Where the money Went nobody knmxs and the local creditors are vely indignant at be- ing imposed upon. Mrs Gold did not appear to be extravagant in anything but charities. Mystery veils the transactions of Mrs. Gold, wife of Rev. Mathew Gold» on government granted $100,000 to assist Canadians to make a credit- able show provided the conditions were acceptable. A thoroughly ,repâ€" resentative meeting of breeders at the Rossin House, Toronto, recent- ly, decided that the conditions were not acceptable, and being convinced that no change would be made prac- tically decided to mave no exhibit. -â€"There will probably be no exhi- bit of Canadian live stock at the St. Louis exhibition. The Domini- out. Cluzng‘ to the rallmg. He was dragged for some distance in full View of a nuni‘bkzr of spectators, when; he swung under the cars, the wheels passing over his body, cutting it, in two and mangling it. fearfully. Death was instantaneous. Harold Southam of London had ibis-en saying good-4b ye to some friends“‘ at the station and as the train be- gan to move rushed for the door of the car. He tripped on the steps but cluzng to the railing. He was Great indignation has been caused among miners at Johannesburg at the action of a ï¬rm of capitalists who secretly introduced gangs of It- ,alian workers. Their presence was ‘unknown to the other miners until they attempted to work. The Bri- tish declined to work with them. The Italians may be sent out of the country. â€"Two men on Friday \boarded a railway train as it was ascending a steep grade between Pietersburg and Nylstroom, South Africa, overpower- ed the guard, looted the treasure car, and made their escape. The robbers, t is reported, secured $50,- 000, which was. consigned to the Standard Bank of Pretoria. 1 Henry Bailey, son of a well-known planter, has been killed by being packed in a bale of cottomat a, gin- nery near Lemons, Miss, having in some manner fell into the press with- out Being noticed. The tmgedy was only discovered by ashoe heel seen protuding when the bale was remov- ed. For a long time charges hake been imade against cheese buyers that cheese from other sections is being regularly shipped with the brand “Brockville†stenciled on the boxes. This is regarded as a fraud. The Brockville board claims protection in this mattez. â€"â€"The epidemic which has prevailed for some time past among the hor- ses on Wolf Island, Dr. Dell, veteri- nary surgeon, says ' is steadily a’bating, principally because the ap- proach of cold weather. During the past few weeks he treated over one hundred cases. Wm Nutter 3a former resident of Owen Sound and Winnipeg, jumped from the high bridge over the Missi- sippi River at St. Paul into the stream and was instantly killed. He was about 30 years of age and. was employed as a furniture salesman. Mrs. Mary Riehl of McAdoo, P3... was acquitted of the murder of her baby last week. She adnfittcd hav- ing strangled the baby, but declared she had a. dream, and that when she aW'oke, found her hands clutching‘thq’ child’s throat. A cook in the family of Gen. 8. W. Kellogg, Waterbury, Comm, has giv- en up the place, which paid her $20 a. month, to take charge of a. for- tune awaiting her in Philadelphia. News of The World Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs TWICE TOLD TALES THE RENFREW SCANDAL ‘ (â€Dr. Goldwixi Smith) The exclusion of North Renfrew from representation continues, and no excuse is offered for this dim of popular right. If this my ‘ done, what may not be done by 'a raey is devotion to the lord. Loyalty in 8. f1 wealth is devotion to l Out of many cases \vhick illustrate Ithe truth of this may be cited that ‘0‘ Miss Amanda Damphousse, Ste. PAllne de la Parade, Que, who says: l“l-‘or more than six months I suffer- ed greatly from weakness, bordering almost on nervous prostration. I suffered from headaches, ' palpitat-ioxj 'ot' the heart, and pains in all my >limbs. 1 had no energy. no appe- {tltcn no color, and my nights were lirequently sleepless. At different 'times 1 consulted three doctors, but none of them seemed able to cure lire. A friend strongly urged me to Ttak-e Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and I ï¬nally followed her advice. With 3the use of the ï¬rst box my health be- gan to improve, and five boxes com-3 plotoly restored me. I now have al good appetite, headaches ani pains have disappeared, and I never felt better 111 my life than I do now. If lam ever sick again you may be sure that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will be my only doctor." 11' you have any disease like anae- mia, indigestion, heart palpitation, neuralgia, rheumatism, or any of the other host of troubles caused by had blood, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will surely cure. Be careful to get the genuine, with full name, “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People" printed on the Wrapper around the box. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent post paid at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing to rhe Dr. Williams‘ Medicine 00., Brockville Ont. “A woman’s face," said a. well known physician, "is a. mirror which reflects unfailingly the condition of her health. One can tell at a glance if she is well or not and usually one can tell what the trouble is. It so often happens that instead of. bright eyes, rosy cheeks and an elastic step there are dull eyes, pale, sallow or a greenish complexion, and a, languid- ness of step that bespeaks disease, and perhaps an early death if the night tre‘atemen-t is‘ not resoeted to. . The whole trouble lies with‘b-lood, and until it is enriched and invigor- ated there will be no release from suffering and disease. Unduestionabi- ly the greatest of all bloodâ€"renewers is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Good blood means health, vigor, life and beauty, and the one sure way to make your blood good is to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. How to Obtain Bright Eyes. Rosy Cheeks and the Elastic Step of Perfect Health PLAINLY INDICATES THE GONDITION OF HER HEALTH ed. Glory Whalen, near Collingwood. last May. The message said that if ‘Sparks was committed by the maâ€" gistrate for trial on the charge against him, there would be ample time to take all necessary proceed- ings for Sparks’ return to Canada but if the evidence was not. sufï¬cient Sparks would be discharged in a few days. The Attorney-General immediately cablea. instructions to hoid Sparks under the fugitive of- fenders act and to send an accurate description of the man. Cary Sparks, now on trial at Man- chester, Eng., for an unnatural of- fence, has confessed that he'murder- ion Wednesday the 11th. He was em- ployed as night-watchman on, a. pumping rig, and worked alone at the engine house from midnight. till moon. When his relief arrived at the engine house at noon he discov- ered Northcott’s lifeless body: lying beside the big driving belt, with his neck and right leg broken and head and body terribly crushed. It is. supposed he was ï¬xing something about the belt, when his clothes were caught and his body drawn in between the pulley wheel and the husk block. â€"A cablegram was received at the Attorney-General’s department,. To- ronto, on Friday, that Wm. Joseph James Northcott, an employe of the Ontario Land and Oil Company at Petrolia met. with a. terrible death 5'6 'sworn and decreed. death is ap- pointed unto all who resist it." The name "13111†is Sig-nee. to the bunc- Sln. Thus saith the Lord God. I am against all who are aghinst ThoNew, Evé Success. my paper, which I have dedicated to myself and I will pro.“ test to the uttermos't. Since I have GOOD OUT OF EVIL WOMAN’S FACE Liquozone is simply liquid oxygenâ€"no drugs, no alcghol In it. It is the dis- These are the known 83‘“ diseases. ist, whq spent zoyurs on it. His object 3 to help Nature overcome the germs, was to get such an excess of Oxygen in "“1 such tesulta an: indirect end un- staple form into the blood um nogenn whine WW “‘1' ‘1“ gm?" could live in any membrane or tissue. "hem! they we. “Id the results stat:- ’uozane does evit- . Bydeetmi theausep C q , M We W 14 “$2“ inmhfyngnds the disease, sqlt ulxquld oxygen agermieidelo c'et- and w .. ' “ .n I e“. tam that “publish oh evety bottle ui mu“.â€" 1. 'N' ‘ n. - "a“ $rd$x,ooafwexum~thathm land-m; w 1‘ 3;,me Most women think elections ‘are held just to give their husbands an excuse to stay out, all night and come home smelling of whiskey. - _ "'"7‘ uâ€"uwnuulllo Liquozoneâ€"lfquid oxygenâ€"is the only way that any man knows to kill germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. [ts results in a. germ trouble are abso- Euteiy certain. for it always destroys the cause of the trouble. To vc thisâ€"if you ueed itâ€"we will gla ly'pay for a boule and given to you to try. Medicine must fail in a germ trouble, because medicine never kills getms. Any germ-killing drug is a poison to you, and It cannot be taken internally. Mr Johnston states that the matter is not a personal one with him, for so far as he was concerned he would .not object if the ladies had their ‘heads in bushel baskets. He said lhe was acting solely in the interests of the nit-n and women who objected to sitting in church behind hats which reached from shoulder to sho- ulder of the wearers. In asking the ladies to remove their hats, he was following his desire to use every means by which good results could ‘be achieved. It was time that min- isters and Christians generally should‘ cease making the church a social gathering place or concert hall. The church should be a place where all could get a “touch of brotherhoodffl as Rev. Mark Guy Pearse had eX-‘ pressed it, and if any people were be- ing kept away from church by the high hat it is time the matter was remedied. Mr. Johnston said hebeâ€" lieved the ladies of his own congre- gation, and of other churches, were quite willing to do what was reaâ€" sonable in the matter of removing their hats. Rev. C. O. Johnston, pastor of Waley 'Methodist church, Toronto, has requested the ladies of his con- gregation to remove their hats dur- ing the service. He claims to have found people who stayed away from church because of having, when there to sit behind hats that blocked their View. Toronto Nov. 9th. 03 The names of many distinguished old residents of Victoria County are given as amongst those likely to icontributc to the richness of our en- tertainment program as those of Mr. Wm. McKenzie of railroad fame, Mr. J. F. J unkin o! the Manufactur- ers’ Life Assurance Co.. and 001. Sam Hughes M. P. Further de- tails will be given in future com- munications. No doubt a. trip to the old county will be a feature of their mason's rcwlry. Yous Sincerely CHAS. E. HAND Only a small number of ladies were present at Friday night's meeting, but those present were so heartily welcomed that we may hope to see the Old Boys accompanied by an equ- al number of Old Girls on the 00 caslon of the monthly meetings throughout the winter. . Editor Watchman-Warden , Dear Sir, That the county of Vic- , toria may know that she is not for- . gotten by her “Old Boys." I . write - you that the County of Victoria Old - Boys' Association was initiated’oomo months ago. but of course the work of initiators is always a didicult one x and the "boys" have been practical- ly “incommum'cated†these many years. Not a title of its many sons (old Victoria county) have as yet been brought to the knowledge of the association. At a meeting of the pioneers of the society held in Toronto last June, Mr. W. A. Sherâ€" wood was chosen president. Mr. W. H. Elliott vice president, Mr. T. R. Kennedy 122 Wellington-st west, sec-i retary and Mr. J. F. Junkin. treas- urer.‘ On Friday evening Oct. 80th a meeting was called in the Temple Building for the purpose of further organizing the society. and if pos- sible make arrangements {or an en- tertainment to be held during the coming winter months. Committees were formed to look after the busi- ness of getting a hall and providing a program for the ï¬rst entertain- ment, which will probably be held in less than a month's time. The so- called "blue room" of the Temple Building will most likely be secured for the occasion. [the guardian of the consuwuuu. vu ‘questions of policy he is broad to be guided by the advice 0 his Mini- sterS. But. as representative of the Crown. he owes the province a. con- stitutional government. and he can hardly be said to perform his duty it he fails to veto the arbitrary, sus- pension of a. right of representation in the Legislature. Only Oxygen. HIS AIM IS GOOD VICTORIA COUNTY OLD BOYS When Medicine Fails, flats 011’ Ladies of the constitutipxg. 0n SOC.†Bottle Free. (Lqu was “ï¬ned, km: in (hands as Powlcy's Liquiï¬cd 0:511: } Wm mac‘s“ “Von: dru Vist ourscnw I V . _ Ezgfmgimaezow; ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ,= ‘ show you what Liguozorle oï¬ , ' mike knov- gum diseases. can do. In justxcc 30 SW “mubhmmbles acce t it today. for 1‘ P : W‘w ‘m the genus. no 0 ligation whatevcr' d ‘ A Zil- hated: sud un- Liquozone costs 5““ 5“ ' , \ ,kilk the germs, ' h ‘ for this ofl‘er may “9.: gppfatrhsc‘gl the bunks Ind 9““ 1“}:2280. 00.. 221-229 Kinzzc 5L, (â€" l I‘- 418.192 is ............... 7, - for the ï¬ï¬‚hts to Liquozone for America. _We did this after testing it for two years "I 3.000 diï¬cult cases. and provmg that the resplts were inevitable. We state this price to show the value of Pauli’s PM' T01“! 1?? best phy§iciau_s, the world over, uie Liquozoï¬e Blane in nugget-Indiana. Ifyousufl'crfmmn gumtmublqyou must use it, too; else relyonNaturedonctogetde SOPRANO Teacher at Voice cum and Piano Pupils prom for examinations of Toronto College of Music Concerts, Recitals At Homes. Address â€" 3| Victoria Ave, Lindsay Chases Resumed Sept. 14th. IISS [ABEL B. WINTERS HOUSE FOR SALE.â€"In southwest part of town, short distance from G.T.R. Roundhouse; 7 rooms. kit- chen and woodshedâ€"ln ï¬rst-class condition: good stable, driving house, etc, good well. Acre of land planted with apple, peer, plum and cherry trees; slso abun- dance small frui . FARM FOR 8 .â€"In Brock tOWn- ship, adjoining village of Canning- ton. and close to calmer-y; 150 scans s1! plow land. Brick dwell- ing (cost $8000) : two frame barns; one with stone foundation; drivâ€" inghome, implement house and Irene stable; orchard; abundance; of m. This is s first-class hm. Price 87000. terms easy. FARM FOR SALE. -â€"Six miles from Lindsay: ï¬rst-class tam, tree of stones and foul weeds; 100, 150 or two acres. Brick dwelling, ï¬ne barn with stdbling for 65 head of cattle. other outbuildings good. For further particulars apply to S. M; PORTER. ct Watchman- RESIDENCE FOR SALE. â€" In south ward. new. solid brick, full cellu- wflth cement. floor; scone foundation under woodshed; elec- tric lighted, six switches; bath room with extra ï¬xtures. double Siphon Closet. Immediate posses- sion. For Sale. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" In north ward, ï¬rst-clan frame house 7‘ room. summer kitchen, verm- doh, etc. Stone collu- (ull size of homo a i» acre lot. Price very moonsble for quick ode. Town and Farm Preperty Rev. .L. Po . Rev. M. Martineau. Bengal“- slimy. Rev. Father Strube, Rev. It. Taylor. Rev. {fkgh Egg“ Rev. Father 0t. Pierre. Rev. 1t er QUInlivan Rev. B. L. Fitzgerald. Rev. Fathet Kiely, 9mm and testimonials sent free in plain envc gamma. - * The MW Antidote ukkly and permanently .- W W or drunofaay cycn". the mo‘t adv emcee: a be My mane. flee than any narcotxcs 9nd absolutely harm]: ‘ the pocket and taken paintely. thus dispensmg With t , , s. pens: are: We We. There are no dc ï¬rms 3' duo 0’ “maul-‘3? system debilitated from the 61m 0m II “My up and the putient restored t a My :0 before the habit was acquired, No h;p3é:r:ime tees t Ins been shorouguy tested and the results rouchcd {Orcb no“ : 3". P 0 RC7. M. ertincau, --- Rev. ï¬ller Emmy. Rev. Father Strube, " ---. E": Rev. It. Taylor. A Rev. Joseph Elzlrer u. (Maui, 6 Paid $100,000 Germ Diseases. .W and monument free in plain envelom {“31“}: Loaï¬ngâ€"JOHN J. DIX ON. 81 WILLCOCKS STREET Tc ALcouoL Ann DRUG AAmcnous A HIGHCLAS S PHYSICAL HCNE ....... m Featâ€"Influenza I]; (I; Duea' ac: â€mum-Ma 1-5me new“ LiquOZOneâ€"We'll Pa 3" THE HUTTON-DIXON THE WATCHMANJ If you need Liquozon . We tried it. please send us this coup!!!- W“ 'iuthenmail ouanordcron will W for a ull-size bftflq‘ï¬ï¬‚m our dru ' t curse ves . P! y ggls convince a? uourfree ' t made†gff I r :-_--nnn if.“ n.†. x- ;Eï¬aaï¬mw 1-“ wet. accomplishing “‘1‘“ Aidiscascs that beg Dillonâ€"all cata n‘hâ€"a the Insults of I'IDPBTIC c 1 have never tried ozone. but the“ 59;, mulch-cc 1 Win (or this ofl'cr may 30' â€p“ {I at to ‘ the blanks and ms . 09.. 21-219 Kiwc 5" Ch“ G'afl SLO time“ it to the 2%: for it .gou uowne I no drugs ‘ 19‘ '3'- fl “13611331 R; 'J. lchLPI‘NE. [fl Outcome-cu†bl Mtion paid I. MULLOUGH um visit Linda-y lSUTTON. hunt " Mat. 0! Tot "‘ Rom Collego M. An th- GILLESPIE nation pam throat and : 10 um. to GROSS HIV“ BYERSON . BS a! (V1 r‘tfl Mo:- â€cw ED ..29