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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Nov 1903, p. 12

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”new mass ‘ as p \ 3115+? iki11ii‘3413k‘t1i‘l Three weeks ago, when the weather was mild and manufacturers thought it was doubtful whether they could sell their reserve stocks, the Gough Syndicate fearlessly step- pod 1n and bought great pyramids of Winter clothlng at our own price. We piled up gi- gantic stocks aggregating About $85,000 worth of High Grade Winter Clothing of which Lind- say is a big Sharer. _ N 0, we haven’ t lost our heads; because we’re a long way ahead on the transaction and the “Simon Pure” winter is to come yet Right now early in the season, when the merchants are looking for profits, we throw this mammoth stock into the cauldron of bar- gains to keepthe pot boiling for the balance of 1903. CUTTING PRICES SQUARE IN TWO Bring half the money you intend to invest in Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers, Pea Jackets, Fur Coats, Sweaters, Underwear Hats and General winter outfittings, and leave the other half at home and for the half you bring to spend at Gough’ s we will give you as much as you would get for the whole amonutlsewhere FIGURES TO BACK UP OUR STATEMENT here for his overcoat. Nothing new that isn’t here. Boys’ Cape Coats from 3 to 12 years........ .....1 75 Boys’ Double Breasted Frieze Ulstertho 12yrs 2. 25 Boys’ Long Raglanette Coats 3 to 12 3'ears...... 3. 50 Boy ys’ Pea Jackets... ..... .. .................. 1. 75 Boys’ All W00] 3 piece Suits 1n Canadian Tweed and Halifax Tweed at. ... .. ... ....... 1.45 Boys’ 3 piece Suits in dark nobby checks 2.25 to 4.50 At 3 75 aden’s Caéiadian Twefid Sui’ltls, l1:1‘elll lined ' an trimme in arge an sma e cc '5 and good colors. A /\ . 1 .1 . .e . o 1 AAA 0 AP AJA Ix a - . /\ 1 4‘)+ o \' . $491916 /\ p v'v 3491“ :1a1- was " V v 'v V \ A!” 1. f..< \/ v \ 4‘31 " )1; ,c - \ At 2 75d Ngeln’s Canadian Beav e10vercoats worth ' ou e. At 475 Men’s Overcoats, single breasted, fly front, black and blue beaver cloth, silk vel- vet collar, nobby linings wellmade, worth double. At 4 75 Men’s Long Raglanettes, all prevailing shades oftrieze, black, blue and oxfords, 1'1â€"'â€"-'orth double. Men’s Beaver Coats substantially lined worth double. 1994-641 :4- I v Ari-9+3 a1» Viv -_ A word or two a not. ashmexe, mec {insult YO“- ' In the Corset line « s » amass-119+ Men’s Blue and Black HeavyQ Serge Suits At 6. 50 Men’s Long Raglanette Coats. It 15 cut long} ust as the p1cture shows and 1s made With peaked al,lapelles vertical pockets, silk velvet collarp Italian cloth linings, cut wiih no scam in‘ back, which gives the coat that loose‘ swager effect from the shoulder down, full round bottom of skirt, worth double our price. At 8 50 Men’s Black Kersey and Oxfords, 42 in. long, but this extra lon swell coat it the thing for bthe voung fellows w 0 want to be smartly dressed and 8.50 is the price during our col- in fine heav 3 twill worth double. At 5.80 At 710 Men' s Imported T11 eed Suits all 1eally fasninable patterns, new tints and mixture t11mm1ngs and tailorings in style. At 8} Men’s Fine Black' . nd Na13‘ Blue Vi ors- tcad Suits, either st3lein hard t11ill finish- ed cloths, Lest liningsa '1nd tr11nmings. A_t____ 10.0 Mcn’s Dress Suits, fine imported black 11 orstads, . lincd 11 ith hca1‘3's'1tin lining. ~15‘1»:‘-1»::-1 A s 31: 1» 2143+ :\ v \ .g/\ ./\.*r\ .-. avg.- \/ \/ v / \ .§-Zz-‘.v;;:;z. ‘l‘. O . “was, itistoyouv. ”100k for the answ- ’lOIJGll ossal sale. 0VERCOATS TOR Ll'l‘llli FELLOWS Don’ t think of 01' ereoating 3 our little man until you hav e seen the new styles 11c are now showing, the car 1‘ coat is coming in again; thelong coat is also 11e11; the hell co: 1t 15 a tresh creation. ’1 hen there in the long double b1east11l coat and the Russian coat all 1111' this season. ll‘3‘ou want your little man to lo1l<just as swell as he can 11‘ made to it‘Uk 1'1 1111‘ 100d (.02 of Mens 111.113 Vt 001 Fleece I 11de11cvca1' at 25c 11 orth double. ~ 1- 1-1-14 We can fit everybody, youngmen. boys, children. This istlve clii 111x caper, the time of all times, the er ance of'lll 1l1a '1‘111es to 1113 winter wearables. \le 11.1111111t 11'11'31l1i111.r ~‘(1l1ll1 ‘ 11s to he as reinc- sentul(11'1'111111113'11111'111111113. ltsthe a'.n c11111tl11‘1' 3111l113 a 1"11ll111 lutton 111.11111t11.s.1e outfit. - . - . . . . . . ;"'.'l').',"‘ ~;- .. = :v1-‘~:-«'.~ +1111 6660451 ‘00. 0001300430000 121001131 C) . \‘Alrx /\l »I ‘ 'z- .:.:.:.- ‘ ' m.:iA./\‘ C‘\‘A‘A'AEA‘A.A'A’A.A.A es. AmfiA‘A‘a-HA 531‘“, WW”WMWM”WM§¢OOOOOQO¢Q¢9 momma: WSW: . W : Hmw++1w .. . fi%£%fi%i޴%Â¥+*+s+++t 338513 ’ooooooooeooeeeo #W; d is a mixture of tamarac and ceâ€" ~ st persona e b’een resent h ld'C ' Y S . - l 0 30 01 31 r- 31 .1 \‘..;,A . ~ . v .v 1 1 , 1 }.- E Eidar an gu g P e wou 1 aptaln erex of the al1ntion \\i preach at 1 p m 1 0‘ : l : p .3 .. . (GUNTY CGRRES: 0ND NC All Was sold ’ doubtless been proud of the imputed Army conducted the service Sunday day evening Col. Hughes 11111 S“ 3 day “2;. i" - " ' ' ’ ' 1' Rathb ___+._____ Mr. Judson Marks home .Wasstrength of his food closet. morning. Her theme was “The sure one of his popular lectures on scenes ‘of 11.111..3.:. 3 ~ . 3: ~ FRANKLIN brightened by the arrival Of a little 1’ armers Institute meetings 11"eie foundation.” . from the 1"azious parts of the B1it-l Tel. p; l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Snow fell here on Mondav to the boy on Sunday 135‘: held in the Village on TueSday. Ses- Mr. Elton and Miss Nina Allin oi ish I. mpire and South Africa. Admis-° hymns. s 11!. 1E depth of two inches In the after- MI‘ J P Cunmngs and faimly SiOHS “ere held in the after’hoon and Lindsay, also Miss Brown of Lindsay sion 25 and 1.3 cents. 111111111 to 1. r. m 111'.) loads of gram came in onlsPent Sunday in this neighborhood. «pening. Instructive and interesting Model School, spent Sunday with â€"â€"-â€"+â€"-â€"â€" 113.111. (.121..:'::., ole-111.5 0...: eminng a dis.ance of 7; Mr W T 11"“ returned 110‘“ °“ adresses we” 81‘9“ by Promin‘mt friends in the neighborhood 1-1.1 VGERBOARDâ€"MARIPOSA ' mil: . Saturday evening. He is able to be agriculturists. Mr. Geo. Pearce of Chiea o and t5 lout after his recent illness T , 8 \ll natuie seems to 111110 put on .1 H HARD C1 1111'. William Sherman “as heie on he item re cheese meeting m last Dr. Pearce 0‘ Battle Creek MiCh northern aspen durin" th yast: \11' ~ - > 1 Mr. E. Prouse has retired from the week’s issue was incorrect. The were in tht 1 ll 1 k ' I” C I i ‘ ' , . , .4 1 ~ :- ~ d a business trip last week. Ile sa1s harness business to give the brick- meetin s t' 11 t b 11 ld " 1 age ast wee week givmg “3 an Idea that 11mt1r 1"”! ”" " "" ‘ ‘ “ . , .. 1. can, have ths price of poles has advanced_ 11>ri , g i s 1 o e e MQSSTS- Hately and Hoopcrs is fast approaChing The ground Imsisn» 11. 1£.~ 1' " " . {yard his undi1ided attention. Then â€"-_+â€"__.. threshin h' . ~ ' ' " ' 0f STEQM g mac "‘05 3‘0 DOW rightlhas gi1en up its beautiful cmpet 01 IOI‘Hl‘ - 1.. 1:... .‘. ~1 . VICTCH’IIA ROAD up‘tO‘date- They caCh have bloWersigold" russet and br0“n lt‘a\0S 101.51 Q1 (1111! \l.-'( \ (1 .~_,-“..‘.. ‘ ‘.A' i “t mines , We are rece "buting 1211 the season it has been noticed since the Liber- Mrs. Richaxd Ball who has beenl als o tained mm t h .. \isrting her brother here ‘0’ “‘0 oriin thi’s villag: in 11:313.; Sireciligg: Thursday, Dec 3rd ’ is the dav on on, and Mr Hately has JUSt Wit on covering of white fieecy snow. boots .1. .1. .1 ‘ three weeks left last week Ior heriis not nearly so brisk as mum. which Dr. Bower-man, dentist again a self-feeder which the farmer's say Miss Ada Willis is absent Visitingjotp” j“. 1;... m, x ‘ home in Chatham. Mr C \iSilS Victoria Road, at; Chirpaw’ s is just the thing as it threshcs the ire as in P t P 'r ll'ar ":11“ ml". ' ' i oad takes possession on Dec hotel bett f ‘ 11 or ‘3’ V .’ J i“ ‘ grain er and aster an requires Miss Martha Douson has 1'11111‘111‘1153'11111‘ mm 1"“ ‘ $ Mr L1tle and famil3 left here 0113181., 1088 men. home after a couple \vet‘kb' \iSil “‘ith a(‘(()li“l\' lg,‘l l CANNINGTON â€"-â€"+â€"~â€"â€" 5:13:11: 31.251211133123112: ...... ...... .. .... . i M W - ' er sister W' 111 s t S nya. :eash 1'11»! “eek r E. 00d harness maker W°°d scarce Prices high WOODVILLE Mr. Ernegtiriiako‘r 0115113331210”? 11' as l U Mrs. Thos. Pritchard and herfdau-fhad a fall which will 18. y him up for ghter “em; to Toronto last weekt to;a few weeks Several ribs were A large number in this neighbor. Dr. Bowerman, dentist, will be at the guest of M; A. Wills one da3 lasu hood are discarding the wood stove the Queen's hotel, Spend the winter ibroken and others fractured. . Woodville, the week. i and purchasmg coal ranges. first three Fridays in December. MissMyrtle Prise has. retumud to ’ Lindsav BObCfligeim an 1“" Bert Veaty, teacher Of this For some time now, Mr. Elmer section, is leavmg at the end of the Harris physiognomy has been coverâ€" f 1318 fweekly market has had the efâ€" her home in Cambray after a NO; I sear. He goes to Salem section In ed with smiles, the result of being, dec of ralsmg the price of farm pro- 3 months' visit with her grand parents, Pgntypom Rti Wily 095' ifor the first time entitled to the up: 03!“: local consumer ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt inse. 1: et odist . . Mr. Malcom MeKinnon and tWO. _ 111:1 sons of Winnipeg, Man. , is spending 2'“ "“ a few weeks with his aged mother. The Rev. J. P. Wilson 01 theiephonious epithet ..papa_.. Public noti“? 17‘ 1“}.1‘1. .1.- of 1‘1: It. Jena Weldon and wife of Ta:â€" 1 . ...11'1! .. +3”... George-st. Methodist church, Peter-l Mr E Prouse held a sale at his 2"“: occupi‘e: tibet fultp'tf 1.111;” on harness shop last week. Four cows, ursu ant to 111» 1.1.111. gain-8y wmrk e nees o miS- several sets of harness and other ilitailway A.“ (,1 1111111119.. nary o . articles, among them a. horse that d osited on 1111 _ 31h (3.1V 1 i had seen better days ‘ were 011 the his: A D.,1903.m to“. Roglr‘lr fice for the Count COBOCONK list. Mr. Geo. McHugh of Lindsay Dr. Bowel-man, dentist, visits Cob- was the auctioneer. LITTLE BRITAIN oconk again (at Finlay S). on Wig"; The temperance committee conductâ€" The visit. of the Rev. W G, (:1 ”11251119521111 ed the reguiarmeetmgortheteo-annwuetonayfiayhasnaenm” 'â€"'â€"+"‘â€" guelastweek- Oneofthemembemwhatmamdbyflneifineaolfiar OAKWOOD AND VICINITY .experimented with alcohol, but: not little daughter Hora. with . A largecrowd attendedur. Joseph in the popular way. An 111m...- Dr. Hall. who” Tinney's wood sale on Friday after- tion of the powerful action of this in cases " " noon. The piece contained 39 acres spirit was shown- WU dumping u; . ’3' ‘1‘" and was conveniently divided into into the alcohol ad soohaflaer acre and 1} me lots. The selling was cooked » price ranged all the way from $16 the clear {Quid much“; ,_ -. '95-32Wacrea ’_ woodwdeadcalled‘" Ff “this There is to be a concert also in connection ..___+___ ' Bobca1gton a .16 “In”? halve within the COII’0m finishborhood to of Lindsay. l ' Dated at Iindsav 1‘ ' My 0‘ 39‘3"“ November. A-D’ 1903' term lately oo- , or the Town of Countv of View

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