r Christ- es early. , 1:. This. Graham has resigned his '1: c. W. .1 ‘ turday evening, was 9%.... ._ downthe freight Monmt o1; ' a weakness in'thepngine: Asacon- . through our morning. The tooto: the whistle‘_ on Sunday morning‘ï¬vasm most un- usual sound, and ToneMe are not amâ€"“ bitious to have repeated. ' ‘ The many friends of Mr. John Bi- shop, cashier of the B. N. A. bank, here, sympathize deeply with. him in the sad new he received on Saturday. evening of the death of his brother in Elmvale. The news was totally /________â€" unexpected, and Mr. Bishop left on // Monday morning to attend the tune- ral 'if he could be in time to do so. tutes held yesterday (Wednesday) Tone once; Non, museum and 1m i-qu-eth closingquota‘ uonsflt ‘meWheatcgntx-est : ’2. 3‘ -Women’s Fine Felt Slippers ‘sizes 3:; Men’s FineFelt Gaiters, sizes 6 to 1 1, , Women’s warm Felt Boots, leather faxed. sizes 3 to 8, . Women’s solid lather wearing Boots, flannel lined, only $1.10 ‘ M N W Women’s ï¬ne felt Slippers, elastic front, only 35 cents per pair New m: °." D†m, Women’s line he: calf laced Boots, warm flannel lined, a Splendid slalirg Pccl, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, only $1.50 per-pair Rubbers. Sox. larrigaas, Shoe-pox and Oversboes. an immense stock selling lint-Wm“! ;_ " '3! Eliotlamehand mwmiorqgo“ 29: 5e. 3... rev-W 33.... = s .LEADING WHEAT 3!.ABKET‘o Toledo ' Dnluth.No.1N..83% ii"? 32 "’†" 'ronos'ro sr. uwnuxée master. Wheat, red bush......-..$0 sill/“030 at .v' - 1le CORRES?0Nâ€ENCE The Women’s and Farmer’s Insti- Grainâ€" , ' “'7 ‘ at our usual popular low prices. __..â€".â€"-+â€"â€""‘ - ‘ iwere particularl leasin and well FENELO) I ALLS attended meeting. p g Morrison of Lindsay is The political meeting held on last -, 111‘s. Wm. Form- Friday evening in Twomey’s hall iwas well attended, a good many ladies A. Gillis returned last week being among the audience. Mr. J. , a visit or some months to her 1 Lee of Fenelon was called. upon by " o, Gibson of Belgonia, Assa ,the chairman to read an address to ung son of ‘ Col. Hughes, M .P., enumerating the many acts of service done for Victoâ€" lria county by her most worthy rep- .I, ’l‘ownlcy spent a few resentative in the Dominion parlia- onto last week. . tment. Addresses were then given by :1: editor of the Wat-‘er. Lithgow of Bobcaygeon, Mr. S. spent Friday at theiFox, M.P.P., Lindsay, and Col. S. illii . iHughes, M. P. of the sam splacc. Ir. Spence and Hirer- chlikcijren were All the adresseskwere velar1 gopï¬l, 1rind ~ was or Mrs. m. - c artyioriin ois remar s on e ' as an 3 'Boundary question, and the giving :1 resumed her dutiesiof our county only one member in 1 here last Tues- 5 the future, Col. Hughes Was particu- _, "been home for about glarly interesting. '11:: to the Very sudden: Mr. Connors left last week to . father. Espend the winter in Lindsay, and , . Toronto was at the§will be very much missed by the laâ€" "r; $131}: of last week to Edie-s. 1 : uz‘. the case of Mrs. A children's service will be held in . W: regret execedâ€" St. Andrew‘s church on Sunday mor- lozi was not I'aV- ning, Dec. 5th, a week from next “mum-y of the suiier- 3 Sunday, and the rite of baptism will with her sorrowing :be administered. , , _ ciiiiiircn, havei , 4 '.'::.;v;:?l‘n.' of the whole} NORTH OPS I “,if j‘. ., . .- - ., The annual meeting of the North “ “f,“ f“ fag“ week. With l,0ps cheese factory will be held at the ‘-z‘;.,’.L.332:~.l:.3_\: 11913:: Inf-EgltifaL-tory on Monday, Nov. 30th, at “1' j? El p.n1. sharp, for the winding up of , ‘ no best .11 15h- 3 the season’s busineSS. an†cxrcio of fru-mls.i +_._._ ' .;«r-i:1:-ss and prosperity in 3 PINE GROIV OPS .vi Toronto is assistingg The annual meeting of patro‘bs and . . at» 3331311 in his duties at E shareholders of the Pine Grove cheese HWY-LIV: til-1* SCYBI‘B illnCSSifactory, South Ops, Will be held at ‘ ithe factory, on Saturday, November A full attendance '. l. lull». .1.IE:"§“.1l‘.i\l. ' lirirthur spent Monday'28th, at 9 am. 4.11 it. ’i‘ox'onto. 3is requested. Kris last week for-i â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+ , I; flies in the north m'i . i J ANETVILLE 3:1: Sow-.1. Mrs. P. Clarke; The annual meeting of. the share- .. 3.11.1 11:23. .i. Johnston. jr.. fliolders oi‘ the Janetville cheese faC- :‘amilivs. left last Tuesday l tory will be held in the Orange hall, on Saturday, Dec. 5th. at tWO 1" Pleased to state that Mr. o‘clock p.111. A full attendance is who was badly injur- requested. A meeting of the pat- .. ~44 thrown from his rig runs will be held on Wednesda)’. Dee. Mum-23s; agQ is slowly recovering. 12th at the same hour. â€"â€"â€"+ DUNSFORD The Thurstonâ€"Parker hunting party Burgoyne paid $1000'arrived home Saturday last from rancc to the heirs of the late gLong Lake, Galway, having shot six lit. Prescott ins: week. The po- deer. One buck, that dressed close I? was held in theorder of the 3011 206 pounds showed great, ï¬ght, .3 of Marshes. who are parti- Five bullets were put into him by prompt in paying all claims. .Mr. Packer, but he still refused to .‘dwiruif has moved his bar- come to mother earth. Mr. Parker ~. to the small store between was a considerable distance from Wm. Campbeli camp, with the magazine of his rifle T.i.-i;1rinn<i. Mr. Metcalf ? empty and no cartridges in his belt. ‘ 77“" “Midi“: “1‘ t0 make-it3'1‘he dogs by this time had the an]â€" Pro-date shaving-ï¬nial at bay, and slipping up he ï¬n- 3ished his buckship with his clubbed " last week made good'rifle. The weather was all that Thin?! 3‘3 ti‘w \‘iilaga: but the thaw {could be desired, and the party had “Honda." “‘19 gi'i‘eif‘d With pleas- ' an excellent time. “.grr- would he a water faâ€"g â€"â€"-â€"+â€"-â€"â€" if winter set in} i FLEE'IWVOOD Methodist; On account at the bad Weather on . .. g-rs of the “axe plus; two new electrichond-ay even ng last week, the fOWI . organ. thus adding dinner was not as great a success as hint-i; portion of thegin other years, although both the [dinner and program was very good. . ..«t-i‘az-innd has had stone Mr, and Mrs. Kells spent a few say last , -l , _ _ . . . r.:< lot on the corner 01 :days v151tmg friends in Lind He has wee". Mrs. John Shea presented her hus- ghter on . Point. as bailiff. and we believe R. Mark has been appointâ€" his place. 3‘: km. ' " 4 of Messrs. '. W and 11} ‘ :Ui (‘Uiiuli‘nrbst5. {he had the C“ilill' dug so as to be 1r‘ to star: and build as soon as band. With a ï¬ne young dun 330% is m: of the ground in the Th} notice 1.. the Toronto papers 36: death Mrs. John McLeod, en for the coming year. . . W319 read by many Miss Scott, teacher, . ï¬rm I-‘alis with deep; great preparations for :zxiij: rosslied in 178- concert, WhECh will be held on 13%. .. several yeaI’S, and 4th. “1:;‘wr of warm friends most sincere sym- 3’.1:r:ily of the (1088213- . 013‘: has moved to the he has tak- CAMBBAY . of this place ' his business. . clearance Will Don’t scold the little ones if the bed is wet in ' . It in’ttho ' fro-awak- F , and weak “90d strengtheningâ€"Ml all.’ .‘59rd to risk delay. Neglect may “0mm of enduring and misery. Wheat, White, hm. do o I o o m o w Wheat, spring. bush...... 08) .... Wheat, goes-3. hush ...... 0 74 Barley, bush .......... .. . 0 60 Beans, bush . .. .. Beans, hand-picked . . . . .. . Pas, bnah oa-o'aao- ' 0... Bye, bush ............ .... Buckwheat. bush . a o 0 I o a e o ‘O Oats. bush. 0 39% LIVERPOJI. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Liverpool, Nov. 24.-â€"Wheatâ€"Spot steady' No. 2 western winter, 63 2d; tuturea steady; Dec. 6: 5381:1131'011. 63 4d; May, 03 239d. Cornâ€"Spotâ€"Qulet: American mixed, 3- 1095c; futures steady; Dec.. 39 111/91! Jan-. 308 11390;. Bacon â€"- Short rlt easy, 513; long clear middles light, dull. 518 6d; clear bellies weak, 48., Lard- Prime western easy, 369 American reï¬ned easy, 363 6d. Receipts or, wheat during the t three days, 216,000 centals, including .000 American. Receipts of American corn during the past three days. 126.000 centala. Weather unsettled. NEW’ YORK DAIRY MARKET. New York, (Nov, 24.â€"Butterâ€"Fl.rm; re~ oelpts, 8533; creamery, extras, per 11).. ,;' 2415c; do. ï¬rsts. 22 to 24c: do. held extrils. -*" 2234c to 23c; do, ï¬rsts, 20c to 21990; d0- state dairy tubs, ï¬rsts, me to 21c; do. sec- onds, 170 to 19¢. ’ Cheeseâ€"Irregular; receipts, 8670; state. full cream. Sept . small, fancy, 12c; do. small, good to prime, 110 to 1134c; late made, small, good to prime, 101,40; do. Scut- lacrge, good to prime, lie to 11%c; do late made, large, fancy. 101,60; do, good to prime, 1054c; part slums, common to fair, 2c to 5c. ‘ Eggsâ€"Quiet, unchanged; receipts, 8553- CATI'LE MARKETS. lies Bun Arranged for Farmer’s Son and Daughters at the W’ Fox ARREARS 0F Taxes TO BE HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE LINDSAY,ON‘I‘ Our Fees Are Very Reasonable for the 43233.9 Course ...... _. â€"â€" Write us for particulars. Cables _Sliah11y Loweryâ€"American ' . . Marketa Quoted Steady for Steers. WM, PRINGIE, Pl'lllCIpal London, Nov, 24.â€"â€"lee cattle steady at ' 10%c to 19%0 per lb. for American steers, OppOSIte P051; Oï¬ice. dressed weight; Canadian steers, 10c to _______,____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 10%c per 1b.; refrigerator beer, 899:: per'lb. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~- â€"- _. Elieg’égegfy. 3c to. 13: per lb. Lambs 130 - o , es . , 3333 $5.00 REWARD , 3 , 2,10 3 3 P 3 3 d ° . 4} . . .7‘ a en e . 1.63 2.10 .73 Patented. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Mnegeipts of “a? stock at theiClty Cattle ar e were , - st ' ' - ’ P" cattle, 2003 sheep 3113314333,! 3210813313 13033 foiggoï¬zhï¬e:$°$gjg :zzv’; .. 1 1.63 2.10 3.. 3 Patented. -â€" - TOWNSHIP OF GARDEN. loads or exporters sold W . -- 3‘ . -- â€â€˜11 0f any 01:8 (193110?ng or mttflat 3 2 179 19.94 2.35 22.29 Patented. 18 6 200 37.31 2.78 40.09 Not Patented. at $4.25 per cwt.; medium to ood t about » MM 8 a ing the mile posts erected by me on m buns Ch°1°° Quality bun†‘r" mmérent roads leadingtoLindsay. TOWNSHIP OF DALTON South hall ...... ....... 4 1 50 24.93 2.47 27.40 Not Patented. Patented or not Patented Patented. Patented. Patented. 2. 10 10.71 Patented. 2.14 13.65 Patented. Patented. Patented. Patented. Patented. Patented. Patented. Butchers' Cattleâ€"Choice picked lots of 28 10 100 13.15 2.10 9.07 Patented. 1150 lbs. each, at $3.20 to $3.80 per cwt. TOWNSHIP OF BLDON. per cwt.; olr-colors «and or poor breeding 16 Calvesâ€"Calves sold at $2 to $10 each. or per c'wt. art, and stage at $2 to $2.50 per cwt. East half -...._ . ........ 1 10 100 16.99 2.27 19.26 Patented. 62 can. 932 cattle and 1238 sheep. gogmatsés tgo 3:255 513;; art; medium bulls . o . Export Cowsâ€"Export cows are worth -~~ ‘ B' J- GOUGH- “-40 to 53-60 per cwt, [/1 North halt ......... __12 1 50 522 2,10 7.32 Not Patented- butchers’. 1100 to 1175 lbs. each, equal in . West hall ...... ........... 10 3 50 2.56 2.10 4.66 Not Patented- quality to the best exporters). are worth North halt .......... ...28 9 50 6.97 2.10 9.07 Patented. $4.30 30.34.40; loads or good sold at $4 to ' 2.18 15.33 Not Patented. $4.10, fair to good, $3.60 to $3.85; common, 3%; to $3.30; rough to inferior, 32,25 to gaunt: 1111:1111 -â€"â€" -------- 3: i; 2 44 25 92 N at Patented . . ' o .......... _ .3 - ' ' ' Feedersâ€"«Steers of. good quality, 1060 to 333.33. .3 3 .3 3* room CHAMBERS “WNW °F 191““ . - $2.50 to $3. . “y y s 1 151 19.93 2.35 22.28 Patent Mlnlng. Stockersâ€"One-year to 2-year-old etc 400 to 700 lbs. each, are worth $2.75 to quality of same weights are worth $2 to . 8.61 $2.50 per cwt. 50 11 51 Much Cowsâ€"Mild! cows and sprinters ' are worth $40 to $60. $4 to $5.75 per cwt. copâ€"Prices, $3.30 to $3.40 per art, for and bucks at $2.50 to $2.75. Lambsâ€"Prices ranged from $4 to Hogsâ€"Best select bacon hogs, not less 3 , . than 160 lbs. nor more than 200 lbs. each, , 2.47 of! cars. are worth $3.85 per cwt: lights . ' 2 10 2 36 and fats at $4.60, sows, $3.50 to $3.75 per ' ' '07 2°10 2'17 'ronozsro JUNCTION LIVE srocx. TOWNSHIP OF LAXTON Receipts of live stock at the Junction are. 15323221333332.2323“ - . 3.3. 3.3 13 10 100 15 32 2 24 17 86 c I , .... ..... ‘â€" ' ' . make! a total for Monday and. Tuesday or I Stfll'e to ht It VlCtom Rd, TOWNSHIP OF OPS nAsr nurrano earns manner. The best stand in the village; S. Jr. W. pt. N. E. 4, East Buflalo. Nov. 21.â€"Cattleâ€"Becelpts. i - 875 head; steady; prime steers. $5 to .25: wh te brick, wrth plate glass front, dripping, $4.40 to $4.90; butcherl' 3. up-to-dato in every way. Main being that part not heretofore sold for taxes -..... ...... ....24 10 32 18.02 2.30 20.32 TOWNSHIP OF SOMERVILLE. 49 Fâ€"R. 111 26.41 2.51 28.92 7 3 200 16.79 2.27 19.06 South hall -... ...- 1 4 100 25.93 2.50 28.43 .3 6 5 202 16.19 2.25 18.44 ...... 1 6 100 19.22 2.33 21.55 3.. 5 9 100 33.01 2.68 35.69 Patented. 15 11 100 32.26 2.66 34.92 Patented. COBOCONK IN SOMEBRVILLE. 12.12 2.15 14.27 Patented. Patented. 50 to $4.75; heifers. $3 to $435: 0W9- ‘2- t° building 24 x 60, storehome 18 x .60; bull $2.50 to $4; stacker: and feed- gs 32-50 st'o $3.75: stock heifers, $2 to 48. A business of $40,000 a year $75. Veils-Receipts, 2‘0 he“; “‘8' ‘6 has been done at this' stand. ï¬gggâ€"necelpu, 17.900 head; fairly to session given Dec. 1st next. Apply on. me to 20¢ lower: hem and m to w. J. one-pow, Victoria Road.â€" .50 to $4.60; Yorkers, $4.30 to $4.36: ' 08118» $3.76 to $4.:l Patented. Patented. Patented. Patented. 41-8. North halt ........ Patented. South half .....- .. South hall .............. VILLAGE OF W. Limeâ€"8t. S. pt ....... 4 '4} Pt. Lot 39, F. B., W. of Elizabethâ€"st. next to lot 8, S. W. cor. N. i...-. 7 $3. to $3.50; sheep. mixed, NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. or. 24â€"34»va ed direct. No alle- .11!- tor toâ€"dav 1050 4000 quarters of heel. 275; about steady: "818. ' 37%. 26.14 Patented. m, N". â€-M steady; 2000 western; 35,10 to $6.66; poor it $4.80; stacker! and m‘m to $4: heifers. eaves. 82 to 36.50.: â€133.50; weuern steers, ‘ Hos!- Richardso McNeillie, Treasurer as directed by the warran cited the Seventeenth day 0 the eud‘ arrears o of the County of Victoria, t of the Warden of the County of Victoria, t November, AD. 1903, will proceed to sell House in the Town of Lindsay, in the said County 'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday, the Twenty-