managing director. The : at them-1m promise to m: prOYv‘inents in the paper anc‘ pear to be capable of doing use both old Muskoka» men. The Bracebridge Gazette is now is- gued under the management of the Brace-bridge Gazette ~Printipg and Purptishing Company. _ . nomas. president; Harry Lir'mey, A recent news item in some papers states that Hon. Clifford Sifton has .ucoassfully experimented in raising peanuts at his summer residence near Bcockvim-, and that this is the ï¬rst ï¬lm: that peanuts haVe been grown in Canada. This is amistake. They were grown years ago on Pelee Is- time that peanuts ban in Canada. This is a were grown years ago land in the county of rio, and have also bee: minland. On the island sweet. pu- utoes haVe also been successfully cultivated. The experiment of Mr. Siitonrwhich accomplished the desir- “Peanuts and Politics" for a neat litt‘m homiky. From Quebec county formerly re- pmaented by Hon. Charles Fitzpat- rick, now a Supreme Court Judge, comes a strong indication that Sir .‘W-ilfrid Laurier's power is on the wane in the Province of Quebec. In d2;- general election the Conservative candidate was simply not in it, he polling only about one-ninth of the votes obtained by Mr. Fitzpatrick. In the recent byeelectiorns the nomi- ne: of the Government was Mr. Am- :-‘0: a man well known and having mnsiderable prestige. Opposed to him was Mr. Robitaille, an indepen- dent Liberal, who carried the consti‘ tucâ€"ncy by amajority of 447. One thing" of which this gives evidence is ed ri-suit has produced another one. It gave the Toronto Star a text Watchman-Warder norniflg by Printing 00-- PAGE EIGHT Mr. Bourassa’s Bolt Port ed Circulation 4.300 W99“ Published every “3’8Ҡve alsobeen raised on the On the island sweet po‘ re to make imv er and they ap- doinz it. Thai ZHUGHcflN' SUCC9SS AS 311'. bUluqn “up u.“ "-4 Mon- pointed out one of the great; needs of 1d disâ€" the Conservative party is organiza- for 11011, and upon that vigorous efforts Guide should be concentrated throughout WhiCh ithe entire pommion during the per- ? be iod vet to intervene before the op- iS 811' !portunit§ is presented for a. verdict the 701‘ the whole electorate. the ' of The discussion as to whether the bright object seen in the western 'heavens every evening is a star or a. balloon sent up over: Grand Rapids, Mich, has reached Burk’s‘Falls. It is the planet Venus, which has been for some months evening star and ’will be till about the. 20th of No- "ember. As Burk’s Falls is between three and four hundred miles in a straight line from Grand Rapids, an ’object at the latter to be seen from [the former, would, owing to ï¬ne isphericity of the earth, have to be be- tween fourteen andlï¬fteen miles high in the air. that. tyranny will long on the Pm of in this democratic country. " ij Another signth 'fa'ct in connec-, tion with this election isumt air. Henri Bourassa. MAP†who has on several occasions disagreed withSir Wilfrid Laurier , took "11° sttmp ,0“ behalf at the victor ioiialn'dependent Liberal, and doubtlé‘ssf icontrj‘buted something to the reSult. Mr, Bouras- sadom many things which M with no approval either from Con‘ servative or Liberal, but-it is , quite evident from this bye-election that Sir Wilfrid Laui'ier will no longer havea solid following in the Pro- Vince of QM, thougnn muvu ofadefectiun there may hew in ‘the general ,election it; is difï¬cult to de- termine at. this date With {strong united front, a good leader and a Government surrounded by grafters and upheld bVCOrrllption and crook- edness, the Congervative party should enter that. general conmti with ‘atleast. ï¬ghting chances of success. As Mr Borden has recently nointed out one of the great needs of Since the above was “yuan comes news of a. Liberal victory in North Bruce. Until the complete returns are in and a comparison made with the riding as it was before the redistri- bhtion, and all the elemmts enter- ing into the contest made knowh,it is impossible to draw any conclusion from the result. ENTIRE LOT BOARI‘IED ()NMON- DAY: SOLD FOR TWELVE AND ONE-EIGHTH; CENTS -â€" LAST MEETING NOV. 5TH. At the adjourned meeting of the Victoria Cheese Board on Monday 1,219 ooxw were boarded, the whole lot: being sold at. 12} cents, a pounda. box being allowed on the make in last half of October for the Shrinkage. There were three buyers {presenn‘ Messrs‘ Flavelle, Brown and ADJOURNED MEEIING 1 113 V4: an intensely interesting stock now. In it are suggestions for each member of the familj: I want van to see my stock.‘ If r011 do not bar I will show vou how rou can save moncj bv buying from me. I guarantec ,crery article I sell. I guarantee to please you. Come and sec olid following in the Pro- Quw', though how much tiun there may he in Vt'he election it. is difï¬cuur to de- t this date With astron'g, nnt nQOod leader and. ’3 YOU‘ CHEESE BOARD '94:: were reluctant to accept this W. but the’ buyers pointed out {but while there might. be an adVance there was achanceof a drop. and the salesman ï¬nally accepted this price. Mr: Fla- vélle took Bobcaygédn. "Red Rock. Omemee. Reabono and North Har- vey; Mr. Brown, Cameron, Maripo- The closing will be held or ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT AT ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Rea Rock ............... DISTRIBUTION ‘ OF MEDALS, PRIZES AND TESTIMONIALSâ€"â€" SCHOOL DOING EXCELLENT WORKâ€"LIST OF THOSE WHO The sixteenth annual Commence- ment. of St. Joseph's Academy ' was held on Tuesday evening, when there was a large attendance of the stu- dents and their friends. The work which the school is now do- ing is shonr {n the medal pnze and testimonial list which is herewith given . Ven. Archdeacon Casey presided. The program, all the numbers of which were excellent, was as follows: Chorus. “0n Life’s Journey,†Chorus. “0n Lue's Journey, V’cazie, Choral Class. Vocal. "Song of Sunshine," Brun- ning, Miss Granger. , Instrumental, "Impromptu", Miss Kingsley. Vocal, “Ave Maria", Cherubine, Miss 'Mclllhargey. Instrumental, "Kamennoi Ostrow ' ' , Rubinstein, Miss Flcury, OBT. 'AINED THE I ',a.l, “Kamonnoi Ostrow' , Miss Flcury, ome Where the Fields are Misses McIHhargey, meeting of thesseason Monday, November 6‘. (ll lulw‘a .2 z... ... .uw» £05.. .1: 22.31.“. .2 . LNWN annual Commonce- HONORS. ltcd. .................. 125 Total 1.219 ., f9 . 80 . 57 . 12-1 . L17 1053 .. 51 ...145 . 90 ms. The fact that these but! 008.- granted , by outside caution-1‘ inst" tutions'wu evidezice of the ““1â€â€œ .nd thoroughness of the edmï¬m literary and musical. given by “‘9 Lindsay, he said, was looked upon â€an adxiizational centre, them it did not obtain the 114mm! â€001 The 30018 of the town. High, Pub- and'S'eparate, owe their 800d name Very much to the W The bat availablp talent has always then obtained in our schools. The touch- ers ,i-n moun Separate schOolo hare Miss Katie Jordan, with Nonmw in stonography and hoakkeepmg. Miss Loraine McMahon with ho l-urs in bookkeeping. .7 - MISS Amy Smithzwith honors in buokkecpjng and permansnip. V Diplomas aWurded . in commercial course to Misses Katie Hoolihan. [ax-y Robertson. Ethel Arkscy. May McDonald,.Flor¢-nce .Callaghan. and J0me: McRae. '3 .. be done on one day out. of seven. Young ladies were prepamd In mid convent for agood position in life, where by their modest dcportmcnt, and trained intolligcncv they would bean example to othcl'ï¬. The Archdeacon t‘non culled “Pun Senator 'Mcllugh who. in a few ap- propriate words, congratulated the pupils 0n the privileges that were theirs and gave oxpn-svsion to the high esteem in which the Convent of Lindsay is held. Short addressqs were also given by Inspector Knight, Mr. Kylie. Alder- man O'Rcilly, Separgtc'ASchool Tusâ€" teo Flurey,‘ Mr. Wilson. of The Post, and by Rev. Father O'Sullivan. Archdeacon Casey announced that he had received alettcr from Mr. J. J. McGee, Clerk of the Privy Coun- cil, Ottawa, who oflérod a prize of Iï¬plomas awarded‘ by the Educa- ‘tidnal Ibpartm'mt flo' Misses Mary ‘-..Hu'rloy. Mary Thglex.’ Isabella Bog- ,iey, Gertrude Donagliué. "May 3100!:- $5 in gold for Irish Histnry. and that he “Ollld give-a medal for ex- callcnco in Christian Doctrine. The National Anthem closed the proceedings. Following is the list 0! received nmlals. prim-s, etc an“ , vwâ€"â€"â€"â€" an and Gertrude Lucas. for having passed the required imminetion . for junior leaving. Testimonials. awarded by thf‘ onto Collgage of Muslim Miss Josie Clunoey. for having passeq the‘ required â€initiation in jenjgrjiw With ï¬rst cuss honors. A.Â¥A. h‘. A...‘ “I†A I To- lcv.- » . L“ - ‘Goid medal, 'pro'SQnted ,hy Mrzg B. J. Cough! un’nrtiedï¬'to Miss Laura O'Neill for honorsï¬in commercial Work and highvst. standing at ï¬nal examination. Souvenirs of junior leaving pro- sentcd to Miss Mary Begiey. Isabella Bugle}; Gertrude Douughue. May [lei-nan and Gertrude Lucas, by Venerable Archdeacon Casey. Prizes awarded to Misses Loraine \fcMahun. Katie Jordan and Amy Smith. for honors in :ommm'tiul Course. OASTORIA. But-tho _,,TNKMVCHIIM honors in piano exum'inmion. Diplomas awarded i course to Miss Laura ’ honors in stenography. and Commercial law. Miss Lizzie I)\\\o-| x'nr highest standing and ï¬rst News honors in senior: rudiments of music. Miss Josie Clancy for .1151 class Gold modal for presented by the primary piano. By Toronto'Conservalory of Music: Miss Winnie W. pas»..- m Ju. :uirc. ‘ Miss M819 Pru‘my, passed in prim- i0; D'Bflen [nursed in _ with honors. ie 6W and Mabel 3133961! in -jnni'or voice Miss Jamie M8dl3n passed in jun- jor harmqnv with honors. ... Misg Nettie 0' Boyle passed in jun- ior bar-mots and historv. MisSes Iiiaie Dwyer Jean Morin. Mary Killer), Susie Flute), Em, Staples and Lizzie Guinea. passed with in senior rudiments of music flrstclass honons. Misses Josie- Clancy and Madeline Craig, passed in senior rudiments of music. with honors. A nior piapo. By 'Uziiversiiy of Tom: was Lizzie DWyer passed m‘ï¬unior siano. ha‘ MEDA L .\ N D PRIZE Myrtle Carter. b5' the Educa- in cumin-1cm} O'Neill \~ 1th baskkucpinq in junâ€" in The“ annual convention‘ of the Bap- tist churches of Ontario and Que- bec was held this year in the neigh- boring city 0! - l’cterboroug'h with- in’ the Murray street church on the dates, Oct. 17th-23rd. This is the ï¬rst time that. city entertained the convention, and while it taxed the on the general denominational cnv terprises. Thedenominntionnl policy is determined in open convention and the administration of the. work is ‘entrusted to certain bonds. and lcommittees. These are ell appoint- ed by and are responsible to the convention that elects them, end to it they make their annual reports. The reports this year were of a ‘most cnmuragins mum. and the ‘ spirit of optimism prevailed through- out. The chm-Che- o! the tI'o pro. «um.- mm Ind than" year in 8mm co~vc~no~ g2:38;";(1bmyfwlzzmtltsng 0F ONTARIO AND QUEBEC: moderator. Rev. 1). Laing, .of King- ston, after preliminary business, op- -- gened the congestion With a Taster-1y ‘ . address on “ c church unu _l1c se- "ESUME OF THE REPORTS. SAND | cond table of the law," in which be PROCEEDIXGS 0F A‘5CAL emphasized the social aspect and ob- MEETING AT PETERBOR- ligation of (.‘hrislflani‘ty. The re- OUGH. ports. manifested tthat the dcnonunao tion is not altogether rcereant to A _» 7 ‘ _ .- n .. “HA \ this responsibility. Cb . mavwmmmwmewwnwwwwwcsawwaasmmwmw 3636i went, viz, the may sgzuiomd. and recognizes no higher nuthoï¬ty Hm: the local church._ Therefore it is in- correct to speak of the denomina- tion as the Baptist church; that term only applies to the independent local body. But while the churChos are independent' entities yet they meet together in convention 0! their duly appointed delegates, for con- sultation and advice. and -to carry vince. have had I. banner year in regard to both numerical increase “a ï¬nancial prosperity. They emet- upon another yea with increased conï¬dence and more Qua-mined as- wwoess. The clan-ant sessions m hugely amended And véry on- “Wu“! The hinting an keen resource of the Baptist churches and thair friends pretty severely, 5et they rose to the occasion splcu- didly. The Baptist. convention is essen- tially diflerent from the somewhat eccleqastlcalL mmblfgég of f73:1;3110munigxuuqï¬ imam “dyis in 0; 1m Wham-4m- Wham»! tive. The'Baptist body adhered: In (ha primitive Joan of churci go‘ 1' n-_ (Contributed by Rev. G. R. Welch.) The report of western miSSions showed that there are :20 German Baptist. churches in the west, and 13 Scandinavian ; also active mission- ary work is being done among the Russians. Gnlicians and Hungarians. Ono German and one Scandinavian rmammal-int. __ are mammmbgm tho The church Ediï¬ce Board, \shich assists weak churches with loans at an economical rate of interest for building purposes, neported that the numbertoi contributing churches had ,trebled during the year. and their contributions bad tumult-d. The cap- ital has been further increased to the amount of 81500. In 'ioronto alone during the last ï¬ve years new-- 1y $70,000 has been spent in church extension work. wake:- churches and preaching sta- tions. and bows support 177 pastors and students. These churches have been' assisted to the enent of $26.- 500. They have raised $47,235 for their own support, and have contri- buted 810.400 to missionary ob- Jecta Six newtchurches have been organized; 18 church odilices' have been built. and two churches have becohm oelf-Iupporiin’g. whilst sever- al Quinn am moving to that. end. The ~total addition of members is 1,??0. 1A†tam home.mission own- 8‘6 It. 3, i V. A. W. Tome. RA†0! W m â€point“. Th: Publintion Bond “recorded a very: prosperous your .54; both: its publkgflbn and bonkroo intents“:- Thi "Porto! an: 04: mm Thawestern Baptists raised about $18 «per capita. ' The Heap Mus Board reporwd a smmyw-‘a ironk.’ ma bow-d hu_the oversight of 325 of the 60 new mh‘leiog stations have been opened during the year, '16 new churches organized. 500 candidates have been bepuud,‘ 1m~new .mem- bers blye been enrolled. um there have been about _1.000 co'nv'crslong. Minion. .14.â€" ; work with ; ame at Feller Institute and that m iring churches are doing aggressive {an {ing- successful work. The receipts 7.. . op- theAyear were $21,500. mm “d anl‘aJ rcfurm “'8’ appointed Strong romlutinm “(1'9 “09‘“! denouncing in \nrmmls m the Belgians astroc: Y! ‘ m Africa. flu British opium tn‘xl n H m t“ Government grants 10 WW Indian schools in the wt, and the DNVBUi‘Hg' soci‘t} pnlr W Wion The conwmion :0!!! year made considerable his on. Mum» numbered later as o†Not the least inspiring oi 111" reports was that of the l‘wa‘vw" Mission Board/DE conwntm. 1* working in India among 1111 '11“- ugus and also in Bolivia in NM *1 America. The present \oar w 1)» 40th anniversary of the bixth mm foreign mipdbnary work.\'rhc'1\"0’ gu is one of the most famous 1““ sion ï¬elds in the world. The “M“ In India. where. a. great reflux! S‘m' '9‘“.va éï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬xi‘.‘ #513,â€??? The question of church mm)" one 930th interesting featuzm here considered. via. union the religious body known IS â€W ciples of Christ, and Mso uh I ation to participate in UN " union movement inaugurawl ‘ .‘ Methodist Presbyterian am: ‘ u gatio'nal churches. 'l‘hv 514‘“ committee on church union “ 41* larged. o!‘ g’rept importance ‘ The educational enterprises of a)»; convention are among the most hr.â€" portant. There had been a not’ (-9â€" rollment of 501 students at Mc‘Hus- ter University, and‘ its associatmi schools. Woodstock Collqgo ' :m-i Moulton College; 41 of these “wt"- theological students. Woodstod‘ College has the largest attcmmnrv in its, history since it has becmvr- a distinguished boys' school. Sou-mi additions were nude tothe imuit; at. McMastelf. 'l‘hc McMastc-r I'::vwz> City has been duly recognizmi Hm year by Oxford University, of 19m:- The Con"entlon Was addrns‘m «1 Dr 9m. 0! the moral mm 1 partuient of the Methodist «‘2 â€1d 10“! £ strong comxumw land. :anding hurch WIS “'0?" {OI'OIIS ï¬c i- I t0 1!)" by do- . 1n Potatoes Chickm~. 1w? ; ELI-cw. per to! New Hay ‘ .. Wool, unwashe‘ Wool, washed Hides ............... Buckwheat Dressed Hogs, Export Cattle . Butchers’ Catt) Calves ........ COLLIE R-ST. Barley Eve. bus ILLS; wheat, Spring wheat G's-ose thu‘r‘ owing to the satisfactory s1 szke market, 11 to withdraw (1! Victoria Count} already £16091)“ came except. at: on all gradns. 508d 36- â€"t-’, S"). so on down, These frvsh 0! “$8 nut Iattcx‘ I: you «1me better out of 1 be glad to ham wxll be in Littl wood on the (Simpson Hou: 0415! samples 511 [y send quotuti cap! of sample Alsike G _ Mr. To all stations 1 the Soo, Hawk and on the Lind: natal-n Lin' Prom commul month this ya as evict If 31 mm To all flhLiousz Port Arthur: ing and Doc. 8th Tickets, bookle‘ m Intonation I '1‘. C. bushel J. Anderson. ( or write C. B. Foch btings scores 4 year from the 9m- oountry (4 In our splendic 0f it. not haév Return l‘icm Lint“ Nnv. “6U (WRAI. y†Gen-at DRUGGIS‘ loan-1y 0! until you I to use one. fof Uses for during tlu Thev cure hoe warm; you heat 5 you want i you a p00} how cheap Hot Ho pt-cpa quiremc c-vex‘. is full of goods. At any I)u,\ You’l new pi ways I: demand ing the This The Li “the s comes. truly v ed unt at