Ladies’ fancy Tweed Coats, 42 inches long, trimmed with pipings of satin, pleated or plain backs, regular $8.00. Sale price...5.95 $10.50 Coats, special at 7.95 These are a handsome lot of fancy twwd Coats, 40 inches long, with velvet collar, pleated back and fancy yoke, reg. $10, at ...... 7,95 “.7 5 Girl’s Coats at 3.25 Exceptionally '7 Great Savings on Girls Coats in brown and blue mixed tweeds. double breasted with fancy silk braid and buttons. Sale ...... 8,25 Extravï¬ne quality black Cheviot, seven gore trimmed with folds of silk" and buttons. Spec- ‘ml at ......................................... .3315 at ...... ALTERATIO ‘ November Carnival Of Bargains 5 dozen pure wool and cashmere Hme, double_ knees, ribbed or plain, worth 350 and 40c. Sale price ................................. 25c 47câ€"Ladies’ I! Unequalled value m W: ican flannel, in navy wines all sizes,c1earing at ......... $3.00 Coats, special at 5.95 31,35 Ladies’ Black Waists 98c 3 dozen black Sateen Waists, all sizes, good quality and appearance, some tucked and pleat- ed. Sale price ..................... ' ............. 98c r We have also the Underwear and We $1.25, $1.50 and ...... Ladies’ Bl Extra. tine quality: TWO WONDERS $4.90 Skim‘at â€-75 a quahty, worth 83.75.8pecia1 ............................... $2.25 NS MADE FREE OF CHARGE Hosiery the famous Pennan’s Woo! Wolsey Wool Underwear, AA A'- :s’ Waistsâ€"47c in Waists, made of Amer- wines, myrtles and browns, .......................... 47c Store Opené I" WakelY’s is the most conveniently but because of sterling merit, beca' dise at theilowest possible price, V feel at home here and are ever inCl advantages of dealing at Wakely's. methods and immense stocks of m located store in Lindsay, â€OppOSI WakelY’s is the most conveniently se of honest offerings of reliable, but because of sterling merit, becau dise at theilowest possible price, Wakely’s is known as a family store ever increasing their patronage and introc ' . Visits to Wakely’s will reveal to European and Amerlcar Come early Thursday Morning as these Prices speak for The All Wool Tutan Fluids. 4-8 inches widc Clam Fluids. 44 iughes wide. at. .......... L In the new colors, In navy, â€â€"vâ€" _ Extra' good Quality, Black Sat-gen Underskirts, knife, pleated flounce. specialat... . . In all the new Pom Poms. all color ....... Hair Pins per package.... Fine Combs ................. Toilet Combs. . Back Comm ................ Hose Supporters...... . Handkerchiefs ............. Ladies’ P135983†Tooth Bmsffes,‘ . . . f; . Curling Topgs... Perfume, pet' bbttle. . . . . brown and black, good Wishing Material, regular 14c, and Winter Ameriéan Flannels, 20 rtles wines and browns in fancy pat- learing at 6 3- 4c yd. sgtisfao'tion. amend or ooooooooooooooooooooooo :22†. 10c and Joe fil’é‘t ............ 5c 7c and 10c ‘ So to 15¢ wide, Mu...†G reat “Silk†III‘OQ'O'. wines, navy and blacks, special at. ............. .'noooo~oo- Taffetas and Tamolene Special at 396 Yalues in Plaids QUIKOIQ‘IIoï¬ï¬ Notions clearing at... V‘ITa-s' ' "-1 , $1.75 Underskirts, mane of heavy three frills, good full size, extra value ............... quality Mack material, ---$1.48 Money Refund“. Skirt Supporters .............................. Neck Beads ................................. 10 Clothes Brushes ............................... Photo Holders .................................. 'l‘rinklet Boxes ............................... . Whisk Holders ................................. Hair Receivers ................................. Glove Boxes .................................. Handkerchief Boxes ............... .c ........ WorkBISk'gtss ..... Enumn†......... V...,....;.. â€Opposite the Post Oflice," fashionable. merchan- hose who know it .indsay, :ings of reliable, as a family store. T QQOIU‘OQOO ling, Nov. 8th, Themselves. out-ancnoo-ooco oo.oooco- o cunt-Io«saunas-nonot-coonnooanono.0..- . gil‘ks, wor’th 50c and 65c 0 cocci. ................. 20c and 25e- ...... 10c,15c,20c and 25c “it? LQ. ........ 25c 9nd 35c .... .......§... ..'. “A ..... 15c, 25c and 85c w acutoau0§"‘ m ............ 10c ......... l2§c "15c and 25c ounce- 35¢ and 35c° material. ..... 12§c Io: (JV â€"vw _. , ‘7'. curing“... Black Astmchan Coats, we svtin, neutpurl sud ï¬ne gloss -â€".-vâ€" ._ ‘ e 2 only, very ï¬ne cufl lamb Jackets, well lin- ed and trimmed, new style, clearing 015.00 Ladiee’ Fur Lined Coats Shell of very .ï¬ne English Broadcloth, 50 inches long, epoml at ................... .5590 32 inch Hemp Carpets. fast colors. special per yard ................................... ~ ....... 1 4c 36 inch Union Cape“, fast colors and new patterns, spend Myer 31.1111... ................. 25c -. , 36 igch all wogl, jn red tnd gregn, fast col- ors, special at peryfl'd .......... .1 ......... .750 Romng Sana): § Ready-mum Sample lot. trimmed; A few New York with cord and‘ _ pom! Beady-to-wears for lad- . 1. . ms, regular pace; es and Misses, regular P0 , , $1.35 and $1.50. Sde'SlOO, $2.25 and $2.50. price. ............ 95c5Sale price.......$1,25 '2 dozen only, French and American Felt. and Begvers, 'wprth from $2.50 to $5, for. .ï¬2.00 A sample lot of new shapes, worth from $1.50 to $2.25. Sale price...... ..... $1.00 ï¬brella Special Gantléman's, steel fume, good qualit ', black memorized top, assorted handles, regular $1.25. Salepnce Stylish Millinery Carpet Savings Appealing Pricefs in Ladiu’ F“? ‘39!“ med, four price ......... . ’Inblmhpeorlgmyand' 72 inches long, chain its Sale price ...................... Muï¬'s same at $6.50 strachan Coats. well lined with black :url and ï¬ne gloss, at ...... “7.50 L’ Per-tun Lamb J whats 3500 1mm of Sample Furs One half dozen 00le 0108. with high °‘ .r price ies ant 50.8de'8100 mm 11323 8th. 19% >'o.‘v’l.0.a.lib- â€ï¬r-V M RS3 Coney Seal Dust, well I; Sale .3‘... ‘, well lin- It. John Roam his new house, w] most beautiful c M side 01 King the lots he bougm before'the now y Mr. Joseph Jul Hr. John Sumh‘ mute dealer, :5 house muted and 8‘0 'K. I! Ira-turd (Crowded out any oth¢ get the I Thought whichevc keep at I anybody There an Thought It m1 Range. bination 1 other waj Whe Men's 83 IITTIJ Mon M on Men's .‘lt‘ll Mun Men The (:01 ('03: Me