,, i1. 6. Edwards? g my 3 Miss Nellie Thompson, of Peter-bo- rough, is the guest .of Mrs. W. War- Mr. W. Avery and J. Murchison, of ï¬lenarm, called on town friends on Sunday. Orillia. Mrs. R. Lee and Miss Bertie Lee Visited Mrs. W. J. McKendry in Lind m. R. J. Cook drove to Lindsay an Tuesday and returned again. Wedâ€" nmsday morning. Hrs. Jae. and Kiss Flossie Graham Visited friends in Lindsay on Friday. Miss Gertie IcCall, of Lindsay, is misting in town. Mr. A. Boyce, of Midland, spent .4119 holiday in town. lies II. Wilcox is visiting friends in Omemee this week. lasers. Cameron and Carson spent. the 1119.11!!ng holiday at their ][iss Violette IcKcndry and lie-- srs. Leslie and Sam McKendry at.- tended the Hallowe'en party at the home of Mrs. 'I‘hos. Pmsbon. in Lind- it. and Mrs. J. Aldous and Mast- er Grenville Aldous arrived home on 'Wenhaday from the West. Mr. Jack Powers, of Petcrboro, spent the holiday in town. In. Manning and Miss Manning, of Goldwater, are the guests of 31195 F. Aldous this week. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- >“C ‘Q‘QQQ‘Qâ€â€˜Q§‘â€.‘.â€.‘.â€â€˜â€M' § Frank Earhart : Hrs. H. Jewvll visited friends indsay on Thursday. Mr. Joe. Watson and Miss Celie edge are visiting friends in Net-land Hrs. McArthur visited in Toronto PAGE TIN 1 ThePraoticalSnoeuan 7 _ Directly Opposite Post once - mm: 1 Wagar is visiting friends in FENILLON FALLS 'when yon think of buying youi Overcoa‘t and Suié‘fquinteLSim- gply~ call at the home of Progress and 20th Century Clothing. These two wellâ€"known brands are only to be had in. Lindsay at Mr. Do Not Worr Mrs. Thos. Graham, is Visnmg at. Tornnto Junction. Mrs H. Deyman, of Gooderham, is visiting friends in Mlomnto M15. J. Chatter) and family Ielt on Monday to Join he: husband at Long. ford Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whisstle are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Deyman, of Toronto. last Friday. Miss M. Lane and Mr. E. Hays, 03 Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Lane, Miss M. Jondan left on Monday to spend a few days “ith friends in Lindsay. Rev. Mr. Kenny, of Toronto, spent. Thanksgiving at. the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sims. of Lindsay, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lane. , Mrs. L. Clarke visited in town on Thursday. Miss Helen McDot spent Thanksgiving town. 'l‘heBaptist church intgn-d holding their annual fowl tew on Wednesday, Nov. 13th. A good program is being prepared by the choir, assisted by Miss E. Bryans, who is rapidly be- coming one o! Fenelon Falls' popu- Mrs. Thos. Sadler, of Lindsay. vis- ited at the home of Mrs. M. W. Bran- don for a few days. coming one o: rem-mu gm... ,vrh lar soloists. Mr. R. J. Cork spent Thanksgiving with friends in Lindsay, and in the evening enjoyed a skate on the new roller rink. l‘J-‘-n ---. Mr. R. Merriam, of Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with friends in town. Next Sunday evening a song sex- vioe will be held in St. Andrew's church. Special music is being ar- ranged by the choir. lege, Toronto, spent. “mummyâ€, with friends in town. Next Sunday evening a song sex- vioe will be held in St. Andrew's church. Special music is being ar- ranged by the choir. Mr. Martin Sharpe, of Lindsay, spent Sunday with his family. The young people of town haVe or- ganized what will be known as “Harmony Club." They purpose The thankoffering services were held. in the Presbyterian church on Sun-i day last, when the Rev. Mr. McGre-i gor, of Orillie, ably omciarted after-‘ noon and evaning. The offerings were? liberal and the the attendance was large, although the weather was not- very favorable. Sympathy is extended to me. C. Bott in the loss of her brother, Mr. holding a. dance every fortnight. At John Bundle, who died from the e!- the meeting held on Monday they ap- Iects ole. kick from a horse. pointed Mr. J. W. BryanS. President; Miss Lena McDonald, of Toronto.- Mr. I). Macadam, Secretary ; Mr. W. spent Thanksgiving at her home. Bishop, Treasurer; Messrs. D. J. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Simon Noble spent 3 Lean, E. J. Hand, and A. J. Gould few days at Newmarket. ’ ““3ҠMrs. Wm. Eestcott spent Friday in a. committee. sure. u Mr. H. McKendry left on Tuesday Lindsay for a. trip through the Thousand 15- Mrs I lands. in 12mm: Messrs. B. L. McLean, George A. 3.1m. Jordan and A. J. Campbell. of Lind- Lillie, W say, paid our town a lying visit MCI-““- lut week. l1 . R. thnl usual. Thanks to the energvtlc refreshment committee there was no lack of rout fowl and other savory fluids. The program was excellent. The elocutionist, Ian Thompson, proved an uccomplished artist, at! the selections by Mr. Handy, of Mn.- Mrs. S. Sims visited in Lindsay Our annual dinner on Thos. Graham, is visiting at McDougall, of Lindsay, giving at. her home In 15- Mrs. L. Sparks spent Thanksgisi in -Umonville. - â€"v ' ~â€" .A., .o' _ v 7 iv v7 ' The Toronto Paper- 0! Satin-any, “an“. A we ~ “'1“ announce the marriage on Thmdny W_ , ‘ , . , ’ ‘. .lut of m- K‘thleen mamas-7,01? ma W b m m I . riposa. Station, were much appreciat- edv Mr. Hughes, jr., gave some well rendered comet music, .and our choir gaVe sevenal excellent selections. Pro- ceeds, over $115. Dr. Hare, and wife, of Acton, were present at Thursday's entertainment. Miss Annie ’I‘inney, Gavan, was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Casey during last week, Miss Hannah Graham and Mr. Jack Graham, Lindsay, are visitors at Mr. J. E. Bruce's. Miss Mabel Crozier, of Scugog, is visiting her brother, Mr. Cy Croâ€" zior: Miss M. Mark, of the north schooi. spexjrt the week end at her home in FenelonFalls. Misses Marjorie and Nellie Swain were at home for the holiday. Miss May McNei-l, of Red Book, was the guest ’of Valentia friends last week. called on Toronto, after a. short visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wilson. Toron- to, are visitors at the home of Mr. J. Wilsoa, Washbum Island. Mrs. J. B. Emmcrson, of Lindsay, Thanksgiving Master Orr Mark, of the L.C.I. spent the holiday at home. Mrs. W. Hill and Mrs. I. Good-hand spent ThanksgiVing week in Toronto. Mr. Sam Ray goes to the city this week to begin a course in the busi- ness college. We wish him success. Mrs. W Hmilton and daughzer, Lxllie, were guests of It. and It’s: Me] â€an daughter, Mrs. Fred Feud. 1n. and Mrs. Goons! Baal-ad. of m. R. Hall, 0! Cam, ed on aquarium on load Gunnington, were in town visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ja tending Normal College spent bay“ of Quinta Conloimo‘o, uni pm, Thanksgiving at home. Miss Kabobs-‘0! the First Methodist Church, will son and Miss McGee, o! Toronto..flll the pulpit or an mnuénml Proa- were guests of Miss McKenzie during byterhn church in Chicago. 83 1. i the holiday. _ My mum among his new .coo- é Miss nary McKenzie spent Wednes- gx-egction', ud'lln. Ruin and ha- day of last week Sn Toronto. Idaughter will leav'e town in . month Dr. small-s. Beeswax-em 'I‘oxon-‘or no (nuke their honio in to 101‘ a day last week. the Windy City. It may be man was Hillieent Tram-m. at tho m'um Hr. 3A,. 1. gene enact-Mag of Newmarket Public school. who him-all with tho Presbyterian church .. home for the holiday. . ‘h but sew-uh; to the men of his a Mr. D. Houdon. otrtho Storm fathen. Ho hon-3 buothor in the Beat, .pent Sunday in meaty. ., Presbyterian mini-try. ' ‘ ; ms. Ethel mwhen when: mi» , . ting in Toronto for Stew dli'l ' VICTORIA ROAD In. '1'. Kerry, m gas vhithéh‘ mu Anni. G.'Brovll.'ol' GM‘ town. Wot bong-9 my! ‘wm hold 3. rent-Ike new. ot‘héd' h. éeg’ztwmxgj 5. 156: int A‘ “Elm?! f {vi-III- * . Carpenter has returned to Valentin friends during Wï¬ug with CRESS WELL KIRK FIEID -. .._- ~ I Collesv spent \h'. A. Immond: of Toronto, Visit- ed friends in this vicinity during Thanksgiving. Mr. Birch. of England, is at pre- sent. Visiting his 5011 who came out :to this country some time ago. I Dr. 1». C. Smith, of Stoufl'vllle. 1called at his former home here on Thanksgiving Day. r The farmers in this community are lhuslly engaged at present housing [their rum crop. â€"â€".~.â€"â€". ...V es of the community are extended to Mrs. Vandusen. Special 'I‘hmkbgiving service in the Presbyterian church, was conducted by Rev. B. H. Turner. The meeting of the Library Board took place on Friday evening, and some new books have been ordered. some new books have been ordered. The township council met. in the town hall on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, and had an unusually busy meeting. Miss Brown's recital will be held on Friday, Nov. 22. in the town hall. What is the matter with the rink? Has the movement. ended in talk ? We sincerely hope not. Mr. H. Ewen is taking over the livery business which was run Y..-I'lucr- ly by Mr. T. Morrison. An im‘estigation into the cans: of the death of the late Georg. Kc Knl'."e took place in the thaw! hall on Monday, Nov. 4th. It wil: l-e 1'9â€" memherod that Mr. McKeIVIe _('P1 :1 few wesks ago. shortly after 21:. ha! been thrown from his wagon by his rtlnn'.v1.v' tram which \\'I,"c frightvnonl by a passmg automc-bn'm. Mix Muttiu Smith has returned Actnn after spending a. few day‘ her bonm. here. Mrs. COatsworth. of Toronto ThanksgiVing at. the Manse. Miss Snndvrson. of Toronto. ed friends here last. week. REV. J. J. mu; cows 10 PRES- mmrm CHURCH. Accordln‘toudosptwhtml’ic- hundordmollondumv J. J. Bu Myou'npteddcutpt the WOODVILLE AND KIRKFIHLD. lental.â€"One o! the ï¬rm of Noel- ands Irvine, dentists, Lindsay. will he at tlic Queen's Hotel. qudyille, on May, Nov. 12, and at Camp- .tbll's Hotel, Kirkï¬eld. on Wednesday, Mr. _0rle.ndo Jewell, 0! Little Brit- ain, in forward this Week :8 the grower of blg'potetoes. Ir. Jewell brought into The Wetchmea-Wder once one sample of 'the big ma. Ir. Jewel! em thet the ample wen one awn-cums. whom. ket- bmnd. Hr. Jewell P090?“ M be bu had goodsueceu this you- with his Woesâ€"Queues“, all of them being good oi; knowsâ€"tho right-sized kind. MANSE GROVEâ€"ELDON KORE BIG POTATOES . of Toronto, usit- , spun t :11. ‘o’n vuv - in; tenures of the program. A Very enjoyable evwing was, 81:51“ by all who attended; The many friends of _ tin will 'be pleased to learn that she is able to lie â€mind min. ‘ Mr. Arthur Martin, of Port Arth- m'. has returned home to spend the winter with his PM see his brother Fwd, sick list. Miss Nellie Allclcy Thanksgiving holidays 8 her parents here. Mr. George Smith, wh tending the building bridge here, went home to spend his Thanksgivj The boys and men 0‘ have gone hunting d9“ , KIRKFIELD Mrs. William Bruce. of Beave spent a. few days with Mrs. A. Boyntou. Mrs. Meagh-ar, of Lindsay, wa wt of her mother, Mrs. John Miss Brown will hold a rocltal at Victoria Road in Cavanah's Hull. Nov. 8. also one in Kirkï¬uld in the town hall, Nov. 22. Mrs. McKenzie,, of Orilin, visited her brother. Mr. John Mcllam of Por- tamv Road, recently. A POTATO FREAK. 1‘ Mr. T. ..\ Young. of the 4th con-i ccsslou of Smith township has apo-1 tato freak on his farm against which he challenges competition says The Petcrborough Review. When the stalks of the originally planted po- tato had grown considerably fhcy droopod 0\'er and look mot eight inches from the hill. Al. the bottom of this newly formed root, twn po- tatoes the size of [1011's eggs. haVe grown, which in all his carwr us a farmer, Mr. Ymmg has never seen dupphicntcd PATERSON’S can. 4. on.“ stock and imple- mtg, th- proptty of Ir. J une- lhlou. ‘Balo gt on o’clock m. and without mp THURSDAY, NOV. 1‘. 1907. by El- m Bowen, auctions-r. on lot. 8, con. 12, Karim, tum ml: and TUESDAY, SUV. 12, 1907, by Ste- phen Oliver; auctioneer. Caz-carvâ€" ed credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. June: Haynes. lot _19, mm. 5. Pen- elon. Stock comprises 3 horses. m nettle. and 30 pigs. Latte as- sortment of implements. Saie at -1 o'clock ehu'p. SATURDAY, NOV. 16. 1907-, is; Ste hen Oliver. auctioneer. S of oueehold furniture end efloets. property of gentlemen leaving town. Sole It 1 o'clock. Toms mxmmy, nov. 13. 1907. By FRIDAY, NOV. 16. by Elia Bowos, auctzcnetr. Cralit ale 0! min- ablr. {um stock aml implements. the property of Mr- C'au'm Nulrr lot 5.10:1. 4,. Hum-on. MM 1 o'clock and without reserve. BMW-Iron: the premises of ch W, lot 8. con. 9. Ear fly. Vflo dark red yearling hells. Inlet-much ‘u to whereabouta n! name will be thanklully rocchpd. 30m PARKER. Domyvluo P. . 43-3 sTRAYEDâ€"From flu pummel of the undersigned on or since July 20th. E'o spar-grills; a pm 014.769- Mr. J. Daniels is spending a week impluneltl, the property 0 Love. Sale st one o'clock. horned. rod. on; of item slightly marked with white. Au inform:- gon loading to thou- recovery will the huikï¬ng of.the iron here, went home to Lindsay 1d his Thanksgiving hojjdays. ' place SALE REGISTER thoâ€" pruniia. lot 10 ,2 colts. 0mm braving property ud To nabâ€"125 on Con. 11. l mâ€"nAâ€"c-II‘A -mr'a‘ o.â€" .F in the (3.0:?- and 00L 3†manna WANTED.-For . . my. in» am: No. 3, 091'. tor-1008. Apply. stat- ..xections, and int. ulu'y,f «311513601? tstud ex- « . . penance, 1 any. pp ca was to I" "a“; ma clone not Inter than Nov. 16. Per- V°r° mm: ’9' sonal applications prdmed. . “mamas by! WM. )5, GRAHAM. at home with of Beavertun. mikh 1â€"“ mm, guilt r03 sunâ€"m couch half , do. .u ht 17'. con. 10. Wilma. 60"“ I! dun, M the Ru? Eco; Fun. in mu 01- may hit! lot me. This property i* 'will Wmdthochoiee farms TEACHER WAX â€anâ€"For School Smti-ï¬m 2, Penal)“, duties to mm- .moncc Jan. 13:. 1908. Sun: qual- iï¬cation and salary expected. Ad- dxess ISAAC NAYUH: Scerctary~ Treasurer, Islay l’. O. 433-; TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School {Section No. 13, Verulam. duty to commence January lot, 1908, with second class certiï¬cate. All appli- cations to JOHN MARTIN. Sec'y- Trans. of S. B., Fenelon Falls P.O. TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For S. S. No. 4, Penelon, for 1908; one of exper- ience and success in the work. Sal- ary paid this year, $500. Com- fortable brick salmol. daily mail, G. T. R. station 1 mile from school. J'NO. B. POWLES. _______,‘__,___-_ LAIDLAW AND MACDON r__f )(ESSRS. "inbm NOTICE is hereby given tnavt Ben- jamin Curscadden. of the Town of Lindsay. has made application fm' permission to transfer his tavern license for the premises situate on Kent Street in the Town of Lind- say, known as the Grand Union Hotel, to Manning Bram, of Toron- to and Goldwater, and that the quid application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of Li- cense Commissioners to be held at the Inspector's ofï¬ce, No. 7, Cam- bridge street, in the town of Lind» any on Saturday the 9th day of November inst.. at the hour of two o'clock. All perions interested will govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Lindsay this 28th day of October. 1907. flea LING. Seam-Tm such other dismal of the had. oom- prisd in the said portion of the ma highway .6 my buy-proper. Baud this 14th dgy of October, A. 1).. 1907. JESSE B. MMN. Clock of the Corporation of the Townqmn o! Karimâ€"4H. 14-2. Ont. . To nutâ€"125 was of good Md on Con. 11. m Town-MP- 3"†Dom Convenient to dwmh' u, stool. pout. onto and 1‘1“"! m. rm mm- from Dun-ford whu'. upon is good market. etc FW Mu stone noun with w mod In comm Apply to P†am: mm. Dom“. PO’ ,Jow cattle. Apply LICENSE DISTRICT OF WEST VICTORIA. E085 It. 3.7 A. 8%. o! Toron- to. or his macho, will be in Il‘icoA. l W' -vâ€"v- 1G, Swami-Transnat- S. S 13. SomerVille, Fonelon Falls 'o.,0nmrio.13â€"4 FARM T0 RENT License Inspector. ' Dist. West Victoria ;WES’1‘1{ALF FOR SALE NOTICE THORNBURY . NOTICE tating salary IA‘M TIP- 1 Teacher for 13’ somerville, stating â€salary Sea-Treas- to winter load. Ont ++ +++++++++++++++§ï¬4 Fanning’s Repository Saturday, NOV- 9th. 1 O'dock 1:} Horses, mch-d lot. 20 COWS. dun to (salve in Apnl, 5 Cows, due to calm in March, 10 Steers. 2 and 3-3'uaJr-olds. 1 Buggy, nearly new. 1 Rubber Tire Buggy, new. 1 Two-seated Surrey. 6 Sens Singlc- Harness, new. 4 Setts Single Ilurmss, nearly 6 Pair Horse thnkets, 5 Bishop liulws. 2 Standard Mums. nearly new. 4 Ackerman lin'hcs, no“. 1 Set, Doulmr l‘rr1\'ingHurne.~s.s new. 4 Cmtm's. “mm mu, 1 01d (“11er 4 L3,}. RUHN'!‘~. Always hmm- Saturdays A discount at the rate of cent. allowed for cash on amounts. SHORTHUHXS AND LEICESM Ior sale. .‘horihox‘ns, male andb. males ; Ieia-stcrs, shearlmg ran. Nu l‘nnvy prm- asked, and on my terms. And; in .JAS. CASEY,“- lclflin, in! 21;, CHI). 1. Murlposu. How much better is wear a pair of The Felix [when Shoe Store 52 Kent St, Lmnsu Next. to w. E. Baker] on the promises a frame dufl'q house, frame burn and cedar lo; stable. There is glso aneverlnll- lug well. This is a. most deem property, and in withinthreellib of the villaga of WoadVilleJAm ville and Grass Hill station. 6! each of which places there an M markets fur farm produce. Nil- ther particulars apply to Mr. DI- ald Jucksan (East. hallI in u h EST HALF 01" LOT 4. in 6th“ cesSion m‘ lildon, containing 1M acres. The soil is a clay 10mm! is all cleared except, betwem . and two acres. There are m con. Bic-170:7.) \Voodvllle P MOORE JACKSON, Lindsayâ€"35M. Our Good Rabbem residence than to wish you had Marriage “can†(1,." Jmctfll‘e ...... Nestlcwn ------ Burketon ..... .. Toronto idler: 3â€" 0.. MW» IS Hill amnion. Ct )laces there an 8°“ m produce- Nb ; apply to W- 9" Cast haul in u aodville Pu. 0" to \CKSON. Sam â€"__â€"_-_"__â€"â€" Tomâ€to »»»» E1"! lady 7.0" tint purpose we w ‘ mlnmh’u Victoi ‘ pus anything we: give notice to ever our entire stock ha Company of Tom: 13th, at 9 o'clock 1 hand curly and avl to save many doll: ‘ doubt this will be \ merohnndise eVer 1 know our reputatii know the chnracte: of this community 800d 18 our bond, our honesty and '11 mm to man, that like the above, 3'01 Wednesday, Nov. 1 tiï¬oe, and one of q ‘ low prices which v ï¬gures for quick 54 mt herein made, For men. Uâ€. the homes (if the raw materiai. '1 wearing apparel 1 be closed out in '1 great sale of the < ember 13th, at 9 In order to 5 day, Nov. 13 in Victoria C in the histor; days, and th‘ $18,000 Grade Furni Wanted THE STAR ¢ â€duo. thoir stock had- 01 a wellâ€"k: Wedn Nov’r “I‘- Btore I m down “rt-[no 10 da; Cl If you valu