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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Nov 1907, p. 8

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One local entertainment was got- ten up by the Entertainment Com- mittee, “hich netted the handsome sum of $197.50. Besides this, one Dramatic (‘u., and one Concert Co. have given us a, percentage r-f their proceeds, which amounted to $137- 13. During the year this Board haVe‘ furnished to the Hospital be'l gowns, f:-~”t. muslin for sash curtains, rub- ?wr fiheeting and linoleum, the am? mint being $128.52. This report was adopted, and the Chairman. on behalf of the Board, expressed the appreciation felt for My» interest evinced and the work tune by the Ladies Auxiliary. Their generous services were very valuable and the Board feels truly grateful to [t is with pleasure also that we note a. growth in public appreciation of the facilities of the Hospital. The number of patients cared for this year was 262, as compared with 238 last. 'I‘he work of visiting the Hospital each month has been done faithfully and well by Mrs. Mills or some member of her committee, and their reports have commended the excel- lent care with which the work of this institution is being carried on by its 'present superintendent. The ladies appreciate Miss Miller’s perso- nal interest in the welfare of the Hos pital amd her cheerful endeavors to practice economy wherever it is pos‘ sible, and during the year the great- est harmony has existed between the Superintendent and this Auxiliary Board. and Miss Matthews '33 corresponding secretary were received with ’mu‘ch regret, and the offices were filled by Mrs. McIntyre and Miss Steers. Then by removal from town, also failures to attend the monthly matings» .3) number of ladies’ names had to be re- pIaCcd, and the following ladiw oo'n- smted to as’sist us in our work by becoming members: Mrs. Playfair, Mrs. Wilford, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. 'I‘hos. Smiler, Mrs. Morson and Mrs. McMillan. Watchman-Warmer Annual Meeting of Ross Hospital Board PAGE EIGHT Ihe Time Has Come When You Should Buy Ladies‘ Put Scam“ There is but a short step now between the time you wear furs because it's chilly weather and the time when the extreme cold will compel you to wear them. Now. would it not be a good plan to secure a good warm outfit of furs and be prepared for our usual winter temperature. / Just a. word will explain why you would do best to come to this store for the neces- sary Fur Garments. We are showing an unusually large range of reliable qualities of which every piece has distinctive style and ele nce, yet at prices low enough to please a l. Lidies Alaska. Sable Fur Scarfs, fur all around, 76 in. long trimmed with Braid Ornaments, cord and tails, well furred and natural glos- sy appearance. Special each 18. 00 Fur Muff Special These at the price are very hard to beat. Alaska Sable Mufl‘s in round or large Im- perial shape, 'xatin lined, with or without cord carrier. If needing -a muff don’t pass this offer. Each only .............. 1 0000 Ladies’ Fur Lined Coats ( Continued from Page Five.) This is a verj special coal: at the money. The shell is good Black Broadcloth, Ham- LINDSAY LEVrooman. . Sutclifl‘e . Sc] J. SUTCLIFFE SONS so much to make the work run 50 smoothly, the Hospital and the public owed a debt of gratitude. THANKFUL TO TOWN AND COUNTY the Comment was also made on generous treatment received from the town and county corporations alike. Not only were the Governors and all others interested, very grateful for the goodly grants given, but they in appreciated even more the spirit which these grants were madeâ€"a spi- rit of kindly interest and of a desire to help on a good work. GRATEFUL TO THD MEDICAL :rztmww ~- WM - > ‘* ' worn.- ASfi‘ ‘-7 ,1S:', .1.‘ ‘3!!! OF IT VUAJ 9wv-~--v - - ' lations betWeen the Board, the Sup- erintendent, the staff, the patients, and the public had been most pleas- ing. To the Lady Superintendent, Miss Miller, who by her efficient sup- ervision, her skill, tact and unVary- ing kindness, and courtesy, had done -- .mmu m make the work run The Hospital and the I also gratefully remembexj the 'In speaking of the work for the year, the Chairman said that Board of Governors had found it a. comparatively easy year. The work had msolved itself into a matter of detail to a. large extent. All the conditions at the hospital had been very satisfactory. The general re- lations betWeen the Board, the Sup-i ,L:_.‘4... I of affairs‘inthis' important of the hospital work. At )1~Sentl vices free, and they are ever loyal to there is a. balance of $389.94 on’hontll the Hospital. m9! co-operation they have shown in after several noteworthy ecntri ' radical ways and in their sympathy the Ross Meznorial Hospital. The re; with the good mrk,,has been. most eeipts for the year (including Lal- valuable and the generous assistance encepf 75253.28 from last yegr) an 01ft!” medical proxeeéion is apprebi- ounted to $496.06. rxpcnaiturés for"a.ted to the’highest degree. by the various purposes {or the benefit 3 of Board and by the public. ' de artments fth h "ta! . ‘ venous p 0 . ° “’3“ .‘ 0212:}: MEETING. had been made to the ' amount at , , $107.12. The report was adooted. on “1” mm the meeting 01W.n for motion, and in putting the question, ail present who WiSth t6 take part, the Chairman took occasion .aguin to- the chairman suggested a free discus- tsiotn for the benefit of the hospital. thank the ladies for their splendid ' While everything seemed to be going work. ' Mr. FlaWelle returned to the: very satisiactorily in the work on comprehensive reports given by the I3.11 hands, still suggestions might Auxiliary. “Not only are the {man-l cial results very gratifying, but the. Perhaps be be made that might prove reports are so full and clear as to be. helpful and these were solicited. “Be perfectly free and frank if you have most satisfactory also,” said Mr. “whim tn mv for the benefit of the Flavelle. PRAISE ster lined, 48 inches long, Western Sable collar, and well finished in every way. At 42.50 Men’s Coon Coats Men’s natural Canadian Coon Coats, .full length, high storm collar, deep well furred and and well tanned pelts, leather shields, strong lining well quilted. Big assortment to - pick Now Sonly Men’s Fur Lined Coats, special black' Beaver shell, rich dark natural Canadian rat lined,’ Otter collar lapelle style, ffill generous sizes and lengths. A coat worth more money, but it’s ‘ our leader ...... 62.50 FmVLined Coats PROFES SION. pital and the public should fullv remember what the on THE LADY SUPER- INTENDANT. 5315?? 50.00 ing his remarks along this dine. THE WARDEN; Mr. Taylor Parkin, Warden of the County, made a short but pleasing .Speech. "The Hospital,” he; said. I “is 'a very worthy and well-managed institution '-and deserves the support of all." He believed it was doing ‘a. ‘good work. He felt a deep interest in the work, and he believed that all the members of the County Coun- cil were with him in haVing the in~ terests of the Hospital at heart. The grant this year from the county was not quite as'large as last year, but this was not because the County Council did not appreciate and feel kindly towards. the institution, and. if further help were needed it was understood that more would be forthcoming. Mr. Thomas Stewart :â€" I have lit- tle to say to-nlght. There is little that can be added to what has al- ready been said in regard to the effi- ciency and usefulness of the Hospit- al. The reports read to-night speak for themselvw The work of the hos- pital was imdextdken amid difficult- ies and with mam misgixings, and it must'be a. sou1ce of deep gratifi- cation to all to see what progress is being made and how well the work is being done. I feel sure that if the hospital is maintained in the same all hands, still suggestions might perhaps be be made that might prove helpful and these were solicited. “Be perfectly free and frank if you have anything to say for the benefit of the hospital," said Mr. Flavelle in clos- ing his remarks along this dine. sion {of the belieâ€"fit of the hospital. While everything seemed to be going very satisfiactorily in the work on w 02m MEETING. “In throwing the meeting open ail present who wished td bake ] the chairman suggested a free di: Ladies’ Fur Jackets Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets, serviceable quality, 24 inches long, lined with quilted Sa- tana, Western Sable collar and reveers. Very special 38.00 _ CUT OU’I‘ HER! a on any purchase of fifty cents or over. This coupon is good for n! ten cents on any purchase 6 of fifty cents or over in any In section of our store. ", When Thm ‘5 buying E prpsent this co‘xlxgpon baths £5: Not good the: Dec. 7th, 1.907 _ w-w-mw'r Only one coupon accep- ted fpom one person on one J. Satanic _ Bonn . STEWART. I06 do 50. Dr. Blanchard also spoke of the-splendid work being done by Miss Miller and the nursing staff and of the general progress of the hospital. PATIENTS WHO 'ARE ABLE TO SHOULD PAY. The Chairman expressed himself as in entire sympathy with the sugges- tions of Drs. White and Blanchard. He believed that in the best inter- ests of the institution. it was im- perative that all able to pay should do so. It the by-laws were defective in preventing the privileges of the hospital being over-used in this re- spect the try-laws should be “aged, 80 as to meet the dimculty. The Hos- pital was always willing to give its mice me when necessary, but where people otmeam tried tonne th'epub- lie or semi-private wards in this way. it should be stopped. In this. IMr. Flavelle thought the local physi- cians could render valuable assis- 'ta'nce in having the lady superinten- dantpostel 5 Directly Opposite the . a $ stswi MR. J. D. myw-RE-AP‘ POINTED. On motion of Messrs. Ii. Bryans and Taylor Parkin, Mr. J. D. Fla velle was re-appointcd Chairman or the Board 0! Governors for the mus ing year. MR. D. EAGLESON, AUDITOR. generous founder Mnnosshadboenexpoctodha'oon avisit,'buthmdbeenun¢bletoooule uptonow,butavioitwuaxpscud fmmhhnlnthovervnoI-rmtim. as contact with the institution. and its noble work occurred. Mrs. Robt. Ross bellewd the ladies hadfelt itaprivilegetbbeabloto assist in the work, MM interest had been shown harm 101' {M Dr. Burrows thotight at one time CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY the rules were too rigidly enforced in __ . ULUSTRATED ADDRESS BY MR. this matter. and that a certain am- ount of latitude should alwm be “"7 S. M. THOMSON, 0F BRANT~ -FORD. allowed in dealing filth all meet. OTHER EHKER ’;A good attendance was present on SP 8 _ by “311118th the meeting in Mr. J uneo Lowe kc h i wn connection with mm“ m ”mama”; ,’ “y the work of the Children s Aid So- ciety. The attendance included many work orthonouwtd. gated“... “a maul “amt w“ mtuined throughout. The 0 re- cumming his amnion 91 the work 01 the Boss Mull. He be- lieved the popularity 01 the hospital was widening; Any prejudices that nigh-t have existed against do in- stdtution We soon diapelled as soon as contact with the institution. and Iva-pv- m “-V DR. BURROWS. EXPECTED. Before the meeting closed Mr. Flu- velle referred to- the antitude felt to Mr. Juno. Ron. of Montreal, the generous founder of the Hospital. Mr. Ron had been expected have on avisit,-but had beenuncble to come up to now. but a. visit was W from him to tho verv m future. ” A good attendance was present on y evening as the meeting in 'e town hallin connection with the work of the Children’ s Aid So- dety. The attendance included many classes and general intereat was sustained throughout. Theo Mfi ligiona organization 3:15 ga‘llvationuArmy. an?!“ powentto e vation Army, to Calvert! q, Mr. John Bogus, tincipalo {Sep- argto Bohggll was ed to its: chair and presided very seceptnbly. He explnined that on account of the absence 0! Dr. White. tIggndeut of the C. A. 8., gnd of a work ncoomplished by the local so- moty. He complimented Lindsay on its comparative freedom from the “members, tnnncy evil. Attendance at school the election of oflhmssnd other Wu imperntiVe to train the ehild‘ 3 business would he postponod until s mind sud mouls. Truancy nearly Inter um yslend downward. He also It. S.’ I. Thom: mam-a est-needy naked the boys and girls “upturn“ wt to vslue their own savan- gunman wm,butnomtosfizhtor Seer . EScience Master of the L.C..I The pictures were reproductions mostly of photos of wards of the Society an ltaken at difierent times. The squal- _ ‘ .i,d dirty, neglected children shown ‘15 iin one gicture would be shown again of in anot er new, but the dirt, the nu squalor, the misery would be absent. The life-like pictures gave a splendid 'idea of whatp the good work of the 3. [C. A. S accom lishes for the neglect- md'cd and do on out children of the province. . Thompson explained ‘P' that the obj ect‘ and'aim of the C. A. S. was the betterment of child life. 188.1% then went on to show by stow and illustration how this good end had been accomplished by E{the So- r ciety in the . The work did not '1‘” consist w olly ,n the re- to moxi of children from unsuitable an" home This was but a last resort, ta! land the aim always was to better ithe homeâ€"to make ythe home if at all °F possible, a suitable place for the mochfld. The finding 01p good homes for ted children given to their care was also a big work of the C. A. S ‘Altogether 4000l8 childnen had passed through ‘ the hands ofthe C.A..S, and of r these 1000 were now settled in homes 0! their own. Love and Care were the keynotes IR. of Mr. Thomp son' 8 idea of the work, IT- and the diflercnce between the mis- 1blc.,!orsaken weakmindedâ€"looking $31,541st as shown by one picture, youngsters after being cared for byy the Society certainly upheld these views. on 111 :2: my “Children are the best asset 1n our was 1""L"llid..'l‘hompson. “It’s -re- toveha m We 1pt. m themowgr nght and them right; but if they are and ill-used and untrained the work a mention is a costly one. ; Mn is always better HE Thompeoq spoke 0,! tile good 35 earn" est hp- athy and hem Deal {Ur the ~‘_\'mp k of rescumg am, all _in the good wot carmg for the neglected c‘nfldrenxlg - ' am you cannot gin: , labor," he said, "you can Ci“? 3; your meansâ€"an 7 . m supply the Workers." :1 well-timed Mr. F. C. Taylor in ‘ speech expressed his sympathy “'1“; a vote 0* the Work, anil moved _ thanks to the speaker and 0m? Who had assisted in the evemn€5 Program. In scconding the . mono: Mayor Vrooman spoke of ms 0“» 00d work mom“ knowledge of the g pliShed by the local society. The efficient secretary of the scent.“ 31”" E. E. Sharpe. was a valuable 959“ in the work and in other 5111““I branches. Without Mrs. Sharpe. be Mayor believed the society Wouledam ”‘ ‘ " Mometic or me W“ '7 The publishers always at lacking a mast energcm ¢St Worker. ' Mr. Peter \Rilson. in hhlis \ form sang mo catch during the evening, and1 "“ â€" -nanr me :ppreciinéa. Thu song: was greatly excellent piano ac Uiss M. Brady. The Youth’s Com calendar for '90 xers of the‘ as always ‘ to every “in anything mu“ m experience' \‘79 h we. find are skilled if 6‘ :75? 89%? WWW“ 55c" Ion mun m1 ginning thonsands' “he 8; rial)??? We feel that we merit F‘“ we use only the l)’ W 8 and all these hundn J of prescriptions Em for wbiCh the (15,010! .â€"Bcv. Dr. lhsno meet Methodist (‘hu W. Wallace, of St. Wan church, c-xch Sunday evening last .â€"Rev. Walter Inn tive of Western Missi .Mmes on Sunday x Baptist. c? Work and the Lindsax 1115‘ nursdav, Dec. 501 belt Elnltzrson “ill 1 at the exening 5(-<<j cry Work in Japan should send one “‘11“ the League. -â€"The celebrated ponies, mules, etc, the Academy Mon gre withOUt rian j: attendance was ;har in, and the entvortrnmx‘ ed by all to be well we â€"-On Monday evmin: e very pleasant. social enjoyed by a good gull young people of St. An Amusements of \‘arim;< tam-ting program and ‘ W128 daintily Sm" ed to the pleasure of t duet. by Misses Matthin “1'. a. reading by Miss whistling solo by Miss Cod solos by Miss-s <L Seaton, were [hm-nus“ appreciated. standard of the perm! finals all showed on! tellig‘ehoe and careful, â€"The H. Wilmot 9!! to good houses last week. The 14.: may evening “11> ujoyed by the and duties were good. butterfly dance, whi very pretty effects De Mateo, in his ! tricks, was also a '01!- “The Damn-s", a M. was inberos‘finzz 4 seated. ”By an order of \hw Ill! week the Ran-n L 00. was decided in 1w 2 “0 Toronto memnm 00- was appoinmd hqj mic! 0! company nh< “meta about 85H“, .Mr. John W. Thurd‘ 106d, passed through 1 ”day last week whh Wind cattle whic‘ '1 1mm Mr. Rusaoll. 01 â€"Ca.van Long Swamr he amounting to $6. ‘6 to Dr. Geo. Brena .8. It par and to ban .1! per cent. intorofl . {Imam are to be?“ ‘Ild instalments. The Tr [only 099‘ Little Local 11' you w: GOOD SU] must leave order for i‘ Wption churCh on d Prog res: annual Alix. be whole tru‘. nothing bu truth. opposite P‘ r695 l BiShOI‘, ; ('hurvl 14th.

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