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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Nov 1907, p. 9

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:0-wear ,d navy, also white check L at 819. .t $13.50. a $55. kets $24. tats at 98c. s at $1.50. 'ick Women’s 845 Cloth Coats ’oats at $2 50 a 9 m1:- vanâ€"v- aha; Mrs. William Bgitain: and Mrs ’l‘ellas, mere Gloves your WMts‘ s and reatly $3L50 .. fit cut be next >rted colors, with Sable at 69c. Collar, at BelleViI you â€""Mrs. Temple's Telegram,” WLich made such an emphatic hit at Madison Square theatre, New York, where it played for an entire season, is presented the the Academy of Mu- sic on Friday evening. â€"The members of the County Coun- cil, with a number of invited guests :cluding the Mayor of Lindsay, ex- Wardens of the county and several mminent residents of the district, T‘~\.‘30y0d a very pleasant banquet at 219 "Big 'l".\entv ” on Friday even- ing last. A Well-served repast and aplentitudc of short, crisp speeches and responses were the order of the filming. In responding to the toasts “the evening several took occasion to compliment the council on the §°0d Work done by them, and every Speaker referred in the very highest 1917115 of praise to Warden Taylor Firkin. and his most efficiently Tend? 91! services. Mr. J. R. McNeill-ie, :1erk and treasurer, also receiVed Well~meritod commendation for 1111' failing tact and ability in the dis- cbarge of his duties. $3 Coats for 3.95. Children‘s Fawn Tweed Goats, em- m‘dered velvet collar and cuffs. $311.1“ price 6.50 to $8 cad? 3.95 3“me £me â€"Inspector Knight has some sub- scriptions to the Sick Children’s Hos- ;ital. Toronto, to forward, and will ":epleascd to receive any further con- 'ributions for this excellent institu- tin and send themon. . -David Hartley, of Peterboror, de- feated Jimmy Reynolds, of Port Hope, in the 12-hour walking match lathe Mutual stri‘et rink, .oro-nto. : Saturday by one mile. â€"The Y. .\I C A. have initiated a; wsing membershi p campaign 3f. vsdax “cdncsdm' and Thursday of his week. and are meeting with well iaserved success. Alarks Brns.’ shows here last M we“. suwially well attended, :{1 descrx'L-d the Mg audiences, be- 1thiqh-L‘EaSS in their line, and most mr prxce u. )v to ma eacu, .03 95 SUTCLIFFE’S Lindsay SATURDAY SPECIAL E28 38. 5.5m And You’ll wear DIAMONDS an (1 GOOD CLOTHES. Everything right up to the mark; pnubaxs'r. Lmnuy [{me Opposlco Pout om“. '42 fllGlNBOIHAM ,__, rabh‘. 'lhorocent goods are “:1: well as the articles that, hp Human! and are ‘ lxw‘ Ulllt‘ \( ha WI" "9C Q\\\" il‘ \. It’s a m()§t com. , _ NImtvd in accordance : h .wulmmld fmm Lulies of good ms to Beauty and Comfort Ii-‘itles. . ° Weare showmg an Interesting A1. A; rho choicest "£011,311 ARTICLES \ r jmlgpmum nf quality enfihles tpivk NIH 9“"le thflt “'i“ W" vwvllvn! values. (hnnphricht, piano tuner, 0, win visit Lindsay reg- im‘s may be left‘at Port- ”xx-i). of London. has mp livnson House, which fix-r cumluctod by this “2' upholstering done rmxsonably at M. E. nitm-o store, opposite â€"lS-1. >0 hzrd for one to be even comfortable with- t of modern toilet re- [\VOMAN. SUPPOSED TO BE THE 1 MOTHER, CARRIES OFF THE CHILD. ATTEMPT TO RECOV- ER YOUNGSTER NOW BEING MADE. On Thursday laSt Dorothy Marion,‘ [t-he eight-year-old adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marion, was taken from the school at noon by a woman supposed now to be the moth- er of'the child. The child went to ‘school asusual in the morning, and when she did not return for dinner, inquiries were set on foot. Mr. Ma- rion was out of town, but Mrs. Ma- ,rio'n discovered that a strange wo- man had called at the school in the {morning and spoken to the child. Then at noon the w0man had return- ed with a. cab and woman and child had gotten into the cab and were driven at the woman’s request to the station where they boarded the 12.05 train for Toronto. Later it was discovered that the woman, supposed nowto be the mother of the child, had been at the Simpson House for two or three days, and was register- ed as Mrs. Convoy, of Montreal. The Marions believe they had leg- adopted the child, and that they thus had the only claim on it. Ac- cordingly a. message was sent to Blackwater for the arrest of the wo- man. This, message was received two minutes behind time, and so another . If it turns out, as appeal provable now, that the wo: without legal claim to 1 then "Mrs. Convoy” has pl self open to the serious o‘m abduction. _ , Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Marion, as they had a fection for the youngster, a; the temporary loss very pa cordin‘gly a message was sent to Blackwater for the arrest of the wo- man. This, message was received two minutes behind time, and so another instruction was sent to the” same ef- fect, this time to Uxbri-dge. At Ux- bridge the constable boarded the train, but the woman resisted arrest and succeeded in not being taken. 'mm woman and child were traced. to and succeeded in not being tanuu. The woman and child were traced. to Agincourt where it is supposed that they drove across to the C.P.R. and boarded the train for Montreal. I After endeavoring to secure the ar-I of the woman at Petenboro, Mr. rest Marion went on to Montreal. Chief} al. The wo-f Vincent is also in Montre man and child have been located! +‘hnm but the legal proceedings havel yet left word of tha obtainable. or four s nave al- its there, but the legal proceed-mg not yet sufficiently advanced to low of the return of the child to foster parents. At the time of go- ing to press Chief Vincent has not left Montreal, and no official yet 1' the case is ward of the outcome 0 Black. also \Vhite Silk Blouses mafia with sixteen tucks and plmt in from. Alan four plants in back. tucked collar and Puffs Re ular rice 3.39 :“p ............. 31.99 SUTCLIFFE’S, Lindsay MR. AND MRS. MARION LOSE ADOPTED CHILD â€"Bargains in damaged blankets, slightly soiled i-h the "finishing proâ€" cess. They gm pure hmb’s Wool and we warrant them to give the buyer good service. We have a fine assort- ment of megs reliable knitted unden- Wear. main and fancy rib, Canadian and Scotch, wool, fine and heavy weights. Also a. few dozen shirts (only) which were used for samples -prices to clear at 35c, 50c, and {75¢ each, regular 81. to $1.50. The Horn Bros. Woollen 00., Limited. Silk Blounen 1.99. SATURDAY SPECIAL Father Christmas looks rather critically at his presents. earâ€"old stock oods left over from year to y Unsaleable g ‘3 goodsâ€"no matter how great the bargains, are undesirable and of no use to him. Our Xmas stock is fresh, novel ' ‘ _ . ,3 “4......“ nmcticallv everything End of no use no nun. Our Xmas stock is fresh, novel and dainty, expressly bought for this season and embraces practically everything ' ' G ' also Ebony, Leather and nnmerous to mention by name. . . You must really pay is a visit and see our stock. This is display time from us. See what wehnve and you will know what to buy‘la'ter on. chi-1d in the case at the woman is claim to the Child. 3y" has placed her- ---:~.m charm of .‘fiwm 4 severely. pretty with Mr. three feel mm because her hat 05- CONDUCTOR THOMPSON EXONER- ATED FROM CHARGE OF DE- STRUCTING POLICE. Conductor Thompson, of the" G.T. R., was placedlunder arrest last week on a" charge of obstructing the po- lice. The charge arose over the case of the woman escaping with the lit- tle girl taken from the Marion’s home in Lindsay. Mr. Thompson ap- peared before Magistrates Hamilton and Crosby, of Uxbridge. In his evi- dence the Uxbridge constable laying the complaint, said that his only authority for attempting to arrest Mrs. Cotnvoy was a telephone mes- sage from Mrs. Marion, of Lindsay. Conductor ThompSOn had, on the woman appealing to him for protec- tion, asked the constable what au- thority he had for the action, and then said that the woman had a. right to travel to Toronto on the ticket she had, and that he could not see how the constable had authority to hinder. The woman resisted the trates expressed the opinion that Conductor Thompson was within his rights andthat he did nothing more than the the. circumstances allowed, and what his duty as being in charge of the train and passengers called for. The belief that the constable himself was doubtful of his own au- thority in the matter was also refer- red to, and it was not hard to sup- pose that hewas half glad at an ex- cuse not to push his authority to the point of making the arrest on‘ such doubtful warrant. J 1.1ng Piche, ‘0! Montreal. it theatre employee 810 for eject .. ___‘ Mr. T. E. Gough, of Strathroy. is in town in his capacity of Grand Organizer of the “Knights of Pyth- ias” of ehe Drand Domain of Ontario. Mr. Gough is well and faVOrably known in Lindsay, and expects at an early date to launch a le e of the above order in this locali y. The Order of the Knights of Pythias is a social, fraternal and beneficial or- ganization, numbering now over 70,000 members, and has been in ex- istence for the past forty years. Mr. Gough also holds the ofl‘ice of Grand frelate in the Grand Lodge of On- arlo. Reeve J. A. Irwin, Town Clerk Westlake, Mr. C. Peeling, electrical engineer, and Councillors Tate, Ab- ernathy. Graham, Dunk and Reddin of Campbellford, were in Lindsay and Fenelon Falls last week viewing the power houses and electrical equip- ment of the electric light plants. The visitors were looking for pointers for Campbellford. Campbellford is ex- pending .$60,'000 for. the developing of the water power at Middle Falls. Mr. Albert Weir. who has been vis‘ iting friends north of Brighton, and Colborne. and also attending the camp meetings at Ivanhoe. IS visit- ing in L,ndsay and district. Mr. Weir was among the speakers at the Ivanhoe Camp Meeting, where be- tween 4.000 and 5,000 people were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Meander were called to Kinmount this week, heving received the sad new of the death of Mrs. Maunder's fat or, Mr. \Iohn McGee. Mr. Thos. Johnston of Fenelon Falls, was in town Wednesday to hear Hon. Geo .Foster. Port, Hoe Guide: Mrs. W. - L onmEl en street, left Monday for a few weeks’ fish. with frienwy in Lindsay and Toronto. Mrs. J. Teskey and two daughters from Sapperton, B. C., spent. last \wek with Mr. iand Mrs. Wtrmth Roddy. Cambray. , HONORABLY :ACQUII TED _ lgnnyAmâ€"wmgng would not takel Q. y. the magis- Jinion that within his thing more as allowed. g- in charge yrs called a constable is own au- also refer- rd to ‘sup- only arrest mes- ndsay. m the Jrobec- 0000 0000 O. 06 0Q Why You Should Buy Your Floor- 9‘9 .90 ... O§ 99ooooootoooo¢¢§§ooooooooo 990000960000... .00 OOOQOOQOOQOOIiwcoooo60900964§§§6§¢O¢§O§. .Cun .-‘II¢ » .n” If? I I... ha“ . .. ...). a .31.: P“. gawk”... 9.00009599009099tobwotbt OO§OOO§OO§OO§OQQO§OOO¢OQ KENI SIREH LOT III.-â€"A_ large range of English Brussels Carpets, in all the leading de- signs. These are 27 in. wide, come in colors of Dutch blue, greens, fawn brown and crimson, 5-8 width borders to match, also some stair patterns. The regular prices are $1.10 and $1.20 per yard. We will supply the t, make and lay them for per yd 'l .30 LOT IV.â€"6 patterns only in Eng- lish Brussels Carpets, 27 inches wide, 5-8 width borders to match. these are in rich colors of terra cotta. Dutch blue, the new solar: and the latest ‘desi We have also ,a large range 0 83 kinds 9_f_ Carpet Squares and 11;! Mats. We are ready to visit ye home and give you an estimate if LOT II.-A range of Tapestry Car- pets, 27 inches wide, in rich colors, with scroll, floral and conventional patterns. These have fawn, green, brown and crimson grounds, also some stair patterns. The regular sel- ling prices have been 75c and 85c. To clear quickly, per yard 60° 3953f, $19“? ! E LOT I.â€"6. patterns in Tapestry Car- pets, floral and conventional designs, they come in fawn. crimson, brown and green grounds, and also some stair patterns. They have been selling at 60c and 65¢ per yard. To clear quick- ly per yard... ..................... 500 This stock of Carpets has just been gone through; and some very good de- signs have been neglected. We don’t care to carry patterns over, so if low prices would sell them, we would pre- fer to let them go. In our list below we have not told you of every line but have given enough to interest you. A visit to this department will give you all information. their best invariably. That means satisfaction for you. BECAUSE our stocks are as large and varied as those found in many city department stores- -no need to go farther and fare worse. 0609999099190§6§ coverings and Draperies Here Carpets Under- priced. NOTE THE FOLLGWING ITEMS 699990999999909.90.00.9900900909600009 There are several good reasons why you should buy Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Draperies, Linoleums and Oilcloths nowâ€"HERE- because you can save good dollars on every purchase. In this drapery stock will be found everything that is ired for Christ- mas decorations. Ca 1 on us and we will be pleued to assist you in making your home look its best. iéék stitched. Per Pair ...... 1. LOT VLâ€"zso Pairs of white. Lace Curtains. 3 and .31} yards long. these ave all the latest designs in Notting- ham Curtains, plain conventional and scroll centres, with very handsome looking borders, the edges are all -L _ J In-.. n- :. l M LOT ILâ€"SwiSS‘Curtains, 31} yards long, in heavy and fine nets, all with rich single borders, scroll and conven- tional designs, white only. The regu- lar prices are $3 50 to $5.00 per pair. Single Curtain Price ............ 1.00 LOT Lâ€"Nottingham Lace Curtains, 31} yards long, made of the very best Egyptian Cotton, double borders, ecru shade only. The regular prices are $2.00 to $400 per pair. Single Cgrgin price ..... . Here’s a most tempting oppbrtunity to buy Lace Curtains much below cost. There are a number of curtains that are soiled, and a few singles that we picked up at a great bargain. There are not many of them but early comers will secure bargains. Lace Curtains BECAUSE we know when and where to se- cure our stocks and we get ahead of a rising mar- *4 1 ket and bought before the recent big advance in " ‘ price. That means economy for you. _ BECAUSE we buy our floor coverings direct from the makers, been doing so for years 5; ..... , and they know better than to try to sell Mg?“ us the doubtful kinds. We demand Extra good Window Shades with a lace at bottom 8 inches wide, these are mounted on good spring rollers and are equal toany 75c shade we have even seen, wh te only, size 316_ {set Window shades of good cloth and mounted on strong rollers, trimmed with a good lace insertion, in colors of green and cream. size 3x6 feet. gash Window Shades, mounted on good spring rollers, trimmed with a lace 7 inches wide, in colors of cream sod and light nnd dark greens. Siz_ejx6 75 only odd Window Shades, these are the remnants of nearly a years’ selling, the shades are in cream and greens only, some have lace and some fringe trimming, the size is 3x6 it. all mounted on good rollers, reg. prices were soc to 85¢. To clear quickly Printed Linoleums, four pards wide, a heavy weight cloth, very choice car- pet and tile or block designs, light and dark colors, also swell patterns of in- laid wood. Special price per sggare; yard ....... 7 yard ................................. 350 Printed Linoleums four yards wide, in very excellent patterns of blocks, tiles and florals, light and dark colors, also very rich looking patterns like in- laid wood. Special price per sgugre yard...... Printed Linoleums, two yards wide, these are in very good floral and block patterns, a quality good for use around carpet squares, also for sewing rooms and halls. Special price per s‘qu_are Three special lines of good Lino- leums on sale during our special offer- ings. They are mostly English or Scotch cloths, imported from the mak- ers direct to Lindsayâ€"the qualities are the best in the market and we war- rant them to give good wear. Window Shades o COCO-I. a... I... I... a... can... Linbteums. llNDSAY ONIARIO

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