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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Nov 1907, p. 12

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m} Mge Harding and R. J. McLaugh- fin. KO, of Lindsay, called here on Easiness last Thursday. It- A. N. Campbell was in Toronâ€" to last Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. A. A. Sangster returned from Woodb'a'i'dge on Wednesday 20th inst, and will remain home for the wint- 1m: WEEK’S NEWS of the comm and DISTRICT 311-. Hugh Chisfiolm, of Winnipeg, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. J. R. fly for a. few days last week. )l'r. Albert Hyfield, of Toronto, for- merly, of Kirkfield, was in town on May and Wednesday of ,last week, Ir. P. J. McDonald was in Wood- rab on Thursday attending the meet ing of the Court of Revision. Mrs. Fred Fead spent Fri-day in Cannington with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. BESS Francis Staples visited in Lindsay for a. few days last week and returned home on Friday even- in. town. Judge Harding the guest of I'm L. Moore, of Argyle, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Campbell. Miss Duncan McRae, of Woodville, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. Richardson. 'llr. Jack King received word laSt. weekthat his brother. Charlie King. of Preston. has met. with a serious sealant. While working on some el- cdriml fixtures, Mr. King got. abed‘ an. fracturing once! his legs. and cutting his head badly cut. His very many friends here hope for his im- mediate recovery. ‘ On Sunday morning occurred the M 0119. George Greer at his house nearthe lift. lock. Death was the result of a prolonged siege of ty- xiloid fever. The remains were tak- en on Monday to Cartwright, the for- mer home or the deceased. There are kit a. widow and tamily, to whom the deepest sympathy of the commu- unity is extended. lest‘me on Sunday- Mrs. John Merry, sr., and Mrs. Mit- chell are visiting relatives in Toron- Miss ADRIL-.. In “firs, Wu Telegram" Assam? Mama ”.I‘n-o‘uu tn G. F. Bruce, of Beaverton, Wednesday last with relatives Neil McNabb, of Palestine. of Mrs. J. Watterson, is seri- called on friends in Pa.- Mrs. D. ously ill, and friends are anxious about her condition. Mrs. Bickell and Miss Bickell, of Eldotn Station, have mOVed into the rooms next Mrs. Emsur’s mininery shop. Miss, Bickell has her dress- making rooms there also. Miss Mary Steele, ‘of Balsover, Spent a. few days last week with Mrs. L. Mchdyen. A baby gir‘l arrived last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Tru- man, south of the village. Congrat- ulations. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, of the eighth concession expect to move next week to their new home in Woodville. Mr. Coulber, of Bobcay- geon, has bought their farm, and will take posseésion immediately. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald’s many friends will regret their lea'ving, as they are old residents and very deeply re- spected and loved. “Wise,” a: valuable wire-haired ter- rier belonging to Mr. A. N. Camp- bell Was shot on Satunday by order of the village trustees. He was caught ,in the act of worrying a sheep and there are stlll two more dogs wanted for the same offence. The new school is almost finished, and will be a perfectly appointed lit- tle building. A congregational meeting was call- ed for last evening (Wednesday) at. 7.45 in the lecture room of the Pres- bd tcrian church, to discuss the admis- ahility of holding the annual New Year’s tea. and entertainment. ReV. Wesley, 0! Sunderland, will conduct both services in St. An- drew's church next Sunday. The aft- ernoon service will to devoted to mis- sions and the special thank offering of the Womans’ Foreign Mission So- ciety will be taken. This will be Kirkfleld’s first opportunity to hear Mr. Wesley ashe is tut newly or- dained. ‘ 5! "M The Sunday school intend to hold a. Christmas entertainment this your. The children of the Public school are practising diligently to make their Christmas tree and concert a. success. The ladies of Klrkfield are giving a dance in McKenzle's Hall to-morrow evening. About fifty persons have been invited. Miss Brown’s recital on Friday was attended by a. fairly large num- ber. Piano selections were giVen by vv "5"- Miss Mangrove gave a recitation; Carl Ashmam repeated the song he gave at Miss Brown's recital. @Bud McKay’s instrumental solo wag“: ap- plauded. All these numbers were 31V- en 1}! a. most pleasing style. but the selections that received the greatest applause were Mr. Cowper's accord- ion solos. Before hearing Mr. Cow- Lvn Uv-vâ€"v per play, few had any idea. that, such excellent music could be produces. from an accordion. Both Mr. numbers were heartily en- cored. The farce, _"A Premature Proposal”, was most laughable, and the. characters were ably represented. 'I‘T'he Bridal (Wine Cup” was a: bratty little temperance play. Those taking part in it were: Misses McGirr, Dal- gleigh, and Kerr, Messrs. Mchren, McPherson, McGirr and Steele, all of Balsover. The finale, “Plantation Song," received the hearty encore it deserved. The proceeds, which am- ounted to about twenty-three dol- Dental. -â€"One of the firm of Neel- and Irvine, dentists, Lindsay, willbe wt the Northern Hotel, Kinmount, on Friday, Dec. 6th. Call in forenoorn it possibleâ€"484. for the choir. Mr. Newman, of Woodvd‘lle, address- ed the Epworth League Society on Monday night. His subject, “Got- ting acquainted with God," was very profitable, and much enjoyed. We hope that Mr. Newman will visit us again soon. - o‘ Everyone enjoyed the social even- ing which was given at Mrs. DaVey's home last Tuesday under the auspic- es of the Lad-ies' Aid Society. Miss Sara. and “Jenn” Shields are at present visiting friends in Peter- boro and Mount Pleasant. I! this weather continues we shall have skating soon in the Victoria rink. We are partientiy waiting, but hustling in the meantime. Business has been so increasing with Mr. Ryckman that he has had to add to his stafl. and another man is swinging the anvil. Miss Margaret Shields is home sf- tex- spending a. month with Toronto and Oakwood friends. Miss Ella Ryckmsn spent a week with friends in Nor-land. Mr. E. V. Moore, of Peterboro, was in the village on business last week. Mr. Cameron has opened a. new blacksmith shop in town. We wish him success. There is a. new barber in to Bell, from the far West, has the much-needed shop. The session of the Dominion Par- liament opens to-day (Thursday) for the despatch or otherwise of business and otherwise. The honor 'of moving the adoption of the address in reply to the “Speech from the Throne,” has been given to Mr. R. R. Hall,.M.P;, for West Petenborough, who will no doubt make the welkin’ ring- with his forceful and graceful eloquence. LINDEN VALLEY MEETING, WOMEN" S INSTITUTE. The December meetmg ‘ot the ]kind- en Valley (West Victoria) Wagnen’ 5 Institute. will be held on Thursday, December 5th, at 2.30 p.m. :- Discussion A:â€" Christmas» (3.00ka3: ‘and Gifts. ' Dalé, Miss R. Cums. IS NAVIGATION OPEN. Everyone is aware that, it Was Sir Wilfred Lauirer who made the’ Do- minion at Canada; that it is his Bun- nysmilesthatmakoflle smwshine; that we and liberty and infirmity alike are due glone to him, that without his gentle, gracidus can lifein this Canada of oarswpnld he a. dull and aching void M with. out the mm mm 0! this Placeâ€"Mrs. B. Cruess" home. v.-. d to about twenty-three dol- will go to the buying of music VICTORIA ROAD KINMOUNT “LL, ma. TO MOVE ADDRESS. . Mr. enterbalnment being held at that. vi-l- lage under the auspices of the Church of England. As the water In the v!- clnlty of the Falls was still open. and steamers running on it every day. no trouble was anticipated. and everything was lovely until Ball Ia- Here the channel was found to be fro- m over with See 30 thick that a passage could not be made, and an attempt to reach Indian i’olnt, which ""'â€"r - is only three miles from Coboconk, proved equally unsuccessful, so the party was reluctantly compelled to return to the Falls. As several of the passengers were expecting to take part in the program at Coboconk. the blockade was a. great disappOintment 'tlotah to the people on the boat and the management of the entertain- ment.” ' BALSAM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richman and Master Sanford nave retnrned from visiting friends in Toronto and Ham- ilton. ‘ Mrs. T. McNish is in Toronto visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. R. Rutherford and Hrs. W. Hoyle. Miss Bertha" Richman has returned to Cobotonk after spending oome time with" Her parents at Balsam Lake. She will be much missed by her We‘ announce with regret the com- ing Ldeparture of Mrs. McDonald. who intends spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Howard Staples. of oakhm; J. , The queiuon hes been asked why it is that the Palestine boys keep such wild horses. When they take them to church inatead of improving their ways it. helps to make them worse. The fields and, trees are taking on a wintry appearance, and snow is soon expected. deceased was born in Sligo, Ireland. and came to Canada 60 yam ego. He eetued first. on the present home- stead and had been (I. respected and weaned resident. for the ensuing DEATH OF MR. WM. CORLEY ONE OF. THE PIONEhK unan- DEN’I‘S OF THIS DISTRICT. There passed away last week at his residence. lot 20. con. 2. 0pc. Mr. William Cox-19y, aged 97 years. The six decades. Fifty-eight. years ago the late Wil- liam Corloy‘ Was married. and the WOW, now in her 88th year, sur- viveo. Two sons and two daughters are The mneml took place on Monday, Nov. 25th, at 2.30 to Riverside cem- etery, and service was conducted by Rev. C. H. Marsh. ‘ . The late Wm. Corley wesa man well know'n, and very highly respectâ€" ed by all} He was ofa quiet, unob- trusive nature, but those who knew him well found that beneath a re- tiring nature there were innu‘m'emble high qualities of heart and mind. He 'was one of the very first of the pio- neers of this district, and cleared his farm frbm the wild bush. Mr. Chas. Britton is perhaps the only man still Constabulary in' the 014 Country. and he carried to this new home the qualities that were useful in the old, courage, mthfulness to duty and Won Britten is perhaps the 111 Lindsay, who was 11 Carley came here first. placed energy. The late Wn'r. Cor-hymns one of the oldest residents of the dietrict. and ART CALENDARS FREE With cverypfiéf Of Cabinet Photos we 've a beautiful calendar thhjrputphoto on apsolutely ree’. Our styles arele new and vary . attracting Qrdcr yours parly. PIONEER RESI- uninum point, me. Geo. W men with . peculia- and unfortunate ac- cident on Tuesday afternoon. The stoma was not 0001 enough apparent- ly and when application of the point was made the aluminum took fire. Burning paint was throw: all over the room; the curtains took fire and An alarm of fire was rung in and neighbors came to help put out the blaze, which was assuming threaten- ing proportions. Carpets were dam aged, curtains, blian, etc., burned and furniture injured, but the quick eflect-ive work of the nighbors suc- ceeded in putting out the fire. The fire team made a record run, but the worst of the fire had been gotten under control. New Classicachaster for the |.. .I. W. Dunkley. now classical maswr m the Orangeville High School, was chosen to take the posmon of class- ical master at the L.C.I.. in place of Mr. Mudomld, whose resignation {was recently accepted. Mr. Maodonald goesto fill a position of lecturer in Queen’s. Mr. Dunklcy’s duties will commnce,m January. At, 0. meeting of the Board of Edn- cation on Tuesday evening Mr. A. W. Dankley. now classical master of tho OrangeVille High School, was chosen to take the position 0! class- COMPLETED 'i‘HEIR NOVEMBER SESSION ON SATURDAY LAST. The County Council completed the sittihg oi the November session on Saturday after transacting a large volume of routine business. Outside of the matters reierred. to last week no large questions were beiorc the body to deal with. The reports of the various committees. the various communications and accounts to be dealt with received full consideration and were disposed of. ‘ " "‘ â€"- ...... .AAA PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING FOR NUVEMBER. Council met at call of Reeve. Min- utes of last meeting read and con- firmed. The necessary By-law and instruct- ions re repeal of local option were received from the Township Solicit- or. The fullowing motions received the Council’s assent. Moynesâ€"Cragg.â€"That a by-law be now introduced and read a. first time for the repeal of Local Option By-law No. 570 (Mr. Robt. Grifiis having presented the necessay num- hnr nf nirrnatorasl and that 5 V0136 be um we“: “l'wwu v. On motion of Mr. Shsver. seconded by Mr. Bestty. s very hearty vote of thanks was tendered, the Warden lm- Lia excellent services during his ior Lia excellent time for the repeal of Local Option By-law No. 570 (Mr. Robt. Grifils having presented the necessay num- ber of signatores) and that a vote be taken on said byâ€"law on the same date as that of the municipal elec- tion for 1905. The hy-law was introduced and read. Moynesâ€"Webster.â€"That a grant of $15 be made to ;the Fenelon Agricul- tural ‘ Society. Palmerâ€"Cragg.â€"That the Treasur- er of Fenelon Falls‘be paid $60, Fen- elon's share of Division Court Hall to end of 1906. Craggâ€" ralmer. â€"That a grant of $10 be made to East Victoria Farm- ers' Institute Moynesâ€"Cragg.-â€"That N. Carmich- ael be mmmissioner to expend $20 on Con. 4, Lots 04 and 16. A number of amounts were paid. , Council adjourned to meet at Cam eron Dec. 15. Mr. Dan Derbyshire, ex-M.P., of luau: "I r urmuuru Brockvillc. president of the Eastern . Ontario Dairymen’s Association, and 1- Info qtook of Sidnbou-dn and Whllo cnmelllns‘ 9‘ Mr.«Dan Derbyshire to be’ PENELON COUNCIL COUNTY COUNCIL ldjourned to meet at Cam- SMITH. -In Lindsay y, on Nov. 20th, 15. Mary Jane Shannon, relict of the J. B. POWLES, Clerk. late John Smith, aged 73 years. â€"--+â€"â€" Intemd in Fenelon Falls cemetery. n I, ‘1‘. , ~- '. . ‘ November 22nd. a Senator gtove with al- York. ‘0‘ m n. b m P. to: 0mm. "1“” °““ Here's to the new Senator â€" the Honorable Dan Derbyohire! You: heelth. air. in the healthful whey ! Moy your lile in the new sphere be long end Useful like the cow. your record pure and clan as is the milk, ‘snd moy you ever be beIOVed about :the Upper House, as is forever iand In day the hired girl. buuvvu' -‘- ~ . U __ , Assembly Hall. The meeting was opened-by the reading of the last meeting's minutes, after which the following programme was given 2â€"â€" 1. This number consisted of an in- strumental by a mock orchestra. II. The second number was a de- bate between Forms III and IV. The subject of sebate was, “Resolved that Asiatic immigration is harmful to Canada." Both sides debated well, but the judge decided in favor of the negative side upheld by IV III.’ The meeting Was brought to a close by “God Save the King," by Mr. McRae. At the home of the bride's par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Ellis, Cambridge street, Lindsay, the max- riage of Miss Margaret Ellis to Mr. Franklin Stearns Taylor, druggist, Spadina Ave, Toronto, was solemn- lZed on Wednesday. November 23th, at half past two o'clock in-the after- noon. The house was beautifully de- corated with Chrysanthemums. palms and ferns. The _Rev; th. Bjshop, B. , L wvâ€" â€"v- v- _-__-- The bride and groom were attend- ed by little Miss Mona Saddler as flower girl sud Master James the- 1y as pure. Miss Mona was dressed in s dainty white mulle inserted with duchess lace. and Master James in s smart suit of brown} yelvet. _ "‘mf'fikn}? khight, of Bowman- ville, gave a pleasing rendition of the br,dal hymn, “O, Perfec? Love," during thg sigging of t1_1e remster. 7 AA_. I... “I.“ IV. ”v. A., pastor Bf'tfié' Cambridge Street Methodist church, rofiiciatgd.“ "- wuv "o’*' , The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in her travelling suit of rich cream cordu- roy velvet. She carried a. shower bogguet of fern_s and bridal roses.) - Mr. uniâ€"hi}; Taylor left on the evening train for Toronto, where they will take up residence. Peterboro Review :~ The marriage took place at Ennismore on Tuesday morning. November 19th. of Miss Mary Young. dauzhter of the late Robt. Young, of Ennismoz-c, to Mr. Michael Dovey, of Lindsay. The ceremony took place at St. Martin's church, and was performed by Rev. Father Fithatriek. After the nup- tial knot had been tied. a dainty wedding breakfast was partaken of, where Mr. Wm. Young. brother of the bride. did the _hono_r_s. Sffl'y dogs, mostly prize-winners, were burned to death at Rye, N.Y., yaw. when the Brookside ken- nels were destroyed by are. A coroner's jury at Pembroke found Engineer Hendry responsible for the Moor-lake wreck. Detective Smith of Winnipeg, was acquitted of manslaughter in connec- tion with the shooting of Oscar m'lv‘hre vhtbpy couple will reside Lindsay. - The Church of our Lady at Guelph was reâ€"opened. Mgr. Sbarretti was present at the ceremony. British troops have been ordered out to protect railroad property from the violence of strikers on the East J EWELL.â€"At Linden Valley, Tuesâ€" éey. 150v. 23;, 1907, go _Mr. and Bodroom’ Suit.- hu just been re- o‘dvod “4.111 be gold st low fl:- lu-is. So. our flno display of Fancy Put-lol- P100... on and 13110de Mrs. Bert Je'well, 5. daughter. Values in Furniture Wedded at Ennismore I..C.I. Notes Taylorâ€"Ellis Deaths Births. for tyne two 1 Set Driving Neckyokes. - 1 Pair Horse Collars nearly new 2 880, Mi Ilantl Robes, only in use one year. 4 New Electric City Ackerm Robes. 6 Bishop Robes, best made. 2 Dozen Horse Blankets. ’. Dole. Circingles 1 full carload of Young Cows Don’ t miss themâ€"to be sold at your own prices. I A aiscount at the rate 05 can't. allowed for cash on amounts. Notice is hereby given that Olive: R. Alguire has made application for permission to transfer his tavern 1i- ccnse for the premises known as the Benson House in the Town of Lind- say, .to Major Eli Hodgins, oi the Town of Brantford, and that the said applicatioa will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held in the Li- cense Inspector's office, So. 7, Cam- bridge street in the Town of Lind- say, on Saturday, the 7th day of December, A. D. 1907. at the hour of two o'clock afternoon. 'figted it Lindsay this 2-Tth day of November. All, persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. The Annual General Meeting of the patrons and shareholders of the Palestine Cheese Factory will held at the factory, Palestine, on Monday, Dec. 2nd. at 2 pm, for the transaction of business. A full attendanco of patrons and share- holders is requested. ROD MOR- AN, Sec'y Palestine Cheese Flt tory.â€"47~2. #4 SAI LRDAY. NW. 30, 1907. -By Stephen Ohvor, auctioneer, on the Market Square. Lindsay: INat- ional cream separator. nearly new: 1 Bell organ, :3 sewing machines, 6 stoves. a. quantity of bedsteads, springs. and mattrasses; also a quantity of other household furnit- vre. Alsc short-haired St. Bern- ard dog. trained to tread-mill. Sal: at one o'clock. Terms cashâ€"48‘}. NOTICEâ€"All taxes must be. paid on or before Dec. 14th. ANDREW MARSHALL, Collector, Ops-4‘33. Fun lnfonnnlou at Lindsay offices 1 '1’. C. lbw Kent St... Fall Wheat, bus ............ Spring Wheat, bus ......... Goose Wheat, bus. Oats, bus. .................. Barley, bus. Buckwheat .................. Rye, bus. ..................... Live Hogs, cwt ......... Peas. small, bus. .. Always home Saturdays or Trim 0 License District of West Yictoria '. Nov. The Lindsay mm“ WM. TIIORXBI'RY‘ License Inspector T B. Foster. NOTICE NOTICE Commencing Nov. 25. '07 an” 1‘3.‘5 p.111. 1.10 am. .00... mm.“ A .A _,......~-"' IO. yu- my“ 0.1543 Ma .5 A . ufiMm WM 0.05 gmmfimfim wwwwwfl 0.0. .051.qu of the per Western Bank at 7 LITTLE BRI Clover 1103;; also all Y Count Cambray feed Wh ing CHEAP FEE see samples at “xii Hard and Soft. CO1 meat and Salt at H0998: l m. Business R poem Lttontii n “Mk. (1 cashing o We are CONTII BUYERS OF A RED CLOVER TIMOTHY, at ful at values every 1m in the year, whctlu are up or down. fill. at 771073“th I Yuma DEPAR‘ From our EXev Saikatchewan. e at Mariposa short mers interested i Bunk-1th its lariposa Staci and Glut Brlmn‘ h of $1.00 and m which intern We are by Act of Par Maxis a Card iga n Gloves, '1 Underwca Ladies. 1;. made 0f gm green, and 1 ranging in 1 Men's (h and Melton in lining. and ....... { Mjnk Mann Isabell Fox Isabella Fox Western Sa \Vestem Sa \Vhite Thihe White Thihe Black Thihe Black Thibc“ Grey Squilu Cre) Squu‘ré Men s F ur U Men s Rccoo $23.00 :1: Alaska Sabl Mink Earm Persian Lan Near Seal .L Bochairu Ja Astrachan J Ladies" Fur Alaska Sal: Lindl‘ flour pnti B. THO CASH xe‘

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