Highest market pnceevgeid. Cash at. your nearest station. hen ready to all send me ample and then write or phone at my expense. _§,,L. STEELE“ Alsike Clover Seed Wanted Stock Donia-I Standard Stock Exchange Bldg" Tmnto Canada. l'rom 200 to 60¢ - 150 per share From 800 to 80¢ - 20¢ per share From 300 to .1 - 250 per share Ovu- Ono liar £0 per oont. f '3 thoflukot price. \Ve also handle 30, 60. 90-day contracts Write. ’phone or wire as your order: Cash or on margin. We require a. deposit as follows :â€" S'I‘OCK DEPOSIT SELLING REQUIRED tram 200 to 600 - 150 per than From 800 to 80¢ - 20¢ per share From 300 to M - 25¢ per share PATRIARCHE CO. COBALTS ON MARGIN Incorporated 1855 Assets â€" $43,000,000 i Omemee Branch l J. B. L. GROUT, Manager’- ‘ u 1 Bank of Toronto A Savings Am 0 in this bank will help you to secure the necessary start. A few dollars is plenty for a beginning. You add your spare dollars, we add interest â€"watch the result. for the man with a. savings account in the Bank of Toronto. Money makes money, and moneyfrequent- 1y makes opportunity, and wealth Jiesjust past opportunity for the man who is ready. AGENTS WANTED There Are \ Better Times Ahead Drug ‘ Store R J. Mulligan’s Mantel! Clocks A N éï¬iSfdck oi Phone North 2??" .4::1}I..1VP\..I\ -.\f¢\:t’:$: Eu. 1‘ I k J ,n):\.. .5 ï¬lls}; «,‘Ii. ‘ , . 8) r7131? Toronto med'eve insane}; Boohzended to me. othing give no relief, until Iwu unded to “LittleDi ". Now IEerx'zever unï¬t: from Indfgee’etion. I engo my meal: and am not afraid to en , ease I know n “Little Digee. ter†after each menl will diff“ m; food. I my ï¬ends -who suffer from Indigestion Indiwonld further any that you my publï¬h dsof emï¬edn'f‘ ‘ man who be glnd tg'laowr thmheufeendemcnxeforthun. Your: ve m1 . . . ... ....(5KW) Ea gussco. a I congntulnte you on your mecca ntting up I. tnblet for the cure of Ind gention. I nuflered for year. (m! A-l-)-- -I_.__L ’__‘L_A Handy Mr. Glueco, of Toronto, wrote no on Mey 13th last: Tm: Comm Mantcmn Co., 509 Church St., Toronto. Dear Sirs,â€" . I wish you would lend me another box of your “Little Digesten". All the members‘of my femily‘have been using them and have obtained the moat aetio- hctory rennin, ' Hats are given away at Miss Mit- chell’s millinery parlors. A GENUINE HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. Nov. 2.â€"Cattleâ€"Rece1pts. 13, 000; market weak; steers, $5. 60 to wp 10; cows $3. 50 to $5; heifers, $3.25 to $6: bulls, $3 to $4 75: calves. $3 to $8.;50 stockers and feeders,_$3.75 to $5.50. Hogsâ€"Recexpts,18.:000 market 5c to 100 lower; choice heavy. $7. 90 to $8; butchers $7.80 to $8; light mixed, $7.40 to 87:69 choice light, $7.65 to $7. 80; packing. $7. 65 to $7.95; pigs, $5 to $7.30; bulk of sales, $7.66 to $7.5. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 20.000; mar- ket 10c to 26c higher; sheep, $3 to $5.25; lambs. $6 to $7.25; ywrlings, $4.50 to $0.50. Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 4800 head: slow; lambs and mixed sheep, 10c lower; lambs, $5 to $6.80; sheep, mixed, :2 to $4.40; Canada lambs, $6.50 to $6.70. Vealsâ€"Receipts. 200 had; slow and 50° lower; $6 to $8.50. _ Hogsâ€"Receipts. aooo head; active; heavy and firm; light, 10c higher; heavy, $7.95 to $8; pigs, $5 to $7.60; dairies. $7.60 to $7.90; yorkers, $7.60 to $7.96. EAST BUFFALO, N.Y., Nov. 2--CattIe- Receipts, 250 head; fairly active and steady; grime. steeqsi,‘ {6.75 _to $7. For Ho Keeps: “l_.lttlo Dixester†Milkers' and Springers. There was a strong market far a fair delivery of good to choice milkers and | springers, at $40 to $70 each. There were lcommon cows and late springers, for which there is little or no demand, that sold down at low prices. ' Veal Calves. ,. ,- ‘" Prlc'es for ve'alcalves were firm. at $3“ to $6.50 per cwt., with a. few 01' choice, quality at $7 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. Nearly 3000 sheep and lambs were on sale. Export ewes sold at $3.50 to $4 per cwt., with a few yearling ewes at $4.10 to $4.15; lambs sold at $5.25 to $5.75 per cwt., or an average of about $5.50 per cwt. Hogs. Mr. Harris reported prices steady, at 7.75 'to $7.80 for selects, fed and watered. and $7.50 to $7.60, 1.0.b. cars at country points. " Littlé -~â€"~ v- .‘vw 90‘] the City Market; consisting of cattle, 1367 hogs, 2911 sheep lambs, 83 calves and 11 horses. Exporters. A few export bulls were all that I offered on this market. which sold 4 to $4.85 per cwt. - Butchers. Geo Rownttre‘e: who pought 23) < D fry- ol..- 11-9.“ â€v"--. "nu uvuslll. 5w cattle for the Harris Abattoir Company, reports prices as follows : Butchers’ heifers and steers at $4.20 to $5.10; but a very few at the latter price. Cows, $1.50 to $4.70: bulls at $2.50 to $4.85. Stockers and Feeders. Harry Murby reports very little doing in stockers and feeders, good quallty cat- tle being scarce. Mr. Murby bought 70 cattle, 600 to 1000 lbs. each, at $3 to $4.25 per c‘wt. Uables Firmâ€"United States Markets Active and Steady. Toronto Live Stock. ~ TORONTO, Nov. 2.â€"The railways reported 107 carloads of live stock at the City Market, consisting of 1648 cattle, 1367 hogs, 2911 sheep and lambs, 83 calves and n hm“. -v-__-~ wavy, m. lfl-Lvui March. 73 75d; May. 73 6%d. Cornâ€"Spat quiet; new American mixed via Galveston. Gs; futures dull; Dec.. 5s 4!“. Flourâ€" Wlnter patents steady, 333. Baconâ€"Cum- berland cut, dull. 64s; long clear mld‘dlea. light. quiet, 683; do., heavy. quiet, 678: short clear backs, firm, 683 6d. Lard- Prime western steady. 623 9d: American refinedâ€"Steady. 633 6d. Turpentine spirits ~Steady, 403 9d. Cheese. per lb ......... 0 12% 0 1331 ‘ Eggs. case lots. dozen ...... 0 25 0 28 ' Butter, separator. dairy. lb. 0 25 0 26 Butter. store lots ............ 0 19 0 an Butter. creamery, solids 0 25 Butter, creamer-y, lb. rolls.. 0 26 o 27 Honey, extracted ........... .. 0 10% HOBBY. combs, per dozen .. 2 25 00 Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2.â€"Cloningâ€"Wheatâ€" Spot quiet; No. 2 red western winter nom- inally. 7s 10%: futures quiet; Dec., 78.10d; March. 73 735:1: May. 73 Sid. Cornâ€"Spat gulet; new American mixed via. Galveston. '- - - losed 15% At Winnipeg Nox ember wheat c ‘ lower than "yesterday; November oats 1;“ higher. ' .=-: 'Wheatâ€"November, 3693c, ,Decergber 93%c.‘ “Mylsmc. 3 - . ,. . ‘ East Buffalo Cattle Market. may 9775a? -‘ "_ ‘- - - 2% oatsâ€"November 33%c, Decembe a We. May 3559: J fl. Toronto Grain Market. H--- wvublllp LW LuLLIU the Harris Abattoir Company, reports es as follows : Bugchers’ heifers and we. _‘ 94 (IA . A- -- Der com *0 lower, aid Deceihber data %c‘ lower. .At Chiékâ€"gd"D-€céx}iber wheat. options £10963 1%: _!_owgr than ygstgrday; Decemg kn_ --, â€"Wheat.. fall. .oush ......... 81 05 to Wheat, red,.'hush .......... 1 03 Wheat, goose. bush ........ 0 98 Buckwheat. bushgl ......... 0 5-8 Rye. bushel ....... ...... 0 76 Barley, bushel ............. 0 62 Peas. bushel' ............ 0 90 Oats. bushel ....... 042 Toronto Dairy Market. 31.06 n... 67% 6'43 § “‘flAgxgg REPUM‘L â€u“ {WW W Winnipeg Options. {LIN 131:5ou. uuuuu um. ‘ Lo! Suohthe.life or her wemourn -brlof, beautiful! implr .I Sq'mu ' of gentle humor. to rich ‘ kindness! v 91. How often u the 91%.â€?le on the St. "W “‘0 piano,‘ law we bunk“. Toronto. “Lost ‘P No. not lat. but for a mo- ment hidden. No gm of God is over lost; Yon putt stream will from Miami: Wâ€? oitth mm. with IL‘W “C lUllU \‘VW “L3 8‘ Astul‘v and far to fall with ling purity, and everas he ran and soul-inspiring. But alas. for the glad issue 'for which he had been looking l A great dark rock looms up athwart the way. and at its base the pnetty moun- tain stream plunges headlong into a deep. ‘dark cavern. and is lost from vision,’ ,as it goes on " its appointed Way to join some subtermnesn river. Dumb with ‘dismay the traveler stands and wonders. and looks with darkening visage “Pen that piled-up, rock. Some moments pass and then his reason triumphs. and with clear- ing hrowan‘d hopeful voice he ex- . nappy course, now thrilled with the freshâ€" ness of its humor. the wild merriment of its dancing wavelets, now pausing to gaze with admiring vision into the crystal purity of its deep still pools. Charmed with its graciousness hehas watched the pretty spray flung high lavish blessing upon the drooping head of some des- pised, lone flower. On and on he has run that he may see more and more of its beauty. its freshness, its spark- its music was in his ear, rich and sweet ‘w1th her go promenading about lthe school grounds with mer- ry speech and happy laughter, till the poor youngster, whose soul had been starving for comradeship - and love, would entirely forget herself and her face would beam with rare de- light. Ah. yes. 'twas good to follow thus her lifeâ€"so full of eager hope and promise, so bright with cChristiani love 1 But, oh, how suddenly comes the cloud across her path 1 How quickly is she snatched from us. and we stand aghast in black despairâ€" ln speechless black despair. that soon breaks forth with the awful cry: "Oh, God, why this ?. Why this ?" But soon the sweet and trustiul liis. of her we mom-n, rebukes our sel- fish thought. puts to shame our bit- ter questioning of the Great Fath- er’s wisdom. and anon we how our heads and in our heart of hearts we strive to say : "rm will, my will, 0 use. he' done i" -* SOCIAL AT WOODVILLE. The Wo‘odville branch of the Wom- ‘ ._ I l‘v;lu a 1 IIUULC _ If you send me your boy novlr, by . spring] will equip him wit-h a full -â€"-â€".____.__ knowledge of railway telegraphy and , , , , freight and passenger accounts and To the memory of Annie M. A. charmed With the rich music -. - - ~ ' Jackson : I that flow ed so readily irom her provide him a, Doeltlon when through. There is no ï¬eld open to young,' men presenting opportunities equal, to this. As proof of the eflicienqy of my Brief, beautiful and inspiring, like obedient .“ngePS- Yet. Sumter was the life of “some playful mountain thf’ charm 0‘ her pleasant V01°° in stream, that has ,g‘laicldened the heart Witt-V speech or merry laughter. And school you are privileged to peruse 0" many a weary traveler. glmwfifgtlgrglf c1118:1111 Sigh†- pun-(1:; letters received by me tram companiea‘ Leaping. gliding, sparkling o'er (theeaghristian gag} oNotghc: lto’now efnploying graduates: We have WNW bed 01' pebhly, Stillld'titll-“Vn sham or wince or seek for flattery. Ajgisfegf‘l an: foï¬idifs m couémet: shoal: gladly careering what timelsimple school girlâ€"but one whose“;dy fart?†eiti on om :3: 8: rin ' the Course is clear and sun 'is bright, life enriches much the name. A school 3 Address A M0 Paton rinci alp N8: nor hesitating yet when tbrtuous is girl' with bright, quick brain, but yet ti-on 1 gcho 1' f R ilx'vp Tel: ha the Way and deep the shadows lie. with humble, honest heart that bub- ‘1 ‘ ° ° 3 “3' gm? 3’- Ah, how has the heart of the lone llléd over with kindness and love. Of- -" mountain-climber rejoiced, and leap- ten havel seen her deliberately pass; Canada’s ï¬rst shipment o? pulp ed within him, as, he came within over to some ill-clad, despised young WOOd to J auan was made. " sound of its rippling music! How school mate and linking arms! M! gladly has he followed its happy with her go promenading about, course, now t-hrllled With the fresh- the school irrmmdn mu. marâ€" A Friend’s Tribute >, to Join me ER, LINDS‘A “Y“ONTARIO "(111, God, why this ?. Why this ?" But soon the sweet and trustful Ms. 0! her we mom-n, rebukes our eel- flsh thought. put! to shame our bit- ter questioning of the Great nth- er'e wisdom. and anon we how our heads and in our heart of heart. we strive to lay : . "Thy will, Thy will. 0 God. he‘ Out “My {Ii-mm! I†an. un- l_o¢u_u_ 0! 9w. Jewelry. Silverware. Rum: Baas... Limited 'I‘O PARENTS. ISO-[38 You. Strut TORONTO Delivered pout-paid, for 81.00, to any addreu in Canadaâ€"except the Yukon- Order by the numberâ€"698. amen non CATALOGUB n It it ï¬tted with a Mk Iridium pointed pen nib. and “fety clip. Complete in cm with ï¬ller and instruction. For either n man or woman no more censible Xmas gift could be found than this Ryrie Fountain Pun. SPECIAL $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN 051313331115, MEXICO LORIDA , an idehl tonic. It improves digestion. It puriï¬es the blood. ‘ SOLD AT for putting a horse into condi- tion by natural means It IS has through his thim' wars experience as a veterinary. found no preparation (qual to DOCTOR KENNY DUNOON’S KEN N Y’S CONDITION POWDERS “Kt um {33... tn Mont v 190‘ SPECIAL 0F} advcrtiunwnt i: th‘ “HdiOv an till 50 given “it for 011° d°â€Â°â€œ' 1 only good up to tl Have You nuke a. re -1 Die: u Chaistums. Dome in earl?- :5 .m N no." .. a mm. â€m wwwmmmfl I)on% yourf A M day m4 wining The I 9. soft. Pd wnl‘ on 00 (' .1 nice ‘Z