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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 Nov 1908, p. 4

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7 PAGE 'FQUR r ~ - w. " «4 v»: "‘Vhl’iéw ‘mcfi OfficersoftheWsAidhtm M f . ... M octet» .t-mgm . 3 A - . cmsavcp ms LADY’S urn . Ictorla Conn y ' . ' buyers i m M. w. J. noon. . ‘ ,. MATSUNKEN CRIB. Wand sonny. The price , ' mwnumhmnmmnmrmwwn, 5.31" I ' m V“ “-90 P" m- a” ~ Mulhuchrmudob: “mnupyyumwudm enquirenandlct - t has been found monsoon to . . , .' ' non. Punâ€"W. 14. Harris... “.13. - as _' . was sold at from $12 to 818 per The Board of Water Comic-low m M I“ WINE h. for me. ......‘T - Pun-J It. Will“. ILD- recenmtlv find”? $1,132.30“ 1;ng ton. . ers held a regular meeting my! Mmmhm ‘ “7°“”“‘°‘" ”Yelling-did '7”de m- - ‘ . vmympJ, Rogers, Principal o‘ ‘ ° - m e °m ° ‘1' ‘ alternooa.tho min: of the agree. [hamflummdmm I took 700!“ MW"- 1'18"! whmmwon and W l 809mm School * €31.33“; “if :8 :htefihCif't’htat rt! REMARKABLE GBOWH' mt between the commissioners and thcvcrybcudoccontold accustom nothing else thatconld bedonc, (this was 20 yup. iv . . l er WI 0 ve Ce 0 ' . . i W“ , ,1. 2nd Vice-Pru.-AM- 9.0, 3.. mud. The finders their fin“- l WM; Stein-(list Jammy? 0:} the”. south the Fight, Hen ‘Pd Power Co.. for. \ 0,”...uml you your remedieaatrial. Promine- first this asamost wonder. . ' 82d Vice-Proa-J. I. Kmsht. In cm backers are V b dist, _. 31 . ca {it - a? "l' t *5 "10" the instalment of an electric WmPI cocoa- PSYCHINB certainlygavo me ncvlnnga,andlhoncctly believe PSYCHlNB .‘ 2. ‘ . ery muc p lning and exhibited a large hunch of - ’ t of! u . '3 motor 1’. S. painted.â€"Fenelon Falls Gazette being the most important I“ are = “'9‘ .1 I90. .. l E g Wrap)“:- G“. A. who. . lflm Isfrubbextyhnnd also the rt: the meeting. There were acvmlL WWW aucrlnodcr date fiugg.‘ 1908. Mrs. gal-5:65.22 gaining“... I ,2 4mg. 3. Sharpe. 81 MAT BUY HOTEL. 93- ,“9 "Wears 81’0“ clauses in this Wt objected» ...-cum soot-r cap-cm u matter yo c .... " mm. Lind!!!» 013- . It is reported on good authority livid the berries w?” m an ”cement ‘0 ind 'Mi‘l "means "i" be be”; M ”a than N .°» 8°”... ' ed i k c wh N . j 3 . , state of preServation. Who can next ' when ‘ mauve o! PSY HIKE, Dr. Slocum a great Health Rem y, s nown cvry ere as. mm: s ., . ~ *“‘ r o e , an r.‘ . I .' , I ' m can ' . l oodcadl in t cir o ration at it is the sc- Grand Trunk Railway Time r3“? l Blair» Will shortly take possession of ' AT AN INQUESTâ€" Those pm" ‘1‘ “1‘ Wang 3"“. l/ ' amidNe I! head: gwefl'lfififc‘l thirdigscs thcmzclvcs. Bagicllimrdiscasc armada)? . lthe Rockland House at Bobcaygeon. R. J . McLaughlin was in Toronto J. 13- FMVOUG. chairman. D- ““9" not I," inthcaystcm with psycflxmfi Send for FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. 58¢Coupon, Iif satisfactory arrangements can be,the other day and appeared at the lair, Th013- Brady, and Mt"5'0" Beg-g- Alldruggista ' f' ARRIVALS. Imadeu They were at BObca-Yg‘eon‘jnquest into the death of Tomas A communication vastness; iron; I m "m 'm "I" and dealers 8:. From hon .. 7.5 . . yestebda and lookedover the re- ‘ , k‘ l- - Dr. Am 01:. will! t e be 0 . ”on. TRIAL com - V g Halibuffszr ........ ......... 8.50J 3.: Imises. y p 1:11-3:28 03°52; oil-1c;d labs; $31311: the propised test or the ozone plant; a.“ w'fi'qwz l 3!?! Sissy. 3 .1 mm ..Port Hope ... .... 9_10 a'm.lA BUSY OFFICI {L the Harris abattOir last wwk. in and afiaing.t‘mthit ble put 00' for I ‘ W's» "mun-noncnnoouooo... fl51.m § C boconk ...... 10.10 a.m. ‘ ‘ the interests of the abattoir com- few w 8 until t 8 pant “'85 Pro‘l “3 WIN ....--.......... Me- - .. :3 £3: Tgronto .......... 10.48 am. Mr. W. R. Tifiin, superintendent of pany. An adjournment was made perly started. I ‘V , B5 From Port Hope ........ 2.05 p.111. this di‘v'lSlOD 0f the G.T.R., “Pith until OCt. 29. mars were receivaj [rm ”Vex-all “4 as From I. B. e o. Jct.... 6.10 pm. headquarters at Allandale. is an er places asking for information rc- ,. _ , 33 From Port Hepe ...... .. 6.23 p.111. I ceptlonally basy man these days. He ROSES IN OCTOBER. garding the use of electric pumps in ‘ ., _ . . J . 54 Rom Whitby ............ .. 7.30 9-!!!" was "1 town yesterday on his way The present ideal autumn weather place of’stcam. V ' HquHUL I’ g; " . V‘ ’ rf-ir ' “ l4 me Toronto ..... .. ..... 8~07 P~m~.f"°m .. M’dland. to P9“: HOP“ and is greatly relished by vegetation in The Baker (‘0. applied for two do- --- I u ' ’ ' as From Whitby ............. 8.45 p.m.IBO“e‘1”_e- 1?“ "WWW l“; retum’ general. Thursday Mr. James of mastic services on St. Paul-st. 'l‘bc ncDoNALDâ€"Aimxsrox. I - ‘ s l. 18 no“, Toronto .......... 9.29 vp,m.!ed pastsmfgi'i trough to. Whit y. tE‘he the south ward showed The Warder request was left OVel‘ until spring. A Very pretty wedding took place _ ' 11 From Bellevxlle .........10.10 p~m- Igraxn ra c ’5 occupying ’5 a en- several branches of raspberry bushes The contract as drafted for theIm thr , o'clock at the residence of T -' 1:" a DEPARTURES , I ‘0’" bearing excellent fruit. Now. lllr. electric pump was $1de clauseIthe Side’s mother, Mrs. James .‘ _ _ _ . ‘ . . r. , ' ~.‘ . r"- 1“! o 00 m IPURCHASE INTEREST. Mink". 0f the east Ward. Qumst. by clause- $08900“ was Fulfil?“ ‘0 lormision, Cresswcll, om, on Octob- . 84 For Port Hope ....... .1 8- -‘ Mr W M'Illmovle for number informs a representative that he the clause which fixed the limit Offer 21’ when he, eldest daughter ..u 9 .- ll For (Fox-onto .. ........... 6.60 a.m. of ear-512.1153 (driver. for the aSimpson I plucked four lovely roses froni one of guaranteed pressure in case 0! fire at I Clara, was united in marriage to . f; 19 For Bellevllle ----------- 7'10 nan. Hofise has purchased a half interest the bushes on his lawn, and sent four hours. It was also thought Mr. Xclson McDonald, of Sonya, out. 4. 3“ I1 For Toronto .......... ...... 9.15 a.m. ‘ th . _ bu 1. f Mr Fredlthem away to his daughter, Mrs. H. that the pump should be ommmGI'l‘he ceremonv was mrlurmed beneath.l " ’ “L d' h ’ ' g as For Port Hope ......... 10.53 ..m. In e P310?! 58 me rom - . _ . l , Th , , ~ , l . a les, eres my rcupe . _ V. Stoddard, m North Bay. next. lo :- than eleion hours a day. e an inch of e\(zhl((n:, and autumn . ‘3 For 1 B 0 Jet. 11.00 lt-m- Shouldlce, and commenced to day at PS9 ‘ . k , _ , . I y , . , 45 For l“.l:lllrby - 2.00 ,m..noou- Mr. McIllmoyle has had a WENT BROKE. time of running, from three o‘cloc Ilcnx'es, the decorations bung wryf ; for Apple Custard PIE} .3: - I? For Toronto .........._ 12.05 p.m. great deal of experience in that bu- A minstrel show II con’s Sunny 'P-m. until nine, “'83 8’50 unsatisfac- beautiful. , . . l - v} ‘ I. 1. ‘ ‘7! {2i .8 For llnliliurton ....... 2.40 pm. sincss and no doubt will make 19. sutf‘gISmnh got into considerable diflicul- 'tory. éthl hi} 20“.;ng magkp‘fllcgli‘mcglund LY: J TWO eggs, four or five apples, grated, a “tile at l 'l‘ *nto .............. 6.28 p.m.,cess of it. The new firm Wll ‘ ' ' . - 3 U '7‘ ‘ ' ' .' r t . - ‘1} ii 3 :2: nggconk _ ........... 6.30 p.m. I known as McIllmoyle and Shouldice. I33 :3 1:323? lfiujéngkfiagccge: . itfdbflnmliztiiil::all:lgs 7; in 31:11.0 “iii”: nutmeg, sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new .' ' .5; I I A. I . a I ...: For Peterboro ..-. ........ 9.32 a.m.I ’. . s -. EX'L d . , . . » , - ,. l ' . ' ’ .‘" . I; :4: to: Toronto ......n..._ .155 c__,,,_I.-i.\01‘1uEn HORSE ’lHElT. Eggmfigtghfo 5:03;;th 1:10; anominees :2 y saylte 15:11:1ch sssu allelluud b3; 1:” 53311th milk or cream, pour into pastry â€".thc_:£1_ 1" " Chief Vincent has received word °f th show ‘Went bust' t. Millb k H d from u‘j? elm ”HEW” my), ..r’ 0. n ii “i "_"â€"+""""'â€" another horse theft from s. '1‘. .e _ 3‘ .’°° ' ear I‘ ‘ ”ml“. bit" 0’ .“l t L U°°m- ““3 fl .1: . Humberstone Newton-Brock 101.1; 1118 dUSI‘Y chorus had to 80 without . ‘bcst mun. lhc bride wore a charm-I {‘1 ii 5 “NA-“MN racrr’a 3””“A‘ t”, Th; h we .5 darl: 'ba , pay and conselcfiuently were unable to ging dross of while silk trimmed with a» TIME-TABLE lglundh‘. C? b 1 tafifteen hand; get out of the village, so they hung Mr. William Galbraith. of town. duct: and chillon. She run-red the! ' l ' l .00 mare, an a on . ‘ {around 'on their uppers' for a week. has recechd a letter from Mr. “M- fdrawing-rooni leaning on the arm ofI e V en t '» DALLY TRAIN SEI‘VIU" lhlgh; nine years Of age; weight ‘Then the manairer seemed to hate se- Bryans a former resident of l.md~1hcr brother. while Miss Bessie Mc.‘ .. s ' k Express to Toronto. Iabout nine hundred pounds. Black cured a 'legacyasomehow, anyway he 3say, but n0w of AgriCUlu. Allicrla. il’huddm l’liiycd ”10 wedding march. a 7‘3? l 7 30 Ipomts. A rmg bone on eachl hlnjd ’had enough money to start the Show I Subjomed we print inl-N‘L‘Stmg ‘1' ,Th‘: ”WW ““7"“! a bouquet 0" roses _ . 1?" ‘ Lat“ 1500“”.ng """""7 08 :"mi 16:3”. left leg almost fully deve ope ’lonce more and the entire troupe got tracts from the letter: Iand cal-nations. ’l‘hc bridesmaid was a l , , :5; a: 4 :I " Among Paint ""‘" ' -m-Illh1te Sp“ on back from saddle galllout of town "1 am pleased to see through The ldrcsscd in blue silk and carried pink PAN DORA OF 61‘: ‘ 2 I :: Dunslurd â€" ....... 7:: a.m. land some white on neck from collarI I ' Warder, which comes regularly. thutlcurnations. COURSE." '3 ’ I if 5; ifim,’ -------- ... 78.05 :1: ISO'II“:e fixstgglyfck12::; or anyone else IS’l‘OLEN FURNITURE. the LindSny Central fair was again: After the ceremony 11 dainty. lunch- " _. ...-.... ...-o. ' ' l _ l :3 u ‘2 Three weeks ago Mrs. Taylor, of . a Kirkfiold, was sent up for trial on a. charge of housobrcaking and stealing from Mrs. John Wilson, of the east Ups 1...... ...â€"cacao 8-13 8.1!) Clabo ..... ,, ..."... 8.18 a.m. Janetvulo ... ...... 8.24 51.111. Nestleton ...... ...... 8.34 a.m4 great success. those days and often thought of boys back in Lindsay. l have ,giving informatiOn leading to the re- Icovery of the mare receives five dol- ilars on the side, direct from owner, land name not diVulgied. :‘ v . r ' . 'r 1 hr . :: Burketon ...... _.... 8.45 a.m 23:38” thgriédTgdilggsggfgictzhzomffiil that appeared in File Watnder. 1)ou $331133? $3" “‘1“ m“ 1° ”’3 c ‘ - - r - . . - . , ”no so m l ‘ ‘ ’ l ’ "5"“ 'loronto "W“ """ "10‘30 a.m.I AEURALGIA ATTACI‘ED HIM. ture and other articles that she had gluing ha‘eTfigg: Zizypretty “Veg: 'l he presents were many and beau- ' Express from Toronto. It is impossible for anyone to ex- taken. 5° on Tuesday License ln~ m e . A... Toronto ......“ 5.00 pan Burketon ...... .... 7.00 p.m._ hestleton ........ 7.10 p.111 Janetville I"..- .... 7.20 pm pcrience Worse torture than J. S. McCollough, of I-‘alkirk, Ont. Year after year he was bound down with this trouble, but finally he tried Ner- specter ’l‘hornbury got out a search warrant and left for her home. one mile north of Kirkfield. There he found the most of Mrs. Wilson’s fur- I‘ an 0‘ some of around here. 3!. My crops were .1: Claim, ........ . ......â€" 7-36 P-m- vilinc, it cured himâ€"drove the Neu- niture. He immediately seized it 800d and m: swift” mess-12:22:: rs Ops .2... .... .... 7.30 P.m lralgia out of his head and should- and ShiPPEd it to town by freight. b°5t wheat roug .“us (1 some ’5' Arrive Lindsay ..... .. ....... . 7.43 p.13. ers, gave relief to stiffness and sleep- Mrs. Til-3'10? Will be tried at the bushel at the 1m ’ an ' have Burnell ..-..- ..-"... 7.50 p.m. less nights, when all else failed. coming SPSSiO’lS- 1‘ . . ~l Tho own occurred in Ennimore Four pies and pans .of bread can be :5 . 9. . . . . hat will weigh 40 . , ‘ ' . .l. “ Burnell ......... ...... 7.50 p.111. This 15 Just one case 1n a thou- CATHOLIC READING CIRCLE I have oats t ‘Monday 0C,“ 26 of Mrs. Wm. u n r- . l . . . . 1. . » . baked In a Pandora oven at one time. 13 a9 DunslordP..:..£ ..-... $.33 {:21} gsanlidthzfit provesi Nervilmo 1:. the The Catholic Reading Circle, held pomsnte?g§ll;r::80€f is nearlv all set- Lrougb, after a lengthy illness from N n. e 'l H Ancona om ..-... - - ,rem y 0r neura gill. r euma Him or th ‘1' first t'n of the a on at , ‘- _ rheumatism. The damsed was "1 If: lrriva Bobcaygeon L...» 8.15 PJD muscle aches of any kind. Very cl mee l g 8e 5 tled With people from Ontarioâ€"Pro : ‘ the residence of Mr. J. O’Reilly, east powerful, penetrating and sure. testant, Tories 311“ Orangcmen. .; 1 Try h d d ' ' Ex ress from Toronto. ward, T urs ay. an it was very . . (ll .é p 9 00 am a. 25c. bottle. largely attended had a Visit from Blaine $§t5t22- ‘ vo $01.23;!) .... ..... 1 0.35 an; SUDDEN DEATH Archdeacon Casey occupied the Alex. Carmichae an “ ur ... . . . ley Touchburn, all of Winnipeg, £1 u chair and Principal Rogers. in the absence of Mr. W. E. Baker, read a paper on the " Life of Bishop La- Val." After the reading of the paâ€" per a discussion took place on the history of the illustrious bishop. A Very dainty lunch was serVed by Mrs. John O'Reilly, after which the happy parties left for their home. The next meeting of the cir- cle will be held at the residence of Mr. W. E. Baker, on Monday, Nov. 30. ‘ LROH‘ THE GOLDEN STATE. Neatleton ... ... ... 10.45 mm . Janetvilla ......... 10.55 up 31 Cbbo ... ... 11.01 a..m 5-" 0pc............_.11.06a.m. Iflifl Lindlay ... ...... 11.15 mm. luau Lindsay ... .. 1., ...11.25 nan. Arriv- Burnoll .. ... 11.83 nan ’2 Dawes-d ... .. ...11.45 can. 1‘ Ancona Point ... ... 11.55 mm lrrlvo Bobcaysco- ... .. ...12.05 pan. Express to Toronto. In" Bobcaygcon [...â€"..., 8.55 p.11: F3 Ancona Point ...... 4.05 p.m Without the slightest warning, death came Tuesday to Mr. John H. Savigny, one of Otonabee's oldest and best known farmers, and al- though he had been enjoying his us- ual good health, heart disease snap ped his life thread almost in a. twinkling. When one of the membâ€" ers of the family went to the door leading into the yard at noon Tues- day to call him to dinner he was ‘found practically lifeless beside a buggy which he had been washing. Only two minutes before he was onâ€" his (Ancil Taylor's sons.) Edmonton is growing last. are about 180 buildings going there this season. I have which will be worth something soo fall. The taxes are low in Edmo lar, about half what is paid in Lin ., 887- I am‘ sending you a paper. who passed quietly away at her' .: gmrd ...... ......» 1;»: 3-: gaged-at the w0rk and was appar- Santa, Monicai 001., Oct. 29,43. The Edmonton Journal, and it gives home two miles cast of the town. WV. me "...... ..."... 4'85 p:n:1ently in his usual good health. At drug trade here are hanng such or an account of some of the buildings The deceased had been ill {or some vo Inna“, ""'“ “““ "“ "45 [ME 1995‘ he had appeared well and ormous demand for “ Catarrhozonc" and their values. We are havmg time, but no seriously so until last It; Ops y .................. 4:54 P-m- strong as ordinarily to one of the they find difliculty in keeping it h beautifully warm weather and sum. evening," when she became seriously 5 0181);...â€" ......mms ‘59 [MIL family who had seen him onjlyda éew stock. Wonderful cures are enacted mer heat.” ill and quietly passed away. The late 1 '3 swam-ff; h" 5.05 p.m.}mm“‘es hem" he W.“ °‘."‘ 9“ ' i almost daily. in. a. H. Cnlkin The letter is dated Oct. 12. 1903. .Miss Wham m m the prime of me u. N 1!. “"“ "“ 5 15 m The 13139 MP Saw-guy ’3 one 0 Isays: “ If anything will cure bron- 32 f d , l ' “t9 on m“- m‘" ‘ p. ‘ Otonabees pioneer settlers. He was - ' years 0 “89' an “‘3 0 5 very ,. Burketon .... ...... 5.25 p-xn born in the village of Dunce, Berwick Egg}: :3,“ Cliff“; I “f,“ “3 mg“ kind disposition and was highlyâ€"re- lrrlvo Toronto ...... ...... 6.55 DJ“ county, Scotland, 83 years and bran; olefin? ldngs,sot§ro: anti m3: UNHEALTHY WOMEN apoctod by. all who knew her. Her fitted to Toronto,g months agg. When aCIittI: lad “a: a1 passages, relieves quickly and al- Ifi?fis:irgéllofinrxg::;ntlh by a very I..." Lindsay ........_....12.45 pan. 1?" years“ 2:232“? ed :11: :1 North; ways cures the most stubborn cosâ€"I _ I wig: will go outho mimbggssg‘; ,. 0p. 1.... ...._.._. 1.00 13.111. “‘5 1°“; h m rm ,0, two 88- The People of my nationsvLoseColor,ConstantlyWeary, mm, q,” l V t h ..., Clabo ...... ....-.“ 1.06 p-m.l‘ ”mg a" W 9'9 8y ‘ . use Catarrhozone. which has no - u y' ” e“ 9‘ ° mm“ ‘3‘” u Janetviilg ._ , ... 1.18 13,111, 0" three years, afterwards-movmg ‘0 equal for thorough cures; two LOOk Wrmkled, "OIIOW. loss. her mother. Mrs. James wmu. ,, Nestleton ””_ 1.65 p.m_(()_tonabee, where Mr. Savigny has months’ treatment guaranteed to per- __ en. two Sisters, Mrs. M. Farrell and! t 9‘ Burketon LL".- Lflu‘ 1.50 p.m. Slnce mldfxi- ‘ Thll‘ty'llve years :8? manentlx cure costs one doll"; tn THEY 'ALL Gm HEAIJTH' \‘ITA. Slater Eufbflrle, of Port Artilur, and y North Toronto »__,,, 3,45 p,m he “'35 muffled t0 Rosanna 5‘9 sample aize costs twenty~five cents at: LITY V11 STRENGTH FROM {“0 brothers at home. John and hr"- Weet T°r°m° -«~-- ‘000 p'm'lwartt‘ll’hourvzgh Elli; ‘33:??? 3:23 a" deal“ in median“ G” c» FERRBYOVE [Th'ms' The ("new will b° hm , ren s l s l e -" l ' tarrhozone to-day. . A - 10-morrow morning at 8 o'clock from ,_ Mixed from Toronto. ' abee, GQrdon and Frank at home, , Once you use the celebrated nervefher lute residence lot 1~7. con. 8, i- have West Toronto ...-.. 2.80 tan. [and ms- W. H' Taylor, Peterboro. DID THE 3008 DO IT? vitalizer, l‘ormzoncâ€"oncc you feel ’Eaat Ops. and proceed to St. Mary's .‘ 1" " Burketon ...... ...... 6-35 a.m.I BOTH CLAIM REWARD. The proprietor 0' th ” Springwa- its magic powars, working through I Church. than to the Catholic cano- r ‘3 Nestleton ...... ...... 6.38 mm. _ d l0? FM‘PIN' Scugog, 0 0f the most your weakened systemâ€"then you'll tery for interment. l 1' Janetvillc ...... ...... 6.52 cum. At. the 1391168 court Wedncs RY cnterpnsmg and practical farmers know for sure that halth at last ‘ ts clabo in“.-- ......â€" '5.00 can. morning, Magistrate Bumble ollPiit- anywhere to be found, let ow-r lorty awaits you. LATE ELLEN WHALEN, -“ Ops ....... ..."...â€" 7.06 mm. erboro had to decide between c nuns hogs into a ten acre clover lield last So much quicker and,aumr 1. F... The funeral 0, the I“. Ellen ll. Arrive mam â€"-â€"~-------' 1'20 *1”- made by Constable Miller, 0‘ M‘n' {all “"9" ho had decided to low rozono to rebuild and rector! that Wlialcn. who died at her home on . . . brook and P. C. Adams, as to the this spring; the hogs rooted the field thousands use ~ , . , no other medicine. Wednesday night alter a lingering lllF' BROKE reward of $20 for the arrest of John perfectly in such a manner that it "Because I am now well n "it” mm,” w” held this morning at ~ 8 P ' Carroll scharged with stealing a resembled a field that had been plow- ' '. . I. The main shaft of the Flavelle mill horse from J E Fowler ed This spring being rushed with Misc 1. P. Sinclairc, from Sault Ste. fight} clock from her late residence, 80m ‘0‘" “Che” “id‘- mpped °“' Constable armor stated that be other work. be neglected to plow ““3 mm' “1 “'1 n ugh (jimmy “mm; £3041. ”435.352.73.33 will." w Tuesday night. and the mill ml d i 1: th nl ht of particular field. and when roadv to ovary yo W woman ‘ ' . are on ‘° _ ha been 11 own on e g . got from ,Forrozono I m. '0?! Sl- Ihry a church whore requiem compelled to shut down for n time. the day on which the horse had been do so the prospects for an excellent chin and “ tw {n .1". old Ill-ch mus 'u said by Archdeacon Machinists worked all night, howev- at 1011 had been infomd of the oc- crop of flow» were no promising . ° 3 ’0‘" C h - ° ' , - my face was hollow and wrlaklodâ€" My. t once to the Roman Cacao. l. or, and the break was repaired. currence and had been asked if he that he decided to dolor plowing and l and 1 1 had to. “u cemetery lor interment Tho . crap the field which gave a magnl- my °° or was M 0° , , ‘ knew John Carroll. He had replied pull bearers Wore Hours Patrick in the affirmative flcent yield; second crop 9’0““ 3’0"! beyond my ‘fl' I was nor- Groonan J Curtln P I h l ’ l d equally as good. Mr. Graham is V0“ and try-tartan. 00““ l ““P- l“ A 'C ‘ ' ' urp 1" w' ‘ t 0:5-18133? M3 Fow er hinod meson? anxious to know the why and the had no appetite, burst into tours at ‘12:)" unnlngham, 14- Cunning- arm 03118 .2... i. ...s. ramps. ....2.‘ ...... .. .. ...... . ...... .. w ...v....... m . .... - {here but they “and mm munrds or it is fittributable to the nu rlcd. teams 1 would go into docllno. - . m Marta-[us ’ , plowing done by the hogaâ€"Port and was so depressed every morning “ u 3 H0 T0 mm on and the constable told him he was Perry Observer. that life was no ion-mar happy. First sample at lowut own-t rates. I have ac» under ”rest Afterwards they .1. can. to the cheapest money mark- "I was utonilhodat the quick and thorough action of Was. It gave me peanut strength and vi- lowed him to go to look for the horse. He had heard nothing of the matter until the week, hen he heard that Carroll had been arrested by P. 0. Adams. P. 0. Adams told of being sent out with a wamnt to arrest Car- Iroll, and of doing 'so, and P. 0. Me harry and Ir. Fowler also. gave evi- deuce. The magistrate decided that P. 0. Adams was entitled to the reward. but that Cons-table Killer should given 35 for expenses. ' '\ A young man was fined 82 being drunk. SEN TENCED ON 18TH. EXPENSES OF LOAN kept down to tho love-t “bl. point sand» «at with mac and necessary N- M ' ALL BUSINESS 0: this nature strictly private “man. J. H. Soothoran 91 Kent m. Lilli-y, Ont. at eleven o’clock before His J udgo Harding. At the preliminary hearing ' lice Court Mrs. Taylor was out up lortrialandhasnincobeenunder the care of Castle Jackson. Several witnosm were called this morninganda-llsworotohorbmb be ing into In. (Wilson’s house and of- here now and the crops good, only-I on some low land the frost spelled the what, but not much cents, but oats and barley are low.‘ We 5 Sunday last. and Albert Taylor and brother Fred, from Cartwright, There three lots in the centre of a block between the C.N.R. and the C.P.R. railways, The street cars will run past it this ton. being 14 1-5 mills on the dol- 1 was threshingkun was serwd, nlLvr which Mr. and o'cloc for Orilll‘n and othet points. photos. of Messrs. Ellis and Keith lThe bride's gomg away suit was of n I the IMrs. McDonald left on the the l train ( tiful, showing which the young couple wereheld. l all OBITUARY _ MRS. WM. CROUCH. years of age and was born in Emily ller maiden name was Ellen Scoll ard. She was widely known on very highly X‘s-special. left to mourn her loss. The £01, all residing in Mismore. tin's cemetery. n. ELLEN M. WHALEN. 11- its best known and highly~respected citizens at ten o‘clock last night in the pcrsmi of Miss Ellen M. Whalen. I d- of Water Taken From New Plan! , the high esteem in and Besides her husband three sons are sons are Messrs. William, Daniel and Mich- ’l‘he funeral took place an Wednes- up day morning at 10 o'clock St. Mar- tin's church, and thence to St. liar- Our town and township lost one of ~9- {f5 k “Fourâ€" plesâ€" thatâ€"don'tâ€"lastâ€" long.” ‘ CCI " , M alys , London. Toronto. Moon-l. was“ “mm, 5!. john. 5.8.. Hamilton, (3:3,. For Sale by W. R. KEYS ‘E l 9 o o :: Carew s Planing Ml“ is equipped with the best machinery and competent workmen to execute same hou your oxders for Sash, Doors, ' the day. Blinds and Interior ,_ WoOdwor-k Your Patronage Solicited John Carew Office William-st. North Phone l4: Tl": lllulvl'nlum «i ll.“ lnN‘l‘lll'l I'l'l‘- JOHN .l ,-\( ‘l\ \t) '3'OOWOO$300.3"0300¢3OOC¢T¢3?090303 «ill Tuesda on HIV ’ll‘l‘llll'J' "‘1' ”iv llllm 'll Nih- at. l Iv.lll. GEO. JA If you want youratom tolook u if thev had 33:: cleaned every hour. rub than mom, Goodman-aera- “men-Wm“ ”BEN-Ill!!!“ ale-a Ilsa dlk t”triumph-dug,

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