f) 38 at Peta-hora, will run for a second Itisexpectedthatxayor .M'J tatmolomce. S. Arnold (10;! Fit, workmanship 8.an trimmings We have a nice line of suitings usually sold at $18.00 to $20.00, now going at $14.75 Suits to Order or other jewelry depends on your knowledge of \llCh matters. It is easy to mistake baser metals for goldâ€"im- ations for real JBWPIS. Here is the safe plan: come to us. ‘We know all about the quality of our goods and we give you the beneï¬t of our experience and our honest valua- tion. Rings, Bracelets, Chains, Necklaces. See our 14 and 181! Wedding Rings What you see in a. Ring W F. McCarty W. G. DUNOON Druggi-t Lindsay MSMIHMMERS YOU CAN DEPENDâ€" upon our OLIVE OIL being perfectly pure. It is made from the best variety of olives and only one kind â€"â€" THE BEST. [Some kinds of olives are good only for pig feed. Expert care is given in picking, drying, crushing and press- ing the fruit Climatic conditions are eat, in southern Italyâ€"resulting in perfect fruit. Yoa Can Depend upon our olive oil as a medicine to give vitality to a wasted and worn out bodyâ€"tho rvsnlt- of illness. It is easily digested ’and its results are at once ‘ noted. It can be given internally or} used nxlernally. You Can Depend 1 upon mu- olive oil as a food when one 1 ‘ts into the piteuus condition that? it ; unsnft‘ to give orlinnry foods or! stimulants. i ‘l'ry our pure Olive Oil. It is ‘once mild, pleasant, grateful and beneï¬cial Now is the time to get your storm sash. I can send a. man to take measurementspromptly, make prime, glaze, and ï¬t on your windows complete. It is better to act now than when the temperature is 40 degrees Granite Wall Plaster and , Sewer Pipe for Sale marriage Licenses issued at the popular Jewelry Store. Storm Sash Pure Olive Oil LINDSAY PLANING HILL I: Kent- at. [Over Neal's Shoe Store] I indsay. Wm repaired. Broken Lem replaced. n B. mtg, 09h: p., . I .sIounti: R ht ' Frames ~ Lenses 1 l 'l‘reatmc Priceâ€" 'lUNG DANCE gequ_0ppOsite A. HIGINBOTH AM Post (5156;; age -â€"nqssibly permanent danger. Our White Pme Balsam will spepd- fly cures. con h. It goes tothe source of troub e, loosens and hastr ens the expulsion of waste matter 1nd soothes and _heals the damaged lung tissues. (bughs endm gar the lungs. They tear the delicate tissues of these organs 3. n d unlm cured quickly are s_ute to do serious dam Evnsmnr SPchALIs'r zero. , opposite Post Building PAGE 811 DRUGGIST, Pxic 20c. Lenm ' heat-meat Price Mountings LINDSAY at experience for the beneï¬t of other suï¬'erers from diseases of the nerVes. Mr. Wm. Brenton, Strathroy, Ont", writes: “My nervous system was all unstrung I could not sleep, had no appetite, my digestiOn was poor and my nerves tmtched. Twenty-four boxes of Dr. Chase’ 3 Nerve "Food completely restored my heel Portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M..,D the famous receiptbook author, on every box. police sworn in had little to do, with the exception 0‘ chasing a few vivacious youngsters No arrests were made. In past years. m were wont to paredmtbe streets on Hallowe’en and tear up sidewalks. pull down [emcee and sues, and “cut up†generally Nowitisdiflerentmdthe poll†have put a, damper on the disorderly feelings of the town youths. True. new walks were torn up ' _ .‘A A1_. his severe hadmilnee and 'would be almost breathless at the least emer- tion. I took several bottles of medi- cine. but it did not help me. and then my brother gotme three bone of Dr. Willhm' Pink Pills. when I had used them I was much better, nndbyentimermukenum‘ three bores I m min salami-he best of health. with a. hearty C990- ite. good color and renewed ener» g.il If you mt new health and W stmzth try Dr. Williams' Pint: Pills. e hlr'dse of this medicine will not mum you. Sold by medi- dno (laden or by mil at 50 cents 0W etworuxeouetor $2.50 from ‘ 1 n‘A-‘_ .- . Mr. Wm. Brenton, Strathroy, out. writes: ‘MLV nervous system was all unstrung. ‘I could not sleep, had no appetite: my digestion was poor and my nerves twitched. Twenty-tour The writer of this letter was for- tunate enough to learn about Dr. A. W. Chase’s Nerve Food and tells his â€patience for the beneï¬t of other sugars from :diseases of the nerves. Tapping of the ï¬ngers. restlessness sleeplessness, inability to control the nerves. What a story of exhausted nerves is told by these symptoms. Nervous prostration and paralysis are not far away unless mstoratiVe treatment is BECAME ALMOST UNBEARABLE UNTIL DR. A. W. CHASE’S NERVE FOOD BROUGHT ABOUT The pupil entering on a. course now should be ready in early spring. He has some Iady pupils coming along for commercial telegraph work and can accommodate a few more. Positions are sure and terms reas- onable. Vist the schoox and see for yourself. Twitching of This makes six pupils from this school given positions in the last two weeks and all are making good. Mr. Paton has information that the coming spring demand for qualiï¬ed railway operators will be unprece- dented. He oan,handle about twen- ty pupils in additiOn to what he now has. I There may be a. dillerence of opin- ion umongst the Voters of Canada [regarding political matters, but lwhen it comes to a. question of a ' newspaper to suit the Canadian peo- ple the vote is solid for the Family lHerald and Weekly Star of Montre~ It is marvellous what popola» Irilty that paper enjoys. It is well idescrved too, for it is beyond ques- ‘tion the best dollar's worth to he had. Ex'ery home in Canada should receiVe that great weekly, when it can be had for one dollar a year. In this section it reaches almost every home, and not one of them would think of letting their subscriptions expire. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is too good to miss eVen a single copy. SECURED POSITIONS. ; Mr. W Stevens, a. pupil of the} National School of 'Ilelegmphy, Lind-1 say, left Monday to take a position! in the Grand Trunk service at Stouftville. ‘ I Mr. Fred Holtorf, also a graduate! of the same school, left for Allan- dale Thursday last, to assist in the desp‘atchers' office. The customs and inland revenUe re- ceipts for the month of October, just, past, show a. decrease of $719.50 from the same month last year. The receipts for the past month from the customs Was $1970.55, and from in- land revenue, $108, a. total of $2,- 078.55. For October, 1907 the cusâ€" tom receipts were $2,400, and the inland revenue receipts $398, a. to- ml of 8-,7-8 CA N ADA \ OTES SOLID. The loss is cOVCrod by insurance. $719.50 DECREASE. The pressure was turned off at ance and fortunately no one was in- jured. It happened in the ï¬nishing room, where several hundred pairs of white blankets were being packed in 'casee for Eaton’s, Toronto. Scalding wa- ter and steam flew about the room driving- out the workmen and spray- ing the blankets with water. On Monday a “ scramble " was caused at Horn Bros.’ woollen mills by a steam pipe in one of the rad- ianrs bursting. morning. - WORKMEN ESCA PEI) ? Sunday, Nov. 1, was All Saints‘ Day, and St. Mary’s Church was ï¬ll~ ed to the doors at both masses in the morning. Archdeacon Casey said mass and Rev. Father Collins deliv- ered an eloquent sermon. He took for his text the words, “Have pity on me for the hand of the Lord hath touched me." The choir rendered ecial music. Today is All Souls’ y and High Mass was said this ‘anksg‘iVing services will be held [in 1:. Andrew’ 3 church on Sunday evening next, in place of Monday (Thanksgiving) morning. The de~ .‘cision was reached at a recont meet- ing of the session. A colleotion for the aid of the poor of the town will Ibe taken up. Indications point to a hard winter and it is probable that many will suffer through want and church people will haVe rmany calls on their charity. ALL SMNT'S DAY. seated, and both parties heard Mann 33% a ï¬nal acceptance of the can, and the translation was agreed to. The induction will take place within the next month. THANKSGIVING SERVICES. ! J. 8. Todd of Goodmod, is ship- yping pomtOes to Tomnto at the rate of about 6,000 bags per week. The has had 30 tyears of success. gee announcement on another page Con- sult him early. HAS ACCEPTED CtLL. At the meeting of the Presbytery of London held Thursday of last week, the call of Woodville Presby- terian church to the Rev. J. S. Mann, West Lorne, was formally preâ€" T. J. Egan, specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Benson House for two days only, Friday and Saturday, Novi 13 and 14. Specialist Egan price of potatoes at Goodwood is TWO DAYS IN LINDSAY. NEW POST GFFICE. The excavation for the new post ofï¬ce in Whitby is under way. LARGE SHIPMENTS. Interesï¬ng Local News {the Nerves ‘ed. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy were very enthusiastic church workers in St. Paul’s church, Mr. Murphy being a. very prominent member of ‘St. Paul's Y..M.A. The citizens of our town will wish them much prosperity in their new home and ï¬eld 0! lubor. QUIET HALLOWEEN. Hallowe’en passed of! very quietly: pantiin years gone by. The special During their short stay in town they haVe made many friends and their presence will be greatly miss- leaves {or his new home 'on Thurs- day, accompanied by Mrs. Murphy and child. Mr. Murphy has found it impos~ sible to secure a suitable store on Kent-st. for his business. He re- ceived a good offer from Cmrose. Alberta. and at once decided to move to the west. He closed his store this morning and is busy packing his goods_ and great pain and blood was flowing profusely from a number of wounds. A door was secured and he the ear- ried home. where a doctor attended him, and it was discovered that his thigh bone was broken. LEAVING TOWN. Mr. L. A. Murphy, who has been in the drug business here lor the past. three years, in P. H. Coad'a old stand. has decided to leave town owing to the feet that the Victoria. Loan and SaVings Co. will shortly occupy the premises. With a number of other lads, the young fellow was on Band-st. Some boys came down the street with a 1portion of sidewalk which they had ‘torn up. When near young Palen they set the section up on end Harry happened to be close to it and when the piece tell he started away but was too late and the heavy planks fell right on him.‘ striking his face ï¬rst. His can»; panions pulled the sidewalk of! his and it was found that he was in! While regret is expressed of Mr. Walker’s resignation, it is the gener- al opinion that the appointmm of Mr. Healey is a good one. Repeat it 2â€"“ Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." THIGH BROKEN. Harry Palen, $00 of Mr- Palen, cor- ner Francis and Sussex-Sm, was very, seriously injured on Saturday night last, as the result of a portion of a board sidewalk falling on him. The [ad’s thigh was broken and he sus- tained several bad bruises and gust»; es in the face and body. } Mr. Daniel Walker, who has been caretaker far the past few months, has resigned owing to ill health. Mr. Henley is we" known in team:~ having been a resident all his life and has held a position of shingle jointer for the Care-w and Baker Lumber Co.’s for many years. The Warder was informed this morning that Mr. Wm Henley of the east. ward has been appointed eare~ taker of the post ofï¬ce. was under the supervision of Mr Jas. McFadden. BECK! VED A PPOI NTM ENT. [ For the past couple of weeks the GOVemment has had a gang of men raising sunken logs and pulling out stumps on the river from the lake to the brick yard. They ï¬nished their task on Saturday night, and it is reported that they took out over four thousand logs and roots. Owing to the low water they were able to make a good job of it. and next season the launch owners will be able to ride comfortably in their boats without tear of running into a log or on top of a stump. The work A very successful pie social was held by the J anetville Methodist church on Friday evening last. There was a large number present and the pies were “ just delight! ." A splendid program was afterwards rendered and Dr. Johnson made a most suitable chairman. rs. (Rev.) Real, of Lindsay. deliv interesting address. - i l 'AGAIN PROMO’I‘ED. ‘ Mr. T. w. Greer, tormerly or Lind-J say, but now of Toronto, has re- ceived another appointment. He has been acting as inspector for the Met- ropolitan Fire Insurance Company, but recently he was appointed in» specter for Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. Bis Idadeoy friends will be glad to hear of his new promotion. SUNKEN LOGS. i . . -‘-1-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-v---â€"â€"--â€"â€"‘w 7. Wg1tan. _ 1. ' a .. . Repeat ltb‘ml Cure “in! sumysmnweomeandooldsl AFOWL SUPPER} ; ‘ Rev. m Manatee, «Gammon. is billed to speak at the {owl sup- I5peronl‘lov.5.11.!2011k11vood. SOLD HIS HORSE Mr. Thos. Kelly. of Red Rock. has - disposed of his ï¬ne black (1er ' horse to Mr. Spratt. 01’ 11M ANNIVERSARY DAY. . Nov. 15 will be anniversary day, it the Cambridgest. Methodist church, and ReV. Mr. Campbell, Toronto, a former pastor, will oc- cupy the pulpit. MAY YET RECOVER. The intelligence of the conditiOn of John A. McDermott, the C. P R. brakesman. who lost both legs at Myrtle recently bya train of 27 cars passing over them, is slightly en com-aging. He underwent an opera- tion yesterday and it is learned that he maxim. survive the awful exper- ience is sufï¬cient to kill an ordinary individual DISPOSES 0F CATTLE. Mr. John McDonald of Bobcaygeon {has been attracting considerable Rt- lten‘tion on the main streets by the little Shetland pony which he rides. He is in Peterboro on business. part of which was the 'sale of 100 head : o! cattle to Messrs Morris 6: Brown g for the Montreal market. â€"Peterboro Examiner. PIE SOCIAL. 'I‘herewuslittle ofthe cine. but it did not help me. and than my brother gotme three bonus of Dr. “llmns' Pink Pills. when I them. and all who feel week and easily tired should take these Pills at once. and regum new health. Miss Ada Radio, The Range. N. 13., says :â€""I feel that I cannot say too much in favor of Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. In March. 1907, I was lettacked with whOOping cough which lclung to me for several months. and :when the cough disappeared I was left weak and run down. All summer I was ailing. but when the autumn came I seemed to be completely worn out. For a whole month I? never unwed outside the house, and could scarcely walk about. the house Iwu eowoek. Ihudnoeppeube. my color was a “greenish yellow. I he com headaches and would be elmost Ruthless ut the least emer- tlou. I took mere! bottle. of medi- Bloodlesmess is the starting point ‘of consumption. When your blood 1(is thin and watery your whole health declines. Your face grows pole your appetite fails at the least exertion or excitement. You ere always week and wretched and low interest in everything. This is the point from which you-may easily step into that hopeless decline that leads to con» aumption and the grave. What is‘ actually needed tobring beckhenlth‘ andstrmgthendenergylethenew rich blood Dr. Williaps' Pink Pills actually make. In all the worldl‘ there is no other tonic medicine like1 LIES IN WEAK. WATERY BIDOD. 11R. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MAKE THE BLOOD RICK AND CONSUMPTION’S . STARTING POINT --Mr. W. Braund, of Braund's Fair. went to Toronto this morning. where he will meet the other members of the Parson's Fair Syndicate of Ca. nada. This buying organization will make their purchases for the spring trade. â€"-Miss Pearl Hopwood. teacher at Kimount, who has been visiting her mother at Best's Station. returned to Kimnount chic morning. Miss Hop- wood’s school was closed down ow- ing to a scarlet fever epidemic. ~Mr. Clande Preston. an old Lind- say boy. m of Toronto, spent Sun- day visiting his mother. -â€"Canning'ton Plaindeder' : Mrs. Roy Broad; Undsuy, spent a few days this week with her mother. â€"Mr Barry mepton left for To- roato to-day to attend the Linotype School. -â€"-Mr. Frank Omen. derk of the Benson House. spent. Sunday at Woodvi 1 le. â€"Miss Beatrice Wood. and her friend Miss Tue of Oakvood were in town over Sun-la). â€"-Dr and Mrs. Dale and Mr and Mrs. 11‘. Mullett, of Oukwood, were in town on Saturday. friends. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ewan spent last Sunday in eCann'L-sgtoa. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson. â€"-Mr. Harry Kearns. of Fcnelon Falls. was in: town to-dny on busi- â€"-Mrs. R. F. Field 1e“. for Toron- to this morning. â€"l\1r. and Mrs. Walter Innis, of (‘oboconk, are in town for a tow days visiting {1191105. â€"Mr. A. Broadhurst, of Toronto, was in town; Saturday, visiting â€"â€"Mr. Earnest Junkin, of Penelon Falls, spent. yesterday in town. â€"M.iss Beatrice Burns spent. yes- terday at. Cameron visiting friends. -~M.r. J. H. Bowler left. for Bruce- bm‘dge this morning. -Miss Page. of Montreal, was in town today visiting friends. ~Mz. Joe Hickey spent yesterday at Cameron._ From Monday's Daily. Personals ,, ‘0‘ . ; Men's heavy vool Undershirta, thelem' ample: -- Panama'- and Wolaey'a, guaranteed. Luge. well- mde garments. but unzhtly soiled. 45c to 75¢. Heavy homo-mody socks and mine. The Horn 13m. Woollen 00., Ltd. Burnt Rim. the guest of friends. â€"Cunninxton Gleaner: Miss linde- line mm. of Port Perry. llr. and ‘Mrs. W. (309?. of Lindsay ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson. of Valentin. and Ir. and Mrs. Vat-coo. of Salem. were guests from 1 dint-moo at the Philip Drew wedding recently. Hr. and km. W. Ewen and sum. of Lind- say. vitited with Kr. tad Mrs. J. H. Robinson on Sunday but. -Dr. and Mrs. E. OViat. who luve been visiting Mr. and In. Del- bert Adam. north ward. for some time. an spending a. tow days in -â€"Mr. G‘. R. Claims, of New York, who has been Visiting his broth". Mr. Howard Clones. for the past month, mun-nod to his home on Sat- --Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Woolacott left on the mixed‘ train Saturday for Yol- verton, where they visited her pus eats. Mr. md’ Hrs. Howard Heads". over mllowe'ea. -Mr. Peter My. oi South Ops. who has beam absent in the West during the put three months, has returned to his home. -Mrs. F: Lawrence and daughter. Miss Rita. of'TorOnto, are the guests of Mrs. G. L. Thompson. Melbourw at. -â€"Mr. Wm. F'lnvelle left, for. New York last evening. He was sown» punied by his brother, Mr. Jon. Flo.- vene. of Toronto. -Mr. J. L. Hart. of Fleetwood. was in town this morning and left for the north to enjoy a hunt. â€"Mr. Wm. Burke. who has spent the past six months in the west has returned to town and will spend the winter months here. -â€"Mr. Wm. Bum", o! Lomeville, was in town to-day. - â€"Mr. Chas. Graham, of Toronto, is in town for a few days, the guest of his parents. north ward. -â€"Mr. John Walsh; of Garden, w! in town 10-day. on. a business trip. ‘â€".-\ld. Campbell 1m {or Lorneviue today. which hasbeen going on for the past two weeks is still in pifogress. BARGAINS are still flying. One look over our stock will convince the most doubting. NO! ii the .minhd time for buying. The sale will close soon. GUARANTEED GARMENTS. Our new premises opp. 8pm“ Kfllen's are much bigger and brighter than ever before. The stock has been greatly added to and- everything is displayed for easy selling. Braund’s Fair is a member of the Parson’s Fair Syndicate of Canada, an organization of the largest buying power, controlling l8 stores'in different towns and cities of the province. With such a buying advantage we are able tore-sell our goods to you at the price the small dealer would have to pay. We urge you to come and see for yourself. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING Commencing N ov. 5 and continuing for 10 Days Qpening Sale at Braund’s Fair omes as a reminder of your needs in Winter Clothing. From 'I‘ueodw’s Dnily. mm OUR BIG SALE Advertise in the Warder OUZER Cancun Specialist My LINDSAY BERâ€! HOUSE Nd“ nil thy “d trolling. su- day all dag till 5.80 jun.»- 2 a.†m, ........ . ........................... Nov. 13 and 141 _ H ,, ,7-" ~~v-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"n- wvw‘lmnm W'- m, m bun», rating, stratum, m and abandon,“ Doyouinwmib dictum“ ï¬munp;nymviulityi ltbdotngnmmdlfnotebeckedflu Ninth-banana“. Hommmmmmmbe,umm,orthehl- mmwmuMhuï¬ugbh-mby-dkimâ€"(mmormmbclt-«u! â€mummy“: wow vein- nuu-u Io MW ooodidoosndhmnhe and m min mummy-M mums-cam: ml, pom mm flow-I’m .numflm. no OPERAflonou-u-y. ï¬cdeuuï¬on from tun. Umhwhdï¬bdeMMunodmhnmtwpudmfl mmwcmm chMMloflu-mm F‘LSE KIN OPALL AGES BUFFER thin ten-{Ne smicuon in some fly. I: no other Mon no Which w h hdr “00:0anme unï¬t: him for We VARIGUSEl-EI “HUME M. .. m a m ., “was tummy «(uncondition- bwnwwomundmoomplw ‘le-dingwb 3 --_ - _... w.-_ w. 7.... ... .w- .- u-w, wna ruptur‘. IYCHmumdcâ€"hmmhdâ€" “howl-Inn wamm.femmh MMummyoquM um,durtng$hbvia. w tydone dew-mummy b. more and than thou hwinc “mytmnnlnthoh.†Dou‘tputoflmm. which.» mphâ€".mwmxleu «wept-om!“ Mmuumdedtono awn-manger. smpminzuu udmoncyoboMl‘meloonewbouflb-IongnMyhnmt mvhumdo. Donut Mandarin Winn (mun: Id'ioemrbecwuot mud influx-es consider your "Mable. â€mull hpurmmhnmmm Thi-isthevory macaw nhouldam-e- nympumtonhu Mmumhw (whet!) “7 AD!†mn-muro- Sunlormy lama at» W in mad: out unaided Ion. om. lvminglnï¬cuy private M. mt lldm~Xow h max-ate Inn “and, whit. m. naraans-uu In Do“ mow thmtotm up Wig-weak gaging. d Illa, um. rnpmm THE [081' MMM‘ Goose-h! Authorityâ€"Gm m in an mm: of Hami- (“W") YWQAQP'P‘! 30PM") 9‘}! known W! h‘ nodal: ulna. Be who make: u Established 1808. Over 80 You: of Success in Toronto Ont. t82 West King St. J. Y. ECLAN Specialist, m 539, Toronto. comiNcmï¬â€˜Towu .0000. no. noun... sncuus'r mu. vs'srri W191! own. How. 15 And 16 f, NOVMER 5 1'0 St. And! hold their meeting on of very Kiss \‘ioL flying visit The rising on t0wn 84 are Very mu idea of 01m and stops w‘ era to org: If. and dren, Visita Lindsay has paid Peach) Monday, an kept undm‘ ‘ nulnbcr of L by ï¬re on E belonging to contents, ww stable coma: creme amou used by Mr. origin of th general 0pm caused by root of I dropped thr- root. 1901‘ houses wwre brigndc Wur J. Mom-o, o Hethodjst 1e II. Chas. is the guest Justin. M1011 Fa Revision, of 1 Mia-es Alice 381mm Grow METHOD tovi Echelon I Norm H.221 > m VS he!) 3 pair Hf U will attract For W sou-s rmnu L’X vest N0. .318 designtfe to H. For M apes! 1'} Ho ll‘l )l