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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Nov 1908, p. 9

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lGSSODable i one of nits. They styles in colorings eyâ€"rich t 42 in- button 'lish suit ery way. hile they ‘ented t0 . be amp- to hurt 75c .e who er gar flbrds a. buying . Spec- soft ribbed. h and 0 front l'eg. 31 --.'75c .95 -r Satur- mings of 2.95 ns ITS knowing the net’s market, t method ill precisely the ers’ Weekly ~ has no equal aver. Good of :lfl'lllm. ”-mhm...‘ KS wi', ixiiiiinm', I , nieuds l'lllt‘l' iiwmil V‘H in until)! ”ii iii NOW s N 'i- . '- * «Mi . ~-" Drive Away holiness . Keep Away Illness . A clogged liver will make one feel (111” and half sick. Re .1 Illness is only ashort way off when the liver gets in this condition- SCOTT’S CASCARA TABLETS will quickly set the organ to work v ith old-time vigor. These tablets are mild and pleasant to take. They simply aid nature. Cure constipa-‘ tinn and hilliousness to stay cut-ed and clear the complexion of every trace of sallowness. Safe and good for children to take. \Ve guarantee thenh PR ICE 25c AJTiginbatham Druggist Lindsay From Saturday's Daily. -â€"‘.\rlr. James lloxull is in Bowman- viiii- on a. visit. â€"-ltov. Mr. ["rrnch, of Frnclon Fulll-l, was in town yesterday. â€"Mr. W. Suggitt, of Valentin. Was ll town tO-duy. â€".\lrs. Luutii'n, oi Cambruy, was in Lindsay to-duy. â€"-.‘\1r. I". A. Cory, llollcvillc, was in town to-day. â€"Mr. W. ll). spending a few days in Lindsay. CANNOT BE CURED BY SALVES ING SKIN TROUBLE AND OINTMENTSâ€"THE B11101) MUST BE PURIFIED. A blemished skin irritating sores, pimples, eczema, salt- rheum and oth- er skin disorders are, all signells or distress, telling that your blood ls impure or weak. You cannot cure eczema and other skin troubles with ointments and outward applications. These things mav giva temporary re- lief, but cannot cure, because the trouble 'is rooted in the blood and can only be removed by purifying and enriching the blood. Dr. Williams" Pink Pills speedily cure skin troubles because they enrich, purify and build up the impoverished. blood that caus- ed the trouble. As they feed and cleanse the blood the skin grows fair strength is found. No other medicine has ever has such wonderful results in curing all diseases due to bad thn'i. Miss Elizabeth Gillis, Konsing- ton. i’.lC.l.. says: "Words can hard- ly express how grateful i feel for what Dr. Willinms‘ l‘ink Pills have done for me. For seven years before I began their use I was troubled with salt rhcum. My hands and arms were nearly always a mass of torturing cracks and sores. I tried several doctors and spent a great deal of money without getting any benefit. Indeed my hands seemed to be getting; worse all the time. Final- ly my brother persuaded me to give Clarke. of Calgary, is Dr. Williums’ Pink nl’llls a trial and 1 am bonny to say that have com- â€"â€"lt. ll. Walks, inspector of Public plctely cured me. 1 used in all seven schools for Ontario county, was in town yesterday. -â€"Mr. D. llaglmim. auditor, left for Sudbury this morning, where he will work on the corporation's books. -â€"Miss Martha Puley, of Falls, is visiting in town, the guest of Mr. T.,I. Williams. -Mr. Chas. Crozier, of Jolliette, Que, son of Conductor Croz-ier, is spending a couple of weeks’ holidays in town. â€"i\lr. W. M. Gladish, sporting edi- ' ‘ _, w s in tor m the Toronto News a M. guest of Mr. J. D. Flavelle town along with the Central Y. C. .\. rugby team. ~llr. Boyd Sylvester has left for New York, where he has been trans- ferred to the New York branch of the Bank of ‘itlontreal. â€"â€"Woodstock Express: Mr. Bert Leslie. traveler for the R. M. Beal Leather Company of Lindsay. Ont., was in the city to-day. â€"3frs. .l. A. McDonald, of Tara, Ont, Mrs. Hainer, of Georgetown, Out. and Mr. James Jackson, of Toronto. have returned after attend- ing the funeral of their neice, the late Annie M. A. Jackson, North eâ€"i‘iiss Gussie Shorey. daughter of Rev. Dr. Shorey. of Cobourg, is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson, Cam- bridgnâ€"st. _ â€".\lrs. George Dean Will be at. home on Friday, 12th, and follow- ing l“:“da,vs at 179 Kent-st. From Monday's Daily ~â€"\lin libert Knight, of Toronto, w.i~ In mun over Sunday. ~â€"\i". James Braden. of Pincdale, Viv 'n. mun on Saturday. â€"\iv \\'. ll. Sparling is in Toron- ‘o i‘l‘. lru ~lllt‘S‘S. A \‘-v.. llr‘iiigo‘ i133 mturnm“. from! lint," ml and is ihl‘ guest of MI‘S. 11‘ l‘. iz'...;. 'n town. - \l: \l. 1mm. of Tommi“. “"13 the ,Mflâ€"aâ€"flww A liruggisl’s Confidence \ â€"â€"â€"-â€" l\‘ ‘i ,. 1‘l‘/.l".‘.\i.\ CURE. .___. l‘" . iii-iiqnlsl lrunkly gives “'9‘“ ,1 iummiy it is; well worth 1“ w? in lie is in position to 'Mw “but tho remedy is made 0': 4' . ..im\\.\‘ whclhfll‘ it is curing hll ‘ "illlli‘l‘h‘ 01‘ not, l‘r“: \u n. o. Roberts. or Osage. Sim his still other grounds for his film opinion of 'D.D.D. Prescrip- ‘W a: ruled him a stubborn case or 90' i l Hero is his testimony. "ll. ‘71: had eczema on my hands the rm: three years and being a (”Mints T have used a great many ointr:.~ms but I have never used any 4111: Hunt gave such grand results as DD-l’. liquid Prescription.” "1 have also advised a number of 0th” people to use D.D.D. and find it did them good. I have every con- Mom‘s in this remedy". ' D-ll-ll. has been so remm‘kably suc- msiul in curing eczema. and other Fkin diseases because it attacks the itch l'l‘Illt where the germs which It stops cElise it liVPjn the Skin. the itch instantly, soothes. beak and Manentlv cures. For free sample bottle of D~.‘D-D. . ' Prescription write to the Dal-L. e-La‘, mlf. " €13.13”??? ‘4i53ii{fi;7‘ii’i'.-- ,fl!. ,9, . , , beratory mparmient LMWn- ”Wméfmw .. as L r. .13?!“ y ,1. , Jordan-st, Toronto. ' the reason the firm have in adding all» :3, . , ‘: \ -_ ' ', other member. ' * FOI' sale by all drug‘B‘iSts Fenelon ‘ from skin trouble.‘ .~-\ H‘ “ “Ie'l "i“"‘( illl ”(m5 A‘ \\ i-‘unvlim Mills brunch oi tho m“ ' Lindsay branch friends. boxes. and I would not be without them in a case 0! this kind it they cost live dollars a 'box 'instead of fit- tv cents. I hope my experience will be of benefit to some other sufferer Those pills are.- sold by all medicine dealers or Will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., c3! irockville, ()n't. â€"___â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"' yester- day. â€"Mr. Julius Roenigk, of Bowman- lville, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. H. Roenigk. â€"Mr. R. F. Thomas leaves to-mor- row for Richmond, Virginia, having received word that his father is ill. Mr. Thomas, sr., suffered some kind of a stroke. â€"Toronto News : Mrs. Harry Long, of Hotel Kawartha, Fenelon Falls, who is visiting her brother, Dr. W.l . . iMr. Mann. of WOOdVllle, is expected A. Blackwell, 5'8 Pearson-ave, leaves for Kingston, Jamaica, on Tuesday. â€"Mrs. Thos. Sadler, Mona, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sun- day in town the guests of friends. â€"Mr. Thos. Flurey is spending a few days' vacation with â€"-Miss Leona Williams. of Peter- boro, Mr. Marshall COnklin and Fred Robson, of Toronto. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robson over Sunday. â€"Mr. and Mrs. James P. Robert- son, of Sundridge, have moved Lindsay. Mr. Robertson having se- sequently died. Granders. Moore that this man was her cured a position with the Trunk Railway. Mrs. dist church at Sundridge, been a teacher in the Sunday sChool land a member of the choir. . From Tuesday's Daily. “Mr. Joe. Hickey was in llowncy- \‘iiio to-duy on business. --\lr. and Mrs. '.\. llottum. of not» royguon. were visitors in town to- duy. ”Mr. (300. Mi-(lmi, formerly ol‘ the Bunk ol‘ Montreal, urriVud in town yester- till,\' end will be connected with the us receiving teller. .\ir. McGee is an enthusiastic curler. beside being interested in many oth- er branches of sport. NEW MEMBER OF FIRM. The law firm of MoDiarmid and Weeks will be changed. On Monday it will be Mclfiarmid. Weeks and O'Neail‘. The new member of this firm, Mr. W. J. O’Neail. arrived in town this morning. He is a young man of very great promise in the legal profession, geniable, affable and talented. His native town is Paris, 0nt., but since graduating 'from Osgoode Hall in 1898 he has practised in Toronto and in the Canadian West. Incident-ally it might here be mentioned that Mr. O’Neail was a silver medallist in his graduating year '98. _ Mr. O’Neail will no doubt be cordial. 1y welcomed in town. He has taken akeer. interest in all branches .9; ph-yed an exceedingly {may this, 89°“, WWW mm W" “a. gut ruin-humble! i .DlsRIOTRHGUNGJRU- ‘i‘ _ Gummlrlw“ ' ‘ I en-pn’aaed over rather quietly. which the bloom of health returns and no“ and Miss ._ l Peterboro . l ishe. came across the name, Robertson brother from was an active worker in the Metho- heard from for five hflVlng enquiries are being made to find out - ... . ,‘ ‘ ~ . ‘ ." , â€"f . ‘ I' .i ,- .. “r l. c " ,4” ., v ' pf 7 e . (:3 ._ .‘ . i .."' ’ .- , 3, . . . _ .. , ,1, . .. a... "a“. ~36 '- REGALLED BY COMPONDENT Eden” - Maripoah ,"Nov. 6-.â€".-Eal.lowe'- tact '- shows the respect that our young people have for flu Sabhhth. Quite. 'a large number. of our young people” attended the universal-roar- vicos of the Cameron, Methodist church, last Sunday and Monday. The glosses Sadie and 'Ada Greene- way are. open-ding tweak in... Little Britaénvioitinglriends. -~' " ' . The services last Sunday was con- ducted by Mr. Hughes;" of Lindsay. ‘ He preached from the text found in Hebrews 11 : 17, “And He that had received the promises ofiered up his only begotten Son." ‘ Yesterdayibelng the 5th of Novem- ber, our minds naurally turned to an event in English history. We re- call having“ studied in school of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 in the reign of James I., the result of that plot being that Guy Fawkes, with others, were put to death. It reminds us of the words of Shakespeare: "The evil that men do lives after them, but the good is often interred with their bones." HIGH COURT. Not a. single case was on the dock- et when Mr. Justice Riddell ascended the bench and opened high court last Monday. Mter the usual formali- ties connected with opcn’ng the court an ad}ournment was made. The court is the semi-annual high court, without a. jury. LAYMEN’S BANQUET. The date for the big missionary banquet under the auspices of the Laymen's Missionary Movement has been definitely decided upon. viz.. De- cember 8, Already the various coni- mittees have been arranging some of the many details in connection with this big event. Every effort will be made to make the banquet g, mecca. Other cities them through successfully. and the local branch of the movement say, "Why not Lindsay ?" HOLD TWO INSTITUTES. At a meeting of the Lindsay Pres- bytery's committee on Young Peo- ple's Societies and Sunday schools, held in Sunderland last week, it was decided to hold two institutes on Sunday school and young people’s work, one at Eldon on Tuesday, No- vember 23rd. and one at Bolsover on November 24th. Rev. J. C. Ro- bertson, provincial secretary for Sun- day schools, will be present. Rev._ Mr. Wesley, of Sunderland, will be present with his magic lantern. Rev. to give an address on Young Peo- ple’s work. All interested in Sun- day schoois and Young People’s So- cieties are asked to keep these dates in mind. A most inspiring and profitable institute is assured. THINKS IT IS HER BROTHER. Mrs. R. Moore, Colborne-st., was reading in The Warder an account of a railway wreck near Rochester on the New York Central lines, when Frank Chapman, the assistant trainmaster, to who received fatal injuries and sub- It suddenly struck whom she has not yours. and if this is the case. Mrs. Moore states that her bro- ther. Arthur Chapman, visited in this vicinity about eight or nino years ago and the last she hrard of him Was about five years ago. no went out west, but was of a roving dis- position. and may how come back east and taken Up railroading. lie was a young man of about twenty- cight or thirty wars of our. While there may be others of the same name. Mrs. Moore feels that the victim of the acvldrnt was her brother. The accident in was killed occurred box and was roasted alive and Chap- man was buried under the wreckage and badly burned. He died when he was taken out. W The Dominion will borrow * two cruisers from the Imperial Govern- ment. on which to train men for the new naVy. George Foote was shot in the face by highwaymen at Dartmouth, N.S.. who attempted to rob him of $8,000.- He got away. and two men, said to be the highwaymen, were arrested. , CASTORIA ' Ffi'mmm which ' Chapman near Rochester and was a roar-end collision. The engineer was thrown into the tire i i | l 1 l l you have ever looked at. , .. them. They are all classed in .57., -.. A ‘- threclots. This season's goods, I! '0 long coats, latest style skirt, brown, greens, - . . a(//-/T’//xgv>\ . ‘ ' - . - yew/a ‘ ‘~ (/W/flx A t \ colors navy, greys, amethyst and black. # .éL' 3'1; . / / i . /~. . 0;, ~ ~. l~ . ‘. -m- Less Than Half Price LOT NO. ONE A splendid lot of Suits, in different materials, many colors, latest styles. These suits are surprising at the price. $15.00 and $18.00 suits tor $7 75 O each-OOOODOOIIUOOOOOOOI0.0.0.0......I.OOIOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Remarkable Saving LOT NO. TWO An excellent lot of suits, all this season’s make, p right al. ng at double what we ask now. $20 00 and $22 00 Suits foreaCh O....00...O...0......OOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOO' Can You Miss This ? LOT NO. THREE A grand line of classy new suits in Chifl'on, Broadclolhs, Wool Serges, Ker=eys, et ‘. right up-to-date. Just fancy the saving you make -830 00 and 20 00 O $35.003uits each There is not a lady in the land WHO WILL NOT BE AMAZED at such Splendid goods marked so ridiculously cheap. The saving is all yours and just as advertised. CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS THEM. erfpct goods, have been selling $10.00 Sweeping Sale of New Trimmed Millinery All new shapes, all new trim- minus, velvet and felt. Hats. ready to wear. $7.00 and $8.00 regular Now, each $4.50 Do you wish to save, just see these beauiiful hats This Sale Now in Full Swing See i yew ’“flgt .. \ r .. “3-1 Minute.” fl. . . flaw“! r .. t «ye

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