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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Nov 1908, p. 11

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‘ -« 44;. '3" eM '5- 'l'm'Rsmv, NOVEMBER 11, 1909. THE WEEK’S GRAND NEWS FOR WOMEN Mrs. E. P. Richards Tells How Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured r o "e a charge of 25c. for each insertion. ants per line. .\ F'l‘lrlll Sl'l-‘li‘la‘illNG I'UR TWEN- l‘Y-lulGllT YEARS FROM PALNS Afsl‘ SLL‘JE-I‘LL‘SSNESS. DODD‘S hillNl‘ZY PILLS THE ONLY MED- ll'l.\1‘3 SHE WANTS. KIRKFIELD Hallowe’en was royally spent the children, young boys, and older} ones. They lined up about 12 p.nl.l l‘uzlle's Cove, Notre Dame Bay, Md, .\'ov. 5.-â€"â€"\Special).â€"- Grand Ngus for sull‘cl‘lng women is that be- im: flattered broadcast by Mrs. Eliz- glmlh l’. Richards of this place. For years she sull‘cretl from that terrible i the morning the town was decorated with old wagons and buggies. Some . of the older folks are very angry at, the boys, but those are the ones who 1 can sit. by the fireside and tell their! own children of the tricks they did i weakness and those agonizing pains . . - so munv women know. She has when they were b02»’S- Howevel, .‘f‘ found relief in node‘s Kidney Pills Maelstrate Moore has to takea trill and she wants all suffering women to to Victoria RON}, we hope he will do know it as our town fathers, tell the boys to I ‘Jlu- I got so weak 1 could not do itaking 50 many things back f0 where my housework, Sleep was out of the {they h91011-5; arid make no mistakes. question except for a few minutes at M" A. A- 5891831593“. 0'. Trenton, a time. Mv back 21¢th so I coulzl spent Sunday With his Wife and fam- ‘ - .- - - 'lv here. not sleep. I tried all kin-(ls ol medi- 1. cine and had come to the conclusion _ Mrs. W: T- 35301139 spent Saturday that there was no cure for me. when m Woodulle “”11 her consul. lending advertisements led me to to â€"--- try llodll's Kidney Pills. I now sleep ROSEDALE well and rise refreshed every mornâ€" Nov. 1.â€"Miss Priscilla C llosedale, _ l W. A. Stablcr, oi Pcterboro, is the? authority for the. statement that Mr. l north. They are out on their annual hunting expedition. Re. the new Ontario readers much a heavy one. lbaby classes we think, wasa been staying with him, hanging from a mile? in the kitChefl, dead. During fstroke. They are very interesting. R_ Mr, ('lreer's absence Irwin, a man be- ! and appeal very strongly to the im- “31 young. They also tween sixty and seventy years of age, laginative had apparently committed suicide by of Sr. wise don.“ lo prevent there being any. Mr. lMc-lvin Sheehey. Jr firm-r notified the authorities, but no in’rnst will be held. 1:3. . III.â€"-Willie Lee. the ("arl Brokenshire, Willie Frlse. II.â€"â€"Martha Cumming, Alex. unfortunate man had, until a ming, Mary Sackett, Lulu Irvine .‘e: lsys ago, been an inmate of the ' Eizvzc- of Refuge at Cobou'rg. when he James Miller. Pt. :fiore and came to Mr. Greer's Dom Smith,.Berth-a Lee. Bathseha id » 1., _. ‘nr A wile, two sons, and two Satkett. Eddie Irvine, John Bartley. u.":;h:’ers survive him, but it is said Beryl Hadwin, Willie Hadwin. Sr. 1'. t?“ have had nothing to do with ~-Willie Rrokenshire, Miriam Broken~ fivensed for some years. The vil- shire. Harold Pear-n, Newton Miller. CallnCil are looking after the bur lJn I.â€"-Clarence Hartley, Ed. Lee. the body, which will take place I . 7’.’(:W. 2 motive is given for the man’s I ‘ Salem Corners, Nov. 1.â€"Miss M. lMcMillan and nephew, Master John lYoung, of Saintfleld, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Wm. Sinclair. . Mr. J. D. Varcoe, of Toronto, is at present renewing old acquaintances in lthis locality. , Mr. Harry Drew and Wm. 'I‘remeer Eg ls WOMA was visiting friends at Cannington on ,Sunday last. 5? 3370" want to Stop! Miss Mildred Drew and Miss Philips of Canning-ton, was visiting at the a Man From [home of Mr. Harry Drew on Friday! I Drink. S? l last. Miss Clara Byam has returned homol g-rmtmod herhusband.ber brotherandseveral after spending two weeks visiting re- “ “ ‘\ lithI’S- 8“? “OW She ”herons” Offers latives and friends in Millbrook ‘ ' . :‘ou of the Simple. inexpensive remedy , ' ,. in.-. .e successfully used. The remedy can The sympathy of the (mute neigh- ‘ borhood is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tremeer and family on ac- count of the sudden death of Mrs. l‘remeer’s’ sister, Miss E. Cornish, :whose death occurred in Little Bri- Itain on Tuesday last. Miss Cornish .l. l.‘ nine “'2' .fi. .. \ SALEM CORNERS. I'_ ‘, was (3 side. lil...:'§‘l' a P l be given to the patient unnoticed so there is no publicity of you 1' private affairs. She is anxious to help others so we earnestly advise every one of our read- ers who has a. dear one who drinks to drop her a line today. She makes no chem f or this help. she has nothing to sell(slle asks for no money and ac- was well and favorably known here, having spent the earlier portion of her life in this locality. Mr. Edward Fennelly has disposed twing )so there is . . - ~ the onsonous uric acid from the blood 4' ; (1 ”99‘3”“ h .of his farm here and intends movmg P . NEW SHOE STORE. S; is ‘ 3, :1?0l:1§)?13::fi?6 £422 ‘to Lindsay in the near future. The 3:; prevent the chief cause °f Rheuma- Mr. Chas. Aziz of Toronto has I ‘1 . ~ ..: . .s eex- - - . - . . . ' . , peer. :ntyou areyoumeiilggrsongloluyrlsgtemted many fneuds and_nelghbors Of Mr. Mr. Do d A. Mclsaac Broad Cove 1m and has made arrangements ’ 4' f' _._._ 1):;me: one who drinks. and are 331.3131: Fennelly and farmlf Will be sorry to Banks N writes-5‘ I ’ troubled to open up a. boot and shoe store â€"““‘ i, : - - _ e ‘ . ' -‘ . ’ ." ' _ was . M . 3‘ no; erotiéi’rfigiég ssigfplg‘firlite your name loose them from this locality. With m kidneys for nine months, and go be ho'm as the Baotou Shoe Established 15 V3. 5‘ on; 1.1: address plainly in the coupon below "*- sufl‘ered With such terrible pains acme. tore. He will locate in the “0’9 ‘ , T DE 42L36'2dltwher. FENELON FALLS}. the smell ofmy back all the time that lam *0 A- 3- M’s confectiOM' - E. '1‘. CARTER co '3; “‘ MRS. MARGARET ANDERSON. Female: Falls, Nov. 5.--Mr. R. J. 00““ get around. After taking store. 33 FRONT ' ‘- i? 181 Home Avenue. Embnrn. RY. Merriam left on Tuesday to attend W0 boxes D094! 8 Kidns-‘y Fills I HE’S MARRIED. 'ST” 3“" I Please tell me abouttho remedy refined to studies in ‘Victoria University. tofeelbetterfind by the “03911194“ Peterboro Times: A contemporar ' - T0303” 0181135 3 4 cure your husband. as I am - . threeI mwmpletely cured.” ’ . I l r retested in one whodrinka. Toronto. . Price 50 cents per box or 3 f 31 States that a. baby near Lindsay has Secure our price Into 4: - Mrs. Long and Master Harold left all dealers ormailed direct 0‘ °". ‘2 learned to talk fluently at the age regularly ’\l, ”i RS Name ............ on Thursday for Town“ ‘hmm’ rice by The 'r Milburn Co limited, °’ 9 mm“ N° '3‘ ‘3 mum. l“ ‘ M. intend repainting for the wit-Ital} oronto, Ont. ' ” but the sporting blood of this ’3. f. m U! '0' ‘ ' ". ‘4. , . Hrs. T. Sadler and daughter on.» m- 3 meolfy' “Dean. r . Would tanpt no to bet about . We all ' ' ddmvuoo«oooOoOOOIOOOOIOIIooooooooooooton... . . m n , . , a . ”0 w . a. â€" ' Mafimtomdtnlwf " - 1' ' 000.000thatlt'lo.glrl.‘ gunman. ' . ‘ NEWS“ oldie COUNTY an From our own correspondents. . All notices of meetings and entertainments to be held are subject to Will be charged at the rate of four c [with friends in by ' F‘ns. Ester Mitchell were in Burnt River '1‘ , l . . less \tricks ad in 30! Thursday attending the W. F. M. be; p ”ed harm a 8. meeting held there. is visiting'with‘his parents in .town 3 siding with her daughter, Mrs. Warrla, left on Wednesday morning to visit in Chicago and Manchester. 1 . . rvthin b ‘k and be goo d;F‘reeman Aldous are sorry to hear “‘"01‘ t'~“9lt.i"'9i:“ht years,” says eaveove ~ ' '8' ac . ' .lOf the illness of their sweet little - . . . . . Hrs. Richards, f suffered from rheu- boys the rest of thelrdays. Some of fdaughter. Laura, who is suffering ”VIEfiEAL Drugngt and Optician ngg S 0“] Stand matism, kidney trouble and neural- the boys think It 15 pretty hard work gwith typhoid fever. tient is under the care of Miss Potts, with the Baptist church was [on Wednesday evening. reputation as good cooks had spread far and wide, and despite the p ‘ clement weather a very large crowdlpegnam' 0‘ Rochester. Rev. Father . . . O’Sullivml. of Port Hope formerly of attended and certainly done Justice! . ’ . to the splendid array of fowl, pick- Lindsay, brother 0f the 'bn‘de' . . . ducted the ceremony. assisted by the my liorld's Kidney Pills are all the Isaac has returned home after spend-$81.30 8:311" fig éomfiénieg “fig: 13:9 pastor, Rev. Father Will-libs. The,’ moilicine I want. . ing a few days with friends in Pick- 0008.; occupying the chair A. 3010' bride was given away by her brother. ("he “Om!“ Who has health-V km ering. u The old church choir n was beau: er. Geo. O'Sullivan. Miss Nellie Mc- new will never know the pains and! MP8 Peter Macxevan i'S "iSitmg'tifully gun" bv Mrs, E A McAr- C-allley, Of Trenton, was bridesmaid. ‘W‘M‘P’S “a." "33“" m“ hardly “'ort’hiwith her son, who resides near Rea-Ythur A splendid quartet .number and Mr. Joseph I'gn-am, the groom‘s bring. 1(Wl(18.l\llln9§' Pills always boro. was. also rendered by Mrs. J, T. ll-rother, was best man. nuke healthy kidneys. Messrs. William Smith and Robert Arnold, Mrs. E. A. McAi-thur, n13! Miss O’Sullivan, the bride. is well 34 poi-VD TURVIP [Brooks have left for the Wil'ds 0" the lGraham and Mr. James Graham. known in Lindsay, having spent some which was also very much Rev. Mr. Webb, of Peterboro, , - . . , very interesting and humorous lec- church. 5' PE} do”??? 0‘ 4‘,th 10th con. . 0f has been said. One of your corres- ture entitled “ The Golden Roorn,” MACKENDR’Yâ€"SCO’I‘T "m 1' to? .ma S“ede tumm 395‘, pondents deplores the substitution of and this community hopes ta have ‘ ‘ ' terday weighing 24 pounds. Three 0‘ l{ip1ing’sReocssional for Gray’s Ele- the pleasure of hearing Mr. WPbb At half-past two o’clock on Wed- them were placed on the scales and gy, and bemoans the fact that sever- at some future time. Mrs. F. Ruth- nesday, Nov. 3, home of Mr. William upped the beam at 4"} lbs' . A” Of ’81 nursery rhymes are embodied inlerford sang " A Dream of Para- Scott, of Comm-ave, Toronto, was ihem a" or extraordinary 5‘78 and the new primary reader. We believe {disef' very sweetly, and as usual exâ€" the scene of a very pretty wedding, the (‘I‘OD throughout the country 15 algmy’s Elegy too difficult for the aV- scelled herself. Proceeds for the tea ' erage fourth book scholar, and hence 'WGI'G $123- . , ihis younger daughter, Helen J., to. LOMMTTTED 'SVICIDE. _ ,better reserved for the High school. MeSSI‘S- Harry, Sam and 1195119 Mr. Robert E. MacKendry, son of: llillbrook, 50"- 4.-On mtummg As to the Recessional it may not be MacKendry, left on Tuesday to atâ€" Mr. William MacKendry, of Fenelon from ‘the village last evening, Mr. a perfect masterpiece of literature, tend the marriage of their brother 'Il‘aus‘ .lohn Greer,.who resides about fourfbut it instills some truths sorely‘Edwar-d, which took place on Wed-, The ceremony was performed byl . Rip-(l a half miles from here, was star- needed by this material age. The in- l‘eSday afternoonk f . d t ithe 129V. A. Logan Giggle, in the! Our pOultry warehouse 18 now no to find Robert Irwin, who hadlsorticm of nursery rhymes for the? Mr. A. T. Clal‘ e, 0 Lin saY. a - drawing-room decorated with rosusi tended the fowl tea on Wednesday. admit Austin for a few days. . lendid expression which could' her father, was attired in white strip-l bane-inf: himself. He had arranged a not be secured from a, great many. ed French de sol over satin, with more from the ceiling, and then fixed “massages in the old primers. [TWO YEARS. ; \-'reath of lilies of the valley in her ' it about his DECK and stranglell.l The following is the school report Peterboro, Nov. 5-â€"-TW0 years less 'hair, and carried abridal bouquet of l 6 Th?” were no marks 0f the rcpe Gull-01‘ S. S. NO. 8, 15811161011, for month one day in the central prison: was r0393 and wore the groom's gift, a DuCkS Geese FOWI Cthkens fill.“ neck. the coat collar have been [of October: Jr. IV.â€"â€"Oharlotrte Ark-l the sentence meted out 1:0 Angus sunburst of pearls. Miss Agnes Jones ‘ 9 9 C turned up. this evidently having been {aria-ht, melville Pear-n, Laura Frise, McDonald by Magistrate Bumble at Sr. was found guilty of assaulting Cum-|robbing Wm. P. Whitney, of Caven- ville, of a gold watch and chain, and Jr. II.â€"-Russe11 Frise, Ford Brooks. thirty-eight dollars on the night of 2,â€"Lena F‘rise. Thanksgiving Day. ALMOST CENTURY MARK. Mrs. House of Refuge this morning after 3 by Mrs. Scott, who wore a beautiful- attaining the remarkable old age of gown of Copenhagen blue silk with solely to old age, her faculties mind and body having gradually worn down. ing in Wisteria broadcloth with grey! . . I.eceased was born in England and hat. on their return the happy con-1 had lived in Markham before coming. D16 will reSide on Fem-ave, Toronto. I to this county. Her husband died Mr- MacKendry was at one time a] while she was in Markham. She was 1‘ esildent of Lindsay, and his host of ’ brought to the Refuge from Fenelon friends extend to the township last fall. interred in Kirkfield where friends re- Suffered rm... 3. 1' Mrs. P. ('onquergood, of Lindsay. "I T obl Kidneys fie Rev. H. S. Matthews conducting! Econo y cabblers’ per set 650 errl c £10,318!“ gigolfefiglagrmby 113;: £33,132, W33” W2: Alsoacomplete assortment of men’s, women‘s and boys’ hll‘.‘ soles. on . For Backache, Lame or Weak Backâ€" Chrysanthemums. one of the commonest and most symptoms of kidney inaction, remedy equal to Dean’s Kidney Pills for taking [giving perfect comfort. d D ISTIQICT w Your eyes tested free and a pair of gold filled spec- tacles for $1.50 Galt and Niagara Mrs. Rev. C. S. Lord and Miss Mr. Arch. McKendrv a , of Cobourg,’ No trouble with Sunlight 5019. Just follow the directions on the wrapper and Sunlight does the root. cannulaâ€"does muchâ€"- never Injures hands or clothes. or a .few days. Mrs. McFarlane, who has been re» W. the past few months, for The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Reub. L. Morgan The little pa- 0' SULLIVANâ€"RAYMOND. At Oampbollford on Wednesday the marriage took place, in St. Mary’s church, of Miss Kathrine, O’Sullivan, daughter of Mrs. Mary O’Sullivan, to Mr. Evor Raymond ameron Point. The annual fowl tea in connection held The ladies’ I in~ COD‘ enjoyed. time hem while her brother. Rev. Fr. gave. O’Sulliv-un, was curate at St. Mary's when the marriage was solemnized of is and palms. Mrs. John Jamieson, of John e1:.axnilton, played the wedding march- The bride, who was given away by eV. Mr. Klicn, of Stratiord, ting at the home of Mrs. open. We are ready to handle all your poultry. . 1 He . and attended the bride and were blue silk mull, with wreath Of smilax and carried pink carnations, and wore the groom’s gift a crescent of pearls. Mr. S. J. MacKendry. of Saskatoon, at. tended his brother, and wore a pret- ty emblem scarf pin with pearl set- ltings, the gift of the groom. Rebecca Mitchell died in the: A reception was afterwards police court this morning. l . Bring them all in. W6. pay HIGHEST PRICES. held ty-seven years. Death was due Of jet trimmings, and later Mr. and Mrs. MacKendry left for Kingston] and eastern points, the bride travel- . young couple lthclr most hearty congratulations. [ CONQUERGOODâ€"BRUCE. On Thursday, November 4, at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruce, 16 Tranby-ave., their daughter, Min- .451 nie E., was married to Mr. Charles R. Conquergood, son of Mr. and In religion she an Anglican. The baby will be l l l empire gown of ivory white rajah silk with bridal veil and orange blos- ‘ 8011’13. and carried a bouquet of white Her only verna- ment was a pearl necklet, the gift of the groom. The bride ' ains MITTS Lined or unlined, good heav mitts and gloves and the pr .â€" MITTS ‘3' stock is fou toes are right. M ITTS nd th 11 ' distressing roug out our line of there is no We are also ag cuts for PARIOD ’3 fireproof and leak R OFING' proof roofing made. J .G.Edwards Go. out the stitches, twitches and The most durable’ es, limbering up the still back, and I I

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