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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Nov 1908, p. 6

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p PAOIVB‘IX. 'l, Sale of Valuable Property ill Mailers Ta, by Tender More will be received by the undersigned for the purchase or the knowing proportion. either together as in separate parcels, as the tend- our desires. Form of tender may so obtained from the undersigned and all tenders are to be addressed and delivered to the undersigned on or berore twelve o'clock noon. on llllVEMBBll 15th, 1909 1. South half of lot 9, concession C HO'I‘SPUR. Hotspur, Nov. 1.â€"'1‘he greet ” Mica Load ” at Hotspur adjacent to Tory. Hill and Gooderham. known as Chamberlain’s mines. in still to During the short period the fore. this mine has been in operation -â€" under the eralship of its owner. H. G. Chamberlain, much has been done. With. an able V. E. Ottawa. stafl,,the manager. has been able to make a long wagon trail from near Mr. Ireland’s farm to the Meadow Land known as Nour'rey’s, about one mile in its entirety. This trail run- ning by the side of Burnt River, was Quaker Oats; eat it at least twice a day. It does more than other foods and mination to our summer and har- vest; the time when people who think seriously, peruse the pages oi past year and graciously breathe their gratitudev-lor the past, Thanke- Our goods and prices wit h what you see advertised and we‘ll abide by the result. We keep in tOlmh‘Wlth the prices of the catalogue llou see and the “Credit Furniture Mon” and know that their so-called bargains are largely imaginative. This store has a life- time of furniture experience behind it and buying for cash, coupled with low selling expense, ”of Yaluooblo Pro - OInomoo by Ton Wt to the prlivlmo will 0‘ Mary Ann l'lng'lls a. village of Omolliee, in t of Victoria, widow of Jam 3‘. ll.“ of the same pl tenders will lie 1‘ O W undersigned executor u o'clock noon on Saturday, Nov. 20 {or the purchase valuable village properly. of the west part 01 of Kingâ€"st. , and part (ll l in the said \‘lllug' all {our , and King-8t. . mes. containing in costs only a frac- in a position to sell at close prices. These special .’ in the township 0‘ Manvers, in in consequence of a marshy nature the own" of Durham, containing and the difficulties for traveling even . giving has again become, ancient'his- 100 acres more or less. Upon tlll-‘liafter the clearing and levelling was t m h tory. puts no property there is a considerable done Was of a serious nature to man Ion as .uc 0 9 Likewise also Hallowe’en with its W b Dr Sumo]. gummy or hardwood bush, also and beast This was overcome by _______.___â€"-â€"â€"-â€" goose. .and duck and the childish - figures for one week: ' Them in. erected on lhc corduroying, etc. - pranks of lighthearted vouth (and - soma cedar, hemlock and tamarac . h f . aid has al . . . ‘ frune dwelling 20 x 29 m a large quantity of wood. Further on from .thisfistretc 0 yet there does not appear. to be mf “1818;.“ so become a thing . , . e additions 13 x 16 x. 2 Th a, h 1, ,1 t b Past“? 181‘“ 09W!” t 8 Sides 0‘ very much exchange or views upon 0 e P - HALL slickâ€"Solid quer- urnonsrnnsn cmlm x 15 la. also a rough cas ° 8 nor a ° ° num er ‘1“? Pmtul‘ffllue 111115: the}? has been the question, but as time grows it Mt Fred Staples, 9! TOPOMO. has tel-ed oak, with British â€"Upholstered 'with group dwellin" 30 x 21 it. ’. con- 8. town-“lip 0f Mamie“. 100 built ante .nlce little budge, will likely become a much more de- returnednarter Spfmdlns a» 8310“ Va- Bevel Mirror, square denim, regular price $13M} mungâ€"Tin per cent. of acres. Upon this property there is which aSlde from its strength and bated question. catlon With his friend, H. Isoble. aha regular 820,50. on on sale for one 10 ehase money down at lhe i “at ed a saw mill and shingle mill, ,usefulneSS. adds quite a pretty and ,"'""" MrS- W. Bredbm on children. sale for one week 18 on week at ............... .00 “1° and the balance thvro . -. . . romantic scene to the artist or lov- CAMBRAY of Omemee, Visited at the home of at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . da thereafter “Rho,” M11 buildings and machinery being er of nature. This bridge is by its her parents. Mr. Wm. Fallis. . TWO LARGE ROCKE ys t 'll b 9 id Sub, h good repair,‘also tools, saws, etc. strengthflt to carry 5 to 10 ton of Cambray, Nov. 1,â€"Mr. Robt. Ken- Our baseball team ended the sea- HALL RICKâ€"Solid figur- â€"Mali any frame 11 hRIS Ifroifirby 3118 rggfzgt u-nm Ilse a. large, well built, frame mica at a time. over the little span ly has returned to Mr. W. James, ai- son on Thanksgiving Day, when they cored oak, British vel ste red agithSpanish‘lealshgp‘ 25:9. tie stabple thereon ‘fr ‘0 use upon a stone foundation also 'oiflthe Burnt River. Once over this ter spending a few months With his went to Mt. Pleasant and played the Mirror. OW“ shape. regular regular price $1800 for 'd remises the said st . , ' bridge the miner's dwelling and huts relatives in England. boys or that burg. Although the price $1175.01! 61“ for one $1500 and the $17 06mm, "9 P t ' 0: Mil-m" Stable and drivmg Shed- appeal‘ to view, and so on for a Mrs. N. Murchison and son, Master weather was somewhat chilly a good week at ------------ 5 50 for ‘ ’/ “Tthper y't . bein so About twelve acres cleared in pas- huidredlgzgrds T311 fin}: g?“ :0 Edwin, spent Thanksgiving Day with game was played, the score being a .. o .. 14.0" up a: $83? y is g tun and balance or lot covered with “ ice g ,is S '1. “ea 3’ “ends in T°r°nt°i iei nonnis CHAIRSâ€"Solid e h, 1mg 0, mm. mm small timber. The mill will be Sllgwsfilamllé :0 :égw. bifg 016319 Mrs. McIntyre spent Sunday with Meme 33,1111”: OthmrborO: has oakframe, upholstered with pnnnon Tnnnns_o.m- ”EulfaGcepceG For i sold either with the property or se- 51 e h‘ s an .00 by e er Mrs. Irwm. , .’ 11 “SI mg at e home or Mr. reen velour. regular 1|.00 tered oak. Three kinds. The ticulars. and conditions of creek. The miners here even have Mr. and Mrs. J, Wells “SI-ma m, J. Noble. ' or $10.00, and “gum, 88 50 3350 table for $5 50. 4 50 for t th undersigned beautiful natural scenery around and Mrs. John White on Sunday. Mr- I. Gardiner visited friends at} for ....................... $3.75 and $3.25 table " El:- fi’t veendor's solicitor cu... cc... .............................. 1.25 ........................ 2.50 Ga... .. GG... Omanee. Dated this 22nd day Mr. Hartley has just finished cut- ting a large quantity of four-foot . Mr. and Mrs. Coulter on Sunday. , Mr. Jas. Hancock has returned to W°°d ‘0’ G- Trlpp. ! Mr. Bob. WhiteSide has returned to '11‘ . H h secured osition 0n n e as a p Franklin haunts. 1 heir work 131355113 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parson, jr., and mate therefrom with the right to mic“ “0m na- Mrs. J. Hancock were the guests of move the same. 3. The southeast quarter of lot No. 9, in the 11th concession of the them while at t and stripping the ture’s castle. The output from .this vein or lead, t well -be min- 1909. For. SALEâ€"300 . bins in the township of Mon Tho My“ THESE ARE GENUINE REDUCTIONS AND WILL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU SEE THE township of Mangers, fifty acres just at present canno more or IeSS- Tim ered lot said to utelv stated It is 01".; dark amber . .~ ' th the Tudho e 00. contain a quantity of tamarac and variety, and there appears to be ' mMisses Mi nniep B urton and Lavmla Mr. Fred Reeds, instructor of the. cedar ties, and some pine, also a hundreds of tons in Sight. Two Walton of Lindsay Visited Mrs. Bur- minds of the youth, at Fowler's Cor- i cars of thirty tons are now being ’ S ' ners, also physical director in GOODS WHETHER YOU property of the late very large quantity of wood. _ . . h ton over unday. . , l ‘ shipped by the I. B. 0. Via t e Mr and Mrs J Burton and Miss gymnasmm at Fowlers Corners, vi- 60 acres cleared, balm“ 4 Part of the east half of lot Grand Trunk to the factory at T0- F Robinson 8. t Thanks ivin at sited Franklin on Saturday and BUY OR NOT. . hardwood bush beech No. 7, in the 10th concession of the ronto, which also has its side tracks Mr Ed Burtofig: g g Sunday last. 'this f,” township of Manvers, purchased by from the G. 'I‘. right to the factory M .D G lift! 1 F 1 Falls __.......â€" There are on O ' ' ' doors Inside Of this factory speâ€" rs. ( r.) o ' 0 one on ' HARTLEY new house, roofed in one William Brisbln from Margaret cial andcostlv machinery has been visited friends here on Sunday. . ""â€"â€""â€"â€" ad a gOOd 10g IN“ a Bradburn, containing 12 1-10 acres procured by H. G. Chamberlain for . Rev: B. Webster, aformer Presby- Hartley, Nov. 2.â€"â€"Mr. Alex. Mc- only half mile {mm who more or less. This property has a the, TOronto Mica Sompany, of ran minister here, called on friends Millan retulnod last week, after a -1'es from Chumh H 1 quantity of cedar and hemlock and a which he is also general manager, here 1331‘ week. spending a couple of months in the , . mi .1 . . where special treatment is given to YMrs. F. Chambers and Mrs. R. west. Mr. McMillan visited the from Tory Nil 0 ml “are Spent Fnday at Fem!” Fans- west a few years ago. but is still FURNITURE UNDERTAKING Gooderham, 6 miles fr more favorably impressed by his re- ville. and one mile {ch River. For full pariicq iss Hill (1 colors 0‘ its many on premises to N Hotspur P.O., on nor of petty. Mrs. iRev.) Forrester, who has been at her mother's, Mrs. Coates, for al- some time returned, to her home last 11 week. We are pleased that her health the many descriptions an- the southwest mica before it goes to in the 10th commercial uses. few pine trees. 5. 35 acres, being lot No. 8, cent visit. Mrs. A. Campbell Campbell, spent a o ,â€"â€"________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- aners. Wm.l~ mine as few days of last concession of the township of Man- In addition to the vers. This is a swamp lot upon {:lready mlnfi’zliled’ 'MrthChabnbefleli h s in proved very much under the k T t ' O . ’ I as seV'era O erg 1n 6 a one 0' a l . ' Wm in OI'On 0. "â€"â€" Whmh the” ‘3 a large quanta} f cality and other countries. He ic skilful treatment of Dr. Reid, of Glen- Mr. Bert Blackburn, who visited r - .-. wood. also president and general manager arm. She was accompanied by her at the home of Mr. Wm. Manning, ##HH , 1 The higheSt 0" any tender 110‘ of the Miss Product Co., of New husband, Rev J. Forrester 'to her returned to his home on Tuesday. .- F°r further Y°‘k' “him is entirely separate from home- ‘ Rev. Mr. Cree again occupied the GET THE BEST I'» That com- The teachers and children of the pulpit oi the Presbyterian church 0 One schoolth‘l' ~l:lll«l: rill . in ThOY‘nllz‘llllt‘5\. l’nli and Genulllt hll'l‘i'. it necessarily accepted. particulars and conditions of apply to Messrs. the Toronto company. pany, We understand, treats ideals with many other minerals than ' simply mica. and Public school spent Fri-day afternoon at both services. in the woods and enjoyed themselves Rev. Mr. Wallace, of Sunderland, very much. occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Mr. W. Weldon left for the North- church here on Sunday. Mr. What- Sunderland on Sun- sale sâ€"more or lessâ€"barn only, known as 1, Con. 8, Eldon on the town line be- 1 mile East of Grass Hill Station. Consisting of 100 acre the Wilson Farm, being lot McLAl'GllLIN, PEEL . FULTON, l Solicitors, Lindsay, or to Catherine BOBCAYGEON. west on Saturday. tam preached in Brislvin, administratrix of the es- Bobcaygeon, Nov. 3.-â€"-Hunters are Hallowe'enThwas celebrated Satur- dag: V E H t . 'ted 'th 1 . nd tween Mariposa and Eldon, tate of William Brisbin, deceased. now tracking the runaways of the' day night. . 0 boys amused them- ' ' ' ’3’ V151 “71 "c 3 . . . “Hum,” HM deer and quite a number of villagers selves carrying ofi gates some being liege over Sunday. . . ‘ This farm Will he‘sold at a bargain on easy terms. Immediate It enjoys a larlr" lliill‘nll-‘l" - round by their owners immersed in 91911le Preparatlon has be?! possesSlon. For particulars write its so rim- “vol-l. l. c. \\ 71 made for an excellent program in Get “2:". ll"llnlll"ll f, besatisfied. .All‘gl~.~lllil..tq n with the anniversary ' of get positions. Cumin-gov in now. . On Sun- D.'McEachern or}Execlltors of the ll. Wilson Estate Lindsay, October 4, 1909. '1‘. . A. Wilson crmnmoron. our connectio the credit. the_ Methodist church here. Mr. Jas. Wells are From rcpo threshed 800 bush- \‘\' .l l".l.!.l‘l?l I ' w” ' "M " will be fairly plentiful. i We are glad to report the recovery els of fall wheat from s 1! acres a. few , , Frank Forbert or Mr. McQuade. who has been verv __________________. gay tI’lriornlng"Elev. mrthTonklm't o; '- . - u 1 v '_ . am" ray, Wl‘ occupy e pu pi an William-at. South ' Lind'“yl:;1fr°m tho rupt ro 0‘ a b 00d es c. on Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Jones, Corneri'ongu and \‘m ‘ Mr. Wm. Hicksorl is also lnd-lspos- DR WOOD 9 5 °‘ "mm“ mad, ““1 PreaCh- T1” â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€""‘ ' ‘ / ed. lie is an ardent sportsman and 0 evenlng 0‘ the entertainment has _ _ 7 ‘ while out trout fishing a couple of 3°93 ihanggecli‘ frommlilondgy ‘0 “93' ‘ weeks ago contracted a cold, which NORW Y Mafirkhrg in. elocutlgnisttgley'notgf developed into a slight attack of A . . ini‘lalllmation. However, he is able {gingsiillt' aid :21? fingrfsgoinbl); organs and P d sin, for which we ' . a . ‘ 22be..i£°li..ii‘u. PINE SYRUP .G... u G... at Easy Pm Mr Wm Kelly Who has been in . Miss Pearle Jgrdan and others are ' . . ' ’ . . also to iurnis numbers on the pro- ~ the. naming district “l and 3’0““ Is 5 eciall Calculated To Cure All Dis- gram. “l“? 4* "W“ .. i-‘- ‘IIalleybury since spring, returned _L__L.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" A be f l f organfand 1’1““ - “ :1. again Monday. He speaks very cases of the Throat and Lung. H ”um r 0 young peeps r °m OLE A RED lll‘l \i [highly of New Ontario and states artley attended “1° low lsupper make rmmL 'l 1,“, ,1 that that is the .country for a youna Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, fild sntertalnment 3:, Wclllodvil at °n folio W5; ’ Buol zinll:Slloc Repairing. Hand-iiizidl man who can rough it and who is Houseness, Croup, Pain or Tightness in on aY evening. on a ropor a 1 159”“ i“ “Wk 01‘ “Hill? to "learn“ not afraid of hard work. He will the Chest' “d all Bronchial T bl pleasant time spent there. Doheri ',l'uiw': 'l Fllst-clalss Work and promptly donl‘ return to Haileyburv about the end . . ’ , rou es "' only iisml a l‘.-.\ » i3 - of the month. ‘ yield quickly to the curative powers of CRESSWELL $115, gal m, M #7 g , Frank F orbe rt .Mrs. Thompson, owner of the ““3 prince 0f pectoral romedies. It Cresswell, 1\ 0v 1.â€"SpeCial than' _ "1133,1113 ,{l'_:-,'f,i’.zf; - l ‘ Rockland Hotel, is again in posseS- contains all the Virtues Of the world giving services are to be held in St lelrillgollmii w 7 £31301“ Norway Pme tree, combined John’s Presbyterian church on Sun- "lacs“??? 111’?“ >’ iLllil. i _ and ev- Yours for $12.3. Comelilui \w 2 day afternoon at 2.30 p.m., ening at seven o’clock, services to be conducted by Rev. Cameron, of Port Perry. Messrs. Harry Keslick and Mac are spending a week deer sion, having purchased the business from her tenant, Mr. A. Lawless. ,We with Wild Cherry Bark, and the soothing, healing and expectorant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. Mrs. John Pelch, W Windsor, Ontario, Thorburn South of Maunder’slâ€"Iotgl i W. H. ROEll Academy of Music; ____..â€"â€"â€"â€"- ..â€"â€"â€"..â€"â€". ,â€",â€"â€".~ / lment. The boys celebrated Hallowe’en in w. Ho CRBSSWBLI. the same old style, but apparently + + Opposite took it upon the installment plan so asty writes:â€"â€"“I was ' L'bm’ LINDSAY lthat they could derive all the more + H1: - + troubled withanas- hunting. . , . + clung + t h k‘ Mrs. McPhaden, of Manila, visxted MONUMENTS Cemetery fun. Saturday night they gathered + Cough. '+ y no mg cough her sister Mrs Alex G 1: last , Work Etc. 111 groups, most likely completing + Cured. + for the past six week ' ' ' I“ ~ ‘ flu # , Estimates cheerfully furnished their organization. and from Sunday + ' + months and used ‘ Mrs 8 Wind ' Master I night after 12 o’clock till the early W 1023‘ défiegeréthre- smt'gfiday will: 3“ t 1%? SALE REGISI to es u ey ‘ ' ends a ‘ l . erboard. ‘ -.__. TUESDAY, .\’0\". lni ‘ Bones. auctioneer, (Tc-(ill. hours, and 'n Mond ni ht did age” - “y 3 At last I was adVised‘ “’ "V "M" " ,h- k t- . didmepo . . . , . l .5: w 113333? an°ioiimiii is: m5 graham“. N°u”....’“’ «"1st Pm“ i“ it Pr" “r - girls at one time and enjoyed a » . ew . r 0" 3 08’3- 0 0P0 for . Repal r 1 n g . Gig... Gm... u... G... .... m... .. I ml gagged my my n3, big-veg, fiwgé, o, M h « Gold Dust Washing Powder 1‘;ka “PM” ‘ - . the boys do now, altho h we hudf -‘ . , ' o r, 1 er ', . ' 4 “rd F 11‘.' l edAnlélllaliegng Sufi: aligns-913918 x'ipalir' 1y appreciate 3°“ at figs “9““ Pines inthehmm‘» “New Visited at Mrs. Weir's parents, I: . it will cut lobasnm lntwo? mm. Salgn:t\(lnc,>q - . Bowing indelible}; “1%” eneralo'nbolgns' joke comes too near home. ymp ......... ._ , ande. A. McInnls, last week. The GOLD ST mils lib m m Md {:3an “out reserve. 1 '. gt, LINDSAY BluYOL WORJKS ‘ 3 Village council (1:: Tuesday ever; Tl” pm. of Dr. Wood’s'NlirwopuEino _____._._'_â€"â€"â€"-â€" d-way over all “cleaners. , ‘ ing, enweun 'and they too. W “I. “P GWWHOI‘EI “Ham" memm mm mi -' ‘ 1 r . . 66.] u'ihm fl. ‘ “it!” ~ «~- , USES ”R M . ted Relfl‘ Geo w Shepherd’s gdofgdfls 13:83.32; 1?” timing“ the trade moth ”,3,” sure u '- t It A. G. Intrigue has-old the comm ‘ W ' , both m old-flavors, the mag: . vi: thelngcnvruil . ( Proprietor ' William-st. aries being now'odnlormed with‘ it Syrup.” ‘ L1 W gm? “menu?!” .31-, .- l l w . ~ ‘ V ' I M fill! 208! summits mains for those interested tocsrry Tbs'l‘. mun he '3, reside r ‘m . ' ‘ "v" A ”-11. k Child 11 i ' a” hm” mm Although as the owner or thug-om Mmi “ ' l I l “I Fffifimfl menu: can Him; a ....,- .. ...,, .. There was considerable jollity of arts. - .A a..._ ‘3-

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