» Fenelon F; ta. English, of Donna] ms ï¬n town. ' business this wedk. A niupmf 0‘ our yd‘ tended the Oddfe’llows ocoxfli on Friday Mail a splendid time. Ame attended were Mr. van! Robson, Miss Ethel R it, Amlrew‘s emu their inï¬niwi‘ï¬ury germ 0mm; un slumâ€: P «mm. M‘ Knew (ml-Mae pulp“ and preached mm ‘Hw vhuir as up to its high mark. ably gsaifltud by me... 3 â€Mina, In the evenim program was especially did duet, “flock of Ag by_Mrs. E. A. McArtm Edwards. The anthem Lard." remdered by tht “Initially ï¬ne and the 8 Edwards Was very mm) the people of St. Andï¬ ly indebted to Mrs. Ed kindly assisting in the Arthur. Sharpe and Mr. Peru; in Cameron on Sand!!! Mr. Clegg. 0! Pet through town on Tues Roeedale. Guy. Mrs. Edwards of M8 guest of her aunt. MP m, are visiting In to Mrs. E. Chambers in Lindsay the guest of 1 3. Harrison. Mr. And Mrs; Hubert hail}, attended the t Mrs. E. A. DRAM)!“ number of lady Mend! he eurhfe nu Mummy Miss Kline return 1;“: week after spend?! in loan the guest of 1 Redford. Toronto, spent a. few d the guest. of Mr. and I lit. Melville Ramsay, is in charge of Mr. . Jewelry shop. 3.1:. W. Cooke, of Co .a few hours in town on . The funeral of Cecil 61113; Son 0? Mr. and M1 took place to Fenelon I Hr. Adams. of Ad! ï¬mmv. Lindsay. Wat Ming; Kiss Susie Wagur, of net. spent a. few day: mt. 01 Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hitchcock, o, in town on Sunday i1 01 the Lord’s Day Al morning she Conductec' the Baptist church an on Tuesday afternoon a I): attended. Mr. and ford have the sincere the entire community dm bereavement. Rev. Mhooke is in “(-91; on business. Miss Bennet, of 1361: town this week. ' Mr. D. E. Merriman In an Balsam Lake on in: and reports a. splel goon luck in duck Merriman paddled up a evming with 43 large is on: of the largest d here this season. I‘enelén Falls. PAGE I‘fS. Lord is i We have gone into the matter very thoroughly and ï¬nd that our prices in general are from 10 to 20 cent. lower than my other jew- eler in the county. Time and time again this has been proved to in- dividuals, and thereby we have his creased the number of our custom- ers. Those who do not buy regularly from us logo from 10 to 90 per cent. on their purchases. ioddin‘ mu- nnd In» due Linen“: You .mugetmmformrme! The Popular Jewelry Store W. F. McCarty sinwm Eyesight Specialist 92 Kent-an, over Neill’a Shoe Store Satisfaction‘gumnteedâ€" ,____ .‘A‘m‘n Egg Lytle, Ltd. -v vâ€" bovuru w . - â€"â€" *7 , an Yellow Corn. (117 "1‘1 W- at. Maripogo: and 03mm Iti- -L A-.. maï¬ï¬â€˜ pxzum u". m v 1“" ' mll exchange or other grain. PIANOS 'AND ORGANS â€" New and second-hand at prices and terms to The Cannot do it all. 1 demonstrate to 'you the platenese of the Miller‘s the superior qualities 1 GOLD MEDAL BAKERS cur-9m Flour The Fire Chiefs in annual ronven- tion took steps to have all ï¬re- flghtei's placed under the control of the Dominion Government. Seven nurses ,in' the John H. Stratlord hospital at pBrantford, struck on account of overwoak. 1110 board is ï¬lling their places. Of all grocers Jos. Maunder Son ’ANTE‘D. â€" Housmmm AND cook to go to Toronto. gm, Uespéctable Four in references. 100 Spa-dine. world's oldest 23 wellington-st" Child?“ or?" m runners 3 A s 'T' o .R | A Man Behind The Plow in, Flour and Feed aim-gas very moderate good home. Apply Road. Toronto. and all. Let us of our com- ronven- Personal Movem-Em: Q. was occupied by Rev. Jâ€. WW, '0! Lindsay. who gave two very elo- quent addresses. Special music was "prepared by the choir.‘ Hr. Thou. the close of the In the Methodist music was giVGD b5 v.â€" In the Baptist and Anglican chur- ches- special music was rendered by the choir. Miss Bertha MacKenzie, of Toron- tq, spent the holiday with her friend mes Vera. Sharpe. Cobourg. visited m. um m. Shane tor Thanksgiving. ' Miss Mamie Lotta, 0! Toronto. is visiting at‘the home of Hr. and Mrs. mily, of Toronto, spent a few days the guests of Miss '1‘. McArthur. 'â€"' 0 Mr. Arthur Jewell. oi Brmtiord. spent Thanksgiving in town the guest of his' pamts. Messrs. Chan. and Willie Ingram. of Toronto, were in town this week. The women's Institute met on Fri- day afternoon, Oct. 98. at the home of Mrs. 'r. Tomley. The attend- ance was fair considering the weath- er. which probably kept many from attending. The branch was honor 96 by a visit from the district presi- dent, Mm agewart, o! Bobcwgwn. who was aecompamed by Madam“ Seymour and Thurston o! m nob- eaygeoa branch. duem the meeting and utter ulna Jelnefl in slums me mfl'é “at {be regular business was taken up. Hrs. D. Jewell. seeretery. reed the min-1. “tee of last meetlag. which were adopted. Mien Lillian Corbett men save an instrumental selection. which was most enjoyable. Mrs. ‘Oelder gave a short reading on the home. which was followed by a song by Miss Doris 'I‘womley. . Mrs. (Dr.) Godld referred to the pleasure it gave this institute to heme Mrs. Ste- Qart and members of Bobcaygeon branch present, and hoped the visit would be repeated. She then gave a. brief sketch of the early lite 01 Francis Williard. ,eader of the W. O. T. U. Mrs. Stewart then gave a. brief but very encouraging addrele in which she congratulated the pre- sident and the members of the branch on the way the business of the institute was conducted, and urging the members to help the pre- sident in every way possible. Great stress was laid on the necessity of punctuality in attendance at meet- ings. In order to create,intere8t in the meetings it would be a good plan to have the programprinted in the local paper the week previous to the meeting as this plan had proved successful wherever it had been tried. In conclusion Mrs. Stewart spoke of the pleasure it afforded her to be present at this meeting and hoped the branch would continue to flourish as the institute work was doing good all' over. Mrs. D. J ew- ell was elected a delegate to attend the Toronto meetings of tin W. I. to be heldw Sn Nove'inber 17 and 18. Miss Tilly Patten rendered a. piano solo, after which refreshments were served. The November meeting will be held in the Orange hall and the address will be given by Mrs. (Dr.)v McAlpine on the subject : " How to keep well and happy." Mr. Gm’c‘tan 0. Graham, at T0- ronto, spent Thanksgiving in town. Mrs. mm. mas mckson and Mg: Wills returned on‘ was in town over Sunday. ' ' m. Geo. mm .m- p M it. Andrew’s church we plupu. _-_- m-†n.-- ccnpied by Rev. Jae. Wallace, Miss Ad. Gillie deny. who gave two very elo- Spend a flaw mon addresses. Special music was in Victoria, 3.0. .1 In: the choir.‘ Hr. 1310:. Mr. Charles Dfl solo. Gama. pmldent. com by the Chair. While mm, of Hamilton. :h was much aPPN' > of Huntsville. neeting and 1 continue to be work was Mrs. D. J ew- ate to utter!!! if the W. I. to visited her parents last week. N188 R. Wilkinson. 0! Toronto, sited harp-routs last week. w Hr. Funds KcFee, of WWI»! College. in town. spent; vag day in town. Mr. Ted. Calder. at Toronto, visit- ed in town over Sunday. Miss Baths. Brokenshlre, of To. ronto‘, was in town Thanksgiving. with her parents. Mrs. A. Northey is visiting friends Monday in town. load of in Cmmgton. llr. Jack Avery. of Toronto, Thanksgiving the guest of Ir. Ira. Geo. Wilson. Oak-st. A number of our sports Mt week for the annual sport in northern country. Among from town who are hunting John Jones. 'l‘hoa. Robson. Cnilum cau‘en Lostâ€"1n Melon Fun. on Themksglving Day. a 30k! locket A n In 1-) H ï¬nds! with monogram " B. B." runner will be suitably rewarded by reading same to The Warrior om“. Linduy. Mr. Arthur Lord. 0! Human. spent ihe holiday with his parents. 39". (‘1 3. Cd ETC: m: ‘ Hr. Ireland. 0! notapur. M i. 19w days inst wok the no“ 0! his daughter Mrs. W. McCarty. ‘ Mrs. S. J. gum and Min 1“. 0. ‘Ilrandon spent Saturday in Lind- say. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. MaoXondry and Mr. Harry MaoKoudry. a! Torah. to. and Mr. Arch. ï¬nchdu. 0! AL- ku "“7. , Lindsay. spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. m. Kendry. Mrs. Walters and child. of Belle- ville, is in town. the guest of her mother Mrs. H. Austin. , Miss Bessie Nie. of Orinia. spent Miss Mona lilo: rAnnio Ellis, of Toronto J unc- tion. spent Thanksgiving in town. ‘.A mas Florence Bellingnam. ox ronto. is home for a week's Lindsay. Monday evening being the boys were as usual path playing tricks. though as the assisting consumes were very alert. Mr. Greenwood, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving in the burg. Mr: Sam. Swanton and Miss Cecil Swanton, of Toronto, were home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whistle are vi- siting in Gooderham. Hr. Oscar Ellisg of Parry Sound. spantafewdaysintownthezm‘t ofllrs Ellis Dr. I; T. McEanhern. 01 1 College, Hontreal. was in town with relatives in Toronto. Ir. ad In.- Beem can. o! P..- lll. Austin shipped two car- cottle to Toronto on Tues- Geo. Albert Quibell, of mduy. a, tow days in town the guest Geo. months With her aisteu‘, .. Calder. H. H. Whistle and Fred done around the burg ‘e assisting constables ', of Toronto. Vi- Hallowe’en the He- little In; F. A. Robson. mu Dom Dickson spent the M and with Toronto friend!- mu Emily Hand spent 3 1°" “‘3" Heard and Miss Tottie H 'l‘hnnkflrivm in Toronto. mss 'i‘ime Woods. of Toronto, w.» in town on Saturdgv. Mrs. Thou. McGlory and her sis- ter Hrs. Worthington arrived home from Uxbridge on Friday. mu Genevieve Twomey, of Loret- ta Abbey. Toronto, spent. the holi- days in t0“- magmas): Sham Wt in Powles' Corners. M}: and m, Levi Rattle Men to: . low due lat WW". Kiss 1!. Boiling-hm is homo spin sitar spending several wook's’ vnon- tion with Toronto relotivss. A number oi our citisens us put- posing to attend the pie socisi in Imrie‘s school. Bnissm Grovs. on Friday evening. Miss Iiiiis Pulm- er. as teachsr. is making it spsoisi ofl‘ort to burn 3 good Wm old n spisndid time is anticipated. GI.- _.‘I._A 'rIvâ€"vuâ€" -7, The congregation of tho mum church will hold their mum low! to. on Wednesday. Novambor M. and u the weather to mining the crowds will be large. an m: Wm M an only {owl supper held in M0- lon Fllll um um. FOWL CUB?“ 84mm ml. tron ton um fowl «ppm a 0mm. vac-m. 0mm and word not mm and of Hart's River. died at King-m. The luau-cs! mummie- m at. In: action M “(can propan- ton 0! new plum shown hr violation 0! the building by-lawu. A BAD COLD Neglected Bronchitis is very aim the direct cause of Consumption, and on the ï¬rst symptom appearing Dr. Wood'e - Norway Pine Syrup should be used and the Bronchitis cured. The symptom ere, w acroee . the chest, sharp pains and a diï¬culty in breathing, o secretion of thick phlegm, at ï¬rst white, and later of a greenish or ' yellowish color, coming from the bron- chial tubes when coughing, especially the ï¬rst thing in the morning. Mrs; Dan. J. Mcconmck, Cleveland, N.S., writes: “My little boy two years old caught a. bed cold which developed 1 into Bronchitis. He was so choked up he could hardly breuthe. Reading about your wonderful medicine, Dr. Wood'- Norwsy‘Pine Syrup, I decided to try 3 bottle and With such good result I got another which completely cured him. without htvin'g s doctor. I cannot any too much in its praise; I would‘not be withoutitinthehomeulcomiderita 5m cure for Colds and Bronchitis." Developed Into 7"â€? - l . h . . our Fall Suit and Overcoat B RON CH I T15 c The chill days are ‘here and so are we with a. nice range i1 standard blacks and blues, as well as the newest patterns and “Ania-9nd Rmnnhiti- 3- 17m 0“.) the £083 in tweeds. CONS in 8nd see us about your requiretnentE _ - _ . _"' ‘ The price of “Dr. Woé‘d’s†Norway PineSyrupisZSc. ltisputupins yellawwnpper. Threepinotneaistho undo nurk. Be sure and vnecept subatimte for Dr; Wood's. - ' '. died a Kin-too: of Toronto. at many. || HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED. M130â€. Nov. 1.-â€"Severa.l of the young people of this place attended the {owl supper in Omanee on Ionâ€" W evening. They report a. big teed Rood, .pent Sundty and Hominy of «.mntmdtoherdutiea Wham-ants. RUBBER GOODS An Import Stock during our Anniversary Sale. Hot-Water Bottley ‘Fogptairg u- woek with her punts. Ir. Stanley Reeds, public ..-" â€" wvvâ€" â€" v . -ï¬ , , Syringes and Combination of All Whitehall Patum Goods, of'New York, and of the ï¬n- Tub Mm policqnen were ï¬ned The method“ of exchanging flour and feed for. grain, which has been in use-for so many years, RIMI’ OLD III I D ONE THIRD OFF H.119?!) Z i; BLAIR SON 2:22:53. Makers of clothing built to last. BEABORO. 31W? our school teach. R. L. MORGAN ck of the Finest Makes Selling ‘, Lun'rm WAY. NOV. 8. 1910‘ †'inmp Jf â€g consul: Ileana:- Grand hunk Agent regarding rates- Excunsmus DBUGGIIT I! D OPTIC!“ consult SeventyN l “Fmit-a-tives l‘. “ma-mu 39mm ha â€mt a! l “um “named Hm r. "‘UOWO'vn I'v‘uhl‘u at the uâ€!- and nu o! by uulhul‘nivh, Invilauom mu nu; umber avnsmmg, “r, Wh('l‘t' In- H N A thorn, mic-m m poimmi ‘0 “may ‘0 “glue. M H . wand 51HHI a; who “in " Obstinate Com-Mp: can never be cured by lave positively no Adi which nature provide branes lining the in! pounding ouc‘e head a common purgaï¬ves. tim" is fruxt juices proper condition and soc a box. 6 for t "he by Fruita-tivcs very large ""1 " mus of mum hm the throm- thg audience was cr-o! yourâ€: " mt grew as H d. that ‘herc \ mt. Howofl‘l‘r. prieé by Fruit business company. â€m that the dress of young gifls of 9.1;!)- Th“ .11 prmt, ‘1 Omamqv 09964341 to warm" and Illyï¬wrmus “ and an eveninl-l C a“ 61W W119: W "11'! mnsnAY. NOV- fling n mung um like young when persor an 0N" um Um W’ as WILLIAM PARSO‘ IN‘I [a w uf (whm “in â€OI \mw who “W W Ill