with a nice range in the r newest patterns and color mt your requirements. ie Fare for Round 1“ ‘ Nov. 12th. to all into ‘ Musknkn. Lakeo 85! W n§ districts. etc. m 1: th. exr‘ept to points mars Nov. 15th. or Grain for Flour kinds of grain. NGE UNTERB’ nging flour which has atum 6006!. d of the ï¬n- TED. tilt to last. 3'! mm, if Sit“ w nhk \kbh any years, CHANGED. 81 Milling Salex ,, Foun'taln nbiuaflon of .d Overcoat EXCURSIONB SDAY. NOV. 8.2;“ ON i‘ine‘st Makes GODS DR UGGIST 1‘ D OPTIOIAN WW TAILORS 2 0mm of P!- [Es be ’APPY 919'? (â€9sz (“it ï¬zzâ€"QM!“ “a M: t“. hang; at kiwgteek‘ have new gnawing a few M§ in 1mm: m2. Ram; 15% flew! his saw an «e: flaw Nine YiafrsYauni 99KB! The “gay ug 1w ‘--\9w“ em; were again in me umuugm. when an Fri- dag evening one ué'tha mmbm 68- tmamed the moiety: n. \m a mllowe’en celebrwtmm and many at the gens and summima written a! by “maritime. were put out The invitations having bean sent. mg member accepting. appeuéd at the door, where he or- ghe was remivetl AA__ by a. ghost, silent and geaticulating. who pointed to realms above and a stairway to reach the celestial heights. At the top of the stairway a second sprite awaited the strang- er, who was shown to a dressing room, where he was adorned with a very large red bow, and having this regalia of membership. was shown: into the throne room. For a time the audience was composed altogeth- er of young men. whose won-lor- ment grew as their numbers increas- ed, that there were no ladies preâ€" sent. However, when that order of‘ business was called, a number of fairy-like young girls appeared to company. (when I write girls I mean that the dress and make-up was that of young girls of 10, 1-2 or 14 years of age). The roll being called and all present, the young people pro- O'ostinate Constipation. Paralysis of the Bowels and Strlctnre of the Bowels can never bech by common purgatim, salts, semis, “liver pills†and oil have positively no action on the liver. They do not increase the secretion of Bile. which nature vides to move the bowels. They merely irritate the man. branes liningb e intestines. One may as well try to cure I headeche ix pounding one ahead ngainsta stone wall. us to try to cure Constipation wi cummon purgatives. “Fmit-a-tiveS" is the cal trne liver stimulant. "Fruit-a- tives" is fruit juices and nerve tonics, and 11 always restore the liver to its proper condition and cue the most obstinate eons of Constipation. 50¢ a box, 6for $2.30, trial size. 25c. At all deslers onsent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tim Limited. Ottswm ceeded to inerticlpute in the and mysterious games of Hal and an evening of rare hm r The climax was reached wht THURSDAY. NOV, 3, 1910. em epidm'w, 9! seams tw- WILLIAM PARSONS. BIO- games o! Hallowe’en of rare hm resulted. 3 reached When the a dainty lunch. and voted the GMN'O mv. 3. I ï¬eld Hallowe’en Party amusemm m; the moist; unique use new at me seam». ï¬â€˜hm were may [may Wings; and 959 watt seemed @11st t6 remain an L- ._¢n-nd an“ ~â€" _ the ground new me? he cinema and mama t9 take at? his ever: mm mm glem‘ while We matte“ mm mm gnawing to know new u,» have him GMQ use mm: a aim being “amass: awn had to; he re: sowed to-zthe ghost pointï¬ng up the stairway and flouting- “haavem “ mm eï¬ect was mas-Ml, Mn Guest believed he was gun alive and up he went, Another evening 0: social triendship is recorded in the minutes of the club. Mr. J. A. Wylie has removed from King-st. to a. residence on Sturgeon- “.‘An , Mr. J. A. Wylie has removed from King-st. to a reSidence on Sturgeon- at., two doors north of the Pfes: byterlan church. ‘ ‘- 777A “I--- There was a. good-sized congrega- tion at the morning service 0! the Presbyterian anniversary. Rev. J. . .n__l -__| U. Tanner delivered a. thougnuun anu appealing sermon from the 183.1: chapter 0! Matthew's ‘gospel. de- scribing the kingdom of heaven and man’s need of seeking it. The choir presented a. creditable anthem and a Mr. John Boyd, of Mount Pleas- nt, was the guest. of his daughter, 'm. J. W. Mitchell, over the holi- “ I am a seventy-nineyeu- oldman, and egreat believer in, and user of “ Fruit-a.- tivesâ€. It is the only medicine I take. and I can truly say that ‘ ‘Fruitâ€"a-tiva†and exercise keep me in my present good health. 011an 999 Stricture of the Bowels. was the complaint I suï¬ered from and I found “Fruit-a-tivs†to do me more good than any other remedy. My doctor advised me to stick to “Fruit- wtives†and I heve done so with the but results. .I have been in business here for a good many years and have been a resident of Otterville for over ï¬fty years, so that if you think this little reference from me will serve to induce some others to try “ Fruits-ï¬ves â€. I hereby authorize its publication. WM. PARSON. mmmem July '8th 1910. 7 '~’ "'9'; pleasing duct was taken by . ." [Lila Parsons and 11:. Weir. At the REV. Mr. Tanner chose the “3‘ bet-o! his remarks from Rev" 213‘ chapter, giving a. picture 0! tho-New Jerusalemâ€"its beauty. capacity and the regulrements necessary for m1- Sunday. .1 Mr. Hiram Best, 0! Toronto, in town on Sunday. Rev. Mr."I‘anner was the gm Friday’s snow storm ter in rather surprisin; Saturday night’s frost degrees impressed the frigid season's approm that was penetrating. Lindsay, spent. Thaw his daughter, Mrs. H. Miss Muriel Morris box-o, visited with he: Thanksgiving. ‘ The Misses Bannon \ Peterboro Normal. ‘ Our local hunters footed deer, have left other members of the north. Last. Week our local stock buyer, Mr. Isaac Richardson. familiarly known as â€Dad,â€.issued cheques for stock purchased to the amount of $20,000. Miss Barkley, of the high schom staï¬, spent the holiday at her home in Lindsay. man E. N!“ or the pubiié when! stain was a Visitor with Mead: in mam; L... Thanksgiving Wx m2. and ms; J; (3.. Eaten. with mm menu, at mm. wished an Sunday and Manda); with m: MECPQQ; m: m§0§m me‘hgh The duet: Makers are skin heme. and mark very tumble 69961- mag: Same Beam duet ghosts? is Imperial u» have W 6% 'm we day: m. enema Mulligam at mm. mm his; mm“ on Thanktagwmg Day: Raw “9‘“: Moflullooh. (Bkâ€"Bum? at our- Methediat amok ms the mam 9t 0mm†Mandi to? magma; Mr. J. Ba 1+. Grout. meser a! the local breach oi the Bank oi Te- ronto. has been tmm to the bank's branch at Oakviiie. We con- gratulate Mr. Grout on his promo- tion, and extend the heat of good wishes. General regret is expressed at his departure, his business and social Qualities having made him a large circle of friends. He will be succeeded as manager hero by Mr. Hodgetts. Mr. R. Grey. of The Lindsay War- der, made a. business trip to Ome- mee on Monday. {Kenday by a. local drayman to the wireless tower south-east ' of the town. 1e guest of ftiends in town. A gentleman with considerable lug- .†and a mm. was' driven out on lay night’s frost of about 3 impressed the reality of season a approach with a was penetrating. Chaijles Fairbairn, ex-M. P w. spent Thanksgiving girl‘ lay, of the high school the holiday at her home ‘ of Toronto, a: ‘I visited triends >w storm ughered surprisingly eaerl Morrison with her I: Shield was homo ve left to Join or their parties of Peterboro. is were‘home from of n, of mother the Peter- over 8V1!!! old over 15 “P ‘ .v Quality is like truth and inatice. It is always desirable, It always com: on to see the dishonorable end of everything fraudulent. Seek nullty ulna; It is style that diatingulshea correct othet from but dont negleet the style. ‘ †auctions of small tailors In " Pm ma †and " 20th Century Bram! gum: comb'imtlon of mm and a le; ’ h . , . q . y A,“ ‘5: «mum‘s name in Mad let “3 I 0* W“ “10“ _ Uwggï¬â€˜invigelï¬ï¬ï¬sim 6r Overcoat; it to your advantage; the Ligiéair locks whkh is about sixtydlve you! old. Mr. Inglo m born in Port Hope anded In Wm. Hem “Willaâ€. rythinn mudulent§ 560! “Ill“ â€wavy n. ._v v 7 v e that. diningnishea comet ethos from the ve ordinary pro- se» †and “ 20th Century Brand †meats you 11 and a huppy 'but‘n the secret of then: ' t enema; mt. came ht “diet as a w you time gamma you will (ind em wants in m: depuflmm an «m me when mm in at wellaeweem \u‘ dis a! madame and 0“ 3mm $ A b UNDER‘QV cheek EAR mm mm my .m 9} MW Furnishing Made Eniéiableg It. always commands respect and it lives - k quality 91mm. 5:: the clothes you buy-â€" AJMLL Am‘“.m hm.