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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Nov 1910, p. 3

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\lr. D. E. Men-imam w Ir-un Balsam Lake on I in; and reports a splmd good luck in duck I Nun-imam paddled up on ing and arrived home evening with 4-3 large is one of the largest like here this season. Mr. P. fiynch. Super! Illandale. passed throng Tuesday in his special 0 splendidly during the pa Rev. MPDooke is in ' “wk on business. Miss Bennet. of Belle town this week. . The funeral of Cecil énly son 0? Mr. and Mrs took place to Fenelon Fa on Tuesday afternoon an 15' attended. Mr. and 1 lord have the sincere : the «mute community i dm bereavement. Mr. W. Cooke, of Cob. a few hours in town on 1 llr. Melville Ramsay, ( is in charge of Mr. A Jewelry shop. Miss Susie Wagar, of net. spent, a iéw days guest of Mr. and Mrs. B Hr. and Mrs. E. Hays Toronto, spent a. few da; the guest of Mr. and M1 St. Andrew‘s congreg their anniversary service Offering on Sunday. Pr ertson. of Knox College, pulpit and preached 1 sermons. The choir as up to its high mark, a ably assisted by Mrs. E Hanilla. In the evening program was especially did duet. "Rock of Age: by Mrs. E. A. McArthux Eerards. The anthem ’ Lb'r ," rendered by the especially fine and the so Edwards was very much the people of St. Andrev Iy indebted to Mrs. Edw kindly assisting in the I Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. mily. attended the C: ~ Fenelon Falls . Man St Mr- Adams, of Ada) House. Lindsay, was say, are visiting in tog, Mrs. E. Chambers is Lindsay the guest of he 8. Morrison. Mrs- E. A. McArthur number of lady friends he euchre on Monday e‘ Mrs. Hitchcock, o, '1 in town on Sunday in of the Lord's Day All morning she conducted the Baptist. church and hr; occupied the pulpit odist church and gave t Hr. Clegg. of Pete through town on Tuesd; Icooedale. Miss Kline retume last week after spending in loan the guest of he Bedlam”. Hrs. Hugh Sharp: Sharpe and Mr; Percy in Cameron on Sunday. Mn Edwards of Mam guest of her aunt. Mrs. Arthur. A Mme? 9! an? yam am the 96919119“ 6 ppm an Friday am“; 9 iBJeMM tinge: Amen gunned were W: W”! “mu, liiss Ema! #9 4- W. \Vawen. 3. was (My. as» v; {a} Lard is in um um week: mat“! fit!!!) 99%: fig ‘6 W3; 9? 988338; “’3 m EBWB: PAGE :31er contains some special guarantees of we great interest to students who do: re to attend a First-Class Reli- able School. You are invited to write for it. Address to W. H. Shaw, President,| “‘1' 395, Ynnge Street,jl‘oronto. Central Business College OF TORONTO E. GREGOR"? indigestion. A purelyi vegetable sugar coat-ed pill which can be easily taken by everybody. CATALOGUE Cures headache, billiousness and Mandrake Liver Pills Hardware, 15633.1, Always reliable. Purely Vegetable. Small and easy to take MidgffromfpurelLead and Oil. Mtlemmn 8(0). ReadyZMixed The Canada Paint 605., -~.... ~ ‘ sMWM“ I iTHE NEWQ EPAlNTS J. 'G. Corner Drug Store 25c Per Box BRAND OF THE “Now, Brooks." interrupted the cap- tain authoritatively, “you sure are nerv- oua. Your wife has just been telling Inaâ€"how she enjoys your new in- come.” Mrs. Brooks. startled and alarmed. gazed at her husband. “Why. Joe. are you sick?" the de- (handed. “No, not Maybe it'- the heat.” ho apnea weakly! passing his tongue like a wolf at bay. _ “What are you trying to (loâ€"make too or me? Don‘t you think that's It"- “Sure!” replied Williams in a firm voice. "How am you. Brookn?" “lâ€"I’m all right, i guess." “You know. Joe. you told me not to thank the vuptain. But he brought ii rapâ€"the raise and the money.” said his wife, still full or the subject and her gratitude. “No, I did, Joe." corrected Smith. “You see. the captain feels"â€" Brooksrturned upon them. anal-"n; “Ca-captain Williams!" he stammer- ed. advancing tremblingly toward him. “W:will_}on shake hands. captain ?” thmgsv'_ . He stopped abruptly as the door opened and his eyes rested on Brooks. The latter’s undetjaw dropped, and he turned livid with fear at the unex~ pected presence or the captain. He was. in fact, so startled that he nearly collapsed “You don’t know how happy it‘: made us all," went on Mrs. Brooks gratefully. “I feel like a new woman. and mother appreciates it." “Of course' you did,” asseverated Smith with emphasis. “Don't let him fool you. Emma." “So I raised his pay. eh? And dated It back six months?” “Now that it’s out I want to thank you ever so much.” she said. “Thank me?" “Yes, for Joe‘s raise and that six months’ back pay." "He told you that?” “Sure he did.” put in Smith. “He has forbidden me to speak of it to either you or Jlmsy." Emma told him, “but since you mave mentioned it first I can thank you. can’t I?" He did not return a direct answer. but rubbed his chin dubiously as he said: Mrs. Brooks rose, hand outstretched. and mtmhfltha happy,gnte- m1 smile. “Anxious to mike géodz Wen, he'll have a chance, and soon at that." aw ”ID “any, upmandgagmmextra wort naturally he’s anxious to make good.” again prompted t_ho superintendent “Don't you mind what Smith an. Mrs. Brooks." grinned the captnh. “The years he’s been working for no ‘ he never showed any W Sign. 92 hurry or nervousness. Bow’l you husband?" “Fairly well. I think he seem a lit- tle worried over business.” “That to! What's thofimatterf' “You see, in his new petition he feels his responsibility.” - Williams looked surprised. “Has be any special new responsibib lty?” he asked, his a. wandering in- quiringly to Smith. I!» did some that. warning signaling unobserved by “You know. Emma. that's one of tho best things the captain does.” It! Smut I “What?” “Wamng. When it comes an ”Ear and persistency -'hea got most 111th beat a dozen city blocks." that I done all these “9E DAILY WARDER. LINDSAZ. ONIARJ) in the morning.” recommended 'tho captain. gazing at him with ninth: contempt. “Yes. sir." “There’ll be some gentlemen than who may be anxious to meet you.” “I'll be there." “Didn't know but what you might Â¥ wet-sleep now that you're lo m on. Good night." Brooks shut the door and stood lou- lng against it. clutching the handle tot mppott. The muocieo of his taco wan twitching. and he cued with fright- ed, haunted eye: from his wit. to with. “Have you told her. may?" ho do mndcd. Smith raised his hand in prom “No. Joe; it nin’t the right that yd. and"â€" “Why isn‘t it the right um I‘- DIPM and Williams"â€" “Good nighn‘Smith." “I may drop out later," ream-ted the superintendent by way at reply. “Wish you‘ would.” the captain mn- ed him with some eagerness. “I’d like to smoke a plpr and an: awhile. Good night. Brooks.” “Good night, air." Brooks went forward and opened the door. "I“? to get_down to the one. by 8 Quiet smile. “It you were slngle rd Inspect captain of getting a llttle loft." “But I’d m the money." went on the captain, pursuing his tab at thought. That’s the only way to get dong “ell, I'll say good night. Mn. Brooks.” “Good night. captain. Thank you “Yes. I‘d work pretty hard without kicking to please you. Mrs. Brooks. 1! you looked to me to make good for “I suppose that's what you’d do." u- aented that Individual. “Maybe I am and maybe I'm not.” said the captain. “But." be continued emphatically. “it's a sure thing that 1: I had a girl like you I'd knuckle down and earn enough money to make you happy-eh. Brooks?" “Emma. he's giving you a little south Pacific Blarney,” put In Jlmsy. “Oh. I know womenâ€"one kind. any- way. But Brooks is lucky in having a girl like you for a wife." “I'm glad to see you so happy. Mrs. Bucks.” he observed, pausing sud looking about him again. “Thank you.” said she. “I never did know before what a um. money meant to a woman." “Perhaps that‘s because you don't know women." Into his flat. He keeps it so dirty tint lame say it’s attractive.” “That's what you get for being a bachelor'." laughed Williams. He moved toward the door. and the “Amwmakcgoodf ‘76“,qu la a 11386 561135 so: me 9993' men! “be comment. m unease no?“ lt ll plum" Ibo mm Wlllhm recs. "Well. 1 man! n' “5'36 s is mm W ‘ “m {on was BO 56 m . ”Ne; tomerrew mama; wlll do a 1 mg” You knew gyleael um l 88 ala'mete'a bat a blast tram 1 and l lllie :9 Bang 88! were" _ “‘1' sepals." added 93mg. "llveg ‘ Wm?“ ,, a"- ___-..... -uu wuv u-vc “llama. the long. sleeplem nights end dtstnctln “sat.” this: ‘h’i'n'°“fh.°€“ Mata a... an n u e m ‘ letter from Ire ‘ghn Even. 33:41)“. St.. i laugh, Scotland. and will read It with month: old. She was in en n-(ul men I]! over her bodv. We never than 1 she would tetoverlt. We set with new t and Guy 10! ebout a month. expecting every minute to tee her dte. The doctor gave me on ointment to rub her with but It did her no good. I! mother we: home from Amt-flee and she told me to try Cuttcure Ointment end to wash her with Outbure Soup. Then we: e greet «Memo: when I used the tint box. It to soothe her end6‘l‘s‘e dept. I need the end In the fittest baby now! She e mlncle. tuedoctordeduee. leaded total-ay- And thet the mean of the Cutkun Wm” huvfiafi "133‘ ”bmu‘mttmafif o ' V“ y n. . Ben's-In 674 pm die A . Detroit. m we. nu... ‘1 '°‘ "m mix. vm» m M d: months mg, I: hon lon- heed. 32%;» , 97:51” 33.2....- _-‘e_ 7,. . _ v ,,,,,,,,,, wuuylv "fitment: nu. 3nd stronger one: In tried. ”memos so lurch an: the mm I- increased rather than flayed. Even pro- feulonu Md hu pron-n unclean. tad tho [on k ever-present that the skin dheuo will become chronic. turning the child'- futmmto:nhhm o! planted and menu! Suck; mothers. who have witnessed their warn I suturing sud who hue updmo m - D I I'nnlhn “(.L..- ‘_J A _. “What an I do lor my skln~tortured baby?" How may worrled. worn-out mothers whose children Ire Mona; wlth eczema. Letter or other torturlnx. disfiguring humor. hove ssked themselves this questlonl Through neglect or Improper tmtuwnt. tome mlnor eruption has developed Into 5 «strain; and unsightly wictlon. Slmplo lmo___._ l-" __J _-,,, Mr. Marshall Barley. o! Verulem. brother-in-law of Mr. George Met- Calfe, was a, visitor in Islsy district on Sunday last. Mr. Barley has just returned from a three week’s trip to the West, where he has many relatives and as they all live wlthln a. radius of ten miles. he had the pleasure of seeing them all. He also had the pleasure of his first auto ride, being driven s distance of elahty miles in one hour, 1 In the Dcapdfing Cry of Thousands of Mothers, A Scotchwomn Tells How He: Child w” Cured. firs. John Jamieson spent last week at the home of her father, .M’r. D7 Tolnfie. WHAT CAN l 00 Fflfl MY SKIN- TORTURED BABY? Although advanced in yours she enjoyed good health until the past summer. Deceased was a. sister 0! the late Donald and Alexander Gil- christ and also Mrs Donald Murchis- on. all of whom have predeceased her some years and who" were old and mpected residents of this Community. The many [fiends in this district extend condolence. I Very mm: attended the ("new at the late Mm Vary Gilchrist. a! Waadviua. m 61mm Cemetery on Saturday leat- Deceaaed was among the oldest residents of thts district. hafing always resided at the home of her brother, the late Donald Gil- christ until a year use her skater-in: law, Mrs. D. Gilchrist, and daughter Mrs. Stone.lemoved to Islay, Alta , and the late Miss Gilchrist took up residence in Woodville, in company with her niece. Miss Lizzie Gilchrist. Deceased was widely known and was also very highly esteemed and respected by all. Mm Gen/is flawia $5 at prmt vtgtung (”ends in madam, Mrs- Jenn Mama and mum. {rem 0mm are “men in me Mama 9! Mr. and rm 1mm" Magma: was My Pear-n at renews Faun ream-.1; speak a few days in she ham 0! her sicker. am, ‘1‘: 6mm. 9! ms diam“: way, i: M; = In W Wk am! his ' Aflhae mute. from Imam, my Valentin. were won: an an the ham 9! m; charge he: asks an Sunday hm; 1911A? For A Good REIiable Boot If needs: ' ' ' - " an ”1:9 _ , mngyguonéz rubber heels fixed, can m and “c “I“ z ary business was transacted {or the] MM; Gm current year, D , old . II 1! 1"" “"1“ “mm from Pleasant ”$3.32.: 12:3? 2'2".“ 2‘5 A boat ring meeting was held at the home of Ir. Thou. Christian on Saturday evening last. Owing to the unfavorable “rather the attend. ance was and], however. the necess- The many friends of Mrs. John McDermott 'u-e pleased to heu- that he is convalescent {ram his serious illness. We have a large assortment of Hand Sewn Boots and Shoe: to select from. all of but material and workmanship. If we have not any i; stock to fltyoulctustakeyourmmmfora pair. Good l'i Co I rt bland luautdyiw. M30651“ t, mo ‘ ,- [its Grace Mobcalfe of this district has had a. week's visit with friends in Vex-alum. DON’T fORGET nr. Jlm Wilson was visiting at the Bellevflle. is now able to be Jui home of Ir. Naylor on Sunday, the again after being confined to an 16th inst. hospital tor a short time as the re- The 1918! branch of the Women's sult oi a sprained ankle caused by Institute met at the home of Mrs. playing lootball. mag, on WM”, of last week. Many from this district attended There was n large attendance and ex- the funeral of the late Mr. Andrew oellent papers were given by members' Spence, of Kirkfield, on Monday last, It was also declded that Miss Mabel interment taking place in Glenn-m Currins be sent as n delegate to the Cemetery. Deceased was wellâ€"known Annual Convention of Women's 111- and highly respected by all, and ste- stitute, to be held in Toronto on Sident of this district for many yam November 15 and 16. The Novan- having resided on the farm now her meetlm will be held at the home owned by Mr. Dave Graham. In of Mrs. Donald McFadya: and prom- ‘ religion he was a consistent Presby- lsee to be specially interesting and 1 terian. He was a brother or Mr. profitable. A cordial lnfltatlon is Dan Spence of this district and an extoded to all the ladies to attend. uncle of Mr. D. u. Spence. The ma. Gm. Hotcalfe of this district many friends extend condolence- Acknowledged the highest grade stoves in Can- ada. Call and seethese stoves, whether you wish to buy or notâ€"and see the latest improvements in stove construction at Cinnamon’s Hardware Store were in Lindsay on Saturday last to see their Ion Carl, who is a. student a: the Collegiate Institute. REPAIRS HEAT” AND PROMPT” EXECUTED ONLY FIRST CLASS HECHLNICB EMPLOYED, f 1!") VERY BEST LEATHER USED. T; HUGHES, Have You Seen BIG THREE 52 Kent-st. Stoves! To call on J. Hughes’ Hand Made Boot and Shoe Store. Mr. George Green was at Canning» (on Thursday last delivering a horn prefiously purchased by Mr. Grand that place. Hrs. Hugh Gilchrist visited Wood- vme friends on Thursday 0! last 815170113 6' III? Miss My Elford is at present the guest of Miss Mary Gilchrist, Wood- ville. WEEDAY. K09. 1. 1910 We are pleased to state that m. John Everaon, of Albert Gouge, Bellevflle, is now able to beout again after being confined to the hotpital for a short time as the re- sult. o! a sprained ankle caused by playing football. Ealley was under the parental on Sunday last. mm? 81‘” and mum ST. N. ‘flhampion" and “Peninsular' The “Pandora" Lindsay 2...; colitis: bu]: flow NO“ 86000 Woma NW 0' Mr "M: 0'9”» Sh: Used Only The Natural u M, UWWlulul (04 a!" ”2 9: Suflerlng from lam ' Old W Trouble, bu nu m ”d “W that «I ”M had gone out of in d ”vet axpectlng to be u 1 m min, Hm. J. u. [w d the place tried Dudd's ”It. and is once more in the with. Her simple statement but evidence that no Case 01 l m ii 80 bad that Budd's ‘ Pills will not cure it. "I Was treated by five d Hrs. Leadbetter s‘atofi. “ than did me no good. The dated on me and that gave lief {or a time. I had Femal they and Heart Trouble. I w nervous and run down fiends did not think that 1 ever get better. Hr. Dank-1. MT Ewen motored u day. We are glad to see Mrs. out. again. ReV. Mr. Cockhurn, of occupied the pulpit of the 1 ha church on Sunday "he! "An advertisement led me Dodd's Kidney Pills and I h: cannot praise Dodd's Kidu too highly." Female Trouble and Heart! are caused by Kidney Di natural way to cure them i the kidneys by using Dodd's Pills. Hrs. McFadden rn-mrned I from Toronto, when" ssh» ha visiting. Kirkfield. Oct. 24.-â€"\\'9 a to see Mr. Russell Smith a after his week's mness. Kiss Mysia McFadde-n from a two month's \ish ‘ three in Winnipeg. evening. Thanksgiving Son in the Methodist (' h un morning. The Misses Snuth n1 We ” at home " in (U Friday of last week. Ilsa Donalda McKinnon week end in town. Miss Kennedy who has Ills m8. 1!. G. erv, r01 Cannington last Saturday In. Parks Fpl-nt last 'I Hrs. Parks The death C in the Ross Crowley. a “'1'” young man of I ed was in me was in the em! Lumber Com-PM Hr. Brovm ha yacht for seven med with a m 8353mm 8" AM my. ““4 99mm: gumm- m ALL man TwmmJ try this thing. that dd unable family 1mm No sense in runni: the best one, then this thing. that W ately select the be m it. Ask your throat and lung No alcohol in th' mason. NOV. 3. 1 w! LL! A M the pril KlRKI-‘IFL‘D Oct. 24 .-â€"We (or a1: my trou1 OBITUARY lrs. Daniel to Lindsay occm'red m mmm: prvicps w n0“! WiHiA is“ W "l W

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