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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Nov 1910, p. 9

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“3:: {ea of cost. . will undoubtedly buy and 5, Lin this manner, hundredsva d3 of these 50-cent bottlu'fl e. , we do that to show our nu" Luce in this wonderful menu-n. nfldence that has been based a my years' experience with tlh d preparation. with a full km .1 the hundreds or thousandsd R: has made. . the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. M 93495 Spadma Ave" Tm mph your offer m trytwc. boa]. hychino (pronounced Si-koen) I. :- expense. I have not. had a h.- lc of Psychine undgt work: my advise my W to 4! bottle to me. Draggist's Name“ . I, but since the above water”!- was secured there has been w y sickness of any account. JAROWâ€"TOMPKINS -- On No? I, at the Cambridge-st. Meth- I: parsonage. by Re\. J. P. W9 Thomas Albert Barjarow, a“ re Tompkins, daughter 0! 15‘- Mrs. Wm. Tompkins, all d rd Range gnu} SUVEMBER 17 1910. his .-oupon is notgood fora. 500. bottle ’sychine it presented bathe musty be gentleâ€"{o wiithon ‘edom. It will be a‘plea- 1 point out the good 2 possesses. he regular retail mica) bottle of Psychine to b: W'bsvttiZ-Kt 35-yard” from ion! “is: and direct rum to delivot b to . This offer my be withdrawn a time without notice. Send m he Itund Number...” and Number............. ... k of that new stove I am showing the power) costs $2.50 per leap year; the second five lamp ’ and beyond that they cot >er light per year. COUPON No. not ousands of 59. 1 Si-keen) ....- .... on... co - v- c... .o o 155:: .5“ 53 charges. Hfiu’iifl IARRIAGES 1907 the town (I ommmfl l ...---.a .09 o. ooo--.~-ooo..cooo as Tractions in Demand Out West «ENVYYNOVEMBER SALE One of the brightest and mosr. in- structive journals published in the Canadian West in the interests of the farmer, is;the Canadian 'l‘hresherman and Farmer. published at Winnipeg monthly. The issue for the month of November, which has reached the editor's desk, contains a. number of good articles on machinery, and also a half page advertisement on the Sylvester seeding maChines and culti- Tvators, illustrating a 4 cylinder op- posed gasoline traction engine in the field. Messrs. Tudhope and Anderson Co. Ltd. are the agents for the Syl- Taster machines out west. In the same issue appeard a letter written by Mr. Wilfred H. Farthing, of Spy mu, Sask., which in part is as fol- lows: ‘-1 am enclosing you an extract from a hook I read recently. I thought it likely to interest you, for publica- tion in the Canadian Threshermnn of which I am an interested reader, and haVe raven since it was first publish- ed. I followed your article on trac- tion cultivation with great interest. mule my first acquaintance wttn gasmme engines nearly ten years fig and have since been a. strong advo- caze of its uses. It was very anusing to us to listen to our neighbors, with their prophesies of troubles and 'disappointment, when we first stutt- ml «an. annealing at my father's ed with gasoline at my fathers place near Millwood, Man. The en- gine we got was a. 6 h. p. Sylvester stationary, this we mounted amine- “! as a. portable. or course it gave trouble for a. timeâ€"very naturally tOHs we uixderstood practically “thing of it. but in one season's use. we managed to master it fairly well; this engine is still running Inst. 18 good as ever. find- 3Wm‘-"°"‘ appearances, it should (16 as well for another {an year's use. We used it for mucking prmdpclly. WE 80-inch Mom sputter. W _ Tapestry Floor Rdgs 3x4 yards. reg. $11.50, November Sale Special. . Ladics‘ Sateen Petticoats this is considered by most, merchants a garment. to sell for $1.25, Novembe; L‘-I.‘ ................ 53rd YEAR. SABLE THROW TIE HAND BAGS PETTICOATS 25c, 35c, 506- GLOVES $14.00, November Sale RUGS 12.50 75c 1.00 most 111- -to-Wear Garments and General Dry Goods. continue all through the month. 8nd ‘operate a. Climax 1: ensuing: ea“... |with pneumatic elevator, elevating ensilsge into a. silo 24 ft. high with good satisfaction; it was also used for chopping grain and cutting wood." Another letter in the same issue from Mr. Albert-~McIeOd, of Kell- wood, Man, reads as follows: “In answer to yours re gas engine I beg to say: I have an 8 h, p. Syl- vester stationary engine on my farm .at Kellwood, and find it a very han- Black Beaver Cloth Coat, Seal Fur Collar, lined throughout ........ 1 3.50 Sale of High Grade Fur Fur Lined Coats Green and Black Kersey Cloth Coat, Sateen lined. German Mink collar. regular $25.00, Sale .............. 20.00 Loidies‘ Fur Lined Coats in Green, Black. Brown. and Navy Shell. neatly stmnned with Western Sable collar and Muskrat lining reg. $50.00, Novem- ber Sale .......................... 38.50 “(2113‘ Natural Coon Coats, heavily fun ed dark shades, regular . :1: fit! dy power to ha.ve,on the farm. De- fore I got the engine I had a. 10 h. p. We used it to run a, grain crusher and a circular saw for cutting wacd, but there was a good deal of bother with the horse power, as there were Sale "Avu y..- â€"_, , so many whiffletrees, neck yokes, chains and halter to gather up ev- ery time we wanted to use it. But there is none of that with the gas engine, as one can start it on a few minutes' notice. I have had my en- vvn - â€"â€" â€" v ___f Brow :1 Green and Navy Kersoyd Clsoth Coats 54 in. model. neatlfm tailored stitched felled seams. poc kets. large buttons positively 11.50 coat, can. ................... 9.75 minutes' A very elegant assortment of wo- mens‘ st lish fall coats all 54 in; models splendid y tailored, all the newest ma- terials lmedl or unlined, November Colo ...................... 13-00 gine for a year and a nun now: the only troublq Ihad was last when the battery played out. ‘ " In Wale and Twill Serge in Navy, Brown and Green .................. 500 Green. Garnet. Wisteria. Rose, Brown, Grey and Navy Poplin, rezu. 131- 60c. November Sale. . . .. ........ 49‘; Black Voile 90c Sale ......... . . . .750 SECI'ION 1W0 BOAT SPECIAL DRESS GOODS Climax B ensilage cutter watic elevator, elevating to a. silo 24 it. high with isfaction; it was also used nine: grain ana cutting 0‘ half now Coulity’Cbu'iicil”ii ‘ Session Tuesday council {or the year 1910 opemd in the court house this morning at eleven o’clock, with all the members present. The business of the morning was to discuss the purpose of constructing steel and concrete bridges in the country. After the roll call by County Clerk McNeillie, Reeve Michael moved, secâ€" onded by Deputx-Reeve Varcoe. that iBy-law 692, to authorize the bor- rowing ot $10,000 tor the purpose of erecting steel and concrete bridges be read a. first tune.-â€"Carried. Moved by Reéve Callan, se by Reeve Dr. Gould, that the oil go into committee of the to discuss the by‘law. Reeve ham taking the chair, read the by- law, and after some discussion as to whether there would be any :1de- per cent. or 4-; per cent, it “.33 moved by Reeve Hawkins. seconded by Reeve Jordan, that the committee rise and report the byâ€"law read a. sec» 0nd time and carried without amend- signed and sealed. , A motion of adjournment until 2 o'clock this afternoon was carried. The question of visiting the county sion. not be visited fly the coimcn u a. “V â€"--n.: vâ€" ,7 , Mr. McNemie. "The council decided to visit this afternoon alts the seeâ€" uvv luv __, v whole. but they will b9 “W 1” hen- the committee's roport. . iadies‘ Astrichan Mantles, 3) inch' regular 345, Sale ................. 35.00 Brown and Black Coney Scarfs. reg. 3.50, Sale .......................... 8.75 Misses German Mink Set Throw Tie and Mufi‘, regular 8.00, Sale ....... 7.00 Ladies’ Broad Cloth Shell Coat, Mink trimmed, muskmt lining, regular 877. Sale . . .‘ .......................... 70.00 Brown. Navy and Black Broad‘ClotE: Shell, Muskrat Lining, Alaska Sable collar, regular $62, Nov. Sale. .4 .50 00 " vm. Moon. Osborne. b! Toronto. secofinpanied by a "couple‘ 0‘ 8‘9”“ men Manda, in mm'm " is”: Suits of Hard Finished Worsted, choice styles and most a. proved models itively marked $‘ ., November ale ............................ 13.90 Womens' Strictly Hii Class. fall model cuts of rich blac , pure wool cheviot 30 in. coat model, satin lined. new skirt style, November Sale. .9315 Silk and Net Blouses Black Silk Waists, t‘ucked, $3.00 and ............................... 8.50 Nav Silk \Vaists beautifully tucked new 3 eeve. Sale ........... 7_. . 23,09 new Sleeve. Dune ..... . ........... u,‘gv Green Silk Blouse, neat! trimmed with Soutache braid, Nov. 9. . 14.75 Brown Shot Silk Blouse, tucked trimmed, Nov. Sale ............... : q l_ :ch a»: The last session 01 the County Penis], Nov. 14.-â€"Mr. Wm. Pull!) mtg few day! of this week in'l‘o- unto on business. SUIT SPECIALS. issuing the debentures at bridge at. Lime LINDSAY. Em" muasmv, NOVEMBER l7, 19m whole J onetvme, Nov. lsâ€"The anniver- sary services and thank offering were held in the Methodist church here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Balfour. o! Lind- say, preached two excellent sermons, and spoke to the Sunday school chil- dren in the utter-noon. The collec- ‘tions and offering amounted to one hundred and twenty-nine dollars. | Mrs. John 1!.ch spent some time wood, is the guest. of her _ cousin. Miss Cora McLean for the weak-end. Miss Mabel Real was the guest of in Toronto m Mossom deer 1- am: a course st the Lindsay 3m C°1‘ "gm "guts“ MI- ml ‘Efl mmwayMfl"m 10-4 Heav Cotton Blanlefi, in white and b no. and white and pink. border, November Sale .............. I Biack and Brdwn Coney Mufl‘sv November Sale ..................... Alaska. Sable Man‘s beautifully tuned, November Sale .............. ll ‘â€"â€"' mfihfimfiaoommuo: Black and Brown Coney Mums, Men’s Underwear Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers Western Sable Mufl‘s, 2 Specials, 6.00 and 9.00 Boys’ Fleeced Lined, 2 Specials, 350 and 400 cousin. This Sale will FUR MUFFS commune with Mcudl m Now BLANKETS 400 and 500 MUFFS J ANI‘YI‘VUJLE. 14.00 1.10 3.50 Thurston Bros. clover threshing on The regular monthly meeting 0: we Friday last are still thinking of what Women's Institute is to be held on might have been if Mr. O. Imrie who the twenty-fourth of this month at was putting clover onto the table, the home of Miss Thurston. This had not. seen what he thought to be meeting is being held n week later a piece of colored paper, but on than usual to allow the delegate to picking it up found it to be a box of the convention time to Pm I 22 calibre cartridges, with twenty- report. This report will be well two loaded shells in it. It the box worth hearing, and a cordial invita- had passed into the cylinder, in all tion is extended to all the womento probability the barn and all its con- attend; Husic is being prepared. ‘tente would have been destroyed and Myrtle Jones. eldest daughter of a number of lives also. The owners Mr! P. Jones, is or duty this week, 0! the barn have no idea how the having had the misfortune to step cartridges got there as there has on a rusty nail. which passing [been no sun 0! that size used around through her boot, pierced her foot , AL- __:II -AA‘ Mr. Fred Jones was a business visitor at Victoria. 'Roud on Mon- Balsa. GrOVe. Nov. 14â€"Mrs. R. Webster returned home last. week. Hrs. 0. Hill is at. present. visiting with, her sister, Hrs. C. Everson, of this place. Mrs. ering the reports and other docu- ments to be submitted to you, I have, following the established prac- tlce called this session of the coun- cll. men who were misting the Mrs. Hill will remain for The Warden’s Address Found in Nick of Time Miss E. R. Knight left on Wednes- day morning for Toronto. Miss Knight will attend the Women's Con- vention, also the Horticultural Show held there this week. _ Mr. D. Imrie spent Suturdny and Sunday st his home in Cm. Municipal Aét mung to the min- tensnbe of bridges will be submitted for your consideration. and decision. This is one o! the most important questions that can engtge your at- tention, and I trust yen will benble to reach a. conclusion that will be 'promotive of the-best interests at the county at large. , It is incumbent upon you to make in .nppolntment to the 03109 of High Constable o! the county, 3 mntter that was referred to the June sm- sion. Mrs: Haynes and Mrs. Pethicl Pleasant. Valley, visited friends report. This report will be well worth hearing, and a. cordisi invite.- tion is extended to all the women to attend; Husic is being prepared. Inn-tie J ones. eldest daughter of Mr! P. Jones, is 01! duty this week, having had the misfortune to step on ‘. rusty nail, which passing through her boot, pierced her foot quite badly. We hope she will soon be better .gun. In the opiniOn of the board of man- agement of the House of Refuge, the clerk and treasurer should be ap- pointed inspector of the House of Retuge. The clerk and treasurer has of necessity been obliged to dis- charge the numerous duties that fall within the province of en inspector. but without being clothed with do: finite authority. For this purpose. and in order that 0. number of am- and in order tint 9. number of ammdments that experience in the ap- pllcetion of the rules and regula- tions has shown to be desirable, a by-law containing provisions for the appointment of an inspector and to define his duties and authority and to re-enact all the rules and regula- tions with certain amendments. will be introduced to the council. A num- to you. I have the honor t_o be. gentlemen, Council Chamber. 1910. PAGES 9 to l6 Your obedient of documents will be'aubmitted Lindsay, Nov. 15 o! sash. She wore a white embroida'! hat with pink bows and carried g basket of fillies of the vdley and maiden-hair ferns. The groom I“ assisted by his brother. Hr. Wifliun Morton of Bethuy. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a. set of furl. to the bridesmaid n pearl ring. to the flower girl a.« gold bracelet, and to the groomsm gold an! lull. During the signing of the W I: Geo. Pete“. of mod, an. 4‘ 0 Perfect: Love." ; and carried a. bouquet of much-’- senthemums. Eat tulle yell “I caught with a. wrath of mm sauna. Miss Winnitred Nubitt. *- terofthebride. :1:qu and was dressed in pale blue .03” gloriu trimmed with “til 81” Wot. a black picture but end envied s Shea! of pink carnation. line He- belle Neebitt. niece of the brido. ReviJ. F. CW gave an ad- dress at the (owl supper at Pinon-.1. no league service conducted by th- young men was one of exceptional in- mrest. The young men are to be congratulatw on the very excellent. progmm furnished. The music-.1 part which consisted of a. chant. M solo by Mr. Thompson, violin selecâ€" tions by Elba Yawn; and W much appreciated. The real in“ o! the evan'ng centred in . mu. ”Resolved that truth is a more eo- timble quality than tact, and flat the form should m be W for the latter." Neg‘uve. ‘ m. John Davidson. Eva‘ett Hark on Elbn. Yerex ; Mauve. Ian. Fred Perrin, Percy Promo gnd Stanley Dix. The judge! wen M 1.99. C. Netherton and Rev, Chapman. The debate was very mm. and etch. young mu: acquitted M â€"‘ - - ' .4.â€" ,_‘ ___- held at the family widen“. 3100.? vale. The house was nicely MOM ed for the occasion. The Mix-on. Mr. and Mrs. Morton left c evening train for a. short trip. bride travelled in a tailored of mvy blue diagonal serge. with Sunday at Oakyvood. will - reside in selections Little Britain, Nov. 16.-ReV. Kr. and Mrs. Robins and family, Black- stock. are visiting at Rev. J. Arch- er's. We met the departure of llr. Standard Sunderland. Alta-theat- ‘.Ha11uhav1nga LITTLE nanny. Thompson 311d I“ d “1. Bank. spent Sunday It a reception w“

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