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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Nov 1910, p. 12

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W -_v Q vbAuw , , ,__ “Ll-INV- WEDNESDAY’S BESSION Conn. McLeanâ€""That was in the The county council committee on original specifications." printing met in the judge’s chamber Mr. McNefllieâ€"“It was noticed car- at 2.30 yesterday afternoon with ly that such a. valve was needed." VCounc‘illor Kylie in the chair. Conn. McLeanâ€"“I ‘move the w v The new 111111ch in theregisgcount be paid-provided it wear not «cu-'3 office necessitated a short dis- in the original Specification”. N Any 0! the recognized advertising , agencies in Canada. are authorized to , uncut business for The Warder. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17 1910. comm couNCI'Lâ€"Emms The Daily Warder -- one cent per boxy. By mail to points outside of Lindsay. $2.00 per year. The Watchman-Wade: (weekly) â€" 01.00 per year in advance; $1.25 if Md during the year. Postage to United States extra - Duly or Weekly, 50¢. per year. Toronto Representatives ‘8. E- Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. B. )1. Porter, 100 Woodâ€"st. ILL“ GILLIES, Proprietor Watchman-Warder ! I WEEKLY EDITION r Last week we made this offer and found it filled the wants of many. This week _wc are repeating it with another lot, all mm- mcd with wings, ribbors, etc. 3 50 Extra value at . Just to wind up wind uQ t_he sezison we will give you any of qur Millincry wmgs and feathers at a big savmg, just half price. . weu m A fine range of popular all wool chcvnot and at cloths. 42 in. wide, new colorings of Green, Brown. Navy and \stteria. Reg, 39 values up to 509 yd. for .. . . .. 0 Ever“ Wings and Feathers half price 355533; Subscription Rates llllll v l|ll\v ‘nl‘oklb ' Splendid range of dress andrfancy silk for ed colorings, regular \vmsts and fancy work. Reg. values 39 only............... . . . . . . up to 75¢: yd. for ............... c _ -v-vI-- v- VVI '\ On all our childrcns hats we will provide A big range of Mens‘ Crochc a big saving by giving you i of? regular colors, four in hand style. Reg prices. ‘ Safdiffe’s 511mb" 54‘ {Buying an} Sunflcflfifife’s Dmimg mfir Big Exflcméfioim Smile Wiflfl 18c WW3 Mmion Sale an mu Chou-t. oco-..t on. fill feather pillows 6 lbs, size 20x26, good stroqg feather or art ticking coverings, very spccml value at only per pair... ..... 1 ‘0 High grade English fiannelcttes m fancy two tone effects, two special lines. Regular 15c quality for l2ac, reg." 17c .mquality for" . 1856 We havea number of pieces of ‘good Scotch Linoleum, 1 yard wide and in lengths up toSyds. Reg 50c and 60c qualities, Remnants to clear at per yd ....... ... 39c Telephone 67. Mt Burlap fo_r walls and curtafins, red- only. 88 inches wnde. you cap put 2t on yourself easily. Reg. 25c quahty, per yard 10.. Just pleating up our stock of‘Jap Mattias. all 36 m. wide. assorted pattem all made on cotton warps. Reg. 350 qualiuea for” . . . 1 9° Trimmed Hats 3.50 Feather Pillpws 1.4-9 pair Childrens Hats reduced 15c Flannelettes 12 1-2 The . 5’3Mififififififlfi 86 inch Bumps for 190 Dress Goods 390 llook Some Mats o n. nuns-non. .ouo.-~~.-~c The County Property Committee {met with Coun. Jordan in the chair. The accounts were read by Clerk Mc- Neillie, and on reading Mr. Hunger- ford's account for some work on the steam fitting system, objection was made to the paying for a shut-011 valve for the registry ofice. ‘ registrar may get at deeds, mortgages, etc.. handily. The pre- sent system will last for years come. Conn. McLeanâ€""What Is the price of these '2” Mr. McNeillieâ€"“Those already pur- chased cost $4.50 a. dozen.” On motion of Councillors Jordan and Tiers, the accounts were ordered; to be paid, and as there was no oth- er business, the committee rose. t0 icussxon. The government inspector 1t visited the oflice some time ago and dan fdemanded that the new fittings com should be purchased, and Reeve Jor- som: dan thought it would be better to stre¢ comply with the request. The filings woul are now placed in a position so that i was the registrar may get at deeds,l Mr -4 A__A cussion. The “a . . #8 C953 Comglete Patterns 10c and 15¢ ONTHLY STYLE anz ppm: 190 Every boys suit in our 11‘ during mts sale. No trouble save money. Come and see _ vvwvv â€"- 1" vv \Iens’ College stylc, new stripe tweed 0\ ercoa well made and lined, a very new style coat and and at this price is extra good value, only ...... We know our choice has been a wise one and you will find these Patterns the most practical, the most original and perfect fitting of any paper pattern in the trade. ' That you may beomc acquainted with this splendid Pattern. We Invite you to our Dress Goods Section where we carry all the leading Home Journal Style Publications in connection with the Patterns. ‘ Mail orders Filled Promply J. SUTCLIFFE We Have Secured Control of tho Ladies" Home Journal Patterns for this Town With the object of having, for our custpmers, the most reliable patterns at the most moderate pnces possxble, ifietting The Most For Your Money ,__‘_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v â€"' avv Mcns’ fine elastic {w-eb suspenders, Mohair ends IAAIA‘Z _â€"- ._ - ‘ A bigflrange 9f Mpns'iCxZécHE; :62; : The values we offer are unsurpassed and if you study your best interests from a Money saving. value getting standfioint you will make it a point to fill every need from our big stock. especially now when prices are wonderfully reduced. Shortly we will be moving some departments into the new addition, moving will be much more quickly and satisfactory done if stocks are greatly reduced. From now until the end of the month must see a big clearance. We want you to come, we will provide savings large enough to repay you well. Ladies’ Home iJoumal Patterns Mgng’ Suspenders at 19c Mensf Overcoats at 9.50 MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE qus’ Crochet Ties 19c xt m our hou is redmcd ft-n pnr 1-an NO trouble to Outt e boys here and M...“ -AJ -U L .....-.... ... o...- Boys Suits Reduced â€"-vJv n-wlw “I and see how easy money savings is. ......... av vital! BIIUO, 25c lines but during this sale remuneration was not large enough, ear- (there being no salary), and conse- ' quently the by-law appointing" him ao- was repealed. No applications were not received by the treasurer. f‘~ Conn. Mean stated: ’thet’ Chief last session, created éonsiderable discussion. The chiefs resignation was handed to the council, u the remuneration was not large enough. (there being no salary). and conse- {HIGH CONSTABLE . ‘ At the meeting of the committee 0n appointments of the county council. held yesterday annex-noon, the ap« pointment of a high constable for the county owing to the resignation of Chief Vincent being accepted at the It was moved by Councilor Kylie, seconded _by Councilor McLean, that the chairman receive the usual grant 01 $50 for his services. The commit- tee rose. erg-thing was in a satisfactory con- uitxon, including the new porch, ex- cept the kitchen 'stoYe, which should 1-0 improved or a new one purchased. JAIL INSPECTION. A report of the inspection 01 the jail was read, which stated that ev- tee that it was gecessary to purchase. some utensils for the building, but the caretaker was doing good work,‘ as might be seen by the councillors. and the'conditions were much im- proved, both inside and out. Jt was explained by Chairman J or- I Vincent Was a. good man. ‘dan that the boulevards around the should not be called awe court. house had been improved with her of days to places in some material brought from the and a man who u not streets, costing nothing, but as it to the work put in his 1 would not grow grass. some loam Coun.~ Tiers said he ha: was obtained. .imz tn tn. pmm In"- M; 2t 'l'xcs in assorted . 25c, each for ..... . nu»: wammwm was“. tweed ovcrcoats, extra McNeinie informed the commit- o . ‘n..-....-o.- ff??? 9.50 8°“? 19¢ assort- 19¢: . Ladies’ Black Satqen Underskirts lined with red sha‘ ker flannel, a splendid wmtcr garment, Special at only LINDSAY has: no mm ‘7‘. «man. The committee appointed by the county council to meet delegates from Haliburtan to enter into an egreement as to the share of charges and expenses should be paid by Hall- burton, met in the court homeome time ago, and decided that the said county should. pay. commencing Jan. ‘ 1, 1910, the sum of 8550 per annum and , that-the paymenteihould be VICTQRIA and McLeod, Mr. Wm. 'l‘hornbury was appointed to the position. The committee rose after .the usual mo- tion. Conn. Kylie was in favor of a. sep- fund the minutes of the last meeting grate man being appointed, as the were reed. and on motion of Coun- town needed the chief here all the allots Hawkins and Byng. were con- time, but a. good man should bez‘amad, given a. proper fee ! After the Warden's address. whi¢h w After some discussion by other ”pm 1. W. mug, w" ‘members of the council it was mov- 9w, it was moved by Conn. 13. L. ed, 8600!)de by Conn. Southern, that'mm, seconded by Mr. Comefl.‘ the high constable be given an h03°”’that the various clauses therein be aim of fifty dollars a. year besides ' left to 3,, ”mt mt“. the customary fees. The motion car-i Coun. Cornell, of MY. “ml tied. " ’ , , ..._ ---_..’ -wawu, mu 1; we ownuuu ‘ remuneration was made large enough At 235 he would be .the mm. M“-.. --.‘ Lto the work put in his plane. Conn: Tiers said he had been talk- ing to the chielt who said it didn't pg him to leovo' town and go to some distant part of the county. The work 01 the town aid that of the council are closely related. and if the Vincent was a. good man, but that he should not. be called away {or a num- ber of days to places in the county, motion of Councillors“ Palmer u not accustomed , Court House. Nov. 16. 1-1 s. Tho county counci. not this fox-”Enzym- shout 10.“, with, mWood c m. â€"-ILhnlt¢ . ‘ H I. Ming~th coum DEBENTURES we councn in behalf of forty-nine Stock Association asking for the us' ratepayers of the Ichool section in a "31 grant “d l number 0‘ sealed section of the township near Ome- tenders ior.bridges were idt to the ’mee, who submitted e petition signed finance committee on motion oi lby than winking that the public Councillors Johden and McLean. ‘uhool section of the Omunee high The council than adjourned on mo- echool be dieunited from that ineti. tion of Councillors Cullen and Hc~ tution. The petitiOn was referred to Keene. to meet. at 10.80 to-morrow the committee in chem, on motion moraine . oflthorduendMeod. ‘ manhunt! Amt Com- The council that adieu-nod to visit ‘Journment with Conn. mm in the the County Home at W. uni chair. in. following tenders for do meetegainonWedneedq gt 10.80 bent“!!- mreed by'l‘reesuml‘o ‘m, ’ ‘ NM' nnrrmnv nun-3mm..- Campbell Mm Can “A“ . ! After the Warden'a address, which appeared in Tuesday's issue. was read. It was moved by Conn. 13. L. Helm, seconded by Mr. Cornell. that the Mom clauses therein be left to thg diflerent committees. Conn. Cornea, of Emily. addressed S CHOOL an additional lock up be supplied for Hnliburton county. The report was received this morning 'nnd road n third time and a by-law was passed fixing the amount to be paid to Vic~ tom Co. by the neighboring county of Hdiburton at 8550 per mum. I The committee recommended that to. on December 20 each year. 1.49! Wade-1's warm, which report was read . third Tue-day’s issue, was signed. “0““ by Conn. 13. L. A by-law to fix the amm :onded by Mr. Cornea, Paid by Halibut-ton {or ch. landmine-therein be expenseswureud;thirdt _-,- -uvv-V'U vul’ IOUU Boys. heavy Frieze and fancy Reefers with large storm collar. Regular 2.5c.and 2.25 each, on sale at I 50 .noooo-c . 'uuoo-.o-.-.o.-.. . n . . o n.. . M .nao cal... to. .q-u , -V â€"v-â€"vw van-J v.“ Ladics‘ black tafl‘cta also black and Ecru lined. Regular 4.25 and 4.00, each for. . . . f ‘. , 7 ...... ".7 Ladies' Saxon Flannelctte Gowns white colors, made With yoke and lac regular 65c each for..... -- v“â€" CV. WV Heavy elastic ribsezlâ€"tgtuml wool underwear in blue. shirts are dpuble breasted . Reg. pnce 75c, sale pnce 1.25 sunt or per garment. . . ...... . Ladies cmbroidcécdv wash c3! and 15c qualities, to clear at each Ladics' silk fibre motor scar-fa tints. Reg. 1.50 for . .. _ 7 â€"~ “"_"'b" uuv V 7- wâ€"iv .â€"â€" â€"-â€"vâ€" uuâ€" ‘Iuv’ \JIII” I‘lxc ' 2 . .. ~ ' :1 \ , :ize, reg. 50c quality for 25¢. or the reg. 25c SIZC '90 7 £133: “fisg‘es'sgfi‘l‘mgb’ 4“ W1 ‘ from or ............................................................... quality, for ................. '....Rf§f...3..5.‘.> 256 Gloves Half Price and Less Ladies‘ and childrens' ringwood gloves in \Vhitc Cardin- caShmePe and COttOH "058 90 _ Childrens’ black cashmere and “man 14.03222);aggggcaggafiggr?oiorfi.a'.‘.d...s.':ort lengths. 15c ’ ribbed and Plain weave, also 137l>>C5 tan cotter}. Reg. 18c and 15c valuc. 9 Silk Fibre Sou-ts 1.29 3" °“‘ ’"C‘" °"" c ......................... I -A:-_I ‘9“, A. . oooooooooooooooo Pure Lambs wool clouds, m Black and Navy siz_e. reg. 50c quality for 25¢, or the reg. 25c utter-noon the Ladies wash collars 5c t o...- oocu on.» a... not. to... n.- 759 Underwear for 650 Boys Bearers 91115! 1.50 50¢ Clouds Half Price £2457 W93?“ 9'"! §48 finance committee on motion of Councillor: J ordan and lichen. The council than adjourned on mo- tion of Councillors Calla: and Mc- Kague. to meet at 10.30 fn-mnnnm 1 A by-law to fix the amount to be paid by Halibut-ton {or charges and expenses was read a third tinge. sign- ed and vealed. A letter tron the Lindsay Pet Stock Association asking for the us~ no.1 grant and a number of Beued‘ tenders Iotbfldmes were ldt to tha: council went into committee on the whole for the second reading on mo- tion Of Count. mm 3nd “anthem ‘neport was refined to the Roads and Bridges committee on motion of Councillors Byng and McLeod. Moved by Coun. Jordan, seconded by Coun. Young. that the report of the committee on the. Haliburton settlement be received and read. The Direct Importers and Retailers chllars. Regular 10c on. , in combination t.- OQItotonh no. .9.- a... net waist. silk were left to the .7??? -650 qnly, large Pink or 1.29 2.25 Sweater “Coatgjsg I nah-9' ant. -2AAAA time and I-v Ladies‘ and missééiaflvxvsggl Norfolk we coat swcgters in Navy: and Cardinal. GE-cy and Cardinal. also plam and Cardinal. Rug. 5c ”“5“ m u Ladjcs’ heavy well made \V inter Skirts. self trimmings, for only reguldr400xaluc 1.99 _Childrcns' Blue or Green Coats, trimm-J Vllth military braid. fit ages 6. 8, 3 95 and 10 yrs. regular $5.00, On Sale A few odd Coats, samples. on kind, cdlors Mustard, Amythcst awn. diagonal cloths, also blacl with satin lining and moire to“: and $20 Coats for onlv .............. 05.0.0000... no... Ladies' Black, Navy, Brown and Grow. Kerscy cgoth Cpats wuth velvet collars um self strppmgs, lmcd ,‘yoke, regular D n: ‘10‘ an]! bin 1" A $10 an'd‘SlE {0; III-a. ”mum mull“ highly dmemeriz‘yd qual- lmm my: “when!“ Nujy. Grey. l‘“'{iitc, mm, .m “mixtfm. ....... fifiihxif? 25c 101m JACKSON. LAU’C’homâ€"zen Ladies’ Heavy Skirts 1.99 88 we" as farming machiincn of ail lands and articles usually on a farm. TERMSâ€"H months' credit on amounts (fizm'lo- Buses meet all trains at Credit Station. ll Head of Horses and 28 Head of Cattle and Pigs Childrens’ 5.00 Coats 3.95 Old W. A. Campbell Farm PEEL COUNTY. (m “TUESDAY, NOV. 29th Beginnifig at To it}. The subscriber has received infirm from D. B. Th9mas§to sen by puhhc non on the Credit Sale of Farm §tockandlmplements Albert street and Sixteenth m’vnue The G.T.P. has brought a right of way into Regina, and it is expocud the station will be On the corxwr of I... 0.. .‘CQOCIOIC I McLean and Hawkins. :;;':;..1,'.‘.f.'.:.f.'“”° 25c . . .ocau 353’ WWWMMS 25c ies’ 12.00 Coats 6.95 Boys‘ 25;: Hose for l9c ies’ 20.00 Coats 15.00 “RWY. "ovum“ a... can .. .,. In the lot are . samples, only one of a ----.-.. .. Amythcst CFC} .1 m al_so black hroudc lot} collar. ::::::::: 1.89 " i366 and without instrucnons 6.95 n mu- EP to 25c 312C2- On Ibo :ll'rrplnnfl‘ the Trustwa~ Phil“ 2? back Ii) pc-r «mm m 1’ ‘pnce 0’. {hr builaiing ls done zu‘curdhg 41- all material and Iain mm? \Vi” h? I‘I'I1'I' bond of security Hm Will he errand um-q tract before any mun and material on the» blinding is to he i ‘ vacation July and A be «ample-tad by A The brick of the nld need by contractor ' at noel-min cost acc- ment with trustees. mat W. “H. Ste Inpector. flindsay. Chain-mm of Board. Notice is ham-by gi‘ dots will he I‘m‘n-H‘I-d 10th. 1910, to! UN Uni Soho! Hons. .1! S S according unlu- plan} cations held I _\ Public Scrum} hispel {Shields The seed on! hecnuw it n and which is [mu-m often Inixed with mixture pRIlm-«I uff‘ ins public fur l’urv you will see tlmt 11.. so (SI-“ed UHYI‘ nil Quality. “'0 buy . sources and guamm Know what yuu :1: Know from ““119!“ This is good mix} pun: 300ch at, DUN O is absolutvly puru. Any ourguarumy of \unth ‘ lutely d01wiuh-.dinmni 1 flooded vs iih adulh-mt i0! wonhle» concoctiom 1 damage the human A)" IN BUYING OLIVE 0/1. IT THE BEST OUR KB DIG] ITALIAN OLI‘ ICE. Nearly opp A. HIGIN BO tunes as much other lotions c Witch Ham»! (‘rva‘ the skin and mainta ural smoothness. toughening and all I diseases arc cum-d as It takes care of Cl; nuthmg else dues. I} found this nut. \V WIN! Nu\ m: Notice for 134-138 VOICE ST. 34:. Evan. Proflcnt. RYRIE BROS. at once and ave all u: worry. ( We guarantee «(1 â€"pcy all pond am chute:- and immcd (and the money if gm Won. Send for Catall DRUG S :9. is hare-by gm ll be I'vcvh‘rd I10, tor th 1m House. at S.‘ In: to flu- Dln held by \\ School In” I8 zit-(re )Lancv stew? c aim I ‘ r (-011! nf 51:9 building CHA RI. EI DRUGUXS IDln Hum I“

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