133 ï¬ï¬dbï¬-S‘ft; “am; am we Beam Ham, W mi am! mm mm as mam; Ham 9 9:59: is 6 3:15: is: §8ï¬Â§waé§8B§ m m, 95. 3850 no 31me m. 39533313 13919533393; special mcéss: ant an Iefresh 13in“ “3 11211332333ng or Ianen Ohesgim aroma in a facina 3:; 33333333393: erfl3flam; DUNOON’S DRUG am: DP. ‘1“ P McCullough PIANOS AND ORGANS - New and ascend-hand at prices and terms to suit. Also all grades of the Beal‘ Estate The Law Union and Rock Insurance Co. of London England, issue an Extended Disease Policy. shin? $5.00 per week for diubiflty caused by orty prevalent dis- eases and $500.00 for paralyses of two Lambs ortotal blindness caused by any machinesmdulargosupply ofte- eordl n'om which to select. Intend- ing purchasers will do wellfo call and inspect my goods before buying dlewhero. Orders aka-tor tun- hg. T308. BROWN, Gerhard Edam Organ Representative, 88 Wellington-st... many. yorld'a oldest and best Prcminm Only $3.00 12wm‘be‘glnd to show you the golicy. F. H. KIDD a“ mum PDT=POURRI Health Insurance â€"S’JLD ATâ€" Dandas 8‘ Hawelles Lid. Clothing and Furnishing Dpt. Insurance. SW3 9% m QAEE: = Daddy’s Popular Parents, are you in the habit of reading to your children every night "Daddy’s Bestime Stories’i which are printed in the Warder every night ? They are very inter- esting, especially to the children. and some of the town. boys and girls‘ are cutting the stories out of the paper, and pasting them in their scribbler or scrap books. They like them, so get in the ho.- bit of reading them to your chil- WASH THAT ITCE AWAY. “Enoagb Sea'" “Get gasy†Bedtime stories â€'Our Overcoats will please you because they were made to do so’ OUR STAPLE Qaifcberjabbin! ; $10.00,- $12.00, $15.“) mm mm ADMITTED . At the meeting 0! th- county coun- cil Tuesday Reeve; Dr. Gould ‘nnd Geo, Jam.» am the ébï¬h- 4-11 mbmir ufuwwa mm mama mm a me was? if: me Mr Mamas; Em; um gift 3121“!“ ha gamma 29631: km am as a was 58 am 3% ens-mg (8% time“ 5mm 1mm annual 58859 81 a man, in miseahm a smash W118 is m a maï¬a; Baum: \ m. ha mama that 11 BM am mam a $98M: um m mahauehm aiming!!! Hines will 13% gamma: The auxiliary was deopatcheq from Lindsay and the track was quickly LEFT FOR ALLANDAIE Cecil Robinson. 0! Omemee, left Lindsay yesterday morning to enter [the service or the Grand Trunk Rail- jr way. an. 12mm gram“: :- are-a- jway telegraphy, freight and passen- ger work at Mr. Paton’s school in this town in less than six months. RAN INTO CATTLE A light Grand Trunk engine in charge of Engineer Westbrook. or} Lindsay. struck a bunch o! cattle on a. crossing in the village of Brook- lin last evening and was derailed. The accident occurred about six o'clock while the engine was on its way from. Whitby to Lindsay. No person was injured. but a. couple of cattle were killed and the engine mus slightly damaged. and woke the family. who know no- thingotthoï¬roattbotlmo. ma thennngthonlumtrombox 5. It was probably «and By sparks tuning (run the kitchen stove. The humnummchwmmg. fob ombymnmtr. Gut-y mimetummuumun mamas-u m m newsman“: 3an an mam mew mamas; ï¬aiï¬WWW: mmmeammmut and: 33539681th minimalism waffle; 3mm am by It in um am am! £966 mm gamma m an lease as may ' One woman and three men are ha- | dereenumadeethinthe minty; It“! 01 Ontario. *‘ The ï¬rst, to die, if the extreme pen- alty is enacted will be Robert Per-1?] er, the aged Hastings county murd- erer. The date of- hie execution he! been plued to:- December 8rd. Thomu’llcNulty and his paramou- Mery Donn. the convicted Upw- grove murderers, will, it the vigorous eflorts of'their attorneys (an, be hanged on December 14th. - I The execution of Ruins Weedmerk, Q the smut. Falls wife murderer, has g D 'l BURNT OUT OF HOME An alum was sent into the ï¬re hall early mutiny by call boy Pearson o! the G.T.B. station, who was calling Ir. Genie: in tho-oath mad. '1!» boy noticed u. an in Prof. Walt}. kitchen. who um nut this year comes on Monday. the ho. telkeepera will be able .to keep open for business}! » “an km 'nnyo,““ne went on to say "that phristmas shall be a holiday. but it makes no provision 10:- any other day than the 25th of Decem- ber. So, thaofore, as the holiday Monday. December 26. In view of the tact. that hotelkeepers consider that it will be unfair to them if they are compelled to close their bars on that day, the matter who brought to the ‘notice or Mr. Eudo Saunders, chie! omcer of the License Department, who stated that it would not be no- cessary {or hotelmeu to close their doors on that day. BARS NEED NOT CLOSE Toronto, Nov. 15â€"According to a recent amendment to the License Act ‘ell bar rooms are ordered to bekept closed on christma‘s Day. The un- endment, however, makes no provis- ion if Christmas is observed on any other day than December 25. This year Christmas will {all on a. Sunday, and the holiday will be generally ob- served on Saturday, December 24, or alsobeensetforthesuneday in Perth ml, and it cleménCy is not ob- tained, he will die the same ,dato. December 14th. .‘In these cases-ï¬ve conQ'ictioas ‘were uncured and three were sent over to the Spring Assizes, J mes Gorham, o! Peterboro, charged with matridde was convicted, but not amtenoed. owing to a strong recommendation of the jury for mercy. He will prob-‘ ably begiven life imprisonment. For m :u-llmnWL-Fommu,“ on? omen my nun: hath given no. 1“ohm toot drink hr It too» on athog om began» no that: whot ho woo tho Dotti 9:â€. What was the cap from which E. mummuwmma and mhmdflnfln‘of'hkhaelub- “anther! will? Waltthdmomumtotuhn ‘ n. Ww m as am. ‘ ch? which my Enthu- hnth given [Mddhkitf' limit { prayed the same words. Then Be on» the mud tune to His disciples ad said unto them, “Sleepon now Ind take your rest; behold. the hour In at hand. and the Son of Man 1: betrayed Into the hands or men.†Luke nu. from heaven appeared to Him and ' strengthened ï¬lm. and. being In an .’ agony, He prayed more earnéntly. and ' Elanweatwuaslt werecmt drop-l or blood‘tnlllng down to the ground. ' He came to the disciples 1nd found ’ themaueepandwdeoPoter.“What.l could ye not watch with He one hour?†’ thch 1nd pray (verse: 40. 41). He ' vent am the second time and payed V theme prayer. Then He came again ‘ toghemandtonndthemweepasunl =|THE INTERNATIONAL saves. one. when the tin; at hue! M tor hhflflemthhmhoohm pnnledhyetewhithtnltonomhe- mammothbeonilhn- lom. In our lesson we see the true Xingothrnelnhonttoheputtodenth byHi-flrlthommw,22)nndnhout t6 enter into an axon: the like or which mneverbdoreuenhymenornn- Monthkm Possibly Hehnd opokufthe m of John xv and m ion Hi- m to the garden and had ‘pnyedthepnyerotchnpterxvflatter leachinzthenrden. 01th:: we enn- 'lothecetuin. Butnowï¬eleeventho eight Mp1: nomewhere In the pr- mmmm Peter and unwound John, Be my. mum-ah mm the oth- eunhontnetene’neutnndhegnntn he sorrowful and very_ heavy. saying unto them, “My soul is exceeding so:~ lawful even unto death; tarry ye here and watch with Me.†Then. leaving thethree, He wenta little further and kneeldldown and tell on His tnceon the ground and prayed the prayer of . We think or nnothernlzht which In mmflmmmhadowdthh nmhnbmulom‘tmn.†hr tram Wt when Jun: went forthwithnhdbdpluonrthobmk m»m.o.u.m â€.20, 1910. h†.n..- uvw IIU W UVH' mty yea-r8 old. His property was Valued at n : wont 890.000. He u: the anti» I I dthoettateofhlafuther, ind m notnhu'od up with his sisters. It wudsodmrgudthï¬whentheteo- ummm-wfllhewunoncom-; Plaintiffs Defeaied at Whitby INTERESTING of Elm-mu He Neon them victory to do His will buns-loo to It. Now see the do“! daring to kiss behold our Lord sub to It knowing him to be who what he was. Simon Peter would we done better without a sword. but how many blunders of his and our. has our blessed Lord remedied! Are agaag 5235 E338 5% B' (h. and 80 was heard: W mutedtromdetthlnthea" mmmcaemwumhau of amt by am 00 the form-hi. thenethonshu 33:5: mmnxmuthobordtorgivem WILL CASE Kb was taken sick (111x a few â€hum with an abscess and mg it“ both: hospital or ‘M miny Mt; but “though ova-whim was â€M m. k! W quieth away M “SW. all! {Gav-:3 to mount hm MI mu we three v w hm N “W IVAN J GEN HcCBAE bath called to his steam! res: at the Ron Iemorinl hospital Monday morning, mm: {van McCrae. son 01 lather Ich. or Tory lull. aged 11 you-I. Inn was abs-aye u bright. (huh! boy. and will be missed by 811 m in" him. espechu’ly by his school mun ct Tory Hm, with Whom be can very popular. A large number of beautiful wreaths, spru- IIK! etha- bouquets, wet. pelt by friends and relatives. One of the largest assemblages o! citizens that has ever assembled at a funeral in Lindsay. gathered at the homo o! the late Fremont Crandell Sunday afternoon, to pay their last reaped: to the departed one. In 1110 the deceased had a large circle 01 triads and few enemies. He was a ï¬end to everyone whom he ran» in contact with. The service at the house was beautiful, sad and im- pressive, and was conducted by Rev. J. P. Wilson. The pallbearers were Mm. Findlay Robson, of Penelon nus; E..Edwarda. S. Britton, R. liner, ‘1'. Stewart and J. O'Rielly. F The best feature of this n. markable remedy is the fact that it does not derange the stomack “on; leave any disagreeable after. an: 'Ekiio Vail; id'iiéneï¬â€˜ 514?? " out 5.7" mm_ 1991- planet“), â€I“ LATE FREMONT CRANDELL. JOSEPH FRANKOWICK, 854 Tmmply Av., De_troit, Mich) 'Thcm is Vno remedy th'ai V1.1} more quickly relieve any form of headache than Dr. Mileo’ Anti-Pain Pills. , â€"â€"-., Watervlcit, Me. Vlad Them Four Years. “Dr. Milee' Anti~Pain Pin, are the best I ever tried for the relief of hadache. I have them for nearly four year-5m they never fail to give me relief. I have tried many other rem. ediee, but have never found an†£.‘44-.." WDAY. NOVEMBER be to refer to r. Milu' “Pain Pills assthe best rem. We for the prevention and cure of hadache. My wife th hufbeen a constant sufferer fog . '3 megfut lmufeto Relm 'é'HEidach. ct wlll mm :- money was “EDI co.. Elkhars lat . “WORRY .3“ them, If 17 191.. lastsummer. Mr. Oatway, a 6'6 †to me. \Vhile taking “ F: “at I was in the habit of eating. I “ Wï¬va †has done wonde: “with . _ “ Fruit-a-tiva †is the only 111 “will always curc Indigestion. I ' and any other disease th orSkin. 50¢. a box. 6 {4 â€69‘ of price by Fruits-Lives L Fcrl'nere. make your work 11 3 “thanks Mars" Gasoline I! Mule a 6 horse new†and cuts condition boLh genuine G. W. HALL EAST EN D “'lfl REPAIRING IN ALL [1 Milli! Automohilvs 1 NOW ' “whine. flow mama rv‘ m M Xï¬mé w M! in“ i we“ 3‘ m (’8? Nu» m 9‘ é o . 2?: $1903! «a u â€" 9 “Baum m mm , i: cuuwal .d N am {Ins Cuuml M um um «I cum W w m g, “a w’um yu 1 Mid miual i maul“ sch {Lu W â€9 carry W has cm:" W Y Great Mpvim EOYB AN A,“ 8:168 over 5c cm A W of mo a"! GASOLI NW boys’ an DANlEL SAUNDERS. 1N shil [‘0‘