ny Luniver- daV s. Falls, . Nay- village amuse- SWIT- at Mr- which .372; , 1 p L, 1 Fiftyéon‘éyears is a long time for a ï¬rm to have been continuously in » , is business in thisjtow-n. and it is to herald this fact that all over the store the 51 cent p1 ’ ;} ing courigzreati‘Agn-Hf'versary Celebration for two weeks, commencing SATURDAY, NOV] ‘1 ending SATURDA’YLgNOVEMBER 25th. - _ ~__- a . ' 1- ' A Ever‘since the establishing of this business We have been planting the seeds of fertile soil of the people’s appreciation. ‘ Gun buSinessq_p01i yi‘s a policy moulded by laudible ambition. a policy of liberality, of : ‘highest aims, of pluck and push, a policy whose alphabetâ€"spells only SUCCESS. . We want you to join the‘thousandsfyvho willViisit the store during this Celebration. The welcome will be cordial even are not intended. .A choice musical programme willbeirende red daily. We have space here to mention only a few of the .hul ional values that we oï¬'er to celebrate this event. : - _ , _- - Broken lines of Black Panamas, L'iagonals, V'icunas and Creueryls. all imported stuffs. v Those sell regularly at 75c yard, an- 516 nix ersary sale .................... (Mid pieces of Colored Dress Stuffs Amazons and 'm Serges, HomeSpuns. - Tweed effects, sold regularly up to 51 yard, anniversary sale. 51'. Handsome Satin Striped V in shades of Sky, Champagne, and White for evening dresseS, 1nr 7534: Der yard, anniver- sary sale 4| YEARS Humisnme Imported Paine’tte Siikï¬. 20 mum-s wide, in shades of Navy, Sky. (Team, Tuscan, Myrtle, Brown, (‘ax-dinal, Peach, Grey, White. Rack and (,‘openhagen, reg. 75c. 51 \alzw. anniversary sale ....... c Laulies’ Pure W00l CW6" I in pretty embroidered and plain I'm'h‘, all sizes, regular 75c mluv, Anniversary Sale """ Ladies' and Cl ter Kid Gloves. regular up to 85 niversary Sale .. Colored Dress Stuffs Dressing Sacques ies in pretty open patterns 4 to 5 inches wide, regular 12* and per yard, Anniversary Sale 515; 12 yards lor ................... incn Handkerchiefs. son’s Hits in all the latesr. Ladies‘ Pure and: hems, regular 15¢ 510 Note these special offerings 1:21, anniversary sale 6 for Anniversary: $5.00 Hats for 3.51. , _______.__-â€"â€"â€"â€" $6.“) gpd 6:50 Eais‘for 4-51. 16 spools Good for .... “Eighty cloth, red Paiflette Silk ‘csmcw 9f thaw" 393W A‘AAAA A‘ Handkerchiefs >}di1 ‘ Embroidery 5 There are two photoein R our window ;' one of the x. Cluxton, and theothegofthe t. Dundas. These two , 5 ago. founded his" " ‘ “ :m' of which we re now ode} Kid Cloves Children's Heavy ““1" as. best EDEHSh W’ “nu"..- o ï¬mbroider: ‘70i1esy 51c 51c 51c 51c 51c Excellent quality, of Flannelptte, 34 inches wide, fancy stmpe ipat- terms, all colors, reg. ‘12:}c ‘_ yard, Anniversary Sgle 6 51c «noMe fnr ,..‘ _..........~«o~ Here is a golden opportunity : Ladies’ Net Waists in Cream and White, trimmed with heaxy lace i in- sertions and medallions. Note thae anniversary prices : ‘ $3.35 Waists for 2.51. 35.00 to 6.00 Waists for 3.51. 810.00 to 13.50 Waists for 5.51. sary Sale .................. . sax-y Sale $3.50 Ladies’ Black Sateen Undevskirts with plaited flounce, size? 38, 40, 42, regular 75c value, Anmver- 51c an r" Rain ............. sai'y Sale Untrimmed Shapes in all the est styles for our Anniversary the following prices; $2.00 and 2.50 Shapes for 1.51. $3.00 and 3.50 Shapes for 8.51. Ifgc W '-" " ' ‘Sale 8 yards ‘01" mversary versary Sale Ladies’ Eiderdown A large assorï¬ment of AL- I- g? 00Hats fo'r 6.51- Untrimmed -» for in Cream, Undersldlts .wv- in 3.1â€"1â€" the latest styles. special offerings for our Waists u-. o. .- gun-.- :::::::: 2.51 all the lat- 3: 51¢: 510 Ladies’ ,Fall’ and Winter Coats, made of Black, and Colored Chev- iots, Vicunas and Tweeds, long semi- ï¬tting styles,, high or low neck, all's'izeS, Annii'ersary Sale. 6 51 I o Ladies’ Fall and Winter Coats in ‘Tweeds, Plain Beavers and Diagonal Serges, loose and semi-ï¬tting styles, High or.low neck, all sizes, 3 51 Anniversary Sale ............... . Mink Marmot Throw Tic lined, stylish and upâ€"to- Anniversary Sale ................ Ladies' Muï¬s in Electric Seal and Astrachan, Empire shape, sort, pliâ€" able pelts, large size, Anni- 4 51 versu'y sale ....................... . . mas, Venetians and Serges, in snaaes of Navy, Myrtle, Grey, Brown and Black, trimmed with wide fancy braids, coats semi-ï¬tting, silk lined. skirts in straight line «21-14 51 feet. Anniversary Sale ....... . style, mad with head and two tails, Apnhersary large size, a. very cosy price, Anniverdary Sale cm“ mph-:71" soft pliable hides. long semi-ï¬tting style. rolling shfwl collar, large c1138, handsomely Imed with black Skinpgr’g gatin and edg- e: _A -‘ "-vâ€"I __-, ed with fancy black braid! Annibersary Sale ......... Ladies" Black Wuhan ‘50 inches long; ï¬n! short c1 7 ._‘__ Mink Marmot Children’s Coats Ladies’ Coats F“! 1M! W‘s? ~¢uo oc. ..o an o. o. ï¬ned, a. splendid Ties, satin Ff: 5.51 53159.51 in shades 62 4.51 UHUU. this Celebration. The welcome will be cordial even though purchases We have space here to mention only a few of the ,hundreds of except- ' 34 to 44. regular 33:: 81, Anniversary Sale. “-0 Men's strong. dark color Tweed ‘ Suits, good limngs, yell made, 312- es 86 to 44, Annhersary 1.51 Gala , ..................... â€no with self high collars am: rc- veres of 'Alaska Sable lined with T235328?“ é‘ifae if??? 3?? 39.51 Ladies' Fur-lined Coats. shell is made of bat imported chiï¬on broad- cloth in shades of navy, blmclgbA mvrtle and brown. The collars and réveres are made of the bait. quality Canadian mink or Alaska Sable, the lining is ï¬rst. quality full tux-red mush-at.- Those are magniï¬cent musktat; garments. Those are n Anniversary Ladies' 1“!†Trimmed Coats 1n shades of Brown, Myrtle, Navy and Black Elglish Beaver Cloth, the collars and revel-es are of Watern Sable. These coats are lined t‘hroughoue with heavy 23‘2“ C“?Ti’_‘_t._:;“.f“‘ff°' .. .. s†..... y . l 4.51 Ladies’ Fur Trimmed (roars mane of Imported Beaver Cloths, strapped with sem The shades are Navy, Brown and Black, collars and reveres of Western Sable, : lined throughout with heavy Italian cloth. 2 4 5‘ U A nnivpmrv Sale ............... Anniversary Sale ......... M ' ï¬ne all-wool Fancy Worsted Sui . ï¬ne wool sage linings, hair cloth fronts, shoulders well padded. up. to the minute styl , Men's HeaVy Tweed meters, warm, comlortablo coats. strongly made, lined, high counts, Acoqvmible col- ‘_‘ coat ior Sale mot Collar. coon skin lined all wool hoover shell, barrel ï¬ne tons. very special Int «mo-~30 5% I Ken’s Fur lined Coats. 00d In" bu Ken’s mm mm N181“- smrts.‘ large roomy bodies. pocket!- with and without collars, tut 601- ors. good strong cloths. nine! 15 ‘0 Enwm’“ â€â€œ1 aâ€??? 71!: adies’ Fur-lined Coats with shells imported black broadcloth, strap- 1 with self high collar? and re- . «can .n-u cocoa-"~00 u a. no. .. Iota-00.... Trimmed Coats if???†74.51 1.1333115] Coats made 9.51 Collar Buttons. all shapes, and reliable, special Anni- versary sale. 1 doz. for ...... plain orï¬he-mstitched edges, good siia. gpecial Anniversary, 5] . price, 6 for ........................ c Glen's ï¬ne all-wool Coat Sweaters, in choice combination of colors, pearl buttons, two pockets, sizes 36 to 44, very special Anniver- 2 51 sary price ........................... . Men's Selected Coon Coats, very choice heavy fun-ed skins. quilted linings. leather arm shields, shawl collars, natural coons, v?ry59 5] special anniversary price .. Coats dark, natural selected skins. long length, best quality, quilted farmer satin linings \erysg 51 special anniversary price .. Men 8 Scotch Knit. l'oderwear, na- tural colors, sateen trimmings. siz- es 334 to 44, ' special an- 51 niversary price ................... 0 Men’s Blue Flannel Shirts. collar attached. good large roomy bodies. well made. special anniverâ€" 5'6 sax-v Dries ......................... Boys' Swenwr Coats, combination colors, bodiau Greys, Blues and Brown, trimmed with M8, cardin- als and raw. pearl buttons, pock- Sï¬e. ....‘.’.°.°“.‘ ..... 3’35???“ .... ..... ’ . 1.51 "gins as to 7:, Anniversary p.» no u speéiu carnival-“17W Men's all-pure Linen Hgndkerchiefs, Men's strong Men's Winter C898. 1‘ orm peaks, good quality Ken's Cloth mu, Jeen plantihg the seeds of “bestness†in the . a policy of liberality, of strict integrity, of .nogooooo no†o u w .0" 93mâ€. cot. o â€cu-nouO-OO u... Puts. 1.51 51c 51c 516 11c col- Boys' Ulster Overcoats made from. solid strong tweeds, in warm rich colors of Browns and Heatï¬er mix- tures, made with the popular con- vertible collar . straps on sleeves, Smart Attire for th Younger Generation Boys' Smart Oyercoats. made for boys from 8 to 7 years, of ï¬ne allâ€" wool tweeds and kersey cloths, warm linings and properly tailored, colors Browns. Greys and Blues, very special Anniversary price... 4 5' O gbod ï¬tting, very special anniversary price ............ Boys' 3.piece Suits, double breast- ed style, plain pants, good strong tweeds. well lined and well made 1??? m3: ..‘.‘.’....’.’5:...f‘..'.'.’.‘.‘.‘.'f.’.'. 5.51 nary price ............. Bovs' 2- -pieoe double-breasted Suits made with bloomer lmickers smart stylish cut, long coats,351 with vents, special at ....... , Early Suggestions I for Christmas ’ Neckwear Fancy Cashmere Hosiery New Glovesdined and unlined Complete New Men’s Mufflers Fur Collars Fancy Linen ; Yeats Smoking Jackets Dressing Gowns Umbrellas Stock of w at f??? 5.5!