Dredge Will Remain Here --C ement Dock For Lindsay Lindsay citizens will be pleased I quarters of a. mile below Lindsay, to hear that the Gmernment dredge‘ This work is Very much appreciated and drill stow will remain in Lind- by the people of Lindsay, and the say for a year. or at least until the steamboat campanies. Col. Sam Work in the rixer here is completed. ' Hughes is My on the job. and no It has been rumored around town doubt Lindsay and all this seCtion that the dredge “as to be remoxed of the country will beneï¬t by having to Peterboro to build a Government a cabinet minister representing them, wharf there. dexpite the fact that Mr. J. H. McClellan. superintend- the work in Lindsay is not nearly ent of the Trent Canal, spent Thurs- ï¬nished. To ascertain the truth of day at Beaver-ton “-1“; Major Sam the rumor this rum-sang: The-Waldo? Wimp MM RM Conversed with Mr. McClellan. oi \erton herbor. Lake Simcoe, is in a Peterboro. superintendent of the very m state of repair. Major Trent Valley waters. and he stated! Sharpe purposes to have it put in emphatically that there was nothing 3 good shape. The piers require to be whatever in the rumor and that the 'rebuilt, and the harbor requires to dredge Would remain in Lindsay be dredged out. This being the only probably a war, or at least until harbor of refuge on Lake Simcoe, it the work here was ï¬nished. He is almost necessary work, and should further stated that the channel in be done at once. the river was being made a uniform width and depth. namely 80 feetl wide and 10 feet deep fr_om “3° ‘P‘mlAfld a flllllï¬ï¬‚é " Several buildings have been erectedalongthebankoftheriver 1n the vicinity of Wellington-st. bridge and not for nothing,†stated Supt. McClellan. “The dredgowill be in Lindsay until the work iscom- plated, and I sun working under the instructions of Hon. Frank Cochâ€" her mill. will Smlair, Miln' ,mm- W.Toronto:J_gthW _ _- 1'“ __I:_, ‘w H“: mum m m I- 'VV- 'dition {or years past. the Lindsay uld others will ed a new cement. dock. . W M We have but. thanks to on‘er for our bread, Which grows a mush store fur all mankind; For all our thought and labor do but teach Um childlike helplessness. our cause for thanks. We labor at the dawn and pause at dusk. Tired with our eï¬'orts as the children are Who play at " helping " mother keep the houseâ€"- Indulgent mother. who/the hands doth train. That else to eVil would be gi\'en up. E'en so. the Father of the Universe Smiles on our efforts as the days do pass. Sends the warm rain. and kindly sunlight fair: ï¬lls ï¬eld and forest with abundant store. So rich and free that it can never fail; So rich and free that it is commonplace. Yet some are greedy as the children are. With life too in“ to lend a helping hand, And in the midst of plenty some do die, Though Thou didst freely give enough for a We have but thanks to offer for our bread, We cannot giVe the life that makes it grow. THANKSGIVING good shape. The piers require to be rebuilt. and the harbor requim to be dredged out. This being the only harbor of refuge on Lake Simcoe. it is almost necasary work. and should be done at once. And a Hunting We“ Will Go all. Clerk Callaghan reported a big market this morning. It was of a. bearish tendency. Coming on 12 o’clock El nervous feeling at all times prevail (l and anxiety on the part of dealers to get away caused a drop in prices. Although this report is correct. in many instances lower prices were taken. Cream 15 to 30c. Eggs 26 to 276. Alsike clover $9 bus. Little hogs. $4. $5, $6 per pair. New potatoes 90c to $1.25 bag. Honey 12c lb. Lire hogs $5.75. Hay per ton $13 to $16. Head cheese 14c lb. Pork 15 to 18c Ib. THE LINDSAY MARKETS Rib roast 150 1!). Spring lamb 12 to 1 Grass seed $7. Cheese 17c Ib. Lard 15 to 18c 11). Celery 5c bunch. Onions $1 bus. Sirloin steak 180 lb. Lamb 150 to 20¢ 1b. Spare ribs 3 lbs for 25¢. Beef cattle $3.50 to $5.50. Baled bay 3'16. Hay per ton $12 to $15. Pea. straw $1.58 load. Buckwheat 53c bushel. Timothy :5 to $7. ‘ Flour, Manitoba, 82.90. Sage per bunch 5c. Dairy butter 26c and 27c. Rolled oats, $2.85. Shorts, retail. 81.30. Bran. cwt. $1.20. “mm Large peas. 90c. Rye 70c bus. Fall wheat. 86c. Spring wheat 80¢. Goose wheat 80c. Ducks per pair 81.10. 15c lb. Geese 12 to 15¢ per 11’. Chickens $1 to $1.10 pair- Turkeys 19 to 210 1b. Turnjps $5\per t0“- Small Peas: “ Barley 67 to Peas 25c. qt. Skin [roubles Grow Worse Eczema, Psoriasis, and other skin troubles are caused by myriads of germs at work in the skin. Unless these germs are promptly destroyed they rapidly multiply. gnawing their way deep into the sensitive tissue. This is what causes that awful itch. and what seemed a. mere rash may grow worse and develop into a loathsome and torturing skin disease with its years and years of misery. grow worse and develop into a loathsome and torturing skin disease with its years and years of misery. Don't. take any chum ! Destroy the germs at the beginning of the trouble with that soothing and cleansing wash, the D.D.D. Prescrip- tiOn {or enema. We have had experience with many remedies for skin trouble, but have «tavern-never seen such remarkable cures as those from D.D.D. Prescrip- tion. Instant relief {tom the very ï¬rst application. If you have skin trouble of any k nd. we certainly adVise you to drop in and investigate the merits of D. D. D. or why not drop a, line to the D.D.D. Laboratories. Dept. L. W., 49 ('olhornest., Toronio. -.. ‘A‘* SUPPER AT OAKWOOD. One hundred and ninety-three dol- lars was the amount realized by the Ladies’ Aid of the Xemodim. church at Oakwood from the big fowl sup- , ,‘J_‘_ l“;- n A very large crowd attended cluding several from Lindsay the latter report that the a eVent was better than ever. per and concert. held I which bespeaks volumes w] E. Gregory. th'a: D.D.D. will ‘ist. Lindsay- to eight. 0'- ï¬rstoclass con- :c toâ€: bind the doors. The of 30108 and Flossie Coad. Evelyn Camer- .. In.- \ Irvine- annual man and his plot to kill all the Jews. This brings us to the intercession of Esther in the lesson of today. in which she took the place of death to save the lives of her people (iv. 11). Our medl- utor actually died in our stead to de- liver us from the curse of the law (GaL ill. 13: iv. 4. 6). The words in lv. 14. “Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" make us think of the words of the Lord Jesus. "For this cause came i nuto this heat.“ “For this cause came i into the world" (John til. 27: xvill. TI. 11' we are redeemed by the pre- cious blood of Christ we may he cer- tain that all our life is planned for us according to Eph. ll. 10. and concerning every occasion or opportunity we may he sure that it has been prepared for us: that in it. by dying to aelt. we may make manifest the life of Jenna ill Cor. iv. 10. 11: 1 Sam. 1. 7). I! we are unwilling He will choose some willing vessel to accomplish his purpose. and the loan will he onra. Esther aent word to Mordecai that he and all the Jews in Shnahan should Join her and her maiden in 1 three 1 days' tent and then aha would go into the preaence of the king on behalf of 1 her people. even it it ahould mean 1 death to her (iv. 15-17). On the third day she went to the king and obtained favor in hie sixht and the mnrance that he would do for her whatever ahe asked. even to the half of his kingdom. Our Mediator. who in now in the pne- enceotGod torus. hunvennsan that in ï¬ll and made on Joint heir! with Himself. Be take- every truly penitent sinner into full partnerehip ‘ with Himself. blotting out all that was 3 against us and putting all His right- eonaneee to our an-onnt. because He diedtoronrnlnaandmeeuainthe WJW three daya and nights of the body at JeanaChriatinthetolnhandcannot workitinhetween Mayandtheiirat duoftheweekletthennndthekey tothenaimeening-otthemneinthia‘ story. They were to fast three day!- nixht and day. and yet on the third daytnotthetonrthlehewenttothe tinx(iVJB:v.il. Therestofthelatheratoryiethrill- In: an we read of Bemn'a gallon-er tor Hot-deed. his apposition that,†wanthemnwhomthekingwonldde n. ..---.. U .auorur. A; a. â€mammary. Lt was M- . .aa'Jl')’ to urah r.“ a Couapectus of all Aron“; .raucms '3 ,and tcuures which mummy Luv “mouse. bu Henry mules u.-.,-,,...eu Mrs Wol‘k 1..) Asquith, 'Auuac ulr'unulf all me auniect was 50 5'0de Ltd; uJ‘ IA...l'j :wuritted 1‘ ‘0 UlLanqur‘. rue miter thought very ll, emu luélalifli on making the au.u.xl...u..ce u; we young burns. ter «x... mm “run-n n, eVe.r:ually oe- stomng b.1011 uzu. we oecrctuysmp 9! blah: Aur Lac nu..." Ueyutmeut. When In: x‘ormeu me aomlmatrauon in 1892. Lord James. who. as everyone knows. dccnucd the offer of the Lord uzg'n Cnancelwrsuip. with its salary of $50,000 a year and L8 subsequent pensxc'm of 825,000 a year for the bal- ance of his me. rather than yield to Gladstone'a persuasion about Irish Home Rule, owed his title of Lord James of hen-ford to the fact. that when at Cheltcnnam College he was always known as "deretord James." There were seVerul boys 01‘ the nan» of James in the school. but he was an only one who hailed tron; the county of Hereford. wncxc ma tamer was .u pracuce as n paysicmu. lie always retained to the '14:“. very warm 8(- fection (or 1115 mum mater. much ho was the ï¬rst to .om on its opening. sad when raiseu to the House at Lords. he determzned to revive. in a way, in his title, the sobriquet by wmcu .xe had been known ht H.5Ally ul DyclII DIV-On, “ â€"--__-7- us. France nbom. 33 1-2 millions. while the people of we Tsar expended over 21 Indians on British goods. Among the little things in which Britain does a big trnde are candleo. Each yenr we send abroad over 31 mil- lion pounds. of which lat. year Mo- rocco bought. ï¬ve million pounds. nod Chino nenrly four million. A; n hatter, too, John Bull seems to be nppreciated tor nearly two mil- lion pounds' worth of but; went John “Maps. The taunt once levied at Briuin 0! being a union of shopkeepers is morn tru; to-day than ever it. was. Busi- ness, according to the lanes: mports. is gull booming. ‘ 77A s-‘--. -v'â€"â€"â€"__ Tier three largest cus- Germmy: I-‘rgnge. ‘ané qultsv â€"--_.__' , Luaalu. "ï¬at. year the Fathérlmd Spell! tau-13.55 millions sterling _wix.h ,. m I n _.:‘I.’.‘-a 195;].- In return. howevet. Britain in u good customer. ond unonc other item our mm hm lat your amounted to £9310â€. This as promptly done. ‘0‘! m, Gouhen (he was not then a. peer) late. I: gave the clerk e lecture 90 ' chechtorsmu. “How didyou novlamebythecheok Myr'_he gated. _'_'I did :5» _know. mm .w 3%“ mum. mm.“ m a nu mew _ than exam was unâ€" i. “1»:on course. is mint. oblige Muflliu. SLIPPERY. mnmww iorflï¬rtyorfortyyafsw whtaï¬geinvatmdxta waéw- megs“: w m to glam. anion-h I"! 1 mm Ollcld "rm-Mn our 0: m .‘ 7' man a mommy P""'"’ ‘ ' conï¬dential. HI; ‘ mm a I" ’0‘ ma aka munh 3 “ma. without. char“ Scientific}! W wk. “jam '1“? i‘ur :33)†DOG-I6: up he. é... 381m. «:5 If it. Wu" an. lawn sad 3Ҡ, m crash) ““0““ I: mwnsmar, x )v. 2,1911 Wm. WARREN s11 ANDRE‘N'S CHURCH m- IBI-L Hot 217 1 1.9m son 13' fr 1 W .03!" V Betwcon all Mutiny» in to Niagara Farli~ and I Port Huron and [3:4 mm. Good Going October 2 Return Limit. Novem Fun party-min†. run-k $90511. ’ Retu Hunters rm to Mukoku 1.3L" Midlnnd, liaflhLL lmwuskn 1-.1'. Mount. Linen-5 from Severn tn ‘ Wu point< n.. tic-Co. “ticks“: \ nii": fw Dec. 84th. (mu-wt Om lincs, '1':zv'~ to points in To Tcniskaminu also to ccrtmn Vick. Nova Sv 3;» m1 stoé-ovex-O; Mb:- froe copies of ' my." “8mm†to all stations cm. What inclusivm a hating points in (pm Brunswick Oct. 19 to N Thanksgiving 0a: ltat'onsSudh nv W to Sharbot the me wa y. with in Durability. A. Beauty. Single Fa WfM’ThP )Innlnw (It. Bf‘idgt'lu Il'f. Bvcrla sting Eyesight Spa-c 92 Kent-KL. “'91- Neil†Eyeglausil‘s X‘rlmia #4 L «nws 11']th YOU mm true 'iuâ€" eyesor exe chum“ 1. “66808 and h» ..~~ .:u(. Geruoe (I‘uw' ‘3 5.le (“83999 of v's‘vr \ $1 upwauk M. B. ANNIS d Dani-m â€baa 'l'u Brake», Plungw \H Amwxies l 41,. 4 W 8i _\"3« x. i' OfaJlkiFd~uzp Li. } ground (mu. «1 . pairing at My Bicycle a machine W¢ NEXT POST B‘ McLenna‘ NEW SEASO Mum mm ca' OCT. 19th to N1 Arthur Gr 1" IJEETWOOL Ready Mix Hunte Oct. 9 to Nc Geo. W. Shephet a“ g..." to Hunters." 1!. C. MAT! White B ’ Return Tin MUFACTU ran Rega‘ Daily â€0"“