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Watchman Warder (1899), 9 Nov 1911, p. 9

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at Ladies’ Pure Linen Hamil finch heme. regular 16¢ each, anniversary sale 6 for Handsome Satin Striped Vail-es, in shades of Sky, Champagne, P111]: and White for evening dresses, regu- lar 75c per yard, anniver- 51c sary sale ........................... O-ki pieces of Colored Dress Stuffs in Ncrges. Homespuné, Amazons and Tweed en’ects. sold regularly up to 51 yard, anniversary sale. 518 Broken line‘s of Black ] Diagonals. “mums and C all impurtt‘d stuns. Th: regularly ut 756 yard, 831’ niversary sale ................. ... Manufacturer's ends 0! M. Li!- Ell. double damask, hum ”t” “has, lengths are from i M ‘0 8 iyards, I'Ei'gular 81 yard. 5 All"h’ers’al'y Sale ........... ..... 1° llmulmmw Imported WHORE. sub, ‘30 mchvs with. in shad“ u! Ngvy. 3kg._ t'muu. Tuscan. BANJO. Brown. Cardinal. l‘vuch, Grey. WM". M and l'upc'llhugfin, reg. 750. 5'0 \alur. anniversary saw mm. {are Linen Towemng. . _i "'8’“? cloth. red border, rug. 2:!» Anniversary Sale 7 :I Fifty-one years is a long time for a firm to have been continuously in W n > business in this town, and it is to herald this fact that all over the store the 51 cent price has sway dur- \* ing our great Anniversary Celebration for two weeks, commencing SATURDAY, FOVEMBER 11th.. and ending SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. â€" - i Ever since the establishing of this business we have been planting the seeds of “bestness” in the fertile soil of the people’s appreciation. Our business policy is a policy moulded by laudible ambition. a policy of liberality. of strict integrity. of highest aims. of pluck and push, a policy whose alphabet spells only SUCCESS. We want you to join the thousands who will visit the store during this Celebration. The welcome will be cordial even though purchases are not intended. A choice musical programme will be rendered daily. We have space here to mention only a few of the hundreds of except- ional values that we offer to celebrate this event. Coiored Dress Stuffs Black D: m‘u , ads of mfggx yards 10: vxies’ Pure Wool Cashmere Hose rvtty embroidered and plain é!- . all sizes, regular 75:: 1° .-\nniversar_v Sale Pure W 001 Hose 5' YEAR oar 91M; W mm. \\ m. Cluxton. and the other; ¢Mr J. R Dundas n Sh vucn sngo founded mum m: rhc Innixcnnn of which we ”3 30';ch ma vhnaMs flea»? W? h. (”my best 183 fig! mks; 2: m I C0 Sewing Cotton Striped Voiles Handkerchiefs Paillette Silk .rém; i widé. "CS. Table Linen 1d rvsidcnts of the town and .zntry will view these With‘ 9 cordially invite them to \ » iurmg this Celebration m "tlfi'\ ‘ Kid Cloves A "$771 ’7Klkkpln,|.>:) _ ~- -. mm; § am 159 Kunivmx .83! I1 5 nanny“... s m‘ Esme? Emmdw 99% 9mm 33%.! inen Handkerchigfm A large asset-Wt 9f: of Black Panama. as and CreueryIS. 51¢: 51c an 51¢ Untamed Sham tmtrimmed Shaves {h an the in 51c 51c meat!!! 335.9% meme may flar- ets, 3? me in m; a sea: {3335: 3‘93 eggm amgisnes Efiafiéaéiem..}9t ............ "I10 Ladies’ Black Sateen Underskirts with plaited flounce, sizes 38, 40, 42, regular 751: value, Anniver- 51 sary Sale ................ c Untamed fihfifles in an t est Sty hiss: f6? em“ Anahérsa.‘ the renewing 9E iaeea :§::23%:§8 nzgsggv 9:3: -mov w__,, son’s Hats in. all the latest styles; Note these special offerings for our Anniversary : . $5.00 Hats for 3.51. 96.00 and 5.50 Hats for 4.51. $8.00 Hats for 6.51. Ladies’ Net Waists in Cream and White, trimmed with heavy lane 11}- sertioms and medallions. Note these anniversary prices : 83.75 Waists for 2.51. 85.00 to 6.00 Waists for 3.51. Excellent. quality or B‘lnnnolette. 84 inches wide. lmcy stripe pnt- terna, all colors. reg. 124»: yard. Anniversary Snlco 51 yards for ........................... c yards {or Ladies’ Eiderdown Dressing iibfiéo‘io' i350 VVaists for 5.51. Here is a golden opportunity : Dressing Sacques Sale $3.50 ................... V 1880 humus PLAYELLES LIMITED 19 FIFTY-FIRST Underskirts Flannelette \u \un \\ aild braid, regu- '.':..::::::::: 2.51 uvv ”WT gméogt’fffined. 311 83:?“ mt Annivm 8.10 .......... .8: 82,51 messy Fm: 69m made 9% best Emmet“ mam in em er fight shades; §6 and 58 mass 193g; Inga. stem 691m and mews; kneel meugheut um“ um emit» gm: Berg sam‘ Amim 1‘ 5‘ §file 1:112:12: 2:12:11: ::::::1:::::::::: indie? Genuine 139st 33m $9!» a‘ made at 99%. Bliahle magi 19m mam fiflh mum same sauna lame handsomely mm with N ‘g with {Hid edg- ed wt my Mm ma Awhmma «19 W ----- 159." Mink Marmot Throw Ties, satin lined, stylish and up-toâ€" 551 Anniversary Sale ................ 0 Ladies' mums 111 Electric Seai and Astrac'ham Empire shapei soft, 11- able pats; large size. Anal: 3 W 9316 ;'.;'.'.;;;; :‘.;;'.'.'.‘.'.;;‘.‘.‘.: I German flare Runs; Empm étyié; large fiiéé‘ very 66" MR 96? the was; Aanimdw g e :23: Mink Marmot Mufls in Empire style, trimmed with head and two tails, Anniversary 4 51 I Ladies: Suits made of fine Pane.- mas, Venetians and Serges, in shades of Navy, Myrtle, Grey, Brown and Black, trimmed with wide fancy braids, coats semi-fitting, silk lined. skirts in straight line ef- I 4 5 fact, Anniversary Sale ....... ‘ . 1 Children’s Fall and Winter Coats, made of Frieus, Beavers and Chev- iot. Sages. in shades of Navy. ion. “emu ad Tweods, long sunl- ntung stylge. high or low nook. u! elm. Anniversary Sale. 6 5] I Anniversary Sale Cérdinal, Anniversary prices udieo' Fall and Winter Coats in Tweeda. Plum Beavers and Diagonal loose and semi- fitting styles. high 10 neck. 11 si avavsm ..‘..... f? 3.5] Ladbu' Fall and Winter Coat... made of Black and Colored Chev- 3 (:05 years, £51. 6 to 8 years. 5. 51. 10 to 12 years, 8 51 Children’s Coats Ladies’ Coats Fur Cut! ies’ Suits 251 Com. in.“ Men's Euclid! FMtto Nitht Shirts. 1W0 roomy bodies. pooh“. with and without mum. tut col- m.goodatrmclotha.m15to 18 collars. W univer- 1‘ m pd“ ......... "to"... Q0...” c $983: Men‘s Fur Mod 9mm. good am. mi 991m. 9991,; Ma Mod. m an we! Mm glue“. m but: A- _‘ 3;“ “gnaw W mag?“ mwl 2911a 51 91'9“! gas” mm mm“ at M‘s Eeeteh Wad @envemble @9115? meters. double Messy 69 in: 688% 1955. has quality mg «ma snug east? my sag-1 16 $131 5‘ 2211:1322: 12:31:32122112223 gfiffl z'.'.'.;:.'.'.'. -.-.-.;â€";;;'.'.'.;'. ‘.'.‘.'.'.'.:‘.;;;;i; 'UIUI m; flaw Weed mm, mm. eemname seam, stmgiy made. 11mm high 631mm, eemeijtim eat: Men’ 9 strong, dark color TWeed Suits, good linings. well made, siz- es 86 to 44 Anniversary 15‘ Sale Men’s mm ammo! Macy Worsupd Sultana Mm! m0 linings. mu! sloth from. mums-s wen padded, up us A my muggtg ptylea'g 4 _ -‘ price 81, Anniversary Sale. Ladies’ Ru- Triimned Coats made of Imported Beaver Cloths, strapped with self. The shades are Navy, Brown and Black, collars and reveres of Western Sable, lined throughout X3111: verggy 8311????“ .CIOch.’ 2 4o 5 I Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats in shades of Brown, Myrtle, Navy and Black English Beaver Cloth, the collars and revel-es are of Western Sable. These coats are lined throughoue with heavy Italian Cloth, Anniversary Sale ................................... 14.51 udies' Fur-lined Coot! with shells of imported block dcloth. atrop- pod with eel! high colim uid ro- \'eree oi Ala-kn Sable lined with mukut. maln- price $50. 39 5] Anniverury Solo .............. 0 Ladies’ Fur-lined Coats. shell is undo of best imported chiflon broad- cloth in shades oi navy, black. myrtle and brow/11.1110 collars and revues are made of the best quality Caimdinn mink or Alaska. Sable. the lining is first quality full furred muskrat. These are magnificent garments. Anniveruu‘y Sale ........ ......... .................74051 Men’s FurTrimmed Coats WWW“ n Men’s Section -..V _.-._â€" vv $969.». MM1 3.51 '0... 'QO Q Q'QQ” Black Bib Overalls, no N TAT“ 0 "212mm 9.51 71c lieu 010:1; mg. undo from WW 0 0 dark on!- wcn lined. than 84 to u. 0"- oqovooooo 00.1010”. sown”... M‘s fine alkweel Beam film: may. lined Wm wee! km our! flag m M met Mr Mm. we! mum. 58 when long. we vagmmawu‘mvggmum film: ‘ 4'5‘ M‘s strong New mm: ”we“ we strongly made-.191 ht‘nt fi‘aim’fie at??? 1.51 game 12:8 Wm;e% hm 1:36“: ‘ m 0 West 9 an an; beds. manly em and 3%“ “mod “mm“ m it!“ “gum in Lined acumen make! weal Vanuatu. mew W Boye' Sweater Coats, combination colors. bodies Greys, Blues and Brown, trlmnmd with reds. cardin- ale and navy, pearl buttons. peek- ete. special anniversary I 51 N16! ;‘.‘.‘.‘.'.‘... .....'...'. .....’. .......... I \ my: strong New rams, we" and stream; mans; m mu: am Returns. mes BE 16 49. 5‘ mm b11663 '.'.‘.'.'.‘. .... ‘..‘.'.‘.‘. | sizes 6} to 7|. Anniversary Men's Winter Cups, fur bands, storm peaks, good quality tweak. Men's fine soft front Dress Shirts, in neat. putts-n3, fast colors, sizes 14 to 16}. special anni- 51 versary price ............... G Men’s Scotch Knit Uoderwear, na- tural colors, sateen trimmings, siz- es 34 to 44, special V am 5' niversary price ................... c Men's extra heaVy Fun-ed Coon Coats, dark, natural. selected skins, long length, best. quality, quilted $33 J‘flersi‘rimfixfy. 69. 51 Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, collar attached, good large roomy bodies, well made, special anniver- 5' any price ........................ . c linings leather arm shields, shawl 23313 .‘i‘fl‘éfifixfly 59 51 44, very special Anniver- sary price .......................... Men's Selected Coon Coats. very choice heavy tux-red skins. quilted Men' I all-pure Linen HandkerchgiztOda. plain or unmatched edges. sue, Spoclul Annhemry 1 price. 6 for 5 c Men‘s fine all-wool Coat Sweaters. in choice combination 0! colors. pearl buttons. two pockets, the. 36 to Collu- Buttonu. :1! dupes. strong and reliable. special Anni. 5‘0 vemry we. 1 dot. for ...... “! mid W Van“. m3: col- Men's Section .q-g ’- 71¢ 51c “5'1“; Younger Generation New Shirt- NowGlovoIJlnéd ,tnnd unlined . Fur Caps. Fur Collars l Yum during the celebntion ofthuour FEM-Em Annivemq count- mu. Wedothiflao emphasize the fact that this haunt” ha. been wing in Linda for fifty-one yam. we are mgunly proud of this lens period of dc Yeats ‘ Fancy Linen Fancy Ouhmore Hosiery Imokln‘ Jack.“ Draining Gowns Umbrellas Boys' 2-piece double-breasted Suits, made with bloomer knickers, smart stylish cut, long coats, 35' with vents, special at ....... . Boys’ 3-pieoe Suits, double breast- ed style, plain pants, good strong sizes 30 to 35, Anniver- Early Suggestions for Chflstmas Stock of Men’s Mufflers Neckwoar Complete New tum. made with the popular con- vertible collar straps on sleeves. good fitting, very special 5 15 unnlvenary price ............... . tweeds, well lined and ’well madâ€"e Browns, Greys: ind Blueé; very special Anniversary price.... 4 5' I Boya' Ulster 0x ercoats nude from solid strong tweedmdn warm nch colors of Browns and Heather mix- Boye’ Smart Overcoata. made for boyelnom 8 to 7 years, of fine all- wool tweed: and kereey cloths. werm Linings andA properly tailored, colors MEANING OF Slc ‘° 3"" A??? 5.51

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