We don’t Cobble Shoes J. HUGHES Large Gains From Favorable Mortality Ratio of Actual to Expected Death Lbsses in last 2 years, 30%. Competent and Economical Management Each year has seen an increased saving in expenses. High Interest Earnings Average rate earned in the last two years, 7 ï¬ per cent. Policies up to~dato HELD OFFICE Equitable Distribution of Surplus wn'mnmo. any, unused! ' ,n .. braid flavor! pain: In the mortgage business we are enabled to pay interes on savings at rates varying from 3;» to 4-} per cent, under conditions as to security etc. which are unexcelled. We respectfully solicit your patronage. JAMES LOW, NEWTON SMALE, We offer» you special blend at 35c per pound. This coffee is unequalled“ in cup flavor and quality. It surpass es the coffees that you will pay 40 or 45 cents for else- where. Give atrial order. Only 35¢ per lb. The Victoria Loan Savings Company; Incorporated 1895 gagjtal $300,000.00 Reserve Fund $58,000.00 As we import direct in large quantities, we secure a uniformity of quality and a cheapness of price that cannot be secured otherwise, We give our customers the advant- age of this and if you give us a. trial order you will be convinced that our teas are superior Phone No 10 PAGE TWO. 'l'he Sources of the Enormous Earning Power of The When you want shoes cobbled take them to a. cobbler. If you want them rapaired as they should bebring them to us. . only the best of leather used and ï¬rst class workmanship. We also make WATERPROOF FARM BOOTS, HIGH BOOTS and FINE BOOTS. Special attention given to tender feet, corns, bunions, weak ankles, etc. Call and look over our samples. Boots Repaired While You Wait The Quickest and Best Shoe in Town A. L. CAMPBELL DOMINION LIFE COFFEE P. A. Perm We Repair Them LINDSAY ST. and WILLIAM 81‘. NORTH i Elwood, Ind.â€" “Your remedies have cured me and I have only taken six 1 bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegeta- ; ---:..:.;;=; \. ble Com ound. I >1 was sic three -§ "§~ not walk. I suf- fered all the time. A well attended meeting was held on Friday evening for the purpOSe of organizing a hand, says the Fenelon Falls Gazette. The project has so far met with gratifying encourage- ment, a substantial sum of money having already been subscribed, with the merchants and others yet to hear from. It is expected enough will be raised to purchase a ï¬rst-class set of instruments. At the meeting on Friday the following ofï¬cers were elected: President. J. H. Brandon: vice-president, J. Aldous; treas., R. M. Hamilton; secretary, H. Little- ‘ton; committee, J. H. Stanton, M. H. McCallum, Dr. S. J. Sims. Mr. Herb. Harry, one of our enerâ€" getic young townsmen, has launched out in business on his own account. To-day he purchased the stock of jewelry owned by Mr. C. Hughan and will endeavor to carry all the latest lines that the fastidious public may require. Mr. Harry has unlimited experience in his line of trade, hav- jing been engaged for twenty years with the late John Petty, of this town. As an expert in all lines of repairing the numerous patrons of that establishment can testify, and his work for almost a quarter of a century, speaks volumes. The Ward- er and friends bespeaks for him a large share of public patronage. For thirty rs it has been the standard rem yfor female ills, and has cured thousands of women who lumbeen beentroubled with such ail. membasdi lacements, inflammation, ulceration, roid tumors, ties, periodicb pains, backache, indiges- ' I' right leg. I began to feel better when I had taken only one bottle of Compound, but kept on astasafraidtoatoptoosoon.†â€"Mrs. Gum: MULLER, 3728 N. B. St, El. wood, Ind. Why will women take chances with In operation or drag out a sickly, flair-"mm? m: ‘2?â€" o o e Joyo en ey can ï¬nd health in Lydia gmm's V table Compound? or thirty years it hag boon the A NEW BAED. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. MARJORIE OSBORNE Death claimed Marjorie Grace Ail- een, the little daughter of Mr. By- ron Osborne, of Salem in the 10 conceSsion of Ops on Wednesday. Up to (our o’clock Wednesday morning the child had been in good health, when symptoms of peneumonia. de- veloped to such a degree, as to cause the little sufferer’s demise at eight o’clock Wednesday evening. WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink- ham’sVegetable Compound WOMAN , . ESCAPES OPERATION As she came into the room one girl nudged another, as much as to say, “ The idea of a young. lame girl like that applying for such an im- portant position ! " The new-com- er did not seem to notiee this, and, going up to a. tall girl near the door, politely said to her, “ Could you ‘ please tell me if Mr. Campbell has come to the ofï¬ce yet ? †The tall girl, impatient with waiting, answer- ed back in anything ,but a polite way, saying, " No, he isn’t here yet, and when he does come you'll be the last to see him. First here, ï¬rst served ! " Our lame friend merely lifted her eyes and looked into the other’s face with much the look of a mother whow is grieved over her child. A twitter was heard among some of the girls, THE WA’I JEWAR' .3, MY THE SUCCESSFUL “APP: lCANP GBITUARY. The doctors said 1 could not get well without an opera,- tion, for I could hard] stand the pains. my sides, especlally my right o_n9,_a_nd do_w_n my (ByInaL. PRESENTATION. Bellevile, Nov. 2. â€" The Total Abstinence Society of St. Midas-1’3 Church last night presented 'Archbas- «hopelect Spratt, (brother at Mr. R. P. Spratt, Lindsay), with a. beaut- ifully béjewelled crpzier. The pres- entation took place in the dim}! which was ï¬lled with those whom- brazed _the opportunity of joining in a. public expression of 10W 101' their departing pastor. Mr. Thomas Hirley, President Of the T. A. S. read the address while the crazier was presented by Mr J- V. TruaJsch, heima of the Societ The address to his Grace exp the love of the manners and â€1°" great conï¬dence in the Arch-bishop- Their love would follow him to hit new home in Kingston and his 1“. ture career in ï¬g: Hnlv Mother replied briefly crazier as the PLRADED FOR GIRL. Peterboro, Nov. 3.â€"The last case on the docket at the Assizes here was an actiOn for damages by Grace Hillier against the Canadian Chicle Company for compensation for in- juries under the workmen's compen- sation act. In dismissing the actiOn without costs. Sir Wm. Mulock said : “The plaintiff cannot recover in this action on account of the conditions of the law.†He then Called the Managing Director of the company. before him and urged upon him as his duty that he should give the girl suflicient compensation for the new home in Kingston and his 1““ ture ’ career in the Holy MOM Church would be followed by “19m wit}; ghe-keenest interest.‘Hia Gr†Freeman on Monday, 'lhankSaiVing Day, when he Was attacked by some of the women folk on the farm, who drove him away with brooms and other emergency weapons. Bailiff Dillon now seeks to bring an action for assault against the woman, but it is understood in legal circles that the qailiff was a. uespasser whm he attempted to make a‘seizure on a. public holiday, and that the owner of the property had a. perfect right to use reasonable force to eject the bailiï¬' the same as any other troop Passer. The matter ‘will be fought in the courts. BAILIFF CHASED. In the township of Raleigh a. pc- culiar sjtuation has arisen. Bailiff Dillon, of Tilbury, attempted to make a seizure on the farm 0! one injury that had maimed and disï¬gv- ured her for life. The Managérprom- i_sed,__and Mr. D. O’Connel, counsel for the company, was urged to see that the promise was carried out. Bennett Goodwell for plaintiff and O-‘Connel Gordon for defendants. The other girls shamefuedly left the room, and our friend Mary stood dumbfounded. But she did her best. and Proved a. competent secretary. Over her desk to-day hangs the gold- en rule, " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.“ M “w, 53â€"...“ him." With that she left the room. amid looks of surprise from the oth- er girls. MmyHu-tlooked etthecnrd. and could hardly believe whet she seat. On one side was engraved the name. " Miss M. Kgmleen Campbell." “d 011 the other these words were writ- ten, " Father when you receive this I shall be downstairs in your pri- vate omce. Come to me there be- lfore interviewing any of the small: cents.â€"â€"Kathleen." ' When Mr. Campbell at last arrived Mary handed him the card. He read it, looked curiously at Mary. but ‘asked no questions. Then he turned ito leave the room, saying to the girls, " I shall interview you in a. few moments.†Within ten minutes he returned. and this is what he said to the appli- cants: †Young women, I have in- terviewed none of you, but I choose for my secretary the only girl in this room who had a kind word for my amicted daughter when she was here a. few momeits ago. You all know who she is. and may this be a les- 5°11, to you ! " halt a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. half a have proved for over For regulating the bawels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills offered her a d to Jane t1 . of they“! Ymnmmyourlife l--l. -1 no; Emd 7 o'clock. In the afternoon there will be a lrague and Sunday school rally, addressed by Mr. Ken- REGINA'S POPULATION. The Wax-deu- is in receipt 0: a letter from Mr. Russell Stephens, an old Lindsay boy, and a reader or this paper, who now resides in Re- gins, Sask. In looking over a re-l cent issue of The Warder. a trip through the West by our townsman. Mr. Jas. Mitchell was read by him. Our Regina correspondent said it was most interesting reading. He informs us from the fact that it con- tained much information concerning the population given of many cities and towns visited by Mr. Mitchell. A diï¬erence of opinion exists between tke writeus ï¬gures and Mr. Step- hen's report. The latter attributes a populatiou of 80,210 to Regina. He asserts that according to the last Dominion census, Moose Jaw. and Saskatoon are about equal in population to Regina, while writer or the article gives 9,11 three] cities about the same population. I Mr. Mitchell may have taken his ï¬gures from a census report gotten up some years ago; and was not prompted by any spirit of prejudice in making a derogatory statement. concerning the glorious West. â€" um“)! gnu ovum, urea aonnston. Omemee; Citizenship, A. W. Terrill, Penelon m13;Jumor, mas Ander- son, Cameron. Splendid addresses were delivered 1:: Rev. Mr. Honey. Rev. Robt. Btu-n9. raised me from the grove end Iheve much conï¬deueeluit. Ieau never nymfaryourgnndmedicinen name hadoï¬aedmetxoeoofor the second bottle ofNervinethntI mdlwouldhave said‘noindeed." Rev. D. Bailout and Rev. W. W. MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR. J ones Rev. D. Balfour We on mum, Ta. the subject. "How we got our Eng- llsh Bi The following ofï¬cers were elected for the mung you: Ithâ€"Rw. 11'.Shouey, ‘ Presidentâ€"Mr. Frank Riches, Cam. time since the world began. For bray. let Vice.-Preu.â€"Miss Flam Cur- ‘ new“; ‘ruhdownâ€feelinz,mmli8. . _2n<_1v1go.- “Pmâ€"Miss mum on Nervous exhaustion is a com- mon oecurence of modern life. Theweur and tearon the nervous make, but it is exactly what Mn. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, said in expressing her opinion 0! this remedy. uvoâ€"g v-vâ€"y __-, six weeks with inflammation of the stomach, will be pleased to hear that \01 late his health is much improved. He is now up and around and his speedy restoration to usual good health is looked for. NEW LOCKMASTER. Mr. nos. Austin has been ap- pointed IOOkmaster at Fenclon Falls, and has assumed charge of his duties. The appointment will give general satisfactionâ€"Feudal: IS IMPROVING. ‘, who “mm 80m Cameron. yawn-0° fw Splendid addresses wen delivered by WWI Rev. Mr. Honey. Rev. Robt. Burns, ‘noind "' Rem D. Bailout and Rev. W. W. STAYDOR. J ones. Rev. D. Balfour spoke on Bum, Tex. the subject. "How we got our Eng» :1 is a com- ush 3mm" ‘ , The (allowing ofï¬cers were elected modern life. for the ensuing yea- : [the nervous “amtâ€"Rev. Dr. Shorey. {than a any Presidentâ€"Mr. Frank Riches Cm began. For bray. ' - lot V100.-Pre|.â€"Miss mm Cub, m â€d r13- um." ill for about GOOD ADVICE; A typical Englishman met Game Inspector Bradshaw on Kent-st. yesâ€" to-day and enquired of the obliging oflioers what requirements were es- sential to permit his slaughtering ’ol deergndothergumein the Can- adieu wilds. He received the reply that so, and so, for residents, and so much for alien birth. But said the son of John Bull, “What will be the bloomin' cost to shoot ‘ bear," _ “Well,"r said the Inspector, ‘PI can't ceuent addresses were delivered and encouraging reports were received. Miss Dawson, of Lindsay, gave a reading- on Christian Endeavor work and other subjects were well hand- led by the following: Missionary. Rev. F. E. Howard of Combray; Literary and Social, Fred Johnston, Omelnee; Citizenship. A. W. Terrill Feneloll Ms; J unior, Miss Ander- son. Cameron EPWORTH LEAGiUE OFFICERS. The Lindsay District Epworth League Convention at Cambray Wéd- nesday w†largely attended by young 1300918 including ; number from “Many. Rev. D. Balfour, of Lindsay. occupied the chair. any ofl-hand. You ï¬nd better ask the hou- about that." Full particulars on mortgages and valuations and detailed informa. tion on properties can be obtgined from Messrs. Menughlin, I’e?l, F111. ,v‘Iu, First Mortgages For Sale. Guaranteed Security. 6% Interest Choice Saskatchewan Hail “to: Vacuum. 3.6. on: 380.0008 11 National Finance Company, Limited Toronto omen you an new: the mdmofinvutmcntsso popu- lar with conservative Western in- vestors. Ourhmtlistshowsoome Eastern inveszou. as I rule. do not have the same opportunities for proï¬tably investing their money as those in the West, where mes of r' vrvv â€"-vâ€" -w, Stinson. militias; Lindsay and Penelon Falls, ioCal representa- 96 beds "builder-up". Get ; soc. or $1.00 bottle from mum-awn NquDRU-CO Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Compound o. malnber of :1- â€Ml-I'D. 104 dimension“. mph. m; can}. Furniture?§ ' for hints and Children. the Kind You Hm Always Bought George A. Scott of Montreal drowned while on a shooting to the Laurentian Mountains. DUNBAB-WILSON â€" On Oct. 24th, 1911, at the Mrs. W. P. Freeman, 1 Calm- Susanna Wilson ‘W‘é'wzï¬Ã©ï¬ CASTOR IA 3 Alta†to Stephen L665 01 Medicine Hat, Rm “ man, omciated. W though as. You Will proï¬t by following their example. Write to-dsy for particular: and book- let entitled “A Sale Investment." m on improved farms, which me legal investments for trust funds. We give you an absolute, ï¬nding mtee that the interest udprincipd will be pad on time. THURSDAN, Nov HARRIAGES. for every 111 m NA-DRU-Co “MM-00 3M cums. .0... ’0 u ? trip $1 The town Council of Humid {and to give a 10ml ‘4'" y‘ taint reading, beam.»- xi P: PetitiOned for I») 1“ adj t" (“the eligible rah-pap! 1.2: the regalar meeting 1 '“mil of Omemeo, ;.f1cl h was transacted, :1 ¢ ‘1 m option repeal “um I “It. “10113 Weir, who v.11 ‘1'. Hm Beauv, mum W House. ‘Thc CM ’ by the {0110“ihtf ‘ ~01 the temperanl'e .. B. Buns. Rev, D, n: mad Village (‘ulgzgï¬ii j. ed .’ largely signed yw‘.‘ .er 1M Option measure Ir-xk :1 W. A by-lu“ “"31 a" be “that! to the rah-gm “elections in Janina-g ‘1'. :L S. C Ivor ' " . 3 , LL, ;! M showed (I'm $850 In for the best mm mm and communitya , â€ally and othcru‘i: . While not dictating K ~~ ‘hoped that. they m _ . repeal. by-law to Ll Aunt-ate. Upon m Ind seconded by - . ‘ it was decided 11 “km of the pe‘! Local Option Lindsay Branc CA’PITAL - $10; 5.1;) the event of loss autisfactory guarantee. the-lost Order. mï¬oaey Orders of ‘ Meat and economi the ‘United States. The Orders and full magpliqation at th‘e- Ba: Winchester Re] fro Shoots 30x30 c 7 B101: Repeati: The Fastest Ac Sold with the S: The Ne STEY Rest All kinds ui' ll pressed, dyed“ alu-ret hrs put on. Father: and blocked. A§~o a[ by the French dry p1 LINDSAY [0 w 3 o’clock. Saturday- 10 to I Province c A gei transacted Savin Branch. Undivided CLEANING hmthe best SIR EDMUND OF Bran News , NOV