Lainz‘lit'vid village council has receivâ€" 5d a. largely signed petition that the lural option measure now in forcebe 1‘9pealed. A by-law will accordinsw be submitted to the ratepayers 3" the elections in January. The town council of Hastings has refused to give a local option by-law lts ï¬rst reading, because it had 1'10“ been petitioned for by twenty-ï¬ve Per cent. ol the eligible ratepayers- . At :he regular meeting of the V11- 1338 council of Omemee, after 89119331 business was transacted, a. petitlon ‘0? local option repeal was presented: by Mr. John Weir, who was acting; f°r Mr. Henry Beatty, owner 0‘ the c°mmercial House. The coundl was addressed by the following repre- SC‘ntatives of the temperance Side: Re“ R. Burns, ReV. D. H. We" 1‘1 S. C. Ivory, Dr. Thompson The.†Speakers showed that "19°“! Opt-Ion Was for the best mm 0‘ _ Village and communityw 31113.7, morally and otherwise. m Local Option speakers while not dictating to $110 Conan, hoped that they would not submit a repeal by-law to the ~79“ 0‘ the Electorate. Upon motion d A' 3‘0“, and seconded by _ James E93611» it was decided not to Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES Manager?! .1}: the event of loss of: Money Orderrthe’Bank will, on receipt of asatisfactory guarantee, maharmngemtsdo refund the amount of the lost Order. . A232 The Money Orders of The Canadian 'Bankof Commerce are a safe, convenient and economical method of remitting small sums ofmarey. They are payable without charge at ev erylbranch of a chartered bank an Canada (except in the Yukon Werritory) and in the principal cities of the United States. The Orders and full infamationregw‘ding them may be obtained on application at th_e_ Bank: CAPITAL - $10,000,000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Winchester Repeating Rifles, all Calibres, from $14 Upwards Shoots 30x30 cal. Rimless- Cartridge. '7 Shut Repeating The Fastest Action made s Sold with the Stevens Guaranteeat $25 each The New High Power STEYEN S RIFLE . 3‘; .Edwards Co. Ofle' Hours: In to 3 o'clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business - transacted. r ' ‘ Savings Department at every Branch. ESTABLISHED 1317 . ' Capital Paid um ?’ 84,400,000 1 Undivided Proï¬ts $1,070,735 Bank' ‘SIR EDMUND WALKER. rc.v.o.,m..m.c.l.;. Pnesuoeu‘r ALEXANDER LNRD. (Gamilumoan At 632 Barton Stu OCtober 25a, 21911,:- rs. Albert Imam News Items MONEY ORDERS soms and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the val- ley. The bride was atteoded by Miss Olive Graham, of Guelph, as brides- maid, who acted for Miss Ethel Tait. Owing to the unexpected ill- ness of her mother, Miss Tait Was unable to attend. Miss Graham wore a costume of cream satin, with llace and satin trimmings, and car- ?ried pink cal-nations. The groom was. attended by James SomerVille. ‘ The wedding march was~eflectively rendered by Miss Mae Ackert, torm- erly of Lindsay. » The groom’s gift to the bride was set :to the - shawl, a can murpny -~ Felix Derouin, arrested on a charge of shooting an unknown man and hiding the body, was discharged by the magistrate at Hull. He intends to sue the informers for damages. A missionrstation has been stroyed by the ï¬re at Hankow. de- pin, set‘with diamonds. a The house was artistically deter- ated with bell garlands and ferns. After the eeremoay a dainty luncheon was served, the‘hride's table being decorated with pink’andwhite m; and me. Thanks .1!“ 'm the 5.80 Gaza tag- ‘ ““- . '1". â€Eggs-1°34? ’ g -“"~ mam (1mg gown 01 M1 uuxvnou â€"v-- v, with lace trimmings, and studded mmPHY-â€"0n Oct. 28, in Bobcay- with pearls. She» also wore a. silk 89011» Mary Ann Murphy, 888d 72 embroidered veil with orange blos- {9111‘s "nah 5 months, widow 0n The Bride, who was given away by her father, wore a. handsome wed- ding gown of pe_arl colored moire, a j ,1, j in marriage to Austin Thornley, of Collingwood, and formerly of this city. Rev. P. W. Philpott, pastor of Gospel Taberhacle, ofï¬ciated. A very pretty wedding took place at 3 o’clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glea- dow, 63 Sherman-ave†north Hamil- ton, when their only daughter, Miss Elizabeth May Gleadow, was united i THORNLEYâ€"GLEADOW. ; Aï¬v h-Vmâ€"v 0â€"- 7v . 28-piece cut glass 8%; to the uridesmaid a hand-flogheted shï¬wl.‘ nd to the groomsman’ 9. gold suck- } " ’ w H. B. Black, ‘ % Manager Lindsay Branch $27,470.735 HYMENEAL Felix Derouin, arrested on a. charge of shooting an unknown man and hiding the body, was discharged by the magistrate at Hull. He intends to sue the informers for damages. McINTYRE â€" GERRY â€"- On Oct. - ,Here's trusting. and hoping .and 31, in London, ‘Ont., by the Rev. “8111132: thathmdsay hm} taken J. Gibson Inkster, 8. Arthur Mcâ€" the right step and that m future Intyre and M. Louise Gerry, both the citizens will ghow a. united front of Detroit. ' ‘thï¬t Mosters wxll predominate.and knockers be eliminated. 1‘ TI- ~ Miss Pearl Alton spent last day in Lindsay. Miss Caroline Wright has gone to spend a. couple of weeks with friends at Halibut-ton. Rev. Mr. Hie visited his uncle, Rev. Mr. Davey at Haliburton from Monday to Wednesday and assisted in the yentertaimnent there on Mon- day night. \ MARRIAGES. Mr. McComb comes to Lindsay with experience and will no doubt make a. good publicity commissioner In fact, he, it is said, has all ready strings on one or two propositions. He should receive the support of the citizens and all should pull tOgether for a. bigger and better _ acity of 10,“) in 1915. This an be accomplished if the hatchet is buried and the peOple bury all little difleremes and work together for the good of the tawn. ; §ears and 5 months, widow on John Murphy. Mr. D. S. Magwood and Miss Mag- wood were in Cannington last week. Miss McGill. of Janetville, whohas been visiting- her sister, Mrs. J. W. Lytle, returned to her home on Saturday, accom pended by Mrs. Lytle to Lindsay. Mr. Ed. Lytle, 'sr., spent Thanks- giving holidays with relatives at Omemee and Peterboro. VICTORIA ROAD Victoria. Road, Oct. 30. â€" Mrs. Davey is spending a. week with her friends at Lindsay and. Janetville. [ETHEREIL.â€"At Little Britain on Saturday, Nov. 4, 1911, John Howard Metherell, aged 30 years, 10 months. Mrs. R. McElroy spent last week at Beaverton :and Lorneville. Mr. E. Cruess returned home on Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Shire. of Brock. Mrs“. W. R. Cruess entertained some ladies to tea on Tuesday alternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bit-chard and Mrs. Fowler spent Thanksgiving at Pet- erboro. Mr. aid u'rs..J. 'f. Biz-chard spent. Monday with Mr. Birchard's brother at Peterboro. Miss Cruess, of the Normal School Pet erboro, spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. with Mr. J as. Jewell of Callnillgtdall~ Mr. Chas. Foster spent Thanksgiv- ing with‘friebds at Lorneville. Mr. and Mrs. J as. McElx-oy, of town, spent ‘9, few days of last week \wi'h friends here. Whooping congh seems to be going; among the children of this commun- ity but fortunately seems to be c: a. somewaht mild nature. lb 1 1‘: i ‘I‘N VALLE: Linden Valby. Oct, 31. â€"- ‘lha Maripose. cheese factory .mplew: itaeyesrls work last Friday with the exception .of the annual meeting which will be held at a later * date Mr. Charles Foster served a. very satisfactory and successful term to all interested. Mien Ruby .and Master Jack Cums of town spent the holiiav at their home here. Many from here attended the fowl supper at Ca'mbray on Monday evezging Just. A. H. SWARTZ, Brockville, Out. For certain cure, for relief in an ‘, use Catarrhozone, the only di- 1mm, breathable medicine. TWo monï¬hs’ treatment guaranteed, price 81, smaller size 50c. : at all drug- giats, or the Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, *0nt., and Bun‘alo, N. Y.. Miss Cums. of Toronto. spent. the Magivipg holiday 9. h_er home. Gaunt. .» I bought a. large package of Catamhozone, used it as per directions, and have never been both- ered since. I will be only too glad to give any inlormation I possess {.0 am; person suffering from the dis- ease that awasthe bane of my life two weave. I contracted a, severe cold while following any Amoupation oi furni- ture traveling, and eventually it de- veloped into Catarrh. The desal- tory mode of life I was following gave me vexry little chance to attend to the Camamih condition, and at last {bongo .a victim of Chronic 321883 and irritation. No medicine brings such prompt relief, exerts such an invigorating in- fluence, or so thoroughly and speed- ily cures throat troubles as “ Cs.- tan-hozone." Doctors, hospitals. sanitariums. all say tint for those who suffer from changeable weather, for th‘ose who are predisposed to ca- tarrh, lung trouble, detainees, or bronchitis, no treatment is so indisâ€" pensable as " Cstar'rhozone." VICTIM OF CHRONIC CATARRH simply inhde a‘ cures every type chitis, asthma, t Mr. J. T, Jewell returned home Remember this: You don’t take rugs when using Catarrhozoae; you mply inhde a. healing vapor that AnniézBe‘th-une spent Thanks- of th with relatives at Trenton. good Pearl Alton spent last Fri- Mr. DEATHS DEATHS. ». ox‘ catarrh, bronâ€" ï¬hroat and nose sore- Had Palpitaï¬nmuf theHeart When an insurance agent coup-{t};- lates a. newly married man he means it. The unswerving duty of every citi- zen is to be unswervingly loyal. Let the gospel of Lindsay citizens be ï¬rst. Boosting has put other towns and cities on strong props and should do the some for Lindsay. Further, by boosting the advantages of the town for factories the greetest good can be accomplished. ‘ } There is only one way a town will continue to improve, and that is by its citizens being 10yal to it. A large number of citizens mve dipped down into their own pockets and helped along‘ the inddstrial project thus showing their faith in the town and their loyalty. Their faith is manifested by good deeds and they are deserving of the highest com- mandation. Weakness and Choking Spell; ET. and bury it down good and deep.. One of the crying evils of every commmity, large or small, is the disposition of a certain ele- ment to oppose any project that augurs well for the advancement of the town. Too many are at all times suspicious. Knocking a. town is a. contagious disease and the evils there from are hard to ever- take and much harder to destroy.. For a decade past the town has been scambling along at a. snail’S pace, with the majority of the citi- taking little interest in the affairs 'of the town. and certainly very little towards its industrial progress However. gradually it dawned ur'an a. number of inflmat‘ul citiams that considering the :..a.n_v ad‘mn'agcs right at Lindsay’s dcor and the untold possibilities. that it ,was hzgh time to call a halt. Re- ‘sult, a. caucas was held and the Huang-trier Commissioner idea was f'unfolded to the citizens. The idea received .3. Marty welcome and after ‘arduous work on the part of certain prominent gmtlemen and largely through the instrumentalitx of Mr. Moo-comb reached the ï¬nal stage when it became necessary to appoint some responsible. energetic, hord- position of Industrial‘ Commissioner. The step was taken last night; the appointment has been made and it now rests for all gitm, murdlees of creed, politics, or any petty jealousies to BURY THE HATCH- The qmntesen: e of it is that the Commissioner has been .ppointed in the person of Mr. Wm. McComb. Or in other words Lindsay 1138 ., man In the job whose duty it. will be Ito bring 'new industries to this Boost, tribute as soon as the act is amend- ed giving town councils the right to levy grunts towards such an cppointmmt. At the t time axr'ordilg to the act on city coun- cils have the right to make such grants. At last Lindsay citizens have got the lover. and it is no quintu fever at that but a. lasting one. A sub- martial amount hm teen subscribed M a, number of Citizens towards the. support of an Industrial Con- mssdcner. which amount has been increased by 3100 more a month, the amount subscribed vby tho Seymour Power Company. Tho ht- ter has also volunteered $100 extrs a. month, the amount which the town council is supposed to con- LOT 1. bOOSt 1 him: via, Owen Sound and Toronto. The new line from P0 t McNichol. where the most modern facilities for lmmgbdng and unloading h ve beenand installed, “ 111 enable {them to forward the gran from the ‘portlatlheheadolth~lakes’ by stemm- to Port IcNichol, on the Georgian Bay. and from this trans- fer point it will be shiper to Mont-A real and other eastern roints. as wenutodlpomumWestornOn- “:10.meth old‘ mm from Owen Soak the line tram Port mm: to Bethany m nyhlg‘ til theih'anl to Tor- onto of many on hundred miles. and it iaoanc‘hehoz-tu- “them-mm west, and the new line will play an important part in the grain carry- mg trade dream the west to Meet- real and the out. ' At present the western grain is brought from Fort William and Port west. no Canadian Paciï¬c 1. an; doubtedly preparing to handle the gregt grginA crops of the Canadian tended for a. fast service between Port McNichol and all points on the min line of the Canadian Paciï¬c Rauwayrin Ontario. both cut end is ï¬nished. the road. will be read; for trafllc. The connection between the upper lake steamers and the railroad at Port McNichol will com-! mence in the spring. .and irom that time on the people of Ontario will 5 have a new service. the adi-antegee! of which it is almost impossible to estimate until they are experienced. 01 and Betnany is, perhaps. one of l The new line between Port McNich- the best constructed pieces of rail- road in the province, and it is in- In conjunction withdhe work of building a terminal pount at Port McNicholl. where mun-tend mil transportation will make cannection, there has been built a new road from Port McNicholl to Bethany, near Peterboro. The laying 01 rolls on this new line has been completed and as soon as the wot}: oi haunting wrung up what will be one of the greatest shipping points on the great lakes. and this means that; Port McNichol will, in a. short time be one of the busiest lake tovms in On- tario. For a. long time now the Canad- ian Paciï¬c Railway has had its en- gineers out endeavoring to locate a terminal point that would take care of all the upper lake steamship tran- sportatiOn and place it in a position to serve both Eastern and Western Ontario with the most convenient. rail service. utter 3 cereml study of the situation from all points. Vic- toria Harbor was chosen as the most suitable spot. and as a consequence. right across the boy from the toun known as Victoria. Harbor, has One year ago Port McNichol was simply a. C.P.R. camp on the Georg- ian Bay, where work of a stupend- ous charaCter was taking place. To- day Port McNichol boasts of a main street. with quite a. number of banana. and many new ones are planned for the near future. and permanency, which is to be found only where a large and pro- ive corporation like the Canad- ian Paciï¬c Railway take hold of the situation. now ready to ‘receive grain from the steamers coming from the western ports on the great lakes. The whole works has the aPPWance of solidity ian Buy. For three years the work of construction has been going on, During this time a. large number of men have been employed in the work of building- freight sheds of the most modern type and tremendous capacity. both for the loading and unloading of lake steamers and freight trains. Long stretches of concrete docks have been built: _ _'l‘l_1e Toronto World.â€"Without a. blast at trumpets the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway has been 1113qu propan- tions for the opening of a, great lakes Carmina] point on the Georgâ€" Is the Key to the C. P. R. Boat-Rail Trafï¬c PORT McNICflOL BIG TERMINAL age-son. and given: me M health. " (mm) mm: DD. soc. gbog, 6 for $2. 50, trulgiae use. began inking “Pruii-n-‘iivé". and mi. gedjcin; compktely cured_me of_ All aux-dimming) pletely cured me or nu the h twqble, oonstipntiog 3nd in. Limited. Ottawa. m’ “about. Pal tat . damomuinganddiuinmallue weak. irritated condition 0? the heart by curing the stomach. 91 CLRGY $1.. Kmnox. Orr. “I safe-rod for some with a dangetons form of Heart mble. My heart beat violent! and I had pain over the heart an down the arms. also suffered with Constipation and Indigestion. I was treated by phy- siciaha ugh took many upedLea. but "BeutWe-kse- and Heart Irï¬nlion anthem outgrowth of Indiges- tion. Go in fanned in the stomach tad this mahï¬on of gas bulges “tEhe'elhï¬thFWnedm .Ibox.6fot 52. 0, or trnl use. At :11 claim at Fruit-active. Wm \ m1 . be Built-Heavy L055 OF CANADA . 11!. Account. of Corporations, _ Moréhontn. 1. “Man and Individuals Sollcitod. Small Savings Bank Accounts rooolvo Cpoolnl Attention. ‘\ lth. local telephone manager, brought'her the sad news of her sister's death that morning. and al- though she did not appear to be ser- ‘iously aflected by the sad news, her nerves were not prepared for the shock and gave pway to a stroke of opopleXy shortly after and succumb- egl on Saturday morning: Hrs. Hur- The death of Mrs. Mary Ann Mur- phy. relict o! the late John Murphy, removes another of the landmarks of the village. Mrs. Murphy, who has been in failing health for some little time, was a. sister of Mrs. Geo. W. Fitzgerald of Peterboro. Last Thursday morning Mr. Thos. Mur- I The Sunday school opening a! the Methodist church on. Sunday and Monday last was quite a success. The building has been on the way isince spring owing to scarcity of la- bor. Rev. John 0. Totton. of Benverton, preached Sunday morn- ing and evening to large congrega- 'tions. and Rev. Mr. Honey. the pas- ltor, conducted a rally in the after- noon {or the home department of the lcrudle roll. The choir rendered exâ€" cellent music at these services. The {owl supper on Monday evening was considered a great success. The la- dies took charge of the supper and had an organization which would be 'hard to equal. The Sunday school ’room was laid out in three tables. iseating 84 people. The tables were lproiusely decorated and everything went along with a good swing. Tick- ets were provided so that one color made one sitting and no more than [suflicient- to (ill the tables were tak- 1en in at one time. thus giving the iwaiters an excellent opportunity to serve their patrons to the king’e taste. The program. although a little late'in starting, was very en- tertaining, consisting of addresses by Rev. John 0. Totton and resident ministers. 50103 by Miss Wright and Mrs. Honey, duet by Miss Wright and Mr. Totton, and music by the choir. The proceeds Sunday and Monday were about 3130 and the net debt now about $350. Monday, Thanksgiving Day, was generally observed. 'Rhe stores were closed and business quiet. Bobcaygeon, Nov. 2.â€"Mr. James lifelong member. Dickson. 0.L.S., of Fcnelon Falls†Next Sunday h was in the village last Saturday run- the Dominion Alli ning lines for Mr. John i)evitt, reevelservice will be he 01 Verulam. 'church in the eve News Items From The ï¬re broke out in Jukson's store home end swept up the street easterly es tu- as Mr. J. J. Pree- ton's, the popular member of par- liament's grain ofllce, and every building between the two plates was ileveled to the ground, including Jackson's grocery and butcher shop. Slsson's barber shop. the tovm hall, Chas. Reynold's large undertaking establishment and hardware store, Dr. '1‘. G. Brereton's ï¬ne drug store. Mr. Gallagher's dwelling house, and Mr. Alex. Monk's harness shop and boot and shoe repair shop. www.m’xoanmam m Nora-nah had-s. mm of the tub “a†p . . 108° 0! WV“ place 0! bu“ We! therhuildings. Mr. Monk's sine- was men or exam by a a theme,flmliflht.alled “about $500 therebeingnoinlur- The Wardcollcoud mldthe story ance. llr. [on]: recently launched “than. into business on his own behalf, and The. on was ï¬rst noticed shout had a complete new stock of har- tweaty mates to twelve o'clock by near. etc. 82,000 damage is the esp arelaflvewho was returniu from t timte at Jackson's store. Hr wake. She spied a small blaze at Levi Sisaon, who is a cousin of Mr. the rear 0! Jackson's store house Hatt. Simon, 0! Lindsay, ran a ton- and immediately spread the elem. isorial parlor and managed to get his The hell on the Methodist church was .stock out. Mr. Chas. Reynolds also ’rung several times, but it was hard was tortunate in getting out the bulk workarousing thecitlnens from their at his stock as well as Dr. Brere- "sleep. Howeter, a large number ton. Everything in the town hall turned out and at once went to work went up in smoke including a brand to ï¬ght the flames which were being new piano and all the civic docu- tanned into a ï¬erce conflagration by ments. the strong wind that was blowing- The tire was subdued by the aid of In short order the frame structures the \illage ï¬re hand pump, which were in ashes, the owners of thepumped water out to the tank of the stores having little opportunity of Toronto Construction Company near- getting out their stock of goods by. The employes of the above Brick buildings were also attached :companv rendered \aluable assistâ€" by the ï¬ery monster and it was only ance in checking the progress of the the heroic work of the citizens with flames. One man climbed on tap of the assistance‘ol the workmen of the Dr. Hamilton's nouse, which caught Toronto Construction Company that lire several times, and managed to the entire village was saved from put out all the sparks. The water being wiped out. A froze on the roof and he slipped and dwhlchchurchsheéu a ’Caygeonua Sad Death I Mr. Scarret, of Hillcroft, is in charge of the Boy Scouts and put- ting them through their exercises at the rink two evenings each week. Last Saturday they took a tramp around the village by Mr. Boyd's boathouse and power house. The Bobcaygeon Independent has .installed this week a new gang press, {so that the true, the good and this beautiful, will be gooder and more beautilul now than ever. SMITHâ€"In the Township of Som- erville, on Thursday" October 28, 1911. Yeoman Smith, aged 67 Hallowe'en passed 06’ quietly, a few pranks by the ever hillarious boy was about the only indication of note. Jack Smith, who has been indis- posed for some time, is able to be about again. Rev. Mr. Honey and his colleague Mr. Stewart. attended the Epworth League convention at Cameron on Wednesday. Rev. W. J. Smith left Tuesday morning for his annual hunting holi- day at Callender. 7 Rev. John O. Totton and Mrs. 'I‘ot' ton, of Beaverbon, visited Rev, Mr†and Mrs. Honey over Thanksgiving; At the Liberal convention on Nes- day at Fenelon Falls for East Vic- toria, Mr. A. E. Bottum. our popu- lar hardware merchant. was nominat- ed, along with others, but retired in {o'er of R. M. Mason, the ex-memb- er. There is a saying that who ever gets the Conservative nomination is sure to write H.P.P. after his name.» and no doubt that on Dec. 11th Dr. Mason will be the man. He has been a good representative and is quite popular. Next wSunday being ï¬eld dav for the Dominion Alliance in the county, serVice will be held in the Baptist church in the evening by the Rev. J. F. Cotton, B.A., o! Wycliffe 001-, lege. Toronto. Rev Mr. Fm the new Baptist minister, has moved his family into ‘ the village and oocupys rooms at - Mrs. McGregor's. The ï¬rst snow fell on Wednesday ’ night. about three or four incm“ coming down. Mrs. E. J. Woollard Was the-ï¬rst to take advantage and was out bright and early for a. drive. Sure it sounded like Santa Claus coming again when we heard the merry jingle o! the bells. Mr. Monk states that it is the in- tention to rebuild the burnt section. at once with-up-to-date structures. Just ï¬ve years ago a small ï¬re broke out in the village of Bethany and a frame house was destroyed. times. One man climbed on top of Dr. Hamilton’s nouse. which caught time several times, and managed to put out. all the sparks. The water from on the roof and he slipped and ten‘ to the ground, but fortunately was not seriously hurt. Mr. Joe. Hadden's store and post omce were also in danger, sparks ig- niting the frame structure several. times. 777131;.â€Brereoon's drug' store was a ï¬ne brick building as was also the town hall. The ï¬re was subdued by the aid of the Village ï¬re hand pump, which pumped water out to the tank of the Toronto Construction Company near- by. The - employee of the above company rendered valuable assist-r once in checking the progress of the The total loan of the buildings do“ is estmnted at over 821,000, than being very nttie insurance on any at the buildings. Hr. Monk's DEATHS. PAGE m ‘57“