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Watchman Warder (1899), 9 Nov 1911, p. 4

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LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister. so- licitor. Notary Public, solicitor for farmers Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of Waterloo: Federal Li!e Assurance 00.. of Hamilton. Empire Acci- Ient and Surety Co.. of London. out. omce over Farmers Bank, op- posite post omce. wvenuN. PEEL F‘ s'rmsox, Barristers. ”d Notaries. Money ‘0 and attention given to i! ITEWART 3: O’CONNOR, BarriSters. Notaries. etc. Money to loan} a_t “PKINS AND HOPKINS. Barrisâ€" tu'o. Solicitors. Notary Public, etc. Solicitors tor Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan on terms to suit borrower. Oficesâ€"6 William street south, Lindsay. Ont. G. H. Hop- m, K. 0., F. 11. Hopkins, B. A. ‘ Nearly Opposite [EB UNDERSIGNED 15 prepared ‘0 [on money on farm. town. and v11- ”. property. at. very lowest rates 91 interest. Company 01' mm“ man. I am always ready to buy urov v the most uâ€"o-to-date Marble and Gang. ito Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. show rooms 11 85 13 Como Shop and - _ _ laminae St“ immediately north of Fire um and Granite Monuments dvance with the times and are in a pnition to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites. new and Lindsay Marble Still doing lusimss in the came old M but not in the same old way. We wry lowést current rates on Am nflicaâ€"corner Kent York 313.. Lindsay. ‘1‘. Stewart. L. V. O’Connor. B. A. [DORE JACKSON. B: .tc., solicitors {or The ( fitness: Dominion Bank. corner 01 lflliam and Kent-sts.. mndsay. R. J. McLaughlin, K. C., A. M. Ful- b-- n A .I'amm A. Peel. 1*. E sum-on Students of this year aré\in positions worth from $50 to 3100 . month. write for catalogue, . b. “rm.“ gunâ€".2“...â€" -- Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insignia .gent. issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. mpg-(wed 190018 an; insertio-n of he best artificial Janus-es continue to be a. specialty of this oflice. 011109 nea'ly opposite BI. NEELANDS a: IRVINE. Den- “. members of the Royal Col- .30 of Dental Surgeons. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. Innis] attention will be given to Ogthodonis. Crown and bridge cork. The successful extraction of m under gas (Vitalized air) and A'RAXAI the Simpson holine- :oTIEitoI'etE', 313an Block. Lindsay. The Oliver Studio PLO. N0.- an. r. annncnnfig Have Your Sitting Now AT VICTORIA. -â€" Ridout-st.. corner Kent and Is-sts. Phone 15-35. . CHAMBERS. Prop huney to Man] Barristers. etc The Market FULTON 3, Solicitors, investments. corner of township to loan mt. Of- in fact The greatest percentage of increase occurred in the year just closed. This is accounted for in some meaâ€" sure by the large number of cases of typhoid fever, of which there were 89, and the fact that railway con- struction was active in the county. Apart, however, from these elements the record shows that the normal claims have develooed in a. marked degree. In the whole number of cases of typhoid fever only two re- sulted fatally. To illustrate the increase in the demands upon the resources of the hospital for the treatment and care of the sick, the number of patimts admitted in each year since the'or‘en- ing of the institution in November, 1902, may be subjoined: first year 148, second year 163, third .year 116, fourth year 225, fifth year 249, sixth year 214, seventh year 3'29, eighth year 292, ninth year 421. The capital of the endowment fund is now $18 427. 96, including a be- quest of $2. 00 by the late S. J. Fox, M P. P. The increased accommodation Was, however, soon taxed to and aloe the capacity, and for one day at least there were 43 patients within the walls of the hospital. The usual grants from the county of Victoria. and the town of Lind- say were voted by the councils of the municipalities, and the amounts were called for in full. The council of the county of Haliburton repeated their grant. Court Lindsay. I.0.F. 181, made a donation for which the board desire to express their thanks. A number of the churches have made generous contributions. With, however, the exception of St. Luke’s church. Downeyville, and St. John's church, Bury's Green, gifts from this source have been limited to the churches in the town of Lindsay. By the provision of the home :he rooms in the hospital occupied L.\ the nurses were set free for the use of patients, with the result that xhe normal number of beds was incr us- ed from 23 to 30. The Ladies’ Auxiliary Board have exceeded their benefactions of form- er years. In value the supplies of bedding, linen, etc., amounted to the sum' of $407.71. Dr. and Mrs. J. K. L. Ross, and. a company of their friends. and -to be permitted to associate with the home the name of the gracious wife of the founder of the hospital. The new building was, therelore, desig- nated “ The Annie Ross Nurses’ Home.” The occasion was another memorable one in the history oi'the hospital. Mr. James Ross in his great generosity and in the further exercise of the wise beneficience he has shown towards the county rnd town, erected and furnished the splendid building devoted to the comlort of the lady superintendent and the staff of nurses. ~NINTH ANNUAL REPORT. The outstanding feature of the year was the opening of the nurses’ home, which took place on Thurs- day,‘ January 12th. It was ex- tremely gratifying to the citizens of the County of Victoria and the town of Lindsay to have present on. that occasion Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, All institutions have their excep-l tional years in repairs and improve- ments and the year just closed has been of that class. The result is that the board have to report a de- ficit of $1405. There is no note of discouragement to be expressed be- cause the expenditure for the year exceeded the receipts. The board gladly hold themselves bound on be- half of the county and town to maintain the work with such extend- ed facilities as the founder of the hospital in his judgment may deem to be required. The annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Rom lemon-.51 Hospital took place in the coun il chamber on Thursday at 8 o’clock. The disagreeable weather kept ma..y citieens from attending. The lad.es comprising the Auxilliary Board and Governors J. D. Flavelle, J. Carew and J. R. McNeillie were pre- sent ; also Miss Miller, Superintend- ¢nt of the Ross Memorial Hospital. Rev. Canon Marsh, of St. Pan's church and Mr. F. C. Taylor. mm ‘01: K ‘ GOVERNORS 0F ROSS HOSPITAL The total expenditure for main- tenance proper was $11,347.28, which divided by 8,843. the total number of days, makes the net cost per day 81.28. The highest nux’nber Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Sm!) ‘8 withoatadoubtoneoctheuutwtmuh mdcoldremedisonthemarketto-day. and so great has been its sum there are numerous prep-Rm Wt, up ‘50 imitateit. Donotbeimpmeduponby taking one of the: substitute. but insistanbdnxgiven“Dr¢Wood’s”when yonukforit. Pricgzscmuabottle; putnpinaydlowmppcr; threepho authentic”; autumnal! HAD VERY BAD COUGH mythroat. Itwassobadleouldnot deepatnixhnsolwenttoadruggistand toldhimlmtedsomethingformyeold. andheadvuedmetotryDt. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup whichldid. mddter And Tickling Sensa- tion in Throat. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup Cured‘lt. _, writes:-â€"“Last fall I had a house furnishings .............. Brooms, brushes, soap ........ Fuel .................................... Light oil and candles Water supply Clothing for patients .......... Ice supply .......................... Salaries and wages ............. Insurance ........................... Books, stationery and print- ing. Electric power .................... Ordinary repairs ................. Interest .............................. The Annie Ross Nurses' Busy market on Saturday. Good display of farm produce; market somewhat unsettled. Several loads of hay were on sale at firm prices. Market Clerk Callaghan was extra busy this morning, large consign- ments of potatoes from outside points and carloads of junk were being weighed by the clerk, which kept him on a steady run. Cream 15 to 30¢. Eggs 27 to 30¢. Alsike clover 89 bus. Little hogs, $4, $5, $6 per pair. Potatoes 900 to $1.25 bag. Honey 12c lb. ‘ Live Logs $5.75. I Hay per ton $15 to 36. 1 Head cheese 2 Tbs for 250. Pork 15c lb. Rib roast 15c 11'). i 1 Spring lamb 12 to 18¢. Grass seed 57. Cheese 17c 1b. Lard 15 to 18¢ lb. Celery 5c bunch. Onions $1 bus. Sirloin steak 180 lb. Groceries and provisions ..... Drugs and medicines Medical and surgical ap- ' pliances ........................... Surgical instruments ........... Beer, wine and spirits ......... Bedding, napery, general The expenditures include the fol- lowing : Butchers’ meat ......... . .......... $ 918.12 Butter and eggs ................... 689.13 Flour, bread and meal ........ 245.88 Milk. 528.05 Tea and coffee“ ..................... 156.51 Potatoes and other vege- THE LINDSAY MARKETS. 'l he sum of $6,419 was received from patients, and $407.71 cents from the Ladies' Auxiliary. The operating room yielded a revenue of $359.50, while in all $190.55 was received from the churCheS. ' of patients on any one day was 43: the lowest number 11; the average completed the three years' course of for the year, 24 per day. On June 6th a. graduation of nurs- es was held in the Academy of Mn“ sic. The following ladies who had study and service were granted their diplomas of qualification and were presented with badgeS, namely: Miss Emily Manna, Miss Margaret Cairns, Miss Etta. lebert. These ladies devoted‘themselves earnestly to pre- paration for the profession an I have left the hospital with the confidence of the superintendent, the medical staff and the board. _ _ Besides the services within the hos- pital, attention to maternity cases in homes has 'been continued. The superintendent and her stafi' have discharged the duties of an ex- ceptionally heavy year with most commendable efficiency and cour- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Secretary-masmr McNeill e sub- mitted a. detailed report 0: the re- coi"ts and expenditures; but lack of st ace prevents printing the same in The National Ammva has {mod antheChineeethx-onanmw duo- A quiet but pretty wedding was solemmzed at the home of llr. and Mrs. Mark Kerr, Albert-st... when Miss Margaret Gibson, _eld_est Slaugh- terotMr.mers.G.A.Gibobn, became the bud: of Mr. Samuel Way, of Bethel, Verulam. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon Marsh in the presence of the immoditte relatives. ’11» bride who was ‘ttired in pa; trgvellipg suiÂ¥ __°f tables .. . Lamb 15c to 20¢ 1!). Spare ribs 3 lbs for 25c. Beef cattle $3.50 to $5. Baled bay $16. Hay per ton $12 to $15. Pea. straw $1.58 load. Buckwheat 53c bushel. Timothy $5 to $7. Flour, Manitoba, 82.90. Sage per bunch 5c. Dairy butter 26c and 270. Rolled oats, $2.85, Shorts, retail, $1.30. Bran. cwt. 81.20. Hens 15c H). Large peas. 90c. Green Peas 25¢. qt. Small Peas. 80:. Barley 67 to 75¢. bus. Oats, 40c. Rye 70c bus. Fall wheat 86c. Spring wheat 80c. Goose wheat. 80c. Ducks per pair 81.10, 15c lb. Geese 12 to 15¢ per Ib. Chickens 15c Ib. Turkeys 18 to 20¢ 1b. Turnips $5 per ton. Following are a. few items GIBSONâ€"WRAY. s 918.12 689.13 245. 88 1 528. 05I ¢rn Irâ€" 121.97 60.00 § 272.24 133.07 V 956 265.36 648.82 596351 as [male births“. aimâ€"dâ€" 2 female births lx- During the year at fegnale were discharged from the hos- lr- Epital and there were 12 male deaths land 13 female deaths. Twenty- 3- ’eight patients were remainginlg in the 1 . 1b- institution on Sept. 30. fe-E During the year 118 persons re- 01 ceived treatment who were not in- in mates of the hospital, while 461 vis- of its were made. The dormitory 08- PaCity in beds total 30. all of WhiCh ed were made up. .ts Of the number in th he were Canadians. 38 of Scotchman, 9 Americans an as "other countries. 0( the flow number 233 were from the town of Lindsay, 130 from the ’1'|county of Victoria outside of Lind- say. 77 from other counties in the W Province of Ontario, 5 from United l3 States and 5 from other countries. 381 LADIES' AUXILIARY REPORT. 35: Meetings were held monthly and 51 during part of the summer weekly 'meetings were held for sewing, {or 36 with the increased room, since the 32 opening of the nurses home, and al- 51 so the increase in the number of pa- --:_A.I Englishmen, 1 d 22 from According to the financial state- ment of the Ladies’ Auxiliary the re- ceipts amounted to 8921.67. lea\'ing a. balance to the good of 3513.98. were admitted, while_ Newt house furnishing Capitalâ€"â€" Investments Contingencies .The tweheâ€"pounder gun which was so heroically ddended at Lilliefon- tein. has been presented to the city of Ottawa. and will be placed on the city hall square. Welland Liberals numinated Mr. 'Carleton- Monroe for the Legislature and South Huron Liberals nominated Mr. Edmund Ziller. Grenville Con- {eervatives' choice was Mr. G. G. .Ferguson, M.P.P.. Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. who delivered an excellent address at the East Victoria, Conservative Convention Wednesday at Fenelon Falls. Deficit ................ Cure]! of Shingies ' ‘ and Eczema mmmmmm nmmmmm furniture . Tot'al expenditures Total. INTERESTING ST $18, 427. 9’3 «TISTICS. Total cost Cash in bank Home ...... non. JAMES (DUFF. [.21. attentions. “U WPOBLTLON. Mon M Guano: We undu- ltuidthonw-donot inundto {Elgmdminoppo-Iuontom. ..A.â€"‘" .,...o .- ... n. o- u. a-I so... 312618.57 . 1405.11 347-28 157.95 {1:9 Buting, which he considereg wow a, conveyance to cells, Magis- trate Jackson commend the fine LEAGUE CONVENTION. Below is published a few items of interest in regard to the annual con- vention of the District Epworth League, which was held at .Cameron on Nov. 1 : The nominating committee consist- ed.oi : Rev. D. Balfour, Lindsay ; ROV. F. H. Howard, Cambray; 11188 B. Mark. Lindsay; Rev. E. W. Honey, Bobcaygeon; Mr. Allan Ter- rill, Fenelon Falls. In the review of Departments Miss Dawson. of Lindsay, spoke on the Christian Endeavor emphasizing the neces8it,“ of personal work and the need of spiritual development in the league. Rev. Mr. Howard handled the mis- sionary department and stated : “ I! we have the true Christian spiritâ€" a close relationship with God and a knowledge of His family, the mis- sionary spirit will follow. The stu- dent volunteer movement is supply- ing the men; it is our work to sup- ply the funds." ' The literary and social department was dscussed by Miss Burns. 0! Omemee. and in part she said : “ This must not consist alone in serving refreshments once a month. but there must be good, wholesome study. A course of study of Cana- dian authors, debates, the history of our church and the Wesleys. and the study *0! our bible as good literature, should be among the subjects dis- cussed. taking anv more 5' might become meal a fond good-bye he onenders 39W Worship. an Enslim’ Italian. They had a, town. He Mr. A. Terrill. of Fenclon Fells. gave 9. short addreu on " Cit zen- ship," showing that the importance of this new department was new be- ing recognized. The Christian's civic responsibility was summed up in three words. n nationel¢ighteour WJz-ship in?“ with their arranges Junior league work was dealt with by Miss F. Anderson, of Cameron. who emphasized the importance of child training and keeping the child in the kingdom of God. It was not memory at all that he should sow his wild outs. An address was delivered by Rev. i Mr. Honey, oi Bohcaygeon, on " 'l‘he‘ Sunday School." as a factor in our ‘ forward movement work." Are both Sunday school and Epworth Leagues" necessary, or could we merge the; both and still meet the need ? Is‘ there a danger a having too many organizations and committees and losing sight of the essentials â€" soul winning? Is the hostile losing its power by being deficient in aim or in method ? How can the Sunday school and Epworth League co-oper- ate ? The Sunday school should educate our children. The league should be the drill ground or train- ing school for further work in Sun- day school and in the church. There should be reciprocity between; the two. Mrs. (BeV.) Jones. of Janetville. closed the afternoon session by a very stirring talk on “ Consecra- tion.” Christ said, “ Come unto He." then "Take my yoke upon you." A great my have taken the first step and then come to a full stop, and are not willing to take the yoke. Christ's yoke is lined with love and means surrendered service, What we need is men " Great en- ough to be small enough to be us- ed." but there can be no power until there is first peace. Refreshments wens served in the basement by the Cameron ladies 'to the visiting leagues. which was greatly appreciated. Rev. D. Balfour delivered a very interesting address on " Haw we got our English Bible." in which he followed the invincible spmding of the word from the writings of the prophets to the present revised edi- tion. The devotional exercises were con- ducted by Rev. Bailout at the even- ing session, assisted by Rev. Ste- Wart. of Bobcaygeon. Then followed the introduction of omoers and the newly-elected president, Mr. Frank Riches took the chair.» The closing address was given by Rev. Mr. Jones. of Janetvilie. in whichheexhortedtheleaguestoa full uni mt consecration to car- Vice dating the your. First we must hnve an ablolnto conviction of God's personality. than an mt conse- cration to H I narvico with concen- tration o! purpooe. which must an; The mass Duuon and Fee 01 Lindsay, rendered a very pleasing tux-my result in conqmt. It was moved by Rev. Balfour. soc- ondod by Rev. Honey, that . vote of thanks be funded to the choir and people of Coma-on for the kind hoa- Pitanty with which the convention had been received. N0 OPPOSITION. Averyinstrucuvo cad Incest-ml wit; dammi- result). and 8 fine in k“ ‘, and on paym' ,d mnmhle ”my .v- ' --- a a bill of 87 for he considered too pd a convelv'flilwe to left thé court. Dish“ get dirty, greasy and sticky and soap will not clean them. Soapy dish water merely cleans the surfacc; it doesn’t dig out the corner: and drive out the decayed food particles. Moreover, soap lave: your dishes thh a soapy, animal-fat smell, that is far from inviting. cleans the surface, but dig: deep after hidden partlcld of dirt and kills the germs of decayed food which orde dish-water overlooks. GOLD DUST eterihzcs as well as cleanses. Besides doing the work bettervthan soap or an other cleanser can, GOL DUST will save just half the time on spend in washing dis es. GOLDDUSTiuoldin 50 sizeand hrzepack- azet. Thcl-rzepachze Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. - ' Multan of FAIRY SOAP. the oval cake. "â€"IGE All letters iron Wannabe addreued to our Canadnn Cormepondcnce Depart ment inW Windsor, Out. If you desire to fidâ€"dwuedial InsfituteinDetoitaswe seeandm ourW'm 060:8 which are hr Correspondence and abouts} ht Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: as. WY KENNEDY, W-‘hor, Ont. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED There is I. grant dad more doing in Fur Lined Uvercoats' than there used to be. A Fm- lined Coat is the limit of luxur) in : Man’s uppu-el. . . The trouble with the ordinary Fur Lined Coat is “skrmpl' nous”â€"I» saving of Ethnic: and fare at the expense of the cost. - Our coda trends to our order by a reputable msker who bu built than ling fibud md cartect lines. 9;...5 {Jigs 0 w Mt” OI! h Lined costs in evely :65 ”mm HUM 3 pun-dun made here dnp q at. atom. pact. Luck We 1'9 ' Costs are lined with natural Muskrat with Candi» ottet oolhn. $55.00 to $75.00 In. coats are of Wm inch length with sh. 5°“ 0‘ KW Bfi'ala‘lp‘kodidly tailored. Our s Y Mouth“ skins. maycostufawcenn more on the hundred pounds than othqr lump «3331'. Good things always can more than~ inferior qnahty, However, ST. LAWRENCE "CRYST AL DIAMONDS” nre really tbc most economical Sugar, beau”, they go further on account of thcir matghlcavsweetnw due to perfect purity, To npptec'me the superiority of St. Lawrence Saga, comp”: it with any other sugar. 05ers greater economy. ms, sons, swoum amps, BLOTCH! muss. AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD msmsrs ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Cor. many-n Ave. ud_91jiswol¢!$t._ Wit- Mich- ) st, Lawrence «C'rys'tal Diamonds” 1' ,_. A...“ mar’ nn fhfi hnnAp- m 2031 armor? ton-then complain“. Then is no ex. ng ”urea {Ace tron eruptions and Hughes. .‘o may mmw negated. qur mean: was a! ”uncut neutmhze pa. min blood and expel than from the ”wen. Onrvut experience in the nu}: neutotthmnnndsot the nose amousm MW assemble: usto p611”. cue without experimenting. Wedo busine- ou die pillâ€"9103b it the Benefit 1’. Mo. I! you unyblooddxmse. enn- sultuIFmJG-noand Eet us pronto yonhoquickly our remedies will remove deviance-dam Undertheinfluenco otthoNevWTn-tnoutheskinbe comes clear. ulcers. pimples and Hatches Mummy-nature reduced. mug. outhdrmnh Igdn. the eyns become bright. ambition nod energy return. nndthe whWO-Mdfla “THE mm IONITOR”FRE 'I-Hobc-lvfiu for: M1 Guile-.13..“ bright. animal) 3nd éne rehm. mdthe madness” Lino opened :3; u YO'J Ci.“ ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURE) compmu ma»: on the hundred . Laud ”“1 aunt's PM 2 NOV. 9th 31 shéus 0f the J r sleeves ac ‘. 1911‘ vâ€"wâ€" - . Mon. late of 1110: to 0m. in the County of V W. deceased, \xho ( “out the 21$t day of m. an or before Ibo full 0‘ November. 1911. m 9 mid to Leigh R. Kn‘ m of Lindsay, in the “emu-u. Solicitor for ‘ m: of the said 1“er W. their christian m. addresses and ‘ the fill particulars of an fill! the nature of their .3. held by them. '11 5.. Panuant to Ontario the Demon. late NOTICE TO (‘REMT HF. Ins Pursuant to the re\isc¢ (htnfin the (‘rodihils 4 . not be liable for u , put thereof. so dis ; m of whose cla: W1! has not 1101 m as may he hrnugxr ordervd mmditiun of th bowels that can Chang women. to keep .mur ' you mud keep him well Tabla“ wil! do this. them. Mrs. (‘hax Pot \ n 38.53714 cry Inulcuuca u... smue healtl. and Content; mo'hcr may he sure than ., tany who cried for the Baby 5 disxosition is nu happy one find i! is ol ' - h-nnuh! 1 WW4. hut \hw} fail all! h- criod Constan lacs cured him and n Ilfllthy child " Tha- by medicine dealt'rs 4 95 cents a box {rum flnms' Medicine (‘n. them. Mrs. Fhafi. I'0\\ d1 _\'..\‘., “riws: “F Tl‘l- --‘. ‘ huH’ prmod an «IV for my lam. I h; Weekly S‘ar" shoum aw of new subscribers this a well deserve it. for no has met before been givn is a big surprise in stol who receive the mature is a bi: su who receive Agam.’ grout faintly paper for (taming. Can be included I. beautiful work of art. tar". “'l‘hP Family 1 A SURPRISE? I.\' STU! Several subscribers to fly Herald and Weekly S distriCt haw rot-shod th distric: haxu rocahod th the mantiful premium r titled. "Home Again." 0150 reached this Office. surpaSscs anv picture evé that great paper before. mm of um! dollar a yoaJ mu: family paper for regular 40 8M1 Men 2: fur caps, fm at discount. Black Gooey mufl" "‘3 German Min_K mufi‘: 10. to" Allah Sable scarfs £3 Ladiec Hack anl 3n, guilted lining 2'2. 'Ladies' fur trimmul (u with Italian cloth. mies rat lined grew 1 Alaska sable trium [£th black shell sable collar u; Indies’ Accrachan l specials 32 and... Is“ 2 only rat lined b‘ German mink muffs Bmvm Coney 'Ihrow ‘ Brown and black (‘4: and ............... H Brown Cuney caper-in I'uk mink Throw f Iink Marmott scarf u flen’s fur trimmt Furs an {V be brought. ndninn of the Yi: 10 p by. I had ex failed ‘1 onstanth and HO“ Family i ShOU‘d ad Sable tr fur coi can W TOE rl‘

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