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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Nov 1911, p. 10

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OTHER INTERESTING ITEMS FROM LIFFORD. Liflord, Nov. 12.â€"The weather in this locality has been about as changeable at the fickle goddess or ancient date. 'A thunderstorm on Saturday evening. a, heavy rain on Sunday a.m., with the mercury hov. ering around 60 degrees, and then, presto ! dropping to several de- grees of frost in a. very short time, has been the greatest caprice or the atmosphere _this fall. - a. ,,,|___. ‘mvv _-~ - .. The Bloughing ifir this neighborhood is almost completed. Yet some are hoping for one week longer to finish. We have no hesitation in saying that if the ground remained open Dr. Martel’s Female Pills for women's ailments, a. scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result of their use is quick and permanent. For Sale at. all drug stores. PAGE m. A 3 Evan 1. When there’s noth - ing 2. Have you an - y - PRETTY WEDDING Our Anniversary sale is going merrlly on. Last Saturday, openmg day, was a Hummer, and has continued so since. Many pleased customers is the result. To-day we emphasize our Overcoats for the Boys, especially one line for boys from 3 to. 7 years. Made from fancy all wool tweeds and kersey cloths, some fancy lined, all prettily trimmed, with fancy buttons, some in refer style, some in russinn style, some with the popular converto collars, every coat well made, very special â€" A-A _ g M. ETR’ofirke spir . its fall till you feel quite blue, ABE life you should take but a. walk with me, I’d than] And wher - ev - er yofi make Say the time I’ll be there “Our Miss Gibbs” Copyright, MCMX, by T. B. Harms Francis, Day . Hunter, N. Y. All rights reserved Intemtional Copyright Secured Used by permission, MURRAY MUSIC yofi make a call Find “av - 'ry bod - 1y out. be there .1 - right Come cheer 3 lone - y boy. Knickerbocker Theatre. New York senvlces 111 L118 mebuu‘uau uuuxuu 'VAAL be conducted by Mr. Will Skuce, Mt. . is a, capital one, and will meet thh Horeb. h I‘h . , --' endorsation everyw ere. ' 8 boys . One Of LlffOl‘d S finest young 1"" need the money. and the people dies in the person of MISS Polly need a concert. Whether the talent. Staples, has been removed from our . be home or foreign, a. good pro- midst. She and Mr. Hugh Loweryl ram could be assured. ‘ have started out together to wrest- lg Rev. R. M. Patterson, our p opu- le with the‘ stern realities of mar- '1” young minister, is away from “$1 “‘9' “‘19 Re shall greatly out burg holidaying with friends at 111188 ms” Lowery, as- she 90w 15’ IBrizhton and other points. A-U JVvâ€"D _.7‘ have proposed a concert. The idea Owing to the very inclement wea- ther on Sunday, the services in the churches in this vicinity had to be dispensed with. Next Sunday the services in the Methodist church will be conducted by Mr. Will Skuce, Mt. Horeb. we are glad to know that her fu- turehome is still 'near us. All join in wishing the happy couple a happy and prosperous married life. Messrs. Harry Veal and Thomas Staples returned iron}: Sirden, Man, the misfortune \to have his left arm broken between the wrist and e1- bow. He was about to oil a, shaft of the feeder when his coat sleeve until New Years there would still be those who would want one week on Friday evening, after a very suc- cessful seamen. Thomas was run- ning a, separator. and when they had But two days to thresh he had PAULINE CHASE do at “DIG IN” all, And Ino-bo-dy a-bont, - night, Now dear - ies don’t be coy, Last Saturday, opening day, CO., N ew Yatk eems far from sweet, Till you’re my luck - y stars, And I’ll 0" Rev. R. M. Patterson, our popu- lar young minister, is away from out burg holidaying with friends at Brighton and .other points. “A An- “-fl‘ Mciss Ruby Sisson spent the past week- under the parental roof on ac- count of her school at Minden- being closed to prevent the spread of a disease which recently broke out there. men Miss Lillian Staples. Cobourg. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Staples. Mr. A. Corby, of the Toronto Construction Co., spent Sunday at home. “v_-, Mr. Chas. Staples, the popular voung slab artist of our ball team, has gone to live at J anetville. caught in the same. and wound his arm around the shaft, breaking both boues. Thomas has the sympathy of all. The boys speak in glowing terms of the great west. We are all glad to see these popular young fling _meff of the ball team mL- :A-_ Jeronié DQKem was a hummer, No. 268. BURNT RIVER. Burnt RiVer, Km. 12. â€"The Hodg-v son hunting party arrived home on Friday from White Lake with their' ’full number of deer. I Mr and Mrs. Perdue came home rom Baddow to-day, where they; spent the last t\\o weeks. Mrs. J. SwantOn is fishing at Mr. .’ mers. Mr. Frank Eldridge returned home on Saturday from a visit, to his fa.- ther at Windsor. Messrs. Sam and Tom Suddaby. A. B. ' Townsend, and Wm. Brintnell went to Coboconk on Fridav night to a. farewell party given to Mr. Callan. Mr. J 05. Handley took two car- loads of cattle to Toronto lasb'week. That makes eight Car loads shipped rom here this season. Miss Violet Gyrman has gone to Dunsford for the winter. Hérron’s. Red Rock. Mrs. Begge, of Janetville, spent a week at her father’s, Mr. D. Chal- A BARGAIN INDEED. Two cents a. week is exactly what it costs to guarantee you the great- est treat you ever enjoyed. That small amount per week. or one dol- lar a year will secure you the great- est ammlnt of newspaper reading to be,had on this continent. We refer to The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, by long odds the best family and farm paper printed, In addition to the paper a most beautiful premium picture is in- cluded. It is entitled “ Home Again." and is well worth the dol- lar alone. No home in Canada, be it ever so rich or ever so poor, can afiordto be without this bargain. ~3fis§ Editih Hughes spent Sunday at (‘oboconk. Now is the time mas saving. START NOW. WILL NOT RETIRE. "3011.35er Olivérrissued a. denial of the rumor to the en'ect that he was going- to retire from Parlia'ment TH‘E’PUUH DYSPEPTIE dyspeptic stomach acts 8.5.811 mutant; hence the dificulty of efi'ectpz 8 pure. Burdock Blood Bitters wxll reheve fill the distressing symptoms of 6W9!“ and in a short’time egecffi cure. A... ”:9-- u I“- ”Ute. um- vâ€"-* Mrs. F. C. Gm Berlin. Ont. writes: â€"-" I have been troubled With my stow for the last seven years and tried all lands of medicine for it. but none of them e“? cured me, for as soon as I "0““ qmt using any of than. the same dd Mb“ would come back. Last fall I was 9‘- Visgd to try Butdmk Blood Bitters, Wind! Suffers Untold Agony After Every Meal. 'AUJ We’re ver - 7 Eight Litfle Gitls. to do your Christ- ', four, But Baddow, Nov. 13,â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Griffin, of Cannipgton. visited relatives here last giving in Toronto. Miss Zillah Su 'tt. of Kinmount. and Mr. Harold oggitt. of Lind- 4L-!__ gy, spent the week home here. Mrs. Neil. 5 giving in Tom Miss Zillah E and Mr. Hard say, spent an home here. Mr. and Mrs .‘Vâ€"nv ._-_ V , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodhand and son spent few daos he_re last week. wvu 'r'â€"' “ _ Quite a. number from here attended the fowl supper in the Baptist church at Fenelon Falls. M. W. Oliver and Ollie Kellett, un- dertook to reach Sturgeon Point on Sunday by boat. It was only a hardy Seaman that Wollld anchor and tidy the wavw and winds, which howled and routed on the bless. and rocky shores of Sturgeon lake on such an inauspicious day. Miss Alice Sugg-itt spent last week visiting relatives in ('oboconk. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eades, of Coho- conk, called on friends here one day last week. TEMPESTUOUS WAVES. A Party consisting of Messrs. J. Brown, Robert Milly, J_¢_)h_1_1 Brown, The owner of the ever reliable “ Betta," whose name is knoWn to every person in town, knowing her sea-worthiness attempted to make the Point, owing to the fact that word had reached town to the eflect that several 0! the cottages at the Point had been broken into and ransacked, an act which savored of vandalism had taken place. Mr. Brown with his nerve of iron and prompted by the vigorous and able bodied Robert Miller, decided to bring the miscreants to justice ,and bear tidings to Lindsay (fiends of the happenings in that isolated pro- montory. but the waves as they en- tered Sturgeon lake -mocked their daringandtortheflrsttimeinthe history of the " Reta " the up” was forced Jonah a. .quick turn. at the peril of thepu'ty's lifeandaleâ€" Vere shock to their system.» as the boat pitched and waves rolled em vague! and, dmched their bod- CONQUERGOOD.â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conquer-good, 269 Albany- a\'e.. Toronto. on Sunday, Nov; 12, 1911, a son. u n" In an exhausted condition the par- ty reached the lighthouse, where they remained to:- over an hour waiting for manna-vow energy to return Thobontnillboplncedln wink! nun-mm]: wanted-pleased mthu‘uflh’hioown. ' HEY. YOU ! Is it necessary to use a mega- phone to call your attention to the fact that every time you patronize a Mail Order House in some distant city you take money out of circulation in your own community, thereby reducing to that extent the prosperity of your neighbors. including yourself in the long run ? Think it over carelully and get back into the All Home Trade procession. ‘. Suggitt spent BIRTHS BADDOW. We're at their For the lawyer. I hue! case For the motorist. a license case. For the meant: player. a racket pms. For the college boy. a runner cov. ered sofa pillow. For the smoker. I box of his favorite brand. For the physician. the little railroad time table guide issued 0009 a month. with information about fares. db tunes. and all changes in schedules up man; ItuhandyUhenasmb todau. IthhandyUhenast urban patients. For grandhther. a reading glut. For your Ounce. a picture of yourself '0 at his watch one or a on folding do. ........... «1': do! No. 268. Se mbe’ “Sad 0““ Honor Role We print below the honor the Collqim Institute for ember and October. This ahowl the number of subjeqs'wl“ wind! the various studemb~ mach“: honor “finding (75 per cent.) ,1. Add“. on to this each student has been prm‘ided with a mp0 chewing in detail the standing 2‘, every pupil in his class in every sub. not. It is hoped that the parents WM will examine them (‘8 PA. I I] . “Hw- Fonn 4-Gillis r1, 9, Kirkconnen T- w" 9: KingSIQy 5"; 7, Mitcheli 0:, 7, Clarke 1., 5, M(:(‘unnell R. A. 5, Nubia N., 5, Jordan 1., 4. MC. Bullock I., 4, Haugh C., 3. Kennedy C. 5., 3, Mullen. J~‘., 3, Mason 13 8, Marshall “7.. 3, Strivklud y. 3’ Barber, 1)., 2, Clarke “1, 2, Haéeu; f'-“-1__ I A 8., 2. Hopkins 1..., 2"“‘1'UUSHHWJ.’ 2, Hammett. E..2,U\':i11K 2' Pwey 11., 2, Spence C. Low D 1, Martha. E” 1, Matcher; Li 1- a», null.“ 54- g A. mnwuv. t. \-.1 Form 3.Aâ€"-A Brown H M Wm 7, L. Morton 7, M. Uam:on 7, H" Weldon 6, L. Mcf‘udycn (3, J, H t. l_ea 61- _E_' Bushngllf}, I}. MacMinu 5, H. ‘Brown, 5,11. Iiichardsofi M. Sutclifl‘e 5, R. Hem-.11.: 4 H Dix: 4, B. Dix, 4, G. Murthu 4 \\ lav. m, 4, B. Deck 3, R :U\ 3 i. Campbell. 3. -H. Brakenshxre 2 I o'Connell, 2. A. l'ou’ur, :,(1.m 2i R. Patterson, 2, A. .‘ndc-rson 1 Form 3-B-L. Bruce, 7. W. 13}- 6, R. W. Staples, (3, \\. xinddart L. Rowan, 6, E. (Tinnanmn, 5, Finnie, 4, V. GiIIOeg, 4, N, Bro 4, V. Nugent, 4, A. Mat, 4‘ Nesbitt, 4. M. Balfour, .2. <:. Ems, 3, H. Woods, 3. X. Harsh, 3,14. White, 3, R. Wilson, 25. R. Martin, 3 J. Collins, 2. 1.. Jurdan, 2,1,: Ferguson 2, H. Williamson 2' v Lord 2, W. Sharp: 1, U. Suggiu 1 Form 2-Aâ€"Curric E. 13, Bic-bong. all A. 11, Endicmt It. 10, Sander. son R. 10. Kerr M. 9, Wilson 3!. E, 7, Reynolds L. 7, Stewart R. 7,’ Thorburn D. 7. Brealy R. 7, S95. bitt C. 6, Worsley \K‘. 6. Han L. 6, Smith A. 6, Ingram l 5. Weldon R, 5, Downey, M. 5, Webster Ii 5, Syca- H. 5, Hopkins B. 4. Multan F. 4, salmon H. 4, McElroy (‘. 4, Kerr C. 4, Woods K. 4, Harden I-;. 4, Hart F. 3, McCrae C. 3, Brien L. 3, Mao Millan D. 3. Cullis J. 3, Moynes C. 2, Martha M. 1. Southam J. 1, Waterman J. 1. Dougan Ii. 1, Cor- bett. J. 1, Beal A. 1. Form 2-Bâ€"Bagshaw H. 15, Ash more )1 3,3, Smith M. 12, Wallace R. 11, Hopkins D. 11, James O. 11, McCulloch J. 11, Hadden V. 10, M}! R. 10, McGinnis 1.. {9, Taylor A. 9, Edwards R. 9, Murchison ll. 9, Walling L. 9, Mac-Kay K. a, Cur- rie V. 8, Stroud G. 8, Watson V. 7, Mulvihill C. 7, Currie 1i. 7, Ghent M. 7, Bigelow L. 6, McCartney G. 6, Ford F. 6, Knowlson G. 5. Dean V. 5, Foster 5. 5, Shuttleworth C. 5, Ferguson S. 5, Currie .\. 5. Bo wan C. 5, Anderson M. 4, Cums R. 4, McFadden M. 4, Chambers L. 4, Wilkinson B. 3, Smith >1 2, Lewes D. 2, McCrimmon \\'. 2, McCartney Form 2-C-Rogers U. 9, BIL-Mum H. 8. Carter 11,8, Adams )1. 7,1{0- bertson K. 7, Carew C. '3, Edwards P. 6, Shields C. 5, Hliwr A. 5, 0'- Loughlin C. 5, Tilly G. 4. Mad-Zach. ero T. 4, Dougan A. 3, Kyle); I. 3, Herlihey W. 3, Moore A. 3. Matthie E. 2, Wallace J. :2. Mcliae W 2, Campbell .L. 2. Marsh \. 2, Mark Form l.â€"Woods M. 12. l-‘zdlis C. 10. Rustad A. 9, Houghxun X. 9,310 New“: Zf 9, Ph 1p H. 9. Irwin E. 8. Matchett I". T-remur u. .~ “aun- der W.8.F1a\elle G. 9.1.wns ll. 7. Sinclair L. 7. Mmlair A. COSv’le B. 6, Stewart I. 4%, Willock C'axnpbell L. €0er B 6,Ste\\ar1} 4% Willock L. 6, Martin .L 5 llnuhun Ii. 5, Muttha L. 5, MacNabh A. 5. Camp' bell I“. 5, Arlmright ( .3. Kitchen- er N. 4, MCGi“ I... 4 “(Mud (v 4, Rustad 11.3 Carter M 3. Ball 3!. 3. O'Brien 1“. 2, mgelmv 1‘. 2, Le Hana J. 1, Carew A. 1. Sx-rat: J. Junior Commercial â€" 10. Whitehead A. 10. (' QUibell G. 8, Nesbitt H. 7. Fee 0. 7. Young M " 7. Denrfis M. 6, Edmnnds nett M. 5. Gamett R. 4. 4, Win G. 4, Reborn L. 4. Cuthbert '1‘. 3. Lack M. 8, (‘randell H, 3, Bu Black 1-7. 3, Balfour I4. ‘. 2, Coomhs E. 1. Brown Senior Commercialâ€"I'rc.~mn L. Stacey A. 8, Elmhurst F. 7. 51 gett E. 7, Pearson M, 5, Keenan 5. Thames P. 5, Hook (2 5. 31 H. 4, Palen H. 4, Andaman A. Pepper K. 2. ', NOV. 13, 1911 , McLeod G. 4. M. 3, Ball 1. Glow l“. 2, It i, 1, Spratz J. lâ€"I‘reston L. 8' r'st,5 F. 7. 51"? [ Keenan L 99],: ( 5 Mills Amie! son A 3 1 .. Abbott I"- o (lurke 119 H Lytle E. ‘ Burzoss E L. 2‘ Burke L- r‘vn H.1- 3. L. Dunn, mderson, 1. 4. W. Brim. szuddan' 6, “nun, 5, l. 4. N. Brown, From, 4, L. Brown ray ‘ a W' wt. . $89 8 1912. Suthaiz: ”00% second -nll‘d £183 , Apply to 3 highway or road crossing the Tenth Canvas: fluid Township of Ups, thc boundary of which comm! the southwest corner of I. Twenty in the Tenth (‘o the said fem-nahip of 0; filterly along the souLht I”? of said lot number point. at or n-ar 1110 can Odd conzession. tha t north-easterly direct Dirt. of the South half c Number Twenty, 10 1 boundary of said 10‘, and Old (imposing of U1» land the said highway ur rua‘ Public notin' i> hen-by} the Municipal (‘uum‘xl 0!" Clip of Ops. in the Count; toria. will at, a nun-ring“ «I THUILSI'AY THE T DAY OF NOVEMIHCII A.“ the hour of mum msi CLOCK in the afternoon 1' 0f the Clerk of the said 'I the Academy of Mumv H the Town of Lindsay, con‘ “d for 1min: and m upon which :31» .x; cold and conveyed. All persons inton-vm‘: “343 may or mich! be m by such mm; “'9 required to a'h-nd lasting when thev shn‘ O!‘ b\' ‘ D‘A' M '1“! reference thoro’ am to be so hmxrw mm this 27!): Au" ‘ s'rnn'rzn. â€" «m ises of the undera 8. ops, on ur a" of October. a It“ red in color. ‘ m by pruxin: expenses and 1:1 away. I‘. ”a“ SALE OF FAR}! STOC plements.â€"â€"Thn prrryn-r John Weldon, 1”! . Hariposa, on \Vminesda PBOTESTANT TEH‘HH S. No. 3 Emily hoidili certificate. Sulflrx $5 tocommence January Section has modem (‘1 Telephone, mail duiivvr] railway station App] with referenws m .16 Set-Tress. Dunsx'ord, [I BUSINESS FOR 511.]? magmtrix of mu (ma amigo. late of Kim“ “Ref. deceased, will a 8'8 for the purchlse of lately carried on L: t . Kirkfield 1010*” ntock in trade up ‘0 NH ‘-. 1911 at one 'o'clnc‘k Shfl Bowes, auctioneer ‘0 all nations Chalk Whol- inclusive. a1 [M _p_oints in Queh five same b." pr flying expengos, 13th, i911. 1m stock lumber. paints and HHS W. tools of 3". km tops. 5911325. rim~, 0U Administratrix. 0! Weeks, Wandviilo. h ‘ {rune 50“” “S ”5-1. l-nd_ wt ha” 1 Single Far} for closing and stopp: AYED â€" ().\' 'l'f) T I of the undersignm: Penelon. on or ahon Sent“. on'- sheep. 4 to Shut-bot 3* to Sndbary. by Branch Mao's-ovum" "IT has copies of "I " “Sportsm’t , for Sam CI! stations Shdbury "dock Oct. 19 to M Huntel Oct. 9 to No 1 chance for a pr; my be inspeCU Nov. 13. For fl '8 ‘13pr to Mrs. .1 NOTICE 0,, (at. m lst 0f NOV. um ()Vill (r

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