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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Nov 1911, p. 4

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fielA’UGBLIN. REEL. FULTON . STINSON. Barristers, Solicitors, .nnd Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- ak! attention given to investments. '00??va a: J ACKSON’. Barristers. fie... solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages at five per cent. Of- fice William street. Lindsay. I. D. Moore, K. 0.. Alex. Jackson WARP ()‘COENOR- I V... -‘M-v-v bacon: mmiâ€"legnfiBank. corner of ' Gillian and Kent-eta. Lindsay. R. '-. J.. IcLaughQn. K. C.. A M. Ful- :m UNDERSIGNED ta propu‘ed £0 [out money on hm. town. .nd vil- lu- property. a. very lows-t mm at lam-cot. Conpny or print. m. I an that may tn buy new. I. E. WELDON. .‘ood colloitor. etc. mm. Block. Liam. LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- 116W. Notary Public. solicitor for I'm-mars Bank. representing Water- goo Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of Waterloo: Federal Life Assurance 00.. of Hamilton. Empire Acci- flent and Surety Co.. of London. Ont. Omce over Farmers Bank, op- Mte post office. UPKLVS AND HOPKINS. Barrioâ€" m. Solicitors. Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bonk of Montreal. [any to loon on terms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William street ninth. Lindsay. Ont. G. E. Hop- kins. K. C.. F. H. Hopkins. B. A. Lindsay Marble Works Enter now. Superior Instruciion in :1! Departments. mm Brit 1; int-inns in fire rune old child but not in thesame old way. We m with the times and are in a New designs, new granites, new and moved tools and methods, in fact the most tap-toasts Marble and Granâ€" ». Work: in this part of owns. ӣ601“ worth from §50 b.8100 a month. write for catalogue. flame and dranite Mmmments ‘York ate” Lindsw 1‘. Stewart. L.V Eczema. etc. Money W m 10qu current rates ( Many to Loan] F. B. WELDON. Mariposs township (Work. odkwood. Fife Insunnce prim-on. (‘KK. WWUVU. I luv â€"â€"_ â€"- “eat. lower of mgr-ring. licensee conveyancing in all its forms. Become Independent : ‘ OuIPhotos Make lTheBest Chnstmas DR. F. BLANCHARD wâ€" â€"--.m a. Martialâ€"‘05“. best canon: Cultures continue to be a. specialty at this cake. 0:300 noc'ly opposite tho Simpson hon-o. Shop and show room 11 _13 .Can; ridge St, immediately north of Fire Nearly Opposite The Magket The Oliver Studio PAGE FOUR. Presents Have Your Sitting Now AT HEELANDS a: IRVINE. Den. . members of the Roy“ 001‘ n! nun-J Surgeons. We hcve VICTORIA. â€" Ridout-sc., corner “nets. Phone £5435. CHAMBERS. Prop Kristina A. Pool. ’1‘. E L. V. O’Connor. B- Kent. and at Once more thanking you for your kindness and courtesy to me. I am, Yours respectfully, (Sg(l.) PETER KENNEDY. Lindsay, Nov. 7, 1911. Mr. Kennedy has been in charge of the town funds since last February and during that time has provcn himself to be a capable man. and in securing him to take over the man agement of the Lindsay branch of the Home Bank of Canada, the di- rectorate oi the Home Bank made a. very wise selection. He is well qualified for the position of trust. unvl responsibility and is equipped with the ability to make the Lindsay branch one of the best paying branches in the province. In closing I desire to thank “is Worship. Mayor Baal. for his kind- ness to me and his prompt attention to all matters pertaining to our of- flcial duties. He has been ever runny to help and facilitate my work in every possible way. and the watth- ful interest he has taken in the town's finances and his whole heart- ed co-operation with me in all trea- ‘sury matters. has been a great sou-0e ‘oi satisfaction to me. I also wish to add a word of praise and thanxs to the clerk’s department. Mr. May, our esteemed town clerk, and Miss Currie, our valued assistant clu‘K, have shown me every Courtesy pad kindness in my official relations \\ uh them. I appreciate this very mu )1, and have pleasure in testifying to their zeal and efficiency in the Dial].- aging of their department. As to the date for relinquishing my present duties, I would like to be relieved therefrom on Saturday, the 18th inst., if possible. “fie Weider cohgratulates Mr. Ken- nedy on receiVing the appointment. and also the Home Buy}: "f Canada on securing such a well knoxxn and thoroughlé indent manager 1n asking you to accept my resig- nation. I wish to express my ueep appreciation of the trust reposed in me by you and the people you repre- sent. and my gratification at 1:8“!- ing that I hold the respect and lfld will which necessarily embraces . ml goes with such confidence so 0.\‘.l . - : ed by mv fellow tow.nsmen 1.)» ll' almixs look back with pride int; pleasure to the time when I he] I honored position of treasurer ui Lindsay. Let me state, too. hue" glad I am that my new duties . .‘l~ not take me from the good old In . . I but will enable me to still name among you. HUNTERS REPURN. The Needier hunting party return- ed on Thursday from their hunting trip to Deer Buy. back of Burleigh. ()nt. In speaking to Mr. B. I". Reesor. of Lindsay. who was a. mem- ber of the party. he stated that the deer were very scarce this W in the above neighborhood. although the party managed to get three or four. However. the partridge were very numerous and mam; a. good meal was enjoyed with the part- ridge as the chief item on the menu list. 1 The pain; included Messrs. William Needler and B. F. Reesor. of Lind- say: Chas. Needler. George Heath- erington. and Thos. Campbell. of Millbrook: Herbert Heagler, of Ed- monton ; and John Dinwoody. of St. Patharines. Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lungs, and should never be ne- floated, for if it is very often the diseue becomes chronic, and then it is only e short step to consumption. Onthe first sign of bronchitis Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup should be taken. and thus prevent it becoming that institution having honored me with the appointment of manager of their Lindsay branch. I regret ex- ceedingly the severing of my Connec- tion with you as town treasurer, a rposition which you have made very ‘pleasant and agreeable to me by your unfailing courtesy, good will and kindness. You will agree with me, however, that it is my duty to accept the much more lucrative and promising position now oll‘ered me by the well known financial institu- t ion mentioned above. Gmnt, 'Nsh, writa:â€"“ My little ad. myeusoldmnuzhtabadcoldwhicb developed into bronchitis. 73'9"-” choked up she could badly breathe. Reading :bout your wonderful medicine. 1):. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I decided um.bogu¢,mdwithsuchgoodre- sults'that I got another which W! Was 50 Choked Up She Could Hardly Breathe. grabs VI cannot say too imchinita puke. andwouldnotbewithoutitinthe BRONCHITIS put up in a yellow wrapper; three treatise-trademark; pfice,25cents. The town of Lindsay is about to lose the servim of an efficient uni painstaking civic official in the per- son of Mr. Beter Kennedy, town tn..- aurer, who at a special meeting of council held, on Monday , tehdered his resignation, which he w' as to .....e efiect on the 18th of t month. ' In severing his connection with we exchequer Mr. Kennedy penned 1m: 3 following letter to the town coun i1 '35 his reason : To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Lindsay : Gentlemen,â€"-I herewith tender my resignation as treasurer of the town of Lindsay. I do so to enter the service of the Home Bank of Canada. NEW MANAGER OF THE HOME BANK Manufactured only by The '1‘. Milbnrn Dr. Wood’s « Norway 1 Beyond the pine-tops on the bin. Sui-ling and swooping and sailing The brooks that many an eddy make. Glide murmuring onward to the still, Up or down, about at will. The brown hawk plan; all day. 011 you bare snag a jay 1 see, On graceful larch the chick-a-dee Peering and pecking tree by tree, Doth earn his daily bread. Deep a-wood a partridge drums, In sunny dell the last bee hums, Demure and coy as convent nuns, The junco sits a-tree. A vernal semblance fills the sky, And wary crows pass far and high. The faded leaf drops down- to die. And all is still. lake, And slneping June wake. To say good-b5 A burn that rustles through dead loaves. An undefined sadness breathes. Into our lives as when one‘grieves. For loved ones gone. Two boys go surrylng up the hill. Their empty sacks with nuts to fill. I'nlahorod love of His sweet will. Is their supply. " I cannot- tell you what I sufl'ered from liver and kidney derangements. 5indigestion and constipation. nor can I find words to express how much fgood this medicine has done me. I feel better than I have {or five years and have given some of these pills to friends, who tell me they have done them a wonderful lot of good. I want to express my heartfelt gra- titude {of the benefit derived from the great medicine.” ‘ Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. one pill a dose, 25¢ a box. at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates a: 00., Limited. Toronto. ,, Death and decay one seems to see. Material things the temporal be. But doathless throughout. the eter- nity. The God-idea. liven. â€"J. J. Outer. OHM". When buying mention The Warden 'l‘ha wiso youth enters upon n area- by hustling for a job. -- â€"â€"-â€"_- ‘0 _v‘ wSome 111ch men and it. as dimcult to borrow as it. is to pay back ACCEPTS NOMINATION. At the Liberal convention held at Owen Sound Hon.“‘A. G. MacKoy was the unanimous choice for North Grey. and he will take the field in opposition to Mr. G. M. Boyd, the C(nsersetive candidate. No other name was placed before the delegates. ONE HUNTER ILL. m-n‘. n. but I wgnt. to thank you mum times for your medicine.. Mr. Alex. J. Stone. West Point. Nfld., writes: â€" I suppose you thought I had turgotten all vabout you when I got Dr. Chase's Kidney- ]:i‘ or Pills, but I haven't. You must mv so mistakes, for Jiké many New- fn vmlmnd men I haw: not much ed13- Mr. Wm. Bushnell, dentist, of To- ronto, who left here with the Sinâ€" clair hunting party, took sick in camp last Saturday. He was car- ried out by his comrades to a. set- tler's home on the Scotch line, in the township of Anson, where he was taken care of until the arrival of a doctor. The last reports say he is recovering. His sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Bushnell, of Lindsay, leit on the 11 o’clock a..m train to-day to render assistance to the doctor and have him removed to his home. OFF TO ENGLAND. \ Ottawa, Nov. 9.â€"Hon. Sam.Hugh- es is evidently determined to add an aerial corps to the strength of the Canadian militia. Not satisfied army. the Minister of Militia. now proposes to send Canadian officers to England to study the progress which has been made by the war of- fice in the art of military operations in th'e air, and upon their report will depend the decision as to the form which Canada's new corps shall take. MARIMBA POTATOES IN ONT. Reversing 'the order at things, Manitoba. potatoes ere now supply-e mg the Toronto market. The other day a. culoed arrived in Toronto, and were onered for edeout o! with the results of the recent in- vestigations at Atlantic City of the experiments by the Unitetrlr States Like many another Newfoundland- er li\ing far from doctors, Mr. Stone feels unbounded gratitude for the benefits obtained from the use of Dr. Chase’ 3 Kidney-Liver Pills For years he had sufiered tram a. congested condition of the War and kidneys, with headaches, backaches. pains in limbs and body. Words foil to describe his sufferings as well as the gratitude he Wants to express for the cure. store at $1.16 per bag. which “the lowest price Ontario potatoes are selling at. Mafltobu has a. bigcrop or potatoes this year} Those oil-do my! a. Toronto new. W” 9‘" ticularly fine specimen, More an expected to an!“ during the our son. In the m. Ontario po- tatoes are firm at just double the TELLS OF 'THE WONDERFUL BENEFITS OBTAINED FPO)! Can Now Work rieethaym;yetra¢°.. E‘ OLD PAINS AND ACHES ARE NOW ONLY A MEMORY. Kidney-Liver, Pills ‘-bye. THE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. LINDSAY; with Comfort flowers a moment tee; and I conclude by expressing our earnest appreciation of the confident» heretofore. reposed in us. and with e determinnuon to deserve a oontim tion or it in the future should the op» portunity be given us. I am. gentlemen. Your obedient servant. ITALIAN FOUND GUILTY. Bruno V'allelonga, the Italian who killed a fellow-Countryman named Frank Manella at Emsdale on Oct. 13. had his trial on a charge of murder at the Fall Asslzea at Parry Sound before Sir John Boyd. The case is rather a pecullar one in litany respects. The two men had been drinking. and later left the hotel to- gether. Next day the badly mutilat- ed remains of Manella were found in To conclude. my colleagues and I feel that the people of the province are fairly well acquamted with the record. of our efforts in the public interest. No attack worthy of notice has been made upon us for anything we have done or left undone. Our acts speak for themselves. We realize that. be“ mortal. we have made mistakes, but we submit that our mistakes have been (3) Whether a department of gov- ernment shall be created. with a. cab: net minister at its head. to take our and carry on the work heretofore done by the Hydro-Electric Power Commu- axon. w _-‘u u-vvâ€" (2) Whether the government at the province shall coutinue to urge upon. the Dominion Government- the w rnent oi the said bonus or cuboid: on account of the construction or the odd; '1‘. N. 0. Railway, known to tho Ontario Government Railway; nnd to the Ontnvrigiaovc n 1t Railway, the late Dominion Government wear!- ily refused such request. In oun‘ opin- ion the province has in this matter not received the treatment to which. it was undoubtedly entitled. and‘ my colleagues and I are strongly or opi'n-‘ ion that. having regard to the very great importance of these question... the maple of the province should be given the opportunity of pronounm without delay: 1 (1) As to the advisability 0! Wu provincial appropriations if nm! to any scheme or development by moi son of the financial aid to b. mil by the Dominion Government. and all}: of any statutory enactment which may] ___ J-â€" as- V. “a vnâ€".'-'â€", . be found to be Kécém under thi circumstances aforementioned; AAg- a. piece at bush. his head. having been almost separnted from the body by a great number of sisshes. most. or which were on the back part of the HON. BALFOUR RESIGNS. London. Nov. 8.â€"The Unionist party is to swap horses while cross- ing the home rule stream. .~\riii 1r J. New st an emergency meeting. of the City of London Conservntive Association this .tternoon announc- ed to his constituents his retirement from the lendership or the opposi- tion. Impaired hedth. increasing age. and the desirnbdlity of the leadership passing into yo hands. were the reasons which 0 gave for this step in a. speech which was marked by much feeling. But no on:- doubts that the increasing attncks against. him by the ambitious younger Con- servatives, particularly the tar“! re- formers. were the PrinCiPal factor tKeâ€"lgxâ€"ltaHtEQWassemlâ€"pfy, may be up plied With the best Witt. Bonus for T. a N. O. Rslh’y. Further, under the rifle and pm tice ot the Dominion Government bo- tore. during and since the completi- ot the construction of the Ontnrb Government Rana-a". the m Parliament appropriatofi' m ram constructed by lndhuluals and com- ponies a bonus or 9"2‘3'63' of 83300- per mile. but. a!though rM'testedZ more: than once to grant a similar subsidy .A Fin“..-â€" in inspiring his decision. CALLED HORSE SWEETHEART. Mrs. Madeline Petz of Brooklyn re. cently had Samuel Rosen before the court in New York City. She said cu vuv . uwr â€" sweetheart." Resetâ€"1 eiplained’to {he judge that his horses wero named Darling and Sweetheart, and he was simply encouraging Sweetheu't to Step 3. little taste; and not addmuâ€" ,‘I "A _..-_ Al- ing the woman Kfi‘fivme 1N LUXURY. Toronto Globe: "W. R. Tavern is a. Dominion Government priaonor. and his detention at Toronto jail is at the mquest of the TorontoDe- motive Wt and in the in eats of justice. According to n. L -_ "1......â€" “‘- vines. win’ in all probability necessi- tate the enactment of statutory provi- sion: of a rery important chgncter In Order that such financial aid, together with any additiond ugproprtattons by __-_ L- -‘ the province in the worn 01 1mm tion to New Ontario. the construction 0‘ Permanent highwaya oin the pro- Vince, and for providing practical in E'ructicm in agriculture. We must be ready. therefore, to do whatever may art in order that the moneys to be appropriated by the Dominion Government for these three great purposes may be used to the best advantage. In this connection it is believed that any scheme of develop ment. including the construction of; “slime. wholly or partially by mean- of such financial aid or in conjunction with when appropriated by the pro L -mnna- _-m-L Con'tinued mom we 1a fife power “"6756?! favor the m of financial aid by the Dominion \to the Province in the work of 1mm don to New Ontario. the (:9anch when Trevor! sets daddy of“ them all." The animal was shot-fir Hullburton‘ coufly. while on a- runway to the take. by Mr. Alex. Rbas,. traveling scream in the emplby' of W. B. Spurn-g Co... Lindsay. TO BRING- BA‘EK A BRIDE. Mr. Sam Fusco, who left for his home- i'm Sicily some weeks ago, has not. arrived im his native In” yet. The trip takes about! sixteen due. The first place Mr. Fusco sets foot upon: Ind! will: be- Naplesr tron tins the tourist will! go- by boat to his home in: Palermo, Sicily, from which place we_ moeix'e the- chuicest lem- While in: his natiVe- land he will select one of the darkâ€"eyed maids in the sunny k‘ihgd‘om and hear her back to LindSay about next ~cMay to share his joys and me through life“ THE FRASER. CASE“ it is possible that Michael Fraser, the octogenarian bridegroom 01 Mid- land, who was declared by the di- visional court to be unlit to look alter his: cum album, will know no- thing of the proceedings which will take place next week when the {am- ous fight) for the possession of his propency will be- m helm the court of appeal. He will not be a witness â€" no ad- ditional“ testimony is ever heard in the higher court-arr is it likely that any lawyers or judges will ' bother him further about. the case. Ing becéééh 20.000 and 30,000, are impotent to check the slaughter or average the slain beau-e 0! their lack off ammunition. A LARGE DEER. A large deer. the first of the sea- son. passed down‘ Kent-It. en route for the cold storoge phat in the east ward‘ on Wednesdny afternoon. He was a- fine specimen of the Cm- dian' red‘ deer, with antlers of pro- digious size. He passed muster before Game Inspector Bradshaw. ere going to his frigid domicfle, and the inspector remarked, “ I have seen mm good ones but this is the The list. of cases for the November sittings: of me court of appeal shows that the Fraser Ire-hearing is fifth from the top. The old gentleman was married to Hannah M. n. Ru~ bertaon. aged 31. on January 19. mm. by the bride's inner. Rev. Wm. Robertson. or Dundns. Mr. hms- er's relatives brought actinn for n duclmtion that Mr. “user was of unsound mind. WOULD SELL WIFE FOR :26. An event. took piece lest. night. which wen u. boiling 'over of love. romance and infidelity. A happy couple. ‘3 it. were. entered the Grand 1511101: 110091 alter the .rrivu of the 8 o’clock night trek: from the west. They were to Q.“ nppeu‘uwee nun and wife and as is customary were u- signad a Edroom in the hoewlry on ‘lnglA_J A , Nunking. China. Nov. 10.â€"Historic Naming this evening is the shambles of the Manchu butcher. The sun set upon a. scene of fire, rapine. desola- tion and butchery unrecorded in mod- variably {or export. informed The Warder that owing to the adVance in price of bexley. which now brings 86¢. per bushel. he will not under- tale to prepare his stock for the foreign market this year. “I will put them in good condition for the loco} market." said Mr. Corscedden. "and take what I get {or them re- ther than keep my stock over." TE “BIBLE- S LA EGHTEI}. roquest. They cum from Midland to an: town, and registered gt one at the hotels as J. Shackleton and El- len Landrignn. of Midland. They had not. learned to love «Ch other for more than t row hours, when the husbcnd of Ellen appeared true love, which 13.: never run smooth, rippled- and bubbled, and towed into ., seething, billowy sea; with Mr. Shackieton's boat tossing and pitching on the turbid-waters 01 love. that every moment threatened his annihilation. Ellen'smusbnnd laid claim to her at once, but she waved him off. and in strong language expressed her ap- proval obher second choice. Hus- band number one at once looked up the chief of police. who procured the micevof Mr. L. V. O'Connor. bar- rister, and the parties adjourned to where in convention they concluded that no action could be taken Mt the runaway couple, Just nothing was com his way, ‘1 to sell out his r and title my; husband of_ meg, seeing tint 'v'm‘m latter. number- remarked. “ I have ones but. thia in the it." The ”in! mutant county. while 0 the rake. by Mr. eli'ng salesman in W. B. Spadilz MhMNlIWKCOMPANY ' ' "' . WdFAIRYSOAP. theovalflk" dish-water as cleanses. oap W1“ ”‘" Dishes get dirty, greasy and sticky and s . the sum“: glean them, Soapy dish water merely cleans It Clouded}: Out the corners and drive out the dcafi food Dame?“ MOTCOVcr, Ioap leaves your dish:8 a soapy, ““4“ “11¢“, that is far from inviting. n], 0 GOLD DUST is the sanitary diSh washer. It 00‘ £1“ deny: the surface, but dig; deep after hidden Pa"?1 1'! 9! Sim and kill. thegeruu 9ffid_eca_ycd {30d “bid, or?!” You wash dishes about two hours every day. That’ 3 one hour wasted! Dns. mnmmum Cor. WAN nine-WEI. DetroitLEdJ _-_,-_‘...-, , _ ‘ CONSULTATION“ wont-m. u.flb~d'flt futon-u- “MM?“ “IAIFIBE “WWâ€"1h M b «C. Womdmvm .IOIIVOUS WHBLOOQAM MYWW mm. Moduli)..- W 1‘0. 1.88. "I have not ind 3 min uni-lion I don‘t know when and un reeling fine. The world seen. those!“ Mount to the end I thunk God tor directing me to you. You lave been an hone“ doctor with me." Wnbhpfimnhhhldfl‘l’m mimic-a W No. 16785. Age 23. Slnxle. Indulsed an immoral but. 4 years. De- poolt In who and drum n night. Varicose ‘7an on both dd“. palm in back. weak sexually. He wrltelzâ€"“I received your letter of recent date and l. reply I an pleased to uy nut otter toting two month: tmtment I would consider ml! eonpleplx cued. n.’ I m "I" m I. m DAILY BY IA“. '0 ANY ADDRESS IN mu“ m on: DOM All) A“ A YEAR. have teen no signs of ihcm 'hflnucTM-ndfidmm CONSTITUTIONAL 3100!) DISEASE. YABIGOSE ms ccnzn. MN . m. 531:: - nun-c It; 10474. The spot. m u: m tumm_m"§‘f“u;: cone tron my legs tad um- ud I 109' dulged 1n immoral hams menu good now. I an very mum! to you Yahoo» Vein. on. both sidesâ€"p and null never forget the avoi- your on the Inca. etc. met two 111 ‘_-_._-_. LA _.â€"9A- .. on , ... and null never forget the uvor your munchies have done for no; You can nae a: ”no In recommending It to any stem. 1 am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more. THE TORONTO NEWS $1.5â€"o Dare mmmnm. SAYS "0 MONTHS CUBE!) m. 9 A Y E A R-=====El owns mum AT nus OFFICE SECRETS OF HOME LE'E (BURI‘ GUARANTEE” I0- PAY ne“Montrai>Gcmulated"â€"absolutely pure, ml: of ch: most inviting aPPCamnce. Ask your grocer for a 20 lb. b: of ST. LAWRENCE LATE!) â€" also sold . ‘ by the burrdaqd'in :00 lb. bags. ark m use the best sugarâ€"because Pom-m mpoor cooking. "" v. -vvâ€"J v__ GOLD DUS‘T maize- u DAILY repouzâ€"é'l; am. beginning to feel mm [the u mun. I feel my canduion I ”WW-every week." ms Int re- muâ€"“Denr Doctonâ€"As I tee) this In thou-t month'- tmxmem um I tin halo-lat: I: M! u one time! would‘ never bt cared but I put coo- naoneo In you gun the sun at! '- Inn and, T m” find: I mvv no- dun-e for that hum: whatever and M I may like this. which I lure-every mason to believe I wilL M.xm.m m kind attention." etc. W‘ltim U ONE 1051!. “4N0. I“. Symptom: when be M "nutrientsâ€"Lac :1. mu, m. (Inked 1n immoral habits several mu Valence Veins. on both sidesâ€"pimple- on the “03., etc. me:- two mom: treatment he write: an tollon'sz-"Yw «loom letter to- hand and am very sud tom tint I that myself cured. Hy Vsrieooo-Velm have completely div appenndlar quite a while and it teem a cure. I work harder and feel le- W.No.~.l$522. This patient (used 58) hid I. chronic case of \‘orvoul De- wt: and Benn! Weakness 4nd “as run down- In «corned. flunk \fter one Mr. Man: he tenor: a as fol- Iowanâ€"“l cm feeling ron “men I have find 16 pound. in one month. IO m: I will. have tb mtulate \ou_." we: THURSDAY, 80v Marry? A quiet \u‘dun o'clock \"ednes‘t It. H. A. “Md when ht: sister. ton, became lhv Donaldson, of l S. J. Show}: 1 bridge-st. Moth. in- 01113 11w 11\ HRS" LVâ€"L The warring.- ..1' Mi line Lennox. 5011"“! 1 “d Mrs. If. .I. 13mm I! Sterling: R) ('I'Nm, DP. and Mrs. Sh-rhn! solemnized in $1. moor-51., Toronto. 3; o'clock this ahnrunol fien’s fur triunued. 25 ~21“ 2 only rat lined Beat regular 40 Him Men’s fur cap, fur at discount. The bride. M.” by her father. “'3 Duchess satin. ma with long court ”d caught. “it blossoms. Her sable collar rr. wies' Attrachau specials 3;? an Ladies? b‘ack uni guilted lining 2‘ Lidies’ fur trimme with Italian clot Indies’ rat lined gm Links sablc tri IndieQ’ black shel‘ Lindsav this jmu! towncounml ch.- :21 ing at eight n (‘14 the future “I! h as the election a flunan oxprm: there would Bx business rue-xx. a1. H.- i hit was a :0 of Limba}. should ta‘m' a for their twnu! many the service. Children' s Thibet 5316 2.85. Erm 550 ale .......... m Ermine set Coney mufi< Gem“ MiniK_ ml 3nd" Brown Coney capt‘ my]: mink Thm link Marmott sca‘ '“Germnn mink I] Brown Coney 'I 11: Brown and black mg held." .~ 1 would be TOW Solid through tr TourhtwdStmda Dining Cm. Toron ”.9. m'. daily. ‘1 LC. Elm-cm W. K. G. Mgrph} CL~n\ or, DONAL! Furs a meeting CONT! was porinrmi Mr. Palmer and played S TMYEL HY)! [‘ZXEA DAILY o.\'U\ 10 Sable 1 mm uc hat. “'8 M if

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