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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Nov 1911, p. 8

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m M, Wu'au' - on. «at per .0”. 8, 1nd! to points outside at mud-u. 0900 Per yet-I'- Tho Watchman-Wade (weakly) â€" 01.00 par you In “1W; '1‘” “ pdd during the you. PM to United Staten extra-r- a. n. Summon. 89 011mb“- M o! the recognized adva'tldBB glacie- in cm are suthorized to only or weekly. 50¢. per you. Cambray, Nov. 14.â€"â€"Mr. Wilbur Avery, who spent the summer at‘ Manilla, is home at present. ~ ‘ Mr. Alex. Martin, of Toronto, spoke in the interests of the Domin- ion Alliance in the Methodist church on Sunday eVening. Mr. Robt. Tompkins, of Canning- ton, spent last week in Cambray. His many friends were glad to see him looking better than they ex- pected to after his long illness. Mrs- (Rev) John Forrester, of Watchman-Warder WEEKLY EDITION - Mrs. (Rev) John ForreSter, u; Kingston, is visiting friends here at present. Mr. John Christian and family have moved to Lindsay, where they will reside in the future. Mrs. S. Bagshaw, of Lindsay, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Bagshaw. â€"- .p..-.1-, 3,“. ILLLN“ GILLIE 8. P ropriator RAGE EIGHT. THURSDAY. NOV- "5'”.- Mr. Alfred Haines left to-day for You do not run any risk whatever in using our Flours-- the fullest guarantee of the Com pany is behind every bag that leaves the mill. OUR MOTTO DEPENDABILITY Toronto Ropreuntotivoo and we know you will be delighted with the bread that will be on your table. “Yon hjy «11% at 001! riskâ€"mot at yours” CANADIAN CEREAL'and MILLING 00., Ltd. c sa .......................................................... , w Tgls lot of coats are well made m short and ulster lengths. Mostly dark colorings and real well made but they are not the new mstyl cs so mgsc art they go at each 'Ladies and misses. goats in tweed styles. Some have military collar, otl' brown, grey, navy and green. RegL Ladies tweed. diagonal, serge nicely trimmed with sung braids. ( Regular 815 and 918 suits for ...... Subscription Rut“ Extra fine cotton {tilled Pillow Cases 211 mdy *0 Slip the pillow into, size 18 x 27 inches. regular price 25c, for 19‘. Way 5 Ready-to-Wear Section Ofl'ers Most Interesting Savings The next time you are ordering Flomfitry a. bag of King of Patents '1‘ lophon 97 on. a... The man who invented the poor watch little knew what a. boost he was giving the DEPENDABLE watchmaker. You can absolutely rely on what you buy at the The reliable and oldest established jewelery store in the county. CAMBRAY. . Pillow Gases 16, 1911. orrester. 0f friends here at Gold Mine soo‘ u...- I." The Mill ................. weed and reversible cloths. sem-fitting r, others have regular coat collars. Colors Regular $12.50 but to clear $10 00 ‘r. .- ........................................ , Ladies dress sliirts of panama, venet- liar: and serge m colors black, navy, green and brown, All up to date styles and reg. $5.00 and $6.00 skirts on sale‘at .............................. $3.95 Ladies one piece cloth dresses in panama and satin cloth. The colors are black, navy, grey and garnet. Trim- med with braiding and yoke of all over lace. Some of the others are Princess styles fastened on side front. Splendid dresses for house wear. Reg. 4 95 from $7.50 to $10.00 on sale at . : and venetian suits, semi-fitting styles Colors grey, black and navy, ‘1 n 95 Mr. “95’133713515‘1‘80 has spent the past summer with Mr. J. '1‘. Clark, intends to leave next week for London, Eng. Bethany, Nov. 14.â€"Mr. W. Brown has had a, gang 0! men clearing up the good bricks from the ruins of the town hall. The council decided not to build until spring. Dr. Brere- ton has also cleaned his place up and will not build until spring. He will move into the house latch: oc- cupied by William. Brown. 3,,, 1.1.- - ill-:Afiu-il and Miss Staples, our public school teachers, are preparing to have a. school concert in the near 1 future. There is a. gang of men here. now starting to build the new C.P.R. station. It will be.80 x 26 ft. wide. Where will the G.T.R. sta- tion be ? Every little ‘saving provided 'in t5. :5 department not only saves money but asaves stitches and tryons for you. his home in Rugby, Eng. Rebuilding at l Village of Bethany; Mr. Alex. Monk has started to do some repairing to harness, boots and shoes at his house, as he could not get a, shop for a. while and will be glad to see his old friends back again. It is his intention if pos- sible, to go into the harness busi- ness again. , 4 Mr. John Staples who is teaching at Minden, was home for a, week ow- ing to a case of diphtheria. there. ,' success. wâ€"r--_ Mr. Adolph, the organizer for the I. O. F.. who has been here for the last month was called home Sunday on account of the death of his fath- 01' for. Plannelette’ gown; in ghimwhite and Flair: pink, nice-heavy quality, full Size or children from 4 years up to 49 girls of 16 year. Per garment. 0. Ladies waisfe of wrapperette, lustre, lawn and pridt, all sizes. Very special each ............. , ................ 50c- Ladies’iwais‘ts of lustre and cashmere, black, navy and cardinal. Regular value $1.40 and $1.50 each. Your choice 980 ‘AF ...................................... Ladies dress skirts of fine melton and Kersey cloth, all dark colors and 98 warm servicable garments ......... c Miss Addie Staples spent Sunday at home. Mr. T.'Dewel, who has been under the doctor’s care for the last month is getting better: Miss Richards, of Millbrook, spent a. few days with Miss G. Dewel. H’f’he Suiday school convention that was held here last week was a. grand 19c ooooc. a... out. . o... ca. :00. 0-- $111.95 ”‘3“ ISLAY MAN MAY MOVE OUT TO THE WEST. Islay, Nov. 14.â€"-Another 0! our residents who journeyed to the west, in the person at Mr. J as. Wilson, re- Jturned to his home on Saturday last alter a pleaszmt trip. He is very much pleased with the prospects held ‘out to those intending to take up .wn -thelr abode in the vicinity o! Moose up lJ aw, Ehere he has himself speculated o! gin the purchase of some halt a dozen ded ’lots. He will probably proceed to are- ithe western country next spring or earlier if he can make suitable ar- UP He ‘rangements in regard to his present tland and stock. Mrs. Jack McKay and Mrs‘ Angus the McKay, of Glenarm, were visitors the {at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam lCopp on Monday of last week. __.I-_A.AA1_ OC- lav vvrr v Mr. aid‘ firs; Jdohn Cowieson jour- .neyed to Newmarket on Sunday last to visit their many relatives ip that '_ district. vvrr vâ€" vâ€"V ' Mr. Thos. Ferguson who undertook to take over the duties of black- Smithing for Mr. E. Tompkins, of Cambray, during his absence on a game hunting expedition, returned to his home on Saturday last. Mr. Harry Copp and family visited at the home of his brother, Mr. Sam Copp on Thursday of last week. u-wvâ€" -v ' Several residents attended the sale at Mr. Haygarth’ s at Long Point, on Tuesday of last week. ‘ Dizzy Headaches Cured in One Night IF TROUBLED WITH HEAD-FULL- NESS, RINGING NOISES, AND SPECS BEFORE THE EYES. ’I‘HE S’I‘OMACH'IS AT FAULT. “I had terrible pains in my head. My appetite faded away and when I did eat anything it disagreed ‘ and made me very sick for| hours after each meal. The active pains in my stomach and the dizzy headaches I had to endure almost set one wild. Sometim% attacks came on so so- verely that I had to go to bed. I would feel so worn, depressed and utterly miserable that for hours I wouldn’t speak to my family. My system was poisoned with wastes and nothing helped me till I used ZDr. Hamilton’s Pills. Without this grand system-cleaning remedy I would be sick, but each day trought me better health and spirits. I was cured and mde as strong, ruddy and healthy looking as one could wish, and will always use and momma Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. \ Thousands who are in an ailing, low state of health need nothing else but Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They cure blood disorders, pimples, rashes, bad color, biliousness, liver, stomacb and kidney troubles. Mild, certain and safe. Beware of imitations and sub- stitutes, 25¢. per box or five boxes for $1. 00, at all dealers or the Caiurhozoqe Company, Kingsk, Two children were bitten by a. cat which had rabies. The only Store in Lindsay Sel- ling Semi-Ready â€"â€" Clothes â€"â€" This Sale Commences Fnday wrung. gag. gm; Continuing Twelve Days, or nntil ammawed. HOME FROM WEST Dresden Ribbon. 5 inches wide, shadings of cream and white. sky work. Regular price25¢ yard, for ................................................. Good quality Silk Taffeta Bebe Ribbon, mostly all colors and suit 6 yards for .................................................................................. Ladies’ all- wool Cashmere Gloves, 18 inches long, colors black pair, for each Large bows of Taffeta and Satin Ribbon suitable for hair dreésing. fin Regular 25c and 35c, for ..................................................................... uoala «'0-u-ouco-u tau-nus...- nose-.0010... . Children’s~ Dresses, to fit ages féom l to 12 yam, Motor Veils, in a extra heavy storm quality, 90 inches long. Extra quality; Worsted Hose, strpng and serviceable, . For Shrewd Buyers; o-ouc.-uoo-o » wannaâ€"a .0. act. on. oo- 0... These Items are Priced Very Low one on. to. out ococ¢nuoo 0 an. on. cocoon-o on. UTCLIFFE’ on... Mr. Robson Deserving The train slows down to permit passengers to alight at this cross- ing, and the lady in question step- ped oil the platform of the car, after Mr. G. A. Robson, the gentleman who so valiantly proved her rescuer. She stepped off, as many do, with The here 01 the hour, a non-preten- tious person who is a member of The Warder staff, saved a. lady from an almost inevitable disaster and prob- ably death this morning, on the in- coming 01 the train from Penelon Falls, at 8.45 o'clock this morning at the Kent-st. crossing. > ,AsA v v- .7.7 ton University, that women will nev- er come into their own until they discard skirts and corsets for the masculine sack coat, derby and trouser-S, has set the fashionable end of; New York on its ears. Voicing the sentiments of the sun'ragettes, Mrs. Ethel H. Stewart, one of the leaders of the movement in Canada. and the wife of an Alberta physician who is visiting the city, approves of A New York despatch says: suggestion of Mrs. Howard Wa wife of Professor Warren, of Pr Fenelon Bible Class THE ONE PRICE STORE Fenelon Falls,N '.ov 15. â€"Miss Kline of Lakefield, is in town the guest of her friend, Miss Teenie Bedford. Miss J ohnstone, of the L.C.I., and Miss‘ Winnie Maybee spent the week end in town. Mrs. Hears left on Monday to via- it Toronto friends. Messrs. Stewart, Mason and Mr Thos. Guy attended the banhelom’ ball in Lindsay )on Thursday even- St. Andrews A.B.é. held a. social evening on Tuesday. A short 9’0“ gram was given by the follo‘ling members :, Solo, Mr. Thos. Guy ; ggcitagion, Marjorie De Mill : 8919. Mrs. John Northey y, which W35 101‘ lowed H the election of 0mm 101' 1912 as follows: Hon. President Mrs. A. Sutherland; President, Mrs. F. A. Robson; Teacher. Rev 5 O. Lord; Assistant Teacher. Mr. James Hickson; Treasurer, SteWart m A_1-A. YOU PLXALESS HERE one-ocu- . Hartle is in Toronto Would Wear Male Attire extra good value at this price v on 03...... c....-.. on. so. ..o 0.0- all sizes. Very special per pait black and cream. Regular light and darlgolors. Very Special Elected New Officers of a Carfiegie Medal I .000 0100-0 and pink, suitable for fancy finished with nice Buckle. o... o.. on. o: co. â€"' -wâ€"J â€"â€"â€" _-~, n, was in danger or goiné under the wheels when Mr. Robson rushed to her ”statues and sficceeded in re- leasing her hold and snatching her from a. serious and fatal happening. Mr. Robson's quick action is to be commended, as he no doubt saved wheel... instead 0! letting go the hand ran she um "tallied a firm grasp as the train started. More many seconds tho lady_ had lost, her equilibrium and ~- Aâ€" than get over the idea of their incongru- ity, and i! worn, they will accom- plish the greatest reform ever at- tempted in the feminine worldâ€"they seeking fill. do away with corsets.” Mr. 5nd Mrs. F. Rutherford and baby returned home last week after spending it. few weeks with -friends in Windé‘or and Toronto._ HELD A TAG DAY._ The branch of the Children‘s ‘Aid Societv, of Peterboro, held a tag day last Saturday, and the hand- some sum of $1. 468. 38 was realized. Tuesday. ' The fowl supper in the Baptist church on Wednesday evening was a. good success. The supper was first class the ladies upholding their re- putation for the best cooks. IA good pragrun was given by the choir,”- s_isted by_ _the iollowinfi soloists: Mrs Mr. Homd‘Arcott left on Satur- day to attend Peter-bore business college. Mr. J. F. Arnold received a, large load of turkeys from Coboconk on E. A. .McArthur, Mr. Gay, Mr. Pratt. Funds for the supper am- ounted to $125. Mr. Smith, of Port Hope, spent a few days in the village last week. Miss Lee returned home from Lindsay on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brandon and Miss F. 0. Brandon are in Peter- hero. The W.F.M.S., of St. 'Andrew's church, held their annual think of- fering meeting on nut-edgy even- ing. The crowd was not as large as other,’xea.rs. and we feel sure on“. I‘0 back turned to the 8318i“. ironi falling under the can. coco-no ‘. Sale price Entrance- ‘on Both Kent and William Streets. Uu qithor one. 1 7:: 25¢ 206 100 29c 43:: 1 70 £‘a‘l You must have w “ in: {qr purse“ 3 Camcficrc‘and 8,8 , on every item you 9 I ‘ Semi-randy Men's in dark diasoqalt- hi There is no need for you to suffer another day with the awful itch from Eczema. Psoriasis, Salt Rheum or any other skin disease. D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema. stops the. itCh instantly ! Yes, the instant.the first few? drops are applied to‘ the burning skin the itch is stopped â€" not in half an hour, not in 10 min utes. but in 10 seconds! You can have no idea. of the won- derful effect of D.D.D. until your.sul- iering is instantly relieved by this wonderful remedy, and when used with D.D.D. Soap it keeps the skin in perfect condition. ' We are confident that D.D.D. will cure any case of Eczenm. or skin trouble of any other kind. Get a 'trial bottle from the D.D.D. Labor- atories, Dept. L.W.W., 49 Colborne-st Toronto, or Cell and see us about it. ‘ E. Gregory, Agent. 51‘0““ I Mrs. RAM. Mason and Miss Annie Mason were in Lindsay, on Satur- Mr. Ireland returned to Hotspur ’vâ€"--v_ ju _ w , was well known and for miles around friends came to pay the last tribute to their triend. Services were conducted by his pastor. Rev. John Redford. assisted by his friend and former pastor, Rev. Mr. Gar- butt, of Cobourg. On leaving the home the funeral procession was headed by the trustees of the Metho- dist church, followed by the Sunday School pupils and their teachers. o!) ECZFMA CAN BE CURED qu-o w . U” a The funeral of Mr. James McFar- lane took place on Fride alternoon and was one of the largest ever seen in Fenelon Falls! Mr. McFarlnn': 3A.. _:I.u- A. McArthur in closing sanr E. "Will there be an stars in my crown ?" ’* - ----- A-..“ - rwr-r_ __-,, "£5, Mr. Wesley, of Sunderland, spent the week end in town. HARTLEY. Hartley, Nov. 14.â€"0wing to the decidedly inclement weather the ser- vice on Sunday last had a smaller attendance than usual. The Rev. Mr. Paul, of Artherley, will preach here next Sunday. Among those who spent Saturday in town were Messrs. A. Campbell. W. Barker, R. McEachern, J. Cur- rie. Threshing is now completed and feed-cutting has commenced. ChildrenTAttacked Mr. Jesse Armitage's hunting party returned home on Saturday evening with a. fine deer. Miss Margaret McMillan. of P8168- tine. leaves to-day tor‘British Col- umbia. . Messrs. A. Gilchrist and J. Brown have returned after spending the summer at Milestone, Sask. Toronto, Nov. 14. â€" Two child- ten will be admitted into the West- ern Hospital this morning to re- oeive the Pasteur treatment. as a result of the attentions of a. pet eat, emicted with rabies. The older or the two, a girl of filteen. . was The girl was bitten on numday last, but the cat was a family pet, and the “tack did not arouse om. ubtedly and». tha animal was undo “SW10: rubies. The 33. R. Booth Company of W. has Venduudanoflero! this dollar: (of the busi- by Mad Cat of filtaeen.‘ was the leg. 'while the roe-wold boy, 1. ben on Thursday was a. funny pgt, not arouse jug. .kLarge size" sauna: coven otters. in fancy colon'ng, . 72 Inches, regular [.25 value, for at 'I Good Cook Detroit, Mich, .\'o\'. 14.-.\ suit for abSOIuve divorce was M-gun in the circuit court here by Dr. Peter 11. Campbell. a. well-know: Detroit physician, gagainSt his wife, who was tormerly Miss Mary Cameron, of Strathroy. ‘ ‘ “A Asked to cite one panicular in- stance of cruelty the plaintifi stated that Mrs. Campbell had thrown teapot at his head, which he beiiev- ed was cruelty. "Wasn’t your wife the belle of Strathroy when you married her? " asked Attorney Cox, for the deience. The docmr admitted that she was, and then Mrs. Campbell took the stand and blushed prettily at the compliment. She deCIared that. for 20 years she had suffered abuse at her husband's hands. and had often Tiewâ€"calble were married on De camber 80. 1891. and separated on January 1. 1911. - uuuvwg â€". The doctor sues for di\‘or(‘c on me ground of extreme cruelty to him- self and his 15-yearvold daughter, Dorothy. In his testimony, Dr. Campbell paid a. tribute to his wife, whom he described as an ideal house- keeper, very economical. and as a cook without 9 peer, bU‘L wixh u. very devil of_o, temper. ._‘._ ;_ Been winpued to leave him. She opposed the granting of t divorce. Judgment was reserved. BOOST FOR BCRNHAM. The BObnygeon Independent editorially of Mr. Burnham : All ties would be the better of sound criticism such as Mr. I ham oflers, and were there more like Mr. ~Biu'nham in pumic life, 1550111 parties would be strengt! by higher ideals. Rev. Dr. Carmichael, Superintend- ent of Home Missions for Manitoba and Saskatchewan. died at Winni- Eresight 5 Mg: 93 KenHt-g aver Nam Shoe Store. 3708188898 repaited. Broken bases replaced. ever have them ? In mm: cases they Peslllt from dofvoliu- ove- Sight and eye strain. 01::- properly ground 8155-888 will provide wa'man- ent relief. M. B. nuns Oph.D. ‘f “my of fresh unsaltmuuuwr W in pound prints. “13de EUQWt I. and more than “A we: to Store. TelePh' POULTRY WANTED menu's Poultry Depot. chleluns in the country- Comforters Oohoooc . out”: But Bad Temper “L Iov. 13, ‘1911 Ofi‘ers HEADACHES D u l l. m) Mamas» ‘37 99c ere there more men in public life. PO' Id be strenghened Inn's. but“r t‘t‘g’iu p0} mysterious sâ€"- D0 You most cases the Several cars 0 height on the MM] the Grand Trunk r w Campbellford FREE FROM DEB'I cu WIS a, big snow“ as ., large attendnnw * w Mars. The r004?" to over 8260. It is $3 Mimi: NEAR <‘..\.\1mr.1-:1.1 n mun «ht. which must {YJMing to the n_, 4be CL pl We hope to sex v0 you when there is need Of medil inos. Wave in\ aridhlv a: l« u as I quality will permit. Dispensing [huggist Furs Want fimmsom a“ “-1 a" .curcs o v- ‘ ladies' and Chihiru‘n's tar Kid GloVes. MM 12 run!” up to 85.~ pair, Innufacturer's ends of T: GI. double damask, handy terns, lengths are from 1 § MS, regular 81 yum 1;.”er 5:116 Ladies' Pure “'00! ' u in pretty embroidc-e‘w! - m .11 sizes r4“; .lur value, Annixersarx N10 t (id! heme. 1’08“!“r each. anniversary sale ‘ a3; . v- Cgrdhul, Peach, Gréy, V\\ and Capellhagen, r013. 7. value, anniversary sale We Satin 5mm in shades of Sky. Champ! and White for evening dre lu- 75c per yard, annive Handsome Imported 1 ’ail 3 m wide, in shades Inn Cream, Tuscan, M 5 r1 Pure Wooi H4 Paillette Si kinds of f1 highest pri‘ Handkerchi‘ Table Line] Kid Clov‘ 1n Liam Ha . 16. 19 coma sh 1d

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