Lindsay citizens, nume‘ly. Rev, Dr, Johnston, of Montreal, and Rev. J. D. Macmillan, of Halifax. who haw: been uppuinted honorary colonels. mmumu‘ vï¬iï¬ï¬mï¬z mm. me â€on: New markets. mini Mar u: militia and Memes. memly publiahud a 1M 9? appointments in the mimia damnmem of 9mm: promoted and beams conï¬rm): Amway the honorary colonel» are noticed the names of two former THE CASE DISMISSED. The charge of assault against Wm. P. Merrick was tried at Sunderland last week before Magistrates Fair, 01 Sunderlanrl; Purvis, o! Cannington, and Hamilton, of l'xhridge. Mer- rick was defended by H. P. Cooke, I'xbridge, and Miss Acton, the .com- plainant, was represented by Hop- kins 6:. Hopkins, of Lindsay. The case was dismissed. The parties live on neighbouring farms, in the T0wn- ship of Brock. Miss ActOn ‘is a daughter of .103. Acton, .who has ï¬gured in police court cases here of late. There is not the test of feel- ing in this family towards each other. Merrick has taken the part of 'eome of them, the others resented this interference. This, no doubt, was the Cause of this action. SH] PM EST 01“ CATTLE. Mr. J. (fonlon, of Oshawa, pur- chased a carload of cattle around Lindsay of late. Messrs. John Walker, A. Cunningham and w. Fox contributed in part. to the ship- ment. A young man named Kelly. from Dunsim'd, was conveyed to the Rage Memorlai Hospital to Waive treat: ment In? appenaiextm; ï¬e arrived by V; P; M; tram Monday. wheré he wag met by mg ambulanee and ngm w the ingmutiem TAKEN T0 HOSPITAL; nees COUNTY COUNCIL TO BUILD UNION STATION an. NEEMXDS, SPECIALIST Di mmcigl team. Studjed gdminit nation of gas with the originator. 1k. Cohen, 0! New York. Gold inlaw. crown and bridge work in- serted. Ofï¬ce. nearly opposite Simpson Eouse, Lindsay. PE’I‘EBBORO CHEESE BOARD. Mr. Morton bought the entire cheese board at Peterboro, with the exception of Shearer, at the cheese board meeting Wednesday morning. He paid 123a, and the total number bought was 1,926. Tor-Onto, Nov. 7.â€"Toronto is to have its I’nion Station. The com- panies’ surrender constitutes a. vic- tory for exâ€"Mayor Geary and the city. At the last sitting of the Railway Board here, Mr. Geary urged that the companies could eas- ily prOCeed with staticn construction by preparing plans and speciï¬ca- tions adaptable to either high or low level tracks. The railways re- Iused to accept the suggestion, but while in Ottawa last Friday Mr. :eary had further negotiations with the Board and the coxnpanies, with the result that his propOSal has been accepted. We Imam» H: 153-. éz‘mltmvem a9 @hmkgt; Amy M m mmim :1de maï¬a m mam m “themed {a my mama M The Wmâ€: On next Tuesday, November 19th, the members of the County Council Ior.the County of Victoria will meet. in session at the court house in Lindsay for the transaction of bust- wvusuw. wvwm H, #812 flihtwma Wards; (Wkly): «me P Wm wanes; um and ear-mg m yarn .L...‘ ' mm: is mm mm: owe: my a! was. 569 as! gm: lunulptlan Run ‘1‘: mm; Warner â€" am eat in? By mi! w puma same: at My ‘Ewwyï¬f- the attempt, but failed. He was sheltered till morning in the cells when he was allowed his two loot ofï¬cer gave him an opportunity to rightify himself, and permittéd him freedom it he could walk to a. near- by hotel without 'falling. He made HEAVY FINE A. ’1‘. Neil. of Stirling. 0nt., was {IL-d $500 and costs or three‘months tor having for sale int0xicating li- quor in a. local option district. Neil was convicted in June of a. similar offence during May, but through a technicality of the court proceedings the magistrate gave the defendant, who did not appear personally in court, the beneï¬t of the doubt, whereby he escaped a term of im- prisonment without option of a. ï¬ne. County Constable Thornbury pick- ed up a man tram Woodville about 10 o’clock Monday, the unfortu- nate being in a. dazed condition. The LODGING FOR NIGHT. ALLLI 01551.9, Proprietor The Watchman-Warder flit}! . QEtigl-Ia TELEPHONE 91. IDI’I‘IOI Will Fight For Montreal, Nov. 12. â€" Hon. L< )oderre has to ï¬ght for his séat Men‘s Coat Swgat'm in qualit an mm 1.50 up to 450 each. Some are wovae damaged than others, An oppogwmty to as one for war-king in at a saving, Prices reduced twang 1 t9 1} OFF, J. . ‘ Men's Undershirts and Drawers, all sizes. St, George's Brand. plain knit good wool, cuffs and ankles color edged. regular $1 garment, sale price .................................................... 796 may Carriage Rugs, of heaw Veldur cloth. in colors Tan and Blue Just the thing for the carriage this time of year, reg. 60¢. each, Hearing at h only most a pieeeg \V‘rappevméiin asserted 6619911139 and rm: Eerm‘. the? mama? 106: line. while they lï¬ï¬t, 139? yard These are a special clearance of Ladieï¬' Short Kid u Grey, White and Black, and a few Green and Wisteria colors, sizes 6 to 6}. very special value at. per pair ........ ‘ Real good quality Motor Scarfs, a wear, colors Black. Cream and White, designs, regular $2. {or ..................... ‘ Fancy Crochet Wool Scarls, fringed ends. good length, while they last. Each only .................. '1’: ........................ ‘Pwa:play mm Faemw 35am, net 9 big quantity. 519‘, V??? flflï¬ï¬ifli at 99!: Bï¬undnnznnnx ::::::::: unmn uunznuu White Cotton Bedspreads, good full double-bed size not many but out they go at each ............................... 6m ABABY CARRIAGE RUG LADIES KID GLOVES CHEAP Seat After All Damned cm Swami cm» Good Motor Scans Reduced Hon. Louis his séat af- You Suva on Underwear Wnppmtto. Price Out A Wool Scarf Bargain A Saving on Spreads Black Factory Yun A Corset Special ter all. Although no Liberal or Nationalist party decided to bring out a man, and nominated Mr. Leo Paul Doyon. Mr. Doyon, who is a real estate agent, will run as an In- dependent Labot candidate, and ex- pects to give the oew in‘mister a. hard ï¬ght. rm: wamm HI ' Short Kid Gloves in Continuing Until the End of the Month-nu This ispeaaoublo. Bade-date m gaads and we #94900“ patient bu mg opportunity mu. To it will be add many an tar stock are but aunt re need prices. From new untiltlw and should keep this gum! crowded with those who care to 8am On Sale Commencing “Swifii’rvilqyt “WE?!“ 19th Part afar 313,000 stock ~Wit: goes toéaehqf our other m. stem MUM $1.19 39c. 29c: Grey. H-WARDER; LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Farm for Sale by Tender The undersigned will receive ten-l ders for the purchase of the North Half of the North Half of Lot_ Num-l bér Twenty-one, in the Second Con- cession of Mariposa, 50 acres more or. less, up to MONDAY, 9th DE- CEMBER, 1912, at noon. Soil, good clay loam; good dwell- ing house; good frame barn and stable. Barn on stone foundation, with cattle stable and root cellars. Land well situated, conVenient to school, church and markets. Highest or any ztender not neces- sarily accepted. TERMSâ€"10% on acceptance of ten- der, and balance in one month there- after. Purchaser to search title and pro- vide abstracts and. copies of deeds, other than those in vendor’s posses- sion, at his own expense. STEWART Jr. O’CONNOR. Barristers, Lindsay. Five jurors were chosen for the, trial of the " glinmen " in New York. Robert W. Shepherd, for thirty-ï¬ve years manager of the Ottawa River Navigation Company, died suddenly at Monti-m Chatham, Nov. 12.â€"W-illiam Dono- van, gged 16 years, underwent a critical operation yesterday» when skin was remoyed from his body for the purpose of 'gralting on the hum of ,his mother. Mrs. Donovul was seriously burned some time ago. Theonlytimeamarriedï¬nnhuu will is after he’s dead, and when they break that he's only running true *9. 19m; Ladiea' All-over Net Blames in Black and Ecru color. two diï¬eront styles, sizes 84 « to 44, long sleeves. spe- cial earn ................... ' very special Men's Double-breasted Overcoats. with cpl newest styles, mixed grey, coloring: in diagqn‘al These are slightly damaged. hm you an helm lhe ones you lllia hast, They are lh ï¬lm and while plaln colarlm. 'l‘ha prices are very low and n0 doubt. they wlll so qulokly. Prices range tram 896 $0 5"2eu1envn Hun"! "mum... 19c HeaVy Tweed Camel Hair Suiting: in colors and mixed colors also of many shades, regular 50c and 650 yard for . price 991* yard Splendid range of pink, Hky. ‘t‘nu. Manure. Navy. (‘hnmpalgm Bisque and Whltv. fancy {wired and stripe denim. rem 50:3. 696, 29c and 9% yard. to «tear quick, all one mm: m yard x“. 19c In dark'grey. plain color heaVy high storm collar, regular $2.50 for A splendid range 0! good A colorings and patterns. regular go at per yard. . Extra quality 84-inch linings, only 100 yards a yard for ...................... .. ï¬EN’S ovnacou SPEC, To Cure Mother TOKIO SILKS MUST GO mm 8mm cm Ioducod Boy's Fall Reefer Cog‘ Childm'l Wool Pullout: Buy New 51 Homespuns at Half Price Need Any Black Sateen 7 LINDSAY at this price. regular. value Black Sateen. suitable for ~uhlru; ‘or All-wool Homespuns in a variety of r 81 qualities. out they 490 New York, Nov. 12.â€"New Yorkers ltiam nations? †he asked. “ In the who are natives of Canada and who ‘Soudan it "‘3 many years before bloodshed eeased. Year in and year out we read the dreadful toll of thousands of lives sacriï¬ced in the tel Astor. It was the eighth annual eflort to bring ultimate peace. But dinner of the Canadian can) of New now I may say that life is as safe York. In the list 0! three hundred in the Soudan as in New York." members and guests who were there His reference to New York aroused to-night were many men and women a. titter. He was quick to under- well known here and across the bor- stand what it meant. der. - “ Or in Canada, I may sayf’ he The loyal Canadians clapped when concluded. ‘ Sir Edmund Walker, president, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. said that“ ever' England should fall! from "Korma! you men hold Swanson ! her greatness as head of the British One man can hold me !" Empireâ€"and Sir Edmund interpolat- Citrate-Didn't I assure you that like to go back there as often as possible, dined to-night at the Ho- ed that he prayed God that this would never occurâ€"there would be another great Anglo-Saxon nation which would , take her place, and would sow the ‘noblest civilization that. the world has yet seen. T. Kennard Thompson, president of the club, presided With him at the head of the table were James G. Cannon, president of the Fourth Na.- tional Bank , Ernest Thompson Set- on, Daï¬d R. Fox-gun. of the _ First National Bank or Chicago ; the Hon. Sam. Hughes, Minister of Militia and Defence; and other prominent gentlemen. Col. Hughes explained to the diners that the reason that he w“ there as the only representative of the Dominion GOVerninent was am he was the only minister who had nothing to‘do. He said that ization had nave:- been an among savage peoples so e60: as at the paint of the bayonet “ How much logic and 1: time would it take to brit P99Ple to respect thg right: Women's Work Aprons in Illue and White Check (liar hem. full aim. Just the Apron for the housework. reg. 500. each, sale We ....................... c clot . t Konthz-ZOnly Two Week: of It :reen, Grey. Navy, plain of the above 430 VOW «swear mom and «M; an ex: many 9:5;th liwgflgm out raga: _“ ‘-“ _â€":nnn . Sam Hughes Before New York Canadian Club gqn'ul w79,8 90 O " ................... an Value 35c 19c 3H5}! MW; close out prices u 18% has meant our Guamâ€"Didn't I more you that a cow is only dangerous when it has lost its calf ? MO 0““ for Bound to be as popular a a over tur may am thv hm mmlmur priced Pure in the trade. Marmm mu (tumult-train! m: mu..- giving qualities enough to wu mun anynne huying n a big range of mm and Neck Piece: in (he \‘m'y "mu-H and “Men. Come early tor a ï¬rst choice and m “ \rl'} h.“ Inn-e for they range-â€" “ï¬tflï¬. “.50. 86. 36.75 and up to $9.50 each \\ .- aim“ r ha 1 wt: SheéThat's why I was frightened ; I couldn’t see a cal! anywhere. I 0“ mm In!“ st II. I lot In | m mm lulu u l.“ hum I (m‘l'u (‘uum £ m Havear HM. mudv ehuvima m may and hmwu column». 0“ --n""‘ 'v.:~.~~-zn'.\ nsz‘uu anunzzlz'utnn [2:211:11 '1 Coat prices have reduced for um 1mm [V9 you the beneï¬t now than no come and [a your coat while .mn quotations show. Far g flap! G!" Man W9 commence holiday husim-ss we want to char out all um at llrusaels' body or hurdu-r (ma 1‘9“" 511‘1 um, now only......... .. . 79c During this ale we will give a Bissell's (:nm 31mm "arm Sweeper tree with every Rug at $30 and 0\'or, or any purchase of Run from our stock amounting to $30 or ()\'N'. 'I‘hvun Sweep. or: sell 1t. 38.50 each. Our Rug Values are vxrnmiunany gum! and we otter In excellent choice in all lines. 1m; ynn- Rugs now and get this â€.50 Sweeper free. This oï¬vr in L'nml “my during this uh. New um Colomd Curtain Scrims with good [mth‘rns in me colors, all bordered and splendid for dining-room (‘mu ulna, rogulu- price 256. For this sale per yard , 19c Incorpontod 1895 BRUSSELS CARPETS REDUCED MARMOT FURS PRICED CLOSE tutorsâ€"m secured to our â€trons to an The employment at one's savings is In n Ition. MU; Proï¬t and convenienceâ€"‘ You; ‘1". my‘hflm to open an account wit COAT BUYING MADE EASY VICTORIA LOAN SAYINGS co. maxi nnwrou SMALE’ Colored Curtain Scrims 'MI "I do.» for I.“ In Coats for â€a "0 MI for Ni ~A $3.50 Camet Sweeper W a Banned Fund $400.00‘J-00 mmsmy I lotlndtu lulu M 10.08 Lulu "0 sun. for 18.00 Political arguments friends than they gait Warrior Xumbex tmmely violent Number Two to out. : .Mower Knives Binder Knives 1 pened by Spemal chine at Monuments [at Pout Buildings Mudflats! during 1M: sale. utter U19 \HMvr hm! pasnpd. (‘MI MN! as: much as 1km CASH AND ONE PRICE ape-NM at maul mmi. She phan'd’s W395 eï¬ur cemetery W‘“ Be'l 157 L Knives and t 609' away o n M Lind“! If. M SIGUHPT, nu Byron H. Stunner, nl‘ W dead in bed at Wu. '1‘. Arthur Ecrmm'nt cred his decision 1.» I up against “0". x I“ “m not be 3 mm! June! ('hickvu. n 'u or. ‘9“ 35 tent in a run “(“0†and (“Ni in n '0 Mth'lte anlvrn to shun dlunlvrh, . ry is not pub] or bV their 5 THESE for the last you the falls MOTO Perrin’s Mo W smurfor, hru ll. Stunner. nf ' Ridout-st. Limp Leather for next season. fc NOW. You'tl want the we Wm: 14, 1 â€H" 5'†“3'1va .“d gang flu“: (In. for Thursd and Si ni \"erw DRESS 25¢ 5( k 75c If You An (NI Hi 50 In “06 0r;