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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Nov 1912, p. 2

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Pout-Mon on tho In limb. 1918, amaehu 900 m mm. not w: 0! lot 9. con. 18. ad out. but at M 9, can. 10, north lung-Inn. Good human. Mac 100 mum in an Township e! um. with good mama;- and h ant-oh- ” 09 mm. lull; Apply Farms To Rent Tho mum; Commons adjourn“! til! Mondny, at the ”amnion, 1!. ll "pom-d, o! the King. There In um. doubt. that the young as. good. duflm‘, was killed an Black Rock. wmmn Drlabln. n pioneer und ox- mvo at Munich township, 6th in MI saw your. Probably the ideal man no longer any !n the mind of a woman who has been mun-led tour or Me tuna. STOLE BRASS. Belleville, Nov. 15.â€"George F. Campbell, who gave his home as Three Rivers, Que., was canvicted of damaging the Kilties’ Band car on the track here, and stealing four brackets of brass weighing about 250 pounds. This morning Magistrate Nassau imposed a term of three years in Kingston Peniténtiary. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on farm. town and Vi!- lage property, at very lowest rates 0! interest. Company or private hands. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, .olicitor, etc., Milne Block. Lindsay Money to Loan. 'J. B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Insurance scent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. A. H I G INBOTHAM DRUGGIIT The wlld oltl crop in never . Ml. B90109; in Feeding Stock MEHFFFHF FFFF, FFEFBF F F‘HFFRF 99999999359 Famtsra 999 91899999 999999 981899: F899. 99} 999999999 59999 99 9999999991999- 9989999 919999999 F9919 999999 8! 91mm 999 F999â€" 999 #99999 F 9, 99999999949 K p 9 99 9‘99- 999 9.99 M99999 F991 4“ F- swam; 9900999119 991999 9999 Very week at oflicg o! D E- “799199 D. J. LUNDY til-1111111; kfiibifl 1181118181; §8: 111-11111- 111118?fl 11111118 §8111511§H 81 1118 11111118 81818888118 181118- 88111111 118181188 111111181 1118 111: 81188158 8118181188 18118181 118811181188 88:; 81 1188111811 1111118 11181118111811 811181 81111811 8111: 8 18 818 1181118 11811, 88888118188188888; EVery stockmanof course knows that. some animalsâ€"just as some men-eat. twice as much as others without any corresponding in- crease in weight or energy. The difference is largely a matter of assimilation. Feed is high this your: tee that your horses and cattle digest and assimilate per- fectly all they eat. You will save feed and money by it. Old Eng- liuh Condition Powder aids di- gestion and tones up all organs. noon}; JACKSON, Barristers, etc” solidtors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. flofléy to' Io’afi gm mortgages at lo'wést cur-rear rates. was mmamt, unduly; iv tr. mars, k b”. Méfi. ngdh STEWART é. O’CONNOR. Barristers Notaries, etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best terms. Officeâ€"corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. '1‘. Stewart. L. V. O‘Connor, BA. HOPKINS HOPKINS, Btu-is- m, Solicitors, Notary public; etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan on terms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William-It. 8.. Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K. C., F. H. Hopkins, B.A., LLD. sunny??- ?oamrm UNIVERSE w, annoys}: ma commw pp woman Moo â€" Ridout-st., corner Kent. and Lindsay-Sta. Phone 45. Bl: mi N mm “ARM”! 8? “WOW 2959 mm WVER§M: 335m AWEN‘WHN $8 film: 6%? mm Hfififififl 9? m MID FWW: #SWWVW. 80%)??? NR m 00W QR WWW: m Hoursâ€"1 tn 3 pm: and h! Mama 31- F. BLINGHLRB Me» And Human Barristers. etc. LINDILY up: ad hhuduhnd Dr. Wood’s Nanny Pine Syrup con- him an the ounce and luau hallo. pow“ of the famous Nanny Pine em. Mr. Hugh McLood, Emma. Sub; whenâ€""My mu. boy took a W non-m odd, and it dmloped Mo pl“- moala. The doctor Nd II. Mid M live. I got com a your DI. Wood'- Norway Pin. Syrup, and he bola?“ Imprcm. New In h 5 mm mungdlhmnodndhmm ‘m'maumhiauu Consumption may be contacted from others, but u 5 rule pneumonin in «and byexposmtoooldnnd wotnndfltho cold in not attended to immodinedy un- ioua mum m We to Inflow. Dr. Wbéd'n Nomy Plno Syrup will do this for you ll you will only uh ll ll time. Than I- only on. my to prevent pneumonls and the h to cure the cold on in flat nppemmco. Pneumonia in nothing more or less thin what and to be called “Inflmmnuon o! the Imam". Ftom PlEIIMOIIA flan Any Other lung trouble. While writing on this subject I wish to express an opinion on the potato market. I hear of many in- tending holding their crop until spring. This I believe will be a lmistake, taking the country as a whole. Even if half the crop is spoiled there will still be suflicient for our needs. By keeping off the market now and thus keeping up prices, we greatly diminish consump- tion. This will leaVe more to put on the market in spring, when the potato trade is more uncertain and panicky, with the result of an un- reasonable drop in prices and a. lite- less market. Remember, last sea-l son farmers were to a larger extent purchasers both for consumptiOn and ‘ seed; this year they will not be buyers to any extent. All over North Simcoe, in the potato dis- tricts, crops are abnormally large, with a low percentage of diseased ones. Present prices are highly re- munerative, and at least half the supply should be marketed between digging and spring time. NEXT T0 BUNSUMPHDN THERE ARE MORE DEATHS When the modern bride promises to "Jobey" she has her: fingers around. KELLYâ€"At the Ross Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 13. John Oscar Kelly, aged '17 years, 2 months and 21 days. éfiRMâ€"R WE? Fa‘fiflfifi ROW 93 PM?” THE”? 4 WM»? we}! Warm? Nam swore. ,cprrsaspmsem 9.; me WW»! Sun. in. the 90.14175? 93 a mare sews} letter, sgys :â€" ’ Wfl‘dt bdfii'e fl‘efiriy baa-mg 3 Nu“ Hi:- ‘ci‘d‘eht occUH-‘éd b’fl {HE ffli’fli 3‘ fl}; Mam: Wé'Bsiéf' agar bwflw aw U6“ y駣éHfly “53333; i 8 â€" éa+§ that a Mi wag 35mg c’imgfi H; H133: Mia Bani Hfga gags 3'58“ 3w mm in {H8 Mi Mai; “mam mme‘maw \ESHHBS '3 flags 88% 8F [Tied ““8 “18 i; ffliimg 83 “F: M Bash; “:3 ma m 51233sz 33% am} ii ‘23}8353 i8; 2 838 um Ma 8381? 88 8583 BF8§§H HRRIRSF: 8B 88“} REWHSS 1E §¥8§ hum: , mg 88 838§ war-8 mm m; Walls :é 3 MRS mum: H133 m Huge Boulder Fell on Man’s Back 9H5 {5‘3 l8: Scott’s Emulsion is thy. greatest body-builder knownâ€"It is nature’s wholesome strength- makerâ€"without alcohol a: stimulantâ€"mafia: rosy chub, action blood, dumb frames and If yaw child is m when thingâ€"Jacks mm m: m- bitiOnâ€"has an «apatite at possibly mum skin at a pinched faceâ€"it is fat want of vital body- nourishment; this growing period demands special, con- centrated, easily digested food for body-developmentâ€"me‘ntal strainâ€"physical changes. ' was H§8Â¥BHS am 3: m; 496W POM TQEfi “my Scott Bowue, Tomato. Ontario 12-62 But you mt have SCOTTS. DEATHS MR? Hams ms “3831885 1939 33“ 88 8888? by King Procten. 1 Chestnut Marc. In 103.1 to Indium Boy. 1 me. good conditirn, by Indlm Boy. 20 Roma. worker- Md drum. n1 \vumntod. . TWO month: on born“. {our mouth. 1 true. 2 Heavy Colts. rising 8 your. old. 1 handsome Black Colt, two put. chad, 1 Buy Golding. sound, 18 hundred. 1 Bay Golamg. aged: good worker. 1 Buy Mare. 6 you: old; sound am! breed. 86 Yearling Steers, well bred. - 4 Cows. all young, good ‘conditlon. 1 new Milch Cow, sound udder. Four months’ credit on all male. Sixty days on all home, ell clones. 2 handsome White Mares, well mat- old. 23 Two-year-old Steers“ Dal-hum 44 Steers. rising two and three years PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR DISPELS CORN SORENESS. The real corn remedy, the one that always does its work, is Putnam's Corn Extractor, which makes Corns and caucuses go quickly and with- out the least bit of pain. Putnam’s makes you forget you.ever had a corn. Goes to the root 0! the tor- mentor, absorbs its roots, removes the cause, gives lasting relief. Puta nam’s quickly, safely and surely rids: your feet of corns or caucuses wheth- er just staxting or of many year's growth. Price 250 at all druggist's.‘ FAWNG’S, HORSE HUNG! Sale Saturday, Nov. 23,1912 Direct legislation is {cremated in the speech from the throne in Sas- katchewan Legislature. The wedding ring it! an mlusfivg Circle. Navigation. Will pmbahly b9 kept open on the lakes till Damper 30th- 6.11 13 NEWS 333 33333 +3333 1333333 3383333 3 £13363 3 353113333 333333333 ('eiéciHc i M83) £3 8“,“: MINE 3333333 3:43 3.31 3333. 3333 3333333333 333 13333333333 {33% 33 3333333 3313 3333333 @3338 +533 33333: 333 33 3333313333333 33‘ #3333333 333 33:3}{33133 W333 333: 3333333 L333 3333333 {35833 3333333: 3333 3333333 33338 331333 121- 333 33333 $3333 333333331 333 3 333333 33313 3333333 33 3? 3333333183 3833383 333333 333 3333281333 33333333 1313333 31333335 8333 133333 T333333 33 113 33:33 33333 333331 331333 3333333 3333 £3 33 $1333 33 F333333; 3333333 33833 33 93:31: 3333333331313: 3333333. 33333333 333333 333 313 333333: 1333 333 33 33331333 333} 3333333 33333 T3333 33333 33 3333 3 3‘: 333: PM 13103 333333 £3333: :3 3333330 W-B W333: #333} 33333 3333-33 3333333 “ This foremost'citia at Lindsay was born in Burlington, Barium county, January 8th, 1858, and was animated in the public school. To- ronto. Model and Normal school, and Toronto University. He was so lecturer in English language. utm- ture and history in Toronto (‘61- ‘leg‘late Institute until 1885, when he Ipurchased the Lindsay Warder. He has been active in military circles since the age of 14, and “has seen much active service, acquitting hlm. self always with honor. - The citiz- ens of Canada. have only to look up his record to find that they haw} reason to be. thankful that a. man of‘ such unquestioned ability is in this position.” 1m heap helm: m my: 19: mm: yam and the lungs be in beta» us the better he is um and We abili- ties admired. 9’ Thaw am Mr mm 9998mm“ warns in comm mm m tin-flu than Comm 8mm 11%“. m minister of militiw (k11- 11W as mm Ms. W 7’ :1 #1913888. 1.3m” £11an 1 my 13: 19190911; 318619 911 :1! 13mm in m Emma 99mm 9! 9mm” Am“ the 11m number 9! mm: m m 1116111191196 19 Ban: gum Human 9! kinds“ The mm News 541:: m wgmm-wmafin. HHDDAY; ONTARIO: HOW TO OONOOER RHEUMATISI AT YOUR OWN HOME 'WHY NOT SPEND THE WINTER - IN CALIFORNIA. Attractiv. rates will be quoted by variable routes, ufl‘ording fluent scen- ery. The bot Angelou Limited. leaving Chlcngo duly 10.16 pm. for Southern Unlttoma. the San Fran- cisco Ovarian Limited. leaving Chicago 8.80 p.m.. In. than than day: en route». wovtdo tho but 0! owrythlng tn nllwuy trivol. The Chm: ,and anm’mu Iowa Chi- cago duly 10.“‘ pan. (or San Frunciooo nu! Lu'Ancolel. mun- mmd lltantun In “Dilution to‘ B. 3. Boom“. mm amt. Chl- wo and New mom Ry" 46‘ ym‘u m. 0“. ‘ . Last Sunday Mr. Martin seleCted a let chicken from his back yard flock and killed it for dinner. Mrs. Mar- tin was eating of the fowl when her teeth struck something hard, she says. Investigating she amazed her husband by holding up to his view the long-missing diamond. The Mar- tins suppose that Mrs. Martin lost the stone while feeding the chickens, but no' theory is advanced to explain why the gem was found in the chick.- en‘s flesh instead of in its gizmd. 1 This appealing little tale may seem as if it came out of Winstead, Conn., but it is really an oflering ’lrom truth-loving Brooklyn. The begin- ning of itwns in May last, when Mrs. Chas. Martin, of 6910 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, discovered that a. large diamond set in a. ring which she was wearing had dropped from its setting. The stone could not be found. 4n 9§fifinflitm 9.! ”$999999 lg invqlwq in the prejectg Wish it is estimmsd will we we were to .cem- plete. The city is asked 19 “M39!“ We: the immediate ememliture at 3146.590. to be (GROWN later by an expenditure of $1,666,888. it the lull plan is approved. The Dbminion Government will contribute $6.000.-‘ 000 in round numbers. and the Her- bor Commissioziers have been assured of its hearty support in carrying put the stupendous firoject. The remain- 313 811,250,000 will be borne by the Commissioners. The realization of the plans will mean the transform;- tion of the whole of the city's wlter- front. What is now an unsightly spectacle will be a succession .01 beau- tiful perks and boulevards. Found Lost Gem In Stuffed Chicken ‘ Mama; N35; Hakim 58%ng 185 {R8 8F83U8H Bl aims, me p : arms F8 311; m m 'BIBIHISH: mu EFS .ssletllma £8 make Wants a}; 1833135 Manama} 88mg m ans .8 ins mat Bauem 88m: $98 aims m {:98 uumnan sf name Bsauusg 38, ma army}! 8 {stream din-swag m k x mmmnan an immmsm 8f 88.”? mm; m m T8F8M8 mm- a m; Ragtime}: mg 1???“ster RÂ¥ H13 mm Pam: magma m énmmsfl F8 ms My (9; We “Imam: AAA --- -A- ”forum to Have “9,000,000 Port d Ointment-'11 Wt thread. A ”m sample of use with 32-91:. “gamwkm'fidm twbfim caplfim 211:.noawn.v.e A. No other keeps the skin and scalp so clean and clw, so sweet and healthy. Used with Cuticura Oint- ment, it soothes irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become chronic disfigurements. Millions of mothers use these pure, sweet and gentle emollients for every purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery. CUTICURA SOAP Mr. Walter. continuing. sold mot Dominion loans were on solid on 25 Bunk: o! Englond. Truly. than had been I. land boom in Toronto. but that city received an addition of 80.000 to in population you-1y. which moot be confined baton tho mention oi wild speculum: wu undo. Nob“, who bad no in on c.r.n. stool: only would how my minim, and hi! on balk! m- For mount huudnd you-I. In. mu: um. Cum. mtg uh an new or populnuon‘ u. m pun-M at... and!“ «salami. tor 3“.” ‘ There wu a Limoâ€"it was in m- lnlmcy. but Lord Strtthc’ona would ”mannaâ€"whoa had In Cam was not, Inlubla for 50 can“ an um. London, i'ov. titâ€"The Hon. Geo. ;E. Foster. Cenedinn minister oi trade and commerce. referring to the attitude of the English iinmciel world toward investments in the Dominion, nid to-dny. at a meeting of the Royal Colonic! Institute. that the fault which lay in some or the criticienu .oi Londoner: we: thet they looked upon Canada u a whole, while their criticisms ought to be wnnned to certain print. or “mi-print. ilotetione. , . Loan to Canada Safe as the Bank W'MMMI in the parades held during the many days 01 festiVals celebrated in China. More the abolition ol idolatry the show houses had the business of sup- plying girls {or historical tableaux ”That‘s uh! tb-duy it! Clinton mahy flbfiflm swam fdr ybuflg wbmen. flesh ai-Li Bwvidbd by the Govern- ment as a mm at the wtma widest swam; Aside Mm mesa pavem- Méiit thatltwbfls. tHév have manual - man thaMaaMa Magma M351; 8} BB mm mm mm mate to" but new man " aâ€"amsn m galammsm ma 55mm 15 3mg. “sag bnmaas llama“ 3+5 va‘ mum: 5888 m Bllygmlié‘; But ml an: 31m maximum Mm mm mum:- 3924 my jam mans: gsnaala 8r .Bhgzacsai gaming; in the My 8} Mazda {mg the SGHSRHRRM samsnm 98M SFS rsssnmi; {H8 mm M {has Wales! ”mam ESRRBIE: an llFSBéfill‘ m mm mm w. HS nmfxrma: mmh: 88 981mm MEWS} E8188} aumm: “Mam; m rsusw; mm 3 amp: ms; mmssgsfl WSW m m {mm mum 8“ human: _ 7‘ ,. ‘ filmy? #91:}? W 948M 1:- §HH Wm Hm msmm .9! ms: 9mm mmssr ssnmmn mg m: am 51m 9} ms Yum? PM mm; m m mmfisfl 9‘ ms unmlrnhls 3.9m lay their Panama- whq wsmld my a m mats t9 My mascusszr wmnn wlm was kind smash to carry tlw mm; away I0 up diswm mum and mat rid at it in the besx, way she could and. An flaunt girl disposed 0! thus by her parents us- ually wqulcl and her way into one of the shbw houses, to boat women, pmimlonal girl slave traders. and. seldom into a public charitable nurs- ery and u good tamily without chil- ‘ dren of its own. I h“ In the proviaional assembly at Canton, the highest temporary luv. uniting body in the Province oi Kwangulng, ten women occupy mtg. In my district assemblies they also hove representation. There is no country in {be world where a woman is ghen so great a privilege in the varioua political, educational and charitable organizations. In recent you: mb‘hhese came! of flu! ”shot film «myâ€"those o! the rich and aducatal-have Ind any so- on! standing in public. 'l‘o-day she may be as high and grant in the in- tellectual and oocinl. and perhaps the political world as she can make baffle" . m m m in mm mm- m new!» m mama hr uni- sua- dal Madman power and i» influence. “5"“: W W: M: 1’ PM mm! m {8% 413 MN m film a! m; “a 993‘” m4! 9! ”W W‘: N ‘WM fl #9"! RU 930 Fifi; M W GWEN!“ Abdul! Gm Slam in Chimeric Reubuc ; Old System of Beauty “In lam ascribed LIQUID CURES ECZEMA WHERE SALVES FAIL M10: “M; o ‘h." Remember the Prices LIPTON’S TEA. Usually sometimes it's himself-â€" when u man wears a flower in his buttonhole It Indicates some womn In proud of him. A strays them, themsoothcs and heals the skin as nothing else has ever done. Get. it from your druggist. or by mail direct from D.D.D. Laborator- ies. Dept. L.\V., 49 Calhoun-st, 'l‘o- ronto. now. This trial bottle will start the cure, and give you instant, relief. In addition to the regular dollar bottle, which has cured so many cases, the D.D.D. Laboratories have arranged for a special large trial bottle at 25c. on a special alter The Wurdor'b‘ job deputment heal the m late-t Ideu. Try us. "Truth vrushod :0 NH my a. man's shoulder a. not. u again,” but mm- mmw .. broad u M ‘1‘. MM. A wtomobile gen 11““) 1.1 gaming 8} 818mm SEW-3‘ sxmmus Hgmfiéa‘: mm alum mm m {RHHRW 888mm k: In: Man: ms mm: mm: Rm ms swarssmxm m m»: m: me am Mm mm! a {mi msmmz flfiflzflmifl Hung kms mm: mm mmnsr R! . 31m in .Hanmn: m!- h/ mu H}; F?" WQMHHBH mu 91 my: rrmm smhmma- mm mu. .m- ammsm 9! mg m- 0?er am am ems hm: hm mum (mm mew. «flatmates am! pm in Mm! m R: ”mm: 9r m he turned 93w :9 WWW fiRFMies t9. be mum. It is me policy ,0! the Present mm- misuimm w W over Slave W‘s only 1mm “1.0 names not fitted for a young woman to live in. The compulsory education of child- ren regardless 0! sex, the happiness of the tew {amines created by wives and husbands 0! salt selected, the natural willingness of the Chinese? women to hold (at to their ancient} ideas of virtue and their readiness to ‘ take up what is essential to make persons 10% home, honor and duty, nae n11 encouraging to the future progress of women in Chink 8881 mm HM HER: A youu'heouty do- not man in the show business long, however, unhawouulbocoldusooou o price suitable to her wager 0:- owner lo paid. Some men we will- ing to pay I.“ they possess for a. pfetty girl. A show girl. beside: her bounty, am: has the knowledge or music and an art of entertainment that would make hell a Mama. The less beautiful glrls are often sold as 'concuhlnes to (he rlch In the show 'glrls the-lees pretty will at the end ’be the must fortunate, as they are [mummy ukbh by the 1"er as con- cumh‘es di- secbnd wim, who «m be able us away the ha» and chlfilort or? a White. A may ng ls amm- said an a museum '{b’ 58 mm and ne- ‘cb’lfik fl ill-bolt Ml s‘b’bloly \Hwh lief lit-um;- lam aa-Ay a’m ma ms mm:â€" 51-" 3a 38mm! 5; mm. Mm We 5':le B; mauaém «m H}; lawn: mm Hm m fiHiâ€"Miilb' m Hlllfll. m, 3M,» lsgumia N ha- 58mm 3 {i351 Hiamm RM NEH {“3 Mia at mimm mantras; ma gum: émli- Rat-:53 m ”3:; :iatmxmm 53m: Baum: m 8MIIHH5 sum wmums E. Gregory, druggist. m luv-r m m tn see mu: 419va in young women whnmm lo chairman! con- duct. Ptalty d well prepared (and. excrete. swap, and Open air is es- Ieutlal to but beauty des'elopmem, tad (In girls ”Va all these smile in the show business. In!” :9. m mm W??? {mum m a mm a M? m g; ”n mm ”mm a fii’i’ m at mm mm mm” and My my My man! Wu n»;- mmm WI Mmm- WWI ”mg m mm wnmmhnm W «m um: «m w W" W ‘0’ m «and. u m 9mm 95 WW" 9!! ”m4. {'0 m WW 9! "Mr cm"!- W mm; M “a“ 3"“ mm m his mum! PWL “ “m Blue Label - 350 per lb. Grey Label . - 400 per lb. Orange Label - 450 per lb. and Other Blond- up to $1.00 per lb. m postmen of China thp 1 a. Deva: test before they an- (r in the mice. Aspirams I'm tion must give evidence 01' cc robustness, power of endurnnc ability to traverse gran? dis 0"" mountains and milk}: thmugh dangerous forests. 50073058 must be undormkvn gnd accomplished in a 1mm After this the would-be ‘wHwH is sent into uncanny phat.“ are considered to be (he uhmi .pfl‘tC. When thc Chznun “timed the udthoritivs in n the-e matters he is appn-ntmi hr letter carrier. 11 x -. bravest who adopt, 01v «.1111: POGUE.â€"At Burnt River. on Nev. 11th. to Mr. and Mrs. W. [‘Ogut ‘ AN ARDUOC S Pl )5 Windsor. NOV. 14.»)11 Steam. wife of Ferdinand farmer. residing in Sand township, pared her cums rusty razor last WH‘R and blood-poisoning. The fun- be held Saturday. CAREW.â€"-At Burr 10th. to m. and ‘ daughter. MYSTY RAZOR ’ ‘ ’FFBW 8‘ once u 1 Hunts ’- § “231331;:sz . 311‘! 1:3 0% $ “31" 81.0113 t hood. VF yeligvrs all kinds of n “5.1 sotcngs ,. m ’5?- u” .fl'u'dcélers. Fn'r sample on mm Douglas 8; CO., Squaw, (11.1. :78 $5.08”! ‘9 ypuaul f ,Ni‘yggatm 9.; 12:11ng SOD. BROWNâ€"B EA l.L.â€"I n Wbdhwday, .\‘m~_ 1:3: 82“: Pearl man. 01 fl}. bmfi' Fin'ays H: 8! Lihasay, by the R NEVER HAD ns mum: 5x I. box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25:. At all denier: or sent on receipt of pm. by Fruit-34in. Limited. Ottawa. “Fruit-a:ti\'es” is the Mk TGdeV the world made of fruit juices '. nimble tonics. “Pmit+t!vec" will run: 0‘ Indigestion, Dyspepsia, S Bloating. Pain After Eating myLCoqstipytim. Althmxgh ID 1339011; M ‘ any with yspcpsia, I am peyfect health. “Fruit-Hive." “M the desired result" qLuupon, 03m, AUG. :51 “Punt-£41m were so bencfi pa when I suffered with dis: Dfipepda. than “M; m in; “59‘“{actory results. 0m "I!" mg?!“ 1: ladly : as::..a guzgéswg “fig“ mcdiciuc " . MW in Eating ’m ulndnégfla!’ may («athcrg tomach Tm Mn Stirlin mm M estate opus:lcn'gcvfu\l\s 'tll “1m: Onumcalgw‘ wt w to I may tad m; :9" Warm! Summing 033 “6 Canada; 918%”!an m :M MISERABlE mm m» mm smwlm" cu’m Uh At. Burnt Riwr, on Now. Mr. and Mrs. John Cam, HARRIAGFS BIRTHS have 10 p853 are ('an 1.0ndnn x ich Wed. (007313. mce. and d is! anoes a": and mu SH 15m gar! \( hid! alone rot: time 1N the '9" Lindsay Branch, “the exact equivalent i on-tbefaceof each cheque Wu: and .eaaily “ch W :by The {axmdmn mxhimself with lunds a‘mvenienp yet incxpcxhi‘ Winlhe world in dcl THE CA m. {mm as ah‘éfud Omemee Br» m 33; 666.099 V “ be of hillg N ' of draft. “gag‘hk Of T'H'n K tendon and itififl Me hn’ ulr. "6253‘: E5: * "0"!er ""Ivuvho‘ flu gum, W p film It a m rm- n AM :1. man It- m an “doll-um“ “Wham nu:- ‘hm of (hr I “Violoh 1... x . ' ."I‘i put h. m N V- kwmhwm- 91‘“ money a. far-mar “151‘ products, shun!!! } The National (4’ That Cement til». perfect. land imux (I) That insuram-e or only when you at: Did it Ev 'op Tub a“ KtRKl-M Psiglulmur, a! V, 88 St. I‘m . Edward I.“ N01“. A s"; apumu mum”: ms“. Wm“ lav Mm" THE 35 Thfit land in *1} I'm you increasad can That the prrmiuu l6 return. «i in ext Office Ho [0 m 3 o'clock. ”why: 10 to I manners TRAVE FAR Paid up Ca ‘95; ........ Undivided pm a" Bu OF( ’umches (mama. e"?! um, hcwfm Yuck, Chlcm liven u: tun-um Emch MWFWWM Central M $10. $ $15,001 “Lind U

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