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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Nov 1912, p. 4

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Still doing: hname old 3mm! [n.1, not 1 way. “'9 whnm‘e ' and an‘ in :\ pushin- vmrk Hum e\\‘:‘. M m‘anhvs. nmv and 1 and mmhmls. m Mm hymn» Mhl'hlr‘ mu! In this pm Wires am! pfih'hmzihg; Blimp «ml ahmw mmm finmnlwam mmwhm lwhml. Undsav Marble Works R. OHRMBERE Prop: LEAH-Vii FUR W‘N'l \NT‘NI N: Mr 2M: Hash w‘nu isw same “me pas! Mu} new «“9;qu in, XIV». 11.. J.. (mngh'n Nu‘h'mg star‘x \mmi ”Nara: dd: im- l‘uu Anhum «new ha has named a good possum“ in Mr». Ag Icfiéill's storm which lira "Fun Dude. fat-many of Lindsay. is We manager 03. Previously to leaving the store Saturday lust Mr. East was presented with a beautiful gentle- m‘a toilet set by the members of MON U M E £56 stall It. Best will be missed by a large circle or town and swung: friends. who will wish him every suc¢ess in the western town. country. OVER 600 B CRES of the x wast. nursery stock grown. Stock sold and delivered to trade Early and good delivery guaran- teed. 'l‘l. :‘Iy-t'we years ox‘ husincss experience enables us to on‘er the best agency in our line. Write for terms. PELRAM NURSERY 00.. TOll'éNTO For tail :‘rd winter months a smart, reliable person to sell our wen-known fruit and ornamental (new in Limhm and surrounding Marble and Granite GASOLINE ENGINES Special Engines for Farm Use, I“,\.\"!‘ EN!» HI“ “'l-‘J.LING'I‘UX-S'l‘. BRIDGE FUR L‘\NV\DL-\:\' l".\IRBANKS-MURSE (30., LTD.. I011 CE fizfimanmcezfaamzzdsm _ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to one us personany call at our Medial Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no polio-h in our Windsor offices which are for Cnmspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: 0R8. KENNEDY KENNEDY. Windsor. ON. mm (be our 9mm “argue. EEB‘JWS, lllj'fiLES'S Are You Travelling This Fall? Buy Your Watch From The George Beall J ewllery Store right. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 5L. REDUCED PR H l Write for full information to Fairbanks-Morse We guarantee the watch. We guarantee the price. If anything wrong we are on the spot to- make it "H‘L‘ \\ l NTED? U“ azaaufxrao MEN A gent, Lindsay F“ n in Hu iuns "\‘55‘ mu . HALL mm'ls eff m‘rks 1 HIH‘S an me “\‘W ttvr vol UH!‘ \\l\‘ up witâ€"95v. m-w--â€"wâ€" vâ€"_ -V.V, symptoms and com ' tiomâ€"wo have no patent medlcina. Th lsone ofthe We! our wonderful mamas our treatment can- not fail. for we prescribe remedies adapted to each indlvldual case. Only- curable cases ac- cepted. W6 have done lamina- Canada for our 20 Years. uummyon a victign.’ Have you lad hope? Are on mtendingtoman'yf asyourhlood been greased? Haveyoufifi wellness? Our Nev flatbed “I'm cure you. What it has done for other: it will do for you. Consultation 5:... No matter who_ has Lmtatyg}, write {91-33 2.00”: CURABLB CASES cum OR NO PAY fl [Bu-eye yonsvictim.’ Havoyou hope? Are on intendingtoma: uyourhlood been ?_1‘18V°M 3mm. mafr'mm'mem. ed) on Diana 01 Men. wmwm’fisnfmâ€"EELEB we gaveggmgwwm‘rgm spar o enc and n ; . Don v9 upin despair because on pave mated with other dqctors._ used g _c belts and tried ; A WONDEREUL {ASE I Peter Lyan. heave? the construc- Hion company of Peter Lyan Son. Edie-d at Montreal. ‘ Mr. E. A. Lancaster. M.P., intends ! lto fight to the last the assessment. on his parliamentary allowance. mximmx 'l‘he sore parts 1793141“. and burn and tingle, “d M II. t‘uhhvd or scratched. would m \u:'_\ painful. When the he. [0‘ N,/v_.-_:.7. A._.._:..._. :5â€" ...A .7 v4.54 5. 337.7“ . Mr. Fwd Mason. the urhnlstnrm‘ and mattres tlzrcr m‘ St. Andrews, ,\“ " I had eczema an my cmmud m" II‘I‘I'ihlv nwr“ unrm. it burned ypm, m iwhing and burning and Imam mm- ulmust. uuhmn'uhlo. I tried \urian rmmulirs. hut u'nl nu le- l-‘?‘_ M) l NINTH“. It) El) In Mnn't‘n‘ul mm II \‘\‘i \ l h‘lt THIN-II". MUXTHS [N HUSI’I’I’AI AND ('AME UI'T L'XCI7RE1) KHAN 500-. Mm all Or- post free Em mum. for- price “W1 \lnm lulu th od Mason, the well-knuwn N‘I‘ and mattress manufac- thH “n m H1 1llll‘i ml nI' Hm! ll druggists and States "N“ ENNJN‘R “as“ To: ice. ““5““ imimtiung LT D. . TOROX'I‘O. Hum-a w“ aw f‘\! -n as nmflml 7. m-hnm mm m av \ M‘M \\ i t h s Lri“ \ PW“ \\ n u uw mun 9mm“ mm m. 39mm «a; «L “N am» mm: in.» flux time t In “‘9“ LH ‘hJ on it. \ says :â€" knee, which in. m- HM m rm 1 .vw‘ks \\ ‘\ "Q London, Nov. 11.-â€"Somc interest- .ng information about the Montene- grins is supplied by a trayelier who is familiar with the little kingdom, and who reCentiy returned to Lon- don. “ Montenegro," he says. " is the only country in Ira-0p: where a, Wife may be regnrtiéd as a perambu- lain: insmance p01 cy." The ex- pmnntion of Ih's curious statement he says. n an interview published in the Daily Mirror : EVEN" TURK IS SAFE. " The Montenegrin is intensely chivalrous. The same remark ap- plies to the‘r Albanian kinsmen, and a woman's honour is safer in the hiuids of them reckless fighters than in. almost any European capital. 'l‘h's respect. fur womnn is carried to such a pich that. ulihmgh the Very word "l‘urk' am‘cts the natives as does a rod mix to un infuriated hull. vet. a Turkish trmellei', finding him- Traveller Tells Some Interest- ing Information pecta for the comlm; season. The propositions were placed before those orcsent. but nbthlng was declded up. m. The propositions were to place l junior or an llltei‘medlute team in hp (ML/i. or a team In the 'l‘h'mt alley League. Th9 placing or teams in the 0.14. \l did not meet with lht‘ approval n" all piwom ma many wow ol‘ lilo mlu‘unnljm that, the material avail- lhlt‘ won nol last enough for Junior H‘lluh although a good intoi‘lnodlnlo mam could lw placed on lhn imp. \ wull=known local rumor“ is wry muons lo pluoe lMl warm will: M‘s ol‘ llw lluulwa cup in lilo 'l‘rvm Valley lnmrua no lllm thuy will be able to dill'ullll mo cup llllfl coming mason. It may played u.ll.,\. ‘mcko‘v lhn‘y could not oompoto l‘m‘ MONTENEGRINS ARE. CHIVALROUS self in the wilds of the Montvnegrin mountains, would be absolutely sale we (- ho acvompnn'eri by his wife. A Montenegrin \vnuid anmwr let his ommy slip nut of his hands than run the risk of accidonmliy hurting n “om. n. 'lhis ”hit is so well known in M mix-01hr: in that tnrhnlpm muntry. who haw smn‘e dpnnite idm . i‘ return n; imnin uiim. mnke vortwn i-i it h5- being mtcnmimmmi hy their “11511: 11% §'.\\‘111 .\'1‘ 11111112. "\‘ 11119 the 11101: 111‘ 11111111111 ‘11 M1111 191111.41) 11w 11111111211111»! 111-11111“ 11: 1111111111211 111111111», 11; 1111111111; 119 311111 {11111 1111: 111111111 1111111 11 111.11 11111111 111119. 111131 3119 1111111 1191111 1111111 112111113 01 1111111113111 11111111111 111:1 1111111111611 91 «$11111, 1111, 1111111111 111% 611191 1111111111 19611 a 1119, Mommwm 3113 11911 1999119111 “11911 111m 111 1111 111111111131 11113 31911191112111“ $1111 111 111% 1111111139 11111. 61111111111111 9131199 and 9111911111: 9191119111111: wine: “The meuwm hustmm is ab: suluw MM and mama? 9V6? his win. fix the wsmm a? ma meme 5 wmn elves mi addwsa h»? Mahmud Mm. alwasa waning M him to weak: The arduous lot at the women has a amides"! Wt upon their Make. and the Montenegrm women can hardly ha regarded as beauzit‘ul-~ “Unlike their sisgers in Servia and Bulgaria. they do not pay much at' tenticn to dress. the reasons being that there is little money in the country... and that the neverâ€"ending vendettas have a habit of turning whom villages of women into widows. EDECATION SNEERED AT. “Recently Monteuegl‘o has been :0- ‘mg in for schools. Like “most everything else in the country. those The first gun in the locgf‘i hackey situation was fired last evenihg in Mr. A. M. Patcns office, when a number of hockey emhusiasts as- iembled and talked over the pros- Electric Power for Farmers ' In Towgship of Maxip‘osa and saunter gbout the streets. snob in; and talking, «hug the women do the work. Butthomm very m m Indira, And an” vau- ' It will not be long until the farm- era in West Ops and in Max-moss township will be sittln; in their easy cha'rs, pipes in their mouths and set cocked up in from. of their [1» places, while out in the yard or in the big burn the chores are being done mechanically end with routine regularity by the aid of electric cur- rent supplied by the Seymour Power Company. , Before the above company gained aocms to the Town 9f Lindsay a. promise was made that they would come to the aid of the farmers, and Hockey PrOSpects--Town Leagueand Intermediate Team are Russian. EduCation is not, however. in great repute in Monto- negro. where it is regarded as some- whit efleminate.” Some further information about the lite 6! the Montenegrins was given by lime. HitroVItch. whb lived for some years in the country. > She most noticeable habit of. the thm‘r Mums. They stroll WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY: represents the bleed shed by their countrymen in fighting their enemles, and the black is a symbol of mourn- ing {or the dead. The married wo~ men do not wear car-s. but place a black veil at. the back of their heads which streams down to the waist. "The children ha‘ve but. little edl. catlll, and in the schools lhlt do exist only Russian is spoken. Every e'tucated Montenegrin acquires his knowledge outside h‘s own country." ICnnisniore, NOV. 14.â€"A n'lmber from here attended the plowing bee h~id by Mr. Leo Sullivan. That niuhi a must mioynble time “us went in dancing and other amuse- ment. _ Miss \‘m'nia (:alvi‘n, oi lmckhurn, 4mm the week end at her home here Hume m‘ Hm pm‘wru availalzla tor this mwum are: Mwmn. MoMahnu. Mm‘cm'. Sylvvflwr. l‘aum. Nathan)". (‘uunurst I‘Iwum. Mot‘omeu. Doug: an. (Gamble. Mol'hw. llrowu. Seuu. (‘allanhan and “wow. Mr. and Mrs. .\. (teary have N.“ turned homo from thvir wedding ‘0“? and have takrn up th.-ir residence at Mlmdalo, I'lnniwmnNa a'po nt \lissns .\. Dm'un and G. Perduo were tlw guvsts of Miss Estella Hickey Sunday. Mr. ’l‘hm. .\lc.\ulim-._ot tho l-‘nnis- more con innatinn class. was suc- mssflil in winning first [who fur the "Nmnksgh'ing race. ’l‘hs town league will nlm be or»- ganinefl, and um pvmm. club or bunmmn concern Mnhlng to «liter a mun «N roquoaml to amend. Let marry Minimum man and cmmx turn mu mm Wva owning and by Hwh‘ on‘twtu rnw mm‘o puma Mud- uny nu lbw huckay map whens aha hnlunmn. in the’r bans pistols and dangers. "Unmarried girls wear little. tight- flttinz black and rod 0am. The rod HRH\\'N-â€"~Hl-Z.\l.h. A very [\n‘tly fn‘l \“edtlmg Was mlnmnmfl nn “bdnwday. .\’n\'. 13. 1912. M Lunchm, mm. whm Minn l-ihm‘Mh I‘mrl nun hwmm‘ m» Mime of Mr. “my t". “hum. M We mm‘ r'h‘. I‘M M \‘V‘. am! Mrs. duh“ l4. I‘Nm. M 'Um‘sny. ’l‘hn hum- mum; v-mwnmx_\ \ma wrmrm-M h_\ We. Vt: “nut. m We I‘V‘WK‘" M a wm‘w u' mmm mmm fin “MM‘ wins \H‘h mmm‘mu Lindsay mm: 'm mam“: “may M'semmm m an. and MN. umwm m. 1mm umwm Mm was kw game time in ma t‘nlgm‘y mm mm at me “mama“! 09mm PM man I!“ who» was W‘QMLV' tan 19 WNW Mm 5 mm mm 9? the mar- pmv‘a hug-moan in the Nam mm the Hughes cup as O.H.A. players are barred. The prospects of a town league loomed up as a paying concern as four good teams can be placed on the ice. It was also decided to hold a monster public meeting in the council chamber on Frlday own- In: or next week [or the purpose of organizing for the coming mason and to decide what class of teams and in what loagué they should he placed. era in Mariposa township have agreed to buy current, and} it is expected that the company will very" ‘shortly commence installation operations by erecting a. transmission line. This will “being: free of cost to the farm- er, "wfio :will be called upon only to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made on be- half of the Georgian Bay and Sea- board Railway Company and the Cnnadian Pmific Railway Company, its Lessee. to the Board of Rtilway Commissiofiera for Ctnuit. at the expiration of one month 1mm ~the date or the first insertion of this notice. 01-30qu the application} can be heard. {or a. re- ommendatiOn to tho' Gavel-achin- Oouncil (or The “notional unquaâ€" ment between the nib two Camp-n- iu. dtted 3rd, Octobc. 1912. Vfl'r' than, dated 18': Jam. 1910. before long it is proposed to cqrry out that promise. During the days of the Lindsay Central Fair . large m'mter of farmers examined the fine exhibit made by this company, and the enthusiasm was aroused; the re- sult being that recently many farm‘- pay 'the" running expenses- This notice is given pursuant to mzmvisions 0! Section 361 o! the Railway Act. '3 SoIicitor for mid Comm. Dated at antml this 16th dgy of m, 191-2. PK NISMURE. H\'MF‘..\'I'I.\I. mmx Ma tmenM l Wm m We [MW‘ M “Vim! 1mm». NOTICE E. W. BEATI‘Y, Hm u-‘Qy m" a ymr. “‘9 MI mm! in tin Hm mu m: ran fur nur [mums Q My \W'w um “um“. Hu “1““ m» Maw." MM)“: mun». may Ml MUM imnmm M: g mu- M" mu mt Mum mm M‘N‘k‘x Th: nm yawn-m «mm km “N t‘Wll‘Il hi mm M “w mumm Lu: yaw \‘mmu hi mu “I‘m an»? MW- in: m du‘s- hm warm “mum Imam mu am mimm M a “at“? Main“: “‘fim‘u \m MIX: The mmum in ma amt: “w mm men may MW \9 “mm the km- «5 Mb g “Wm “1 mm! “at m hm mm or loom only-one but \a out new.“ Father Dunigan Does Not Neglect Dual Duties RBCTOR MAKES {0.1) MW .\1 (he first cmmcil mwlmg m» plemlvd fur hmmuny. 1|» mm m mum-um m m» Mdonnm: “\Ve'n all Morda mumheh Nmmn m rm Hm v‘h- m»: n 51M. “‘0 «m “an! m The «when \Mm\ n (“W and to». marked um the “at “out me am number. mm mm: and um mm‘ Peoria, Ill.â€"“I wish to let every U": know whttLydixlE. Pinkham’sVog‘euble , , .. Compound has done for me. Fortwoyesra ’. , I suffered. The doe- - f torsaidlhadatumor ’ g and the only remedy -was the surgeon’s . - knife. My mother bought me Lydia E. ‘ Pinkham’s Vegeta~ ' ble Compound, and today I am a well and - healthy woman. For months I suffered 'He likes to camp am! to hunt md to fish. He likes-the. wild places.‘ Some city, he says. with sparkling eyes. he in going to mm the “big trip"--o. 5. ooo-mue moo journey. down the Yukon. A little incident that my throw sidelight on his character Hem m, with 3, ,group of other muons! guard-men in unitorm in thelgbbyoq the Kate! .mm. gt. Port Wesh relieved me. myone whet your medicines hove done for me. You can use my teetimoniei in onyweyyouwieh, and Iwillbegied to newer lettere."-â€" Mrs. CHRISTINA Reno, 106 Mound St, Peorie, Ill. Mn. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. . Jeeeup. Pe.-"After thermal: or my fourth child, I bed severe orgenic indem- metion. iwonld hove each terrible poina thet it did noteeem on though Ioonld etend it. Thin kept up for three long months. undl two doctore decided thet an o redon wee needed. " hen one of my friende reeommulded Lydie E. Pinkhem’e Vegetable Com- und end otter tekins it for two months wee o well mnen.”-iire. Joel!!! A. LYNCH. J enup. Po. Women who suffer from femeie iile should try ie E. Pinkhem'e Verte- blo Compoun . one of the moat eueeeee- iul remedine the world hen ever known, before submitting to e eurcicel open. don. ', ONTARIO. * geon s first cmml‘il mm‘Hng hp “I wish to letigverg one “‘1‘ (‘6 h r in 1“ 53:2,“ 0:," mmm ram-1mm pay tow ”‘3'"; HEAVY WIRE FENCING I and) me “bi; sour-mil armour. n! ‘30c‘ PER ROD The others poked a little mild mu at him. Father Dunlgan didn‘t. He didn't poke tun; he didn't mo- ralize;l he*didn't turn away in disâ€" gust. He just accepted the drunk as an absolute, concrete fact. “hon the party '_‘ oifiéers got rede to leave. Father Dunigan put out. his hand and said unconcernedly to the drunk: _”“Wcl|, good-bye, old me. 1 was so nervous 1 could not eat or sleep 3nd could not even do my work, and l failed m a shadow. Final] 1 con- sented to try Milburn'a Heart Nerve Pills, and hove only taken two box and am able to work as well an ever. on can eat and sleep as well as aver 1 did. 1 can’t, praise your medicine too highly. MV wife is taking them now for palpita- Lion 01 the heart and is improving neatly.“ The drunk shook hands. A bewil- dened look crassed his face. He blinked after {'0 dc‘arting figure. Then he straighttned up. rallied- his faculties and tried to act as thong?! he were sober. ' , But he walku-l out as proudly and as could. He had met the human soul bcn alcoholâ€"a man “ho just us a, brother. Mflburn’u UM 1M Nave rm- wm' , , . . . . m the demand m w lull - e lJl‘LhARlAts (Hum-J: \l. Mum‘s figfigty.m b . must-1H“ ‘ y 0 .V M Ill ' (in; s " g ‘ ' ~ ‘, __ - . efiectonthon centu.andwil toneup om't, .1 ulfnuim, .\m. h. mn the whole “new to a Meet coodii' . leral hohv hermz, cmnmandmg the Mr. 6.00m McBenth, Round [in], Brigade “hich udxum'm! «m the $913., mainâ€"“l “kawthe Messages! h‘chamlja fortifications and an par- .ung vou . gnu. t ' . .- . V H. Mllburn'o Beam and Nerve Pills did for null} “um um mum" .” "m me. 1 'a .0 nervous I could a“ at 0' ieral gave wrung (H‘d-‘x‘s, nil-'1‘ ad- slecpiugdeould not evendpmywork, and failed wgsbadgw. l‘mnll loon- praisin; them for ”Mr ('H'H'ML'". was septadeo alumna-Hem Nerve a mum b, K‘ , ..-_.1' . g .h PMS. and ve only tnken two he ‘ I pp ' 3 m“ ”' mm" “ n m" 3:! blamed him. publicl} fur hh o'rrur ._ -LI- s- ”nu-l. -- “II a. an. a dressing the remnums ”1‘ his farm Lindsay Men Aucd as Valuators , â€"-â€"- 'AIDED MATERHLLY In' my Second many-now. Hug!!! Devon MINISTER or \HH'rn. M It. J00. 33.8.“. 9‘ the “9" The (‘adet mownwm hm “mm, gang. in". "tum M Comm-m.“ more rapidly than (“or {mm m any Optlt “03".” ‘0‘ Fr“' time the aivpnin'mvm uf ml. "w “y In comp.” '“h ‘f- a“. nick“ “OI. Sum Illlu‘hc‘fl nu M‘NNH‘I‘ “t go. Raw. 0! lunch. a "Mum mum and ll‘fmu‘v fur xlw Immm- on mama-flu and «army lund‘ Inn. Rocnm‘linnu Hm hm mm m- m: m onnudlm mom Rnflwny lentrenmh at tho mnmu mu m W ’1‘... M, R0". W. ‘h. C.anu "I : youth. (‘nhmol "\lghm- nmdn “on”. “me. an m” mum and “.mm pun-Mun fur thmr n-aznng m \Ilultfl‘l. “I hard DON" t mm? Mn MHmMM fur ’tw war. and M at u‘blu‘tuon. compound 0‘ "M” ‘ mull, Hmw hm Iuwn :5 mm" m. harbor. "“6“. “0.." “(I J“dK. 0M“ NI “Harm” an \H‘ll «a m "um. W30. A“?! MIMI “I “to 0"" Wu. ‘l‘lm nmmuuuum m um done. th. «no I’ll “Journal NH (‘gdu imtrurhu‘u mm anwmw gm. lawn» and. mo «Miro lmmuuuu “m. .mu ut m, nerve: becom- w autumn they mnot sleep. ad wherever there an ane- troubled in thin way the will find amt Milburn'l Hem md mo Pill: will canton the deranged nerves :0 ml! Life and utivity.,__ . . . . Money In a upland“! sum-Imam tur Lulu in name mm. u receipt. 0! {rt-ice) by The yo" Limited. omnto, Ont. .- ‘ljfié'ériua o! Milburn’a Heart and Nerve .‘ills is 50 cents Yer box, 3 boxes for 81.25. For mic at a! dealer. or mulod direct WAS so NERVOUS * com not w on user. i J. HUGHES” ‘33::- BMW?) TO MAKE SURE ()F W.G.Blair on We An «lies And Gentlemen’s Taihrs. Lindsay Streak 5. He hud met a man All No. 9 Galvanized Steel Wire. Blairs’ Tailoring ALWAYS PLEASES Hm your on!» M‘ fur «My dustbin? u the Ming mm»: pa 0|§liu=~ M | WMIWIS‘ buoy om, bcn‘éth the fog 0‘ who had tmwd him .5 straight and weful‘)‘ “.5 he 15 0F DRY FEET CALL HST A PAIR OF ho S? w Ind William Sweet. ’fluge Plans For E the St. Lawrence Ottawa Nov.15.'-|he da: the St. Lawrence at two p atwgen Montreal and Present posed in two gigantic pouer now before the Boxd: n (:0 for consideration. m Long Sault lmuélnpmont | tum MuminIJm (‘ompanx of Ame: up Eastern (anuda I'Ouer C 'M- Sir Max Aida-n and h D ”Gibbon, and other ominom 3 'tretl English and lniled St ”innate, are lining plane for Wing of th- St. [gun-nu- 3| tum Lu"; Sault Rapids [rum American to the (‘anadian side, of developing 800.000 elect -horse power. Th- second 3c] involves the bringing of the lew the St. Lawrence in the Vicinih . mun thaw ham Imun n gm! m 9".“ “1 ‘NH‘M‘ an \H‘N an m "um. bol'u. Tho uppniuum-m «t tuna Cadet luutructurn mu! mun-Mun (a, the ODUN Immhuuu \uu mm at tho moat immrum mm”: m..." by a. mmm. and HI trmu “a. “My 1mm!" in "In im-Iw‘wd mhkuoy at 0th curls! at lung“. «'ul. Hugh” Mk. . deep lwrnunul Hum-m in m. mownt. and has dmu- muvh m «a- cow it “id. from \he “shun. ”domed ill an omCial capacity. Catharina, died at ”W emu of 70. THURS DA Y '1‘” Lon” bault lN‘WPIupmmt CO the Aluminum (‘ompam of _m\ men“: the Eastern Canada, 1'0“" Com M‘, Sir Max Aitken and in 140mg ”Gibbon, and other amino,“ Mon- M, English and lniled Sum papitlllists, are laxing Plans fol. the damning of th- St. Laxwunq. “m. the Long Sault Rapids [mm the American to the (‘anadian side, and of developing 800,000 electrical horse power. Th- secmd 3mm involves the hrinqing of the “We! of the St. Lawrence in the \‘iCinity 0' Couuu, Cedar, Split Rock and C“. code Rapids to the level of the \ut. ct in La‘m St. Francis. which would provide a head of 85 feet and dam the water at, (‘ascade Point to m. Cornwall canal. THE CADET MOVEMENT Pa‘ The warm storm 0' "“' ""““' uponed from the um” ink?“ DRAMA TIC SUICIDE . NOVEIQBER 21 of H l‘he~,dammin‘.« two Wilts he- lirescott is h M xecuted 'Vernmut \XD H50" himself Mum! mrn ”Mu? \‘MIh. cm I We "non for an. mu "75¢ “M m:- lefl' ."Gt‘k Vuil‘ ‘M. 88' and 223“, m1 [MW' Hanna 1 ml AM. “[0,"... ... . Wom's mu Hi: I»: 388C for 891'. 55c kiln A“ MU' and vhll auditioned in um- um reduction of 12:. {'m' A yvpntk. convert a irtrg. ”5”“ stock into lcady 0.. “ii“. There will he 21' in: over prices. nu tux-u; Mgr Vesta and ”a “mm. mt. ‘4 w. ”I. 4“; IN 1‘ 1.10. “kw-- In Hosiery and Under 18 Inch Lino-n 'l and red ford". rm.- [a Flannel.“ H'h W m hflVr “an on Visit thés KW“ \\ “\dd m 5M! W In» Him \n- ‘9 W“ «Hind.» “h“..x 3““ v m; ammun- m M \w u . M! Mun “MW hump M WHHM M. N‘.\fill Irnfim. ‘W [.60. «to M Mvmm‘ ' 1‘! ‘lM!‘ «\p, U! «at» \mw! fl mom“. r m M W9 v as told by ‘ Four mumhs M“! a cum 1 it (,‘mmu- h. in. BM. «I Ml“ “mm m thaw m- .“ 0f 0 h '[hhi q‘k‘tfl it (“‘19 for flu- worst 3N! N m m ‘ur ‘3 (-Midwn‘n QppOrtunity is E ‘cmmm‘n "fl It 50, 5810 (“I CW: Night Gowns fl ”Omen: of one" I. m cordially invit To wellings we lm our intentit YICTO WEEKS was in our “u SECIKI‘ I I 895 NM \\ If WI

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