n the service of Santa Claus all week. things suitable for Christmas-giving to the people who have grown away The people ut the1r dollars and cents to count for actual civil-If 9m Those words at the ...... hi LindgaySteam Laundry WM?) am (3166“ {he Watchmanâ€"Warm {hast polish. This store is yours to look timeâ€"you’re always welcomeâ€" this Christmas week. through or to buy in any but never more so than - 'Io‘ LIFFORD Try Cinnamon Everson. Lindsay, for orosscnt saws, axes, axe-handles, etc. It will pay you. The following is a statement of the busineas of the Fleetwood cheese factory‘ for the past season: Amount of milk for 7141bs; cheese made, 172,- 205 lbs; total proceeds for season $17.- 426.46; average price for 100 lbs. milk, 78:; number of lbs. of milk to make one pound of cheese 10.72; average price of lb. of cheese 8 fraction over 10c. season, 1,845, Get face to face With the goods. 'L'nere's a collection of really good things for Men and Boys women too, Who want hints of What their hu: gentlemen friends would like. Men’s Suits,. . . . . . . . Men’s Overcoats. . . . Men's Ulsters ...... . Men’s Reefers. . . . . . Men’s neexcra. . . . . Boys’ Suits. . . . . . . . Boys’ Reefers, ..... Boys’ Overcoats. . . . Boys’ U Isters. ...... THURSDAY, DEC. 14th, 1899. J AN E TVILLE sacial will be held at the Mrs. 'v'v'm. Jordan on 28%). A cspita‘ A basket residence of Thursday evening Dec. OUR CORRESPONDENTS 20055 as ï¬msbed pliable and with b. No acids used. LETTERS FROM descnbe the articles laundered JBS. EflRRflLL WATCH GRAHAM GROW the program has been arranged, invitation extended to all. bring a basket . pocket cutlery, carving rifles etc., etc, very an‘ aunts. Try them. GRASS HILL Our Literary Society is progressing, d that would do Threshing is the order Everybody is ï¬lled with thresh at once, and the W in the neighborhood an best; to accommodate all. and oft-repulsed onslaught of bluster- ing King Winter. He has now come, clad in his regal robe of feathery white, accompanied by Jack Frost and his ‘famous Lancers, to set up his despotic ohgarchy. Another shower of snow and Santa will still be enabled to pay When last heard as a flying vzsit. from he was located at a little to Grant's Landâ€"80" north latitudeâ€"his sleds fully laden and his reindeer im- patiently waiting to be off on their southward journey over the house tops. Mr. Rich. Moaee who has been on the sick list, is now said to be improving. Mr. Wm. Rodgers and wife of Zion spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Rodmau. Mina Ayers is visiting her cousin Miss iDowner. The Champion Range sold by C and Everaon, Lindsay, is 8 gm: and easy on fuel. 0n Sabbath Iaet our pastor, Rev. Mr. ‘ Robeson, preached a very instructive I sermon taken from the book of J edges» the 16th chapter and the 20th verse, “And she said, the Philistines be upon thee. Samson, and awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out: as at other times before and shake myself and he wish not that the Lord was departed from him.†On Friday evening last a number of friends gathered at the home 0f Mrs. Rodman to epend the evening: with her eon-in-law, Mr. Corneii, and present him with a writing desk before he takes 1118 a departure from our midst). A good pro. . gram consisting of recitations, vocal and googig There’s a splendid AA- nnA SUUUVO ‘“V- for Men and desâ€"ï¬es, and of What their husbands or :. Everaon’s, Lindsay, is for sleigh-belle, table and , carving sets, lamps, alt , very suitable Xmas pre- FINGERBOARD "ganged, A cordial to all. Come and order of the dai- witb a. desire to the two machines d are doing their Men’s 'Naterproof Coats. .$2.25 to $10 Men's Underwear ........ 25c to $1.00 Boys’ Underwear ...... .. ..2oc to 75¢ Men’s Cardigan Jackets. . ..50c to $1.00 Boys’ Sweaters .......... 25c to 75c Boys’ Hosiery ........... 15e to 50¢ Men’s Gloves ........ c..:25c to $1.25 Men’s Umbrellas ......... 50c to 2.00 sold by Cinnamon in a great heater which came the address and presentation. ‘ Although Mr. Comeil was taken by sur- prise he made 3 number of suitable re- marks and thanked the people for their kindness to him during his Stay among. them. A .____â€" ZIONâ€"â€"CA RTWRIGIIT During the week past threshing has been the order of the day. Mr. Ed. Morgan of Emily also was a visitor in our corner recently. Mr. and Miss Campbell and Mr. Anderson of Ianetvnlle spent Sunday lab Mr. Glenny’s. V hich csme the address sud presentation. 1 irons, and it is to be regreoted that partomr or an cx [though Mr. Comeil '85 taken 137 NF 1 c a few whom this would have help- The PIT-“=1“8 we ly and approp use he made 3 number of euitable re- . twere nob present. The secretary’s Some others fron write and thanked the people for their books showed that during the season lndnees to him during his Stay among _ . but were unsb - 1 390 284 pounds of milk were deliver- . . ’ ‘ illness or distant hem. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"+-â€"-â€"â€"- ed and 128,358 ounds of cheese were . ZIONâ€"â€"CAI:TWRIGIIT .1 p 5"“ 3 “Pu." hm“ _ . made. Ihe gross value of the cheese We all 1010 in w During the week past threshing hes Q19 9â€",. 9- Th 1' . h der of the da iwas e a. m). a. 6 cost 0 manu-‘prosperous hie._ seen t e or y' ‘fscturing was $2,567.16. The net:‘ C M“ Ed' Morgan Of Emily also was value to the patrons less the insurance} All 11 b svxsitor 1n ouncorner recently. 30f $11.40 Was $10,377.43. The price] b Ptb1e 015:: Mr. and Miss Campbell and ML-ot milk per cwb. to the patrons was t;d° :1 “1‘ Anderson of ]anetv1lle spent Sunday I 74.6c. The average number of pounds w od 3“ e -’-' at M“ Glenny’s. tof milk to the pound of cheese was goColdm:eath We have waited patiently for tbcilOï¬ pounds, and the price of cheese Pre are for . lake to freeze for skating as some Of’per pound was 10.08 or 10% cents. Cinfmmon ; our young people are very fond of that The increase over last year is: In can bu a stov milk,188,151 lbs; in cheese, 16,289 moneyyenongh exercise. 33.999 43 3 in net for the childre Mr. and Miss Buckley and Miss lbs; in gross value, Cowsn of Orono spent a. few days of value, 33.665199. -â€"-¢-â€"â€"' LIT ‘lasb week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 lGlenney. CAMERON- 'Mr. M. We Rev. Mr. Emerson sddressed the his new hous There is one scarcity in our corner, ‘ and that is of young ladies. Never: 1 theless dame rumour says we are going to lose one of our most popular young ladies, and we think that accounts for the sorrowful counten- ance of some of our young men. But cheer up boys the blue wavelets need not be an insurmountable barrier, you can occasionally take your line and go ï¬shing, and it is just a pleasant sail up stream in the golden glory of our western sunset, or a delightful skate by moonlight when nature’s bridge is formed. We sincerely hope her place l [may not be vacant. OJIEMEE ‘ he annual meeting of the Omcmee cheese ’factory was held Dec. 12th, and if numbers, harmony. enthusiasm and brilliant oratory constitute a successful meeting then this one was s decidea success. The meeting was ‘cslled to order by Mr. H. Nugenb, chairman. and after a. few remarks Mr. George Balfour, the patrons’ auditor, took the floor. This worthy compares favorably with the Hon. G. THE WAT CHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. 0N1 E. Foster for abiiity in wrestling with ï¬gures and purity of eloquence. He showed that he had examined care- fully the secretary’s boc-ks for the aeaéon, and found that) the patrons had received their due amount. He also explained a few points that have been stumbling blocks to many Men’s Mufflers .......... 25c to $1.50 Men’s Neckwear of the Newest and “Latest Out†designs. Special values in all lines for Holiday Gifts Silk Ties and Bows ........ 15c to 25c Satin Four-in-Hand ........ 20c to 50c Silk Knots and String Ties ....... 25c Men’s Hosiery ............ 25c to 50c Men’s Dress Shirts .......... 40c to $1 CA M 12‘ RON. Rev. Mr. Emerson addressed the Christian Endeavor lest Fridey evening and gave an excellent discourse. Mr. Albert Downer, who has been making cheese ln North Verulem durlug‘ the past summer. is now home again. ‘Mauy were pleased to see him looking so Well. Cold weather will soon be here. Pre- pare for it by getting a stove at Cinnamon and Eversou’e. Llndsay. You can buy a stove from them and awe money enough to buy Xmas presents for the chlldren. Just try them. At the last regular meeting of Cameron At: the last regular meeting of Cameron L.0.L. 539. the following oï¬icera were elected: W. M., Mr. Oakley ; D. M., Walker Townsend ; R. S , Jae. Martin ; troaanrer, Man‘my Maybee ; chaplain. J. Perrin ; secretary, John Cook ; dir- actor 0f ceremonies, Isaac Perrin ; sen- lior committee. A. E. Minbhorne. p-‘v-__ Neuter Townsend ; R. S , Jae. Martin ; measurer. Manley Maybee ; chaplain. I. Perrin ; secretary, John Cook ; dir- actor of ceremonies, Isaac Perrln ; sen- ior committee. A. E. Minthorne. 0n the 13th, lnst., there took place at the residence of Mr. James Bryson Of this village, a very pleasant and quiet wedding. The contracting parties were his daughter Mary Ann and Mr. Samuel Wilson of Oakwood. At about 7.30 P-mu the wedding march being played by Mrs Snowdon of Cambray. the groom accom- panied by Mr. A. E. Bryson. brother of the bride. took their places in the beauti- fnl parlor beneath an arch of buntlng~ tastily arranged tor the occasion. and shortly afterwards the bride leaning upon her brother William’s arm took her place beside the groom. The Rev. Mr. Snow- don. assisted by the Rev. Mr. Horton of Bobcaygeon, gave declarations to the fact that the two were one. After con- gratulations and good wishes, the gueslg fr ShadoVVS Before m Q is rapidly measuring off. the n ' ; tween now and Christmas Eve 3 EARLY BUYING. Our store 9/ GRAND END-OF-THE-YEA] ample opportunities for easy SACRIFICE PRICES! there’ measuring oï¬ the minutes that intervene be- “is: ristmas Eve, reminding you to practice El EARLY BUYING. Our store is a sight to see, and our @ GRAND END-OF-THE-YEAR BARGAIN SALE gives i353} unities for easy selection. But, While We (s: SACRIFICE PRICES, there’s no limit of sacriï¬ce, of E 'n the picking of them. Let us give jg 8 you just a. few hints to help you in “The Joy of Giving"; 02 a: If? shed that psrtook of an excellent weddeng supper. fig Wthh $388865 over bl; 35:37.8â€. we help, The presents were very numerous, cost. Eng sererel 0‘1le and. bT'fl-‘ï¬am 1‘3 , ly sud s ro riste to the occasion mg hls overcoat into “35°35- acretsry 8 pp p ~ - . cou le of skaters on the creek tried Some others from a distance were invrted P - _ , avord the team and ran 1:110 aw l8 season . . but were unable to get there owing to . . . 1 -‘ re deliver- . ,. bolt, striking their noses. and .em illness or distance. Mr. and Mrs. “11- - ~ '. : gese were , f t h '11 be Y 1 tie a pool of blood on the ice 33.0“. sons u ure ome w: near aen . bridge. Taking on south sgamt 1e cheese We all join in wishing them a happy and team run on till they came in front of manu- ! prosperous life. 511-. Barrow Clough’e. Where they: The net} C A M B RA y each side of e telegraph p016, 53131 it over, smashing the tongue, rgs 'i‘rgsurï¬goel All the boys and girls are going to harness b Rd}? A telephone to L: e Pr'celthe Public Library concert: at Oak- wood broughs young Brandon'sbrcd helped him me :rons was . , A A ‘wood on the 29th. They are sure of a m a short time, who ._. ' ' things enough to return home. 4__â€"â€"â€"â€"--""/ ...15c to 25c ....20c to 50C ‘iCS.-----°25C con-25C to 50C .....4oct0$I was wood 0n the 20th. They at mds good time. was Cold weather will soox: eeee Prepare for it by getting .nts. Cinnamon Everson’s, Li: Cold weather will soon be here. Prepare for it by getting a stove at Cinnamon Everson’s, Lindsay. can buy a above from them and 5 money enough to buy Xmas presents for the children. J usb try them. You ave LITTLE BRITAIN Mr. M. Wallis has his cellar dug 1' his new house which he is about: erect on his lot. I i Miss Jessie Alexander, the famous elocntionist, will appear at Little Britain, 0:) Dec. 27th. Don’t fail bo| hear her. ‘ A large number of our citizens in“ tend going to the Public Library con-‘ earn an Oakwood on the 29th. l‘hey say it, is not to be missed. - Mr. F. Meander has six men em- played to cut his wood this winter. They expect to ï¬nish six acres before Last. Sunday the remains of Miss M, Webber were laid in the Methodist cemetery. She leaves many friends to mourn her loss. The funeral was largely attended. ‘7 Monev saved is money made. Very many people have realized tune fact that money can be saved in purchasing stoves and“ hardware supplies at) Cinnamon Everson’s. Lindsay. What: proved to be an exciting time took place here last Saturday. AS [the Canningbon baker was selling Mrs. W. J. Hooper bread the team became‘ frightened at something and ran, not giving Mr. Brandon time to close the door of his rig. He grabbed one line and hung on, while bread, buns and cakes were scattered along the road. Instead of crossing the bridge the team took down across the creek. Going down the incline young Brandon lost his froting and was pulled under the CAMERA 1" ya and girls are going to Library concern at Oak- n 29th. They are sure of a 500 Men’s Frieze Pants, on'iy. . . .S1.oo Men's All-Wool Tweed Pants 1,25 300 Men’s Heavy Pants, only ..... â€-zc 275 zoo Men’s Black Worsted Pants. .31. 2: Boys’ All-VVool Tweed Pants.. . . ..35c 200 BOVS’ Pants. only. o o o o o c o o a z : 118C 50 dozen Men’s heavy all-wool Sox. . 20 dozen Men’s Winter Caps, 25c to .I ’ dozen Boys’ Laps ........ 15c to 50¢ Doors East of Benso House is about Lu "Tue DECEMBER 215T The Crow of Group. It strikes terror to a mo: have her child wake up at croupy cough. Child can scarcely speal breatheâ€"seems to be choking ’ ' f , â€" In} Mrs. Wm. Young, In “One ymr ago our little attack of inflammation ( Group. which left a bad w} 3â€"-â€"= ‘n “b.-vâ€" Group. vvvilich left a bad w “We were advised to Norway Pine Syrup. whi (2112‘ “Now we alwa} keep this remedy i the house. as it exec all others for £1 severest kindsof coug? or colds." Laxa-leep r feet remedy kmmn stipation, Dvspepsia Headache. Do 110“ -Devw um:a Ste Muie,W1n'80 . gen! T c. Hatchet A 0.? 8- OFFICE' GENERAL PUBLIC "Single ï¬rst Class Fare. 590mg V“ returning“ mm Dec. 36. b IUD“! an", _ ..... Single First Clues Fae 22 to 25; 1'8“!nt (0n surrender of Certiï¬ute Bi: .- , smgle Fxm Clues megd 000â€"333,? ‘ Jln- 1' l 4 [buff 9 to 8]. 1899: returning all h Between sll stations in maria. PM as :ï¬lhrie: Windsor and ' e. Mach, 3: d Detroltk‘x .ud 115w. FROI, Suspension Brid;e. ‘ - -v comma». Tangy v'w- ..__ (0n precaution of Con Certiï¬cste) Slnzle First Chas Fare. returning until Jul. 3, 19‘ .Betvaan :51 stations in! $08 Hula, Windsor and ‘Xow we MVP-3'5 ~p this rcme .'_\ i3 .honse as is exc -~ others for ~19 rarestkindsoicoug 115 colds.“ Return tickets Do not gnP We" will beecldfld Par Zlefl‘ ’ Agen MON m Bloc] : Street a Sui1 est hvé sin