w e 11’s 3 Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., ; specialty. i Being a practical workman, all should see his signs and compare prices before purchasing .elae- ‘ here. WORKS â€"In the rear of the Market enjoy. abridge- .Zoppoflte the packing house. is preoared to fumiqh :ha oeow‘ of Lindsay and sur- rounding country with MONUKENI‘S andzflEAD- STONES, boih Marble and Granite. ; MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CLERK. Little Britain, - O Insurance Agent for the following Companies: wDéposits of $1 .00 and upward taken, with- dmwable at any time, upon which currentIrates of_interest will be allowed..â€", Lindsay Marhle Works Debentures issued for periodszof from one to ï¬ve years for sums of $100 and upwards. Interest coupons attached, payable hatfâ€"yeaxly at 4 per cent._ ‘ - n s u The Victoria Loan and 03 town and farm property aticurrent rates of interest. Costs moderate, and no delay. Incorporated under Cap. 169, R. s. 0. Head Ofï¬ce, LINDSAY, ONT. Money to Loan. LIFEâ€"The North American. FIREâ€"The Gore Mutual, The Equity, The Victoria. Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. ssuer of Marriage Licenses R. G. Cornefl, LINDSAY Onlu First-Glass companies RGD‘I’BSGMGG Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery The undersigned is prepared to loan money :1 large amounts on good Farm or Town Pro- rerty at 4% per cent per annum. Smaller was at slightly increased rates. McSWEYN WELDON, ’ Solicitors, etc., new Ontario Bank building, .indsay‘. min Omemee every Monday.â€"37. 1 LLSVC mwv .lLGMavmvuw-v- r-‘wâ€"o W mutiny of Loans on Farm Prope ya: Five and Six ’er Cent. Interest. All Loans will be put. through ï¬sh the least. possible delay and expenses. Insurance effected on Town, Vil- lage and Farm Property. OUR MflQWOOG, James LOW. HHE INSURANCE! The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommend ed yall druggists in Canada. On 1 breli‘ able medicine discove . Si: [cages guaranteed to cure all ‘ : Weakness, Wall effects of abuse 31’ excess, Mental Won-y. Excessive use of T0- bacco Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipli ’ Ii:‘Dï¬ce one geek? 81. six. 85.0714:me “22326 cure. am hlets free toaan address. The Wogd OWLW d803, 03‘! @‘Vood’s Pbosphare ls sold 19 Lindsay by Gregory Dmggist. Ofï¬ce at Oakwood â€"â€" Monday, Iednesday and Friday. '. T. R. Railway System 33'1“ iiWk‘LAmvaâ€"E' ROBT. CHAMBERS ’. B. Weldon SAVINGS COMPANY ‘icket; to all points in Ontario, “the North- :nd British Columbia. Full information Savings Department We Charges Moderate 099- Benson House, Lindsay Express Oflice, Lindsay MONEY TO LOAN urniture and Undertaking HONEY TO LOAN W\ \Mh’ I}. ‘ v "mama". . E. Tangney’ DECEMBER 2 IST, 1899 ‘ _: GEO. TAYLOR. of Marriage Licenses :onveyancing in all it’s forms ROBT CHAMBERS Ajj Wood’s Phosphodine, President GEO. WILDER, Clerk of Verulam T? ’54 oboay geon Cent. No Solicitors’ 'Fees or . ‘ Comimssion ' Secretary Ont. PILLARS OF SMOKE THE ARBITER 0F NATIONS Washington, Dec. 17.â€"â€"The trials through which the truth has strug- gled are by Dr. Talmage here set forth under a Bible symbol of great suggest-iveness and ROWer; text, Solomon’s Song iii, 6, “Who is this that cometh out of the Wilderness like pillars of smoke?†The Church Called to That High Position â€"Bev. Dr. Talmaze on the Struggle: Which Truth Must Enduro Before It Is Enthroned Triumphanflyâ€"Mflrtrrs to the Faithâ€"Their Smoke 8 Pillar. ‘saints, Whose bones Lie scattered on the Alpine mount-‘ ains cold. The smoke of martyrs†homes and martyrs’ bodies if rolling up all at. once would have eclipsed the noon- day sun and turned the brightest day the world ever saw into a midnight. “Who is this that cometh up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke?" Has peresecution ceased? Asl’ that young man who is trying to be a Christian in a store or factory; where from morning to night he is the butt of all the mean witticisms of unbelieving employes. Ask that wife whose husband makes her fond- ness for the house of God and even her kneeling prayer by the bedside a derision and is no more ï¬t for her holy companionship thab a ï¬lthy cow would be a fit companion for a robin or a. golden oriole. Compromise with the World and surrender to its con- ventionalities and it may let you alone, but all Who 'will live godly in Jesus Christ must suffer persecution. Be a theatre going, card playing, Wine drinking, round dancing Christ- ian, and you may escape criticism and social pressure. But be an up and down, out and out follower of Christ, and wor'ldling will wink to worldling as he speaks your name, and you will be put in many a dog- geral and snubbed. if); -those not DIVINE SYMBOL WHICH TYPIFIES GOD'S POWER AND MERCY. The architecture of the smoke is wondrous, whether God with his ï¬nger curves it into a. cloud, or rounds it into a dome, or points it in a. spire, or spreads if, in a. Wing, or, as in the text, hoists it in a pillar. Watch it winding up from the country farmhouse in the early morn- ing, showing that the pastoral inâ€" dustries have begun, or see it as- cending from the chimneys of the city, telling of the homes fed, the factories turning out valuable fab- rics, the printing presses preparing book and newspaper, and all the 10,- 000 wheels of work in motion. On a clear day this vapor spoken of mounts with such buoyancy and spreads such a delicate veil across the sky and traces such graceful lines of circle and semicircle and waves and tosses and sinks and soars and scatters with such affluence of shape and color and suggestiveness that if you have never no- ticed it you are like a. man Who has all his life lived in Paris and yet never seen the Lux- embourg, or all his life in Rome and never seen the Vatican, or all his life at Lockport and never seen Niaâ€" gara. Forty-four times the Bible speaks of the smoke, and it is about time that somebody. preached a ser- mon recognizing this strange, weird, beautiful, elastic, charming, terriï¬c and fascinating vapor. Across the Bible sky floats the smoke of Sinai, the smo'ke of Sodom, the smoke of Ai, the smoke of the pit, the smoke of the volcanic hills when God touch- es them, and in my. text the glor- ious church of God coming up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke. Witness the sufferings of the Wal- denses, of the Albigenses, of the Nes- torians. Witness St. Bartholomew’s massacre. Witness the Duke of Alva driving out of life 18,000 Christians. Witness Herod and Nero and Decius and Hildebrand and Torquemada and Earl of Montfort and Lord Claverâ€" house, who, when told that he must give account for his cruelties, said : "I have no need to account to man, and, as for God, ‘I will take him in my own hands.†A red line runs through the church history of 1,900 years, a line of ,blood. Not by the hundreds of thousands, but by the millions must we count those slain ior Christ's sake. No ' wonder John Milton put the groans of the martyrs to an immortal tune, writing: Avenge, O Lord, ithy slaughtered Latimer burned at Oxford, John Rogers burned at Smithï¬eld, John Hooper burned at Gloucester, John Huss burned at Constance, Lawrence Saunders burned at Coventry, Joan of Arc burned at Rouen. Catholicism as Well as Protestant- iam has had its martyrs. It does seem as if when any one sect got complete domination in any land the devil of persecution and cruelty took possession of that sect. Then see the Catholics after the -Hugue- nots. See the gentfles after the-Jers in Touraine, where a great pit was dug and ï¬re hghted at the bottoni of the pit, and 160 Jewish victims were consumed. See the Presbyterian Parliament of England, more tyran- nical in their treatment of opponents than had been the criminal courts. Persecution against the Baptists by Paedoâ€"Baptists. Persecution of the Established church against the Me- thodist church Persecution against the Presbyterians. Under Emperor Diocletian 144,000 Christians were massacred, and 700,000 more of them died from banishment and ex- posure. In the ï¬rst place, these pillars of smoke in my text indicate the suf- fering the church of God has endured. What do I mean by the Church? I mean not a building, not a sect, but those who in all ages and all lands and of all beliefs love God and are trying to do right. For many cen- turies the heavens" have been black with the smoke of martyrdom. If set side by side, you could girdle the earth with the ï¬res of persecutionâ€"â€" Rowland Taylor burned at Hadleigh, You lying and hypocritical world, shut up those slandcrs about the church of Christ, an institution which, far from being What it ought to be, and never pretending to be perfect, is 500 times better than any other institution that the world ever saw or ever dreamed of. The high- est honor I ever had, and the high- est honor I shall ever receive. and the highest honor I ever want is to have my name on her records as a member. At her_ altars I repented. At her sacraments I believed. In her service let me die. From her doors let me be buried. 0 church of God! Thou home of the righteous! Thou harbor from tempest! Thou refuge for the Weary! Thou lighthouse of many natioas! Thou type of heaven! I could kiss thy very dust with ecstacy of affection. ' v»... v" â€"d Victor Hugo in hisbook entitled "Ninety-three,†says; “Nothing calm- er than smoke, but nothing more startling. There are peaceful smokes, and there are evil ones. The thick- ness and color of a line of smoke make the whole difference bethen war and peace, between' fraternity and hatred.‘ The whole happiness of man or his complete misery is some- times expressed in this- thin vapor which the mind scatters at will.“ The great Frenchman Was right. but I govfurther and say thatâ€" as the kingdom of God advances like pillars o; smoke mhblagk Valuing... bdchinz worthy to blacken your oldest shoes. When the bridge at Ashtabula broke and let down the most of the carload of passengers to instant death, Mr. P. P. Bliss was seated on one side of the aisle‘of the car Writing down a Christian song which he was com- posing, and on the other side a group of men were playing cards. Whose landing place in eternity would you preferâ€"that of P. P. Bliss, the gos- pel singer, or of the, card players? me by the hand and lead me so that my feet will not stumble, and with.â€" out my once. looking down or looking on the level take me to some high roof or tower and let me see the tops of the churches, and I will tell you the proportion of suicides. of arsons, of niur‘dders, of thefts. Ac- cording as the churches are numer- ous are the crimes few. According as the churches are few the crimes are numerous. The most beautifui organization the world ever saw or ever will see is the much maligned church, the friend of all good, the foe of all evil, “fair as the moon and clear as the sun.†Beautiful in her Author, beautiful in her mission, the heroine of the centuries, the bride of Christ, the queen of the nations! A great complaint comes from the theatres about the ladies’ high hats because they obstruct the View of the stage, and a lady. reporter asked The beauty of the transï¬gured smoke is a divine symbol of the beauty of the church. The fairest of all the fair is he. Do not call those persecutors of whom I spoke‘ the church. They are the parasites. of, the church, not the church itself. Her mission is to cover the earth with a. supernatural gladncss, to open all prison doors, to balsam all the wounds, to moss all the graves, to burn up the night in the ï¬replace of a great morning, to change iron hand. cufls into diamonded‘ wristlets, to turn the Whole race around, and Whereas it faced death commanding it, “Right about face for heaven!" According to the number of the spires of the churches in all our cities, towns and neighborhoods, are the good homes, the worldly prosperitics, and the pure morals, and the happy souls. For a compromise Christian chai- acter an easy time now, but for con- secrated behavior grimace and cari- cature. For the body, thanks to the God of free America, there are now no swords or ï¬ery stakes, but for the souls of thousands of the good, in a ï¬guratiie sense, ‘rack and gibbet and ‘; orquemada. The symbol of the domestic and social and private and public suffering of a great multitude of God’s dear children, pillars of smoke. What an exciting scene in India when during the Sepoy rebel- lion a regiment of Highlanders came up and found the dead body of one of General Wheeler’s daughters, who had been insulted and mauled and slain by the Sepoys. So great was the wrath against these murderers that the Scotch regiment sat din, and, cutting off the hair of this dead daughter of General Wheeler, they divided it among. them, and each one counted the number of hairs given him, and each took an oath. which was executed, that for each hair of the murdered daughter they would dash out the life of a bestial Sepoy. But as we look over the story of those who in all ages have suffered for the truth, while we leave ven- geance to the Lord, let us band to- gether in one solemn vow, one tre- mendous oath, after having counted the host of martyrs, that for each one of these glorious men and woâ€" men who (lied for the truth an ini~ mortal shall liveâ€"live with God and live forever. me What I thought about it, and I told her that if the indecent pictures. of actresses in the show windows were accurate pictures of What goes on in many of the theatres night by night then it would be well if the ladies’ hats were a mile high, so as to completely obstruct the vision. If professed Christians go to such places during the week, no one’will ever persecute them for their religion, for they have none, and they are the joke of hell. But let them live a con- secrated and Christian life, and they will soon run against snecring oppo- sï¬'tion. But, as I already hinted in the ï¬rst sentence of this sermon, nothing can be more beautiful than the ï¬gures of smoke of a clear sky. You can see What you will in the contour of this volatile vapor, now enchanted eas- tles, now troops of horsemen, now bannered prowssion, now winged couriers, now a. black angel of wrath under a spear of the sunshine turned to an angel of light, and now from horizon to horizon the air is a plC< ture gallery filled with masterpieces of which God is theartist, morning clouds of smoke born in the sunrise and evening clouds of smoke laid in the burnished sepulchers of the sun--‘ set. Meet me at any dcpo’t 'the world over, and with my eyes closed take THE WATCHMAN‘ZWARDER, LINDSAY: But that will not interfere with your imvcstments if you have taken Chrise as your Saviour. Secure heaven as your eternal home, and you can look down upon a disman- tled, disrupted and demolished earth Without any perturbation. .When wrapped in ï¬re the realms of out from portholes of ships wall va; ish. A distinguished general of our civil war told me that Abraham Lincoln proposed/to avoid our civil conflict by purchase of all the slaves of the south and setting them free. He cal- culated what would be a reasonable price for them, and, when the num- ber of millions of dollars that would be required for such _a purchase was announced, the proposition was scouted, and the‘north wOuld not have made the ofler, and the south would not have accepted it if made. “But," said my military friend, “the war Went on, and just the number of millions of dollars that Mr. Lincoln calculated would have been enough to make a reasonable purchase of all the slaves Were spent ' in war, be- sides all the precious lives that were hurled away in the 250 battles.†In other Words there ought to be some other way for men to settle their controversies without butchery. near the California geysers or whether from out the furnaces of Cotopaxi and Vesuvius and Strom- boli it shall burst forth, upon the as- tonished nations I make no pro- phecy, but all geologists tell us that we stand on the lid of a, world, the heart of which is a raging, roaring, awful flame, and some day God will let the red monsters out of their imâ€" prisonment of centuries, and New York on fire in 1835, and Charleston on ï¬re in 1865, and Chicago on ï¬re in 1872, and Boston on ï¬re in 1873 were only like one spark from ‘ a blacksmith’s forge as compared with that fast-universal blaze which will be seen in other worlds.‘ But gradu- ally the flames will lessen, and the world will become a great living Coal, and that will take on as-hen hue, and then our ruined planet will begin to smoke, and the mountains will smoke, and the valleys will smoke, and the islands will smoke. and the seas will smoke, and the cit-â€" ies will smoke, and the ï¬ve conti- nents will be ï¬ve pillars of smoke. ether glow, And heaven’s last thunders shake 'the earth below, Thou, undismayed, shalt o’er the ruins smile And li-ght 'thy torch at Nature’s ‘fun- gral 211e, Oh, come into the church through Christ the door, a door more glori- ous than that of the temple of Her- cules~ which had two pillars, and one was gold and the other emerald! :Come in toâ€"day!. The world you leave behind is a poor world, and it will burn and pass off like pillars of smoke. Whether the ï¬nal conflagraâ€" tion will start in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, which, in some places, have for many' years. been burning and eating into the heart of the mountains, or whether it shall begin The church of God will yet become the arbiter of nations. If the world would allow it, it could toâ€"day step in between Germany and ’France and settle the troubles about Alsace and Lorraine, and between England and her antagonists, and between all the other nations that’ar'e flying at each other’s throats and command peace and disband armies and harness for the plow the war horse now being hitched to ammunition wagons or saddled for cavalry charge. That time must come, or through the in- creased facility for shooting men and blowing up cities and whelming hosts to instant death, so that we can kill a regiment easier than We could once kill a company and kill a bri~ gade easier than we could once kill a. regiment, the patent ofï¬ces of the world more busy than ever in recogâ€" nizing new engineery of destruction, the human race will after awhile g0 ï¬ghting with one arm, and hobbling with one foot, and stumbling along with one. eye, and some ingenious in- ventor, inspired of the archangel of all mischief, will contrive a machine that will bore a hole to the earth's center, and some desperate nation will throw into that hole enough dyâ€" namite to blow this hulk of a planet into fragments, dropping the meteor- ic stones on surrounding stellar habi- tations. It is demonstrated to all honest men that it is not so certain that William Cullen Bryant wrote “Thanâ€" atopsis†or Longfellow wrote “Hia- watha†as that God, by the hand of prophet and apostle, wrote the Bible All the wise men in science and law and medicine and literature and mer- chandise are gradually coming to be- lieve in Christianity, and soon there will be no people who disbelieve in it except those conspicuous for lack of brain or men with two families, who do not like the Bible because it rebukes their swinish propensities. The time is hastening when there will be no infldels left except liber- tines and harlots and murderers. Millions of Christians where once there were fhousnnds, and thousnads where once there were hundreds. What a. bright evening this. the evening of the nineteenth century! And the twentieth century, which is about to daWn, will, in my opinion, bring universal victory for Christ and the church that now is march- ing on with step double quick or, if you prefer the ï¬gure of the text, is being swept on in the mighty galcs of blessing imposing and grand and majestic and swift like pillars of smoke, But this shall not be, for Whatever I let go I hang on to my Bible, which tells me that the blacksmith’s shop shall yet come to its grandest use when the warrior and the hus- bandman shall enter it side by side, and the soldier shall throw ii to its bank of ï¬res his sword, and the far- mer shall pick it up as a plowshare, and the straightost spear shall be bent into a. crook at each end and then cut in two, and what was one spear shall be two pruning hooks. Down with Moloch and up with Chri'st!‘ Let no more War horses eat out Of the manger where Jesus was born. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men!†'z-pm batteries of war and pouring are helping hundreds of such to health. Mr. John Robinson, chief of the ï¬re department, Dresden, Ont., sayis; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.â€"The under- signed respectfully informs the people ot’the County of Victoria. and the travelling public generally, that he has leased. the above hotel for a. term of years and has renovated and returnished it throughout, making it one of the most comfortable stopping places to be found in Lindsay. Having been for a number 0! years enraged in catering to the summer tourist trade in Bobcayzeon, my guests mav rely on the best service at all times, including a good table. The bar will be kept supplied with good brands or liquors and cigars, and farmers and others will ï¬nd ï¬rst.cls.ss aczommodation for teams in the commodious yard and stables. A call will be appreciated. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL PERSONS FOR DISTRICT Oflioe Managers in this section to represent me in thelx own and surrounding candies. Willing to pay yearly $600, payable weekly. Desirable employ- ment with unusual opportunities. References ex- change‘. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. PARK, 39,0 Caxton Building, Chicagoâ€"46. kidneys under such conditions. That’s why ï¬remen, policemen and others, who are exposed to the weather, are so often troubled with Weak, Lame Backs and with _Urinary Troubles. DOAN’S Kidney Pills 1/ RH Hard to have strong, well “ Prior to taking these pills I had kid- ney trouble which caused severe pain in the small of my back and in both sides. I had a tired feeling and never seemed to be able to get rested. However, I com- menced the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills, and after taking three boxes am completely cured. I have now no backache or urinary trouble, and the tired feeling is com- pletely gone. In fact, I am well and strong.’ ’ Fighting $1 the Fires The most reliable.remedy in the market for COUGHS AND COLDS. Sold everywhere. J. RIGGS, S. PERRIN, Druggist, 73 Kent-st, Lindsay, Sole Proprietor. many styles â€"Boxes of Cizars, with ten Cigars In a box and up. Thisï¬makes a nice present. -â€"Silver Mounted Walking Canes â€"Boys’and Girls’ Sleighs, Dolls, Drums Soldier Setts. Hot Air Engines, lron Train of Cars, Mechanical Fish and other Toys â€" Doll Carriages and Push Carts â€"Violins, Accordeons, §Mouth Organs, Jewellery, etc. MANSION HOUSE, LINDSAY; THE .MEBEUBY’S DIP He has something for all. The following are a few lines: â€"Briar Pibes In Cases . â€"Gold and Silver Mounted Pouches in In looking fOr your Xmas Presents there is no ï¬ner assortment than can be gat at PERRIN’S WILWOODS RIGGS’ CORDIAL better and larger variety to choose from than ever, at. . . . Xmas Presents OPPOSITE THE Mn! KET We think of putting up stoves, and buying new ones. Reminds us of the ap‘ proact}_o_f cgld w_eather. Woods can meet you in both. He has a full line of Coal Stoves, Wood Stoves and Ranges. The ï¬nest goods in the m 3 Also all the utensils used with stoves :Kettles, Frying Pans and Boilers; also Wringers and Wash- ingr Machines.i Come and see my stock. Kent=st. Lindsay Hard life the plucky ï¬remen lead; out in all sorts of weather, â€"losing sleep, catching cold and straining their backs. KENT STREET. GARNER HUNTER, Proprietor. Member of Toronto Dental College and Toronto University. Also graduate of American Dem-.1 College. Hut Modem Dentistry practised in the mat scientiï¬c manner. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Charges moderate. u 8.0. Ofï¬ce and residneee Corner of Lindsay and Russell streets. Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Lmemlxste at Midwifery. Edinburgh. Special attention given to Midwifery and diseases of women. Telephone No. 98.-â€"35. U omoe and residence. Russel-st, Lindsay. sec- ond door west of York-st. Ofï¬ce 11 ° are, 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.; 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m., 1nd 7 to 8 p.m. DB. . SIMPSON, graduate of Univ. of Tnnity 091., Toronto Medical College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ont. Late of Bockwood Asylum, Kingston. Grand Trunk Surgeon, Lindsay sttrict. Lindsay, Febru- ary, 4th, 1891. DENTIST. - - LIN DSAY Extracts teeth without pxin by Gas (Vitalized Air administered by him for 26 years with great success He studied the gas under Dr. Cotton, of New York the originator of gas for extracting teeth. Dr. Cotton writes Dr. Neeiends that he has given the gas to 186,417 persons without an accident. Dr. Neehnds uses the best local pain obtunders. Beautiful uti- flcisi math inserted at moderate prices. Please send apostaicard before coming. Ofliee nearly opposite the Simpson House, Lindsay. ~23 H and residence north-east «ï¬e: Cambridge-eta. Telephone 51. -l-’ 9tolla..m.;.m.2to4p ;.7t08pm. Besi- dence 30 Wellington street. Telephone No. 43. DR. JEFFERS. Ofï¬ce hours an 11om-O‘- 1.....-n‘ 60 COLLEGEâ€"ST., TORONTO EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST U of Toronto University [adieu Facnl . do graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, and embq of College of Physicians nnd Surgeons. Ontario Oï¬ice South-mt corner Lindsay and Russell streets Telephone 107 .â€"23-1y. V ' Solicitor for the Ontu'io Bank. Money Loanat Lowest Rates. Oï¬oe No. 6 William Styx-eat south. G. H. HOPKINS. DR. ARTHUR DAY DENTIST 506055503 10 nu: LATE an. ant U Barrister, Solicitor. c. Office immediately, opposite the Duly Houee, Kenn-8L, Lindsay. D. R. ANDERSON. DR WHITE, GRADUATE OF 0! 'l‘nmnfn "Mum-gun "4.1:...1 n....;.. _ - V Barristers. Notaries, etc. Ofï¬ce over Ontario Bank, Kent-at, Lindsay. Money to Loan at very lowest rates. DONALD R. ANDE R S ON, Barrister, Solicitor. c. Ofl‘ioe immediatelv *‘L deters, etc. Solicitors tor the Ocunty 0! Victoria and the Bank of Montreal. Money as loan on mortgages at. lowest current ates. 0amâ€"- WiMamâ€"sn, Llnmy. DENTIST. - LENDSAY Honor Graduate of Toronto University nnd Boyni College of Dental Surgeons. All the inteet and improved branches of dentistry Sammy performed. Chm-gee moderate OFFICE over Gregory’s Drug Store, comer Kent and William “meteâ€"3L1; “1 MID, Barristers Solicitors, c. Lmoeay and Fenelon Fal‘ 9. Lindsay omce, Baker's Block, Kent-3‘. We are loaning money on real estate ï¬rst mortgage in sums largeï¬and small, to suit borrowers. on the gbest terms and at the very lowest ratesol interest. We do not lend on no’es or chattel security. DR. SIMPSON, PHYSICIAN, “mm and “Anâ€"An ,.‘D “A... .4 PETER BROWN, Auctioneer, Oakwood P.0., 0nta.r!o.â€"â€"Fa.rvn stock sud other sglqs promptly attendpq to. Chargee‘ mod- " tieneer, Caesarea P.O., Onurio. â€" Sale] conducted. in any part. of the Camy of Durban as reasonably as in my own immediate neigh. burhood. Experienced in all kinds of mercantile and stock sales. Terms reasonable. Also licensed to conduct sales of :11 kinds in Mariposa. mynsnlp. Correspondence meted pmmptly.-â€"§7- 7. crate. Sales can be arranged (or at THE WATCH- MAN Ofï¬ce. Graduate of Toronto University and Boys! Cone; of Dentel Surgeons. Every department of dentistry done in a practial and scientiï¬c manner 1: moderate prices. once over Morgan's Drug Stormâ€"17. THOMAS SWAIL., }R., Auc- ï¬nnmv “Manon P 0 Onmï¬o- -â€" Sale- MOORE JACKSONâ€"Bar risters, e_tc._ Sol_ici pm to; the County 0 MCLAUG’HLIN MCDIAR- M T n ‘Rqrrinfprc Rn}? hi 1:; In kr- L1 no.“ DR. E. A. TOTTEN nsunsr, . 1 I have a large amount of funds for invest- ment on First Mortgages at. the lowest rates. Terms to suit borrowers. “‘3Ԡ3°?“ Dentq College. Ont. for Good Dentistryâ€"84. DR SUTTON, DENTIST - Subscribe for _Watchma.n-Warder T. STEWART. L. V. O’CONNOR, EA“ R. J. McLAUGELIN F. D. MOORE. ALEX. JACKSON TEWART O’CONNOR. MONEY TO LOAN . _A. E- VROOMANâ€"Oflicé ,. G. s. RYERSON, _..AA._§ILLESPIE, C.A. AND DENTIST. . NEELANDS . F. A. WALTERS H. HOPKINS, Barrister. H. GROSS DENTIST, - garristers, 8:5. gustinmnrs ï¬hpsizians OFFICEâ€"94 Kent Stroot ï¬znï¬strg D R. ANDERSON F. A. McDIARHID llNDSAY UNDSAYI UNDSAY