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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Dec 1900, p. 9

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apps ’,iculrs. his: to Daiy ouse ., Toronto tment for month is added to zdmw in. ere 0 cents. which There is any kind Bargain Friday E Dec. 7th orb9,}meWWQQQQWQgWEggWWgwggWQWWWWO yolnmC bargain price 12c BARGAIN No. 21â€"30 yards Black Broche Dress Goods, was 60c, bargain day 40c euaegeeseéw‘géw‘ COME EARLY IN THE MORNING BARGAIN No. 1â€"83 yards Table Linen, was 35c, bargain Leak over this list-"come early Friday morning there are some very tempting inducements for you. day 25c. ‘ BARGAIN No. 2â€"825 yards all Linen Towelling, was 9:, bargain price 5c BARGAIN No. 3â€" l‘hree Boys’ Navy and Cardinal Sweaters, were 25c, bargain price I'5c BARGAIN No. 4â€"175 yards Plaid Gingham; 200 yards Print Gingham, bargain day 5c BARGAIN No. 5â€"20 Children’s Flannelette Night Gowns, were 40c and 45c, bargain price 30c BARGAIN No 6-â€"22 Wool Ribbed Shirts for Men, were 40c, bargain price 28c BARGAIN NO. 7â€"72 Ribbed all wool Shirts and Drawers, were 50c, bargain price 40c BARGAIN No. Sâ€"Men’s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 38c b.â€"\RGAIN No. 9â€"21 only Fleeced=Shirts, were 45c, bargain prlce 30c . BARGAIN N 0. 10â€"20 only Knitted Top Shirts, were 75c and 50c, bargain price 25c BARGAIN No. 11â€"5 Pieces Fancy Shaker Flannelette, was Sc, for earIy buyers 5c BARGAIN No. 12â€"50 pairs Men’s Braces, were 30c, bargain 4 price 25c BARGAIN No. 13â€"60 Pairs Boys’ and Men’s Knitted Gloves, Bargain day 15c BARGAIN No. 14â€"53 yards light Grey Flannel, was 13c, bargain day we BARGAIN No. 15â€"11 Men’s Neck Mufflers, were $1 and 75c, slightly damaged, bargain day 25c BARGAIN No. 16 â€"8 Pairs White Blankets, bargain day $1.7; E‘SARGAIN No. ‘17â€"38 Pairs Women’s all wool Hose, were 20c, bargain day He BARGAIN No. 18â€"100 Pairs Ladies’ Cashmere Hose, bargain day 15c BARGAIN No. 19â€"1,ooo yards White Cotton at 3%c BARGAIN No. 20 â€"7 5 Ladies’ Vests, heavy Ribbed, were 20c, XLl 11. Number 49 . N13111:- (r FOR SALE. â€" Span of Good Working Horses. Apply at Watchman-Wade: oflice. ‘-43'th TEACHER WANTED. â€"For S S. No. 4, Carder), second or third class. Duties to commence Jan. Ist, 1900. Protestant de- nomination. Apply stafing salary and ex- perience to GEORGE IVORY, Secretary, Dalrymple, Ont.â€"47-4. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" On Colborne-st., north ward, an eight- roomed, brick-veneered house, heated wrth coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable. an excellent well and cistern, half an acre of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- ably if taken at once. For full particulars apply to the Watchman-Warder ofliceâ€" 4z-tf. TO LET.â€"The large store in the Village of Oakwood known as the Thorndike store. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to D. R. ANDERSON. Lindsay P.O., Solicitor for Executors Thorndike estate.â€" 37'tfl FOR SALE â€"The handsome three-year- old Shorthorn Bull Lord Hewie. and two Bull Calves. ten and eleven months old, got by Scotsman out of dams by Indian Count. Also Bronze Tuxkeys singly or in pairs. young toms weighing from exghteen to twenty pounds. W. H. CULLIS, Lot I 5. Con. 6, Fenelon, Powles’ Corners P. 0. â€"46-4. NOTICE TO‘CREDITORS - Notice is hereby given that unless all persons having accounts against the Corporation of Lindsay render same in detail on or before the IS“: day of Deco mbor, ISOO. they wnll not FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€" TENDERS.-â€"Tenders will he received at the Town Ciexk’s Ofiice up to noon on SATURDAY. DFC. 8111. 1900, for Two Hundred Cords or more of Good Sound Stone, to be at least 75. per cent Granite, to be paid for by weight,_ and to FARM FOR SALEâ€"The east half of the east halt of Lot 15, Can 2, Township of Ops. containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared ; soil clay loam. On the pre- mises are a new frame house with summer kitchen attached ; a frame barn with stables attached, and other small buildings. Three- and-a-half miles from Lindsay, the county town of Victoria, and on one of the leading roads to the town. One-and-a-half miles from Ops Station, about the same from church, post-office and blacksmith shop. Plow leave immediately. Possession March Ist. 1901. For particulars apply to MISS CATHERINE NAYLOR, 22 Elgin-st., Lindsay, Oohâ€"47,4. NOMINATION MEETING. â€"Third County Council Division, County of Victorin.â€"Notice is hereby given that a meeting Will be held pursuant to the Muni- cipal Act, 1896, at the Old Township Hall in Omemee. on the TWENTY FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 19cc. between the hours of one and two o’clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the otiice of County Council- lor for the Third County Council Division of the County of Victoria. If agreater number of candidates are nominated than are rtquired to be elected. the polls will be opened at the polling places for each of the pollin sub-divisions within the said district on M NDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF J AN UARY. 1901, the polls to continue open from nine o’clock in the morning until five o’clock in the afternoon and no longer. Dated the Third day of December, ,-â€"--Av\“ Iv ”11“?th \T-____ FARMS F OR SALEâ€"The following valuable fans are offered for sale on very essy terms of payment : Lots 2.1 and 25, Gull River Range, Town- ship of Bexley, 196 acres, 75 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. Abund- ance of water; good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. One mile from Coboconk; good school, churches and railroad. Will be sold or: be entettaived by the Council of 1900 The rendering of accounts 15 imperative in order to {militate the making of a true financial statement for the year 1900. F. KNOW’LSON, Town Cleik..~â€"48 3. easy terms. There is a good frame barn with underground stable, 30 x 50, and house 18 x 20, with good cellar ; pig pen 40 x 20: and small orchard. Ad‘ less L. M, REESE Coboconk.â€"36-tf. be placed in bulk where directed by the Town Commissioner. and to be sutject to inspection and approval of the Town Commissioner. Each load. before de- livery, to be weighed on the town scales free of charge to the party delivering. The h west or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX JACKSON, Chairman Board of VVorks.-â€"48 2. Valuable farm of 100 acres, one mile from Lindsay; all plow land except 1 acres of pasture; soil clay loam. Good dwelling. two buns. one acre orchard; close to school. A good (arm at a reasonable price and on easy terms of payment. Lot 20, Can 2, Mariposa. containing 100 acres; good brick dwelling, two frame barns. stabling, etc. All plow land except two acres hardwood bush. Soil clay loam Two acres orchard ;_ good wells. Also i, at IUU‘BI. 1.1“. vu .â€"v __._v 1900. RICHARD J. GRA’N‘DY,’ Nomin'. sting Ofliccr.â€"49 2. 23, Can. 3, containing roo acres, 70 of which are pasture land. The above farm will be sold separately or en bloc. Price reasonable and terms easy East half Lot 22;, Corr 7, Eldon township, containing 100 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardwood bush.- Sorl, clay loam Two miles from Kirkfield, on good road. On the premises are a good brick dwelling. containing 10 rooms and large kitchen. woodshed, etc; frame hip-roof barn, uixh sione foundction and good stabling O we acre of young orchard; good water. A first-class farm in every respect. The McHuzh farm west half Lot 16, Con. 3, Ops, is offered for sale. It is situnp-d four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Bureau road, and contains 100 acres, 800! which are plow land. There is a good brick house. with woodsheds ; large frame burn, driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good mt: of cultivation. and will be sold reason- "Eb: further puticahrs apply if? S. ll. PORTER, Watchman-Wilde: ofice. gfiem ghbzrfiszmmtz. LINDSAY. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6th. 'LOSTâ€"On Kent-st. last Tuesday a pair of Gold Rimmad Spectacles and Case Fmder kmdly leave them at this office.â€" 48-2. ISTRAYED â€"Into the ptemises of the undersxgned. Lot I, Con. 15, Mariposa, a Ewe and two‘ Lambs. ‘ Owner can have same by nmvmq property and paying ex- penses. JOSEPH HILLâ€"493. BOARDERS WANTED ~â€"Apply at 33 Sussex-st , Nonh WardLâ€"47- 5. WANTEDâ€" WONTED -Cook and K'tchen Girl. Gaod wages to right parties. Apply at Central House, Lindsay.-â€"â€"49-3. FARM TO RENTâ€"Containing 50 acres, two miles from Kent-st, Lindsay; all plow land Good heavy clay soil. Good dwell- ing and_ outbuildings. Immediate posse: CATTLE WANTED.â€"The undersigned has abundance of straw, also plenty of water and good shelter, and Will accept 40 at 50 head of Cattle for the n-l-xt three months. Terms reasonable. Apply to I. J. BEACOM, Cambray.â€"49-4. COTTAGE FOR SALEâ€"On Glenele- st. east, containing five rooms, kitchen and wood-shed, also stable, The house is on stone foundation and in good state of repair. Lot one-eighth acre. A nice home at a low price. Apply at The Watchman-Warden oflice.-â€"38-4. TEACHER WANTED for 8.5. No. 8, STRAYED-â€" .Csme into 1he premises 0 the undersigned. Lot 26, Con. 2, Op:, on or about October Isth, 19C0. one lamb. Owner is requested to prove property, 12y exnenses and take lamb away. J. H. GRAHAM, Lindsay P.O.â€" 47-3. STRAYEDâ€"me the premises of the undersigned. Lot 26, Cnn. II. Ops, Friday evening; 23rd inst. Ono Aged Cream Horse and one Year-and-a-Half Bay Colt, four white fee', with star on far: Finder will be rewarded by sending inf :- STRAY CATTLE. â€" Strayed into the premlses of the undersigncd. Con. 10, Lot 7. Fenelnn. on or about Oct. 20th. tWD Yearling Heifers and a Year old Steer with while face. Owner is requested to prove property, my expenses and take tfe same away. ED. SANDERSON, Duns- ford . â€"49- 3. A BARGAIN. â€"â€"A good busxness st mm and general stock can be purchased cheap in one of the best country villages in Ontario This village will for the next three or four vears be the headquarters for the Trent Canal construction. A splendid opportunit} for a live business man. For particulars apply to J. G. A. CAMPBELL, Kirkficld. NOMINATION MEETINGâ€"Seen nd CU'I'I'FJRS FOR SALEâ€"The under Signed has a. large ass¢ rtment of all kinds of cutters fxom such leading manufactuzevs as the Hamilton Carriage Works. Lindstay; the Biantford Cauiage Co. and the Canada Carriage Co., which he is prepared to (X change fcr cash, cattle or horses Also a large stock of harness, which he will ex- charge for cattle. Call and inspect. W. A. FANNlNG. Camblay.â€"47-4. HOLIDAY PRESENTS : WHERE TO BUY THEM Timely Suggestions for Busy Readers 7ANTEDâ€"Gnod General Servant. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. Neelands, 8 Mill.st.â€"49 2. sidh. Apply - at “THE WATCH'MAN- WARDER.â€"43-4. Somervitle, tor 1901. Secand or Third Class Certificate; testimonials or refetences nquired. Personal application prefened: if by letter to J. B. JONES, Seeretar) Burnt River P. 0., 001,â€"47 3. .â€"'?47-3- mation to SAMUEL 'SANDERSON, Lindsay P O. - 48 3. County Council Division, County of Victoria.â€"Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held pursuant to the Muni- cipal Act, 1896, at Lindsay. in the Town Council Chamber, on the 24TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1900. between the hours at one and two o’clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of County Councillor for the Second County Council Division of the County ot Victoria. If a greater number of candidates are nominated than are re- quired to be elected, the polls will be open- ed at the polling places for each of the polling sub-divisions within the said Divis- ion on MONDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF JANUARY, Igor. the polls to continue open from nine o’clock in the morning until five‘o’eloek in the afternoon and unionger. Dated the 4th day of December, 1900. W. F. O’BOYLE. Nominating Officer.-40 2. Carving setts Table and pocket cutlery Children's Knives and Forks Roger Bros. Plated Knives, Forks and spoons Shears and Scissors Laulics' and Uonts’ Hockey Skates Boys' and (:irls‘ Skates Hockey Stioks and Pucks Air Rifles, Sleigh Bells Nickle-plated Leak-kettles and Tenâ€" puts Trays. Meat Cutters Raisin Seeders: N icklc-plated Smoothing Irons Parlor, (700k and Heating Stoves Fancy lamps, etc. All at extronwly low prices. AT R. B. ALLAN 8: CO.'S. Men's Lined Gloves at 50c., 75c., and $1 per pair. Men’s and »Women's Silk Hanker- chiefs, all kinds. (132m ghhzrfiszmmts At, Cinnamon Evorson’s AT W. A. GOODWIN'S The finest lines. of Photo Frames and Medallion Pictures ever imported, now' on sale at Goodwin's at less than city prices” The anniversary of the Y. M. (‘. A. was held. in the Baptist church last Friday evening. A large audience assembled and the speaker oi the evâ€" ening was given unusually attentive hearing, for he was no other than Dr. Barrie, the Y. M. C. A. represenâ€" tative with the Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry in South Africa. Dr. Barrie devoted his runarks chiefly to the spiritual side of his work with the soldiers. He dealt briefly with the character of the Boers, of whom he evidently has a poor opinion, and gave an interestâ€" ing picture of the entrance of the British forces into South Africa. The attitude of many eminent soldiers toward christian work was. favorably: connnented upon, as for example. General \\'a.t:chnpe. Lord MethuenSir Geo. White and others. Sir. Geo. White had said regarding Ladysmith that: "the nen ttpon whom he could depend the most. during the siege. were the praying men.” But the The newest style of framing; in plain or fancy mounts. Orders for Mirrors soliciwd. At the Art Store, next. the Simpson House. were the praying men." hit the men for whom Ilr. Barrie had the most affection was Lord Roberts. In his judgment, Lord Roberts has no equal as a general and an allâ€"round: christian man. His care for the phy- sical and spiritual condition of his men was most solicitous.‘ The christian work among; the S(),~ diers was carried on by the army chaplain. the Capetown association the. English Christian Association and the Canadian Y.M.(_‘.A. Unlimited opportunities presented themSelves for work on board the transport in station at Belmont, in camp. on the march. on the battlefield or in 1}; hospitals. Their work consisted in holding meetings wherever possible. supplying comforts, stationery etc. personal spiritual work. Visiting the sick and dying" and in acting as stretcher bearers on the field. It: was a heayy strain in every way. but. their efforts had been abundantly blUSSt’d. Most of the Canadians who laid down their lives in South Afri- ca were. ready to die: and many had been led to accept Jesus Christ, tnroug‘h the Work of the Y..\l.(‘..\. QDr. Barrie and the Y.M.C A. Anniversary Rev. Mr. Hughson in moving a vote of thanks, expressed his great pleasâ€" ure at. hoaring the story of their Y. M.C.;\. representative. told, so effect- ively and yet so. modestly. Mr. F. C. Taylor second:d the motion and Dr. Barrie made a, suitable acknowâ€" ledgemen t. Provincial secretary Symons and General secretary Walk- or followml with an admirable and brief uddrvss on the local work. About 31200 was needed for the. year burn lq-(l to Xm‘ough 111‘: 1110mm Men's Puff Tics, Four-inâ€"hand Tics. Men's Initial Silk Handkerchiefs. Men‘s Braces, every style and price; Gent‘s and Ladies’ Fur Gauntlets. An elegant stock of Ladics' Tics of every style. Ladios‘ Kid (:10ch from .300 10 81.2 5 per pair. Ladies Black (Yasmin-re Hose all prices. Ladios' Fur Lined Capes. Large stock of Ladies“ Furs far 1110 neck at all prices. 1900â€"1901, of that 8,400 had been raised without a canvass, and $800 remained to be raised. All were earnestly invited to share in this work. With our Heroes at the Front Some men can speak well, others can write well. It is very seldom that. the same man can do both. In this respect Mr. H. S. White, the: well known war correspondent who is to lecture in the. Academy of Music on Tuesday night, the 11th, is said to be a notable exception from the aver? age war scribe. Indeed from the notices that. have appeared in the press wherever he has given his celebrated lecture, it is evident that he speaks as well as he writesâ€"pos- sibly even better! All along the line his lecture has been received with the greatest enthusiasm, and although he talks for two hours it is quite a usual thing, after the fall of the curtain. for a number of the audience to insist upon a sort of priâ€" ‘Vate seance of another hour or so. On these occasions he is said totalk quite as interestingly off the stage as .on it: very interesting feature of Mr. 75 Cents a Year in Advance; $1.00 if not so. Paid White's lecture is his moving picâ€" tures, all of which represent exact reproductions of some of the most interesting scenes in the var. Many of them pictures Mr. White himself saw taken at the front, and he makes a. point at ail of his entertainments of assuring his audience that none. of them were. taken outsidm of Xew York or in‘some sylvan retreat in Xew Jersey. And so realistic are. these. moving pictures that on ..0ne occasion while a picture showing Lord Roberts and his man with an escort of thousands of troops (TOSâ€" sing a river Was on'the screen an Old gentleman in the audience exclaimed uttdihly. "Gosh 3 \VZ'IICI‘ splash 3" I can hear the Altogether from from places whom Mr ready given his entorl easy to see that. he is. an exceptionalâ€" ly entertaining platform speaker. and that Lindsay owes a (it‘ll! m” gratiâ€" tude to thv members of the 45111 Batalion W110 have Secured his scrâ€" \'iccs for Qiie night here. Plan at. Porter's bookstnro 25C. and 50C. â€"-â€"Mr. (has. \‘eitcjh. who has 1 ill with typhoid fever fur tho I few weeks, is improving rapidly. â€"Mr. Willard Curtis. ()ps. spy: few days in Port Hope last Wm-k guest of his sister Mrs. (:rmnhur â€"â€"J{cv. .\. L. Adam 01' was in town on Saturday â€"â€"Miss Lillian Weldon ( is Visiting friends in town â€"â€"Col. Hugh-\s left on 1- short trip 10 the Rainy trict. the past mom 11 day. â€"â€"I\Ir. 1’. Morris of I’m lucting‘ agent for 11w 9‘ guest; 0! ms Slstor Mrs. (.‘rccnhury. â€"Miss Florence Porter. Sussex-s1 who has been the guest uf her Trier Miss Bessie (‘anmiuu Pnrt Hun” h 10 his 20d from a, blood poisoning. treatment. of Dr. I recovering. ‘ucting agent, for the Syh'oslor Mfg. $0., spent. a couple. of days in town last week and went hnnw Sick me. Tuesday. â€"-Sorgt. McCrca of Omomm and Mr. Geo. McCormK-k of prterg‘ruvo, ALP. for Muskoka and Parry Sound, spent Thursday evening in town, the guestsâ€"of (‘01. Hughes, 11.1‘. â€"-Mr. Gun. McCormack. M. P. fur Muskoka and Parry Sound. was in town last; week. He and a few town friends were entertained on 'l‘hursday evening by (‘01. Hughes. â€"R0v. J. Milnor. Methodist nu‘nis- ter of Toronto, and father of Mr. W. S. Milner M..»\. 01100 teacher of ('las-v sics in the Lindsay High School. â€"., died last Thursday at the age of ...- â€"â€"Mrs. (Run) Strauon of (‘olhorne is in town the guest 01' her «laughter. Mrs. ;;. Williamson. She will also visit, friends at Little Britain and other points bnforc returning: home. -â€"Miss Lizzie Hanahoe of Lindsay, who has taught the primary depart- ment of North Bay sop-drau- school very successfully for the past. three and a half years, has been promoted to the position of principal. â€")Ir. J. A. McIntosh. son of Mr. A. McIntosh of Minden. and fm'm'criy principal of the Golcrt, public school, is expected home for the holidays. He is at, pn-scnt In New York. but for the past, year or so has been travelling in Europe for an American firm. â€"â€"Mr. J. B. Turner of Elmwood, County of Grey, general 'agent for Sylvester Bros, was in town this week winding up the season’s busi-' ness. He states that the Sylvester implements are becoming very popu- lar in the west and a rapihly in- creasing business is the result. â€"Mr. Adam Reid of Roaboro re- turned from the Northwest last week after a 7-months stay. He says the year was not a good one, but on ac- count of the laws concerning debt. nobody is suffering and all are full of hope for next year. The snow al- ready deep justifies that hope by making it certain that the soil will be filled with water in the springâ€" what was lacking last year. The Watchman-Warder wil, be sent on trial trip to any address in this district from now until end of 1900 for ten cents. Tell your friends and borrowing neighbors. Inspector Reazin is mill can! Ten Cents tn End of Year $1 for 500. at Goughfa. iron; 3. sen-re attack of (‘zunpiun his entertainment Personals rot unwd hm ITndor the skillful lay he is rapidly ‘dw fimx notices White has a!- 'uhnission OI‘I of ()ékwnod rulay for a, River dis- idax t’rry. cnl< anus ville “('k t he friend Mon- past r0811 ac, nod -o-.. PM

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