Dr. Bowermun. (h toria Road ((‘hirpa 'J‘hursday regularly. Dr. Bowcrman. \Voodville (Queen's «day in each month lï¬ext visit, Dec. 7111 lead BOSS and also his 1 the Oakwooc ’will pay Fm“ 1m holiday. b VALENTIA Mr. James Hobbs. who left Valen- tin in March last for (Human. 33:211., arrived here Saturday, and will spend the holidays with friends. lie is accompaniml by Mrs “-31be z.nd iwo children. Ilc says it has been at trying" year fur svttlcrs in Manito- ba. and the Xm'tthSt. There will b». a we.- patrons of the .lauwivill. on 119C. 10th at 2‘» {fr} Orange hall tn vfo:=>ei«,lcr tun- of cheese fur :.c.\'t 54 \n adinurnc'1 Int-"1311'...“ holders of the Iilll"\ln( will be held on I've J clock to ï¬nish the bu<i $011801]. jxupl‘OVmg treatment of Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Gen. 1% lie of Lindsay parents for a Mrs. Asa. ( day, having spent a mother and sisters c Vlcv. Mr: “hyb- luude quite an iml islvthodist church Ias frosting thc window )npt ist Servicvs m comm-cum ill-thodist congro,-gatioxl lugc will be held an Suml (lay. Dec. 9111 and 10111. Sunday at 10.30 mm. b; and at 7 p.111 Strike of Lindsn grand fowl $11 spuqx program u. instruuwmal music Mrs. Wm. Hugues ery sick for the past “.mm-amy nicvh‘ um lions ctr. um and Rev. Mr. S lh'HVCF addn-ss“ pm- and cntcrtu posters. Report of 5.5. No. i) for I‘uc month of November: 31h classâ€"Annie Cum- e-ron. Gertrudo- 'l‘lmrnbury. 41h classâ€"Lora Mclx'vnziv. I’m-(l \Vwbsu-r. Saul XiCOlSOfl, linnuld ’l‘nlmic. 41h rlass jr.-â€".-\lcx (‘mm-rnn. Sadiv Mur- chison, Moody \Vcbstvr. 35rd (le35 sixâ€"Sadie Sinclair, .lnim Tulmiv. 3rd I'iuss jr.-â€"\\'ilfrc-tl ilurvvy. Dam Tul- Jilit‘. 2nd Class sr.â€"â€"Lilu Xt-sbitt. Lt-rlic lh-wiv. Ellrn l’vrgusnn. \rnmt 'J‘nluliv. Sophia Muym-s. Muggil- Mc- Kenzie. 2nd class jr.-â€"â€".\ngus Fer- guson. lst class pl 2nd-â€"â€";\lary Nicolson. Annie Sinclair. Millie How- ie. 2nd class pt. lâ€"Ruy Tulmic. Joe Ncsbitt. 14 A very pleasant event took [fluce‘ .11 Nov. 21st, at tho rusidcuw HE Mr. .Ias. Cain, when his ;ml_\' daughter, Maggie Ellen was united in the bunds of holy mutrinmny In Mr, ~labor-t, James Wilson â€1‘ Lindsay. The ceremony Was )wt‘fnrlut-d by {em 131-0. McConnell of Kimuuunt,. umsin vi the bride, in the prvsvnce m' a. small company of gut-stun The bride was assisted by Miss Martha Wilson. sister of the groom and was giu-n away by her brothwx', Mr. James fair) of Kimuoum. who also ucued as groomsman. Tho bride was most kwcomingly attirul in a gown of blue cloth with trinunings of white satin and Ian.- ornzunvnm. Tho.- irridesmaid was also Instvful._v attir- ml in corresponding colors. Afu-r m a sumptuous \Vc-(hlivgs dinner which had been prvpun-(l for flu- 0c- mwiun. The uflcrmmn Was Spent. in social intercours': and the usual festivities on such occasions. The bride was the recipient of a number of very useful and hamlsmm: presents As a worker in the ermir‘, League and Sabbath school and as a. member nf the Methodist church, Mrs. Wilson v " be very much missed and hen 11;...20 from our midst will be sin- cerely regretted. The many friends join in Wishing Mr. and Mrs; ,Wilson a very happy and useful life. Hogg ,ros. zulx't. :0 his spccial anm akw 00d c (HTML) 01 Great Suit sale at. Gough's. VICTORIA ROAD arch lust for (human. N:‘:.n., and will to holidays with friends. Iic apaniml by Mrs “-31be z.nd ldron. Ilc says it has been ‘ ~ttlcrs in Manito- here Sat urduy, 5 year far 8; the Xm'tthSt. on ine s as Gough’ï¬- ceremony progr Lake W O ODYILLE :rman. dentist wisits [um-n's hutcl) cxory Fri- month except the last. H‘- 7111. an day. J ANET VILLE MANILLA hirpaw nu BUR\ T PH 1R Hug MAY {11'} am 1H G ELI-lli'l‘ 08. uth. every week ciul announcement in L'nrrerondvncg. . It Special stock now in ‘JAMEROX “LI-LVN: (1cm '1‘; Win-y and Master \Vilâ€" Visited Mrs. Bowhoy's ~\\' Guys lust. week. Etrkt' and Children of alr1*".‘\‘lll0 Lm'um: \,u., 1 I'm" J 02!} at ’1 0'- Ihc bueim-ss I'm‘ the linmvm m.. folluwml h- and Mr. Moon- imprnvmm-nt in the last. “ulnosday by lows over new. mm-ctiun with {ht- cgutiou of this Vil- nn Sunday and Mun- 0i )pcf Consisting of vocal those ic. readings. rvcitu- Thns. Manning B..\. 1w of Lindsay will ilt 'C lllk‘ ( ed u“; ‘52". I} \I' . ‘ J, H (JUL l\ ht -' ,1?! \(lzuission to sup- \V cck w ith her Si ‘.l§(’.’) \\'h'i 11:1 1k ()n M unduy hunk L“ U \V 09 .I'." .10 V- ic- 1‘-u- umnu mstviuly attirâ€" culm‘s. Afu-r pn-scnt purtouk wedding: dinner of the S m!" w ill be: S( (ILL-080 t In Sorx‘im-s (m the pastor -_ A. J. H. ('o‘nlS. Sec 0 \‘ cr 3: mic. 41h :iuliv Mur- :~5r(1 (mass ulmiv. 35rd on Mon- in 1110 skilful by "n \‘Q‘d EAST MANILLA Report of the standing of the p111)- ils of 8.8. No. 10 Mariposa for the month of November. Sr. 4th classâ€"- Milton Pinkham. Jr. 4th class â€"â€" Willie Shearer. Archie MacDonald, Willie Rodd. Dan Napier. Sr. 3rd classâ€"Willie. Michael, Many McInnis. Archie McInniS. Murray Nokcs, Net.- tio De (leer. Silas Jewell. Jr. 3rd. -â€"â€"Ada. Nokes. Myrtle Shearer, Dun Mclnnvs. Sr. pt . 2ndâ€"Bernicc Shearer. Dorcas Tinney. (.‘hn rlcy Nokos. Nova Koolor. Jr. pt. 2ndâ€"-â€" ‘ lrutta Philips. ()da Patterson. Carin Robinsmi. 2nd tziblct-iâ€"Lloyd Phil- ips. Ross Robinson. lst. tablet â€"-- "‘--“-‘~‘ Nani-n- .l‘olm McInniS, iloss ips. Ross Robinson. Richard Keolcr, John Xukvs. say. Lauk nut \V CC interest You. \s an apprentim Mr Simm Fur- «gusou has C(Hlllllt‘nCL d the blatksmithâ€" in" with “12.101111 Rauim‘. 'Ihat thv farmers t-Spmiuih in the southern part of this township. are with tht- the t imcs t-ndcavuring to luep up most prmtical method of is seen 1») 1h:- number of windmills vroctod during 1.ztst full Kit-551's. Brass and King. cut-h purchusvd am “ldczil Bruntford." through Ihv atg't-nt Mr. t‘hzts. Jt-nkius. Anotht-r mlditimi has just hot-u publit- liin'urV. which t‘XiSit'llCt‘ has Illildt‘ the last few years. made to our during its short wonderful progress. .\ddit ions hun- lt‘ from tinu‘ in Iiilit' S†that 12m) \ol. iwvn mm it now t'outaius m-uriy For it intro pittum't- um‘pvrson may email himself 01‘ ht-rscit‘ of thu litt-ruâ€" Idrt- of tho- ugvs and sun-1y this is an institution which dt-st-ru-s tht- putrnnugv illltl support of t-u-ry pt-r- mm who would ho smut-thing lwttm‘ sun whu t han lu- :\ phcuumvnml which is grentlyl pm‘plvxing thhsv whu behold it “1134 witmrsscd 011 Mr. .lzum-s Taylor's farm. Whvl'v Ihv mvn We-n- engaged lust \n-vk in drillingr a “1-H. “‘th a curtain stugv n1 thv IJK‘OCNSS hud hven n-uchvd tho watvr spurtvd up thv dislamn- nf svx'vn or t-ighl NM and comimwd thus for svu-rul hmu‘xx In its wild curve-ring n lixv ï¬sh was nhsm'x'ml In lhv astonishuu-m m'thv eluwlalnrs'. .\ftcl‘ 1h" Wu'vl' haul ll“. “Ll" I .uI-u spectatnrs. .\lH'K' dried out again no Iran-s nf tln- lish could he sot-n. .\.lam,\' Ihvnrivs have bm-u udvauu-vd “cumming fur its up- pcuranvo. lnn Hwy huu- all lwvn n»- linqnishml and to Iln- mujnrity it still rmuuins u prm’mnul lll}'$!('l‘_\. Sn muuvrmls and Slldllt'll lmu- ln-r-n Hum. nlolnsinu‘ o'\'0'lll!~' “hivh umkn- (me Fine Fur Gaps at. Gough’s. thaw plt-usinq . mu m“ twn Ihux \\'a‘ m‘-- prum- x limr than ('upitl has rc-nnvrml vision or «4qu Hw changv at St lvuds vut‘h unwwldcd Swain tn is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult agdoctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Stott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and underâ€"digestion. Stop overâ€"work fyou can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion ofCod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t live on it-â€"true-â€"but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can’t eat,†unless it comes of your doing no workuyou can’t long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. if you have not tried it send for free sample, its aâ€" greeable taste will surprisey y.ou SCOTT BOWNE ()ll Chemists, Toronto. 2.‘ and $1.00; all drugglsts. OAKWOOD fur 11095r BIOS. zu‘ld m-xt 1 will ï¬nd something to pillunu- unyporsnn um} 01‘ herself of the lilt'l'u- ugt's and sun-1y this is m which (h‘surxvs llu of 'l‘uront o are hou SWIM HI mmli- U15 tate on the unhappiness of single life. For within the lust V-Tt‘t'k no loss than half a dozen of (‘npid's Victims in this Vicinity have JUCUJIIU happy husbands. Mr. Josqm Falls took the load and as quietly Mr. ()scur Wukoly folloch tho beaming examâ€" Zlf the above supposition prom truc.1hcn it, is ardenlly hoped preci- p10. to be that the gods may retain that mm mmm- sufï¬ciently long to cumi- than half a dozen of t‘upiu s victims in this vicinity have become happy husbands. Mr. JQSt-ph Falls took the lead and as quietly Mr. ()scar Wakely followed the beaming,r examâ€" ple. If the above supposition prove. to be true. then it, is ardently hoped that the gods may retain that preci- ous sense sufï¬ciently long to capti- vate. bV his darts, a few more of the unhappy bachelors of this communitv Mr. A. O. Hogg is in "loronto this Week buying novelties for the Xmas trade. Expected on Friday llee.7tl1 a big assortment, suitable for birth- day presents. wedding presents and Xmas presents. From the quantity of old hens be- ing daily received and purchased at IIogg Bros. there must he. a. number more orphan chickens in Mariposa now than a month ago. .\'o matter old. as loog as they are in good and dressed according to how condition, institutions. We are open for anv quantitv at 7 cents a. pound in trade During the ,ate political (ampaign the speakers on both sides spoke in strongâ€r terms on the coal oil question which created quite a commotion in this vicinity. Whether it is due to them or whether it is due to the quality ill the Oil. We do not know. it... nnn t‘llnL" We (to know. and that his all an- apparently prnspvcl Hf u lqu pail. But again vm cllurm'tvr will minds nf :lw pun] ship L‘ipul ('lm'linns. ulthuugll HI“ nunu- slmking’ fur lhvm has already cum- lm-nn-d. but it is uw-r lhv mam-d quvstinn nf lm'ul npliun. u (nu-slim: which vuch individual must lvnu- In his uwn gum! judgnu-m fur (lu-Cisiun. hut us far as tln- lvusim-ss lil'v nf this \‘illugv is cnncvrm-d it math-rs liHlv whether Ihv hntvlâ€"kovu-rs huu' liu-nsv 1nr nut. It was killml nn than fulul day \\'th1 thv furnu-rs \w-n- Ix-rsuudâ€" (-(1 that tht-ir puckuts wmlhl suï¬'vr 1.44: if Hu- high svhnul \Vc-n- uhulish- o-(l '13, Hurry I‘c-rrin 4:1. \vrn ('hurliv \‘y’ullvrs 3f). Mumb- slunc- 17. Mumlv 'J'lmrmlikv l Lilli" l1. Kiln-l Mul'limlulv fulth-â€"('m‘il liq-nnit- UT). Sh HR. Rwy “(mm-s H7. (mm-m . “In. Itinn 71. LNmm‘c' (lum- l’vurl \M-ldnn ’16, I’m-«I Lulu 1.2mm (‘mmur il' ('npplc'sl un- \\ vhsl vl' Lukv “5 u- \nppl Hurnld iv Irwin .sl mw if: tuba. Mrs. {(-(lumu ui Ilurk'h Falls qu-m a. “wok hvru 111v gnvsL of Mrs. Us- bm'nm Miss L. llullick uml Miss Muxzmm â€1' Lindsay spent. u few days 11"1‘0 tlw gut-5'“ Hf Mrs. SilalS‘ ('zllu‘t'l. Rm. ll. (‘. Dixon uf ’l‘m'nnlu will hold a spl-ciul ten days svrvico in 1110 ()mngv hull lwro. cmunu-m'ing lh-v. (3H1. Hul'nld Hngg‘ 74'), iv Irwin l’ulxvrsun \‘N'uml Classâ€"HM Jmmio “118011.73, (:H). lhu‘nn‘r and Will lh'uwn uf‘ Purl Hupu are here. hunting; at pros- vnt. .\h'. Fuwlt-r 01' Lindsay is ulsn spending; 11 fow (lays hunting. lh'ulmru is lhv pm'mlisc of thv nu-(l- icim- l'ukir. .\ lrnvollinp; nu-(licinu- ('mnlnlny hns‘ llt‘t'll hl‘l'k' I'm“ the puh'l wm-k running 11 Show and svlling‘ lhvir nwdicixw. 'l‘hvy had an “lmhy shuw" thu prizv lwing' a. parlor lump \uluml at $12 fur the most lmpulul‘ hum. I'lu-r)‘ cvnt 1mm 1‘1-111'v51'nting a mute. 'l‘hv L-xcilvma‘nt mn high. the --$15 Overcoat for $12.50 at .Gough’s. llL' highvst : Baby ’lmwnuy 5:3.) \‘UH'S. Kathy Skuw :3 2.â€). Baby Brown 2600, Baby \‘unstmw I1HUU. 'l‘hv mmlicinw mun roped in over 8100. There is talk of u pron-st. AS Barnum said: "The people like to be foélod." ‘il l‘ \‘uic Mr. R. Moore. is huum from Mam- l‘:ll\\'H4)(l (:uldit- Uh Read Gough‘s advt. THE WAICHMAWWARDER: LINDSAY, 0N1. 152w It is Hut ()x'c'l‘ illlfl ht'rinc‘ Hixm W3 Mubd ,A‘laL I’llin 5N7). l'vul‘l Thum- (2la(l_\'s Hughsnu S1. Flur- Rl. Sudit- Sau'inau' 71$ \1â€" 175. ('lux‘u Bull Falls 71. l‘limlulv 7U. I’t‘ul'! ('mul 69. 2:9 flm'm'v (‘mul :{H n‘xll' It'd gain a strife nf ad 211’. Um'uw- (‘nml its u‘ .3. Third ('lzISSâ€"-K1H- m-- Hâ€. l’vm'l Irwin 77. :g 76, May ('Uml 133. Lun- Ht'l‘sun 5.3. Mul‘h')‘ Guard. sâ€"Huzvl {iclmrdsun .42, â€1.73. [{H)‘ 1'11â€]: 73. [(111 Laura Lukv 70. Eddie ';1 ï¬rm (3:3. \Villiv L'upplv- ucy Fuiro 2W. [{unnin [Eng an; {minuwa fur the four 1mm ’lmwnvy 3:23.", \‘utvs. v :3 "' Baby Brown 2mm, â€"v), will smm vng' pcnpiv REABO 1K) Rwy-s kio‘ (32 ult huugh Hu- tame muni- ugh thv hund- ilh't'illly (“um- 7“. Roy Hamlin-r ($5. Hugrh King‘r I-Iuwrsnn ('mul \W'l‘zl THU 43!. Mum}:- ('npplvâ€" ‘rmlikv I"). '/.«~llu I'limlnlv ti. Jr. Ur). Slo‘nu Phil]! ‘- luriivhi 1’21le ha. ‘I‘t' (hum-rm. (33. ()f lhiS’ 1U\\'Il" ' ()f HIP MINI- ings; mmlicinv l‘m‘ tlu‘ pus! and svllinp; uul u “huhy ECINNAMON EVERSON The New Hardware Men, Tr? us for Crosscut Saws. Axes. xixe Handles, Cow Ties. Lanterns, ec. Try us for Leather Mitts. Sleigh Bells, Skates, Chums, Washing Machines, Wringers. Cutlery. etc. Our Champion and Peninsuiar still take the lead. Because they are the most perfect working stoves 0“ the market. Because they (30 1h? work with the least amount of fuel. Because our prices are right. Tha‘ is why we sell so many. Call and see them and our line of Air Tight Heaters Stoves and Rangeg Kent-st. Lindsay ““‘ ““‘ uVI a fa 533181111" Show 111g can 11090 5911 l charge auditor 1 commissn1 finance. {.3 J 0rd ?;1m0\15 DTO \ pet: WHO )[avor n9 of and ‘ date hydra Big“ d for )1 rs xflotl 1C( 158 0‘ who (‘h 2 coun‘ klis {UP u\\‘ ___,..' _ â€" vvfs-VV_V_.VV ,,__ â€My: . E . . . VICTORIA ROAD lir. Bowermtin. ioi'iat Road (t'hirpaw's lat-‘t-T) 'l'hursday regularly. _____....oâ€"â€"-â€"â€" W O ODY ILLE t ie l‘r. Bowerzaan. dentist. \isits {Queen's hoteli every Fri- except the last. \\ not] ville «day in each. month ï¬rst? visit. her. Ttii. all day. ______‘..â€"â€"‘ MANILLA llead llog‘g‘ liros. advt. every Week .‘lor holiday buy 'ng. W Y ALE-X11 A Mr. James tia. in March last arrived here Saturday. and will ed spend the holidays 1': accompanied by two children. lie says a trying year bit and the Korts‘AM-st. "' "' interest you. â€"50c. on the $ at. Gough‘a. .l A X [1’1‘ V ILLE “Allie cheese to. :i'ifltit‘lv lit lltt‘ p- .. ,1 .â€" _. . n . .. p H ,. v , shie" t We in.intt;ncâ€" liti'e til cheese -_.ii‘ '_.t'.\17 waistâ€). is . ii llit' Slit-it":- \n ail} )lll‘lll"l no v-t iii; billing oi in“ "Mi-“ll“. V: ‘ Last fall Messrs. lirass and Kin-I. t'lit't'flt‘ (iti. wi‘l lie held l"~i‘ .l’fhli a? ’i. o- " †i .lil>,. he; ;.i:s2:ii-.~~ tor the : (AKA \ tiirottu‘ll \t .350“. __.â€"â€"â€"-...â€"_â€"â€"-â€" til Li lil Kit-s. \‘i' - ll _ s \\..\ i..s in en \tl'V st \ iii 1 i . i5. itvo wtiks. -~ J two. H“ i‘ nn‘i t sk'l'. ‘ ii 1 t t 'li \‘l ll ‘1 l \ Report of the standing of the pill)- FROM CORRESPONDENTS its of 8.8. No. 10 Mariposa for the "°’â€" month of November. Sr. 4th class-â€" Milton Pinkham. Jr. 4th class -- (h'lt|l~". visitS VlC- Willie Shearer. Archie MacDonald. every Willie Rodd. Dan Napier. Sr. clas Archie. Mclnnis, Murray Nokes, Net- â€"â€"â€"Ada. Nokes. Myrtle Shearer, Dan Mclnnes. Sr. pt. 2ndâ€"Bernicc Shearer. Dorcas Tinney. Charley Nokes. Neva Keeler. .lr. pt. 1 Gretta Philips. ()da Patterson. Carin Robinson. ips. . . . , , . ., .. . .' n-esents. wedding iresents and l l i ' l n iuncenient in Richard lxcclcl‘, John Mann's" LOSS dd“ 1 t l and a so 115 HM“ it“ ‘ . Yin-as iii'esen s. _. ., .\okes. fl * , 110 (â€WWW-"1 "“rr"‘l“‘â€d"m" ‘ :It From the. quantity of old hens beâ€" ‘ . _ .i. . . - .. . will pay you. MWUJI ~‘“““ ml“ m â€"Fine Fur Gaps at. Gough’s. ing‘ daily received and puitliased at- . Mrs. 15 h-ury and son ot loi onto are now than a month ago. .\'o matter Hobbs. \\'lto left V‘s-10““ visiting friends in the village. ' ‘ " . ' ' ‘ 7 ~ ' - . I . ‘ ‘ ‘â€" . . my iarnian. Bun. M“ “' l' “03“,?“ attir hm â€1010112 condition, and dressed according to with friends. lie Miss Lillian Weldon is spending a quantity at. 7 cents a. pound in trade. \li's ll-ilibs i-lld few weeks visit with friends in Lind- it has been SUN- .‘.ir ~“Alli-15:“ in \lanito- Look out ï¬n- litigg- Bros. attltl ilt‘Xl strong terms On tllt' C(Htl oil question week. You will tind sonr‘lltittsr ‘0 I which created quite a commotion in ~ i .5 )1 ‘ it' this townshi i. are . ‘ _ soutmin i â€I i i tion Hog}; l’iros. (died more .iâ€"u‘allon endeavorinu‘ to keep up most practical method of the times. erected during the las‘» few each purchased an "ideal lirantfoi'd.†Another addition has i'ist been this vicinity. Whether it is due to .\s an apprentice. .\lr. Siiiiin Fer- them or whether it is due to the guson has coininenct-d the lilacksniith- quality 1:â€, â€w oil. W“ (in “m km)“: (plum. will d “LUV“;- of me» mg: “Uh Ml: :lflljil: Rayner.†: _ tl e but one 1 iiiig We (to know. and that i ‘ ‘ llial the “Hum-R, (Swim '\ m 1 is for the three Weeks after the elul‘o" made to our public library which during its short existence has made wonderful progress lit-en itiiille ii‘oiii For a in. re pittance anyperson may tt\;til itiilis‘t‘li or herself til‘ the litei‘u’ . ' tate on the unhappiness of single life. ' F0†Within “10- 1a“ “Mk "0 103-“ WWW WW†I . than half a dozen of (‘iipid's victims in this vicinity have become happy husbands. Mr. Joseph Falls took the lead and as quietly Mr. ()scar 3rd Wakely followed the lieaiiiing‘ examâ€" th' the above supposition prove I Retiring From the DRY GOODS Department ’i of His Business. EAST MANILLA sâ€"â€"â€"\\'illie. Michael, Maty McInnis. I’ll" _ . to be true. ,then it, is ardently hoped that the gods may retain that preci- ous sense sufficiently long to capti- vate by his darts, a few more ot‘ the unhappy bachelors of this community Mr. A. O. Hogg is in Toronto this week buying novelties for the Xmas trade. Expected on Friday Dec. 7th a big assortment. suitable for birth- lle (leer. Silas JeWell. Jr. 3rd. 2nd-â€" 22nd tablet-Lâ€"Lloyd Phil- lioss Robinson. lst. tablet â€"-â€"â€" ______-..oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 11 m Bros. there must he. a number OAKWOOD â€5†more orphan chickens in Mariposa Business, this year I am yet handicaped for Selling Space, and as it is im. possible to further increase the size of the building I have decided to retire from the; DRY ti00DS Department and conduct an up=to=date. one price. Clothing and Furnishing Store. One year ago my Landlord enlarged the store owing to the increase of ...§.;i.i how old, as loot,r as they are in good " g. . ' w . \ . n r. . - . . . . iilntss is .iiilt to be about again Insil‘llt'iltlll$, “1. are “i""l 1m UHF During the. .ate political campaign the speakers on both sides spoke in February ist i ( i Wilh mp (lrit and 'l‘orv cans than in anvottiei- The contraCtor takes pOSS€SSIOn to maké the UCC‘ESSBJ’}; altï¬f;_ é :, l t ( ( ( ( ‘. i ( t ‘1 ( ( i g tions, this means that $20,000 worth of Staple and fancy Dry Goods, Ladies Mantl s. Lelia; .1 I, . __ I. m. Furs, Blankets, Robes and everything in our Smalltvarc D31. tint. tut again a slt'tit' H .i ti ct“ . o. ' merit IS to be sold at and below cost. en: character will soon county-- lit“ , , 1 ‘11 three weeks in their history. ' t :- number oi \\'ltl(llll s .. , . , , Mm l“ h lhe taint echoes oi the recent poiâ€" years. _ . . itical campaign are scarcely heard from the distance of the past. Neigh- . liors and the closest of friends who the agent \li‘. thas. Jenkins. ‘ : : ‘ during that critical ilv‘l‘ltitl sauizt-ly fought at crossâ€"roads and tariiiâ€"liouse gates oxer the burning questions of the day are now shaking hands and \dditions have : _ : all are apparently satisned with the tiine to tiine so that : _ : : prospect oi a livi- year lull (iliiilt'l‘ now contains nearly 113th) \ol. iiiilitls Hi itit‘ [it‘tiinii' iii liiis lll\\ll‘ it oi L. eds. v \ s i-d \lrs liowhey's ‘ . :- i. tdre oi the ages and surely this is . . ~ 1 , 1h! usll'S ltll (l A \ t.‘_‘.\ ii\ \\(-Q-:\. : ‘ . .' .‘llll’. ll 1* illil (l\"l. ill" lillll‘l llllllll" : I ll. ‘I . ,H an institution which (Lamont-5 .m- . , x V - \li\ \szt t .' ‘ I \' ‘Wl't'll " . i'iiial ell-Minus altiiouuii tiit- li.tlltl- ( 7w.“ I ~ \ iitttt'iiiizi:'o' and support oi e\erj. [it-râ€" : : ( , i“"})'\l\ 1.‘l,~t i it It! till .‘Ilil.’ ‘ , .‘liilhltl‘; I.)[‘ lip-“l il.l\ itli""l‘l,\ l'Hlll‘ ' «5' . son who would be soinetiiiiiu‘ iii-tier : : ‘. "h 'd‘iâ€: \ d \‘w‘ \\‘ u h" . - lilt'llt"‘tl. lili' 1'. Is ti‘.t‘l' lit" '_t'\i'tl ( _ 1V“, - liltlll lit' is. : ‘ : : ' U l ti {it v . rill \ s ..Z t) l I \ _ ‘, ‘ 'l' 'l\ {llll'\lll)ll (ll ltit‘.tl (iiiiitiii ;| tilio'siitiii . . . 2 L- , . . i'm'uolit-‘Hoti “inch 2s 2 cm . , 5 , 1 ,' ll d l t b f L d . d ‘ ~~ ~* - . . flex. \l!‘. \\..»'-‘ out? \il- “W“ . . , ~. . , which each iiidiyitludl iiius‘ lv-.i\e to CV61. 0 ere 0 he Dyers 0 1r] 53‘ an SurlOUll 1110' Ci)g:x I‘t‘ * ‘ \ . . lâ€'lil‘l"\"“‘"i thus.- “no lH'iit-i(l i. “its ‘ : : . J b J , ‘ ~- ( V i Hi. Hili . t' in. ' til lllt { \1 : '1‘ 1 l_ ltlF- “\VH LitHHl lll‘lu'liit‘lll 1‘â€. tli't‘lsltiil. ’ b1 d * . v ( (a . ~\ ' . . \\ i'n 'ssei oii . r. . .itni-s a} o' s - ' , . t l: ’ t .. AQ/ s n m -. “fiddly will“? 1â€â€œ. ““433“,.th ill i . lilll .is far its the iiiisiiii-ss lite .it' this secure n6\\ seasona e goo S 8' lrSL OS ear ‘ 1n 1C bLtttlJi†( ‘ ‘ , 'ai‘iii. \\'io‘l‘~' the turn xvi-re engaged : ‘ K )\l 1:.: . ;..,- \V‘: in“)? tic ‘i‘ tie“. : I : \ â€in!“ i‘ t'titlt‘t'l'llt'll ll ““1..',I.\ i“. i 1“ ( \ ‘ l.is' week in tli'llltilL: .i \\--.l \\llt'li ( .i . . i whether the hotelâ€"keepers have license ( J . ‘. â€" .i certain shirt" “1 '41" l'l‘l""‘~‘ â€â€1 , . . i I IIIIHIIIIIII llllllall " LAUELO) ‘ : , ' ()i‘ â€til. ll \\ ‘tN l\illl'tl Hll lildl ltllrll ( 3r ‘ " . ~ . , llt‘°'ll reactivd the wafer sittirw'd up ‘ : N! M \ i ‘7 iiii'lil' â€'1 u M l ‘ ‘ ‘ i - da\ when the i’ai'inei‘s were IN-rsnad- : -.. , . ... ‘. lili‘ (itsl;iiit'-' Hi N'M‘ti 'it' t'iudl it'i'l - : ‘ ‘ : 1‘il“'l~i“li>' V““'-'"""-'“" 1"“ "i â€â€œ5 “1' . . _ o-(l that their litit’i\l‘i\ would with-r , 9 ( ~ 1 . . .. . and continued tntis tor several hotiis f ‘ lean v. .1". tiv than . t: Mi'uiaj and \lon- . . :V : : 1:.“ H. tin ltluli school “pl.“ .iliolish- ' w . . . . in its wild t’;t!‘~'~'l‘iii£ a lt'." .isn was , I 9 .1 ‘ ‘. _, dex. l'v‘lj. it? '1. .i‘ '1 lr"... >»-i"vi('i-s on ‘ . : , . N1 ( L†i . , ohsei‘m'd 2., iii" (is’oiILsiiiiic-Iit oi the ' : ( \i.l.tl' .i ttt..o .t.‘.;'.. :i. the risto!‘ . . . 5'" !‘1 t' r .\ i. -iii§u~r. Senior ‘t' 1‘ \ i" ll spectators. \iier tiit- \\';i"‘t' :nid “will I lm H i ' ll ° ' ° ' ‘ ' ( ‘ W "N "’ _ "1*“ ~ - '- - - - - . . ‘ wt m .E‘Ii- \\ ~ii mi. lila on": tl 'l ll ff ' l B i “‘ "“ " ‘ _ . .‘ ,V .. .. MM ..; . .i i . . ~ ., tiring 115 sa c we W1 0 6:1 pCClZl arqams Lu. 3 57th" “3 i«111“»‘ " - â€71 “"1“th ll '1 t {I -i ii i 1 >47. l{~-L:"':-» lit'fililt' Tt'i. lliit tiarilYt"? ] ° ) s - r‘ 1 - é \ ‘ couit oe \‘v't'il. an} . ico' cs i; ao- “ ' t1 d 3/1 I; ‘h d . .. . m : _ , _ ,- , ., _ , ( -..- ~ . .. x .‘ L,.-.iil(l Iii\\i ‘~‘:-'....:. \\.i: in- so; .wl : .' :_ g . I l. l‘.ll\\tHitl |\..\‘.‘ in). llHL‘ii [\m: C‘O 11nd 31] ’ ens urnl‘b 1nd epal‘tlllents. lalil\lt.ii :js\ fl ' " o'i'u ti‘l‘dllt't‘tl .ii‘t‘iittii 'Yi: itvi' its at»- - {'3 b - 5 ...' ( : : Aiiiiit -1 ii \ â€Mir.“ l Ii‘, . . . . _ (‘,1_ “â€1““. illt‘hlt‘ “3": l‘llilt'l'NtIil liliilll o . I . ( - t t ..n . .. . man ust mcrs o t * p t - U or t ~+ .. .. t s ) t 1) twin“ ti s s ii til \titJl ‘ , ‘ H : .:: _ l3 llttl'i'\ l‘o'i‘i'iii 1:1. \i'i'u l.tll 1:1: .V O r Clr 3‘ rOllabe urlnb e 35L Li€\ K,“ \ cc..- ( iiiitittlshi-il and to in“ ltittolll t‘ ’ - . , . ( ‘i l" lull- . ‘ l‘tl l ‘43. "(ll-n‘ ,‘ . _ .;. " -..~\ :Ifl \. itlt- (iiiilu I k t A f t1 v . . \ l \ . l s? iii {‘o'iildlltr- a pi'oioniwl i;iys'.~i-;. ill“ I“ “-‘l‘ l' ’ . l“ ‘ ll ‘ as a con llzuanCC C 16 same 111 m\ 11€\\ 5 Dre ( ‘ 1'â€st i l’. .. Y†is lt‘f‘H‘ll‘J l\ ,_ T '." ,. t. t'. 2.11“ J k I 1 5H titllitt‘t‘t'tls and sudden hate i-ne'i ‘l"“ 1 - ““H‘“ H“ â€â€œ11“ l i A ‘. . tl l't‘k. .\lf'. >‘t"..‘ o' l.llltl.\.t \‘. ;l , , ,, - .- 'lti. .i \l:\l'llll(l;tlt‘ 3’. .li' , s i i '\ :iios“ pleasing" ~'\e".ts \\ tiit‘ll lllilix" one 1"Il‘ H‘ I i ' T . . . r“ 1 l ' â€chill!" ss s \t ss H» in st i- _ ‘ I ~ .71‘ . .i l'. "H“ «.03. SM-‘iu [’iiil'i ' d t ' 1 diflnla " ""“ ‘. ‘ I - ‘1 tit;i ()1 i't\t' '«llJl \\" :llc' lll'tillt' 7" ln'- l†â€1h H i \t H l l . o â€L O 00 S C 1arge or sen on appr0\ a kll AAA; 5...: \ 1n .Ii ll i-_'l til _.i l i'\ .‘ni ‘ . . ‘: 5* lith ll‘ililll“.\ \-’ (idl'ilt‘itl l‘illl\ ‘7: C‘ , \ z ll"\i‘ that tiliiitl has i‘et‘oM-i'eil ii‘s ‘ a C 3 “Iii. ltinn Tl. Leonor-e innit-run t'ii'._ v...) . z ‘ .__â€"â€"â€"â€" iulni Ii .\\ \) ’i!‘ l [i \U t'.;lh - t s‘Ar it l.‘ - wron. her'z‘izti' 'l'5.«ii‘:;.it."j.. ‘l'll ci.is.~â€"»l,oi‘a .\lt'l\w::vi'-a l'i'i-v': \‘n-z-ster. >...ii .\.v olson. llozolti 'l‘oin‘f‘m'. ’l’li I'l.is.\ ,'t‘.â€"â€"â€",\l'-\ ".i $.itii- “ti."- clnson. Moody \\~bs'--:'. Iird t'.it.‘\ Miâ€"Sa-lie Sinclair .loi.:. 'loliiii-u Sirtl class ji‘.-â€"â€"\\ â€find liar" . lh’t!‘ 'l'ol~ Mae. 23nd class .‘l'.~' l. in .\--“:.i‘ ‘-"i'il" lit-“iv. l'lil'i: hora-thou. \r‘iiti‘t 'luilliiiu, Stitiiizi- \ltifï¬it's. ‘iliitrLfi‘ \lc- l\"il'/.it'. 2nd t'lil‘.‘ ii'.~â€"\ii2‘iis her-- ;tistiii. lsl t‘liiss [it :litl“-*\lill'\' \ii-tilson. .\iiiiie Sinclair. .‘ilillie New- 1". 2nd class p' isâ€"llojg 'l‘oltiiic. .ltit' Xt‘.\l)ll l . O â€" Great Suit. sale at. Gough's. BURST ltl \' l-IR ‘\ terï¬â€™ pleasar‘.‘ ‘.".":ll. 1 )uk t'ltice lit-L It: Nov. Blist. at the l"'~itl-â€it"‘ oi \lr. .las. ('ain. when his only daughter, \lag‘qie l‘Illen was united in the bonds of holy rriati'iinony to Mr, iiioix-rt James l\ilson oi' i'llltlSszv'. 'l‘he ceremony \Vil.‘ performed by .llev. two. \ltft'onnell of liiniiiou'it. tt‘ll>ili til the bride, in the presence of U. .szieail company of guests. The bride was assisted by: \liss \lnrtiia \\ilsoii. sister of the qriioiii and “us u‘iv'n away by her broihci'. ‘ili'. .lztiiies ‘l'nin of liiiiiiiotiifl. who also acted as grooinsinan. Tia- lii‘ide was most i-ecoiiiing‘ly attirod in a gown oi‘ liltte cloth will; ti'iininiiig‘s of white satin and lait‘e iir'iiziiiitii‘s. ’l‘ii“ bridesmaid \‘-'2t.\ tilso ’ns'I-iul.‘ attirâ€" l‘tl lll ('Ul'l‘t‘HlHliltllili t'tiliii‘s, .\l‘lt‘i‘ the ceremony those pin-son: part Link of a sumptuous \\t‘(‘:\li[14_: dinner \Viiit'll had lit-en iii‘.;i.ii~.-ij {or g}... â€C, rosin i, The afternoon was site“: 11‘. social iiitt‘i‘t'nifl‘Se ;ii.ii 'lil‘ usual instivttns on such occasions. The bride Was the recipient ei‘ a 'ltllillit'l' of very useful and liaiidsoino })l'l,‘St'1]lS’ .\s a ytorker in the .,.r. League and Salili-atTi school and as LL lief‘lilber of the Methodist church, Mrs. Wilson; v “ he very much missed and her. :i-._,..>te from our midst '.‘ill be sin- cert-1y regretted. The many friends goin in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wilson a very happy and useful life. \isiiiii (ii‘ cisi- lilt‘ t'liiiiige iii. smisnii leads each llll\\t'tltlt‘tl swaiii to inediâ€" ting too thin; the}r all come Mrs: mum†“i [mm-h 1.5â€â€œ, MW“. under thC'SC two heads; overâ€" a. week here the guest. of Mrs. ()s- work and under-digestion. but, whether you can or not, sum â€1' NW- Silas “MW". takc Scott's Emulsion ofCod LlVCl'()ll, to balance yourself ()i'nnge hall here_ commencing: llec. with your work. You can’t live on lt-â€"truc-â€"bUt’ b‘ it) you Port Hope are here hunting; at presâ€" can. ’l‘l'lCl‘C'S 21 limit, howcvu'; ent. Mr. Fowler of Lindsay is also you’ll pay for it. l’ciii‘l \‘veldon 'lli. l"i'cil Laki- lfl. Sr. tbirdâ€"An?heriiie lliiui it“. \l.iliel ltinn Hit. in 1a l'hili' ‘3". l‘eaz'l 'l‘liornâ€" «like Si. lilittlys lluu'iisoii \‘l. l'ilorv t'ill't' lviu'.r Si. Sadie Saviinic Tt'i \l- tin-int l'titid 7.3. lilati‘a 'u-ll halls 7i. . . i . \ltlllllt' \laii'litiildli' TU, l’cai". ("null t'i‘_i_ \i'iiold l‘oatl Silt. Iloi‘ace t'oad its h," laiiud t'oiiiior 3. 'l‘hit‘d t'l;ts.~~-!{.it- THE BARGAIN GIVER - _ ie t'oppiestone itâ€. l'earl ll'\\ilt ... ‘l! LINDSAY. -asAAus A Ao'Ni’“./" us..- .;«.,nï¬,... - . - .. Harold Hog: Tti. \lav (‘oad 13.3. Loii- . IS all rignt, If you are tOO fat’ ie lrwiii l’attersoii 3.3. .\lorlc_\ tioard. and allwrong,if too thin already. set-min classâ€"~llaxcl Richardson s2, Fat, enough for }'Our habit, is Jennie \\ilson Til. lloy l'liilp 73.. ldai .____.,_.-~,________ ...____.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"._____.___.- ___._._.__.._._.B ,,#,,../"‘M 11 1th 1.1 1 . “elaster 71.3. Laura Lake TU. luddie ) V. ' ,3 (ya 4‘, a Att C nlorL,‘0r CSS’ ls l‘ukt‘ (0)::. ll‘il l:lllll (32' \‘lllll' (.‘(l‘)[,l."‘ \ no great harm. 'I oo tat, consult stone .37, Lucy i-‘uii-e :zo. . ' ° r1 r-<flt’:‘:.‘" i a doctor; too thin, pcrsrstentlv -â€"-"‘â€"â€" @EEQEQ ' - ' . . TEE; s 71>: ; thin, no matter what cause, take -Read (30118118 3th- 2E ‘ Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver __,__.. ~ ..- - 7.â€" 0'1 pinuioiio ‘ . â€Hymn'i'mams'\i~i-.:.U_I_.'!1!.mmim. T’V “5 for 0055““ 53““ Axe’ L3; I ' I ' _ _ "-‘- . 'f Axe Handles, Cow Ties. Lanterns. g ‘ Mr. ll. Moore. is home front Mani- etc 5E ~ ‘ ~ There are many causes of get- 1 l A) )H. Q ‘Q C (It "5 O N (B 9.) r, :1" (D '1 ’l‘ H 11 ‘I. (I: Q ’I'J .1. di‘ I i. u. Bells, Skates, Chums, \\'as..£n; “Wt"- Machines, Wringers, Cutlery. :tc. ‘ ,, Miss 1.. litillick and Miss Mamoni Stop overâ€"work, if you can; of Lindsay spent a. few days here the Ci‘l'ï¬fll i ‘-“Q \1 f: ‘-r\ :‘:l\‘i'"\\\‘i' Cilia / I llet. ll. ('. Dixon of Toronto will Our Champion and Peninsular hold a special ten days service in the (D 'II Stoves and Rang tith. (do, lhtl‘lllt'l' and Will Brown of still take the lead. Because the mOSt perfect working struté C“- the market. Because they ~~'~ work with the leas. amount ' ‘ Because our prices are right is why we sell so many. spending a few days hunting. r9 1‘ T) ‘2 ;. " "a “\‘n it'll 5' ‘\"i ell' ‘J‘\I“\\"\\(J‘"')-\t“\\"\\ _. \ .‘V n \\ Ht'all:t)l'ti is the paradise of the ined- Scott’s Emulsion ofCod Livcr . . g . , .. unu- takii. .\ lltl\t‘lllll;; medicine Oil is the rcadicst cure for i-iiiiiiiiniy has iit't‘ll iii-in- t'or lltt' past week ruiiuiiiu‘ a show and selling f‘l l] \(1‘ \ I. ‘\'-'i \v “can’t eat,†unlcss itcomcs of 7. ) '0 d . .. L . , their iiicdicine. They had a "baby 2‘ Ul‘ Olng no “01 "(VOU cant show" the prize being a parlor lainp long be W'Cll and Strong) WithOUt \Hlllt‘tl at >213 tor the most popular 7,.-. .' ‘ l . . .‘ “~‘ 77.“. SOHlC sort Of aCthltY. hairy. l‘l\i-i_\' t't'lt‘. intid representing t1 \ote. 'l'he t“~.'.'llt'.‘li"!l 1...: high. the at h“. Call and see tlzem 3.2:; it‘i†our line of Air Tight Heaters tiiéplllhl :, The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. !f you have not tried it, send for . free sample, its a- zap j greeable taste will .. sur rise you. "‘ SC TT BOWNE Chemists, . Toronto. ' i | ‘t\ 4 / f '1 r NV ““‘ CINNAMON EVERSON The New Hardware Men. - Kent-st... Lindsay \ . i \ote standing as lotions for the tour. \‘T .\ '\|)I highest : liaby “liowney â€-33 votes. ialiy Skuce 2’, :27». Baby Iii-own 2mm, ., liabX Vanstone 1800. The medicine man roped in over Slut). 'l'here is talk of a protest. As Barnum said: "The people like to be fooled." \t â€"S\‘ I 5 Ca \: r \i\\.(;‘ it\\‘ \ ‘1'- h --l r: « " * â€"$15 Overcoat for. $12.50 at 50g.and $1.00;ail drugglsts. ,Gough’ . ' ll†1â€"1 K73}. ‘t it} ___,..' _ â€" vvfs-VV_V_.VV ,,__ â€My: . E . . . VICTORIA ROAD lir. Bowermtin. ioi'iat Road (t'hirpaw's lat-‘t-T) 'l'hursday regularly. _____....oâ€"â€"-â€"â€" W O ODY ILLE t ie l‘r. Bowerzaan. dentist. \isits {Queen's hoteli every Fri- except the last. \\ not] ville «day in each. month ï¬rst? visit. her. Ttii. all day. ______‘..â€"â€"‘ MANILLA llead llog‘g‘ liros. advt. every Week .‘lor holiday buy 'ng. W Y ALE-X11 A Mr. James tia. in March last arrived here Saturday. and will ed spend the holidays 1': accompanied by two children. lie says a trying year bit and the Korts‘AM-st. "' "' interest you. â€"50c. on the $ at. Gough‘a. .l A X [1’1‘ V ILLE “Allie cheese to. :i'ifltit‘lv lit lltt‘ p- .. ,1 .â€" _. . n . .. p H ,. v , shie" t We in.intt;ncâ€" liti'e til cheese -_.ii‘ '_.t'.\17 waistâ€). is . ii llit' Slit-it":- \n ail} )lll‘lll"l no v-t iii; billing oi in“ "Mi-“ll“. V: ‘ Last fall Messrs. lirass and Kin-I. t'lit't'flt‘ (iti. wi‘l lie held l"~i‘ .l’fhli a? ’i. o- " †i .lil>,. he; ;.i:s2:ii-.~~ tor the : (AKA \ tiirottu‘ll \t .350“. __.â€"â€"â€"-...â€"_â€"â€"-â€" til Li lil Kit-s. \‘i' - ll _ s \\..\ i..s in en \tl'V st \ iii 1 i . i5. itvo wtiks. -~ J two. H“ i‘ nn‘i t sk'l'. ‘ ii 1 t t 'li \‘l ll ‘1 l \ Report of the standing of the pill)- FROM CORRESPONDENTS its of 8.8. No. 10 Mariposa for the "°’â€" month of November. Sr. 4th class-â€" Milton Pinkham. Jr. 4th class -- (h'lt|l~". visitS VlC- Willie Shearer. Archie MacDonald. every Willie Rodd. Dan Napier. Sr. clas Archie. Mclnnis, Murray Nokes, Net- â€"â€"â€"Ada. Nokes. Myrtle Shearer, Dan Mclnnes. Sr. pt. 2ndâ€"Bernicc Shearer. Dorcas Tinney. Charley Nokes. Neva Keeler. .lr. pt. 1 Gretta Philips. ()da Patterson. Carin Robinson. ips. . . . , , . ., .. . .' n-esents. wedding iresents and l l i ' l n iuncenient in Richard lxcclcl‘, John Mann's" LOSS dd“ 1 t l and a so 115 HM“ it“ ‘ . Yin-as iii'esen s. _. ., .\okes. fl * , 110 (â€WWW-"1 "“rr"‘l“‘â€d"m" ‘ :It From the. quantity of old hens beâ€" ‘ . _ .i. . . - .. . will pay you. MWUJI ~‘“““ ml“ m â€"Fine Fur Gaps at. Gough’s. ing‘ daily received and puitliased at- . Mrs. 15 h-ury and son ot loi onto are now than a month ago. .\'o matter Hobbs. \\'lto left V‘s-10““ visiting friends in the village. ' ‘ " . ' ' ‘ 7 ~ ' - . I . ‘ ‘ ‘â€" . . my iarnian. Bun. M“ “' l' “03“,?“ attir hm â€1010112 condition, and dressed according to with friends. lie Miss Lillian Weldon is spending a quantity at. 7 cents a. pound in trade. \li's ll-ilibs i-lld few weeks visit with friends in Lind- it has been SUN- .‘.ir ~“Alli-15:“ in \lanito- Look out ï¬n- litigg- Bros. attltl ilt‘Xl strong terms On tllt' C(Htl oil question week. You will tind sonr‘lltittsr ‘0 I which created quite a commotion in ~ i .5 )1 ‘ it' this townshi i. are . ‘ _ soutmin i â€I i i tion Hog}; l’iros. (died more .iâ€"u‘allon endeavorinu‘ to keep up most practical method of the times. erected during the las‘» few each purchased an "ideal lirantfoi'd.†Another addition has i'ist been this vicinity. Whether it is due to .\s an apprentice. .\lr. Siiiiin Fer- them or whether it is due to the guson has coininenct-d the lilacksniith- quality 1:â€, â€w oil. W“ (in “m km)“: (plum. will d “LUV“;- of me» mg: “Uh Ml: :lflljil: Rayner.†: _ tl e but one 1 iiiig We (to know. and that i ‘ ‘ llial the “Hum-R, (Swim '\ m 1 is for the three Weeks after the elul‘o" made to our public library which during its short existence has made wonderful progress lit-en itiiille ii‘oiii For a in. re pittance anyperson may tt\;til itiilis‘t‘li or herself til‘ the litei‘u’ . ' tate on the unhappiness of single life. ' F0†Within “10- 1a“ “Mk "0 103-“ WWW WW†I . than half a dozen of (‘iipid's victims in this vicinity have become happy husbands. Mr. Joseph Falls took the lead and as quietly Mr. ()scar 3rd Wakely followed the lieaiiiing‘ examâ€" th' the above supposition prove I Retiring From the DRY GOODS Department ’i of His Business. EAST MANILLA sâ€"â€"â€"\\'illie. Michael, Maty McInnis. I’ll" _ . to be true. ,then it, is ardently hoped that the gods may retain that preci- ous sense sufficiently long to capti- vate by his darts, a few more ot‘ the unhappy bachelors of this community Mr. A. O. Hogg is in Toronto this week buying novelties for the Xmas trade. Expected on Friday Dec. 7th a big assortment. suitable for birth- lle (leer. Silas JeWell. Jr. 3rd. 2nd-â€" 22nd tablet-Lâ€"Lloyd Phil- lioss Robinson. lst. tablet â€"-â€"â€" ______-..oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 11 m Bros. there must he. a number OAKWOOD â€5†more orphan chickens in Mariposa Business, this year I am yet handicaped for Selling Space, and as it is im. possible to further increase the size of the building I have decided to retire from the; DRY ti00DS Department and conduct an up=to=date. one price. Clothing and Furnishing Store. One year ago my Landlord enlarged the store owing to the increase of ...§.;i.i how old, as loot,r as they are in good " g. . ' w . \ . n r. . - . . . . iilntss is .iiilt to be about again Insil‘llt'iltlll$, “1. are “i""l 1m UHF During the. .ate political campaign the speakers on both sides spoke in February ist i ( i Wilh mp (lrit and 'l‘orv cans than in anvottiei- The contraCtor takes pOSS€SSIOn to maké the UCC‘ESSBJ’}; altï¬f;_ é :, l t ( ( ( ( ‘. i ( t ‘1 ( ( i g tions, this means that $20,000 worth of Staple and fancy Dry Goods, Ladies Mantl s. Lelia; .1 I, . __ I. m. Furs, Blankets, Robes and everything in our Smalltvarc D31. tint. tut again a slt'tit' H .i ti ct“ . o. ' merit IS to be sold at and below cost. en: character will soon county-- lit“ , , 1 ‘11 three weeks in their history. ' t :- number oi \\'ltl(llll s .. , . , , Mm l“ h lhe taint echoes oi the recent poiâ€" years. _ . . itical campaign are scarcely heard from the distance of the past. Neigh- . liors and the closest of friends who the agent \li‘. thas. Jenkins. ‘ : : ‘ during that critical ilv‘l‘ltitl sauizt-ly fought at crossâ€"roads and tariiiâ€"liouse gates oxer the burning questions of the day are now shaking hands and \dditions have : _ : all are apparently satisned with the tiine to tiine so that : _ : : prospect oi a livi- year lull (iliiilt'l‘ now contains nearly 113th) \ol. iiiilitls Hi itit‘ [it‘tiinii' iii liiis lll\\ll‘ it oi L. eds. v \ s i-d \lrs liowhey's ‘ . :- i. tdre oi the ages and surely this is . . ~ 1 , 1h! usll'S ltll (l A \ t.‘_‘.\ ii\ \\(-Q-:\. : ‘ . .' .‘llll’. ll 1* illil (l\"l. ill" lillll‘l llllllll" : I ll. ‘I . ,H an institution which (Lamont-5 .m- . , x V - \li\ \szt t .' ‘ I \' ‘Wl't'll " . i'iiial ell-Minus altiiouuii tiit- li.tlltl- ( 7w.“ I ~ \ iitttt'iiiizi:'o' and support oi e\erj. [it-râ€" : : ( , i“"})'\l\ 1.‘l,~t i it It! till .‘Ilil.’ ‘ , .‘liilhltl‘; I.)[‘ lip-“l il.l\ itli""l‘l,\ l'Hlll‘ ' «5' . son who would be soinetiiiiiu‘ iii-tier : : ‘. "h 'd‘iâ€: \ d \‘w‘ \\‘ u h" . - lilt'llt"‘tl. lili' 1'. Is ti‘.t‘l' lit" '_t'\i'tl ( _ 1V“, - liltlll lit' is. : ‘ : : ' U l ti {it v . rill \ s ..Z t) l I \ _ ‘, ‘ 'l' 'l\ {llll'\lll)ll (ll ltit‘.tl (iiiiitiii ;| tilio'siitiii . . . 2 L- , . . i'm'uolit-‘Hoti “inch 2s 2 cm . , 5 , 1 ,' ll d l t b f L d . d ‘ ~~ ~* - . . flex. \l!‘. \\..»'-‘ out? \il- “W“ . . , ~. . , which each iiidiyitludl iiius‘ lv-.i\e to CV61. 0 ere 0 he Dyers 0 1r] 53‘ an SurlOUll 1110' Ci)g:x I‘t‘ * ‘ \ . . lâ€'lil‘l"\"“‘"i thus.- “no lH'iit-i(l i. “its ‘ : : . J b J , ‘ ~- ( V i Hi. Hili . t' in. ' til lllt { \1 : '1‘ 1 l_ ltlF- “\VH LitHHl lll‘lu'liit‘lll 1‘â€. tli't‘lsltiil. ’ b1 d * . v ( (a . ~\ ' . . \\ i'n 'ssei oii . r. . .itni-s a} o' s - ' , . t l: ’ t .. AQ/ s n m -. “fiddly will“? 1â€â€œ. ““433“,.th ill i . lilll .is far its the iiiisiiii-ss lite .it' this secure n6\\ seasona e goo S 8' lrSL OS ear ‘ 1n 1C bLtttlJi†( ‘ ‘ , 'ai‘iii. \\'io‘l‘~' the turn xvi-re engaged : ‘ K )\l 1:.: . ;..,- \V‘: in“)? tic ‘i‘ tie“. : I : \ â€in!“ i‘ t'titlt‘t'l'llt'll ll ““1..',I.\ i“. i 1“ ( \ ‘ l.is' week in tli'llltilL: .i \\--.l \\llt'li ( .i . . i whether the hotelâ€"keepers have license ( J . ‘. â€" .i certain shirt" “1 '41" l'l‘l""‘~‘ â€â€1 , . . i I IIIIHIIIIIII llllllall " LAUELO) ‘ : , ' ()i‘ â€til. ll \\ ‘tN l\illl'tl Hll lildl ltllrll ( 3r ‘ " . ~ . , llt‘°'ll reactivd the wafer sittirw'd up ‘ : N! M \ i ‘7 iiii'lil' â€'1 u M l ‘ ‘ ‘ i - da\ when the i’ai'inei‘s were IN-rsnad- : -.. , . ... ‘. lili‘ (itsl;iiit'-' Hi N'M‘ti 'it' t'iudl it'i'l - : ‘ ‘ : 1‘il“'l~i“li>' V““'-'"""-'“" 1"“ "i â€â€œ5 “1' . . _ o-(l that their litit’i\l‘i\ would with-r , 9 ( ~ 1 . . .. . and continued tntis tor several hotiis f ‘ lean v. .1". tiv than . t: Mi'uiaj and \lon- . . :V : : 1:.“ H. tin ltluli school “pl.“ .iliolish- ' w . . . . in its wild t’;t!‘~'~'l‘iii£ a lt'." .isn was , I 9 .1 ‘ ‘. _, dex. l'v‘lj. it? '1. .i‘ '1 lr"... >»-i"vi('i-s on ‘ . : , . N1 ( L†i . , ohsei‘m'd 2., iii" (is’oiILsiiiiic-Iit oi the ' : ( \i.l.tl' .i ttt..o .t.‘.;'.. :i. the risto!‘ . . . 5'" !‘1 t' r .\ i. -iii§u~r. Senior ‘t' 1‘ \ i" ll spectators. \iier tiit- \\';i"‘t' :nid “will I lm H i ' ll ° ' ° ' ‘ ' ( ‘ W "N "’ _ "1*“ ~ - '- - - - - . . ‘ wt m .E‘Ii- \\ ~ii mi. lila on": tl 'l ll ff ' l B i “‘ "“ " ‘ _ . .‘ ,V .. .. MM ..; . .i i . . ~ ., tiring 115 sa c we W1 0 6:1 pCClZl arqams Lu. 3 57th" “3 i«111“»‘ " - â€71 “"1“th ll '1 t {I -i ii i 1 >47. l{~-L:"':-» lit'fililt' Tt'i. lliit tiarilYt"? ] ° ) s - r‘ 1 - é \ ‘ couit oe \‘v't'il. an} . ico' cs i; ao- “ ' t1 d 3/1 I; ‘h d . .. . m : _ , _ ,- , ., _ , ( -..- ~ . .. x .‘ L,.-.iil(l Iii\\i ‘~‘:-'....:. \\.i: in- so; .wl : .' :_ g . I l. l‘.ll\\tHitl |\..\‘.‘ in). llHL‘ii [\m: C‘O 11nd 31] ’ ens urnl‘b 1nd epal‘tlllents. lalil\lt.ii :js\ fl ' " o'i'u ti‘l‘dllt't‘tl .ii‘t‘iittii 'Yi: itvi' its at»- - {'3 b - 5 ...' ( : : Aiiiiit -1 ii \ â€Mir.“ l Ii‘, . . . . _ (‘,1_ “â€1““. illt‘hlt‘ “3": l‘llilt'l'NtIil liliilll o . I . ( - t t ..n . .. . man ust mcrs o t * p t - U or t ~+ .. .. t s ) t 1) twin“ ti s s ii til \titJl ‘ , ‘ H : .:: _ l3 llttl'i'\ l‘o'i‘i'iii 1:1. \i'i'u l.tll 1:1: .V O r Clr 3‘ rOllabe urlnb e 35L Li€\ K,“ \ cc..- ( iiiitittlshi-il and to in“ ltittolll t‘ ’ - . , . ( ‘i l" lull- . ‘ l‘tl l ‘43. "(ll-n‘ ,‘ . _ .;. " -..~\ :Ifl \. itlt- (iiiilu I k t A f t1 v . . \ l \ . l s? iii {‘o'iildlltr- a pi'oioniwl i;iys'.~i-;. ill“ I“ “-‘l‘ l' ’ . l“ ‘ ll ‘ as a con llzuanCC C 16 same 111 m\ 11€\\ 5 Dre ( ‘ 1'â€st i l’. .. Y†is lt‘f‘H‘ll‘J l\ ,_ T '." ,. t. t'. 2.11“ J k I 1 5H titllitt‘t‘t'tls and sudden hate i-ne'i ‘l"“ 1 - ““H‘“ H“ â€â€œ11“ l i A ‘. . tl l't‘k. .\lf'. >‘t"..‘ o' l.llltl.\.t \‘. ;l , , ,, - .- 'lti. .i \l:\l'llll(l;tlt‘ 3’. .li' , s i i '\ :iios“ pleasing" ~'\e".ts \\ tiit‘ll lllilix" one 1"Il‘ H‘ I i ' T . . . r“ 1 l ' â€chill!" ss s \t ss H» in st i- _ ‘ I ~ .71‘ . .i l'. "H“ «.03. SM-‘iu [’iiil'i ' d t ' 1 diflnla " ""“ ‘. ‘ I - ‘1 tit;i ()1 i't\t' '«llJl \\" :llc' lll'tillt' 7" ln'- l†â€1h H i \t H l l . o â€L O 00 S C 1arge or sen on appr0\ a kll AAA; 5...: \ 1n .Ii ll i-_'l til _.i l i'\ .‘ni ‘ . . ‘: 5* lith ll‘ililll“.\ \-’ (idl'ilt‘itl l‘illl\ ‘7: C‘ , \ z ll"\i‘ that tiliiitl has i‘et‘oM-i'eil ii‘s ‘ a C 3 “Iii. ltinn Tl. Leonor-e innit-run t'ii'._ v...) . z ‘ .__â€"â€"â€"â€" iulni Ii .\\ \) ’i!‘ l [i \U t'.;lh - t s‘Ar it l.‘ - wron. her'z‘izti' 'l'5.«ii‘:;.it."j.. ‘l'll ci.is.~â€"»l,oi‘a .\lt'l\w::vi'-a l'i'i-v': \‘n-z-ster. >...ii .\.v olson. llozolti 'l‘oin‘f‘m'. ’l’li I'l.is.\ ,'t‘.â€"â€"â€",\l'-\ ".i $.itii- “ti."- clnson. Moody \\~bs'--:'. Iird t'.it.‘\ Miâ€"Sa-lie Sinclair .loi.:. 'loliiii-u Sirtl class ji‘.-â€"â€"\\ â€find liar" . lh’t!‘ 'l'ol~ Mae. 23nd class .‘l'.~' l. in .\--“:.i‘ ‘-"i'il" lit-“iv. l'lil'i: hora-thou. \r‘iiti‘t 'luilliiiu, Stitiiizi- \ltifï¬it's. ‘iliitrLfi‘ \lc- l\"il'/.it'. 2nd t'lil‘.‘ ii'.~â€"\ii2‘iis her-- ;tistiii. lsl t‘liiss [it :litl“-*\lill'\' \ii-tilson. .\iiiiie Sinclair. .‘ilillie New- 1". 2nd class p' isâ€"llojg 'l‘oltiiic. .ltit' Xt‘.\l)ll l . O â€" Great Suit. sale at. Gough's. BURST ltl \' l-IR ‘\ terï¬â€™ pleasar‘.‘ ‘.".":ll. 1 )uk t'ltice lit-L It: Nov. Blist. at the l"'~itl-â€it"‘ oi \lr. .las. ('ain. when his only daughter, \lag‘qie l‘Illen was united in the bonds of holy rriati'iinony to Mr, iiioix-rt James l\ilson oi' i'llltlSszv'. 'l‘he ceremony \Vil.‘ performed by .llev. two. \ltft'onnell of liiniiiou'it. tt‘ll>ili til the bride, in the presence of U. .szieail company of guests. The bride was assisted by: \liss \lnrtiia \\ilsoii. sister of the qriioiii and “us u‘iv'n away by her broihci'. ‘ili'. .lztiiies ‘l'nin of liiiiiiiotiifl. who also acted as grooinsinan. Tia- lii‘ide was most i-ecoiiiing‘ly attirod in a gown oi‘ liltte cloth will; ti'iininiiig‘s of white satin and lait‘e iir'iiziiiitii‘s. ’l‘ii“ bridesmaid \‘-'2t.\ tilso ’ns'I-iul.‘ attirâ€" l‘tl lll ('Ul'l‘t‘HlHliltllili t'tiliii‘s, .\l‘lt‘i‘ the ceremony those pin-son: part Link of a sumptuous \\t‘(‘:\li[14_: dinner \Viiit'll had lit-en iii‘.;i.ii~.-ij {or g}... â€C, rosin i, The afternoon was site“: 11‘. social iiitt‘i‘t'nifl‘Se ;ii.ii 'lil‘ usual instivttns on such occasions. The bride Was the recipient ei‘ a 'ltllillit'l' of very useful and liaiidsoino })l'l,‘St'1]lS’ .\s a ytorker in the .,.r. League and Salili-atTi school and as LL lief‘lilber of the Methodist church, Mrs. Wilson; v “ he very much missed and her. :i-._,..>te from our midst '.‘ill be sin- cert-1y regretted. The many friends goin in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wilson a very happy and useful life. \isiiiii (ii‘ cisi- lilt‘ t'liiiiige iii. smisnii leads each llll\\t'tltlt‘tl swaiii to inediâ€" ting too thin; the}r all come Mrs: mum†“i [mm-h 1.5â€â€œ, MW“. under thC'SC two heads; overâ€" a. week here the guest. of Mrs. ()s- work and under-digestion. but, whether you can or not, sum â€1' NW- Silas “MW". takc Scott's Emulsion ofCod LlVCl'()ll, to balance yourself ()i'nnge hall here_ commencing: llec. with your work. You can’t live on lt-â€"truc-â€"bUt’ b‘ it) you Port Hope are here hunting; at presâ€" can. ’l‘l'lCl‘C'S 21 limit, howcvu'; ent. Mr. Fowler of Lindsay is also you’ll pay for it. l’ciii‘l \‘veldon 'lli. l"i'cil Laki- lfl. Sr. tbirdâ€"An?heriiie lliiui it“. \l.iliel ltinn Hit. in 1a l'hili' ‘3". l‘eaz'l 'l‘liornâ€" «like Si. lilittlys lluu'iisoii \‘l. l'ilorv t'ill't' lviu'.r Si. Sadie Saviinic Tt'i \l- tin-int l'titid 7.3. lilati‘a 'u-ll halls 7i. . . i . \ltlllllt' \laii'litiildli' TU, l’cai". ("null t'i‘_i_ \i'iiold l‘oatl Silt. Iloi‘ace t'oad its h," laiiud t'oiiiior 3. 'l‘hit‘d t'l;ts.~~-!{.it- THE BARGAIN GIVER - _ ie t'oppiestone itâ€. l'earl ll'\\ilt ... ‘l! LINDSAY. -asAAus A Ao'Ni’“./" us..- .;«.,nï¬,... - . - .. Harold Hog: Tti. \lav (‘oad 13.3. Loii- . IS all rignt, If you are tOO fat’ ie lrwiii l’attersoii 3.3. .\lorlc_\ tioard. and allwrong,if too thin already. set-min classâ€"~llaxcl Richardson s2, Fat, enough for }'Our habit, is Jennie \\ilson Til. lloy l'liilp 73.. ldai .____.,_.-~,________ ...____.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"._____.___.- ___._._.__.._._.B ,,#,,../"‘M 11 1th 1.1 1 . “elaster 71.3. Laura Lake TU. luddie ) V. ' ,3 (ya 4‘, a Att C nlorL,‘0r CSS’ ls l‘ukt‘ (0)::. ll‘il l:lllll (32' \‘lllll' (.‘(l‘)[,l."‘ \ no great harm. 'I oo tat, consult stone .37, Lucy i-‘uii-e :zo. . ' ° r1 r-<flt’:‘:.‘" i a doctor; too thin, pcrsrstentlv -â€"-"‘â€"â€" @EEQEQ ' - ' . . TEE; s 71>: ; thin, no matter what cause, take -Read (30118118 3th- 2E ‘ Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver __,__.. ~ ..- - 7.â€" 0'1 pinuioiio ‘ . â€Hymn'i'mams'\i~i-.:.U_I_.'!1!.mmim. T’V “5 for 0055““ 53““ Axe’ L3; I ' I ' _ _ "-‘- . 'f Axe Handles, Cow Ties. Lanterns. g ‘ Mr. ll. Moore. is home front Mani- etc 5E ~ ‘ ~ There are many causes of get- 1 l A) )H. Q ‘Q C (It "5 O N (B 9.) r, :1" (D '1 ’l‘ H 11 ‘I. (I: Q ’I'J .1. di‘ I i. u. Bells, Skates, Chums, \\'as..£n; “Wt"- Machines, Wringers, Cutlery. :tc. ‘ ,, Miss 1.. litillick and Miss Mamoni Stop overâ€"work, if you can; of Lindsay spent a. few days here the Ci‘l'ï¬fll i ‘-“Q \1 f: ‘-r\ :‘:l\‘i'"\\\‘i' Cilia / I llet. ll. ('. Dixon of Toronto will Our Champion and Peninsular hold a special ten days service in the (D 'II Stoves and Rang tith. (do, lhtl‘lllt'l' and Will Brown of still take the lead. Because the mOSt perfect working struté C“- the market. Because they ~~'~ work with the leas. amount ' ‘ Because our prices are right is why we sell so many. spending a few days hunting. r9 1‘ T) ‘2 ;. " "a “\‘n it'll 5' ‘\"i ell' ‘J‘\I“\\"\\(J‘"')-\t“\\"\\ _. \ .‘V n \\ Ht'all:t)l'ti is the paradise of the ined- Scott’s Emulsion ofCod Livcr . . g . , .. unu- takii. .\ lltl\t‘lllll;; medicine Oil is the rcadicst cure for i-iiiiiiiiniy has iit't‘ll iii-in- t'or lltt' past week ruiiuiiiu‘ a show and selling f‘l l] \(1‘ \ I. ‘\'-'i \v “can’t eat,†unlcss itcomcs of 7. ) '0 d . .. L . , their iiicdicine. They had a "baby 2‘ Ul‘ Olng no “01 "(VOU cant show" the prize being a parlor lainp long be W'Cll and Strong) WithOUt \Hlllt‘tl at >213 tor the most popular 7,.-. .' ‘ l . . .‘ “~‘ 77.“. SOHlC sort Of aCthltY. hairy. l‘l\i-i_\' t't'lt‘. intid representing t1 \ote. 'l'he t“~.'.'llt'.‘li"!l 1...: high. the at h“. Call and see tlzem 3.2:; it‘i†our line of Air Tight Heaters tiiéplllhl :, The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. !f you have not tried it, send for . free sample, its a- zap j greeable taste will .. sur rise you. "‘ SC TT BOWNE Chemists, . Toronto. ' i | ‘t\ 4 / f '1 r NV ““‘ CINNAMON EVERSON The New Hardware Men. - Kent-st... Lindsay \ . i \ote standing as lotions for the tour. \‘T .\ '\|)I highest : liaby “liowney â€-33 votes. ialiy Skuce 2’, :27». Baby Iii-own 2mm, ., liabX Vanstone 1800. The medicine man roped in over Slut). 'l'here is talk of a protest. As Barnum said: "The people like to be fooled." \t â€"S\‘ I 5 Ca \: r \i\\.(;‘ it\\‘ \ ‘1'- h --l r: « " * â€"$15 Overcoat for. $12.50 at 50g.and $1.00;ail drugglsts. ,Gough’ . ' ll†1â€"1 K73}. ‘t it}