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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 Dec 1900, p. 9

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which We Tounto Then: is any kind » cents. of the Blusive Daly full Bargain No. 1:437 pairs Ladies’ Black Kid liloves, sizes " a 34, 6, 6 1â€"4, were 50c and 75c. Bargain Bay 25c. Bargain No. 2===4ll Bread and Butter Plates, were lllc, - bargain day 8c. ., Bargain No. $===lllll T. Red Handkerchiefs, were 5c, Bar= ~ gain Day 2c. Bargain No. 4===31 Handsome Silk Handkerchiefs, worked edges, were 20c, bargain day lllc. Bargain No. 5===Lovely Lawn Handkerchiefs, Beep Hem, were 5c, bargain day 2 for SC. Bargain No. 0===30 Pieces China Silk, was 30c, B. Day 24c. ‘ Bargain No. 7===8 pieces 30 inch Plain Black Print, was 10c, bargain day 5c. ‘ Bargain No. 8===lllll Linen Hatts, were 5c, B. Day 1c. Bargain No. 9x120 yds. Table Linen. 58 inches wide, ‘ was 28c, bargain day 20c. Bargain No. lll===300 yds Tweed, was 75, no, 50c,B. day 300 25c, bargain day 20c. Bargain No. 12===72 all=wool Shirts and Drawers, were 48c, bargain day 38c. Bargain No. 13===17 Ladies’ Cloth Coats and Capes, were $10, $8 and $7, bargain day $2.00. Bargain No. 14===6 Ladies’ Tweed Ulsters, were $9 and $10, bargain day $2.00. Bargain No. 15===lllll skeins Navy Blue and Seal Brown} Yarn, was 7c, bargain day 3 i=2. Bargain No. lo===36 yds. Navy Blire Union Serge, was 20c, bargain day lllc. Bargain No. 17===39 pairs Ladies’ all=wool Hose for llc. Bargain No. 18===3 pieces Flannelette to go at 4c. Bargain No. l9--5 pieces Dress Hoods, was 500, 40c, 35c, bargain day 20c. I ‘ .VLL- grgain Fridayfi Lindsay’s Leader This is a Numbex 50. DEC 14: Dry Goods House FOR SALE. -â€" Span of Gnod Working Horses. Apply at Watchman-Wander office. _43‘tfo WANTED â€"Cook and Kitchen Girl. Good “73-833 to pght parties. Apply at Central House, Lmdsa y.â€"49 3. TE ACHER WANTED. -For S. S. No 4, Garden, second or third class. Duties to commence Jan. Ist, 1900. Protestant de- nomination. Apply stating salary and ex- perience to GEORGE IVORY, Secretary, Dalrymple, Ont. â€"47-4. TO LET.â€"The large store in the Village of Oakwood known as the Thorndike store. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to D. R. ANDERSON. Lindsay P.O., Solicitor for Executors Thorndike estate.â€" 37-tf. *9 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" On Colbome-st., north ward, an eight- roomed, brick-veneered house, heated wath coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable. an eXCellent well and cistern, half an acre of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- ably if taken at once. For full particulars apply to the Watchman-Wardex officeâ€"â€" 42-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Notice is hereby given that unless all persons having accounts against the Corporation of Lindsay render same in detail on or before the ISth day of December, ISOO, they wxll not FARM FOR SALE OR REHEâ€" FARM FOR SALEâ€"The east half of the east half of Lot 15. Can 2, Township of Ops. containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared ; soil clay loam. On the pre- mises are a new frame house with summer kitchen attached ; a frame barn with stables attached, and other small buildings. Three- and-a-half miles from Lindsay, the county town of Victoria, and on one of the leading NOMINATION MEETING. â€" Third? County Council Division, County of VictoriI.â€"Notice is hereby given that al meeting will be held pursuant to the Muni- cipal Act, 1896, at the Old Township Hall in Omemee. on the TWENTY FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 19cc. between the hours of one and two o’clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the otfice of County Council- lor for the Third County Council Division of tle County of Victoria. If agreater numler of candidates are nominated than are r: quired to be elected. the polls will be opened at the polling places for each of the polling sub-divisions Within the said district on MONDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1901, the polls to continue open from nine o’clock in the morning until five o’clock in the. afternoon and no longer. Dated the Third day of December, 1900. RICHARD J. GRANDY, Nomin- NOMINATION MEETINGâ€"Socond County Council Division. County of Victoria.â€"Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held pursuant to the Muni- cipal Act, I896, at Lindsay. in the Town Council Chamber, on the 241‘“ DAY OF DECEMBER, 1900. between the hours of one and two o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of County Councillor for the Second County Council Division of the County at Victoria. If_ a greater number £015 24 and 25, Gull River Range, Town- ship of Bexlev, 196 acres, 75 gcres cflgareq, and in good state of cultivation. Abund- ance of water; good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. One mile from Coboconk; good school, churches and railroad. Will be sold an easy terms. There is a good frame barn with underground stable, 30 x 50, and house 18 x 20, with good cellar ; pig pen 40 x 20; and small orchard. Adl ress L. M. REESE Coboconk.â€"36-tf. be entertained by the Council of 1900 The rendering of accounts is imperative in order to facilitate the making of a true financial statement for the year 1900. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk..â€"48 3. FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The followine valuable farms are offered for sale on very easy terms of payment : ioeds to the town. One-and-a-balf miles from Ops Station, about the same from church, post-office and blacksmith shop. Plow leave immediately. Possession March Ist. 1901. For particulals apply to MISS CATHERINE NAYLOR, 22 Elgin-st., Lindsay, Ont.â€"47-4. afing Officer-~49 2- 3f eugdidates are nominate'd than are re- quired to be elected. the polls will be open- ed at the polfipg pieces: fo_r eac_h_ affine Polling sub-divisions within the said Divis~ ion on MONDAY. THE SEVENTH D \Y OF JANUARY, 190I. the polls to continue open from nine o’clock in the moxninguuul five o’clock in the afternoon and no Iongc-r. Dated the 4th day of December, 1900. W. F. O’BOYLE. Nominating Officer.- 40 2. gm ghnufismnus. Valuable farm of 100 acres, one mile from Lindsay; all plow land except 3 acres of pasture ; soil clay loam. Good dwelling. two barns. one acre orchard; close to school. A good farm at a reasonable price and on easy terms of payment. Lot 20, Con z, Mariposa, containing 100 acres; good brick dwelling, two frame‘ barns, stabling, etc. All plow land exce pt ‘ two acres hardwood bush. Soil clay loam Two acres orchard ; good wells. Also Lot 23, Con. 3, containing 100 acres, 70 of which are pasture land. The above farms will be sold separately or en bloc. Price reasonable and terms easy ~ East half Lot 2;, Con 7, Eldon township, containin r00 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardw bush. Sorl, clay loam.' Two miles from Kirk field, on good road. 00 the premises are a good brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms and large kitchen: woodshed, etc; frame hip-roofubam, with stone foundation and good stabling. One we of young orehaxd; good water. A first-class {sum in every respect. The 31:11th farm west half Lot 16, Con. 3, Ops, is ofl‘errd for sale. It is situated four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Britain road, and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. There is a. good brick house, with woodsheds; large frame barn. driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good state of cultivation, and will be sold reason- LINDSAY. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13th. 1900. For {utthcr particulars apply . PORTER, Watchman-Wade! ;, one mile to BOARDERS WANTED --Apply at 33 Sussex-st , North Ward.â€"â€"47-5. WANTEDâ€"Gnod General Servant. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. Neelands, 8 Mill.st.-â€"49 2 FOR SALE. â€"â€" A Horse Power for 10 horses, in good cnndition. Will be sold cheap. Apply ‘0 T. D. STAPLES, come: Glene‘g and Albert-ms" Lindsayâ€"50 I. SEED OATS.â€"For sale, a quantity of :he famous Danish White Seed Oats. Price on application. JAS. KENNEDY. Lot 7, Con. 7, Ops. Reaboro P.O ~50 5 LOST. â€" On the Bnhcaygnnn Road. on Friday. Dec. 7th, a Silver Hunting Gasa Watch, stem wind. Finder will please {save at The Wa'cbman-‘Natder office.â€" 0 2 FARM FOR. SALE-Eighty-fi NOTICE.- Parties are hereby ca,ti\ ned against negotiating any business in my name without my written order, as I shall nut be responsible for the same. I. CL’NDAL, Cameron. - 50 3. STRAYEDâ€"Into the premises of the undersigned. Lot I. Con. r5, Maxiposa, a Ewe and two Lambs. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. JOSEPH HILLâ€"49 3. FARM 'I'O RENTâ€"Containing 501cres, two miles from Kent-st, Lindsay; all plow land. Good heavy clay soil. Good dwell- ing and outbuildings. Immediate pom“:- sion. Apply at THE WATCHVIAN- WARDER.â€"43-4. CATTLE WAN TB D.â€"Thc undersigned has abundance of straw, also plenty of water and good shelter, and W111 accept 40 or 50 head of Cattle for the next three months. Terms teasonable. Apply to J. J. BEACOM. Cambray.â€"49-4. TEACHER WAN TED -for School Sec- tion No. 3, Laxtov, math: or ’emale, secnnd or third-class ; duties to commence on Jan, 3rd, 1901. Apply stating salary and ex- perience to HENRY SOUTHERN, sr., Sec -Trcas., Oak Hill Pl. O.--5o-3. STRAYED.-â€"Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 3, Con. 10. Ops. on or about Nov. 81h, 1900, One Yearllng Steer. Ownet is requested to prove pm- perty. pay expenses and remove animal. S E. RODDY, Reaboro P O -â€" 50-3. 00 T1 AGE FOR SALEâ€"On Glenelgâ€" st. east, containing five rooms, kitchen and wood-shed, also stable, The house is on stone foundation and in good state of repair. Lot one-eighth acre. A nice home at a low price. Apply at The Watchman-Wander office.â€"48 4. STRAY CATTLE. â€" Strayed into the premlses of the undersigned. Con. IO, Lot 7. Fenelon. on or about Oct. 20th, tum Yearling Heifers and a Year old Steer with white face. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the same away. ED. SANDERSON, Duns- ford . â€"49- 3. bTRAYED-From the premises of Ihe undersigned, Lot 26, Con. 11. Ops, Fliday evening, 23rd inst. One Aged Cream "arson and one Yoar-and-a-Half Bay Colt, faur white feet, with star on face. Finder will be rewarded by sending inim- mation to SAMUEL SANDERSON, Lindsay P O. - 48 3. ARM FOR SALElâ€"Eighty-fi e 2cres. three miles from Lirdaay. All pl w land ; good buildings. PliCe $4000. A 200d farm. Apply at Watchman-Wards! office. 50'3- HOLIDAY PRESENTS : WHERE TO BUY THEM Timely Suggestions for Busy Readers CUTTERS FOR SALEâ€"The under signed has a large assortment of all kinds of cutters from such leading manufacturers as the Hamilton Carriage Works. Lindsay; the Brantford Carriage Co. and the Canada Carriage Co., which he is prepared to ex- change for cash, cattle or horses Also a large stock of harness, which he will ex- change for cattle. Call and inspect. W. A. FANNING. Cambray.-47-4 ‘ AT W. A. (:OODWIN'S The finest lines. of Photo Frames and Medallion Pictures ever imported, now on sale at Goodwin's at, less than city prices. The newest style of framing in plain or fancy mounts. Orders for Mirrors solicited. At the Art ‘Lore, next; the Simpson House. (‘an‘ing setts Table and pocket. ':11t10ry Children's Knives and Forks Roger Bros. Plated Knives, Forks and spoons Shears and Scissors Ladies' and Gents’ Hockey Skates Boys” and Girls' Skates Hockey Sticks and Pucks Air Rifles, Sleigh Bells Nickle-plated Loalekotlles and Tea-- firm gimmimmmts pots Trays. Meat Cutters Raisin Seeders Nickleâ€"plated Smoothinl,r Irons Parlor, Cook and Heating Stoves Fancy lamps, etc. All at extremely low prices. .‘\'1‘ ('INXAMOX RVERSON'} AT R. B. ALLAN CO.'S. Men's Lined Gloves at 50c., 75c., and $1 per pair. Men’s and Women's Silk flanker? chiefs, all kinds. Men's Puff Ties, Four-inâ€"hand Tics. THE REFUGE IS A GOOD ' PLACE FOR OLD FOLKS Exâ€"Wardon Bryans. in the coursv of conwrsation on the House of Refuge saithâ€"When I was away on that connnitteo to get infornnuion about them- plnces I was impressml with .Ihoir usefulness. Poolflo will tell you that the present way of kouplnq the poor costs less than tho illufug'c would. Some loss may be spent. but sou how the poor are kept. ()fton 1L grant, of $3 a. month, or pvrhaps ST). is gin-n. Now anyone will zul~ mil, than suc’ :1 sum cannot kwp tlu-so pooplc./ and yet you are told that the numicipulity kcvps its poor for so much. It does not. Why that would hardly buy the fuvl. Tnc fact. is that, the neighbors after all kcop 1110111, and in many vases Illuy actually suffer to an vxtvnt of which you have no idea. I’f people could see how comI‘O'mblc the mid folks are In the vaugo-s we \‘iSiU’d. I don’t think {hwy \Vnnld want, to adhere fo the. present sysâ€" tom. They were cheerful. clvun old bodies. many of Whom. wprv inking: at certain amount of pride in such work as tin-y were able. to do about the place. AL one Roiugu a. ko-vn. ut‘lin‘ old \vonun, with 2L slight pv- culiarity. magic all sorts of apolo- girs for the 1’ poarance of tho kiichcn and while hurrying to put, things in ordvr uloqm-ntly laid the hl‘dlllu for the condition of afl'airs on Mrs. Someâ€" body whom she regarded as ri-sponsi- blc. Men’s Initial Silk Handkerchiefs. Men's Braces, every style and price. Gent’s and Ladies’ Fur Gauntlets. An elegant stock of Ladies‘ Ties \of every style. Ladies' Kid Gloves from 50(: to $1.1. I) per pair. Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, all prices. Ladies' Fur Lined Capes. Large stock of Ladies‘ Furs for the neck at all prices. “ETC Dur‘nvu. r ()1' l, n u m i m u, nights she lay on the roadsidv. Shc I‘k’fUSt‘d to go to the vaug‘u. for in hPI' mind it was like the workhousv in the old country. and for mom old‘ pcoplo who crossed the sun Ihc imâ€"‘ pression of those plzu‘vs is luui vnoug‘h. After all. though. lhis woman was compellod to go. and in a. few days took grout pleasim- in mum-aging the kitchen. 'I believe a good many pmmiv in Victoria county compare 11w R'fll to the ()1d (‘mmtry Workhouso f :30 Nvurs atro. That is a lllislukv. ()f H course tho workhousos thorv now an- u-ry (lificront from what lhvy 1hm1 n‘vrv. But. the Refuge, as Wv haw it. in (‘unzulzn is a most vomfm'lulalv and desirable place for old pauplc tn ll. is 1L remarkable thing that we did not hear one objection to the lefuge in any place. we, visited. in many cases we met the entire county" council and questioned them eloSely. Mr. Johnston. especially tried to get; some adverse opinion, or critit'ism of the. Refuge. but in 110 case (lid we hear one objection. 1 think every man who is nominat- ed for county councillor should make himself familiar With the subject, and address the electors 0n nomination x-Warden Bryans Talks of the Impressions Gained While With the Committee Get- inp; Information about Refuge. 1.10. day urgingr upon them the new! and benefits of an House of Refuge. Last time there was a popular majority but it, minority of divisions in which it. carried. Because of opposition from Marinas-a, Eldon and Emily, it was nut forced through council: but council has the power to build it at anytime and I am convincml that 1own annthvr such vote. as was gin-n bcforu will result in the new cmmzii's lor’s going on with the work. There seems to be an idva outsidt that, this is Lindsay‘s scheme but ,mytimu and I am convinccd that L‘\'011 anothvr such vote. as was giwn beforo will result in the new cmmzn's lor's going on with the work. ’l‘hcro seems to be an idva outsidv that, this is Lindsay‘s scheme but surely everybody knows LhRL Lmd- sny now has a Home that takes care of her indigents. My chiof reason for ofi‘cring‘ 'for councillor again is that. I may support the Refuge move. went before and after elections. ging‘ upon them the need and s of an House of Refuge. Last more was a popular majority minority of divisions in which ‘riod. Because of opposition Rev. Dr. Milligan 75 Cent: 3 Year in Advance; $t.oo if not so Paid (fol. Hughes will deliver his lec- ture on the South African war illus- trateh with stvn-upticon views. at Bobcaygoon, Dec. 1811]. Kinmoum. Dec. 19th. Blackstock. January 151 . The above are the dates lixwl: but others will he lillen in in the moun‘ 1 imo. The proscmlm-nt. of Ihv (:mml Jury of the (ionoral Sessions held this wcck contained a rm-l‘q-rpncv 1n the “lnunificonlly gnu-mus“ nfiur In build and equip am hospital. says: It film» The Grand Jury Endorse the House of Refuge. “With regard to a proposal to es- tablish at House of Refuge in the county, the‘ Grand Jurors; are conâ€" Vinced that the time has come for making full provismn for the cure of the destitute and they express hope that the electors of the county in casting their votes on the question at; the ensuing municipal elections will prove unmistakably that they dcâ€" sire the county council to take the necessary steps for providing: a prop- Ody-equipped institution in which the helpless poor who are to he found in every community may be suitably maintained." â€"Mr. K0010 Gregory of the Toronto School 0f Phunnacy. is hmnv fur 1110 holidays. â€"Mrs. (:nulais 1(fo yesterday fur Spokane, Wash ingt on Territ ory . where she will spend the winter with rclat ivos. â€"-Mr. Lox. Sixvr is lmmv again after a. svigv of typh )id 1-1 '-\'.-:'._n-r".,;.‘.'.‘11 N. Y. He is looking,r \ury “ell for {L convalesu Am -â€"-Miss Lmtio Fox was down street on Friday for the first limo in three months. and is g‘uLling‘ nim-ly ou-r an attack m‘ fever. â€"â€"-I\Irs. -on. (‘asvy Sl‘., “‘11” has for the past, month been visiting frivnds at Port Hope is the guns! of her daughter. Mrs. J. Scott. Elam-m. â€"Miss Annie Earlv. East Ward, who has been Seriously ill for the past six weeks. resumed her duties at M. J. L'aru-r's store on Monday. â€"Mr. Fred. \Viddess of Victoria; Road was in town this week. omhu jury at the county Court. He will \‘isiL friends :11 02110va bm'uro ruâ€" â€"-I\Iiss Stn-Hzx Lennon. daughter at Mr. J. H. Lonmm. has gnnv to hit-- 118 Crock. Mic-11.. when: she will take up a. course as nurse at the sani- torium there. turning â€"Z\Irs. John Frisv and her Iwa daughters ‘Jyrllo and Ham-1 of Black- water have ruturncd hnmv 'dfh‘!’ a: pleasant week's \"iSil with hvr para ants. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott. Elgiu- St. â€";\Ir. H. Fuwh-r spam a few hays lasL week with his friends. William} and Wilfnd Rea. Rvaborn. partridge hunting. 1T0 rupurls havin‘r it f"00d time and considurahlc gamv “as b21g< fled. â€"Mr. Chas. Minty of Ops. who re- cently had the nlisfortunc to lose the third toe of his rid ght foot. is now doing nicely, and will be around in a few days with the assistnnm of a. pair of crutches. -â€"Men’s $7 Ulsters fcr $3.75 at A. J. Gra- â€"â€"Mussrs. W. (7. and Aired (iurr 0f Mariposa. sail today per steamship Tunisian 01’ the Allan line for Eng- land, where 1111*)" will spend the Christmas holidays, and perhaps re- main for :1 couple of months. â€"â€"Mrs. Richard \‘ansume. north ward. returned home. from Toronto last week, accompanied by lu-r baby daughter. who has been undorguing treatment at the Sick Children’s Uns- pital for the past two months. Last summer Mr. Robt. \‘vntrvss of Bobcuygoon Went: to \‘am-ouver Island with his family. In a rvcent letter regarding his paper hu said: “We are having mild \‘Vt‘alhcr-â€"â€"Sulllu rain and some beautiful days ............ Old Victoria cmmty did its duty nobly," at; the elections. Mr. \‘cntâ€" ress writes from Duncan's. â€"Capt. (‘outhey and Mr. J. Fair- ‘bairn of Bowmanville. who have been sojourning for health on the shores of tWL-lveâ€"milc lake in Hali- burton, returned home on Monday. They have greatly improved in health and have enjoyed themselves much under the guidance of Mr. Samuel Gilbert. Capt. Southey, itw ill be remembered contracted his illness in South Africa. 1 Col Hughs’ Lectures I Personals

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