I rare disease. ‘ Lopsided urgument: cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is the vital element of the blood. Too little iron mans mime“. lack of spirit, panic! cheeks, shortness of breath. aleeplessness, nervousnm, loss of vital force. ending in general brook-down. The ironin Dr. Ward's disase is prevalent, whcra; jéi hart trouble. which is no sadly and suddenly faraY’ivhcn it doa occur, is we but about were real, the ceme- teries would be ï¬lled in a month. A Wrong construction is put upon com- mon ï¬laments in order to humbug the people into the belief that hurt me commonest symptom! of dys- pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal- pimï¬on, weak spells, km of appe- tite, and poor circulation, are magni- ï¬ed and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble. with the object of frightening the public into takinc Take a Laxa-Liver P111 before retir- ing. 'wan work while you sleep with- out a. gripe 0: pam, cur-mg biliousness, constipation, sick huadache and dyspep- -'- nu.) â€-mâ€" , an. and man you YY. OTII' . n V. Pncaï¬ â€˜7 vvvvvv r. V nounced Bronchitis and recommended me to try Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. I dxd so. and after using three bottles I was entirely cured.†A positive cure for all Throat, Lung and Bronchial diseases. Healing and soothing in its action Pleasant to take, prompt and eflec- tual in its results. Mr. Chas. Johnson Bear River, N S., wri Les: â€I was troubled with hoarsenesn and sore throat which the doctor pro- “(\vvn 3f 3 Y)_-_-L .A. NQRWRY PINE SYRUP. Thc Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. On! reli~ able medicine discove . SL1 packages guaranteed to care all forms of Sexual Weakness, a.‘ 2 effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 0; prgce. one aokage 31. six. $5. One 28221114186. :13: was? cure. amphlets free to any address. The Wood Company. Wmdsox. Ont- ‘ packages forms of Sexual “ eakn It is fashionable to-day to hate I w been lure every 24 bouts. Wowl’stosphohne is sold in Lindzav by E. Gregnry. Morgm Rros, A. Héginbotham ad 5. Pcnin, dmggists. PERRIN’ Perrin’s-â€"-â€" All-Healing Uintment FARMERS, BUILDERS. BLACKSMITHSjsup~ Dlied with everything in ourIline J. G. Edwards 6: C0 Scissors, Razors, Butcher Knives, Axes and Edge Tools are specialties with us; quality, material and workmanship IS uncqualled. We have a repu- tation on this class of goods and our customers appreciate that fiCt. When you buy give us a call. TABLE AND PUEKET BUTLEHYW ho: Wood’s Phosphodina, DR. WOOD’S cures Piles ofevery descrip- tion and heal»: every kind of sore from a Common Pimple to an Ulcemted bore Leg. Price 29¢ per b)x. 10 public into hiring fr? remedy. If a Store. Lindsay feel better â€"i Em“ upgmxent: 4277, A. Martin. R.(.‘.R.l.: 3 77-73. M. Mutileson. 90m Rpgznwnt: 7075. M. A. Mills. 90th Rpgiment; 7078. A. G. Munro, Wt: h lingiment: 7077. W. J. Moir. 36th: 707:), W. J. MM‘nimunt. 6th Bv'glmnnt: 7080. D. Mer, R.(‘.h.: 7081. D. L. MoKmnd. 90th itvzinn-nt; 7092, H. “('Kt‘nZiP, Manitoba Unmanns: 7H4, H. G. Neriwrguie. 61h Regi‘ nwnf; 70W». F. S Nixon, 36th Raglan-"t: TMR. S. \V. O'Brien. 6th Rowiment: 7089. “C .1, Parker, 90th Regiment: 7098. F. Ruxh. R.(‘.i).: 7096, F'. B. Rorkez, 90th Rr-g'inu-nt; 70234. S. C. Roberts. mm Regiment: 709:). S. Si-nrim-k. ROD: 7101, J. J. S. Sinclair. 0111 Ri-gixnont: 7103. H. Smethurst. 5 R.(‘.A.: 7102. J. Smith. 6th Regiment: "110. \V. A. Taiimt. 34th Reqiment: 7112. '1‘. Thnnmson. 9th Regiment; 7115, W. \Vallm‘e. 8th Rngi mq-nt: 7114, G. Waiiace,‘6th Regiment: 7117, T. \Vo‘stm'n, Manitoba Dragoons; 71:?0, J. W'. Wilkins. Kalso Rm» Company: 7122. H. . R. Wyatt, 90th Regiment; 7123, J. A. Lake. 1 srnnc‘, 6th Regimont? 7070‘ 6th Regiment: 4277. A. ‘ Kegimenmi stuff: 228, (I. Guiivway, ILC. i:.i.: 73.53, E. lit‘udill‘, iLCJ). “A" Company, 7‘08. R, Ward, K.C.I).; 704i]. 1’. W’himsier, Manitoba Drugnmns; 7007, W. [1. Mciinig. Rom-mud mac (,‘umpuuy; 7058. A. ii. irviiu-v ‘ 1M5 ii lioginu-ur; 7010. J. Mom-mp. 6th limes: ‘TUH, \V. J. Aiiuu, 6th Kim‘s; 7015, B. S. Aiiismn, 90th; 7016, J. Andvl‘tun, 5th R.(‘. A.; 7022., W. H. Bertimm', 6th RngimeuL; 702:1. H. M. Bonner, 6th [legimvnn 7024. A. W. Buycn. 90th Regiment. 7026, A. Camp imil, R.(I.A.: 705:1, 1’. (Slough, 90th Regi- ment; 7(Ki2, J. Collins, R.C.I).; 7033. J. (300k. 90th Regiment; 7911, G. B. Curimuid, mu Regiment: 7036, T. J. Cornwall. 5 I{.(.‘.A.; 7034. S. 1‘. Court, 5 R.C.A.; 7040, J. D. Dick- sun. Xeisou Rifle Company; 7043, (I. W. immnure, :Nnhiteginwut: E042. M. lmcbr-rty, -R.(‘..D.; 7045, T. A. Findlay, 90th Beginwm; 7:47. P. W. Wood, 90th Regiment; 705]. G 11. Green-s. 90th Regiment; 7055. S. S. liar» risnn. 5 R.C.A.: 7054. W'. 1'. H10!“ ., Nehmn Rifle Company; 7056, I". N. Hughes,x§fl)th :vgimentr 7060, w. Johnson. 99:11)]ng- Il-o'ut; 7062. 1-). Kelly, 2nd Rvgimvnt: 7065, H. L. Imamy. Gib Regiment; 7060, J. Living- List of thc Fighters Now in En: Sail For Home To-day Ottawa, Dcc.12.~â€"â€"Lis;, cmnmissioned ofï¬cers and J turning from South Africa. I. command of C01. Utter {S cmnpunics as originally 3m as follows: _ Regimental staff: 229 (’1 (b-"I m â€H: ION'LUISLS. he Cam afl’nrd to dis- ru-gurd such attacks. He added Hmt ‘th-Aro was no fear of the Afrikandvm Rum-ting the policy uf annuxutinn fur the conquered territories. Ian Hamilton For the War omco. Landon, Dec. 12.-â€"-â€"It “'as said m the lobby of the House of (.‘mmmms lust. eVening that Gen. Inn llzunil- ton, who is returning with Lord (owns, will receive a high appoint- mcut, in the War Ofï¬ce. â€mum-sun! m so many cmnnrivs unwarranted, and rutlu-r .k ridiculuus. Afrikanden Can Do But Little. [gm-bun, Natal, Doc. II.--R¢.~;al§'ing In a. I'L‘SHlllliUn rcccmly adugm-«l by u muss meeting hvre, prulusting zxu‘atinst, the attacks 011 Sir Alfred \liluur, (£overnor of (Tape Colony, by Mu: speakers of the Afrikandcr (fonâ€" gn'ss, Sir Alfn-d has tvlcgraphmi that, while he retains the coutidum'u m‘ the loyalists, he can afford to disâ€" ro-g'zu‘d such attacks. He added that thure Was no fear of the Afrikumlvrs (lull-uting the pqlicy ()f flmwXutiun {(’r the Connnnrnfl frnrr;t..â€":A.- Sympathy For Boers Ridiculous. (‘Eu-istiunia, Dec. 12.â€"â€"-Hunriklhâ€" wn. the dranmtist. in The ()I'vbduhL ruin-rules the smwmoms he ViniHh' made against Hw (Inimm'r that, thu thunsch'n-s furâ€" 1m rl_\ upprvsscd “(nun-r pvuph-s. H0 sus he thinks tnc lll-n-‘;: . .AAV ‘ PM“ lhwl‘ï¬. Bm-r sympathy munifnstod uu-m. Alter expressixgg devp thanks for the honors au‘flxdod him, he Said the War in SuutthXfrivu haul a. pm‘uliar interest. for himtlgsgnasnmch as it mmbled him to bring-â€â€˜10 what he huped was a successful conclusion of me work entrustvd to him [\VL‘HI ." (ape Town, Dec. Iiiâ€"Field Mur- slml Lord Roberts and his \Vifl‘ mu: (lung‘mors sailed for England $1514.?!" (in) on the Canada. The Reception to Roberts. y At the reception in honor of Lord ‘ Roberts yesterday, Win-n the British commander rose to rusrmnd after the presentation to him of the sxx'nrd and casket. all present rose to their fm-t. cheering and waving handkerâ€" -‘hiufs. The doumnsvmtiun continued for some minutes. At its cunclusiou. Lord Roberts made am elnquent m!â€" (in-<5. After expressing (100;) thanks for the: hnnors ucdyrdvd him, he Said the War in Smith. “mu... LN: ,. THOSE W'HO ARE The Field Marshal. ’ith Lady Rob and Their Daughters. Exnbarkcd For England. The Battle Still Going On. Latchâ€"The Evening Standard says the battle between (Jen. Knox and Gen. Duvet continuos and that the ‘forws change gruund incessantly. Luck of definite ingm'mntiun on the suhjvct is said to bu Line in the ab- svncn of telegraphic connnunicntion with the scene of action. While the War ('Hhcc is .nnsL rmic~ on! on the subject; there are imliui- tinns that the otlicials have l’OL‘CiVUd news suggesting considcmolc British success against, Dewct. The Prolonged Effort to Capture the Shifty Leader of the Boer Guerillal Hus Not Been Ended Yetâ€"Report That Boers Have Got Away Again, Leaving Only a Few Prisonersâ€"Reborn Sails For Homeâ€"Canadians Sail To-day. London, Dec. 12.â€"â€"A despatch from Cape Town says Dewet has escaped, with all but a few of his troops, who were captured by Knox. It is feared that he will join Botha, and that the th will succeed in invading (‘zipe Colony. This struggle beLWeen Dewct and Knox has been in a critical stage for ten days past. It has been Waged, under circumstances of extreme hard- ‘ship for both combatants. The sold- iers have had practically no sleep, and have marched and fought night and day, most. of the time in heavy rains. Lord Kitchener‘s hand clear- ly appears in the manner of the pur- suit. This pressing; of the British troops with the same relentless rigor characterized the march from Kimâ€" berley to l’ual‘dcbcl‘g‘. Their Desperate Battle Has Been Going on For Ten Days. KNOX AND DEWEY SHH HGHI LORD ROBERTS SAILS 7038, '1‘. J. Corâ€"{“61}.-IBNIIK‘.E.‘.A.; (‘ourt, 5 R.C.A.: 7040. J. I). Dick- u Kine Company} 3043, (3. \V. muLln .7_l~ ‘ vuru, u L‘. 1).; 700]. 1‘. Whimster, Drugnmns; 7007, W. II. McHnlg. Llle (‘ umpuny; 7058 A. B. ll‘Hm rut; 7010. J. Mcsuop Glh macs; . All:,m 6t}; 11mm; 7015, B. b‘. 0 -â€"- that of dispelling arms, if nvcvssury. the of thu Boers to r‘ ucc. 11:.~â€"-â€"Lis‘.. of non- rd Officers and men rc- 11 South Afx'i‘a. undcr the of Col. Otter {shown b\ as originally 3:051ch is C. 1:3.-~It Was said In the House of (.‘mmnuns that Gen. Ian Humil- ioct‘. there are indiul- oilicials have roceixwgd ; cansidcl‘avlc British v, win-n the British to rusl'mnd after the him of the sxx‘m‘d RETURNING. England “'lm 9th) lung]. mt: 7065, J. L'ghln - Le] inmu R. L‘ R. 1.: Lady Roborts continued cunclusiou. Field Mar- S \\‘if«- and uni 3':,‘.~‘ch‘â€" their Lm‘d n I \S- Farmers' Elevator Burned. Alexander, Mam, Dec. 12.â€"-Thé Farmers’ elevator was burned to the ground yesterday morning at, 6 o'clock. 'l‘hc canse is unknown. It contained 18,000 bushels of wheat, «.vhxm Was insured at. market. value. The building was insured for $3,- 000. The books were saved. h_\ ML The city is ï¬lled with visitors from all parts 0! Canada and the United States. Christians Boat Show. :uelph, Dec. 12.â€"â€"The Ontario Winter Fair opened yesterday morn- ing, and is now almost ready for the public. The large building is being filled from end to end With stock of all kinds. St. I’etcrsburg, Dec. 12.-â€"â€"'I‘he Im- perial train has been ordered to be in readiness to leave the Crimea “mi. ‘2“. It is deduced that the Czar and the Imperial family will return here early in January. "His Muj¢~st.y's recovery is pursu- ing a perfectly normal course. He has a good appetite, gains strength daily, and his temperature and pulse are normal.†His Majesty EXPOC‘HI to Loznvo Crimea Dec. 28» Livadiu. Russia, Dec. 12.-â€"-'l‘he (anr's Musicians issued the followâ€" ing hullntin yesterday: 1‘. .-\., now of C Buttery, (’. Field ArLillcry, South Afric: been discharged to duty. Jams Baden-Powell's Police, an'nlul‘licf. Due. 12.â€"â€"-47apt. James “ug'ling of Sharon, son at the late ('01. \Vayling, has volunteered for the South African police and \\ n11 luau. to join that tmld'» as lieutenant at. U c beninning of Jammu‘y. Liout. King on Duty Again. Inndnn.1)nc.12.~~'l‘hc War “Mu: rc-puM, that, Lieut. W. R. King, fur- mcrly captain of the 7th Battivrv- . ‘»\: xnxxVI: 51(1 0(1 41s >«vl(11( lmxwl as go_-mluxn<-u." Canadians Snilcd from (T Kingston, 0:11., INC. ('01. Ime has a musmm M)“ at ('upc lmxn KL\iL diuns sail on “cducsdaj ;L«izt. 3 «)1! hilVl lnmhm Iluc.1:_'.â€"-’\ddrossing the «untingmnt in the Amine Court. Lou- dun on Monday. “here the [wowed- ing: worn, snspondml. Justice Bucknill said: "We admire and humor \'.«m ‘5 on haw: acted as snldicrs and [K- B Bnngh. 1:.4‘.A.: H “ntcnn 9:.(‘.A.: ,. IInHMny, R.(‘.A ' J Konnerh' n.(‘.A,: M vaisz. Rt‘.A.: A \I [Mean It...†A.: P \\ l nwmn 631a! Roglm1n3: 1‘ H Ixnmnq mm Rn-"hnvm: G Imro. Muzut'onl; A H \\ :L’Hn Imam; H C Sum Amm, V.h‘.: (‘ \\ “'uhll. Brumiv 4,11th lxmmm Fnz: M Mrlmnald 32nd m-mmvm: '1‘ Mills Han. fax Bearer Lorxn; M s \\ ebbcr 66:1: £ng luo‘nt Mum-on. 5m Rufluwnt: I' S Stow-nsnn. 71st szimmzt: R Ward. Trim m-gzmrnl: J I“ Wumlh-ss. Tlst Ketimt-m: l' r‘alrwaather. 62nd Regiment: J Huï¬â€˜e' 74m memom: J Jimm. 7151 Roglmvnt: J J‘vmuun. 71$! Itvzimvnt: H Pmmm. Wind ltv-gxmvmt .l M Huhv-rtsnn. 7161 Retinal-m: '1‘ M erghi. 71st valnn-nt: W M Hams. KJnd ï¬rst Invnt; P. “' (‘nmvntm (‘hnrsmtmnwn Eng: ll"!‘l‘~‘2 \" I: Pm’nnhC. Cflnr‘infh'town HIV."- nw-N: D I: Kvnnndy. “hurzutwtmvn lin- giThW‘TS: C A ArhnnL-m 17h I)..n¢‘â€"-a-A‘ Fh: nut r,m R.‘( J Ruwell It (‘..A\ Shuson at}! Rc‘2i sz‘imt'nt: R “z “umlh-ss 71$! 1‘ 62nd Roulmcm: J Jinn-i. 7131 Roz! inn-m :‘ E A rrlugh, lutlvt own THE (" Mill‘s SDAILY BULLETIN Regiment: 0 G * Hurnn. 3rd Rogixr szizm-nt. J A Elï¬nmmld. K.“ It.(‘..\.: W Dixon. RA 12.1.; E Hqu)‘. RCA E Lax'vrdhm. I{.(‘.A.: J I: H MM‘uHom. RJ‘JL) I? LAW-11x. 65th Rocirm limflmrm: S SYH'o-nc. Emma 81): Rt'zlmvnt: S J Mlnn. 1: (‘ R I: G Pal mum: R G ('inrko. PM! K 5m Ito-zinu-nt: It Hrai'mm. VT Mnrdm-h. 2nd R "‘ A th Resinwnt: J I'isi'fpc. 3 PMâ€. R (‘ R I; \" Stor mont; W Winch). 5th Run Nixhland ('udnt (‘nrnsz W erimvnfz A \" Drnm‘ Sth Walkman 3rd I:;.«;.m..... Unhno mnm: Austin‘ nvssy mum; JITNI Ilinnr' R ("I mvnt: W . “my; 2-1219, W \V Nort, RCA: 7224, G ()d~ 111m, 22nd Rogt.; 7:226. E \V Reart, 28th Kurt; 72335, J B RubinsOu. 21% R021; 7239. G R Scott. 27th Ragt: 7237. I" G Stanbury, 25th next: 7238. J Sutherland. 25th Ragt; 7241, F W Turner. 6th RCA: 7224. \‘v’ G VVurdoH. 7th Roam; 7251. A B Webb, 33rd Roma 7245. W “’05:, 7th Rogt.; 7230‘ W Westawuy. 25%!) Rent: 7246. .l ‘lv :imout. Joins Baden-I’owell' RC Getting Rendy to Move. 2nd Regiment; 7123, W. A. Padiper, G.G.B G.; 7127, W. J. Proud, 4 R.C.A. ,,_ . ‘ ‘..,.n. V! I out; A \" Drum, Sth I: my. 3rd Ih'ziml-IH' N . R P R I: \V \V Mills 15m KNEE A (‘ Pan-m, R 1‘ R I: W A Smith. thcinwnt: ‘V Dvx=vlz R EMUâ€, C N \V H â€nnpf‘r. ~13"d RPL’IIH'WI’Z 'P H 0. G I} I" I}: J D ManKru‘. 401!) Reg!- D ’l‘nrnth. 4121M] l:(~;:l.x.em; E F 1. Iï¬th Rv-rinmm, up). l‘nn--.n‘â€" M Hazinsnn, 4:2 R (" R I: f “f Juhann Praise From : Judge « mum’s (nar‘mflrtown lawn- Kvnnndy. “hurzntwtmvn i-Zn- \ Arhnvku: 41h lh-rfmr‘ut. "H" (‘nrupnnyn 1:.4‘.A.: H \Yntmn, 9:.t‘.A.: J (‘.A.: J Kvquy. H.(‘.A,: M I“ “‘9‘. f“ R I: 1: Pamphfll. 1“? 19-21- 'iarko. PM! R P A: F I'm-«Vamp. .: R Graham. R C I: I: W A 2an R f‘ A: .1 MN‘oMrir'k. " J I'M'Epc. th Rt'L'imvnf: .I R I; \V Storming, 5â€) R021- Iki'n. 5th lil‘irimvm: J Butc’r, In. {‘A__ ‘7 ‘iv MD“ L musmg‘e from his )wn suing tho (â€:maâ€" Wednesday for Canâ€" 1:2.»"l‘hc War ()tflcc lit. \V. R. King, fur- uf the 7th Battery, 3 13:3.Ltcry, (‘zmudiaa THE WATCHMAN» wARDER: LINDSAY. om puny. .â€"‘.-,. J turnsme. REL/L: I. M: I’ S Stru-nswn. 7hr Otllpany, [‘0 m puny â€I Ih-zlmo um pan y, mm (‘ape Town In c. ILL-~43!" “.A»: \\’ P310. L: 51 Ivory. n J M‘flw‘c; no 1.: A Lnusyr 1: R no lit-mmvntt .l M m: '1‘ M anhZ. Jams. K‘Jnd Rum harsmtmnwn Eng: Shvldon. R ".RJ t-zlmont: W .1 GH- Ilumlr‘. 15th Rog!- t‘ It I: E Axmvr. I (‘ R 1: .1 Hon- 1; Hr ~wn. 30m {(-ginwnf: H R ‘Y Mndg", 3rd Jim: { La Firm: has "H ___, ---v I' value I 13584 a. murder. is transformed into a! suicide. uu unu was suuung When she 8111.0?- cd the station house. She “’us im~ mediately placed under arrest. Harmon and Mrs. (.‘ulp originally came from Collingxumd, Ont... the latter's maiden name being Maggie McMurray. From her Version of UL: affair, what the police vegan-dud as ._-....A-_ _-,_ Aw ‘ NJ Maggi. (:ulp Suspected. Buffalo, Dec. 12.-â€"â€"â€"Mrs. Culp, who is suspected by the. pulicc of having fldnlinistm'od a dose or car- bolic acid to George Harmon into Monday afternoon, causing his death. surrendered at noon yesterday. Mrs. Culp did not appear the H: ed and was smiling when she emprâ€" ed the station house. She Was im- mediately placed under nrrvst ast cxvih H Firm in}; on- creasing. Pekin, DOC. l“. Vin. 'l.iklI~â€"â€"'l‘hv railway between this city and Tim: Tsin is new open, and a. {min vim- Sisting (if {our ('urrizlges :U‘l‘inftl here “itlmnt accident yesterday. ‘llognlur Eti‘utlic will be resumed 110:. 15. Meeting of Provisional Government. l’vkin, Dec. 10, Via 'l‘uku--â€"~At the nnguting of the provisional Govt-rm ment, held to-dau'. the United States was represented by Captain “add at the Ninth Infantry. All :i! the Gov- ermnents have entered into the plan except France, whose I'L‘pl‘l‘SUIlLlltin‘S insist that, the French territury shall ‘ be excluded from the rule of the com- mission appointed. A number of sub- committees Were appointed. Outlnwry h Increasing Cantmi. China, Dec. l].â€"~â€"0ut,lnwry in Kwangsi and Kwnnp; 'l‘ung is in- creasing. The otl'i-inls appear to be losing their hold of the situation. and are powerless to restore order. I):_ .A -â€"-Aâ€"- mm. mm were auxthurizmi to treat tho-m us roprwsont:nivm u! (‘himL “bile mhurs, including the (k-rnmn Minister. had nuL n-wix‘ud instruc- tiuns in the matzvr. All doviuh-d, however. that, us soon as 511‘ I-Irnvst Mnsnn Satow, the British Minisu-r. shall receive Word to agree to the joint note, they will cuummncc ne- gnliulions with Li Hung (hang and l‘rinvc (Shing, unlvss uthurwxse in- structed by their home (:(n'cmmcnts. Railway Now Open. .u..u. lu'r. 1!], V1.1 “dillâ€"“At to~ day's nun-ling of Lhc Ministms, willed h) ('nnside-r Whether or not, Li Hung ('hang and l’rinm; l‘hing and pou'cr from the court. to conduct. negotiaâ€" Hum; for a settlmncm on bcnalf of â€mm, some of (110 Minisu‘rs statcd that thvy Were unthurizmi to trout 11)"!!! US POUh-ant-nivn,‘ ..l HL' (‘hmuse Ponce £1¢;,H00,Mb0 were thon adopted by a ‘ V010. of :38] against H. ‘ ’l‘hc Ilnusc having: game into (‘01):- mince uf Ways and Mourns. the ("han- wllur of the Excthuur, Sir Michael Hirks-Ih-m-h, cxpluixmd that the ex- im in}; hurrouing powers of the (Shanâ€" vwllnr only nmmmtnd tn £5,000,000. He xxmvvd, thcrcfurv. a rnsnlution nu- thurizing him to burrow by \\'ur 101m, c-xcln-quvr bunds or treasury bills, £11.4n)u,(m(l. Ho said he did nut, vxpm't to Use his borrowmg pmvm's until February nr March. and hu- asked the House to postpone any discussion M) the subject. until the would reading m-xt 'l‘hursday. Sir Henry (‘3mpth-Bannorman exâ€" pressed his approval of the rcsalu- ‘inn. which was urn-mi tn. The committee Hmu ruse and the ‘ Huuse :uLu-urm-d. 1 \Ir. Ih-mivrick rr-plird that. it. would be impossible for the, (iuvvrnmvnt, to give any pledge on that, point, as Lord Kitchener must be kept. sup- plied With mzmy moumcd men. The Estimate; Um. T310 supplumcntury estimates of “ll 1m Said that the Sec War had made a to the N211 Candi! hv (-xnrq-ssmi n hu Mr. Brodrick added that he believ- ed the Government vas now asking for the final sum required for this abnormal war. Harcourt Will Oppose It. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Lib- eral, expressed the opinion that the ll’Iouse had never heard a more deâ€" pressing confession. Although his original opinion of the circumstances leading to the unhappy war was not altered, he would oppose the vote. The whole secret of the Government's miscnlrulations. he auldml, was this: It Was in no Wise :1. warfare of (lovâ€" ernments, but :1 Conflict of races. He thought that now thvy had over- thrown the (lovcrnun-nts of the re- publivs by nu-rwhvliuing force of arms. they should deal with the ‘ brawn hurg‘lwrs remaining not by per- pelunll)‘ inrrunsing the expenditure, hill, ll,\' .1 polim‘. HI. l‘I-(‘unt'iliniinn If. W31. St. John Brodrlck Expressed the Hope That the Final Call Had Now Been Made For This Abnormal Warâ€"- Sir “’illlam Harcourt, Liberal, An- nounced That He “’ould Oppose the Voteâ€"Carried by 25‘ to 8. . London, Dec. 12.â€"â€"1n the House yesterday in Committee of Supply, Mr. William St. John Brodrick, the Secretary of State fur War, intro- 1duced the supplementary estimates of $516,000,000 for the army. He ad- mitted the Government’s expectaâ€" tions had been overâ€"sanguine, and it, was now anticipated that the exâ€" penditure to March 31 would be lit- tle short of the outlay the Governâ€" ment had been incurring during the whole ï¬nancial year. He added that the Government's pulley" was to purâ€" : sue the War with the strongest pos- sible fur-ï¬e, and a continuous stream of supplies, so that peace might be more quickly achieved. Mr Ih-nry (‘unmbcllâ€"Bzmnorman id that the Sec-rotary of State for 1r had much: :1 frank statement as the rm! condition uf affairs, and (-xprussad n hnpu that the Cavernâ€" -nt \x‘nuld bring home the volun- Supplementary Vote Was For the Sum of £16,000,000. WAITING ON BRITAIN HEW WAR [SUMME PASSED so Poacc Nazotiationc “’ill soon as 2mm; Envoy 1: IL to 4;» On. by nvwrwhulming force of they should (h- :1 with the nn‘glwrs remaining not by per- v int'rmlh‘ sing: Hm expenditure, :1 Wm; ux‘ x'o-cunciliatiun. anrx the West. river Frank Stat NIH-at. Tmnds or treasur‘x' H:- said he did M: his borrowmg nr_\' ur March. and In pustpone any sub-wet. until the ', 0N1. In IO Nicene Benson House 2 J. J. Taylor Safes 1 Barber Chair 1 large Mirror 4 feet by feet READ THIS , JA§- H. LENNON, A n..... V 2 Coal Stoves with oyen 4 feet by 5 Heather beds 11 large box Stove ' Dates [1 Clothes Mange! bl ll ()n If ‘YO r1 Comp The II!