MORGAN BROS. Druggists and Op tlcians, Kent-st, - - Lindsay Tailors’ Bad Backs. The cramped up posi- tion in which a tailor works comes hard on his kidneys and hard on his back. Very few escape backache, pain in the side and urinary troubles of one kind and another. Oftentimes theâ€" ï¬rst warnings of kidney / disease ore neglectedâ€" think it will be all right in a day or twoâ€"but sick lddneys won’t get well without help. Are the best friend of kidneys needing assistance. Read the proof from u tailor who has tried them. Mr. John Robertson, merchant tailor. Durham, Ont, gives his experience 33 follows: “I had been ailing with my kidneys for more than a. year when I commenced taking Dean's 'Kidncy Pills, which I got at Me- Farlane’s drug store. and am sincerely glad that I did so. The wrong action of my kidneys made me sick all over and caused me much inconvenience and pain. That is now a thing of the past, because Doen’s Kidney Pills cured me. I hsve had no trouble or inconvenience with my kidneys or back since I took these remarkable pills. and you may be sure that I gladly racem- mend them to other ï¬suï¬'erere." DOAN’S KlDNEY PILLS are the ladies’ favorite medicine. They 60 not purge. gripe. weaken or sicker). Thev not naturally on the stomach, liver and bowels. curing constipation, dyspepsia. lick headache and biliousness. Price 250. . Peterboro,0nt. PRINCIPAL ‘ WOO-..â€- HERE is no reason why glasses should not be cOmfortable to weat, becoming and beneï¬cial, at the same time. It all depends on the selection of the lenses “A m. ï¬rï¬na of the frames. If you and the ï¬tting of the frames. 1! you come to us, we guarantee to give you the rigat kind of lenses for your eyes, set in the right kint‘ of frames for your face. Mr. R. T. Morgan has tnken an ad- vanced optical course and .5 prepared to give perfect satisfaction . ~~m EPPS’S 8000A EPI’S’S 6000A. Peterboro Business College stands ln the front rank of commercial schools. (All commercial subjects, including Short-hand and Typewriting are taught.) If you desire a Busi- ness Education don’t fail to ad- dress a postal card to us and you will receive our handsome circular, giving full particulars. LAXA-LIVER PILLS GRATEFUL COM FORTING Distinguished everywhere for Delicac-y of Flavour Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive 441‘_ .._n‘n, uuauu‘y , an». “-5..-" _, fl, Properties. Specially grate- ful and. comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-lb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS 85 00., Ltd. Hommopathic Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST §U PPER L. PRINGLE. PRINCIPAL mercial 1bjects, Wtiting Busi- to ad- m wxll giving E. ICIPAL §-- -‘O----. A Delightful Book for Christmas Alice of old Vincennes, by Maurice Thompson, Toronto; William Briggs. It This is a most, charming book. This is a most charming book. It, will hold the reader from ï¬rst, to last page by the abundance of incident; it will win his heart by the winsome picture of the heroine; it will gratify his literary susceptibilities by its beail Liful English. In fact, it, is quite lâ€â€" his literary susceptibilities by its beau tiful English. In fact, it, is quite easy to imagine many readers “rav- ing“ over this story it is so full of at- tractiveness. It; would be too bad to tell the story, but an inkling will indicate its drift. Then buy and read. Alice. is the- adopted daughter of Gaspard Roussillon, the most imâ€" portant, individual in Yincennes, an outpost; of commercial and military importance on the Ohio river, in the revolutionary days of 1776â€"1793. She is a combination of innate reâ€" ï¬nement. curious learning and accum- plishinents. rustic ways and most dazzling beauty of face and form. The hero is a young Virginian oiiieer, second in cuuuuand of the {MM when the Amvricans hold the fort, and a‘ prisom-r and then a. fugitive, when the English capture and hold it. He brings about its release and Alice‘s safety by a series of Vcomlerful ad- venturi-s and their reunion is must, graphically portrayed. 11c an ideal ln-ro: she is the ideal hm‘uinv. There is incident enough to be thrillâ€" ing and not to wmu'y'.1:‘_'liting jvnnugh with soldicrs auh Indians In ‘koep thv blond up and “-1 not so much as to be gory ; lmc c‘nu rash tn satisfy the ardent: and horv and much as to be gory ; love enough to satisfy the ardent: and horu and therv are scattered the .litlh- charac- ter studies that, one would (*xpvct from Nauru-o Thompson. Altogeth- vr Alin- ot‘ Vinccnncs should rank with Jamiu- Morodith. When Knight- hood Was in Flower and Kin},r Nou- nvtt, for plot. charactcrizmion and style. l‘I. :\. Hardy ILA. -â€"â€"Lm‘(l {otwrls is expcch-(l to urâ€" rin‘ in Lumlun 011 January 5rd. He will 1w mvt by thv Prim-v and I’rin- “-93 m" ““4105. and will prm'm-(l In St. Paul's caulk-drul. where u spvciul scrvico nf Ihanksghing will hehvld. â€"('a|mlin B. B. Tnmun of Duluth has gnm- In Month-u]. \Vht'N‘ 110 will explain iwt‘nre the (‘humbvr m‘ ('mn- HH'I'CU his prnpnscd icwâ€"crushing bout. Captain Jnman claims that with this nvw craft it. will be pussihh to keop nux‘igutimi open «m thv lulu-s the your rmmd. â€"T3;phoiil fcw-r has brokvn out among the convicts in Sing Sing prison, .\'v\v York Hutu. 'I‘hi-ru are now sen-1110011 cusvs of typhoid in the prison hospital, and additional uses an: dcx’vloping daily. nmrning Ivn milo-s nl'l' l-Iriv. and night â€"â€"'l‘hu ()muriu gnu-I'mnvm has up- bitlm ter, in 10W 01' to NW bmznm pointed u cummis‘sinn. now ion in 'l‘nrnmo. with 31131in nan as Chaimuan. tn inx‘c-stig prvsont. systmu of \'i('\\’ of ï¬nding at im-quulit ins. IN'I'Suns \x'wrv (lrnxnlvd. 'l'hc- Fuslur was (mo- “1' thv Ila-wt. uf .Iumcs (‘nrri- gall 0f ('qu-Vuluml. and for nu) mnmhs had wa1 running from Duluth In Brio with iron um. Hvr can-gm (-nn- I‘Zriv “'llh. ll‘Ull urn. Hc-r cargo (-nn- sistml of 1,300 tuna m’ (mu ('upluin Ashlv)‘ Hf Ilw ll'nu Dulu- ntutlv I‘Il‘iv in suit-1y. In an imvrx'io-w lu- said : When “‘1', Manual for lhu harbor a sea much hc-zuio-r than any other c-xrx-r- ioncml struck us. I run In 11w storm. Just. as I gut, Llu-ro 1110 Foster plung- ed int,“ am aux ful sou and (l()\'(- down nosu ï¬rst. 'l‘horu was not 2L cry rfrnm a. soul of the crew of eight, uln- Cilrl'lt'd. ’l‘lu: sturm \V‘uh‘ ï¬lo heavy that l Culllll not put about in hunt, for 211150110. 'l‘lwru would not hun- lJren a particle of us anyhow, bel'ausc‘ in thus.» n‘mnmuluusz sous no 0m- could lmxv lived a minutv. oven if the wan-r hull not bm-n icy cold. “and lhl'n: town at ('l'_\' fur 1101]) l wnuld luu'o turnml uml risked my Ship. It was all I could do to make port. in safety mysvll‘. There had nut been :1. Single signal of (lisu'vss frmu the Foster up In thv Iimu :zho sunk. There is from 800 to 1,000 feet. 'of water when: the wreck nccurrml. and Lhm‘u is little hupc- of MIT being able Lu IUCulC tho place. "I'M: Now Thing: Are Durex-cut. “I think I shall take Ruth to Niagara." “Didn't you just go there on your wed- ding trip?" “i‘csfbut now we want to go and see what it looks like.â€-â€"Life. The Little Dutch Queen. The little Dutch queen from the dunes and the ’ dikes will soon be wedded, I ween: She will loop up her hair 'neath a coronet‘u glare. [his fortunate little Dutch queen. And burglicrs will gather lrom market Ind fair to cheer at the wunderlul scene. The little Dutch queen from the (lama-I and the dikes has a highly melodious voh-o; 81:0 told the grim lathvrrand laua‘ln-d at (hvir frownsâ€"she'd marry the man 0! he! Mum-e, And every true lover. the great. and the small, will: the ma. Dutch nun»! will munce. The little Dutch queen from the dunes and the dikes will marry a soldier. we're told; He's young. and he's tall; he came at her call; what matters the weight of his gold? She has titles to spare. Iwr treasure slu-‘ll share with the lusilccr handsome and bold. ' [n 1h" midst. of mu- of th 111-9 that â€'01! (H l ht ul I'vmmly I'm Iron Ullkv 1H q-x'o-r swc‘pt lake o'clock Ltion. with st igau hurlos Fus- all!!! “Went Sunday n 5958- Mt'lwn- H“ â€10' must the inu‘ ht HE STOLE A FORTUNE .wm>04n:2m xz<m JDmItdu DZ< meZOI Z< w<>> mI Fm> OZ< "There goes a man Who sum.- Ipuvu,- 000 and never went to jail for it. Fur thermore, he is a thoroughly honesl man." ' This paradoxical statement caused gmwral look of inquiry and a chorus of "How was that?’.’ 'l'hen this story was told: “That man-call him Brown, because that's not his nameâ€"was a trifle more than a year ago paying teller in one of the largest banks in the neighborhood of Wall street. He was quiet and reserved and apparently had few friends and m- qnnintances. He seemed to live for lmsi- lll'>.\' alone. and his coworkers in the bunk (llllllu‘d him ‘the sphinx.’ \‘\llr-r \a "At the meeting of the bank directors one day the secretary read a letter from Mr. Brown. In it he apologized for Oh- truding personal matters upon the august body. hut he respectfully asked for a ruise of salary. He was to be married. he said, and he felt that his salary of‘ $2.3130 a year was inadequate to his needs. The usual formula followed. in whieh he spoke of his long and faithful services and ended by requesting tlzat he he raised to $3.500 a year. No action was taken on the letter at the time. It passed into the pile of ‘unfinished busi- ness‘ and was soon forgotten. “.\ week later the directors held anoth~ er iueetin". In the Course of it Mr. Brown begged for :1 hearing and renewed verlmlly his request for an advance of snlury. The directors, some of.’ them erusty old eodgers who had made their ‘ fortunes, did not take kindly to the prop- osilion. “ ‘Why. Mr. Brown,’ said one. ‘wn think you are reCeiyin: a good salary for the position you occupy. l‘uyin: tellers at $2.500 :1 year are plentiful. “'0 know you have been a good and faithful serv- um. and in return we have paid you for your services. That's about even. isn't u':‘ - . - n “ ‘Yos. sir: I admit tlmt.’ said Brown, ‘lmt thore are certain mural obligations tn he considered. For instance. I haw; hml free access to the cnnnmms wmltln of this bank. Millions of dollars have pnssml through my hands. and my :w- (-mmrs have been right to a penny. Had I dosired’- “ 'Oh. that's absurd. you know.’ brckn in another director. ‘Our system lmrc is s†porfvct that it would he imposdhlo fur any one to take a dollar and not be de- tvvh‘d.’ " ‘mm'n smiled a hitter sort of smile and. almlogizing for his tcmority. ah- ruptly withdrew. It was noticed that 0n his way to his desk he [‘mnsw] a minntu at thv cavvrnnus :‘m'turc that marked the (-ntmnco m the vault. .\ {cw min- Iztvs latnr Iw 10ft the hank and did not rc~ turn. That vvonin: as tho accwunts for tlm day \w-ro twin: halanm-d it was found thro wa: a shurtagu uf 5.16001â€) in the funds“. Instanfllenau- \\':l\‘ (-untett-rna- tiun. The prvsidvnt and diruotnr< \w-re :‘mamnm-d In a cunl'vronvw. ()niv; action ua< m-r-vssary. In the nmrnin: lhv m-ws “1‘ :Eu- (lvl‘aloatinn mmhl In» puhlic. and prawflral ruin starvd ihvm in Ihv face. “Early next mnrnin: I’n'mx'n was in his nsna! Marv. Ho Irv-km! calm and as im. ;.«-rtnrhahh' as over. The «lirovtm's came in m «UM'USS the host course In pursue. Hrnwn was svnt for to soc if he could thrmv any light upon the snhjvct. "‘.\Ir. Brown.’ said one of the direct- M‘s. ‘this bank has been robbed of $600.- 001)} " 'Ym. sir.’ said Brown. ‘I took it.’ “His [wart-rs stattml.‘Y011.’gn.<ped one-â€" you \\ ho mated to us of honesty! “In. what do you mean? Do you hum-‘â€" “‘Yes, sir, l know all about it. The Worst you can do is to give me ten years' imprisonment. Allowing for commuta- tion for good behavior. the sentence will be reduced between two and three years. At the expiration of that time I will still have the $600,000 to live upon. Now let me submit a proposition. You sign a pa- per acquitting me of all blame and guar- anteeing me immunity against punish- ment. and I will return to you $300,000. reserving the balance to support myself in smnc foreign country. Then there will be no scandal. The credit of the bank will be preserved. and you will be a gain- er by the transaction.’ * A ‘I -,, ‘1 ~--â€" - “'llurc “as silence fur a moment. then mm of the direct (H's said: ‘\Ve must have time to consider this. Please withdraw until “a lune discussed the matter.’ 13"..- An \n-n-c ---_. "1’10““ smiled and wont out. Fifteen minutvs later he “as sent for. l'lllll' l'b lillt'l (It n 1.1 u\ u. \v “ '\'\c accept your terms, \Ir. Bro“ n.’ sun! one of the xnngnatvs $131“). Chxe us $3UOIKXL and \\0 win aglee not to prosooutef " I.-_J,V.J .,..... \ ...-. "Half an hour later Brown lmndvd mum to tlu- directors $300,000. The mnn‘ 0y was carefully counted. n rvooiv-L given for it and in addition a dm-umont signed by all prosent insuring him against all legal complications. ’l‘I â€A_‘_ "Brown turned us. if to go. Thorn was a dramatic pnnso; then. drawing a bulky pat-kngo from his poclu-t. he tossml it on the table. saying cnrvlossly: "l‘hm'o is the other $300,000. gvntlomon. I had no wish to sic-:1! from yon. I am an hnnost man. no matter what may be my othvr failings. " ’1 made a fair request of you and was mm that honesty was not considered in the affairs of this instit.uticm-at least that was the purpurt of yuur words. I simpiy wanted to show you what a com- paratively easy matter it would be to wreak your institution despite your vig- “:IIH‘P in guarding the funds. That is all 1 wish tn say Good morning} THE WATGHMAN-WARIJER: LINDSAY. ONT. "Ml. Brown. “bum you stairs.†concluded the un true tale. “is now 1 0! bank from w ' " Du sf†\Vostrm-m whitt- mun ~ bishop is the i‘ I. “W! " ‘ .~ Man's Bic Slen" a niail who stole $600.- went to jail for it. Fur is a thoroughly honest rhom you saw going up d the narrator of this x' ’ e px-usidvnt of the “ Du st- '9 $600,000.†, n dues call F' My â€me -ep.†A 100 ugl‘mun nonty tor thxï¬-oSyJ- Li Hung Chung and the allies will try to talk the Chinese situation to a ï¬nish:â€" Philadelphia Ledger. A woman in Ohio has secured a license to run an engine. Running things is the specialty of the sex just now, and there is no good reason discernible why en- gines should ha excooted from the gener- al lot.- merc‘ Mr. Goldwm b‘mxtn mums Luau. auwuu: is on the increase, and he has a remedy for it. That remedy is marriage. It a man lives by himself. he will develop an unwelcome habit of introspection and so become despondent. The married man. '| -1- --..r..| UL'L'ULuu unwary" _ on the other lmnitvli.his busy and cheerful. or if he is not he ought to bc.â€"â€"Galvest0n News. American railroad equipments are sup- planting the French articles on the new underground line in Paris. It appears that the engineer who built the line and who spent six years in this country inves- tigating methods of electric traction is convinced of the superiority of American made appliances. This is another victo- ry for American workmanship. James “'hitcomb Riley. the poet. is considering a proposition for delivering several lectures in England this winter. “'alter Crane, the artist. has just giro en two lectures on art in Budapest in connection with an exhibition of his work in the art museum of that city. \Vhen Richard Le Gallienne arrived in New York from liurope recently. he was so changed in appearance that few famil- iar with his face knew him. \Vhile in Europe he cut the long. flowing black hair which has always distinguished him in the past and most deeply impressed his face upon the memory. _ _ A A ,A_ _“ lclkv I-I-v.. _._v F. Hoplcinson Smith has just returned from abroad. He says: “I went over in June for my annual jaunt. This time I painted on the Thames. in Holland and in Venice. The Thames is a new subject for me. The greater part of the work which I did on the Thames was done at Cokeham. an hour out of London. This is one of the prettiest parts of the river." The father of M. Edmond Itostand. the author of “L'Aiglon.†is also a poet who combines versifying with clever articles on social economy in French reviews. [It- is also a member of the Institute. \Vhen the son was raised to the ollicership of the Legion of Honor. he implorml thr government to grant the same distinction to “Le Pere Cyrano.†as M. Eugene [to- stand is playfully called by his friends. Rev. J. C. Brooks. brother of the late F‘shop Brooks. is at work upon a collec- tion of the bishop‘s Intturs. ‘-v -- The Episcopalians or the Milwzmkvo (\V’is.) diocese favor strongly the npnoint- mom of a coudjutor bishop as assistant to Bishop Isaac L. Nicholson. The archbishop of Sons will be author- PEN, PENCIL AND BRUSH. The archbishop of Sens will he antnor- izcd to lend the pallium of Thomas 3 Rocket in the chapter house treasury fur the Opening of the new [Ionian cathedral at “'cstminstcr. The ï¬n: and crazier or Becket are already in Cardinal Vaugh- an's possession. Kev. William E. Mallalieu. Methodist Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts. ro- cently delivered an address. in the course of which he said that he hoped his hear- ers would not read such books as “David IIarnm." which "rocked of rum, profan- ity and tobacco.†The new Methodist college to he built in Home is to have its main lvnildin: named Crandon hall in honor of Mrs. l“. I'. Crandon of Evanston. “15.. who :13 corresponding secretary of the northwesr- ern branch of the Methodist “‘omeu's Foreign Missionary society did much :70- wnrd raising the money for the college. The wise woman does not attempt to save washing by using clothing. towels. napkins. etc.. till they are very dirty. The extra rubbing they require balances the work saved and proves poor economy because of the additional wear on them. Blood stains are about as difï¬cult as my to get out. Here starch comes into use. Make a thin paste and spread on the u-‘DU. A‘QKQâ€"v .â€" -â€" stain. Leave it to dry. Then brush off. Generally the stain will go with the starch. The worst stains. however. will require several applications of the starch. 500 Given years of constant improvement and inorensed knowledge of aerial navi- gation, and the Zeppelin airship may yet prove to he. the forerunner of as great a “Pet ofairships as those which now naV- igate the waters of the earthâ€"Philadel- phia Inquirer. That Count Zeppelin has constructed an airship capable of being steered for ï¬ve minutes against the wind is an im- mense step forward. The dream of a century that men should some day trav~ erse the air as anxily as they now trav- erse land and 99:: may be within meas- urable distance at "titaniumâ€"Now Goldwm Smith think? that suicide THE VERDICT. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. THE DOMINIE. TOWN TOPICS. THE AIRSHIP. Three Houses and one vacant Lot on Kent st west of Robson’s store, also House No.5 ï¬lenelg st. west. Contemplating a change in business I will sell the above at right prices and easy terms. Apph t0 Dealei' in, Pianos. Organs, and Sewing Machines, Lindsay; out Box 532 Invest money where it vâ€"Mâ€"Vâ€"Vâ€" Rain or shine, it “(n ’t furt an) anima â€"Tested and T13 ed positively gccd money in using this celebrated Povcer icr av- O. V l'l l BOUGHT AND SOLD 0N 00M- MISSION money New BnaIding Stables Having leased the Jowott Aooommodatlon Barns onYork-st., 1am now prepared toreceive horses to board by day or week on reasonable terms. First~class men in charge day and night. Farmers and others coming to town can have their horses carefully looked after, and parcels taken care of. Comfortable ofï¬ce. Five Gent Parcel Delivery ofï¬ce on pre- mises. Goods delivered to any part of town promptly. Phone 104 Flrst-olus I": Hack for Weddings, Funerals, etc., or by the hour. -For cots, cradles and bed- room suites go to Tangney’s. will make your Ibsveanumber of ï¬rst-class houses for sale or to rent. They are principally brick and well located. Prices range from $1,000 to $4,000. I also have a number of choice turns to sell or rent. They are well situated and in a good state of cultivation. Apply to . CHITTICK, LINDSAY FOR SALE ! REAL ESTATE of stockâ€"Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs Dr Hans. Price 20 cuts CLOTHING T. .WHITE c0,,;'romno, [1U] ENGLISH CUNDIT HIGINBOTHAAM, W. W. WORKMAN '. G. BLAIR SON, Made to ï¬t don’t cost any more than that uhfch does not. We make clothes for hundreds of people and give them perfect satisfaction, and we can do the same for you. Now is the time to order your Fall and Winter Suit or Overcoat. Don’t put it off until the cold weather sets in. Have the beneï¬t ofit the full season. Prices always right Remember the place THE INVESTORS FUND THIS E UN D is a combination of capital representing tb {alga and small investments of Investors throughout the Dome n on. It is invested in the standard Railway and Indugm 1 securities as listed on the leading Exchanges. †8' The following statement shows the Net Earnings of th Fund paid during the past year on each 8100 imesteo amine of all charges: ‘ â€â€œ6 Sept ...... . ............ $16 00 Oct .................... 13 90 Nov .................... 17 05 Dec .................... 4 00 The Net Earninp Jan ..................... i2 40 for the two ï¬rst Feb .............. . ...... 8 .80 months of the March ................. 14 58 currentyear Were April ................... 4 00 S .__7 May ................... .3 65 09,†----------- 55.“; June ................... . 550 ct........_. “'1 July“: ................. 6 16 Aug ........... ' .......... 6 52 Total. .. ..... .8114 56 The advantages of participating in ï¬nancial transactirnq conducted with a large combination of capital backed by â€pg“: ence is what. the “Investors' Fund" cflers the indixidual 6: limited means. The regular dividend of 43.; paid Investors each month ;6 one of its most. desirable features. ' ԠSurplus Proï¬ts may be withdrawn quarteriy or added M the original investment. w Thirty days notice is all that. is required to withdraw in- veetments. Sums of $50 and upwards are received for investment for which Couponed Certiï¬caten are incued. Write us for FREE BOOKLET giving full particulars. Befcrc using ................ oooooooooooooooooo .................. .................. ................. .................. ooooooooooooooooooo Two Door: W»! of Only Noun $100,000 On Good Farmï¬ 'UUD' 'U'UU- w-v‘ 1 â€" (“'9' Is successfully used Eye; 3;; 0.0wm1es. Safe.eï¬ectu3.. st- - , our dmigist for Cook’s Cotton in†:1 E.“ ate no ot er, as :11 Mummy. I) 311,9: itstions are dangerous. Prion. ho'bo'x. 1:0. bOX' No. I, 10 degrees stronger. $3 P“ 0 34:31 1 or §, nailed en receipt of pnce “f1 ‘d" x 02‘- 0“? The Cook Oompuxy “1:113 - ~- H‘ 08. 1 and 2 sold 3nd recommen momma Drama In Canada. No.1mdNo.z is sold in Lin - Putin, A. Higinbolhlm. Morgan 3105' After using UN PUWDEH ....Apply to.... H. E. EUBNH .Oook's Cotton Root 0031133133}: Freehold Loan Bldg., Toronto Established 1693. The NetEarninz~ for the two ï¬rst months of the current year were Sept.. .......... $4: Oct...... Tr Next to raly Bcuse ga‘ Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargai Bargai Bargai Bargai - -~Old