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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Dec 1900, p. 7

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a thorough}, ' ‘1 Ward) AGENT fi‘i‘vh‘w‘. ‘Wm. g cf i l 3 l "vb ii) ; tmas ‘on. 61‘ | A‘ . .l...‘. FARMERS MISS SUCCESS An Upto-date Article on the Mistakes that Farmers Make 'r.t.L_ Attempting " Ips waste fi‘ourn’cgkc‘; to -â€"-ooâ€" in; t0 the Country Gentleman, 1.; Sasscer of Maryland says: occupations fail some- ];very shore of enterprise is with wrecks. Many farmers . {iii 2': a greater or less degree. \qw much larger percentage and not a few prosper exâ€" Taken as a class, farmers perhaps. , 31m occupations. .‘V :L.l s frvqupntly, than If health, u-nt and virtue are regarded .~.;-:~ion of success, the farm- ,‘fiy wins. for no other vo- t'iet' so fair a promise. for . i‘ U... I‘. - .‘.:l;1‘.'.'llt of these essentials of ‘tiqgl the Odds and Ends intelligent attention to ,~ ,.;‘».-;1 brings disastrous re- _- :, farming operations. IndUs- - essential. but it. must be direction. The farmer ~,~- neglects to put in prac- ":‘.::ciplc that if you take dimes. the dollars will 1 Tc regards them: M fiieiiiselves. knows fpiws and of details and neglects \. ;; consequence. his work because it is hinderâ€" »-"‘.ess annoyances due to ‘ ine little things that “websetl his tirst attenâ€" “:13.“ know that his wheat --l,-«i by a certain date to L'w‘il t‘t'iip. and yet be. 1111â€" thus because from his harness he has allow- in b -conie disabled: and s ., difference of a few days ;‘ ;:.-‘;lll.\‘ success failure ()I‘ .vxf V '. . , ~ ' ‘V ‘ .7. . . ~:.g lnizigs -o Bass Hut}- txyll more. than anyâ€" \w .I,..,,,,-\. practical success in :‘arelv possessed in 5 . F Ll Il .Legrr e. Combined with works wonders. A, farmer .rninstry, he may be well Ina". Let's t t) and 5". ill pertaining w'ith .‘iiect. {n -or to litt‘lx'S {lit}, ('Kf'c‘it- ~\ iwtxtrise 'o have his wishes propâ€" 'ciively carried out. Those the tlii‘u:'.i("i of lather ow how to control it‘ltl ; ...i'-l. in orlcr to obtain the l\v""gt the Still l‘i‘l‘lil: lamentable cause. of failure ' farmers :s that they neg- :vrest-ru‘ the fertiliiv of the They take. but never give. ss crops rob the soil of hu- l’nlash and phosphoric UL‘ld <~s--:.‘l;il plant foods. but the of these in an aVailable form If in»- processes of nature , these essentials are arâ€" "-"‘.§le Soil \Vill soon beâ€" . "3’t‘7l. Great attention paid to the rotation of ‘his rOspect science helps. educated farmer ought to attuanttge over the 1g- t'tiyv peas and lime. take a in the economy ()I l . ;»:.it c ;.e‘rictilttire. Wise provis- ofiaing an abundant supply will result in permanent " the turn. and aid largely ‘he owner prosperous. To ‘Eu- farm should always be and by this it should "truce“; That only thrifty, s‘ock must be kept. and always to the Many farmers wr limited :3;.- land. neglect of little washes. ‘ i-r; by a wagon rut. Loose ‘ _' country, subject to plowing. left without floods. storms and rapidly . to deteriorate Union in value is distressâ€" 'l‘herei'ore, a :iii(l i\p'(j a n d 'Illif.‘l{l[)lil.l.‘.'- wlection of grass stoc, i seeding of it which be will turf. may reâ€" the safeguards With a good a farmer ma y swt‘lll‘lllq of ,- one of fanning. .1_ ‘iz‘l‘. Uiidcr‘. ‘1 ..-. abundant (TOPS “1 all ”L a “KT...“mn of abundant to make 0110 PTUSP‘TOUS ha s many failure in grass - of the ruin of bankrupt“.V f‘lt‘fl ultimate I’ound Fotilish known farmers to lose from termed "misdirected but t he .;i_' be tI'V' to saVC, at They "oiioiiiv is eXt-rciscd . It in the wrong direc- ;’ time. all - OI Tit.- prudent opportune expenditure times will yield It is false econoâ€" an ex- ill :I.t results. "not to make a good crop ot hary c5190 ' instance, secure « : lziy’ hill be injured it 'n , There are many to time. .uions when it IS true. econoix‘u‘hto to work With ninety, ”wing letting hire ex- 6 ~as 503133 in” ‘ prtipt'l' us. help, may be Cite . nus WATGIIMAN-WARDEB: LINDSAY, our. REASONS way some stances Where farmers exercise econo- I THE FARMER’S SONS my in the wrong direction. Be Upâ€"toâ€"Date ,1 Misfortune and failure oftentimes overtake farmers berause they cannot A LeCture Delivered by Mr. Jon!) McMillan at the Recent Fan:- ers’ Institute Meeting -OOO-- There seems to be a growing deâ€" sire among farmers’ sons, to leave the farm. Not all of them should stay there. Many of them are adap- ted for other callings than farming and it would be a misfortune for them to refuse opportunities to enter them. I’redisposition should be folâ€" lowed and when a young man clear- ly has strong faculties that find bet- ter operation off the farm he should adapt, themselves to changed and Changing conditions. Since the coal war agricultural methods have un- dergone many and serious CHUNQCS in the South. Our planters who wwere used to the old order of things were, them . who can look for over twenty-five years c how greatly the difficulties vating their farms have The character of changed, and is back all realize in cultiâ€" multiplied. labor has continually chang- 0111‘ in". I . ‘ ' ‘ - ' ' eds t8 present deIiCieucy is obvmt- go. Most failures arise because men somew - - ' ~ - The t hat by improyed machinery. choose occupations for which thf‘y en ‘ ‘ ‘- - ‘ do. teiprismg tanner 01 today are not naturally fitted. cs no expect to r ' ' - use . . ‘ . U‘OPS “”11 After all many leave 1.110 profit Without the use of the best and most improved machinery. Markets are its conditions them because distasteful to simply v . . constantly changing. discouraeing. arious influences afl'ect the prices of h i farm products. ping that profitable five years ago, may be unprofitable. now. Large crops of corn at. $3 per barrel I. pay, but when .'\ SVSIC ‘ -‘ _ .. . * m 01 ”‘7’1’ suCCesses on it are great and importâ€" Even those who like. to w as . . ‘ ant quest ions. farming ought to have. a chance 11133' farm under the best circumstances. - corn is worth on.y .s‘ F ‘ - . '- ' ' -1.)O pei barrel. it. will impoverisli the farmer who persists in its cultiâ€" (live them Nice Homes One way in which the farm can be vation, When Wheat falls 10 60 c. made attractive. to the boys is by her bushel. those who make it tlu. providing them pleasant; homes. When boys go to town they find that people. no better than their parents live in attractive chief crop will sutl'er if they continue to 1.015. on circumstances ._ V in it. So we must change \Vlll‘i the timesâ€"meet the difficulties of labor, markets, seasons and roundings houses with adornments outside and SIII‘â€" , , . . in. ’Ihey compare these with their in a own and often the. mere comparison practical, businessâ€" be . . tends to give them a desne to Farm houses can like way. Otherwise there will t .7. . _ r£¥ disappointment, discouragement and g away from home. ‘llld . ‘ be made. as attractive as any other. prosperity ought. naturally to be the reward of the honest labor. failure. where happiness. success There is no reason why the surround- ings should be slovenly and the Oâ€"â€"â€"- . rooms poorly furnished, nor why Th9 HOUSE Of Refuge Question shrubbcry and garden, grass plot and . . . - ' , flower beds should not adorn the Editor of The Watchmanâ€"llarder. - , .. .. , , farm premises as well as those of Sir :-â€"â€"\\ill you kindly give pi'om- , . 7 . _ ‘ ‘ the townsman. inence in an early issue oi your house itself can be. just as The paper. to a clause of the. report of 1 y - 7. . . . - M I . ' i r ' . s S . the Standing (.Ulllllllllt‘c‘. on Finance ‘ltufutjukh bmlt 1“ room ‘an( and .‘\ssessment adopted bv the furnishings just. as handsome. Good Council Of the countv of Virtori't _1L light, cosy appointments, good literâ€" : ( ‘ . 111,. goqgion held in November ‘IS 1.01_ attire and tipâ€"to-date amusements 10v“. . ought to be in every farmhouse. my . - . . . , Beople should not live. ina dowdy our committee naxe gnen . ‘ H l) consideration to the statement kitchen and neyer open up ILL )ctâ€" K L t. , . I 7 ter rooms unless a \‘lSltOI‘ CuillCS, n ‘ ‘ v ‘ ) . l v ' ’ ' '1. huh bi (k1 ltaton. 1 01‘“ Then thev are usually '1. dismav f.‘0111 Magistrate of the count v, before ~ ‘ ‘ ¢ 7 ~ t1. .0, -1 tl 1‘ .. the dampness and odor that characâ€" ic c t 1101 , ie coutspont Llltt. _' . ”l q ’l‘l . home life with the department of justice tori/.e, unuscc room.. it. . . - ‘ ‘7 . n n and the iiiiendnnnt of 111 of farmers is driving the. boys away c . i i U . . - - . . . from the larms. It must be un- criminal code in relation to inâ€" , ‘ . 1 . y ., “1‘ t . ~ .â€"_“.~ dis'cnt aged or infirm persons. proud or “1‘10“” resuits ‘11" 03:0 ~77 7 ' '. . V ' Ill" m-tn v 10 Littler the new provisions no to follow n, Hm ‘3 ‘ wants a home to which he can turn such person who has been a post- . . _ _ With pride or he. Will go and find AND LIFE ON THE FARM farm are or its prospect How to give them a . love for the farm and to make them R. B. ALLA! 8’ C0. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, LINDSAY _ Speciaties for the H0 idai] Trade DRESS HOODS Please remember that we hold in stock a very large and most complete stock of Black Dress Goods. To this department we have given special attention, and always keep on hand the very best Black Dress (roods to be had. We are selling agents for Priestly’s celebrated Black Goods, the best makers of blacl. goods in the world. Some special things in Dress Goods in Black and Colored, one dress to a pattern, suxtable for Christmas Presents. Ladies Mantles, Suits and Skirts Our stock in this Department is still large, having replenished it with New and Fashionable Goods. Our Jackets and Skirts have the reputation of being the most sty- lish and best values in Lindsay. â€" CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Mens’ Suits ranging in price from $3.50 $450 to $12.00 Tweed Suits, Black \Vorsted Suits, Mens’ Heavy Working Suits, a large stock at the lowest prices. LADIES’ EURS FOR THE NECK We keep an elegant stock of all classes of Ladies’ Furs, suitable for Neckwear, CoL- LARETTES, ETC, in every style at right prces. - Ladies‘ Fur Gauntlets Oppossum, Persian Lamb and Imitation Seal. in Astrachan, Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats We hold a very large stock of Mens’ and BoyS’ Overcoats. Every style and kind and our prices are always right. STAPLE DEPARTMENT Flannelettes, Grey Flannels, White Flan- nels, Grey and White Cotton Blankets, Sheetâ€" ings. All lines of Staple Dry Goods. Large stock for the Christmas Trade. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT This department is full of New and Stylish Goods suitable for the season. SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE We have just received an assortment of CHINA, beautiful Designs, in VASES, BREAD PLATES, FRUIT DISHES, Erc. ‘ ' R, B. Allan 00., Directly Opposite the Post Office (lent of the county it )i' iw o ‘ . . . . I . 1 ed' t 1 1' one. ’lho hope of the. nation is not â€"â€"'â€"‘- yet ‘8 1111 n . it e y .recec in", can . . . n . . . , t . i l s in its fleets 0,. “rungs, but m the sat d I expect 11(- did it all right." be committed to the county , I , , O. l r t Ti 1 tillers of the 5011, w cut home and found that he had p ._ 'to ‘15 a \"1‘ ran . 1e c 11110“? ~. . '1 T“ C ( D . i ‘3 lb ut the Barns sold one for $1900 and done it as 9-,. 1n the law has an important ‘ 0 ‘ ‘ , . . w ell as I could have. He knew the bearing upon the question of the erection of a House of Refuge, which is now engaging the at- tention of the electors, who to the subject at the ensuing muniâ€" cipal The parliament has by ment made it imperative that. a are express their minds on elections. Dominion this enactâ€" must be provided in this the province that has not yet estab- lished an institution for housing, feeding and clothing the destitute. refuge and every other county in Your committee recommend that as great publicity as may be practicable, be given the subject. in order that the electors may be informed of the new element that The hope of the nation must not price I Wanted for every animal. wade to his knees when he goes . . through his barnyard. Instead of “01‘115 Of Aclvice the slough of despond that barn- Boys and girls, if I had hip to yards usually are in wet weather Start over again I would ask noth- they should be as dry and clean ing better than education and a farm the streets of Lindsay. (Ilere some There is nothing better. What is ironical laughter A life's purpose ‘2 If it. is glitter and man is not; making the best tiSe dazzle the farm does not fulfil it, but his straw when he throws it out, in- if it means contentment, peace, a to the yard to be trumped down by sound constitution and sucuzss at no the cattle. It should all be under other person's expense, there the the sheds till taken to the. field. I’ut, farmer fills it as no other man. ’l‘ake gravel about your barnyards; lift an interest in your country. them up so that they will be dry and the relation of your calling to it. 218 was heard. ) of See When you see father and mother in At Christmas time when looking around for suitable gifts for - your friends or the children, take a look through this list, then call and inspect the goods; you’ll find some very handsome goods at moderate prices. All New Goods, many lines below regular values. Albumsâ€"50c, 75c, $1, $I.25 and $1.50 each. Photo Framesâ€"metal, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25; each. Picture B00ksâ€"5c, 10c, 15c; and 25 Clocksâ€"Oak frame, reliable time pieces, from $2.75 to $5 each. Nickle Alarm Clocks, 81 and $1.25. China $1.50 to $2. Silverware in Cruetsâ€"I’ickle Dishes $1.25 to $2. 50. Butter Knivesâ€" Pearl handles, 75c and $1, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Napkin Rings, Salt and pepper Dishes, Sugar spoons, Bohemian Glassware; large cask of beautifully decorated Card Receivers, Vases, Rose Bowls, Fruit Dishes, etc., ranging from 25c to $1.75 each. 0 has thus been projected into the discussion of the question." In Colonel Deacon's correspondence with the department of justice prior to the passing of the amendment re- their ideas of what farming is from the wav you regard it. Make them feel that they are engaged in a great ferred to, he contended that as a reâ€" and worthy callingâ€"one than which prohibited to the sult of magistrates being such persons there is no nobler. Give thema little money of their Let them keep track of their from sending county gaol, greater hardship might own. be caused to the individuals on acâ€" amounts. A calf, or colt, sheep or count of exposure and neglect, than hog. as a gift on which they are 10 bv sending them to the county gaol where they would at least be proâ€" the proceeds, will tected from the inclement-y of weathâ€" Farmers are too careless to keep er and be kept from starvation. The put their best efforts and then pocket encourage them. books. I imagine any other busmess answer was. that such persons should man going on that way. Keep a no longer be treated as cplllllnals, ,1 record 0f everything. Know your and that provision for their niaintenâ€" balance of profits 0,. loss at the be made by local or year‘s end. It will be a great help provincial authority. to sttccess, if you know exactly how ance should It will be evident 0V0” to a (-asual each deparllllcllt and product paid reader how scrious.y and directly the you. How else can you know what amendment of the. law affects the issue now before the iiitiiiicipal elec- Yours et.c., to handle. Describe different animals to bovs. Take an example: point his good and bad points so that. the boys will be able to judge a beast your tors of the county. (mt J. R. McNEILLlE, County Clerk. Lindsay, Dec. 10th, 1900. if themselves. Make. them familiar I ’ with the. price and value of stock. PBIHH 8“ Have. them join associations and read books that will teach them. Let them know the price you. ‘Wunl. for any animal on the farm so that. if a All-Healing Ointment cures Piles of every descrip- tion and heals every kind of sore from a Common Pimple to an Ulcerated Sore Leg. Price 2 5c. per box. buver comes along when awav they can sell. I went; to Scotland and brought back a numbOI‘ of horses. Some were worth $1000 “You boys met a neighbor who said. are a foolish man to let. those «of yours go on as asked what they had done now. has sold one of your best horses” care whether they are from country lass. is any are cultivated it is at. mother's knee, One day I was coming home WIN“ I they do." I “Why said he” that 17-yearâ€"old lad. I will}. ,, -. \~ tl' a. Else Like it the sore and yellow leaf don't be Chma Tea Settsâ€"new desxgns,$5 and $6' Dining sensâ€"97 pieces’ lCIL. ls, - o mic, _ afraid to help them Girls (10“., M from $6 50 to $15. Fancy Vase and Hanging Lamps from 25c Bo enthusiastic. in your calling. mother get up and get breakfast, tn $5 Dolls, Games: TOYS: in large variety and cheap. The boys Will “0t thmk much 0f while you lie in bed till 7 or 8 o'â€" farming if their fathers would rather clock. Young men. choosc wives who XMAS G ROCERI ES do SOIIICthinS' "150' They Will get take a pleasure in farming. I don't This store enjoys a reputation for always keeping the finest qualities of Groceries, and just now we have a very full stock of fresh, )r town. 801 . n' ‘d " ' . - 7. ~ - ' ' ‘ 7 . n” =00 “m“ “”110 new Currants, Valencxa, California seedless, seeded, and table layer from the City to the. farm. But Raisins, Peelc, lcings, Nuts, Confectionery, Figs from 5c up, Dates, Teas and Coffees; you will also find all the necessary small articles that are needed by good cooks, in the very finest qualitias 0f Spices, Essences, Ammonia, Baking Powder, etc. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, etc, wanted. Fat old Hens, drawn, heads and feet off, no giblets, a special- ty at 7C trade. November was the largest business ever done in one month by the stoxe. This is encouraging, and we thank our many friends for it. don't rate. the city girl higher than the honest, warm-hearted country Stick to the larm. little know the strain on business men and the wear of city life. is such home life possible; and if there you X ow here else where true. religion, high patriotism place sound morality and and father‘s fireside. (‘ultivate the broad liberal spirit that aims to HOGG 31203., OAKWOOD make a great united people ih this country. I would not have the Lindsay, Ont. Presents A. j REAL ESTATE, LOAN AND Th6 (Banana Permanent and GENERAL INSURANCE Western Canada Mortgage Irishman forget his green isle, nor the Englishman his noble old home. nor the Frenchman the glories of corporation France, the German his t‘atliei'land. nor the. Scotcliman his- heatherâ€"clad ‘ hills, btit I would have. all these, 6. H. HOPKINS, Agt. at Lindsay with strong bodies and capable The undersigned has opened aficeo at Wood- -â€"-â€"â€"- ry lowest rates. at any i . time, .md terms to suit borrower. The Car- . .--t.._=- wing an amalgamation of four comp- uaving Capital and Assets of over minds conspire tc make of this land . b ‘ e ' Real hstat Loan and Genera as bright a nation as the world has “5m 55 m e‘ ‘ ville andl Lindsay. and is prepared to transact l Money to loan at ve Insurance. l ,. C \‘CX‘ SUCH. \‘0" Li“ i win visit my Lindsay ofice EVERY saru 1- _ 3 â€"-â€"-â€"-0.‘â€"-â€"' . . . . . . . . Lure-N million 18 repaired to do busmess -â€"-A very sad occurrence took DAY. It is 5111;:th 31221;“ rear of the Dominion on most advanstiigeou: térms. place after a wedding at, Balsam. “kt entrance on m'sF Private funds if preferred. just east of Brougham, Ont, Thm‘S- Parties wanting to buy, sell or rent Farm, G, H, HOPKINS, day, at the residence of Mr. J. C. Village orTown pmperty.shouldcallandsee me. Barrister, I' i a, t Being acquainted with nearly every man and . . x r , 'nm 3; Jumps, 0m ()f.t.lk most 1) 0711.1 f . {arm in the County, customers can rely on . ; and respected cltlZonS of the vicinity, receiving prompt attention. Chargesmoderate.‘ ~I ‘ 1 on the occasion of the marriage of ~ _ _ _ . h .. . . . i sell Glam Farms, Timber Lots, Grazia {of the ;* his daughter Laura to William “hite. Farms, Private and Business Houses and Lots. HE GUARANTED; Watch- :5 Shortlv after the wedding ceremony ‘ma. n , $- ” - Cl CULATION :Warder Mrs. Jones. mother of the bride, took 80. J. G. EYRES R its over I 5 ill before the. guests had left. A 5,000 copies weekly. It covers the 3 doctor was at once summoned, but Tâ€"«wâ€"-â€"â€"â€"-~ section adjacent to qudssv as no . \VI‘S. Jones succumbed in the. presence. _â€"Sce our display of Toflet Setts, Aogher Paper in‘ the (ham-mt, does . .. ., - . , r‘ . , . verusm ra as reasonable' re- 0 1 the “demg guCStS' 11"" The most complete line m town. gum oer-tag). ’ 3 ysician pronounced the case heart. failure. SPRATT KILLEN.â€"â€"38â€"4.

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