. .0 WE WISH YOU THE 0 O B E 5. (D 5 i3 01" the Season :id thank the peOple of the Town and County for the generous patronage given us for the past year. For the year 1901 we are prepared to give Just as good. values in all lines of ’1) a Dry Goods, Clothing, Furs, Hats and Caps, Furnishings, ) Before the present year closes, we give a list of useful articles, suitable for New Year’s Gifts : (D r? ., etc. FOR LADIES _CAPERI.\' l-‘S ~FRENCH FLANNEL FOR BLOU- l l LINDSAY. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27m 1900. ABOUT ONE OF LINDSAY’S OER) ODOIOB HBODBOEOBOE‘ 0 NEW YEAR 0 El 0 75 Cent: 3. Year in Advance LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES. WereD ‘ s 0 Paid ’ p $1.00 if no SEVERAL MATTERS OF LOCAL lNlERESI â€"..._ iscuesed by the Board of Tradeâ€"Industries, the River, SE8 â€"TABLE LINEN -TABLE NAPKINS â€"BURE AU SCARFS â€"SIDEBOARD SCARFS â€"-FINE APPLIQUE SHAMS -FINE APPLIQUE TABLE «Ji l(FFS â€"M L'FFS â€"Cx Al‘XTLETS â€"CAPS w\VHITE LAMB SETTS --ASTRACHAX JACKETS -â€"LACB FICHUS WWW».m-«o-o-o-o-«o»e.wooe-owe-oom-e-o-o-ewe- A = .Nhite -Ow0w0+omOwo-.-o - - - - «n+0».- ~0- ~ -.--0â€"-.-'0w.--.-~.-'O-'O-'O~vO--O-~0-.m- . â€"TIES ~COAT SCARFS â€"SILK HANDKERCHIEFS ‘ ~LINEN HANDKERCHII‘IFS -ITMBBELLAS 5 ~1'XDERWl-ZAB â€".kn> GLOVFA â€":.ioCHA mrrs â€"CAPS 41.sz ‘\ space {Orbids the mention of numerous other Gifts, but should you need anything else in our line, we invite you to inspect our stock. LIFE ! â€"_- The North American Life insures persons o-o-o-ve-o-oio-ewo-«o-«ew’enormous-Mm... i of boths sexes between 16 and 65 ,cms. have about twenty plans to choose from. . ,,..¢............................,.‘.,...‘. ift list is not complete if the words “Armstrong Your holiday g . Let there be true worth in your BTCS' Furs†do not appear on same. ' Ina contracts. 1 have an up-to. mans/T let your gift be the substance, not the shadow of what it pm“ date plgtlrlling $113. gnd 08% £3191?! .5"“‘bi .. ' :3 or t a s nee e or szrts to be. In our “lune Furs†made to stand the test of tim -, your 110% banging at. the very lowest t of Holiday Presents, but the Spirit " many Holidays to come. As in the past yo! will ï¬nd us ready WEN: every novelty of “Holiday Furs†that the market affords, and many exclusive Styles produced under tur own roof. rices. The best workmen. the guest lumber and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Enlarg- ed premises, and. new machinery Inst added. All orders turned out promptly........ {it embodies not only the Spin 0‘ D L: l J. B. usaiposs Townsmr CLeRK. Little Britain, Insurance Agent Issuer of Marriage Licenses ...BARCIAINS,,_ MUFFS-ln all the fashion 2.50, 4 to 12.50 and lo ADIES FITR :~. :LDRENS‘ and GIRLS White RL'FFS L 32. , -. 13c and 30c {DIES’ BLACK HAIR BY 5 and $3 :30 il 73‘ RlIFFS-S. $6, $6 30 and $7 .,â€" MONEY TO LOA N \ i' MEN‘S FUR CAPS- from $2 up Ai-V‘ASKA SABLE RWFS‘35’ 38’ saw, CHILDRENS' GREY LAMB cars-$1.75 Wednesday and Friday. .7? -, $12.50, lots $15 and $29 2’ 2.50 to 3 ALASKA SABLE Ml'Flz‘S- $8. :, $12 .30- to 15 BoBoBo ss 30 $9. in Wallaby. E'ectric ASirachan, Bocherp, Grey 00% 30, 35 to 4.) $7 ,. ‘ Cull \RETTES AND CAPEBIN E S â€" Lamb, etc., $15, 20, 25, . . (:51?an styles in all the Fashiogsablp MEN'S COATSâ€"in Coon, ‘Vambat. Bul- l 391:7“ See our 10‘.†Priceg-JKJEZ 35': ’ garish Lamp, Wallaby, Marmont, etc., >. .o. A very choice se cc 1 $13, 18, 20, 23, 30, 40“) 51'), 1012.50. ‘ '\"‘ l Rb - Bi quese GREY and BLACK GOAT HOBBSâ€"$6. :nuF' ‘in . ¢ 7.50. to 12 50 . . . ’BNISBINGSâ€"a large and MEBS EL Lof newest. styles in Neck- , Umbrellas, Hosiery, Linen Collars, Handkerchiefs, etc. ENS HARD and SOFT HATSâ€"new spring shapes and styles. received early for the Holiday Trade. ack Martip). J2}? s of .\l$538 Sable. also com me ion. It Like. Sable and Persian Lamb, prices $1.50, $15, $20. $25, to $3.3. ,.l ‘â€" dif- i..:..\ LAMB COLL.-Xl»bT'1;I‘tS (4.- fezeun stolesl 313-50. 31";‘30’ bio, $15 00' l“. r. GAUNTLETS-in all the 13ng :00 M match Collarettes, prices $39 5-0 - -° ’ 7.24) to 10 Blood. Repairing and Remadelling Puts a Specialty ly cured by the use of Bur v". our Commercial plan ; Insurance at the actual â€"â€"-â€" ,__._ â€"_.._â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~-â€"-â€"-â€"~-â€"--â€"â€" COSt 0f carrying the ï¬s‘fâ€" ‘94" and see “5- master of thc methods that insure ' d This is the Banner year in bile Insurance, and , ‘ , - suCCcss. the year to do busmess. O - . . ExtcnSivc Impro‘. chicnl s 9 R. Campbell, or]. ll. Garvin, , P bo b Although the store was of tho proâ€" Lindsay. at" roug ' portions common in Ordinary towns â€"' i the new firm quickly found it. much “1- WIT too small for tlu-ir rapidly incrcns- stones meta \VeIdo Ont. Conveyancing in all its forms Ofï¬ce at Oakwood â€" Monday, The most chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liver, bowels and Thousands of testimonials from those who have been permanent- dock Blood Bitters speak of its unfail- tho Ilaly house block w.~.s occupicd by the firm of Sutcliffc and Sons. First. in Brampâ€" Sut â€" a successful career. ton and later in Toronto. Mr. cliffc. had conductcd a. steadily widcn- business ccntrcs of the province. Tin-y worc Kingston. I’i-n-rboro and Lindsay. In this cnlcl‘pi'isc ho was assisted by his sons. onc of whom is of sucâ€" conccrns. This ccssful business houscs is n. confmlcr- quartctic :‘icy for buying purposcs ihui. securcs ill \Vllitfll ihcy always liku these :‘11 enormous advantage in prices. ,n The Lindsay store is munngz‘cd by 1 r I 7 She Mr. F. W. Sutclill'c whosc long cxpcrâ€" him icnco with his fulhcr has made ing business. Last summer the landlord was prcvuilcd upon to mnko alterations and additions that work- ed a. revolution in the capacity and convcnicncc of the store. The rcar was pushcd back 26 fcct on the main floor. The. ceiling is picrccd by a large skylight and unâ€" derncuth is a. basement, lighted by prisms. The lateral and trnvcrsc Walls dividing the main store wcrc taken out and supplantcd by stccl pillars. A clear swccp of floor space 115 feet long was the result. This was traversed by four counters mak- ing in all 460 feet of counter front. The rear wall is set with half a dozen heavy plates that aggregate 140 feet of glass through which, and the skylight, the light. pours to meet that admit.th by the big plates at the front. These truacrsc the front and angle across a dccp recess to the doorway and total 3450 feet backed by heavy framed mirrors. Those windows are {ittcd with a. false ceilâ€" ing of glass that enhances their ap- pearance and greatly facilitates their drcssing. That. is an cntirely new feature. The Woodwork is finished in oak graining while the Walls wear a. blue. tinted ingrain surmounted by a. dccp frieze that blonds well with the designed paper on the ceiling. Clusters of electric lumps lllltlt" rcâ€" flcctors are part. of the 77.4mm) ilâ€" luminating outï¬t, so that i-y night or day the store is perfc‘CLly lit. Upstairs also shows the results of the alterations. 'l‘lie_p.ti‘titi0ns “cm removed. the rcar wallrthrown back 20 feet. Lit from front, rear and side and equipped with a ladies’ lavatory. these are the thoroughly modern mil- lincry and mantle parlors. The woodwork here toovis all finished in oak graining and the walls and ccilâ€" ing in tints. Distinguishing Features There are some things that greatly from tho chcupcr t‘liinn silk Io richcst, and suiins “hi! 0 won r. incni for ihcir comfort, cupying u scpui‘zilv spucc clcor f thc ccnlrc. floor are the lumdkcrcliicfs and season thcsc with prcscn1â€"scckcrs and {cw go u\vn\ unsztt islicd. . goods. This WhICh the firm is justly proud. The nLAL‘E TIES '6 . ’ (9.: ' - w .. . - . â€"SILK TIES â€"KI3’?VGII..%SI7ES [’3 was soon after the death of Mr. War- Spa“ dHOL‘d 1" (â€"5" 11““‘15 â€1‘1!- â€"“:W.OL‘L.‘\R WITH TIE .ATTACHED -MOCHA MITTS [\ilo/ . 1101‘ \Vllo 113(1 forlllerl‘v Carried on ca’tcs Ithill. 11105; f()l'111 ll SIK‘Clilll‘V. ()Il -â€"ElA.\DEtbRCHIEFS 20 to $1 00. -CUSHION BLOCKS Th L d. Sh \‘ . . . thc )rod lCl ‘ ‘ - ~ - e -CHE.\'ILLE I‘ASCINATOBS â€"FANCY CORDS , C ea mg oe StorE, prestige when it; cumc. The author I 1 5 “I â€1“ BTW†““115 lll ’SH’KS F0“ BLOYISES "'SH‘KALINES OR SATEENS 'I KENT sr - LINDSAY Partner. Mr. .Ios. Sulcliï¬'e, .was France" â€19 British Isle-s and .\mcriâ€" ; Do 0" ' among the pioncer dry goods men of ("L Mcrvalos, “mail-‘- ““0 ‘19 WW9 é FOR GBNTLEMEN ° B DB0 “3° (“3°50 the province. For more than a 3::“glui‘Z‘d’fm‘1 ffm“ T h†"“ 0 quarter of a century ho had eillOch A :’ Jungâ€"1' "so “NWT. 111“ ordinary gOods, Logcthcr with silks ilic in g‘l‘cul \i'at‘ivly. . my; busincss; In 1897 Mr. Sutcliffc make up an array â€f (“V‘s “WM“ "f conccivcd the policy of abandoning all grades (“mm and “rm.“ the Toronto ~busincss to establish “hues and ““5““? scpuraie stores in the lending smaller ln this Scciioi‘. a Dcwlldci‘inu' ‘..'ll‘â€" '7‘ , ~ (. .‘. .l , .. . ‘ ‘ 1(15 oi glows. ll()S(. (oim-Is. \wrling. ribbons, ludics' i‘u-cl\'\\'cnr. incl-s. luiliws~ is shown. This (it‘llill‘l‘ rcchVi-s spcciul nilcmion and acting as nmmlgpl. of (.uch â€f “p.30 is rapidly growing in important-w. II has liccomc Li, ('(lllllllUll llllllfl' 1†hi-ni‘ ladies Speak of Siliclil‘lc's ox ill" “loco l i to buy! Illllllt‘l‘UilS aii'liclcs 11ml l;::’.l;i‘ and ndornnu-nl. ('loscly ullicd 1-.» films“ lions but ocâ€" (loWl‘: .\1 the arc lin'ongvd fancy goods. in il iduy ('(Vlllllt‘lâ€˜ï¬ Fancy chino. lt'Ullll‘l' oricuinl nianufuctuiws and a score of beautiful and quiic iiu-xpcnâ€" I A Sk t h f "ll. D G S . Sturgeon Point . e c o t e ry oods - tore of Messrs. Sutcliffe 0 T} 1 ~â€" 11 1urs‘(;:j.' nzgh of iii>i ZVUp; and sons. the BOLU‘d of 'l‘radu lir'ld on tuljourib g Everybody can make their .. “Fl 11"““11: I’rvs. lslrlvcllw Soc. 0 friends presents at W. L :!0 . . boothcrnn and llwssrs. ll. lit-:iiu-dy, g WHITE’S Shoe Store for Q neof the Firms that During the Past Few Years Have Located “W 3’51â€â€œ “' 1'1““11‘" “- l 3“" El verylittle money. This week E1 In Lindsay and Found ita Good Business Centreâ€"This Store Lm‘ghlm' "- 3‘ I‘M'W'n. J a. lidâ€" ; we will offer to our custom. . is One of Flourishing Trio Operating in This Province Eargi’ 1" . M13†R" WVN†“mi .‘ ers the following goods: E? “1‘“ “ML“ “1 “lily-«armpit “7.7.1... I ___-_,--,-, _ 7' 1wan J Lindsay is not, a town of cphcmcral larly \‘lSlllng‘ tho foi‘oio‘n ]11-\1‘l‘gtc present, II o) . .. -. - - .. 9 . 1 .7 ,i _ ‘E .. \ " c Will not Conn . â€"Men’s Plush Slippers, worth$i 25, I or linnsunt busmess VelllllItS. I or Anothir .Ldynntngc is tln- (:(mm-ciion \l , _ H , {01650. .\ the most part its principal firms of this store for buying purpoqw ‘ r. mun“. “h†\thtllt‘tl mam.†o "Man’s up-to-date Rubbers, worth g4 have had long careers in this town. with the othcr two of o].- li'io 'ihoco incnts 10 “mm. u mum“ ‘2'")sz {M- l â€"Lad5i:,s“?e-?08?i rs well l'n d 5;! Tiny have attained succcss through mentioned. Thu third is that the 1013' here “mm. mm “Mlmmhm {mm : 5°C to $1 ppc ' ' e ’ <9 _\'(‘LLI‘S of faithful cndcm or rcinforccd business is donc for cash. \‘o ‘u'- taxes was 1W Sillllcivxlii, â€is Mâ€? â€"Ladies’ Fine Kid SI’PPa'S: wontb l}: by an unshztlgen faith in the town counts are opcncd or bud (il‘lllh‘ con-‘was MIL 1mm“: 1.ch urthms' I $1.25, for 750 ‘72-; itSelf and the country around it. Such trnctcd and the customers gm their Ought 1“ hm" VFW" I‘m†*lztrc most of our leading houses. But shari- of the saving" lliusclicclcd 3“"- F' (“"“1â€â€œ11 "l 1h" “"1“?“ a Come and see our New to â€19." 1%†are 110‘; Sikh-- I’crhaps 1‘10 That. has bccn Mr. Sutclilic's policy Springs B""“"‘f‘.\ wrote iii-.11 tho 0 Year’s Presents and â€0‘8 1?? (graham-an town has brighter examples for many years. and he has proved freight â€1““ “0"“ making l1 MENU-“- prices. We will guarantee to (g oi'rapiu success'among llI‘l-llS.tl12i.L.t)l that a cash business can he mam. a Slide for him fo compclc abroad. I] suit your purse. Come early Eli rtccnt. years haue located in it. It. is succcss. Sumo fcw dcpuriincnis of '1 11959 “1“)†fmm hiHlRIâ€"‘I 110 i‘fli‘HVLW 9 before til h ’ 3-} of the most prominent 01 these that the stock may bc mcmionml. coinpeiition, [1 (â€S1 him m. much l3] e we ' this article "5 wr'tt ' ' w Egg, _ 1 1 on. Dress floods to ship to .\npun-c its ii did Toronto Lil iâ€. In 1897 that splendid stand cast of T -. V DUODK’ 1†\Villhiiw. and the I‘uic his is one of the (lcpurtmcnis of from hcru 1o lluliburion was 40 US. per hogshcnd than tho city 10 that ll“ if the Board could do anything in inc 1110!": from \‘illugc. us'mwl matter. A connniiioo will inn-st. gull}. What About a. Shit-nor 1’ Mr. (I. II. M. linker Evil! :1 lwizwr indicating ihui it liuiiL must ('illlli' to the iimbcr opcrniions in this districl . and suggcsting lllni llu' t'l‘i‘cllon of considered. 'l‘itr town's proximity to 1th‘rom Valli-v canal which will soon bu cut an iron Sinclii-r lu- through to (,icoi'giztn D:i_\'. i‘i‘mlcr‘wl ii :i Filli- ztblt‘ IJlï¬Cc for Such an iiidusifl. Th:- Inuitcr wns discos-swd and .lr >3 Vâ€" vi-Hu-r i-xpri-sswd from that the- cheap Coal in. 1h:- cuuicrn provincw coup lilt‘lil an ud\ on! age ln‘ in Sincll fnu'. sulricci will (jut'nfuli‘y gun“ 311W. lichvcr‘. 1‘0 lif‘l'lilll‘ lilil)(‘;1“_f_r‘l-(331 ,l/l'i.‘ ML'SSI‘S. liciliiv‘dy rml link“? “Mfr it (folillslillic lo druit n lit'litil‘i..i Lo the inlhish-r of thnnls asking for ru- poirs in i‘nw lliii;":z};'.-v..:; look.» ,, >101) llic lcnfx. 'l'lic inn-moral '\‘»‘i\ rI'i“.\'t‘nii‘(l lH ilH‘ li();1l'(l. ll (lwclnf‘v-(l that in this 3mm lin- szztnnurs Hi; il'ics'v \ancrs hull cur‘z‘ivd 27.1â€â€? pzissi‘ng'i-rs lu-sidi-s invrclinnoisw. 'l‘.,.- I'orcsl product “WW-H S331“ lUU lizliliilwi v.‘ Ll~ and 1’" ,‘(1 . \.. vizzpioyim l-i ‘ n 3:)“ lllt‘ll \K'lluxl’ \\';<L‘_v‘«‘.\‘ c‘:ii;;1j}..(3\‘ , (lOll Th,- 1 wok n! loiicnyg‘voh hindn 1“» dl‘lltltb bllllulllt Ioi gifts adorn ll llll[l()SSl(llv to brinw qrnMvN .H this 880‘ ion ‘ '- 7 » 5 l U A h I . ‘ ‘ 11W†DUNS at Mums and the luv: ‘V V ' I‘IH‘ hoods “alter had cnusvd considci‘ulllu it. Mr. Sulclifl‘o is an cxpcricnccd and careful buycr of furs. Evvry nriiclc has to be of dcliniicly good quality to find a. place in his stock. Astraâ€" kan, bcuvcr. grey and Persian lamb, otter, seal. sable. opossum. concy and coon, made into coats, capes. cape-râ€" incs, rufl‘s, and muffs gaunili-is, capes. collars both ilic 12151.0 and pulse of the intending purchaser. chullcngc Besides these zirc- men's fur coals and goat robcs. Gents' Furnishings tive display in the store. Suits and overcoats from the best makers are piled high‘ over a. large arca. Tho dressing of the west window at pres- sent, gives on some idea of the qual- ity and variety of the gcntlcmcn's neckwcar carried by the firm. Back in the store it flanks the clothing and is a disp,ay of which any city store might. be proud. Gloves in variâ€" ous leathers, cuffs. collars. shirts, tics, scarfs, fur caps, underwear and sundries are here in styles that are upâ€"t o-dat e. House Furnishings cloths, carpcis in brusscls. tapestries, all-wools, hcmps and unions. furnishings are kcpt. These outlines of the ‘magniï¬cicnt. that crowds this store. Outside- thcm are the great. displays of staple cloths, linnnels, linens, ctc.; upâ€" stairs, is well-known to the ladies of great goods, the xnillincry and mantle room, this town and county. Its S‘Ncep of floor space. its mirrors ant rich goods are a magnet. whose Iluencc reaches the fair boundaries of Probably this is the most attracâ€"l In the basement the linolcums,oi1- tains in tapestry, lace and chcnille, window blinds, and all articles beâ€" longing to this department of house- dcpnrtmcnts arc only rough stock of II]- features of, the trade as though reguâ€" miring community, cured. use only, 3.3.3. phOId. larproxcnn-nts \vv-rn ltSivll. To Mccp ilu- tilutnncl ('lvnr The same committee had bw-n ush- cd to report. on thc trouble,- lx-twm-n the mill inch and boat owners. report rcconmn-mlud Its that mcnt. be signed by both parties a man terms. an :1 gr: w~ LtIl(I was chosen to enforce its Mr. lxenhcdy thonght a good man cost $2.30. 'l‘hc mill men should pnv part and the town council the rest unless governincni. would appointment. The president, mayor and town solicitor will prepare the agreement after hearing the mill inch. and boat owners state their views. niakv an The Hospital Pres. Flavcllc said that tlu- posed hospital was being got under way. New plans had bccn submitâ€" ted by Mr. Ross' architcct. were satisfactory. The would hold :25 bcds and be of modcrn pro- They bu ilding The waiting Mr. Ross†had proceeded The Point Hotel Sec. Soother-an write to the Hamilton Hotel (‘o.. to Sce if they would undertake an llolcl. at Sturgeon Point. had convenience design. commit tcc been and as fast as possible. was inst ructcd to C 111‘- â€"â€"..-_ â€"Christmas cakes in great variety at A. B. Terry's. Cakes ordcr .â€"50â€"2 . iccd to â€"â€"A Floss farmer. Thomas lmnnox’. and his daughter and daughterâ€"inâ€"lnw were killed bctwccn Elinuile and Phelpston on a G.T.Il. crossing 6.45 Thursday morning. The train which was or; a down grade and runâ€" . 1 ell ning on a down grade and running at full spced, Struck the vehiclu fairly. smashing the sleigh, killing not only its occupants, but both horscs. Lenâ€" nox was about 65 years of age. and l ‘ . O O S- . . , mgeflsigglgyggaggzggpï¬ge’i’néglin- contribute to the success of this this trading district. Sutchffe’s is a leaves a widow, two daughters. and i p n ros [185.3 ,t, Eczema, Erys’ipeias SCI’O‘ store. One is the long connection popular store; because of its loca- seven sons all grown up. Mrs. ‘ - rms - ula SOPGS Ulcers Boils,Pimples, of the senior partner with the tion, stock, obliging clerks, and James Lennox leaves a. husband and p 31788, 9 ormd, and 3.1113100 d wholesalers and manufacturers Of straightforward business .methods a. family of small children. It is 5 F . fsand f3, etc humors‘ g dry goods. By this means Mr. Sutâ€" that popularity is Increasmg every difï¬cult to account for the accident, . . . 5 m . ,. o . . ‘ ~ ' . . . - . r . . Manufacturing ume "youmt to be mated to Sta, cliï¬e is kept as fully alive to the best day amid the best Wishes of an ad :Zdtltiiecpj:o:1:vr:s 5:511:11: were g“ en . 1 n 1 e.