at m (I .. 1. l. . . . 'l‘iiia WATCHMAN-WARDER it WT Consnnvavnvn NEWSPAPER. Pom EVERY THURSDAY MORNING as: 115 AND 117 KENT-en, LINDSAY, ONT. W S.â€"In advance. 75 cents; at end of year $1.00. c : :bbing arrangements with loading Canadian papas. CI. JULATION.â€"an-: \Varcnwan-W’Annnn's circulation “500 copies go within trading distanCe of the town. ##7##! A HOME FOR THE AGED POOR St sscmprion RATE the flightlof time. is 5,000, of which earth’s fortunes in her pulses that sh The House of Refuge scheme is one that appeals the years to come. powerfully to sentiment. Exalted sentiment surelyâ€"hu- manity. mercy, the care of the friendlessâ€"but sentiment nevertheless. It is, perhaps, an indication of the practical sagacity of the people that they have not been hastily carried away with that aspect of the question. It IS necessary to be wise as well as good. There is no desire among the most ardent advocates of the Refuse to force it on the people or stampede them into its adoption. No councn will proceed with its erection without a popular mandate. Neither will those who support the scheme harshly assail those who oppose it. It has been in some minds that since the statute forb‘ds putting indigents in the jail, another poi the erection of county refuges for We believe not even that will be done; it will not be necessary. Sound logic and wholesome senti- ment are forces to which the public will at last respond, and by these will t he efforts in behalf of the House of Refuge stand or fall. It has been repo _ it will have no power to aSSlSt. accident require temporary ai . authority and find that the report is utterly Without founda ion. The erection of a Refuge in no way affects the dis- tribution of other charities by council. ' Because they are scattered over a Wlde area and do not daily come before our eyes it is not easy to realize that the number of indigent people is so large as to make a in which we live. cip and Power Company. the same high esteem a year, in 20 years $1 to their own solicitor successful expert running at quite half light he used last reply came would be sure to In thr bably it is within the mark to the House of roup. Likely municipalities from which no increase the number, and pro say that 40 people are waiting to occupy Refuge at this moment. They are a sad g they have waited in vain often before and had enou blasted hopes in the past; but we commit it to thepeop. of this county to see that for a place of comfort in their to a last dark days they shall neither hope in vain n much longer. nearly $ 5 00. # NINETEENTH CENTURY, FAREWELL. time. We have stood beside a dying year, and felt the awe of its closing hours; but what emotions stir at the death-bed of a centuryï¬ Who is unmoved at the obsequies chief problems of m of a hundred years? It is very intellectual to say that there is nothing of interest in a century’s close ; that time is not divided into vears or periods ; but it also fails to take into account the leading elements of human nature. It overlooks the fact that men know nothing of time in the abstract. They know it as seconds, minutes, hours, decades, centuries. Without these it is unthinkable. By the calendar men get their hearings on time’s ocean; without it they are like floating corks on a shoreless sea. On the highway the question of commut mileposts interest the traveller more than the roadway. This is a modern They show hzm his location and when a man does not carry easi ED mu? 5' , . - ,.,.- l". '.-. ,\~ . . . Durng .nc past {“0 31...: H.114...“ .i‘vt. . 1r 5p, 1,333,; to iiiipr‘li‘l'c the flock.- the hentucky (Il'lt'i'I'. has v-vn 4., races. The last heat pflf‘l‘d below 2:1†for 19.0 was that o: Hefty G in 2:00; on H. z. a"- -0. The queen and the Prince of “hit-s , TAKING THE REINS I l? young: fun 35‘ en'- tw In: used for Iil‘f‘NI' . U -W ,- __ y ('l". lllt‘j‘ Silfillld Ile Sg-log-c-h-‘l {run} II‘.“ CHI" i T - C ' I O r I , . (to rim. 1»; â€â€˜Téugvuhld :t'irdqrd who.-. 3 l-wt handle-tr .hMc Hatched m Mun'li or i,†_- -__ .. '. . . .. .. . .\=:'31-â€"->o that we? ,. H“, z . .. ._,: 11",“ ‘ are n}, l'rudignl. ! U lull-Ml ~ .m ita-oriilily “LII Anne". $1514.. figs: ':i;l: titnc UhEo :iizg- » "†. . ,. , ,. is “MY owii ‘d i , yawn“; i lnr poultry trunk". .tlw inc stock IDI‘I‘L'tI‘ ,.-, c .... .L l- 4.. A-i . a. , . I)“-.v-(r f.“ C" if -f IIII'II 1Q 1) v . t' ‘ er. “II“‘JIII I.‘:‘L'"‘I erï¬lz LIIC tuiht SIICI'IILXC‘XIS land..- “Xe .ca» ill 'I ._ - . _ ‘ 08.‘ "'h"\e Illa. “-iil ":\(‘ fl)“ IUUQL erIIt for olda two's rewards t f 2:1 lâ€. o. 2-2;†‘ . ‘ ‘ . "‘ ‘ ‘ “ I . * , the mummy. .\4-ic2' sill the IIcSI, cspcciallv I I RAILWAY TIES. ‘._r the end of the year coal will not be L“? Prohibitï¬i the dUCklng U: {Ill-'5 Roll “3‘. arm of the hu'miiutivcs in tho horscfl. slat-- o: I::li:..'lil‘l:l'cl. All the engines are It is reported that the prescnt owner i lwing now truiivtztul iiitu oil burnt-rs. "'2 UiVid Harum. trial 2114),]. paid 343â€)" If is the iiifrnziuu of the new Ventral E0! the 110548. London Railway company to ci'm-l over A New York horse dealer has received an order from Alexandria, Egypt, for several high class carriage horses. Gypsy Queen. the champion saddle mare recently purchased by T. W. Law- son, is now called Kentucky Susan. Just 654 trotters and pacere entered the 2:20 list during the racing season of 1900, according to the count of a Ken- Cuckian. Deltha, 2:20l’, at Lancaster, Pa., Oct. ID, is another new performer for Del- marc'n, 21113;, and is out of Cynthia, by Stranger. Marion Eddy, 2:181:41, the only 1900 per- tormer for Jerome Eddy, 2:168; was the most consistent money winner at the Lake Erie circuit. Up to Nov. 3, 1900, the number of horses starting in English races this past season reached 13,004 in 1.542 races, an average c-f over eight to a race. Gus Macey. the Kentucky trainer, has a 4-year-old green one named Country Jay that he considers a world beater. He is by Jay Hawker, dam by Parville. Bird Eye, 2:141; one of the best money winners in the Lake Erie circuit, where he won ï¬ve first and three second moneys and a total of $1.23.), is now owned by WV. 1’. Baggs. Baltimoreâ€"Horseman. POULTRY POINTERS. Tansy is a good remedy for lice. Throwing soft feed on the ground is poor economy. is‘owls should not be killed when they 123%: full crops. ' ’ Make the nests so that the hen can mlk in on them. White pin fmthers are easier to remove than colored ones, but they do not show so much when left in. When the fowls are conï¬ned, give soft Iced in the morning, grmn food at noon ï¬nd whole gra’tn at night. 2 Do not keep the hens so fat that they 'ill not exercise or forage. They will not ‘ay so Well, nor be so healthy. Young chickens of fancy breeding 'ahould not be permitted to roost on perch- ‘cs until they are 3 months old. as it often causes creoked breastbones. A q: -k maturing fowl is desirable for garlic-t and also for home consumption, especially early in the spring. This should be remembered. in selecting breeds. -_.__ it~A SYIIIIUID lininlsoxiio mansions. which wiiE I»: IN. out in i'rsidi-ntinl flats. while in Some,- vase-a where space pc-rmits. :it tracthc budm-ss pri-inisrs will also be added. Summer ('tll‘S are still running over the traction lim-s. Philadelphia. The ('Ulll- puny has det-itfi-d to like]! the (rpm! cars on all winter as trailers for the benefit of smokers. This has grown out 01‘ flu,- protest of physicians in tho cffm-t that smoking in closed war». is a menace to public health. In New South “'3ch the electric rail- way is making rapid progress. In Aus- tralia the street railway systems of the towns are for the most part nwnwl by the municipalities. In Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane the horse car and steam dummy lines are now being changed over. much of the material necessary being furnished by American houses. THE PEDAGOGUE. Chancellor Snow of the Kansas State university is to have a year’s vacation on account of failing health. It is said in Chicago that the Rev. Dr. Frank ‘W. Gunsaulus of that city will be chosen president of Northwestern uni- verSity. Girton is the oldest woman's college in England. It was started in 1869 by five students who determined to try the Cam- bridge university examinations. At Gir- ton the givla have two rooms each. The fee for the college year. including tui- tion. bean] and rent, is about 3500. Professor Frederick Starr, the well known anthropologist at the University of Chicago, has received a silver medal from Queen Wilhelmina of Holland. This award of honor has been given as an acknowledgment of a fine collection of busts and pictures secured by Profess- or Starr Is the result of his studies among the Mexican Indians and sent by him to the National Scientiï¬c and Artis- tic Collection of Holland. up Ins THE CYNIC. An old man is content with a “living a young-man wants a‘fortunm It is becoming the custom to one some- body or something when a man dies In order to show mow flier. . .†I know his location he is lost. letter days and time is only interesting with dates and cut it up into sections: always be popular, the dying years Wt watchers, and men will always stan deathoknell ‘of a century. Shortlived men may well gr d awe Stank at the It would seem that our bank cxnminn- . . tions are becoming every nit {IS reliable The last Saturda ow serious as they mark as our weather reportsâ€"M asliiugtou ' Of 1900 and y . . . I In that mood they Will long to hide in Pglst. B r t f Dish cm ce want it to be a we ‘ ‘ ‘h vocrs con time o ui‘ ' ‘1 on K} that have marred their lives, and e ' cord breaker. Dur. the past the shortcomings to make heroic resolves Heirs of the rich inheritance 0 cross into the new century in all mould their As the twentieth century shall surpass the nineteenth, so may we gi deeds that shall be greater and the men who went before us, an M A MUNICIPAL PLANT. IT MUST not be supposed t al lighting plant we have any But no good wishes for . . deter us from advocating the mumcrpal plant. It is simply a matter of good between the price the company as at which the town can produce it is too great. enough to build a first-class system of streets throughout the town, and too great a sum to lay it devotion to private enterprise. with the company’s price. It is lik make it. They have a very expensive p ‘ments and expensive mistakes. things it cannot be expec summer was worth. at company rates, Refuge necessary. With that poiut‘in mind we wrote to h . l (1 ll 1' h h' l'k h 1 URBAY MORVI‘.’ . the clerks of the various municipalities, asking how many proï¬t on t on out ay an se ig t anyt mg .i e as 0 cap y . . . eh: “Ch °n17-- -- . money for you. We have reduc d '. people who should be in such a place were receiving aid. as it can be produced by a town plant put in under con- WBSBBI‘II Ganada Mortgage. TOIICI COVCI’S 3:31:13†p2», $32: our Manes and (Costumes 15:0 8.: Answers from all but three were received. They were traCt and of no greater extent than is requu’ed. corporamon Ion . fancy stitched edge. T513150]: AL 0 per cent. in prices. therefore you mav published in our issue of July 26th. They show that tigere As airtilatter 01: fact nzcompialny {loos [Ls Mr. Caï¬lw 5A LRDAY MORNING, “ch only I buy a real good Mantle new for “8,; ar ~~ eo le who on ht to be in the Refu e. Thet ree put in alig ting p at at is nu . t cost â€00. e , 50 001V would a 1 nm 1 e 0’ P P g g a. n. HOPKINS. Art. at Lindsay Stamped Cosy COVE“ so 0 d . ma 0... 23.22.2053; a... 1'." have saved enough to pay for the has both street and domestic lighting of its gh tion of what any company le other towns with municipa half of what it costs town Whether we realize these things do. In one day’s paper, under date 0 month, these two items appeared: “ Woodstock has just purchased the electric light. â€" plant from a company agu will run it. In future as a - THE nineteenth century draws to its close. Its vast “93%;: “deaths. m in“ a t: to REAL ESTAT expanse 0f years has run to the final days. Slowly, With the KingsgtbtriunghtfiIItt Mr?:0'cr%0;:mc; of 2570215 avg 20 Y 8617’ . giant tread, its hoary form recedes along the corridors of Its luggage-.1 tgoprooloodt‘gnder the law to arbitrate to GENERAL INSURANCE acqu e w e p an . The people of Lindsay are face to faoe with one of the trusted to solve it on modern lines. Wisnmc vou a happy New Year. THE PEOPLE of Mariposa are going to vote on the ly in the banner township. THE WAICHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY, UNI. THE VERDICT. \ Special Saturday Morning, Dec. 29th Most lives have their red- as we can stud it Anniversaries will 11 always have their n’s creditors will learn with‘ he has installed a telephone â€"Pittsburg N cws. The sulta pleasure that in his palace. of the fact that ofï¬cial notice of their pacificaticn has not yet reached them.â€" Atlaiitu Journal. Professor Stubbs of, Louisiana calls Hawaii “the world's sugar bowl.†By the same token China and Japan must be its tea caddiesâ€"Boston Transcript. A ll issouri editor thinks it quite sad to rd ourselves for Chanda. and sec alyoung husband supporting a soul- more “Oble than those Of skin wife on a imiskrut salary. For (I in keeping With the age pointed pictiit'csquoucss of expression the Missmii-i rural editor takes the corn pone. -â€"I)unvcr l'ost. Connecticut is not satisï¬ed with ltavmg . in the weeks of unusual selling many good selling lines hf“, 1366;121:321: . L1 to smallquantities. These we are going to give ion 5 A . , MORNING. DECEMBER 29th. at these surprisingly 130W PRTI'EiggAY SALE COMMENCES AT 8.30 AM. of amendment for the future. f ages gone and architects of brightest days, it may be that as they en will feel the thri‘l of im- 1ives in strength and beauty in MEN’S LOCH- LOMOND TOP SHIRTS, fancy check on boxes only(_lbox enhâ€" . I0 8 custo - . . . perfumed tenet, Soap, 15 “kiwi?! highly Men’s and Boys’ Shirts Toilet Soap a monitor miinod after her. She wants :1 patterns, well made, all sizes, regular rezular 01.3091†b . , is be,“ battleship. If honors of this kind are rice 33c each, SPECIAL SATUR- 29 URDAY 1510339113? iEJ‘EOIfgan-EAT. '1- - . - ..._ sU AY MORNING, ........... .... â€"BOYS’ GREY I‘LANNEL SHIRTS. assorted sizes, well made, fancy silk llhode ls- proportioned according to size. about. but in advocating a muni- land is entitled to ma, 1.355 than a tu Seasonable Fur Bargains I“ Black and Natural Oppobbum T 9†hostility to the Light. BC?“ lace fronts. strong and serviceable. L P if , , “,5 m On the other hand we hold It In regular price 690 each, SPECIAL 39 038 .Lu a. 04 inches long, stood in.) biz; SATURDAY MORNING, ea. only . an trimmed “nth 10 tails. reaular p1 ice; . if“ and $8 00. SPECIAL "it - LllDAY MOR.‘I.\'G, eachhonlrv NEW PROPRIETOR do all other local enterprises. 5.49 as we One big lot, assorted 9 the company could, or ought to, At me Livery and Boarding Stables, just MCI] S Caps ghappg and makes, 311 W , north of the Academy of Music. sizes, regular prices 30c. 40c and 50¢ each, â€"l...A~CK .THIBBETT and GP. L. ,1. V business. The difference __.-______.. SPLCIAL SATL RDAY MORNING, 25 LAND sun. RI rrs. 2 onlv. «up; each only ....................... . . 3b†mï¬dï¬ Femilar price $5.30 cpl CIA]. SATURDAY M t‘ -~ each only .............. GINO-0.2.19 -â€"CHILl)l’.HN'S WHITE LAMB Ml TFFC .â€" 1 only. good size. renul . .- and 81,00 each. SPECIAL!- £238 me I RDAY MORNING, each only., .50 BO YS' HEAVY TWbl‘ZD JAMES WORKMAN , Boys’ SUIIS BLOUSE SUITS, English Having taken over the above Livery Bun has made, strong and serviceable. regular made vast improvements and has now one prices 8200 and $2.50 each, SPECIAL of the most complete and up-to-date liverics SATURDAY MORNING, each I 49 in town solicits a share at public patronage only ---------------- -- . .. - Comfortible Rgs, Good Horses, Polite Atten 9 Good strong tion Will be the motto of the new proprietor. MC" S Tweed Pants tweed, as- . sorted colors and sizes. regular rioee JAMES WORKMAN $1.00. SPECIAL SATitniiayp 50 RS. --Drop in and see the improvements. ' MORNING, per pair only .......... for ks for light and the price It is $700 4,000 and a lighting plant of our own, pon the altar of our Nor can any fault be found ely as low as they can lant. According creased by no- It is not capacity. Considering these two ted that the company can make a MANTLE its cost was largely in EVENT. «â€" ~ Ladies’ Vests 3..., “â€8““ Winter wear, fancy IIIB Gdlldlld :Pï¬l’llldllï¬llli .dlllI stitch and silk ribbon trimmlnzs. rem]- its lar priceflbc each. SPECIAL SAT- ‘7 Mantle buying from us ,ls bankin: quality cloth (limit 2 to a customer) reg- ular price like each SPECIAL SAT - l RDAY MORNING, each only... . should ask you to Visit. our Mung... Department and see these values, de, Mr. Carew wil. Markham village own, at a frac- ofl'ers. Barrie, Orillia and any 1 plants are lot for from a third 5 with company lighting. or not, other places 5c ee years, at the outsi Plant- Money to loan at very lowest rates, at any time, and terms to suit borrower. The Cor- pontion being an amalgamation of four comp- anies and having Capital and Assets of over twenty millions, is prepared to do business on most advantageous terms. Private funds if preferred. G. H. HOPKINS. Barrister, Lindsay is, tiltâ€"iii WE 2025/1. 0726 and al/ our I many f mum's and «52:5- tamer: a nappy and marz‘ ems- i h odern municipal aï¬'airs. They can be CASII, ONE PRICE J. Suit ' e $0118,““““l.... â€"-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€" The undernigned has opened oï¬tes at 91006- villc andlLindsay. and la prepared to transact business in Real Estate. Loan and Genera . 1mm. 1 will visit my Lindsay oï¬ce EVERY SATU I, DAY. It Is situated in the rear olthe Dominion ant, entrance from William-st‘ ITORIAL NOTES .â€"-â€"â€" Partlas wanting to buy, sell or rent Farm. Village or Tm preperty, should call and see me. - Being acquainted with nearly every man and mg statute labor at 6.5%“ Per daY° farm in the County, customers can rely on and SCOSlbIc proposmon thtt should receiving prompt attention. Charges moderate.“ I sell Grain Farms. Timber Lats, Grazia Farms, Private and Business Houses and Lots. J. G. EYRBS _.__’ ...â€"__..â€"._. . ALLAN ii. * : Opposite Post Office. Lindsay. 'l l I. in..- .. __....__ _ TRULY AUTOMOBILE. I ’1. CA Tons of Ice Tran-ported! Over I. “III by It. Own “'cl‘It. At the ItMLScS of a Maine ice company iit \Vcst llrookSVillc. Mix. the blocks of ice .‘ll‘c tukvii from \\':ill;cr'ii pond, pulled up a. steep hill and carried 8 half a mile to the head of l‘Iggonioggin roach. a Iil‘fllll'll of l‘cnobscot bay, and the whole uork is pcifoi'incd without using any [um-«‘1' «1001i! gravitation. The large town (it llrooksvillc just cs- \\'alkcr‘s pond __._â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' NADIAN ’- SPECIALTIES New Year’s Rates GENERAL PUBLIC 'I. 4' Single. First Class have, ; xiii; lle . n, raped. being an island. . . Ilf'S iii the southwest corner of the town. I‘â€; " ‘ "’fi "‘fâ€â€œâ€˜â€â€˜~‘f “m†-l“‘- "f“‘j _ M1,. ‘1. nulliinc; but a horseback a half a mile qs“'gi‘il';‘l“,ua“ I“: 1““! ‘Iâ€"â€:â€"','i "'3‘ “i; l AY . . . . '.'.,.') .‘_-i, ‘m ‘.!,' K) '7}. -‘. iI .H, I‘.‘!'."’ , \Vido putting it from salt WOIQ'I'. Baga- “mil Jâ€. h “a. ‘ ’ " at..- p. 1? lIllH‘ river flows from the east end of the ‘ ".mM , ‘ pond. going cast, tlicn north and ï¬nally TEACHERS ASD‘STUDENl-S . I R V, c. swooping to tho west and southwest, U’lf‘mw‘l""H'W'MV'sh. :6“- W)‘ PI!“ 4‘» . ‘ when it empties into I‘ciiobscot bay be- _ 5““‘1‘5 l "-‘l â€3“- Pure “Tl One-Third. : to; Us» _,_ \ ‘ . ~ 7 . . . to 31, ion; returning iziizi. l.:v.: “l, ilk“. E l\\t'0‘ll L nstinc and Brooksvtllc. havmg _ _ . Kline more than 30 miles to end within gzi‘“f\"fl‘"’.â€â€œ31.?â€1‘mn‘3:d'itlu-hl l’ixirf‘flhi \‘ihh‘f‘l‘ i . . . v _ x . . :tl‘ti' Iii VN‘ .L K .l\ ', i.'. h- ('03. . 3. 1 it. -, 1"‘5 â€In“ a ““19 “r â€3 source. Walker 8 Marie, .‘IICII., and Detroit, Mi h ; .iiid to, by. NOT DRESS GOODS I . Lad. 9 Eu f h ._ . , 168 FS or I 8 ' FROM. Su~p¢°ii>iui Bridge, N. \'., and Bad. s' N. Y. A. H. NOTHAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 King Street East, Toronto. pond. from which the company gets its ir-c. is about 300 feet higher than the War tors of the buy just over the Iiill. The iccliouses are on a wharf facing the (ii-can. The company has an endless chain Pleat» remember that we hold in stock ; $336080 310(3)::th cogplega stock of NCCR ma 5. o la apartment w . . we have given special attention. and al- ; of 1:85:33 §3u%$::§!:ï¬ktg {flint ways mm†on hand the Ye- be“ BlukICOLLARETTES. etc" in every style a: (’IO‘VRIOI' running from the pond over a Drona Condo to . -. alight hill down to the ico-housos, and ““‘ amt. 'for ï¬lxulylzd..oelmo:todm..glmkum ï¬ght prices. :- wlu-n‘ the ice is ready to house the heavy Gooda,'l’ho best ma‘e’i‘i‘of blink goods In Lndlca' Fur Gauntlets in VAl‘Wh“ » Oppossum, Persian Lamb and lmitatia: ‘ ‘ the world. Some special things in Dress Goods in Black and Colored, one Dress to a pattern, 3 suitable for Christmas presents. l ‘ Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats l‘. c. latcnatt, Agent EM» OFFICE - KEIT STREET belt to transport tlu- cakes is put in mo- Seal. firm by loading its ocean end with atone:- iiutil the wheels turn with the added weight. when the chain moves on. bring- ing up its load of ice. As the tops of the houses are some 250 foot lower than the pond and the ocean side of the fun is twice as long as thc pond sid’c Sn SOUII (Is the endless belt is fully loaded with ice on both sides the down hill side has power enough to pull all the ice out of the pond without atop- ping. and thousands of tons of latent en- ergy is left over. This surplus force is controlled by two man who stand on top of the hill and sipâ€" ply powerful brakes until the proper speed is secured. after which the machin- ery 'runs itself. If some one with a malicious turn of mind should bore through the base of the bill with an artesian drill and strike the bottom of the pond. the water pressure “ 22€2.,“°::.‘°w.i.t?:§° li:l.‘:.f"§‘.’t‘f.‘t"‘.: 0f WYS and FANCY 2:34 Elisipt’i’imiii till. littlatp 3i 1:132... 60095 at CllSI. ~ This is a chance seldom offered to se: ’ The historically famous Bagaduce riv- er. the outlet of the pond and the «livid. cure goods at your own prices ' _.â€"â€"- At can: “â€- I ‘ “'43 hold a very lam shock of Men's and 1 13018 Overcoats. Every style and kin? 3' and our prices are always right. Ladies’ Mantles, Suits and Skirts , Our stock in this Department is atllll lame. having replenished it with New; and Fuhlonable Goods. Our Jackets and l Skirts have the reputation of being the Staple Department I’lannolettes, Grey l-‘lannels. White Flax:- Dell‘. (tray and \Vbitc Cotton Blaukcik Shootings. All lines of Staple Dry Goods Lararo stock for the Christmas Trade. most stylish and best values in Lindsay. :me now till Dec. 30th I will offer the Clothing Department Men's Suits ranging in price from $3 50 $4 In) to $12.00. Tweed Suits, Black \Voratod Suits, Men'a heavy Working Suits. a large stock at the lowest. prices». Milliuery Department ‘This Department is full of New and Stylish (woods suitable for the season. Special Purchase for the Holiday Trade. We have just received an assortment of CHINA. beautiful Designs, in VASES, BREAD PLATES, FRUIT DISHES, EIC. Ing’lina between Brooksville, on the 1.- terior, and Sedgwlck, Penobscot and Can- tine, on the outside, would also cease to cxisft. So long as Walker’s pond yields excel- lent perch. pickcrel and alewives. in addi- tion'to ice that can be shipped the year round. and so long as the Baxaducc fun nishea tons of smelts and thousands of muskrat pelts every year this Interesting but melnonbulv experiment will not be tribal- \- WW. W‘Q4 J.RIGG$. A Decca-[blast It. ‘ “Isn’t Jimson going tnbnild anew fac- tory on the high bunk overlooking the lake?†"No. That‘s a Nun.â€- Jï¬e’afly Gill" $9953 0mm, «lisidsay {Int « u. .~ 4â€"..--