-â€"Domestic Sardines, ---11 you wish a Dottie of ï¬ne to add_a ï¬nish to your table we have them. “_- ..â€"We for Figs , A ROYAL CHRISTMAS GIFT our experience have We an abundance of good e housewife to select. her Christmas quality never Never in shown such .We have was better so low . -We are not. Iorgcuuub folks. . -A select table of toys will be shown -A nice stock of Fancy China. Cups and Saucers. Plates, etc. -A grand show of Fancy Handker- chiefs . . . - , Choicest Odors Prices range from We Up. Wishing all our custc compliments of the se many happy returns. Yours very truly; ’Xmas Presents low - Small Box of Cigars Meerschaum and Briar Pipes in Cases Leather Cigar Cases Tobacco Pouches, leather, silk and Rubber, Tins of Tobacco, Meerschaum Cigar and Cigarette Holders. CA RRO LL’S, Nuts in vaâ€"net'y 1‘ stock of Candies ï¬nest. ever shown the ......... Our stock of Perfumes has been chosen with exceeding care. Only Lindsay Marble kas need not. mention Staple goods 0“ W from the best makers have been selected. We have perfumes to please the little people, and per- fumes that Will call forth expres- sions of delight from the most. fastidious judges of such goods. We have both quality in the perfumes themselves and beauty in the package that contain them. ll prepared to furnish the people of Lindsay and surrounding country with monuments and headstoneamoth marble and granite. mtimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery requisites. Marble Table' Tabs, Wash T098. Halide Pieces, etc., a. specialty; Being a. practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before pruchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the Packing 1am. ROBT, CHAMBERS We will be pleased to show you these pretty goods. Also perfumes by the ounce all odors, qualities and prices. Raisins Lemons The Leading Tobacco Store in Lindsay ’erfumes is lower. Now is the time. to nuke your selections. Don't leave ofl‘ this im rtant mat'er until the rush of oliday Buying commences. Here are a few suggestion of appropriate presents : Next A. Campbell These are all special Christmas Goods. and very handsome, and can. behad only at. . . . . ROBERT CHAMBERS not. forgetting LITTLE BRITAIN . DUNDOM, and Currants 9 and OrangeS equally Candies, Peels our customers the 3f the season and ution our stock Of or warm thing-‘3. will be Athe in Little Bri- in combine. 5 ï¬rstâ€"class the little Pickles dinner 3 lbs. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE On the ï¬rst Thursday of each month Dr. Bowerman, dentlst visits Victoria Road (Chirpaw's Hotel.) Next AAA v151t. nent German Eye .‘SpeCIauau. ..-._ _V at, the Bradburn House, ()mmuse, from Jan. 6th to 8th. C(‘ansultution WOODVIILE On the ï¬rst four Fridays in Jan- uary, Dr. Bowerman, dentist, will be at the Queen’s Hotel, all day. Spec- ial reduction in price of artiï¬cial Our local lodge of I hold a basket. social in of their hall on Frida‘ cents. u: VQAV -- 1902. A ï¬rstâ€"Class program been prepared. Tickets 25 an The young people in connection with the Methodist congregation in Mariposa. intend giving a grand con- cert in the school house on Friday evening, Jan. 3rd. A ï¬rst-class pro- gram is being prepared. in which the best foreign and local talent will take part. The proceeds are in aid of the church choir. The public are cordially invited. See posters. Prof. J. on Monday. Dec. 1mm, wucu an. 100 guests gathered to Spend evening with Mr. Iâ€"Tildon before 11 ing for Toronto. where he is goin: advance his studies in the busi‘ college. After supper Hildon presented with an address am purse to Show the esteem in whic {is held among the young people. ~ MILLERSMITHâ€"NORTII EMILY The Emily school concert and exâ€" amination was successful beyond all expectation. It was difï¬cult to ï¬nd room for all present in the eVening. By seven o'cmck the seats were fli- led. at eight the building was cram- med to the door. Mr.W. Calleghan acted the part of an able chairman. No special feature of the program can be commented upon without mak ing reference to gunost every item. as all were so ably rendered. The irecitinn'. singing. dialogues, club swinging. drills, in fact everything was indeed creditable to those con- cerned. The order was excellent. The magniï¬cent decorations added much to the evening’s entertainment. The ï¬nancial returns are more than double thkt of last year. The teachâ€" er and scholars are very grateful for the very liberal patronage of the sur- rounding communities. The members of L.O.L No. 125-1 at their regular montkly meeting on the 21st inst., elected the following oï¬lâ€" cers for. the incoming year :â€"â€"W.;\l., T. C. Birchard, reâ€"elected: DAL. J. E. Jackson : 11.8.. John Suggitt: F. 3., I“. Russel' 'l‘rcns . va'l‘. Grif- fin; chap., Rev. W. P. Rogers: D. of 0., Wm. Drake: Lect., S. Truax ; committee, S. Hall, Wm. Waffle, A. Richman, W Finlay N. Inn‘le. The treasuxer’s 1eport showed the ï¬nan- ces to be in a healthy condition? nd a. donation was given the Sick Chil- ldren’s Hospital in Toronto. Aitex election and installation. speeches from the neuly elected ofï¬cers were given. Rev. H. Brown of Kinmount Jan. 2nd, 190 ~ 0 gpoke for the visitors. At time of writing Mr. Wm. Hollard lies very ill. Miss Mabcl Thompson is visiting her parents Dr. and Mrs. Thompson. Miss Thompson has just completed a successful course in Toronto Normal school and will ~tcaLch the Baddow school next year. , Mr. H. Doughty goes to Toronto for Christmas. KINMOUNT Col. Sam. Hughes, M.~ P. and J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P.. passed through Kinmount on Thursday on their way home after holding several meetings along the line of the I. B. and O. eailway. They were met. at the sta- tion by a number of their friends and supporters. â€"Mr. 'i‘iios. H. Train and son. Albert of Lindsay are at present visiting at, Mr. F. Train's. Miss E. Pauline Johnson and Mr. McRaye, elocutionists, were greeted by a large audience in Scott’s Hall on Wednesday of last week. The brass instruments for the new Canadian Forester band have arrived and been found satisfactory. Now boys let us have some music as soon as possible. Miss Hopkins of Peterboro who has been teaching school in (Javandish during the past year, is visiting at Mr. G. Scott’s. Miss Ethel Scott teacher at Maple Lake, Hali-burton county is also home for the holidays. Mr Will Mansï¬eld is out again af- ter a few days severe illness. Our friend “Dory'.’ hired a. rig on Friday alst to take a load of Coung people to the Sunday school tea at Norland. No doubt they must have been a jolly load and made so much noise that “Dory†could not hear the reach of the sleigh dragging along the road and it actually dragged all the way and back. Miss Polly Smith of Lindsay Col- legiate is home for the holidays; A number of one people visited town on Saturday. Some had spec- ial business in that direction. L116 V“"l'r'*-a ery pleasant evening Was spent home of Mr. Richard Johnston mday. Dec. 16th, when about guests gathered to Spend an g with Mr. I-Tildon before leaV- r Toronto. where he is going to ce his studies in the business 3. After supper Hildon was [ted with an address and a to show the esteem in which he VICTORIA ROAD VA 1’ 1.4 ENTIA OMEMEE De Siibcrge, the Bye Specialist. v \ 'â€"MARIPOSA COBOCON V1 VFridav, Jan. 24â€â€œ w VALENTIA C410 and 15 ;hc (emi- will be 0m :11“ 2e, I l l l 1‘... Our school closed down on Friday i and our teachers are now enjoying short respite before entering upon Personalâ€"P resentation_ Church Notes the duties of another year. Our illustrious correspondent in the north ward no doubt {latters him self with his seeming wit and humor | and thinks he is giving the south a‘ .hard pill to swallow. He may be witty and humorous also, but let him bear in mind that such frivolous ‘writing have no such effect as he im- agines on people who know well that no good can Come from that illâ€"begotâ€" ten corner which he now represents. ‘He seems to think of himself and his friends as sort of philanthropists who have done good by stealth but {failing to become famous must now resort to self-praise. Our condition in the south may be bad enough but when we consider the many hair’s- breadth escapes of our northern friends and the stranded condition in which their institute of learning has so often been placed, we'must deem ourselves a favored people who have been given good judgment and reason by our Maker. wrathful parents, “Your way is open to the south free gratis!†They did not mention legislative grant then. They would have been glad to have had their feet extracted from the mire at any price. We came to their rescue ; we set them on a solid rock, but now they crow “We are the people.†Can we wonder that such a people are doomed to disappoint- ment and grief? We would give them a word of warning not to crow till they are sure their wings are not clipped. We would also advise our worthy scribe to publish his name A __:L What a relief it was ‘ ' to the school ofï¬cials to say to the FENELUN I‘AL-LD NEW: Duuucl “0â€"â€" Week of Prayer â€" Obituary Miss E. DeCew came home last Thursday from Whitby Ladies’ College to spend Christmas with her parents Mr. W. Church of Essex is the guest of his sister Mrs. M. lleCew. Miss L. Wilson of Whitby College and Miss V. Wilson of Buffalo are spending Christmas with their father Dr. A. Wilson. Mrs. J. W. Bryan of Morden, Man., is the guest of her father, Mr. Geo. Martin. Mr. E. M. Horton left on Satur- day to spend his vacation with his parents in Bobcaygeon. Mr. J. DeCew of Toronto came home on Wednesday for the Christâ€" mas vacation. Mr. J as. Dickson returned last Satâ€" urday from a short visit to his daughter in Peterboro. Mr. John Wilson of Huntsville is spending the holidays with his fathâ€" er Mr. J. J. Wilson of Fenelon. Mrs. W. Mills of Goldwater is the guest of her sister Mrs. John Quibell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewel and Mr. P. Burgess of Bracebridge came to the Falls on Saturday to spend Christmas. Miss McCreary of Ottawa is spendâ€" ing Christmas with her uncle Dr. A. Wilson. Miss D. Dickson of the Ontario Art School, Toronto, is spending the va- cation with her parents. Mr. Chas. Hand of Montreal is the guest of his father Mr. E. D. Hand. Mr. Geo. Aldous, eldest son of Mr. John Aldous, is home after an ab- sence of some years in the North- 1‘11'5. Arthur and Dr. C. M. among the many who urday in Lindsay. llr. Galloway of Monday at the Falls A large number 0' by the Rathbun Lun north country are 11 mas. The Rev, W. T. RC ter Hall. Toronto. couple of weeks a friends at the Fall next he will prea< which he ï¬lled so ac summers. The Rev. B. Davies congregation here w by a number of his evening last week at a handsome Christm. kindness was most 11 worthy gentleman. er to the place Mr. ready made himself favorite. Last Thursday at very cold days, a zero, and those of c missed seeing the F: mist and the frost thick hanging from ed a magniï¬cent sig The skating rink 0 night and shows sig patronized. The J ohnsonâ€"Mc Saturday evening u of the Hockey Club ed. The boys clea dollars, and conside both artists has be vious occasions in I that the evening a before Christmas, “ _--A..A_ n_ {1- 'Vllaklll. AIL and he might get a job writing wit and humor selections for our alman- acs . The trustees of the north have secâ€"~ ured Miss Graham as teacher of their school for the coming year. M-iss Graham comes highly recommended and no doubt will fulï¬l all her duties ably. __ _ ‘ ‘ .‘A Mr. and Mrs. Maguire and family were visiting at Mr. Found's last. week. The boys said it was ï¬ne driving on Sunday last. Some said it was ï¬ner on Weanesday. New cutters are the order of the day down south. Mr. Jim Brown’s sale came off on Tuesday last aod was well attended. Mr. Jim Found was visiting friends on the big island Sunday last. â€The entértainment which was held in the north school on Friday last. was a success. A capital program was given. Our sleighing is nearly gone but wheeling is perfect. Our blacksmith is doing a rushing business in horse shoeing. Mr. C. Argue will be spending a few weeks under the parental roof as school is closed. Ric rmay look for a, wedding north soon. 7 Messrs. Found, Swain and Ray were visiting relations in Guelph last. week . Advertise in The -Watchmanâ€"Warder. held 31;. John Wilson of Huntsville is spending the holidays with his fath- er Mr. J. J. Wilson of Fenelon. Mrs. W. Mills of Goldwater is the guest of her sister Mrs. John Quibcll. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewel and Mr. P. Burgess of Braccbridge came to the Falls on Saturday to spend Christmas. Mr. Geo. Aldous, eldest son of Mr. John Aldous, is home after an ab- sence of some years in the Northâ€" west. FENELON FALLS NEWS BUDGET Broizclzitis “ I have kept Ayer’s Cherry Pec- tors] in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds.†All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at ï¬rst in a single night with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three “scum enough for an ordinary cold; 50c.._junt ï¬ght for toncyim. hoarse- he: s; inird' c’oldsTet’cfi if, ’x’no’at ’eadnomxw to: chronic cues and to keep on hand. J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. J. C. AYEB couldieli; mu. I Mrs. A. Wilson Mrs. E. A. Mc- Arthur and Dr. C. M. Mc Arthur W010 among the many who spent last. Sauâ€" ur'day in Lindsay. l Dr. Galloway of Glcnarm spent y-vâ€".-v_“d A large number of men employed by the Rathbun Lumber Co. in the north countty are home for Christ- mas. The Rev, W. T. Roberts of Monas- ter Hall, Toronto, .- is spending a couple of weeks among his many friends at. the Falls. On Sunday next he will preach in the pulpit. which he ï¬lled so acceptabh for two summers The Rev. B. Davies of the Baptist, congregation here was Waited upon by a number of his parishioners one evening last week and presented with a. handsome Christmas present, which kindness was most unexpected by the worthy gentleman. For a new com- er to the place Mr. Davies has al- ready made himself very greatly a. favorite. Last Thursday and Friday Were very cold days, aWay down below zero, and those of our citizens who missed seeing the Falls shrouded in mist, and the frost nearly an inch thick hanging from the bridge, miss- ed a. magniï¬cent, sight. â€" o..- “'I‘Eensik‘zlting rink Bpenqd on Friday night, and shows signs of being well patronized. The Johnsonâ€"McRea recital on Saturday evening under the auspices of the Hockey Club was well attend- ed. The boys cleared about twelve dollars, and considering the fact that both artists has been heard on preâ€" vious occasions in Fenclon Falls, and that the evening was the Saturday before Christmas, we think the club- have reason to congratulate them- selves. Just before Christmas is a terrible rush and many well-wishers of the hockey players feared that the venture would prove a failure and the club tart the season with a deï¬cit. ortunately the fates de- creed otherwise. The Rev. R. C“. H. Sinclaire attendâ€" ed the anniversary services in Marâ€" moro on Sunday last and his pulpit in Fenelon Falls was ï¬lled by Mr. Donnell of Knox college. It speaks well for Mr. Sinclaire that when he is forced to ï¬ll his pulpit with a stranger that he always seems to search the country for a clever man. Mr. Donnell preached two magniï¬cent discourses on Sunday. In the hum- ble opinion of this scribe the morn- ing address was one seldom equalled. We all like what suits our own vieWs' of life temporal and eternal, and in our Weak judgment the speaker struck the key note of pure christianâ€" ity. Christmas music Was rendered in most, of our churches on Sunday last and in all the attendance was large. Christmas entertainments in con- nection with our churches are the rage. The Methodist congregation gave their annual tea on Christmas night, and as usual it was a 5W" nounced success. Tiié_s.é..io} St. Andrew’s will hols: their annual concert on the evening THE wunmmwmnm C. M. McArthur were famous Peake sisters will be m l t last Sat» in mu force. so 213de turn-oath 7 Who wen expech ...... The 5.8. of St. Jm' Y- t I will hold their annual concert ontb ' 0f Glcnarm spen .evening of January 2nd in St. Jams Falls. 1church, on which oceasion we M. )0!“ 0f- merrl‘ â€Pmâ€? lsure the church will be crowded Me- 'of Jan. lst, and on this omionflle The pay-car passed north onTu- day and came howling south 1in about 6 p.111. 2 It is the intention of 5011120! 0|? ministers to hold a week of pm! on the ï¬rst week of the new yard we trust their efforts will beam- ed with success. Since last writing’ some of all merchants have made their SW5 very pretty. 'l‘hewindows of WI. Burgoyne. J. L. Arnold, Wm.†bell, Dr. Gould and Wm. ROWE?“ are all very beautiful, but the WI? dow of H. Robson's drug store 15 very artistic and reflects great“ (lit, on the taste of the owna. 'Ih window is draped in crinkle P3?“ sprinkled with violets; 11011! “I moss trail around like aframfl: ‘ Japanese umbrella shades the CW‘ jet ; pictured violets, roses andholl! are to be seen amongst, the _ ' toilet articles and perfume ed and the eï¬ect is Very pleaSiBQ- It ;seems almost as if an odor of wok“ lfloats from the window to the?!†ersby who frequently pause to the dainty picture. We tht 11'. Robson’s holiday trade will his efforts to please the WW? eye-d Last Thursday the many {ï¬ends Mrs. Thos. Robson, sr., were i prised and grieved to hw 0‘ her w den death. The deceased lady eral on Saturday was If ed. Great sympathy is felt for and Robson who is advanced In WM who suï¬ered a. great loss 3 {WW Weeks ago in the death 0I his ‘ ter MFS- H. Pu18yf-‘ ,4“. a" ’5 failures 21nd sorrows and WWW stand with blind eyes on “1.9““, old of the new. (:ï¬gm“ bring us happiness W-l nil Col. Sam. Hugm .passedmm town yesterday on 1115 way north. . “M: in 0,9; Luv». The following spent 1115ԠH- Lindsay: Mrs. Sadler. Mm 3“ lraham, Mr. and MrS- 3- . 1155 and Miss Edwards, GOO- “115% f .and ms ' Ellis, Miss Macniven. Dr. â€#1, Woods, Mr. W. Church. M1" W . , J. P â€a Mr. J. 1 Peterboro e BromO 1 Take Iï¬xativ (1113;, lets. All druggistsreï¬m ‘25?" ‘ ey 1f 1!; failft’owre PW “I. on M box" signature is aâ€" v--- Miss Wilson spent Mr. Tink W, Aldous- Brandon. KE N T-ST GIVE ï¬ardwar Stoves, Pipes, SIG Fae Shovels, L (Hr V13 (C21 Sinks, Tinware t! and Tin Pails Std Stove Pip e \am far Paper, Glass Oils, Rope, Scool best Coal Oil, {Spoons and Fork; Boxall E Lin: . 01'- haflng 0 “mm store. WI: ‘ In order to introduc in vour commu“ you a..- -....._ LE {sized Genuine ltrait 16 x 29- reg. : guns is the greatest < by“? portrait, ï¬r and is good for â€Guarantee satisiac Mphom’ tinâ€"upe i â€Jamey refunded .1 Photos Enlarge musu's 3mm J "Wer of Marriagl Co “VOyanclng Christin“ Vtime J around once more, 31 the plemnt custom 0 ing G Its. To meet, t‘r this makes. we have (messed our Siock LOCKETS. GEM R: \‘ and SILVER WAT CE W :wou d be p 8am you inspect them. -‘“A lAQlPosA rows The Cheapest P1 ac Fit. E'TS or to the g. lumbmg a: Engineers, LIN oAKWOOD. ON 0V EI’C LoweSt 1: Mont Takes Ni (e Guarat we ,L OF RISK say BPS