g n___.\'ew tosee WW. .................. , ,,,,,,,,, , , 7 ,7 .. . Lined Mocha. Gloves, reg $1.35 BD $1.20,. reg $1.15 W956 ilk Lined Gloves, reg $125331) $1.05, Misses’ reg 759 .....65c :95. 5 3 -f Silk Lined MOCha Gloves, rag $1.25" ............................... â€$1.10 .,,._ K iii Gloves. lined, Monarch Brand, reg $1.10 ........................ 95c us and Boy's L ned Kid GloveS, reg 65c BD 50c, reg 800 ......... ...... 65c . ics' Lint-d kid Gloves and Mitts, fur topped, reg $1.25 1; ......... $1.00 ,‘5 Mocha. and Kid Mitts, reg $1.25 BD .............. ‘. .............. 9 86 ,- Tics, little boys, in spots, plains, colors, plaids, reg 230 W, 5-1:. 7 30 22c reg 870 ....................................................................... 32C lte Linen l'ollars; sizes 12?; to 17?; , reg 13c ................. ..-- ............. 10c 's Siik Ties, reg 200 BD 100, reg 30c BD 10c, reg 25c ............... 18c Sean‘s. mvyi white, spotted and black, samples, .reg 25c ........:15c I BOXL'S New Derby and Fourfinâ€"hand Ties, reg. 35c ............ .........,..25c _ m-is ry, Underwear and “00! Mint: =es‘ Cashmere Hose, fall fashioned, special ankles and feet,rcg 55c 47c "199' l’lain Blk Cashmere Hose, Special seamless leet, reg '55c s....45c 195’ Heavy Union' Hose, reg 25c‘ BB 156, Ladies’ Card Drawers, 99c ‘ios' Heavy Vests. reg 17_c BD 13:: ;‘ reg 20c .BD ‘17-; reg 22c .... ...... 18c ies‘ Heavy Vests and Drawers, reg 28c BD 22c; 370 BD 3320, 750 BD 65c. $1.00 BI) .. m... ..................... .. .........'..88c ies' Blk Drawers, reg $1.10 BD 95c, Ch'ldresn.s reg 8,06 ......... ......70c 'iies' White Wool Mitts, reg 186 BB 156; reg 22C .......... g ....... ... ...... 1 80 'idren's Blk and White Wool Mitts, reg 18c BD 15c, )eg 15c .. ........... 12c -s' Elk and White Wo‘ol Mitts, reg~27c BD 22c, reg 220 -180 ms \\'E~.*~ Wool 'llotees, reg 18c BD 15c; ’Silk“ trimmed, .reg'22'c ...20c ‘eBT‘ ...-_.; White Bootees, silk tassels, reg 35c ..' .......... ' .................. 31c ..'s iii-mg ‘(ool Shirts .and Drgwers, reg '80c .............................. 70c '5 Heavy Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg 85c ..L‘ ....... 73c ’s Fleece Lined Underwear, reg 50r .................. 40c ys; Wool Shirts and Drawers, regéï¬c DD 356; mg 75c ' ......... ‘ ...... 6 00. ‘5 Heavy Top_Shirts, reg $1.00 ED 800; reg 750 ........... ~. ............ 65c Whitn Shirts, Laundered, reg 600 BD 80c ; reg 75c .. ..... . ........... 65c ., Table unevs. N-rpkjuS. 'iowcls â€and Travelling " inch Table Linen, reg 286 BD 2-20: reg 250...“. ....,...'.._ ....'.'.‘. ......... 210 Inch 'l‘ilbli‘ Linen, reg 33c BD 2530; reg 380 ..l..'....'i ............ 33c Incii ’l‘able Linen, unbleached, reg 450 BD 35c ; reg 750 BD 65 48 39c iv 66 inch Table Linen, reg 95c 131) 75c; reg $1.10 .................. 850 'ie ("ottnn Towds, reg 10c painBD 7c; reg 20c pair ........ ‘ .............. 1 50‘ n Towula samples, reg 3% pair ED 206. reg 356 BB 250, reg 50c 40c 'l: Tana-1mg. reg Sc b d 6c ; reg 8.1.0 b d 6430; reg 11c ................... 901 519 Napkins, samples, reg $1.00 1) d 600 ; $1110 1) (1 95C ; $2.25 b d i $1.3â€; 527m i) (1 $1185; $2.00 1) (1...... .......................................... 251,131 . mas-r ’Jertv Underwear. menses and Wrappcrs ' , ms? I‘ll-me Night. Gownsi reg 55ml; (1 450; reg 65c ...................... 52c nies’ l". -:r.t- Night Gowns, reg SOCLadies’ Flette Drawers, reg 380 b d 65x. b .1 (37¢ : reg 80c .......-.......70c32c; reg 55c b d 450; reg 60c....49c idle-5' Wen-n Blouses. reg 80c and 906 ............................... ... ............ 670 mies’ Bit, sum-n Dlouscs, reg 85c and 900 .................................... 670 aciis‘ “in; and Vesting Blouses, reg $2.25 b (1 $1.90 ; reg $3.50 $2.90 haze uni Colored Silk Blouses. reg $3.35 .......-...,_ ......... .......-.$2.28 111ch 11.x and Colored Silk Blouses, reg 4.50 bd 3.75; reg 5.25..$4.50 lie-5' 311K Sateen Skirts, reg $1.00 b d 75c; reg $2.00 ........ . _..$1.50 mac‘s. lintc Wrappers, reg $23.00 bd $1.50; reg $1.35 ...... ..._ ....... $1.00 Quilts. lace uurtaius Blinds and Table Covers 3-19 5; hauls fringed, 1k, reg S135 bd 90C; Colored‘Spreds $1f60 $1125 tiered l‘..-3.i Spreads. Gold and Crimson, with fringe, reg $1.75 ......$1.25 It? l‘urtiiins, 3§ yards long. reg $1.10 bd 850; reg $1.75 ..............$1.25 Odd Shade Blinds, from 700 to 900 bd 50c; reg $1.00 ................ 750 tide Blinds. reg 35c bd 24c ; reg 650' .. ................................... 52c “1 , A 1"...“ “cu-Ann neriz RCY -g > 11‘ meu much usuvca. â€:3 .94. no .......................... .- hid (.lmes lined? Monarch Brand, reg $1.10 ........... .. s and 80C 5 L nod Kid Gloves, reg 656 ED 500, reg 806. as Lima Kid Gloves and Mitts, fur topped, reg $1. 25 ... sMoCLa and Kid Mitts, reg $1. 25 BD .' ..................... ... \ S-Ii 'lics, little boys, in spots, plains, colors, 'plaids, 1 SD 2%: mg 34C ......................................................... .. A ‘l'ivmn (0.1:)1‘3 sizes 12?; to 17¢} . reg 13c ................. .-..... IR >211: Ribbons, reg 7c bd 50. A11 Shades Pon Eons nu .LLC uoz. -. 1.; imh Fancy Dresden Ribbon, reg 12c bd 9c Plaid Ribbons, ; 28c. bd 22c. ends of Fancy Ribbon 1 and 1:} yards bd 50 Fancy fl, Pins. reg 10c cy ‘13-‘3d Chains in White, Blue, Black and Blue and White,reg 30 >1 --‘11}4'5- "My Special D‘nristmas Presents, reg $3.00 bd 2.50; 2.00 ---...... .n-....râ€" .o-uoâ€"uâ€"aoooooo Dov-coo... cooâ€"o... 000...... ~' ooooooooooo Dress Goods and til-nae Goods _‘ I'lw;=~< Black Dress GoodS, 1'05: 600 and 656 bd 470','reg 90c"; ...... 70c “‘3' (\Iim'ed Dress Goods and Fleck and Nilbbed Effects, reg 600 ....48c k. Cardinal. Navy, Cream, Black, andÂ¥Palc Blue Lustre, reg 55c .45c Ho::z~‘spuz‘.s. $1.10 bd 90C ; reg 1303M 850‘; reg 606 ......L...450 Mim- Silks ior *Blouses, reg 50c,bd 37c; reg 60c .40c wk Japan Silk for Blouses. 36in reg 55c bd 43C; reg 75c ........... 62c ire \'c_<:mg for Blouses reg 40c bd 30c, White Lawn, reg 11c bd...10¢ A Yams, Wools ard “Woollen Goods ‘ " Itiand 171055 and Berlin Wools, all shades 1, oz. skegns; reg ‘7c ........ ‘. 60 it}; and Colored Scotch Fingering, reg 75¢ lb (16 slicing) .. ........ 600 “Win Yarns, 6c for 50; SC for 70 ; 1,00 .-....... -.."... .....L.‘-...8Ԥc Era “â€"0015, white Grey and Black, reg 180 bd '156’881. WOOIS 1'3 110 111'oms, reg 50¢: bd 400; Children’s CoIored, reg 55c ...:.-.-.-..... ......450 ' tier Shawls, reg 55c M 40c {reg $1.15 ......... - ‘....~.‘..a $4..1:£;.;¢..:a.‘..‘.99c .5, Wrappers, reg 1.00. 1.10 bd 900'; 3‘98 2-00, 1'75"-"“‘“*""4‘M'50 ’ 010111 MantIES, reg $7€59:.~°"9--"1 â€"""‘° -00" "'ï¬S-sflqi-Mss'oo ‘ " , - - c. sâ€. _‘ 17'); f253 bd9 ;bd ._.... ...... ... ......... 11 P: :rses fox “rist cBags, reg 280 bd 22c ' e fancy Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, reg 2‘ k Silk Cord Girdles, very new, reg $1. 35 » ._ “w-__., fur}, Fix-Mantle: and Cosh. . ,~ es SP4: Coney Scarfs, reg 1.50M 1.00; reg 3.50 4...}... w...‘.‘.5t.;:$3Â¥00’ ks» Elf-Ctr“: Seal Scarfs, reg $5.75 bd 4.75; reg 7.00-...‘1. ..... $153.33 m, Alaska Sable Scarfs, reg $23.00 7009.: Robes, neg $9.50 bd. 8.25; reg 8.75.11! 57.50, reg 11:00 39:50 lagm Bocheran CaperineS, reg 7.00 bd 6.00 ; neg 12.00 ..- "59.50 $3 Seal Gauntlets, reg 5.50 bd 4.50; Grey ‘Laxnlqumt’g. 5.09 4.09 {rs and Women’s Moscow-Beaver Ggps,: reg 3.50 bd 259; “37513.3 Q’Persian Lamb Gaps, reg $9.50 bd 8109; 133:7 OQ:.,::,.,.. M. a. Astrachan names: reg" mm-mgomriegg :w :;.;:...';52;qq PerSiun Lamb Coa ., my $120.00 _ 109.99,?{fl 140,00ï¬3120?0 We 2' 15c and 25c Cent Articles: ,chOOd Warezâ€"Pin Trays, Ring Picklv: Trays. Jewel Boxes, Opal ' china Cream Jugs, Bread and mans. Fancy Cups and Saucers. Framc>. Toys, Trains. Coaches, : Picture Books and Work Baskets; :gme WATCHMAN'WARDER-ifg mm more than prepared For Santa Claus; w Amdes for SC : "hmoldcrs. China Statues, Pitch- ;EQ. yepper and Salt Flasks, Cups (fem Souvenir Opal Plates, Illum- Travs. Salt Stands, Tea Pot . P1132116 Mirrorsz for Se and 5e Eincn Paper Pacture Books, Toys, Engine and Cars. Horse- ,g Horses. . upancsr 00113... JOCk-tn-the-Box, all fat ï¬ve cents. an.eh‘<. 5‘5 V‘I" .-...-... ..._...~... i 'Belts. reg 28c bd 22c; Fancy Belts, OxodiZed Buckles, 55c ...45c :<,~§n>d Embroidery Corner Handkerchief, mg 156 bd 96‘, 12§cb ; 10c 7c. Fancy Insertion and Lace Trimmed 280 bd 20c : 25 18:; \‘ilk. Battenburg trim. Handkerchiefs, reg $1.50 bd 1.2? \ 2‘; Handkerchiefs. colored borders, reg 50¢ bd 400. White Ing-Y Rig; Handkerchiefs. reg 28c ...... ..... ~. .......:. ........ May Sale, (91.5th Bargains â€" Bargain Days. and .‘d ~Scs Whive, 131k Red and Navy Wool Gloves, reg 280 22c 131k and White Kid Gloves, a,so Col-d Undressed Kids, reg 75o Y’s Leader. ' Low Cash Prices. - Dry Gcods House nd Saucers. Fancy Opal Plates‘ :- ‘d Dishes, Upul Collar and cum _ 11 Candle SthRS. Large 8:111ch , nu Porridge Sgtts, Opal Syrup g BUXCS. Snavlng Mugs, Mus- ; ‘n'gu-cv Shell Boxes and Photo E XLVI, NUMBER 5!. 0-0-- ...-.ooâ€"â€" “â€"0 gm... 0.. Neckwear and Gloves l) 22c : reg 200. D 280; reg 38C [1, reg 450 BD 2 950 131) 75c; r air_BD Tc ; reg ; pair BD 2001‘: reg 8.1.6 b d 51} ) 15c, Ladies’ Card Drawers, 99c reg... 20c BD 17; reg 22c .......... 18c 280 BD 2;2C 30“: BB 320, 750 , reg 35,30 .................... 280 ’3c bd 20c ; reg 180 ....... 13c g o. .oo .. ...'â€"¢- .-¢..---00 C...OIâ€I.OUUU ~sn. s reg 800 .-... ......70c 22c ................. -. ...... 180 BB 150, )eg 15c ............ 120 2,20 reg 220 .- -180 1k trimmed, rég 220 .. .200 350 ..‘ ............................ 310 I0 .............................. 700 reg 850 .................. 73c .................................... 400 c , re‘g 75c ............... 600 eg 750 ........................ 65c V-...~ . . Chigf Constable Nm-ison testiï¬ed that 'the witness. Liliio‘ Blanchard, was being examined In Mr. Hopkiï¬'s before P. M. Doacbn in the Marsh- all case, and that Mr Steers had been interrupting M1. Hopkins. when that latter said: “If 30u donjt; stop that you ‘ll get into trouble.’ Mr. Steers who “as sitting clown. got up and (am'c 0\LI to w‘uhoxo Ml. Hop- kins w as standing. \\ 1m stepped Mac as Mr. Steers (mm up and was as Mr. Steers can‘m- up and was standing immodia-t 013' in Front of Con- stable Crawford. Mr. Steers came close up to Mr. Hopkins and said: and the complaint'zmthaviï¬g sworn that he had called the merchant "a lien“? and was struck for doing-â€So. the magistrate said to him “it‘ serv- ed you right,†an-d' dismissed '_ tï¬e case. ‘ But lost our readers might think we are depriving them of the. right: to pass judgment (in the matter. We give them a, short. resume of“t-he case. " ' ' closo unto Mr. Hopkins and said: "I'll get into trouble will I ‘? where will the trouble come from ‘2‘" MT. Hopkins was facing him. with his hands up as if to guard. After standing in this position fo' a short time, Mr. Steers hurries away, and just as he turned looked over his shoulder and said to Mr. Hopkins: "You- pup,†whereupon the latter kicked him. In crossâ€"examination the witness said that Mr. Steers had been walking up and down in the court. room inlvrrupting Mr. Hopkins and making porsmial remarks and behaving himsvii as no lawyer ever before done in a Court within the memory of tho u'itne-ss. and that ho had laid an information against him for using insulting and abusive lanf guage on this occasion tom‘ards Mr. Hopkins. and that on this informa- tion Mr. Steers had been ï¬ned. That when Mr. Steers advanced and Was standing close the latter had asked the Magistrate to have himc remov- A short time are 0 in the police court, just prior to the. resignation of P. LI. Stem-$.11 wvll-to-do mer- chant was charrgegd wiph an as§a,ult, a1 ï¬ne of twenty cents. We hope that the public. or rather our cotem is now satisï¬ed. After much labor the mountain has brought forth a Ili-ttlehyes a. very littleâ€"mouse There was no reason why this. dis- turbance should have been magniï¬ed. â€"and made to appear as one where class was distinguishedâ€"the poor from the rich. The one man. who could best aflord to pay-a ï¬ne: has been declared‘to haw- been “provok-. cents. HOUSE OF REFUGE SEWER The Plan Submitted Not in Compliance With By-law and Referred Back Conservative Association Meeting , The. ï¬nal _act in the, police court disturbance, which Q9- curred at the investigation in the casewgainst Simon Marshall before P. M. Deacon, w as played to a ï¬nish in the December sessions, and the conduqt of Mr. Hopkins Was com, pletely justiï¬ed although under the instruction of his honor Judge Hard- ing the jury were forced to bring on a verdict of guiltv of assault yet in inflicting the ï¬ne his honor found' that Mr. Hopkins had. been ."provok-. ed beyond endurance.†and he would therefore only inflict a. nomin: The statutory meeting of the town council was held on Tuesday even- ing, 15th inst. All the members were present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion approved. From John McDonald regarding sale Of lots 20 and 21. in south ward: for taxes; also re taxes on that porâ€" tion of the Post block occupied by the, Physical Culture class. Fi- nance; with instructions to notify Mr. McDonald. From Geo. Calvert. 85 Son, asking that'butchers’ byâ€"law be passed and on behalf of butchers offering to pay for cost of by-law.â€"On motion the offer was accepted. The Final Act in the Hopkins Steers Case Played to a Finish at the December Sessions 7 From J. R. McNeillie, submitting Engineer Smith’s plan of proposed sewer from House of-I{(-1‘ugc to. con- nect with town system, Mr, Smith's report of plan was mad, showing: the route recommended to be taken. .. ‘._. PROVOKED BEYOND ENDURANCE - SAID HIS HONOR JUDGE HARDING Mayor Sootheran pointed but that 1.heâ€.propos'ed sewer was being put thrbugh private property, when it was understood that it was to fol- low the streets. It. was not in ac- cordance w;th the: by-law which was prepared and he thought it. shouldibd miare'd back to Mr. Reliable. - ' -v-vâ€"â€" vâ€" Ald. O’Reilly could not see .what diï¬erence it made to the town what property was crossed before chanect- ing wg'th the town sewerage. syatamp The county m-ly. proposed 1.0,,qu their sewer belowjhe fpoSt‘ line. am they. took, all. the risky! crossing private proporty- ‘ ’ ., o. the arrangement. was to follow the street and 1! ratepayells desired: to beyond ondurancé." and ï¬ned UNDSAY, THURSDAY. DECEMBER Wt]! [903. COMAIUN 1C ATIOS DISCUSSED IN COUNCIL - Mr. Steers, who seemed ruth- or to insist on being" sworn, testiï¬ed that ho had- jnsulted Mr. H‘opkins'; thin; his purpose invgoing up to him' Was to try to provoke him to 'cumâ€" mit an assault to see if he was *man ‘eï¬ough to strike him; that he was not angry. 'on-ly tantalizing. as he Lbhp‘ixght Hopkins was making personzx‘ a‘l allusions when cross-examining the girl: and that he had written the letter of apolugx which summan-d in the Post. Mr. Hopkins "said that; what he had. 'dOms was in soli'defcncc after 'abking several times for tho magistrat»: to interfen. and having: put 11p With the. abuse as long as he could sfh‘nd it, 'he had at list when tuned it pup raised his foot oii Mr. Steers? that asthe' word came the blow. {011mm} aimost involuntarilv, Mr. \IcSwoyn was associated with Mr. Hopkins in the Maishall 0350 and said 1 hat Mr. Steer? conduct was scandalous on that occasion. and thu Mr. Hopkins was being inn-1111mm and insulted, and that he (Mr “CS“ oyu) had ask- ed the magistrate to stop it. but in \am. His Honor, Judg- Harding. with- drew from tln- jury the question of justiï¬cation and loft with them the simpk‘ question of aSSault. saying that he would deal with the matter of justiï¬cation after they brought in their verdict. Alter the jury had retired Mr. H. O'Learv. K. C. . obiu‘tod to the charge and aSlfld that the “hole qua.» :tion of assault. and provocal (m 1h 10.“ “to the jury, but his honor udhorcd to his ruling. and of course the jury on the ruling haul no alternative but to bring in a verdict of guilty. which His Honor (il'alt. “ith as stated at the heading. and here ends wha t was sought to ‘DU magniï¬ed into a great public. \uong. “hick was nothing mom than a tun-penny ha. perm-y wrangle, in which one party forgot his position. and forced the other to resent an insult. Mr. H. Nosworthy, reporter for tho Post told about the same story as the former witnesses, and without Being asked added that after Mr. Hoplmns had kicked Steers he, (Hop- kins) stebped back two’b‘r three paces into the arms of constable Crawford. On cross-examination he. admitted that he had not takEn' any notes and that in the report in the Post- he had stated what was not true when he wrote that Mr. Hop- kins had said 'take that back,- or I‘ 11 make you take it back. †No such words had been used, and he added that he had new-12 seen counsel or law ver in any case conduct him- self as Mr. Steers had done on that day . n participate in the construction they could do so by petitioning for a. se- wcr. ' Aid. Cinnamon had understood that property owners in that part of the toxxn could secure the right to participate in the use and cost of a proper sanitarv sewer on the propOS- ed route of sewer. If thex did not. wish to do so then the county would beat liberty to :follow their own plans: constable Crawford corroborated Chiéfl N-e'wson' s statements andï¬said. that as he sat belting If? ‘Hop- kins whilst he was cross-exaim'ng the witness, he oould~ not tel! 11:91: "how close Mr. Steers came, but that Mr. Hopkins had stepped back touwhem Constable Crawford was sitting as; M}. Steers came up, and fachg Mr. ' Steers asked the court, to have this man kept quiet or removed, and then followed the "you pup" and the kick. At this the witness stood up and put his hands on Mr. Hopkins' shoulders. . » . Moved by Aid. Robinson. seconded by Ald. Maunâ€"dcr. that the matter be referred back to Mr. McNeillio. and that the clerk be instructed to not-i- fy him that. the plan is not in com- piiance with the by-law.â€"Carriud. From Stewart ' O’Connor‘ subâ€" mitting an account for $25 from the Trent Valley Navigation Co. for uSe of_lang leased by them and Used 'by the town as a dock; ‘ ' ' Flom 11.0‘1mary on behalf of Mrs O'Neill. asking for remission of in- temSt on unpaid taxes. â€"Financc. F rom G. ' H. Hopkins. submitting COPY 0‘ byJam‘ pei‘mittivng 'House. of Re'ï¬rge to coimect with town sewer- age S'yStem, and requesting that the game be n91: passed upon until coun- ty committee have_ an opportgmity to examine same.+-He1d" Over. . From G. R Hopkins, enclosing opinion on‘ the ConWay case. and stating that notice of action not having been giVen he cannot see how any .‘ciaim’ can be made; also sug- gesting medical examination. â€"- Re- ceived and on motion passed request- ing I?!"2 Berrimap to Jipgpcct. , From G. H. Hopkins, regarding purchase of Mc'Arthur jotâ€"‘Fyled. 'From 124. I3'1‘t‘cw submitting “3‘ ‘poi‘t 'as Nick “knot: inspegtor.-â€"Re7 céii'cd. ’ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ w '2 I 3‘â€), cdortomahehimkegpquieo, hit the magistrate had“ not Won-ed, andafter this it wasflhtl'r. turning away used the expression. “You re a pup,’ 'a.nd received a kick promntkv. “Mr?“ 1‘113. viCnllbn‘il‘ad on matron heard in retareace to an over charm? and explained that the casting: at ,A, number of accounts were fend and .4311 {ï¬ction rcferi‘éd to their, re- gppctjvs cbmmxtms _ -4. v ' v.914LQk... ACCOUNTS moti'oh 2 FRANKLIN “e have had a. very cold Deccanw but, Sunday and Monday were ex- tremely smote. The frost found its way into a good many cellars. ‘ The roads in this section are mostly c0\- gored with ice. Municipal matters are beginning to be talked of. Man} names are spoken 0f.b11t it is not yet deï¬niteâ€" 1v settled \1 ho will be the men. but it all run \\ hose names are mention- ed there \\ .ll be a lively election. There is 11 lot 01‘ wood coming in- to the yard here. Some of it is go- ing to Lindsax. Pcterboro, and Port HopE. ' - _ omemee - Municipal and political mathef's 'am now occupying peOple's attentiom al- though somewhat inteTSperscd with thcfholiday entertainments. ' 1511-. Wm.- Nam will soon be able to be out again. .' ' ' Thelma! issï¬or'bf marriage {icon- sos predicts a) harvest of marriages during the approaching holidays. Sei‘eral- new industries and im- prbvements for our village am ex- pected for 1904. Add now-what people‘would like to know is “Who is to be roeve.†' ï¬r: Guy Tripp and men are in the swamp taking out telegraph poles. Guy is a hustler and intends to take out a lot of poles. Mr. Jos. Sisson got very had out while working in the swamp with Sandy Vcals last week. He was trimming a cedar which had partly lodged. and while up on the top of it, lost his balance and fell on the face of his ax, which entered his leg above the knee. He is progressing favorably. Kid, Siorer said’th’at it would be weeks? before anything could be done. ‘THE BUTCHERS' BY-LAW Th) oï¬er of Geo.» Calvert. an be- half of other b‘utchers. oflering to pay {or the .by-lay, iwas read. ' AMoved by Ald. Robinson. seconded by Aid. McCrae, that the request be granted and the mayor instructed to take the nmsary steps to prepare a byrlaw. - - « - -' - V Csï¬hcil. then- adjourned until day- evening. vv “a "vâ€"_v Mr. C. Elford returned from Maniâ€" toba last week. Ht: speaks highlx of the prairie province as an agri- cultux al district. Md. Cinnamon could not see what good could be accomplirhed by tak- ing the question up now. ISLAY Mr. W. Wilson of Buffalo, formerly an 0111 cslay boy, is visiting friends in this locality. Miss. M. Naylor of C. 1., Lindsay, was home ofor‘, Sunday. Aid. O'Reilly pointed out that last ‘year the present council serious- -ly quected to the vast amount of unï¬nished business left over from the previous council. Now they were doing- the same thing. If they were going tozaisk next council to take- up that audit, why not do it them- s’elves. For one he was prepared to (10.50. He thought everything was all right in the town treasurer's ofâ€" ï¬ce and systematically conducted, but then: was a desire for an audit. wMr. i). fiIcI-‘adyen is having a wind- mill erected on his ham. 7 .- w‘vâ€"vâ€" An entertainment, will be held in the schoolhouse on Friday evening ~ Dec. 18th. .A limb-class program will be rendered by local and foreign talent. Admission, adults, 15 cents children 10 cents. HALIBUBTON The local quadrille club favored the pt'xblic with a, cgncért on Wednesda; evening last. The management wa under the direction ‘of Mes§rs. Reid and Anderson. Tho'chief chtertainâ€" er was Mr. Will’ White of Toronto his comic songs and costumes creat- ing much merriment. Mr. Charles Stewart of the Boboaygoon Indepen- dent. sang a couple of éong'a in ï¬ne ‘7 -__A style. Col. Hughes game a short recitation, Mrs. Southby rendered two highly appreciated solos; Miss Proust gave instrumental selections. while Mr. â€Ralph “Clarke ï¬lled thr- chnir to perfection. ' The violin soâ€" los by Mr. Keller. were encored to the echo. ‘ ' ' _ Hr.' Emerson Austin has erected a ï¬ne summer hotel or rather boarding house ,ovcrlooking the waters of the lake. The verandahs are all that remain to be complét'od. ,, ELF. Austin has opened up a â€baking, shop and restaurant. a much {maddbusmg " ‘ . ._--- _ _. Mayor Soothoran said that it ‘was unfortunate that fho end of the year was on the 13th and the payâ€" ment of taxes was on the 14th. The? was over 810,000 taken in on Tuesdayâ€"Laid on table. . COUNTY CORRESPONDEYICE Chrk Knowlson explained that ho had the ï¬nancial stuHunont‘on the, table. but it was very incomplete. It was impossible to have it complete in one day, but it would be ready on Friduy. Rho-â€Y. K. C. A. were larger: manor- nmï¬ry sizes and he had to make spe- kink patterns. He had refused to makeumat scents perpound.1f the"; inspector was here he would on- dorhe him. He had no objection to cut out outage it that. was the cus- tom. -"â€"‘â€"V ‘7 M. Thaybr has established a livery stable in this village and is meet- ing with pisénty of work for his â€teamg. vms an. haw mill mm Quoted by Thelma new mill being WW 03’ 69%. Moore a; ,Wltï¬â€œ 'or‘a‘ ' the' cm}: in the village is rapidly ‘9' [$0th pomplewtion. ‘ It. Cain brouflht in $ 90'3â€â€œ! Mon mine 108' hi! mill Some FINANCIAL STATEIENT 75 Cents a in Advance ; SI it not soptid The Methodist Sunday sdmol is giving an entertainment in the town hall on Thursday next. Christmas eve; The concert is in charge of a good (-ummittce who are sparing no painS‘t-o make it. the bum entertain- ment of the season. Come and .en- joy thf- ct'ening and make the childâ€" ren happy for Christmas}: by placing presents an the Christmas tree. ’I‘o'wnship council wound up, this year‘s hrus neSS’on Tuesday, well sat- isï¬od vu- presume, with the years‘ work. ' In is safe to say that it reâ€" deemod one of its plexlgcs by doing the 130% it could. W. J. Pearson Was in the village on Monday purchasing horses. 'Ehc pun-has» was not, a wry large one. Mr. Jos. Penrose is recovering from his lah» illness. Pastuo Bro's. store presents an at- tractiw appearance at this season. Th~ Stock is as complete as you ï¬nd in an)? (mt-of-theâ€"way place. The houseof Racv. Webster narrow- ly escaped ï¬re Monday morning ow- ing to a defective chimmy. Red “’03er Wis. in Toronto a few days recentgly. a student of Toronto ï¬lling his appointments last Sunday, day. ' _ a. most enjoyable entertainment. Ad- dresses willv 'be delivered by Rev‘s. Ferguson of ‘Glenarm and Henderson' of Lindsay. ' See posters for partic- ulars; - Mr. J olm‘ Thorndyke came ' from Toronto last Friday eicning. He accompanied a, surveying party Ito the Northwest and naturally has an immense fund of anecdotgs. W. -W. '1‘; “Pickett of Victoria Road will punch at 2.30 p.m., and 7 p.111. On Tuesday, 29th, a. high-class tea will'bc held in the hall, followed by- Miss L. Cameron was conï¬ned to the house blaSt week but is able to be out again. . . Mrs? Reafzin of Lindsay visited in the. village Ias‘f. week. OAKWQOD AND VICINITY Mr.’ wm Pas'coo was buying in Tormitao last weglg. . Anniversary services in connection with the ~Hartley Methodist church, will- be held on» Sunday, Dec. 27th.~ mind Mr: ’r'aad MrS. F. Dames are visita- ing in this vicinity this week. GLENARM Kn?" that the cold snap is over, or am» anus to be over, we are expecting better things from the Weather man. Mr. D. McKenzie, who has been dmwgnrously ill, is slowly recover. mg Last Monday night a select few of thu elect of Glouarm society were rental by Mr. Andy McKay to a. sleigh ride. Among those present were the Misses Ami-lo Nicholson, S. McKay, Maggie Murchison, Annie Slll’nCCL Mr. and Mrs. WoodS, Mr; and ï¬lm. Angus, Mr. Nicholson, H. McKay and Master Dani-cl Tolmie. Mrs. Jos. Raesden, after a long and trying illness, is much improved in both health and spirits. Mr. Geo. Williamson. who has now become an old and rosmcbed resi- 113,111, of our_ village. contemptates dcâ€" ‘uuting from us in the wear future. Mn Vinse Hart. who recently pur. “based .3 splendid horse and cutter. cutsquite a shine on our roads. . Mr. Jack McCailum. teacher at No ‘1, after three years good and faith- ful service, will leave at New Years lfor Eden Mariposa, where he will {resume his favorite calling of' beachâ€" Ling‘lshe young idea how .to shoot. ESSONVILLE A basket social under the auspices of the local orange lodge was had in the English church schoolroblln on Thursday evening last. The atten- dance was large, visitors being preâ€" sent from Pusey, Tory Hill Wilber- force and Halibnrton. Mr Bemist- er of Haliflurton ably acted as chairman. The program consisted of songs by Mr. Earle, and others; dialogues, and adrosses by Col. Sam Hughes M.P., J. H. Carnegie M.P., Howard ~McGuire and the chairman. The baskets brought lively bidding under the direction of Mr. Somerâ€" ville. Altogether a very pleasant evening Was passed and a handsome sum was realized for the lodge. Ear. Wm. Wilson of Chicago, dc; lighted his ‘many friends with a. short. $.15“. ‘ BURY’S GREEN The slashing is good in this secâ€" tion :; no drifts or pitch-holes as yet. The’ 'we'athe‘r, howex'or, has Peon inâ€" teul'ely cold. "like entertainment on the 14th [mtg under the umpioes of use Prea- -'brteripn Sunday ,Ochool was a. m was in “every way. m'uttendnnqe was large and evérybody present ehâ€" ioyed thermolves. - ' > Winn and drawn on sleigh: to its destination. The stave mill is running to its full capacity since the introduction of the electric light plant in the fac- WOODVIILE Mr. W. A. Campï¬rll of Woodvzlle is offering spam values in the Inflowâ€" mg for Christmas. ‘ Orheges, mus ‘ pineapples bananas, grapes. creaâ€" herries. coconuts. candies. dried fruits, ash and oysters, Was and, m milos east (of Haliburton last week. It. ran by its own puwex- until the bigkhill OVer the mountain on the Essonvillc road was reached. There the icy hills were mo much. n; was llvc hotel, I LITTLE BRITAIN ~1an-ds. of Neulands 8: Irvine Lindsay. will be at J enâ€" ;01, Little Britain. on T1105- . 22nd. K001) the date in HARTLEY