When Paris Dictates and Canada adopts a new fashion, a standard is deï¬niteiy esteblished which women must re- ward, or abandon all pretense to stylish dressing. D Fashion authorities of Paris have decreed the deï¬ned “waist-line,†and the leading modiâ€" ates in this Country and elsewhere have ap- proved and adopted it. But this “defined waist-line" can only be giv- en through the selection of the proper corsets. “D 81 A Tapering-Waist†Corsets are the only ready- -to-wear corsets which give this effect properly and with perfec- tion not only in line and in grace, but in comfort. The range oi prices, $1.00 to 33.50, will meet the demands of all purses and ï¬gures. Style No. 284-, illustrated above, at 81.00â€"- ' is especially popular. For Stout women the most popular is style No. 4-00, ot $1 25. Style No. 240, with garters attached, is the best 75c line on the market. \ - Every D 8.: A Corset guaranteed. LOUGHLIN McINTYRE CASH AND ONE PRICE _ __.â€".â€".__â€"â€"â€" Victoria Loan 8: Savings Co. DIVIDEND NOTICE \OTICE IS hereby given that a dividend at the rate of ï¬ve per cent. perannum has this day been declared on the paid-up Capital Stock of the Company for ., the half year ending Slat December inst, and that the same will be payable at the ofï¬ce of the Com- pany, Kent-St, Lindsay, on and after 2nd day of , January, prox. The transfer books will , be closed from the 24th to . 3lst December, both days inclusive. By order of the board. James Low, ~ lana‘or ‘. ' Lindsay, 1st Dec., I906. Christmas Goods ‘W’e wantevery one in this locality to know of the im- mense line of Christiano Goods that we have order- ed for them. It will only be 11 few days before our big Holiday stock will be displayed. » Remember that if you wait until the last minute. you get what is left. i Watch our Windows, thoy will ho 111W Highest market prices paid for the above every day in the year. Seed cleaned for , farmers free of charge over our power mills at Mari- . posaCresswellï¬mter: Suhderland and Sutton Will be glad to 900“? price on any sample submitted. -â€"'l'ho- ‘ Sterling Bank The farmers Institute Meetings in [indso' Mtossss by .1. 6, M ofCttowo. 11. «menu 111. WM woman Root Lemma Mimi-mm. Savings Deportm’ont Dopooitsoutand Inoorost oytoursont rot-o \ oldin dinning other foods. Thesa- ABranchisnowopenin _ -:.. FENELON FLLLO with every banking facility. ‘ was desirable in food dur- summer lie had known farmers' .to stint pasture, and pm nwn big [wags to get ha) into the horns, while ?hcir horses and cattle running down. It would be better to have more postur- and build up in summer. In answer to n qlicsti1111.\l1'.(‘ln1'k cold it was morcproiitablc- 11111111: to price of labor to let lhv(ulll1'loll0\\ nature' a plan and get their food from pasture than to cut Cattle made more pr0gross by getting Abundance of food in summer. A statement had been made at the meeting at Woodvillo that it costs tandord Bank Of Canada. OODYILLE AGENCY dltions and values, in winter. llr Clark did not know that the latter mtimatc was strictly correct. but he did know that there was a greatdif Icrencc in the cost of manner and winter feeding. The old staple hay 'and oats. he thought a well balanc- ed ration The main thing was ;to beg) the beast going along till ready to put onthe market. Individuality of an- 18-13. in a stable will not do aswoll ssan- other beside it on the some ration. Nothing was more important on farmtban am who was a good feeder and studied the cattle. It does not pay to overstock. It gives the man in the stable too much to do so, [that he cannot study his c'huï¬es. He Jo no Lo “Roar, Innagor \ofCanada KIRKFIELD anthem unit-11 swoon. Abrafldhisbonlhubol-op- modottbo‘obdvopoinhand’o'io- nit buoiosmwlllbotrom- :1 ‘5 1c 1 \ é, it; saunas nnnmru g gurus roasts» '. Pusidsnt I.2Chonnon. of Iaripo- gar bootnscrodlted with havingihs Keith. of Lindâ€. 8m. wosot tion. his‘ post. In reply to o. quootion Ir. Clark The Institute speakers werellcssn thought about 500 bushels to the ac- lng. oi “lilo. and†B KIM!- MO‘ â€but which hounderstood Standard Bank dock. of Guelpbi- They also adduc- loom toln tho-abuts. to be tin t Woodvillo the the l LINDSAY BRANCH sod men as o poo-l fosdingougor host. 11 grasses ’ :Fcnclon Falls gnFridoy and Satur- “motâ€"bylaw and nsdclovcr in pro- Cambray m“" week ednyunder the inspices ol the ' East tolnfltho moot “111.111.101- milk eie. ’ Victoria Institute. mt it being only 2.8 in former to 6. “5:33:53; gg‘gg'ms my either meeting but was better in the nearly all the food value was taken Hog Dealers, and to out-‘of-town ac-ycvenlng sevu'al Lindsay people, in-' lout of wheat bran. but the anaIVsis, showed that it contained 122 per lSalei notesl cashed or t“1‘36“ f0;- 0011i SPENCER SEEDLESB APPLES set on at owest rates. lank onus ~ free on application. Mr J non - addressed the ipeoshod 1°81 â€N beans 23' Hem- } m ’7'" a†s oer-o1 Institutes would get 11111 in No delay in drawing your money. In- most 113 in w o pencer .formation On these points from te1est paid or Comtlï¬oundod twice year. Don‘t waits 1‘30“ mveahxgirilcutha‘d’d “7991‘“: glaaslum tree and could arrange a balanced 1 WW count. B n with 113 now. Small 0, 8° 3 ration lrmn the.oods the) have on savings fog the base oflargefortuncsitw condition. 3‘ had he wd' hand. 1" 1" LOOSEIORE, {the value of till-apple while at the !Toronto Exhibition. He had soon 8011. John Drydcn's letter in regard of the apple concluded it was a good thing. A great deal had been said for and against. He “ould not have conï¬dence in it. If it were good now â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" was the time to take hold of it. licl saying. m newâ€; fbad purchased and planted several â€â€œ00 open ‘ “m M â€.1 Mr -,\nderson of Toronto 11. re . . . pre- :unt. Current rats of interest ‘1' lsentative of the Spencer Seedless Ap- '°d from date °t deposit Epic Company. also spoke. wind»! "do. I M » lino pamphlet circulated by tbccom- Accounts moyh opened in the pennant distributed to thooo pro- name of two or more parties. 1503*: Mr Drydeh. he said, hid" no make and withdraw deposits wits-He“ 0mm at ï¬rst 0990'“ 111- out the intervention of W m Hinder-son claimed that this apple §w was adapted to the climate of Ont» sum ivu'e The root was that of the French crab apple tree. and the bud' â€"THEâ€"- was particularly adapted to resist Bank Of Toronto befound in these apples. but 11. was . . tbe‘opinion oftbose whohad studied HM on“ Toronto 11 that ifthcre were no seedling. in Progressive, Courteous to all. be entirely free of seeds. Prof. Craig ’who had written against this apple OMEMEE BRANCH iii: the Rural New Yorker, had done A genorol banking business tran- Nurserymen were interested in oppos- cclvs careful attention. l SAVINGS mx {ing the Spencer Seedless because it would cut into their business. Inau- Our Savings Accounts are increas- “30"†ha†800d judgment and be 3311115 an account and 1nte1-est is add- '0“ said It â€turd “mm "m mid- 'gestlng their food. There is a dif- otwiceg year. t f bo dleof October ondwas at its bestin Ia‘encein mp9 at of beef and no accoun or our on "m" pe Iytwill y hiarchond would keep till m. milk cattle. The beef animals "'01 them to save and later on give them a start 1n hie. TIVE. more particular class, and care should Mr. H. Gladinlng. of.llanlllo. then be tokon-not to injure the constitu- explained that 111-. Putmon. Director “on until the: 1m matured. having-a direct 'repl'ooontatlveon tbo'caidhs had hadllttle trouble with Board of the Eaten Dairymcn’s 'milk fever since adopting the oxygm Association from this district. Boro- ltreatment which was pumping air in vice-presidents, but it was now pro- . time should be taken from the cow posedto havecoch director mm alta- calv.lng He didnot knowofa a district. The meeting could not ol- coss of heifers having milk fever. and but when “I" W“ W told: with doiry cattle. He thought ““3 Association M ‘ byslaw tho mtixnato of 10 cents a pound for could'be ponsodto give silent to the putting 05.3““, 50811318“ behigb ““08 “Mk" V" m m"- Woodville. who m1: atthe manta lng totbo numbco! factories than htthfll’olonshttoboa 8°04 author» population. Thisdiotrictwosinten-gy Wtomco'llm Durham and Ontario counties. 000- nihngbolorocoklng. Civofoodto Whamcollsdto “mmcoolhloodrathorthn m www.munmdwtnotpun- “dunâ€. but hm class in pone ‘" thodiotdct mu†“10! ashorttims ifcow's udder wot-o not mud. n. was m baths “wail not gladly Mt.- , , . ‘ tire of tho district. . . While .911 medium! m: Edi-bond w mums inths ‘olr. ondlr. James highestfood valuo for milk produc- iJ. 6. Clark. of Ottawa. K. Wu:- coin his district would be the pro. ivious day. and at Bobcsygcon and M was a wide diffs-moo. between E Tuooda-y- and Friday. The attendance was not large at ‘Bintbc latter. Some people counts. Farmers’ notes tedlcludlng ladies being present. cents protein to 8.7 in barley, while Undouhtcd Security to Depositors.‘I “‘d'm ‘I’ple' â€â€œ1 "mum ism“ l bulletins which would be sent sum todepcsit. ll Open an ac- bom led accidentally to ’inqulre into' It Ionsgor to it and from this and examination ‘ialren hold of it if he had not had trees himself. Accrued interest to added to theymmm- may, 1.“..- mum Han-led women and minors wlinterest inthe company. The seed- P 3' BELL! rio, that of Colorado being as so- i‘rost. Occasionally a seed was 50 years in business. Safe, other orchards near. this apple would . M . And said‘ . fr . socted. Farmon' business will also r on†om hearsay ing everyday. The small sum of $1 swer toMr Glendlnning Mr And.†oblc to determine whether they are di- girl this Christmas. willteach » DAIRYMEN'S REPRESENTA- notso nervous. Dairy cattle are a of Ibirylnstructlon. was dosirousof In answer to questions, Mr Clark tofore diroctors had included the to tbsuddcr. Only a little milk at octa director, it could only recom- Ir Clorks “Manes “.5...“ newsystcin. '1'hspropoosdrodistd-hmm’bmm Cowbell. of dedto mmum Victoria Important. He would not advise with the Ma, andï¬liowoo ï¬lmy.“ H. mm mm, spew had liithato homo director. ‘ 11mm FAIR. InI. ammo nosing or If. thought i were! col! lc feed for them. . Uncle should be studied. Ono beast. 'Hc did not know why J crscys should 'tobring immigrants from thctowns ' and cities. Ins. J. Fox.I.P.P., being pm- ‘osnt, wascallsd upon. He agreed _ that it would be better do get more . ' Immigrants from the agricultural po- pulation in the old country, but there wosthe same tendency thereon here to drift to the centres of population. lithe rightcloss art-got they" will adopt themselves to the conditions in Canada. ' Ir, Sw.ain tho Dropoundcr of the question bodrosd on article in the Conodian Horticulturist, which said there was a class of experienced la- bour-sin Europwho could be se- cured. This sous-ted the question. '11:. writer stated that part oi), their ,sxpsnscs would, perhaps. have tobc ’paid and houses provided. llr. Swain thought that by clubbing, some of these could be got. Many 0: those now brought out were unsuitable. Oncfunner had said the Goxernmcnt ought to given: a bonus for teach- ]ing them. ] Mr. Fox pointed out thlat the On- ‘tario Governman had on immigw ‘luon agency in charge oil'llr‘q South. wpith who could be written toinior- ming him what class was wanted. If .'farmcrodid pay portof the cinema- lthey would still be ignorant as to ’ what class they would get. 1 Mr. Swain related his experience lwith one man to whom the house provided was satiafoctory, lot .the place would be too lonesdliic for his He had kept onothor. wile and the man lofts mmlumllml . .. . ORBIT Startling Sole â€"or-â€" Trunks Volises and Telescopes No. 1â€"4 Suit Cases $1.75, to be sold at.....-...;....‘1.25 V No."2‘â€"2 Suitflaks $2.00, to be sold at-.. ........ 81.50 No. 3â€"12 Suit Cases 82.75, : to be sold'at‘......... "12.49 _‘ No. 4â€"4 Suit Cases $5.00, to be sold at...... ..'....fl.49 No. 5-â€"5 Suit Cases $5.50, to be sold at ............ $4.74 wife. child ov‘er winter, but In the spring What would be . good average gain for a well bred steer or heifer to makcin the stalllor six months? 5 Hr. EWH Hopkins answered that “the temperament would need to be known. He thought 1 to 1} lbs. per d v President Channon sugtestcd that good average. I What is the ï¬rst' step to take to gf‘t ‘good horhcs on 'the farm" { Pros dent Chaunon suggested ' that 11 number of farmers should select ‘2? 1 or 30 mares and promilo a horne- 1na‘11 that if be secured a "good horse they would not bbpeniu'ious, pay I ibim perm 325 “Ch. 1 This Great Sale affords an exceptional opportunity for securing an up-toâ€"date Suit Case at manufacturer’s prices 1 sperms an. ’ bert Shoe Store Frank Forbert Felix‘l’orb'ert 52 Kent-811., Lindsay . ‘ . . ._ *- ,You can mike‘NO MISTAKE 1 ' . :1 b†“In august 2‘: :5:...:‘.:“if:“...‘::. “$3.â€: n. D o M INIO N _; Piano «Organ I 'gusto Polled Angus, dud soon. We 'cnn improve by broéding mongrel: to Thirty-six years of Thought and . lthoroughbreds, but occasionally the l PRACTICAL 'p:cr.11ct will go hoe}; PRIZES FOR JERSEY CATTLE _ EXPIREICB â€3'30an Mr. E. H. .Fopkins brought up the question of whether the Agricultural Society should continue prizes for in “I“. ' .63“an "'HUIIRTS Jersey cattle. in. H. nonmcx ' Secretary Keith said the question had come up when the prize list was revised as only one man showed in this class. Mr. Glendiiminghcld that breeding cfn particular breed of cattle ma question of dollars and cents. They might take a hor'doi nnv beef breed ofcattle. he would iulwn herd of Jertcys, and he could make 310 a bead more out 01' them than any oth- er breed. bred “or both milk and beef. Tolegraphy one. you a tangï¬ile oppor- bc cut ollthe prize list. Mr. W. M. Robson had been keepâ€" ing cows for twenty-ï¬ve years. He bade Jeisoy cow and would not be without Mr. Fox, M. P. P., priaclist and make the show attractive. A vote was taken and there were only “'0 in favor of cutting oil the Jet-fly. PAPER 131' In. w. 11. 11035031. Mr. w. 11. 'nobno' n. of Lindsey, road a paper on Horticultural and Wtural Gcnenalities, and how wt, and lite Vogotobleo may be Supplied in tho: ’Farmcrs' Home,†mainly as follows: _ . cultkutor of the ' soil hu‘ormiuion ' on a subject so intimately connnct- flh m min asmme their h... 0‘ with h“ 0". 33““ “In" a Site-m in thsv multiplicity f): be pro-Imptive or poo'session of labor in the world which they did in. 0' the olden time To~provo this, PC. â€0 mit me to gve you o. quotations from a speech dam at Ottawh at a conference of the ma Grow- . era of Canada on Ind: 20 to 22 1500891149011 by someone-gm..â€" w“? inter 0! ma; when be shit" “I have ham ro'odisc something in this line may chi was written over two busted years before Christ' s time and attributed mica“ tunity to better yourself. If you desire to engage in more pleasant, interesting, better poyhg work, this is your chance. Iercly clip' this ad- ' would extend the more Elgth to Success.†3. W. Sonora, Principnl' Dominion Schoolof 'l‘elogrsphy and Railroading, 11 ldololdo-Ih'oot. Tomato , Wow r’tr m_comsnownothsj pleasureofhusâ€" whfl (Wanna)