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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Dec 1906, p. 7

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Ea“. umle -_ :_ Al- (5.. a. peer as a 115 of women. 'barclxcm 2. 1 am in m. “ sod to 31m you your medicine " iia E. Pinkhm'. vats upon the wen. nadian women. ruubled with it“. Mon co :9 or nice 'ing-down Kaolin he, bloat' (I Lebility, in“ . I. of Sonya. en- bit. last weekthn B~ McI’ha‘ll. pug a. well {or last Week. Mr. ‘u. Very narrow Dried alive by J“ortumtely be ‘this being the tape he has had. K Oshawa, is to Dist church hero i', Miss Edith pie church. The old chain and pt with garnets. I by Mr. J. B. asentzation made Iy, A pleasant but. music on hed by Heart. ts, accompan- Miss Bursa”- Of St. John'. ‘ Dunsiord,‘ 89' idence of Mr. a. presentation of the congress? Mr. Tucker :uit seven yarn mds will In car him punch ; offering will!» 9 of the service. qlu be gooepbd Ha PI. Pinkhsm’u a: once may. :’s the will treat you her advice is ing eviden'ee sfi'om >w its tee it :1 him Tebody m, of Toronto. >parontnl roof. , 0! Prince “- n3 last Mom infirm mother. > Say“, is “0'. ‘m- came homg from Mid the WW inq. November )x‘ the member. He write to Mn. Vegetable Cm. DUXSFORD. va IN r. sum (lathe - fades ”An-Wad Hose, regular 30¢ ‘ Men’ s Corduroy Caps. With fur '.ned turn-down band, regular 509 now 39c. Men' s Heavy All-Wool Working Shirts, regular $1 00 110“r 79¢- Men’s Heavy Hole PM. “801‘? $1 00 value, while they last 79c. Men’ 5 Fancy Silk NW reg: ular 25c and cy,35c was; now 16°- Mem’ 5 Lrnen 00113.13,le 831933135 ‘23 and make your pockdbbook one-aim larger in doing your Christmas Here is apex-tied listthet mayin- terest you: Men’s Heavy Cordovan Working Mitts, regular $1125, mow only 790 Men's Heavy Working Mitts. P6. tent pulse warmer, regular $1.00, now only 69c. 1"tu one-third of your mm saved iin purchasing“ your 80°“ while this sale lasts. Come at 99°? W. H. Graham’s Great Clearing Sale will only last a few weeks longer at.. Pear] Grey Wool Sett, good size, regular $14.50.' Special 2 only, White Thibet Setts, satin lined, silk cord trimming, muffs in round or cushion style. At ........................... 18.00 Sable Storm Collar, long front four furred tails, satin lined, clmin fastener. At ...... 18.50 Hrcy Persian Lamb seal trim- mings, long, front, satin lined, 1‘: OOOOOOOOOOOO C ..... OOII.I..'18.5° at ............................. 8.75 Sable, with seal trimmings, .ith six full furred tails. Spec- ial at” . . .10. 00 Electric Seal, with black Per- sian Lamb trimmincrs. satin lin- Hi. Special at ........... 12.00 Ready-Made Clothing, Staple and fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc” at Bargain Prices Electric Seal, large size, four tails, regular $8.50. For...7.50 Astrachan, with seal trim- mings, satin lining, four tails, Electric Sea], Asttacfian trim- mings. Big saving ......... 5.50 Cnney Seal, with Astrachan trimming. large collar,~ 4 tails, reg. $5.25., Xmas price...4.50 rm: venom-wanna, manna 6th, 1906. Caperines at Big Reductions Coney Sea] with black, Astra- chan trimming, 2 tails, lined with black satin, regular 34 50, X mas price .................. 3.75 Look over these" MONEY SAYIN G VALUES then come and 59's them. ONE PRICE CASH Giving up Business at Kirkfield not... IDOOllotO onto-o Unless you enjoy shopping with a store store full; of eager buyers, do your shopping early-Best Stock-Best Choiceâ€"lost Comfortâ€"but when- ever you come our duty and pleasure will he to serve you well. Christ- mas shopping is on in W and every man, woman or child filth a fur want should satisfy it from the peerless selection we offer. You never had such a great variety of furs to choose from than to are showing now. We will keep them until you want ’em by paying a deposit. Every Garment guaranteed. Good hintâ€"Buy early. Lindsay one-third 11.25 25c. Fancy Killed or lasted Pickles, per bottle 10c. , Tomato Gatsup, pint: bo'ttl'es, per bottle 10c. ' Tomato Catsup, quart bottles, per bottle 15c. Choice Club House Olives, per son-Fm: a. silemdid Clm'btmas 'Gift. These lamps will be sold at a. dis- count of 38 1â€"3 per_ cent._ my NW...“- oâ€"g- m-w. 1123mm: 3§é°°¢o$e§t§oi°zafg°‘ “mglzo 01): mthat r§sidencel ha; . _, ' mov "90,011 dlon street Regular 50c Corsets now 89c. vacated by Mr loggrove GROCERY AND 030ch SPEâ€" I! you want. to save monAy on CIALS. - dry goods, women's and rchfidren’s Eight- fancy‘ hegmjugt _ :the 'sfilistanfi' kimf 01 ‘reg'uluf.125c Tea a" 31.00. ' 6 bars any kinda! Laundry Soap Opposite the Post Ofioe It will In to your intorutl‘ to oxunlno this Itook beforo mak- in‘ your purohml. All this uuonl fur- and hunt prion. Persian Lamb Jackets, large revenes and girdles, at...75.00 Fur Coats 3 only. black Astrachan Coats, at .................. 87.50 Black Astrachan Gauntlets, at .............................. 5.00 Grey LambGauntletsfine curl, well made, at $5.00 and...8 00 Alaska Sable, round shape, four tails, at ................ 17.50 Alaska. Sable Mufi', round shape, at ..................... 14.75 Mafia Sable Cushion Muffs, large size, at ..................... 20. 00 Black Lamb Caps, fine curl, satin linin‘g, at $7.95, $10.00, and ........................... 12.00 Fur Caps Grey Lamb Caps, fine curl find quilted satin lining, at $2.50, $2.75 and ..................... 4.00 Men’s Fur Collars In German Otter, well Inade, quilted satin lining, at $5, $5.50 $600 and ..................... 6.50 PHONE 247 Gauntlets Ontario ill The temporary bridge over the canal near the lift hock has been re- moved, and all tremc is now over the permanent structure. The Presbyterian church will hold their annual tea. and entertainment on New Years night, and a. -good program is expected. The: Sabbath School 0'! the same church expectto give a. Christmas Chilean” and cantata sometime during Mr. E. Hosgrow has movedeek his tamily into the residence adjoining the Sterling Bait. Mr. Dune. who‘ lormerlyoccupied that residence!“ moved 3.9315 burnout Rel-01.1 street Shuttleworth, .B. Finney, A. Bettie; S. Bettie, E. Umphmy, J. Miller, E. Osborne, G. Smith. L.,Wilson, V. Hunter, A. McCall. tails. At ................... 39.00 Mink Stole, shaped collar, fingered satin lining. At 40.00 Alaska. Sable Rufl‘, 72 inches long, 2 heads and six full furred tails. At ................. 22.50 Sable Stoles, 80 inches long, six tails, satin lining, chain fasteners. At ............ 17.50 At.‘ ......... V ................. 12.75 American Sable Stoles, 90 inches long, two heads and six tails. At, ................. 18.50 Black Thebit Rufl‘s, 62 inches long Special at ............ 6.75 Black Opossum Scarfs, 64 inches long, four tails. Special Isabella Fox Scarfs, 72 inches long, 6 tails, 3 only At. .150 2 only, Martin Stoles, 72 in. long, 2 heads, four tails, satin lined with chain fastener, 7.50 Brown Coney Neck Rufl‘a, “2 tails, 3 only. Clearing at...2.25 Big Values in Fur Stole: Coney Seal Buffs, four only, 2 tails. Xmas price ...... 1.90 COney Seal Stoles, 56 inches long, 8 tails. Special at...3.90 Coon Stoles, 5 only, 60 inches long, 4- tailc. Clearing at...6.00 OR MONEY REFUNDED 1....‘ix..:1!::..t.. is; Raul-haw «a g .5. ....:...H...::::.:.:.:... SSH .fllg 3 5?; 3...... E... ...... ......c..:. 89.5 .338 Jun QtooooonooooooHngnt-ofoolu940300 in u; ~E§ . a z 'I‘aooo‘.‘ .ogooooo:noo§o 5‘ “g «o afigm.n :uuo-un‘ncoogn‘o‘ocooo 4H ago 3" ‘8 g3 o.3:331:35..JoatoJuooo-Ioao.3i: g .3 ohm? E “NO GOODS RIGHT 7.50 WHEREAS the. corporntion of the Town of Lindsay.“ herewiore purchased and constructed undu- tho Municipal Act nnd tho Huninipoj Waterworks Act. a. system at uter- worka for the aid Corpontion ad has raised the money !or tho pur- chase and construction thetoor. upon the whole mblo peoperty o! the said: Corporation under by-hwo luv- {ully pmgd. AND WHEREAS it Is now neces- sary and desirable to extend and improve the odd Waterworks sys- tem by putting in n propor IyItun A By-Law to Raise by way of Loan $20,000.00 to im- prove the Water works System. By-Law No. day of December, 1906. and tlmt the vote» of the said elector- ottho uld Municipality will be taken thereon.th tho tuna. hour. on the am. day. At the we plum. and by tho ulna Deputy-Returning om- con as for the municipal electlou for the your 1907, :0 provided in the said by-luv. - I“. KNOWLSON. 49-4. Town Clerk. NOTICE. Take notice tint the above is 0. true copy of a propomd byrlmv which has boon taken into “mm". “ton and which will final! be passed by the Corporation 0 the Town of Linduy after one month from the first pubucation them! In tho thchman-Wurdu‘. the date of the first. publicationAbglng tho fifth sum up the numr or vote. for and? againstthe said by-lgw. Read a first and second time this 6th dny of Novanber. .1906. Tint‘the‘ Clerk of the Council of the said Corporation shall attend at his said omco n. deven o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday. the eighth m 0! Jam. 1907. to sum up the number of votes {or and? and summing up of the votes by the Clark on hohnl: o! the person! interesmd in and promoting or op- posing the push; of this byâ€"law respeétively. eighth day of December, 1906, the Mayor of the said Corporation qhall attend at the office of flu Clerk of the said Council, st theflown Hall, at eleven o’clock in the foronoon, to appoint persons to “tend at. the polling plates flout-titan! at the 'I‘hetemofflflpeq! number'- oftheCouncfldthO Corporetloe ottheTownotlm. m elected. who. alluded to the termoltwoyeeu.theuidpereou wmaomeomnuw- M meWa more intoothceendthenewCouncil is orgenlned. This by-lnw shell tab eflect on thedeyolthefinalpesfing thereof; Thetthevotea oftheel‘ectote 01‘ theTownoijn'dnYShdlbotnken on this ‘by-lew at the same hour, on the seam day, at the umeplecee and by the same Deputy Returning Oflcere as is provided {or the next ennunl municipal election tor the Municipal Council 01 the said Town 0! Lindsey. that is to say, on the seventh day of Jnnunryi 1907-. INSPECTORS EXAIINATION. Fourth Class.â€"l[r. McDoupJJ. The term of. am 91 all when a): the Council of tho Corporgtion of the Town oi. Lind-n3. handm- dected, shall in m to the term of two years, the said perlon. to hold omee until their m an mu or W or sworn; 1“ symmeumunrm‘. atrium was“; as: erommoiauumo‘igggg'w,” mew mu m, ‘ mound: of them m. “:3 £33333“? W ' ». . :1: {our and one-hull cent. anon ofthe Town ofliad- mum in .mtdmenu Emma; with the tom 0! this lay-luv. no to two Ym um the Wu mount mm .â€"â€"-â€" lor principal and interest in each Thetluntcipd Council of th. cor. you dull be equal. u may 0 pox-anon of the .Ton of Lindsay, {may be. to whut is payable (or no enacts "u follow: item-est and principal during each or The harm of am 01‘ all number- the other your: 10? 80911 903104. och-o0 “-000.00...“ MQMNDWQcowum .«o-.-m coon-mp. .mm.~......m.~. uuuonomaoua ”.0 o nobo~.mo..ouoom-“nq buttock..." 0-00.... loo-u... ...o¢uoooooooo Inn-uom' o 00.... o .00... LINDSAY PUBLIC SCHOOlS o «ow-~09". “0.0%.. ‘Ouonumuowun my. the sum 0! $1687.58, for the purpose 0! pain: the amount due in sec): of the sud yssrs {or ssld principsl and interest. 4. Thst the proceeds of the sud debentunss shall be psid to the Bosrd of Voter Cami-flours sad pstd and sppued tor the purposes snd with the object sbove recited. and for no other purpose whstever. 5. ‘ That the said debentures shall be issued a.“ st one time sud my be issued st any time within two‘ years alter the passing of this by} mount of the aid interest. which coupons dull be .Iitnod by the layer and the Treasurer oi the aid Cor- pomtion. or the debentures may be issued for the ma nut. in- cluding both principal and nut-oat. pmble in goal: ”at without con: $20,000.00 2. “at the odd debenture. shall bear Interest ut the rate 0! {our end one-hell per cent. per mum. pmble on the Fifteenth day 0! De- cember in each you, and when embed thereto coupons {or pey- 1991 1 922 1928 1924 1925 1926 1910 1911 1912 1918 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Yea. Prinsipul. Interest 1907 8637.53 8900. 00 1908 666.21 871. 82 1909 696.20 841 83 1910 727.52 810.01 1911 760.25 777.28 1912 704.47 743.06 ’~ 1. Tim: {orthe purposes flore- eeid, ‘it shell be lawful for the Keyor of go eeid Corporetlon. end he is hereby euthorbed end required to ceuee debmturee o! the nip Town of Ind-my to be made. at cuted and issued to the mount of 820,000. in euxne of not lose than one hundred dollere. peyeble in ennuel inhumane on the 15th deg of December .in eeoh you. for twen- ty were. for the following amounts (or principal and interest. for the; (oiloflpg years, respectively, thet in} 6. This Ey-luv shall take afloct atheday of the m paling the existing deputm debt. of flu "Fawn of Lindsay. Iceland byspsdsl acts, rates or assessments, in 34-09.- 711. 43 ($198. 82?. 61 or which is debt for low improvements, water- works system and loans made by the said Corpontion) and no part 0! the said principal or interest ‘0! the said existing debt is in‘srresrs. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICL; PAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR- ATION OF THE TOWN OF LIND- SAY ENAOTS As FOLLOWS : AN!) WHEREAS the mun: o! the whole ate-No property of the To,“ 01 Lindny. according to flu tut revived- wt roll, is the CUMXIOI ”.8“.m-00- AND WHEREAS the amount of M m 4 ' III'I‘I'UU mt”! - m {manna be the pm do!!! to «but 01,.000 and ‘ ‘ to mtggnm Mo! in the have plenty ””5th Warm ‘ W Ila-chants. mm mm W ‘ goods I! 1 In W! m was “587458 1- u» sell at’the low- OAK W0 0 D total amount. required to be nus! est living . annually by special nu for a period of twenty years (or win. ” prices {or the Town o! 0181th and “has bun WIVWMMan say. M them of-T‘unty W"! 794.47 830.22 867.58 906.62 947.42 990.08 1084.61 1081.17 1199.82 1180.66 1288.79 1%931 1847.83 1407.96 1471.27 » 7d06 7 07.81 “9.95 680. 91 ‘ 590.11 547. 47 502.92 456.86 407.71 356.87 808.74 948.22 190.20 129.57 66.26 66.26 1587.68 Total. ‘1 687.53 1587 .53 1581.68 1 587.58 1537.58 1587.58 1587.58 1587158 1587.58 1587.53 1537.53 7 1587.53 1 1587.53 1587.58 1587.58 1 587.58 1537.53 1 587.58 11in“! W. H. POGUE 7.1hetthevotetofultbe el- ectors in the and Town of Lindsey entitled to vote on tine bar-law, shell be taken at the same hour. on the some tiny and at the emplac- ee end by the some Deputy Return- ing omeere on ere provided {ox-the next annual election for the [uni- cipd Council of the Town of Lind- sey, namely on the Seventh day 0! January,1y907. ‘ in Lindsay at Keys Monison’s Best Prices Stoves We do NOT buy ouispioes, ' We have some fine dinner wane and a fine range of hocy china. A}! goodsin them winbesold lower than mm in large towns. Come in and we vm covinee you. $1! you widths meta-of was. try our ovzp blend ut and 35c. n “1"” L"! Ourgmoerystock isclean. pureand (nah. New Fruits. New Peels, New Canned Goods. We buy only the ”twice-wean b. You ma.)- wsys gnu-e toget the t results with J. A. WYLIE th. B. Omemoe, - Ontario P. S.-â€"Physicia.n’s Prescriptions usefully dispensed. fine rung. of Shaker Manuela. All Wool thneh. Shaker Blankets. A WmlBhnkocgeh. etc. A. fine nag! of Lidia’ and Child- Tunney-flaunt.“ mmzoelehrmd Pen- “1"." I “I‘- A great line 0! Pants, Smacks, MOMOlehhthebestwew tug duck- and concludes. leeusau'id PE Krona-the latest odors. Including Toys. Fancy Goods. Toilet Cases, Ebony Goods. ~ CHRISTMAS GOODS in Carload lots, but we have the largest assort- ment at the JUST ARRIVED -1 Full Lino of Guerldn'u My Loon Manchu I Crushed Bones. etc. Piver’a Le trifle LITTLE stimuli Yours tally, 0111' W. H. POGUE PdSUJQ BWS. OOOOOOOO Highest market price paid for fowl, butter, eggs, dn'ed apples, potatoes, etc- Any‘of the above suitable for Termsâ€"Cash or Trade. Paswe Bros! Toy 3001!: Games of all kind- Fancy Crockery in Skates in all sizes I Christmas Toys" inspect our stock. We have never had as large an assort- ment of Christmas a. Christmas Gift. abundance PAGE

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