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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Dec 1906, p. 8

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It you want to save monoyon dry gmula. women's and children's read)“- «oâ€"wuarmrmqnts. furs 1nd millinery -1tt0nd “Ford‘s Selling Out Sale". lindsay. Tvmpm‘ary premises a tow doors east of the market. ‘l‘urgnm Min No lk-mng-humum visiting her Jrimcls m Kmmount. (‘hmr Nuthnn and wife. of Lind- my. attondmnhv big hoplast week. \In thmu wit“). the guest of "M1" and Mrs. James Thurston. of Slalmm Grow. fora wook. Mr. Lyle Lo'ck'. oiKcewntin, called venom friends in tmxn last week. Mr. J. Knight. of Lindsay. visited ’H-nei-Jn on Friday. “r. and Mrs. W. Jordan Ipvnt ‘lhmr mention in Lindsay inst week. )li'w Kniio Dickson is visiting in . Mr. F. W. Warren returned after Spending avery pleasant holidnyat. Moterborough, Mrs. R. Lee is the guest of Mrs. S. McKendry fora. few weeks. 'Mr. W. McArthur visited in Lind- say last week. ,Dr- and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J- Ham. of Coboconk, attended ‘?he Sanchelors' ball in town last week. Miss Della Brokenshire is the guest of Mrs. Fred Purvis, Cambridge :3‘Lreet, Lindsay, this week. of vacant houses. itfmight b9 men- tioned. are not {proper targets .11); stones or snowballs, and knives «should not be used in carving names or monograms on; fences, gates or sidewalks. Miss Esther Mitchell spent Sun- day in Lindsay“ ... ‘Zbinds aad animals, warned against crossing lawns and boulevards, and a due regard for flower beds. Boys, «specially, should be taught respect :for property. even though unoccuâ€" pied; The danger of stone-throwiag should be pointed out, the windows Lindsay or in this district, as the 'wri'teris not familiar enough with abaconditions to speak with author- iw. They are quoted as being ca.- peble of general sapplication. These are the Dominica's words: We believe that {every Friday ai- ternoon from 3.30 to 4 o’clock the “teacher cannot be better employed in the service of the 'pupil. parent and state than in giving ‘talks,’ in- ~culcating a proper respect for law, [order and property. The older pn- sjpils should be taught that ‘might is mot right,’ aad that it is unmanly 501' the larger boys and girls to prick on and torment in any way 11:42 smaller-ones, 'and all should be‘ mughtvto pay due deferenCe to their elders; that they should leave the school in an orderly manner. not like a pack of animals, giving ati East a portion of the sidewalk to! "people they chance to meet. Pupils might also he taught kindness to This bank ofl’ers you every accommo- dation that a farmer, wishi , to open an account with shank, can esire... Our strength and record-.of seven. years make It: a most. deqhsble Ban for your Savings. . 3 7:“ . . Du: intimate kmodaodthemeds of our farmer mstmend'fies us to extend to you most. mvmfle- accom- modation, should you desire to bor- ro_w kinds to incregge your_§t9_t:k,_or for 7_~ a "dorm, makes some sensible remarks In a. recent issue of his paper, the Bidgetown Dominion. They are wor- thy of note, and in quoting them there is no intqntion of implying that "Mia a special need _of them in Lindsay or in this district, as the Incorporatod by Royal Chartu' Established 1836 Miss ViuXette McKmdry is visiting d respect towards elders. H. Bowyer, M.P.P., for East Kent, one of the brightest and brai-niest muntry newspaper editors in Ontaâ€" BANK OF " British North America people: ' This is stated as a, Ltrith'winhout: reference to any tintin- iocatity. There is a d PARKER? ‘Capital $4,866,886 .Reserve 2,141, 333 respect which was FENELOX FALLS the guest of Mrs girls o! 1:11: pruent homeiutmk’ifwm m minnow PM. . w“. Hrs. Crevier. of Lindsay is visit- W mgn? w. Bmdonintown ‘ rm Mr. fiflddey. of W, guivod The quhrtette has abcepted another invitation to Franklin for Monday evenfyg. the 10th inst. ' ‘ l The former Omemee band has again re-orgam‘ ed under the leadership oi Mr. Mulligan. The Came.on people hme shown thew appr: :iatious of the services of the Oimemee (Marten " at their ~fowl supper. bv extend .i‘ug to them a Yen heartffififéhbn to furnish the?” ne- cessary 1111.1qu for a Christmas tree entertainment in the near “future. His; Kens of Minbrook, ‘13 my guest of her friends, the" Kisses Cur .Mrsf. jfiDr.) Cameron, who it» com- pany with her son, Master Donald, has Men ViSit-ing her parents at Var- million,‘ Sash. for the past .throe moanEL‘has recently returned great.- ly refreshed. Dr. and Mrs. Cameron purpose residing in Peberborofl‘whero the doctor intends following his pro- fession. ' R. J. ‘Mulligan attended (1“ ine ser “co m the Methodist church Sunday, and aésisted in the choir. A dloasam evening was spont' last. Friday In the Senior League. wlmn caved! mrmbors were received l‘ul‘ membership from the Junior IV‘WSRO. The pastor was present and gave an intel‘esving talk on the‘ pledge. .\t thu close pf‘tho meeting, coffee. cake and a vufiety 0! Candy were served. M139} H. Courtney. of Mlllhroo-k. ipont Sunday with her panama of the village. 'I‘hu' and news has reached our tmm ofthe critical Illness of Mrs. Wm. Foo. MrfG. Mlfl‘nflll Wright and Miss Roan Cuurtnm' attended the Mant I‘imunt schoui concert. on. Friday wming and. muierud appreciative us- uistuncc. The building better known as Mid- dle Road church. was sold last, Week far 3400 .to Mr. Curew. The proceeds will he devoted to the pursnnngu fund of the Ucthul circuit. The pars- onage In in Omummé. If you want to save money on dry goods. women's and childrm's ready- to-weur garments. furs and millinery attend "Ford’s Selling Out Sale", Lind'fiaY. Temporary premises, a few doors east of the market. and Toronto and Mill-brook. Ihe pro- ceeds in aid of the Public Library amounted to $78.00. '3 The ladies of the village deserve j'great praise for their high-class conj ‘ cert given in the Bradburn Hall on ‘Wednosday evening, Nov. 28. De~ ispite the unpleasant roads and unâ€" lfaVorable weather aVery large and [appreciative audience assembled to~ witness theisecond preSentation of. ‘the Temple of Fame. The stage was [richly and artistically dressed. Every 'character, and there were upwards of forty, who came forward to vindicate her right to the crown in possession. of the Goddess, appeared in pleasing Iyet suitable costume, and rendered her appeal in a manner which brought forth animated applause from the llarge gathering in attendance." The istage with all its magnificent display [of costiy' apparels under: limelight'il- Humination,‘will long live in the me- 1mor'y of those present, for several very valuable robes which sparkled with numerous diamond Collections, were worn by the noted queens and renowned vocalists. It is impossible to speak particularly of any contes- tant for the crown. for each excelled in her own sphere and effort. There were many ' present. from Lindsay, Downeyville, Peterborough, Cameron Miss M. B. Maddbck. of Guelph, Farmer-5’ Institute Speaker, was ‘the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rob- son, Albert street, during her stay in Lindsay. Mr. D. McFadden has left for Petâ€" erbomugh to work in the Canadlan General Electric Works. Mrs. Harriet {Robson and little daughter Hattie, of Fenelon Fans. were in Lindsay last Saturday. Dr. D. W. Shier, late of toWn, is now located at 617 Markhamstreet, Toronto, where in. future he will practice his profession. ‘ Mr. George O’Neil, former proprio- tor 'of the Benson House, now of the Tecumseh House, London, was in town a. few days last .week. aelection now. short V notice. loungés,’ cha‘irs, etc, that wi;l make very sensible and acceptable presents. Call and see his stock and make yOUr There is nothing more appropriate for a Christmas present than a nice article of furniture. .‘L.r Bowman, our local furniture dealer, carries just what you want, and at prices to suit everyppdy. In addition to his regu- tar ‘s’tockhe has anioe uneos easy chairs, Janey rockers” writing desks, The. I'LLB. ban guano]: place ‘ast Thursday was a. dedded sum, about’zorty c'oéple mg present: Mr. Jmes Joseph PQw’ers. mold and respected resident of the town, died on Sunday morning. A more exâ€" tended. notice will be given 'next A (‘hrlnimas true and ontormln- mmu will be given instho school on Thursday owning. Doc. 20th.. Tho musical programme will be iurninhod by tho (linomoo Quurtotm- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19.â€"By Goo. Jackson. auctioneer. credit sale ,0! farm stock and implements. the property of Alfred Evorson. lot 3. con. 1. Bexley.‘ 25 miles south '0! Victoria Road. Sale at. 1.30 and without reserve. The stock in- cludes 4 horses. 40 bond ofcattdc. 21 pigs. 3. number p! sheep. an a fiull stock of implements. FEEâ€"In Lindsay. on Dec. 3rd, Ag- nes Jane Fee, aged 88 years. MILBURNâ€"In Lindsay, on Thurs- day, November 29th. 1906. Leon- ard Milbum', aged 45 years, 10 months. IRISHâ€"In Reach. con. 3, lot. 6. on Saturday, Nov. 17th. 1906, Jane Wells. relict of the late John Irish. aged 76 years. 9 months and 23 days. KRANTZ-In Port, Perry. on Wch nosday, Nov. 2lst, Ellen Saunders, relict of the late Jul-ins Kruntz, aged 80 years. O‘NEIIJr-Noar Orilliu. on Sutur- day. Docmnhor Int. 1906. Alexan- dq-r O'Nvm. third son. of Patrick O'Neill. aged 26 yours. DELLâ€"In Linduns‘. on December 1st. 1906. William Everett Bell. only child of Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Bell. MASSAWâ€"At .Ross Memorial Humm- tnl. Novombor 29. Hattie. dungh~ tvr of Mr. Thomas Mam-aw. aged 23. EDGARâ€"On Nov. 26th, in Bobcay- ‘ 39011, to Mr. and Mrs. W. '1‘. Ed- 1 gar, a. daughter. ; CARVE‘THâ€"On Nov. 25th, at Bob- caygeon, to Mr. and Mrs. Foscph CarVeth, a. daughter. NEALLâ€"On Nov. 29th,to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neall, Queen-st... Lind- say, a son. a BRUMWELLaâ€"On Novf 19th, a. daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brmmvetl, north ward. LITTLEâ€"On Nov.’11th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Little, north ward, a daughter. CARRâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr, south Wal‘d, a. son, on Nov. 23rd. l MI-‘RDOCKâ€"On Nov. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. .106. Murdock, St. Paul- st., cast ward, a. daughter. McKENDRYâ€"On Friday, November 30: to Mr. W?.ms.< Wm: ~:-~~?£c- 1‘ CORLEYâ€"In Ops. on ,Deccmber 4, to Mr.‘ and Mrs. Robert Corley. :2 daughter, STINSONâ€"In North Manvers, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stinson. a The “-‘Cmdian Pictorial" for Our postmaster has made quite an improvement to his store and post office. We are looking forward fora. daily mail. A NEW CLUBBING OFFER. The Watchman-Warder for one If you want to save money on dry goads, women’s and children’s ready-toâ€"wea: garments, furs, and millimery, attend Ford's Selling Out Sale, Lindsay. Temporary premises a few; doors east of the market. Miss Minnie and Ethel Lee and Mr. CSICI' “I“ Mark Lee, also Miss Georgina ands. w e 0' mm few others, spent, Thursday evening ' at the home of Mr. John Sluggett. LITTLE BRITAIN Christmas tree. Dec. ~21. Good Chartered byAct of Parliament. 1882 program, consisting of vocal and This 3 . l '1“ it. .128 b I foreign talent. admission 10 and 20 and I in C I ' U mud cents- . States nnd Grant Britnin. is in A If you want to save money on podflon to meet every requirement diva Sig-d5, women; énd f cgildren: hytho line or legitimsto Banking. [‘98. y- wear gar n , u , an millimery, attend Ford's seuing Out SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Sale, Lindsay. Temporary premises m“ of 31-00 M “9"“ ’9 a fpw doors east rvf the market- NM, upon which interest will b. Kendry, Lindsay, a. son.‘ (stil-l‘ Miss Ethel Lee, of Cartwright, is visiting.her cousin, Miss M. Lee. Many friends are much pleased to hear that. Mr, M. O’Neill is engaged for another six months.- A magnificently printed publication containing over a thousand pictures of the most lively interest to all and costing over one thou- sand dollars an issueâ€"see samples at this omce. 82.00 Our price to our subscrib- ers for both papers only $1.35 SALE REGISTER CAMERON Deaths Births. constructed oust .. $1.00 QOQQI J H. FLUREYg g and the public to call and examine our stock. and 3 0gurtieulariv our Christmu We have eng- 8thing you require for e y seamn. and all high 3 8;" goods. and while we on’t pretend to give you Q goods for nothing. we do 3 say that we can save you 8 money in the quality of the goods we ve you. Give usa can, you “in find it Will be to your in- g We invite our customers i Our Invitation Everything must. be sold. 'l'heutock In. eludes 15 mixed horses. 1 team hcuv young homes. 1 young horse b Blnc Iuw . 2 aged home». 1 mum. 1 co t. 1 (ml. fight-ad ypun catnip} Srlfiatton'e O'clock a up. but! edger» or u n 0 articles. GEO. J ACKSOS. goggteeaoeaeoeoeoeeeet __ox_ Saturday, Dec. 8th. Horses, Cattle, Harness. Blankets, Robes, Cutters, Btc.. st Fannin‘h Repository. Willam- 8%.. Llndcy. Tickets and m Intonation n Lindsay once: : '1‘. C. nacho“. co Kent St... .1. Anderson. C.P.B. Bunch. or write 0.3. Foster. 1124.. 033.. Toronto. Good ‘oin‘ Running DEC. 8 to 14 until and on inolnlivo ‘ DEC. 17. Children half (an. GUELPH mmyuotcourtoous tract» pent and mmpt sttention to your busine- réquireinenu. Spools! lttontion In the line of cashing or collecting Ida natal. mung names: for tho purchase of Stocks“, etc. In soliciting may: patronage we You. at w cur-mat rate from site 0! dopodt to day 0! withdrnv- rm’l- m Rood!” 3 (mull ’sCigar Store §__ f LIXDQLY Wâ€" M Western Bank at Canine, B 1'71“”? n BDYMIW Yohgc Gerrard Sta . Toronto 38-26 for copy of our Catalogue. This simple act, costing a cent and a moment of time. might change the whole current of your life. and bring you many thousands of do!- hm within the next ten years. Try it. Address (MIRA! BUSINESS (fillffif Why Not Write ? is WINTER FAIR (DEC. IO to 14, 1996) Return tickets ‘1'. $555 W. H. SHAW. Principal. Extensive Saie U. s. YEgL'x. led {our time- u Aucuohaer. :‘2 ECANDIES an Inn. mum W .0- '2'.- ‘VHI‘ I bu I. cum.) mu Dun-l” at «Warm-gum“ m5 ul 1|.- uulu um. We.” nmuwflflsm. Mounta- 300 "9 goal In... W. In out you work be M may ““0th MEN MN; 2...}: I'm.“- ere issued by Kr. Thee. Been. either at hie once in IR. 0. W. BEALL'S Jewellery Store ~or at his residence on Albert-ct... Lindsey. um: “MIMI. 00.. London. Oahu-Io. Out“ is headquarters for homo- made Candies of all kinds, 3 made from pure sugar. They are delicious and wholesome, and very cheap. Tryapound. i‘Also imported Chocolates [and Bon-Bons,‘ from best 10 dozen in efieCtive new designs in Swiss open work, and embroid- ered patterns, lull sizes. a saving of 16¢ each. 750 Pi'lo' Shunt. Dmur Scuf- uld Stand Cour: ;t 500 Prettily embroidered on white lawn, choice of a dozen new pat- 85¢. Coll-.1- md Cull Sets. 190 good bargain and a nice Christmas Gift. makers. 25 dozen at 2 for 25c,‘ made of fine lawn. dulntily enhroidered edges, hundreds to choose from. re- duced to sell quickly. Choice of several new styled, made in heavy and fine lacey effects, cream or white, assorted sizes. A A Chum to in, curt-um. Huld- ku-ohhfn st Whole-Ll. Price 5 dozen Elsie Janis Belts, made of imitation leather with double clasps to be‘worn at back, black only. 1 Nut Bolt 3t 19 Cuts 25 dozen New Silk Braid Collars. in pretty styles, with or without tab, white. black or assorted colors. Regular prices were 250, 35c and i UY NOW and save money. ‘ You ear-1 do it if you come « to this sale for your Christmas buying-BECAUSE WE ARE SELLING, OUT, and prices .. have been cut to induce-“you to come here. 5 After these are gone. no more; it’s Justw‘changlng money. Read the following list carefully, and'yOu will find many suitable gifts with a good saving in the price; ' Christmas Cakes A Sale of 85 Coats in the Mantle Department A. B. Terry’s 3135 and 81.60 Lao. Shouldn- Macy New Calla- Goin‘ 3t Maniac Lie-nun Christmas Bargains Aâ€"--- At FORD’S Selling“ Out Homo-Mule rm I We tre turnilig out the best Larn'gans made in ' 'e employ first-class workmen, and ““950“,“. _‘ arable. As aconsequenL-c ‘ ”flingmd wehaxc . I“ “Gauge 0‘1? pnmises. Orders, ‘oolieited. l on, Lindsay «4': w v All we ask of our customers is the chance to show you some of these, and we feel sure you will be able to judge for yourself as We are buying and selling some of the best Furs ever brought into Lindsay We don’t claim to be the only store that sells good Furs in Lindsay. for no store anywhere has a monopoly on the best F urs, nor on the best Fur trade. 72 inch Bleached-Tabb Linen. in double dmask quality. handsome new pattern. regular price 81,25. selling out price 89c. 100 yards mu Bleached T9319. selling out price 59c. waist. fINE QUALITY FURS Bend-omeussandCIJO aux-u 79 Cent. 6 pieces fine quality Soft Tafieta. 20 inches wide. in black ans white, grey and white. brown and white stripes, very suitable for a. styiish; Tire 3311“ Prionon'l‘a musuudm Going at Reduced Prices m: 5-“ Ill wanna... Itmt Bridge m. ., Some Elegant Neck Pieces in National link. All Reduced § Others equally good at the fin plain ar trimmed, at $6.3 4 and $1.25. A'long Stole efl’ect at $65. qwgular $75. A short Natural Mink $101.. at. 345, regular $50- value. Handsome Mink Ties at $9.3 and $21 on Sale Price. 1 I150 Par-ha Lunb Jacket for .185 Blouse front style, trimmed with black silk girdle, and large buttons, natural mink on collar and from, black satin lined, 22 inches tong and one of the nicest curb to be had. A real beauty at the price. A saving of $15 to the one who gets this. to their good quality compared with others hercabout. l .900 m Lunb Jacket for .179 No better coat could be made for its regular price. $200.00. 11, is made of number one select skin. with fine, blight, glossy and even curl throughout, trimmed on collar, rovers and'cum; with the choicatoi natural mink, beautifully fined with heavy rfich quality; black Satm. A A Natural Mink Scarf at $4! Mink Mufls to match at $3.3 coit and a. chance to Save ; nix door! Popular Priccs Our Mdliner}: Witch. m, Department is the place to Get Good Style at price, $100. 902 .000 0069000 3:00.. 00:2 6000., Fall wl Spnng Goose ‘ Oats. h Buley Cream Buck wh: Chicken: Stnw. Blacke; Dresset Butche Calves Butter Turkey n75 whi It is said 5, Pt (‘UI chi:

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