rcport of op- o‘October 30 i’l‘otal lbs. of £5,395 ; total F7 Ibs. ; 63v- ‘ xoz- cheese, quit-e of milk 055 value of LI -, expense 91 ; value to "whet of It's. an in m! 5i :6. nerVom. I RLHODD Vegetable ‘1‘ the Rea- held on Mon- ter Commiy paid, the other mem- hat Lydia e. ompound has Lde Her Well. Factory mtiful :1: thEEtiying withou‘ Pd“ The ofï¬cers posing the p respectively. That the Clerk 01 the Council of shall attend to hold ofï¬ce until Othen‘ are elected or aPPOInted into ofï¬ce and the new organized. at his sard omco at. new“ v ._-_ in the forenoon on Tuesday the 1907. eighth (by 01 Jan W mnmdwmmmd of the Town of L elected, shall be 1 term of two years, . ‘ w _ the day of the ï¬nal passing there That the votes of the - the Town of Lindsay shall be taken on this by-Iaw at the samehour. LP. the same day, at the same PIE-‘398 - , A_ unturning This by-law shall the day of the ï¬nal 4\ By-Law to extend the Term of Ofï¬ce of all Members of the Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of lind- Thesllunicipal Council ivoration of the Town mac-ts as follows: The term of oï¬ce of of the Council offlth? By-Law N0. Corporation of the Town of Lindsay THE WATCPMAN-WARDER, DECEHBEB 18th, 1906. to two years. xtenéed *0 the the said persons effect successors or sworn Council 18 of the Cor- Of IJindSa-Y: borporation heredyzr .w‘ x maxâ€: ",1 1/ A By-law to Raise by way of Loan $20,000. 00 to im- nmve the Water works aforesaid Take notice that the .above is a true copy of a proposed byâ€"law which has been taken into consider- ation and which will ï¬nally be passed by the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay a-fter one month from the ï¬rst publication thereof in the Watchman-Warden the date of the ï¬rst publication being the sixth day of December, 1906. and that the votes of the said electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon at the same hour, on the same day, at the same places. and by the same Deputy Returning Ofliâ€" cers as for the municipal elections for the year 1907, as provided in the said lay-law. F. KNOWLSON, 49.4- Town Clerk. By-Law - No. WHEREAS the. corporation of the Town of Lindsay has heretofore purchased and constructed under the Municipal Act and the Municipal Wamorks Act, a. system of water- works for the said Corporation and £_.. 1.1... “ii-0A System. NOTICE. 1907 $637 .53 1908 666.21 1909 696.20 1910 727.52 1911 760.25 1912 794. 47 1913 990. 22 1914* 867 58 1915 906- 59 1916 947 .42 1917 990. 06 1918 1084. 61 1919 1081.17 A- -‘nA AA 1. That for the purposes afore- said, - it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said Corporation, and he is hereby authorized and required to cause debentures of the said Town of Lindsay to be made, axe- cuted and issued to the amount of $20,000, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, payable in annual instalments on the 15th day of December (in each year, for twen- ty years, {or the follo’wing amounts for principal and interest for the following years, respectively, that is at four .and one-half per cent per annum in instalments in accordance with the terms of this by-law, so that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be equal. as nearly as may be, to what is payable for in- terest and principal during each 0! the other years ‘for such period. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Lindsay, according to the last revised assessment roll, is the sum: of $2,864,225400. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existmg debenture debt of the Tom: of Lindsay, secured by special acts, rates or assessments, is $409,- 711.43 ($198,82146‘1 of which is debt for local improvements, water- works system amd loans made by the said Corporation) :and no part of the said principal or interest 01 the said existing debt is in' arrears. NOW THEREFORE TEE MUNICI- PAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR- ATION OF THE TOWN OF LIND- SAY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : _ ,. Prinsipal. Interest 810.01 777.28 743.06 707.31 669.95 630.91 590.11 547.47 871.32 $1537.53 1537.53 1537-.58 1537.58 1587.53 1537.58 1537.58 1537053 1537.53 Total. and RED LETTER RYES WISER’S CANADIAN EXPORT 2. that the add_ debentures dull Are names, addresses and description. lull :psrticulars of their chins and accounts, and the nature of the se- curities (if any) held by them. And further-Jake notice. that after the said 14th day of December, A.D., 1906, the said Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of whid: she has been notiï¬ed. and will not be liable (or the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time 0! such distribution. Dated at Lindsay this 21st day 0! No‘vernber, A.D.. 1906. McDIARMID 5; WEEKS, of the Town 01 Lindsay. in the ~County oi Victor-in. Solicitors ior Ann lio- Sweyn, Executrix of the sold es- “shed in the Ontario Gazette on November 17th, November 24th, De- cember lst and December 8th. 1906. 8. That in default of payment of the taxes the lands will be sold at the Court House, Undsas, on Wed- nesday, February 20th, 1907. at 11 COUNTY of VICTORIA County Treasurer’s S of Land for Taxes odd John McSweyn. who died on or about. the 12th day of October, A.D., 1906, are requested on erm- (ore the 14th day 0! December, A. D., 1906, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned. sol- icitors for the Executrix of the es- eate of the said deceased, their “taâ€"474. Notice is hereby gwen pursuant to, Chap.129, Soc..38 tint all creditors and persons hav- ing claims against the estaite of the â€"Mr. C. Bowu‘d Gordon. {armor proprietor o! the Port. Perry Bur. m banquetted and presented with suck pin on lam the village. [N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF JOHN McSWEYN, late 0! the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victorin, Barris- the Excelsior I-‘ln Extinguisher u Quickly and women: a o Inn. The tollow'in; ll copied Mun tho Torolft'o World: “Bowmvilloâ€" What might. have been a. honou- an canned in theaOntu'lo Bank bulld- ing last Butt. when a little child from a. lighted notch. not are to the cumin: of a. window. J. A. Ko- Clollud. the w. live- over the but. had In. lcChllmd. smelling smoke. naked into the room and with I. dry powder hand mmaher put out. the mm RUBEN GALLINGER. 4941. Amt Township 0! Eu... FIRES occur without. any warning and you don't know them-g or hour when you will require them. EVERY Print. Dwelling Fm. Building. Factory. Stow. “v should be protected with the Excel- sior Fire WW m m not always present: A WOIAN or Child an open“ The Excelsior Fire Extinguisher †Notice to Creditors Winter Clothing Suits from $12.00 up. The R. M. Baal Leather 00., 0! Lindsay, will pay HIGHEST CASH PRICE for RIDES, SHEEP- sms, LAIBSKINS, TALLOW and BARK» Oflice and warehouse at. We]- uhgcoo meet .bridgeaâ€"45-26. Best Prices KEYS 8t MOMSOII’S We do NOT buy Stoves Nowhthetimetoorderit. Ican fltauflgummdshamwdgm antee satisfaction in every case. to save oomethtnc mutant“: by selling the-whole stock, except boots uduhoee,ivhich¢oviththe pm petty. AT INVOICE PRICE FOR CASH. There is about oeven thou- and donut worth of the cleanest. moat up-to-dete country store Itocke In the Province. The people of Huipooe, with whom I heve done business for near- ly thirty years. will know how to take my statement I make. No “unlu- prioo. but selling tor hi! price. I simply wish to realize whet I paid (or the goods. COKE AND HELP YOURSELVES BY HELPING HE CLEAR THE STORE. Important Announcement ! J. J. RICH, 135E.“ S Y. .. W. H. POGUE in Lindsay at in Carload lots, but we have the largest assort- ment at the LITTLE BRITAIN Youm truly. W. H. POGUE OUI‘ Wheeler Rain :10 m Mia: "20H ROWING ml SIDING SKY LIGHTS HOT AIR FURNACES rumor- Food Boilers Henley Bros., Kat-It... Hoar th. Ila-hot Corrugstod Galvanized Ton Dopu-tmontl um- kept well assorted. OLKWOOD PM? 8m Fancy Crockery in abundance Toy Books Games of all kinds We give special at- tention to this line of our business and we respectfme solicit a. share of your patronage. Christmas Toys I‘AGE SEV- 7m: min: