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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Dec 1906, p. 8

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fiauxn~ v 7,, ,, his own interests or those of his Eamily hut ('hristmas comes and by its 1313' exchange of compliments, ut- {cred sometimes thoughtlessly at first swms to instil the spirit of thought- fume-:5 andconsideration for others. “No man Ineth unto hxmseh and no man dieth unto himself", is a truism though it were never recorded in Sa- cred “mt. Wouldit notbe well if mun-01' the spirit of Christmas were carried into our conduct the Whole vea1 '.’ It is hard to do it no doubt, but 21 it is unpussihle of realization it is -1 wood thing that “e can rid nurse-hes 01‘ some 01-: the selfishness whichis inherent in the best of us ‘1»1‘11 few days (11' weeks. and wish nh.»1\-hnnninessfor the coming year. Next Tuesday. will recur the most galdsome of all the festivals of the yw, Christmas. It matters not Whether December 25 is the exact date of the birth of the babe, I Bethlehem accepted by His ‘ioUOWe as the Reâ€" deemer of mankind or not. What we are most concerned with is the influ- che of His'teachings and character upon the peoples of the world. That they haw made those who have ac- i-rl them better cannot be denied cap: ever. by those who are somewhat skegmral as to the Divinity of Jesus Elm-15:. Take Him out of the civili- rah-Ir. of the world and what 1. “fhc:‘~~ may he much-to admire, much topoixit tnelevation in other sys- tems. but the civilization of both the and the present outside of Chris- past respects a barren, clarity is in many empty waste compared with the eiy- sian fields which Christianity opens both for the present and the future. It is not the province of the secular newspaper to enter into theological questiOnS. Canada, however, is a. Christian country, and the teachings of Christianity are generally accept- ed. Those who enter into the spirit of I‘hristmas without a comprehen- sion 01' tht‘dCf‘per meaning of; it are hen~~llft~d and blessed thereby. Dur- ing the year men are contending against each other for advancement in the business or professional world. Hard knocks are given and taken. Each s-ems to be devoted solely to vth~~!‘s happiness for the commg yuan. The custom of wishing a merry Uhx'stnxa.s isa good one. [1‘ ponder- ec‘lupon it should inculCate noble ideas, ram» 115 to a. better condition marnteed Circulation 4 13;, Published ovary {OX «NH urlian 'Imt H hi .\‘ J I M Watchman-Warder SM In hmrt, and assist us to ex- nnt simply for ourselves ‘but for . :1li we can do to others. In ac- 'lidnh‘ with the time-honored cus- n. The Watchman-Warder sincerely 3) v< all its readers “A Merry is at the public )zu night that it was uzcipulity to supply 13 powdhlv. The '1 a pm-n \vute'r fm d nut Ihe filtration By-Law P" 3 3 ‘_333 5:333 3333 3333-. 33333? '33 333 . 331333.33 33333333 2333 3- 33 3333’ 33 3 33333 333333 333333. L333a 33 33 3333 3333333 $333.33: mas hm A Merry} Christmas lpnllly to supply as pure :1 wat- powilplv. The only alternative pllrfl wutvr for [.ndsay to i the" Scugng is nrte<ian \u‘lls. hum u‘oll uskml “hat ussur~ lilh‘ \w that such n \uurw will mt. 'l‘hn oxperivmm of other is nntirul-y against lt. 1* “as "l out at the puhlix- tum-ting on Friday night that thi; source waved a failure gennrally in On- and in some other plans. Since ilr‘liv‘l“ Was commonmd if has suggested. and thv suggestion wflight. that an nr'whm well H 1‘} «a? )I mild in\‘ hut of the Scugng guts rvmamkcd in 'n water of the Scugog L'ivm‘ imhility scum! HI I“ 1nd, palatahh L, or the turni unfiltered e't‘nd 'Sifln sumvh- it mu: will I! (m Confront ing the 1rd to the bylaw flu,- nmnivipal 010C- to vrwst a slow filâ€" -r)1mu-«rtion with the 1 s'VS! n-m. 3111 L0- m l an m hut Watchman-Ward” HI nan-ting [at s tm- dut All Iu‘lu ht) suggestion m" wiam “'8“ “hr? two 93‘5- nrninunf the ll Wing Hi in \‘ >10 w lets! 1-‘I'iâ€" Ill any WM (3X9 LL {her mxmre ulnr siibb U'lhnl I ham c '1'}! is of hut Hu H2 f‘fit‘: (M ' 2111111111111 1‘1: 111 - 1W? 1:1111321111-111111:11 11= 1372:1121: 1111;1‘1 \MHME mi- .« «v- H V OIT K0? The members were all present on Saturday, December 15. The min- utes of the last meetings were read. Messrs. Swain and Michael moved that the following corrections be made in the minutes of the Council meeting of November 12th, whereby the minutes should show that the Hancock drain- is indebted to the township to the amount of $1,343.98 instead of $1,977.01 as reported in the Treasurer's statement,a.nd that Peter Kinner‘s account should‘be $3.45 instead of $56.15 as reported for a, bonus on 23 rods of wire fence at 15 cents and that the minutes be adopted as revisedâ€"Carried. Mr. R. J. McLaughlin, solicitor for Mr. Davidson, presented a largely signs-dz petition and also addressedfithe Council relative to closing ma road across part of lot 9, con. 5. Mr. Kenneth [Tre wished to address the Council relative to the Grant drain. hut (in: being assured that he would hax-ez'azchance to express his views at the Cofirt of Revision he kindly consented to withdraw. on stated. the water of the riverhas to be added to the arteeian supply, and then curses not loud but deep, are heard frdm the users of the city water. Those who are opposing the filtratioa system are, it has been suggested, simply setting up their -_--_.¢._ Messrs. Thos. Short and Robert Hodgson. of Manilla. addressed the Council relative to putting wire fenc- es on the boundary line across part of the 81h and 9th concessions of Ma- riposa. 112'. Short showed that it would'be well spent money as that part of the boundary line is ex- ceptionally had for drifting snow in the winter. Mr. Hodgson pointed out that it was really necessary to build culverts of cement across the road ditches at the schnnl house the cost of which was $22. Mr. Russell Rodman presented his report for looking after the culvert pipe and thegravvl pit at lots 10 and 11, con. 4. Mr. Kenneth Urc the Council relati drain. hilt {mt being would have: "al Chane Mr.Hngh McMillan. Tnspector of tho Campbell draimsr-n! in his: re- port. showing that thu work was an dour-and thewtlrain ('ump‘r‘tt-d. The Reeve presantyd the Import Hf thu (‘nmmisfiinners as in the expend - bxrl- of munr-ymn‘d smvnh‘ lmlmr on HV.‘ tnwn linn 05 Brcwk fmr1906. ‘1» Wm. ('mu! nntiI‘n-v! Hyn f‘mmt'ii Hm. Hwy wnnm Uh hull! rwpzmflnml fur vlrmm'm'fi fr‘f‘ ”wringing rsfd H”; :«-9‘ my Hyrigirhi huh! Hrfiimmn ML: w W; 9... mm; 9; if IMHmL-“x‘ mm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of Mariposa .wuucfi 3...: :...wt:..£ 3: 3: wags”: 32.2.2: ;; 3. £271: 3.25:. 2:1: .557 3.1.1:; :EI 5.32:; The Bean: Immanuml his rnpan mâ€" lative to the sculuuumt nf thy “12(11- aumtt horse CiLSu. Mr. John Slum-y pruscntwi his 1“:- pm‘t fur the unmunt of time spent and work perl'm‘nn-(l siuCu July in the service of the township. The (‘llix'k pn-smnlml a slmrt rupm't nl' thy work of the “mm! of Health during the last. 31-111: and also read the Sanitary Inspectur's and Health Otficer's reports. .\ cnmmunimtion from thv County} Clerk explained the fact that some! $1.300 of the county rate is thn pro-1 portion of the rate for thn balance of ’ the cost of thu Huusv of ango Ybu-ikl- i ings and Ian-(Is. a‘sn uquipmmt and‘ stock for tho 1101139 and farm. i \ Mr. Jumps 'l‘nHm- addressed Gonna cil. asking to 130 Iilmratml from his: contract in referu-ncv totnking out the rock on the “-ostern boundary 0! Int 11. con. 9. m1 the Lownsbrough drain. Mr. Taylor HIS“ “on Is hiémbcr health. “it J‘ 3 “MS“. convcfn‘rfl Windchi- ed his Mia in roiiit‘m‘th‘d mkcubt Sbi‘db 95.!“ h) N? ‘rr‘thM Aria Sn‘mr- §V§3hh to He mw agamét mums. m. new w-espw'éfi Has magnum :fiwm m use m; as {a {530.15} 1‘11“" §F"§F1H'1“ 1111111111- 111111111 1111 1111111111 1111 11111111111133“ 1 ‘ 111111111111. 11111 11111111 12111111111111 1‘1‘11111111 111111111 I111 “1111‘ 11111111113 6111‘1111 “511111111211 W111 111 11 3‘1‘ 1m Wm M u Mann-1+ HM alsm tendon-d his resig- hber d! the Bum-(1 ol‘ MM Mafia‘ 8%?“ {3%. Mg 8%‘3; {at ~\‘m.‘\~§ NEW“ 32;»; mm mm mfé'éfl "at; “QM 35a. ,igmma agi Lila all present on x! it h Let properly and ooatinue in open. on his mill, then the Council would be will- :__ u no... hm An amt for Accounts aggregating eluding payments on d and collector's salary c ordered to ‘he paid. ing to enter intoan agreement tor therepair ofthe toadand btidige so fares the Council should be concern- ed.â€"Ca.rr.ied. . Motion of Meser. Michael and Swain that on accouot of the [heavy expenses for shovelling snow on the boundary line of Brock, north and south of the village of Manilla, ..th.at this Council grant the price of the wire fence;from Rotert Edward’s gate north to the village of Manilla, and from R. Barry’s gate north to the tenth lineâ€"Carried. Motion of Messrs. Swain and Mich- ael that the report of Russell ’ Rod- man showing that some 266 loads of gravel had been taken from the pit, lot 11, con. 4, and all paid for ex- cept some 29 loads, and that his aC- count of $6.00 for looking after tile and $4.00 for looking: after gravel be paidâ€"Carried. Accounts aggregating“, some 8132 for bonus on wire fences were ordered to be paid. Commissioners’ accounts aggregat- inp: some $122 wete' confirmed in payâ€" On motion of I Swain the Reeve acott horse case opted and an O!“ Treasurerfol‘ 32 the same- for future reference. On motion of Messrs. Michael and McInnis, the Reeve and Clerk “ere authorized to sign the petition to Parliament relative to building “ire fence On all the roads in the munici- pality. "'7L--1 Ann-I LIEU your». Mr. Stacey’s report was received and adopted and his account of $27.- 50 as commissioner and his account of $53 for services making culvert pipe and building bridge and culverts were ordered to be paid. Mr. McMillan’s report re the Camp- bell drain and the Clerk's repor t re the Board of Health. were receivvd. and adopted. ment . On Tuesday evening Mr. I'vwr m. sun. baritone. gaw his first. rot-i131 in the Baptist church. Hts was assist ed by Mia Thomas Unlluwny, \‘lulin- 18¢; 0f.'l‘ol'()ntu. MiSs‘es Dom, Homaigk and Flot'vm‘c Jackjs'mx‘ um! Mi: 1 Nuwtum pianixfs; Hi this htwh. Hit-n: «was only :1 fair aHu‘ndum-ni, Imt {Thum- wim hummus-mi emu-Mm! Hymn Szihfifl as h‘g‘hH {Héfis‘nri \Hm Hm x-n tththHmflit. aumm My szifith mma. Walnut!mmgma; and HW- in: mm mm! Mg :HMEHHW Mung-h Uh: pm gummm u? g‘u “mm: :nnew i; an wmnmie w‘ m; mm;- w: :4 WWW: “MW! hum mgmh' mummw mu: amply, hm hire wiwawwui H; m: wmras huwwmimi, am! his final aulmztiuu, 3‘4 Nun's 9 Mgmiur g’ tht" was mu: m the mug. “CM-1M: ahlc u! the evening. 'Q'wn Huh: Irish Songs, (klcl‘mun thn "'l‘u N) First Luna." and “Yuqu Butter Ask Me" 1\'crc.huwe\’cr, probably the fan'- m‘itub. and to those he had luansw cru'ith an encom in “Bonnie Armin Laurie." There was a variation in lhu’suluctions which shnwed resource fulncw and versatility on tlu- part of Mr. Wilson. as a sinner.’ MUSICAL RECITAI. BY MR. PETER WILSON .-\\' INTE It ESTIXG PROGR \‘M I’IH‘. SEN TED 1.\ THE BAPTIST CHURCH ON TUESDAY EVEN- ING. The violinist. Mr. Galloway. mum} than fulfilled expectations. From tlw‘ first note to finish he was listened to with the Muse.“ attu-ntlon. and the audience were as unstlmedln thuln applause as 1w. was in responding with mun-e numbers. His brlli liant playing and fine teclmiqm- \u-ru amply displayed in his first number. “Romance ot Bolero" (Dancla), and under his mastertourh all the dimâ€" cultivs of chord playing and peculiar howi’hg Sv‘emed to vanish. In. thls number his tonein some blmres m s‘eml‘lml that of the ’vmlbhc‘allb. Hts lrlsh and Shuttléh hUlflhel‘s wm- uh- thnsins’clcalls' l‘ecel'v'ell. dl‘l‘d'lh hhe dl lhv elltnl'es hv filifi'ml “llb‘l‘lfllb Man or Argyle." l’nlluil‘vbtl by mum. Ellizllu'rl ()ffilllr- lydgt-lllhs‘. “Ml-b“ Bill-llâ€" ;ll l'asl film anallm- H‘call. ‘ 1 Mischa llm-a lm-lllgk mm Hamel: Jul-mu m mm llldlazlllllbl mum- i‘e‘rl mammals aml gum. flag; 1m expendi 5‘le i‘khi'tiS‘s‘FH U “m; Mama mm Hu: was introduced by use was received and ad- order drawn on tne $20 for settlement of cvenlng Mr. [’0th “i! gave his first. rm‘iml in mruh. Hts was “ssist nine ':!\‘IIT‘\'I‘". "l(,‘i!1‘ Messrs. Michael and e’s report re the Wool- B. WELDOX, Clerk 1g‘some $600 in drain contracts :7 O‘f $1009 were hilt“. ”HEB? . W: Li 3“ WHOLE BUSINESS IN LINDSAY IS xow m CHARGE or am. This was the final elosmg om. of the Ontario Bank in Lind- say, where it had ' conducted a branch for about forty-five years. The Watshmanâ€"Wardcr has been informed that business was commenced in the building now oc- AGER OF ONTARIO BANK. On Thursday!h.st, as briefly no ticed in the «Watchman-Ward” of last week, the Kent street branch of the Bank of Montreal, formerly the [Andsay bmnch 'of the Ontario Bank was closed and the whole business removed to the premises of the Bank of Montreal on William street, un- cupied by Mr. John McDonald, on the corner of Russell and Mill streets, under the .management of Mr. John D. Smith, now town treasurer of Port Hope, Later the Lindsay branch moved to the build- ing now being fitted up for tho Standard Bank, and at one time in its history the Ontario did the greater portion of the banking busi- ness of the town. but through a combination of circumstances this was nearly all lost, and the. closing of the branch had been up before the Board of Directors more. than once. In'1898, contrary to all banking traditions, the position of manager at Lindsay was ofl'ered to and ac- cepted 'by Mr. H, J. Lytle. of Fen- elo: Falls, in the hope that his 10â€" cal influenoe Would help to regain the lost ground. In 1899 a lease of‘the building just vacated was 8e.- cured, and it was fitted up and op- ened in the following spring. The business dncreased every year, chiefly from the larger business of the community. untill at the taking over of the Ontario Bank by the Bank 0! Montreal, the former had secured the confidence of many of the busi- ness men of the town, and especially of the farmers of the county to such an extent that it held the position of being amongst theibest of the Ontario Bank branches. When the business was taken over in October last by the Banki of Montreal, the manager and the entire stall of the Ontario were retained. When it was decided to combine the two branches of the Bank of Montreal it was de cided to place them under the man- agement of Mr. Lyn-o. former man- ager of the Ontario. who for the past week has born the recipient of many cougratulations from the cus- tomers of both branches. These and the community gem-rally in which L‘lC L\l|l.llAu-..~" D"" v Mr. Lytle has 'livu so long. con- clude that the directors of the Bank of Montreal have made no mistake in selecting Mrâ€" Lytle for the duties and increased responsibility of look- ing after their husim-zzzs~ here. Some changes incident to the amal- gamation in addition to the promo- tion 01' 111'. A. Montizamhert. the former manager of the. Bank of Mon- treal, to the management of the Combined busi'm-SS at Peterâ€" hnrnuqh. have taken plate. Mr. S. J. Plunkett, accountant hero al.1- u. v- -.â€"..--»-V. ,7 , For {nearly eight years. (has been transferred to Godcrich. Mr. Field. accountant at Godorich, who was a clerk here about seven years ugn. tukns his place. Mr. I. N. Tompkins, of the late Ontario Bank stall. goes to Sarnia. and Mr. Monâ€" tizamhert, a. nephew of ext-manager Montizambart. comes to Lindsay. As will be notified in nur advertis- ing Culunms the flank of Mnnlronl is (lesil'nus of rota-inlng the large (at- mors' business which thn Untarlo Bank hrum'h had. It may he added that in order to aurmnmmlzitv lhe invrmm'ci business ill» Bunk ul' “unll‘nnl is arranging to o-nlm'm- its nmvus on William vim-Pl. “yum m-m mwm mm Au thHiR c mg Hm “mum. in 1 tiumam: M Hm HR} For Uh: coming municipal elections it is somewhat ditficult at this date, almnst twp weeks hefnrethc nominations. tn size up the situaâ€" tion ei'ther in thn or in the neigh- boring municipalities. 1n Ops, how- ever. there is sure to be a hot fight for the Recveship betWeen Mr. J. H. Ilnpkins. the present occupant of the chair. and tho! former Reeve. Mr. John Jacksnn There has been talk of a contest, for the Mayoralty in Lindsay. but the general con- sensus of opinion is that Mayor Vrooman will. In accordance with the custom of years. he unopposed Inr a second term. ‘Ald. Jamao no? and Mr. James Graham, Conn y Uouncil-lbr am both in the flnld for Rneve. am; it, is said Mr. John W"- son. Mr. George‘ A. Jnrgan will be EH”: “5“ mm m 9 5115.3. w mm has Humans. MW; mm»; m hm mime in MR- H W: IiBMJaifi :IewaHayg {Saw J32 M: -n.. Y"T\’T7I1 n .. Ma wamsncé Ez‘ddflxafitȎst~g Mummy: ”u UW , a. candidate for hepaty Reese. Mr. Johnston Ellis has been mentioned :13 “kph to 11m Bnr this position. but he informm the Watchman-War- tier rm Wednbsda that, Mine thank- rm h+ thr cbnn (mm show u mm kg {ha barge min in: hart-We {and find”! a d for mm v Chum! bf fins m m We MIH m kquty h. i: F‘y t“: HAS Mad ugn ‘n H mm In pawn,“ in MM 5w up “MW“ m HHH Ebb!“ um» mm" m MHPWH gm“ “a?“ i 1 33% mm m m mm HQ?" .31“ Murmurs as to Candidates foo~~ Municipal Honors LIN USA Y mmnm. tin-91511295: (*nmzhtxtt. hi!" {M'm mam JnhH-JN' 2m; Au Mummy: mum-Hm .w. M; mmvn; m Mug-m n Mummy“ ~ :H Um nmmm: dummy \HH )us unmlm m a wmnzunn m gin; Wm: m: «m M Ma: Marriage Lieenses OPS WOMAN fOUND M U.“ KEV-NAN SVMi’i‘W' ’l'ii WALK HHME Hm” Ill-“WAY liEiJAMk? EKHM‘S'IEH, LM' “OWN AND I’E‘IUSHEII‘ Last Thursday morning. December 13. Mary hlccnun. a Woman uhoui 65 yours of age. who lived alone on a soul! form on lot 24. con. 10. (ms, was found desd in the field on the farm of the next hatchbor, Mr. Wesley :GiISon. Sho hsd been to Lindsay on the preceding Saturday. made aomu purchases and started to “all: home, some tour or five miles. She had evidently started to take a short cut through Mr. Gum's lsrm. but after getting over a [once was so exhausted that she lay down. and here she was found after five days. hr. Blanchard. coroner Lindsay, Was notified. but did not consider an in- quest newsssry. A brother from En- nismore arered on Friday and the remains Were taken to the Romsn Catholic cemetery. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR RATIO $‘Wfi Yfiwflw .lel m “I RMWW ‘ M K DEAD IN A HELD VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 'vvvvvv vvvvvvvv : § HIGH PRICES for L065: In buying hair brushes (or gift pur- poses. you want wide assartmcm to choose from. That's the mason yOu should go to Higinhotham's Drug Stormâ€"5041. TWA! 'E‘W Ham: an“ 5qu "LR: 539: l “g,“ N ::%z WW MD um “W“. (DH:g ‘29:“: IH! yaw? a ugmrgpgq My“ ‘9} PR: '2th a £339”? Will You Give Hair Brushes? ME WAN! Ana-9 new m H“; HM“ h.“ a” ., V . 344045 5‘ "37535? MI I. KLIIOI. Madge»: New harrigan Factory M m. mm“ um um heat {gamma mm m mm We 9mm; nut-alas: wuvkmrsu. mm M {Ma but was; pmmhha; A: a Buhamwwn um hams: m mama“ wanmm xw Mn hm wash»! {a mum m 9mm; _\ Mum-a. My an um“; um mm mm mum» ~\ New? M“ {fig :1," nu! mu; m § In In “mum mm mm XSSS’M'E 12} humus, at) ,head or cutlL, steam Ci new Cutwrs. almgm, net's, robes. rugs. and u nmaxgn 0f moundâ€"hand cuttera. human mum, at CITURDAY. DECEMBER 22nd Putnam's REPOSITORY. William-5L. I.I'nd.~‘u_\_ an Sale at 1.80 p.111. sharp. Gm. JACKSON, Aucli WEBER. 20th. 1903, Important“ Lumen 8 a la Ui‘ .000. anA 069000000004 9 OW”... Mss‘sssss POLaIUPS , Chicken, pm- Smw, per to Bay ...... Woo} unwashc Wool, wash-V41, Hides Spring Wheat, 2: GooSc Wheat, 1m Oats, bus ......... Barley ............... Rye. bus. ,,,,, Peas, small, bus Blackeye Peas, .. Live Hugs, fur Dressed Hogs, ; Butchers” (‘u‘t‘n- Calves ......... . Butter, 1h. Turkev “ssss‘s‘ss Cream Buckwl‘ ”‘ssss‘ss‘* THE WATCH. DRUGGIST. Nearly Oppos A. fliéi prvtly .xurv m Ii wiiljuxt sun. '1 suit also. “'0 nunw .jlls articles whirl: uu pzumms. l 'l'oiict Sat: (‘lolhvs H Miiilzu')‘ l Odd thlnfi.’ “hm Money alum .\ - this Lime of {he Logo around. Our sum!“ gifh. .1! pr it your luul tilm'. DON’T W0 Haas A Ch! Eni Brush Christmas C0 m Bud KQ m wha The Lindsa. Munk film} 0H! “135 will | a)!!!‘ In GLO' 1r l0 uml

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